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Execution[Open/Invite]Jul 22, 2017 13:18:09 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ryu Avatar
age birthday rank occupation

[Word Count]: 461
OOC Note(s):
                            First Ryu post, hope it I did okay XD

Failure was a matter that held no merit for the ones involved. Neither did the idea of weakness within his ranks. It wasn't simply out of the fact that they were indeed young. Youth couldn't very well be used for an excuse. It never had been for himself, and did not allow for such status to be a factor in any aspect of his village. That was how things would be...how they needed to remain. If allowed, it would spread like a disease and never end. Heavy bore the crown, and he would enforce his law without remorse or sympathy. Narrowed eyes laid upon the shinobi who had recently returned from a recon mission, their objective to remain unnoticed, only to fail in doing so. Standing before him within his office, the trio stared back upon their leader, his eyes trained on them like daggers. He had not uttered a word, his silence speaking volumes to his annoyance at their ignorance and poor display of skill.

Ino remained on his right side, as well as Toshi, both equally as quiet as they awaited to hear his judgement to the situation. As his guards, they were there to be seen and very little were there moments for them to be heard. But it was hardly as if they were required to be imposing. Ryu himself was more than capable of such. Enough so that he could see the visible signs of sweat that were trailing down the faces of those before him. He could almost smell their fear, and it made him sick.

"Your objective was to remain unseen and you could not so much as manage that...or even make an effort to redeem your failure to provide information. You bring only yourselves..."

His voice was low, almost a whisper. But it brought them to attention, causing them to nod and then bow their heads in shame.

"Get out...."

It was all that was needed to be said, his eyes closing before hearing the sound of the door closing behind them in their retreat. From there, Ryu shifted his attention to Toshi.


No instruction was needed, only action as the large male took his leave as well. It soon left Ino and himself alone within the room. It was at that point that the woman began to speak, clearing her throat.

"Ryu-sama...perhaps some..lenience could be granted in this case? After all, they were only to observe the borders and it was unexpected that..."

Silence and a glare was his response. Especially as he had just given her a command and she bold enough to remain in his sight. It was more than enough indication for her to make her leave, bowing her head before exiting out of the room as well.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
      [Techniques Executed]:
        [Extra Details[OOC]]:

          last edit by Ryu on Jul 22, 2017 13:18:36 GMT -5
          has written 220 posts
          Execution[Open/Invite]Jul 29, 2017 17:08:53 GMT -5
          Jun Etsuko
          Sword of Fortune
          Jun Etsuko Avatar
          groupWaterfall Shinobi
          age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

          A FIRE INSIDE
          Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

          Etsuko hadn't heard the call to act recently, but there were other shinobi heading in and out of the King's office. He was such a high and might individual, but to her just another leader. He didn't even have the age of their last, so despite him being a sage she didn't know how sagely he'd been. She was raised to a purpose and the longer she went without that purpose the worst she felt. She had trust in her genin as well as immense confidence in herself, if she wasn't going to get team missions at least a solo to pass the weekends.

          It seemed the past couple days she'd given as a breather for her genin would have been spent in cell. She knew she needed to be honing her own skill more, but with training genin her mind struggled to make a training plan for herself. She'd pace herself for the last dayoff, as she'd exit in her normal ninja attire. She made sure to arm herself to the tooth as well, he was spontaneous enough to give her a mission on the spot. At least those were the words she'd tell herself, as she'd neaten herself in the bathroom mirror before heading out to her lord's office.

          Her path would be interrupted by a group of three, two men and a woman taking up the rear. The first seemed pretty solemn and defeated, the other a little more stoic and the last somewhat disappointed. Maybe they'd asked for a mission too and been turned down, Etsuko would gulp passing them as she'd go to Ryu's door and with a solid knock wait for allowed entry. When allowed into the room the woman would walk halfway to the man's desk then give a polite bow. "Divine Emperor!" She'd solute enthusiastically, he knew her so she knew there was little point in introductions. Acknowledge his position than wait for authority, she'd been taught the drill thoroughly.

          TAG , Notes , other cool stuff
          credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
          Yoshiko has written 333 posts
          Execution[Open/Invite]Jul 29, 2017 19:51:55 GMT -5
          Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
          Ryu Avatar
          age birthday rank occupation

          [Word Count]: 461
          OOC Note(s):
                                      Yay! Posting!!

          There was plenty more than indeed had to be accomplished today. Though at least ensuring that such failure was punished was no longer one of those objectives. Though he did take part in such things, as simply to show example and to display that he did not exempt any from their responsibility or instructions due to inexperience, he did trust that Toshi would be less than favorable despite Ino's observation. The matters he had to attend to was a possible meeting with another village. Of course, he was less than skeptical about just what it was that could be achieved from such a union. As the pattern of rain fall could be heard from outside his window, so could the knock of the door.


          Upon their arrival, the figure was quick to remember their place, greeting him with respect and then giving him a salute with more energy than he believed was required. Of course, he wasn't going to deny her of such pleasure...not yet. It was Jun Etsuno...the Two tailed Jinchuuriki. She was one of the few accomplished shinobi that the village had, though he said that lightly as their ranks were few. Of course, numbers meant nothing if there weren't a certain level of skill behind them. Which they had. Still, her position was less of a front lines combatant as of late, mostly due to her assignment of training others. Her appearance here was unexpected, which was enough to already disturb him. But, with her apparent need for urgency, he decided to forgo such things as commenting on it.

          "Is there a reason as to why you have come?"

          His eyes remained narrowed, keeping them focused upon the young female as he awaited her answer. Body rested behind his chest, shoulders relaxed, yet tense. He wasn't intimidated by her because of a monster that laid beneath the skin. Everyone had their demons. Using them against your enemies was useful and more effective than fearing them and keeping them hidden. Despite what many would believe about the effects of an unleashed creature, it was still acting on it's natural instincts. To cage it and expect it to behave was no more better than hoping a lion wouldn't devour your cause you held out your hand in peace.


          [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
              [Techniques Executed]:
                [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                  has written 220 posts
                  Execution[Open/Invite]Aug 3, 2017 7:56:52 GMT -5
                  Jun Etsuko
                  Sword of Fortune
                  Jun Etsuko Avatar
                  groupWaterfall Shinobi
                  age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

                  A FIRE INSIDE
                  Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

                  The Jinchuuriki tried to keep her emotions in check, but she'd come with sense of frustration and it'd be hard to lose it. She received no denials upon entry or statements of discontent, but his question didn't quite click well with the woman. Her first impression was he thought she'd waste his time, to which she knew she'd more than proven her professionalism. Her secondary thought was, 'Of course, I'd bother you with a reason.' Her actual reaction was to wiggle her nose in thought, her eyes narrowing slightly as she'd give the man a stern stare. "Yes." She'd give a quick nod of her head with the reply.

                  Etsuko was infamously bad with social interactions and had very little conversational skill. It wasn't a part of her raising and it wasn't important to her being a weapon. He hadn't raised her to be a weapon, but he'd of surely been made aware to her raising and living situation. She had no human comforts, nor parents and her friends were often but a hairline from being just acquaintances. "I need something to do." She'd state with a narrowing brow, the creases on her forehead clearly showing her hidden frustration. Obviously her request was a totally ambiguous one, but that was typical of the kunoichi and her subtle awkwardness.

                  "My genin are recuperating, but that's not something I need to do." The copper eyed kunoichi would mutter afterwards to better explain herself. She'd essentially been asking for a mission or training, but those were the only two things she truly understood. She'd sat along others in bars, restaurants or during fairs, she didn't socialize in them though and would probably label them equally as boring to a cell. Her pacing almost better than standing in a blur of noise, but Ryu wasn't always her leader. Maybe he'd have a different approach to her standing point or maybe he'd just be mad she hadn't come to her own conclusions for entertainment.

                  TAG , Notes , other cool stuff
                  credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
                  Yoshiko has written 333 posts
                  Execution[Open/Invite]Aug 15, 2017 21:16:02 GMT -5
                  Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                  Ryu Avatar
                  age birthday rank occupation

                  [Word Count]: 461
                  OOC Note(s):
                                              Yay! Posting!!

                  "And what is it...that you need to do?"

                  He understood clearly what her desire was. No one would be foolish enough to lack insight into someone's intent and allow them an announce to express it. Clearly the woman would know this. He wasn't her teacher, nor was he her friend. But he preferred subjects that didn't need to be so handled gently by the hand that the could come to the realization of the conclusion to bother him upon him. Her mission was to teach, and with her students apparently out of the picture, it allowed her more than enough time to either instruct herself or to find solace in her own activities. Of course, it seemed that Jun lacked such things. As far as he was aware of, she had no significant other or even a passing affair. She had no social connections nor anything that would help to pass the time.

                  "Try again.......What is it...that you want?"

                  Purpose......what the woman wanted...was purpose....

                  To train others was indeed part of such a theme, but her instruction could only go so far and the young hardly could attain such attention for the mundane. A shinobi needed more. They needed a concept, or rather a printed plan for their daily activity as to no waste valuable time. It required something that would press them...every minute...every hour...every day of their existence to the point that it became almost common place. Something that would give them meaning from the moments in which they didn't have their duty to keep them content.

                  "Would you rather I send you to pick herbs? Or perhaps attend to those that are handicapped to make them less able than those that live here among you?"

                  His eyes remained connected to Jun, awaiting her response to his question.

                  "You aren't a child...nor are you a student.....so tell me...what do you want?"

                  [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                  [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                      [Techniques Executed]:
                        [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                          has written 220 posts
                          Execution[Open/Invite]Aug 28, 2017 13:00:50 GMT -5
                          Jun Etsuko
                          Sword of Fortune
                          Jun Etsuko Avatar
                          groupWaterfall Shinobi
                          age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

                          A FIRE INSIDE
                          Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

                          Etsuko wasn't sure how to respond initially to the Taki Lord. He had asked her what she needed to do, but what was her place to say that at all. She'd twitch her nose, rise on her toes and tip her head backwards. This didn't make sense to her, but she often didn't understand this man. She didn't understand Takigakure as a whole due to her raising, but the way she raised made her unclear to the words of her leaders. She wasn't given the most trust building lessons growing up, so she didn't know how to take the man's initial reaction.

                          She wasn't completely dull though and she'd come up with guesses, based on a room leaving she question the earlier case. She likely had no matter in it, but something about it possibly left the man unnerved. "What do I want..." Etsuko would slump back down onto her soles and lean her head now forward, as she'd look to the bottom of her lord's desk. Her mind trailing onto the thoughts of desire, she wanted ... Her mind drew a blank as it always had, she'd be overwhelmed with hopes of training or missions.

                          His words would then crack her attention back fully to him, as he'd offer her to go seek out herbs or to aide the handicapped. She wasn't a medical shinobi of any standard, even her training came off as a bit rough. She definitely didn't have people skills and she hardly put one flower as different from another, she'd never been really taught about herbs. Only not to take them when given by untrustworthy sources.

                          She had to speak up before this man just through the most boring tedious task upon her. "Uhh..." The pacing would begin as she moved back and forth from one side of the room to the other. She seemed like a corner animal pacing to keep it's own personal space, she didn't want or expect to be asked her desires. "There's got to be something more fun to do. I'm a good kunoichi, I shouldn't be pacing a cell hoping for a task." Etsuko would state in a nervous tone, as she clearly didn't want to go back to pacing in her room.

                          The pacing now only made her think more on the pacing earlier, she'd look over to the Sage her face clearly showing her pent up energy. She'd not come to him out of one boring day. This was weekend number too many to count and she needed to change it. Maybe the want and need questions were the right ones to ask, as possibly they'd opened the doors to the right answers. Etsuko had so much more judgement to pass the man.

                          TAG , Notes , other cool stuff
                          credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
                          Yoshiko has written 333 posts
                          Execution[Open/Invite]Sept 2, 2017 12:23:38 GMT -5
                          Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                          Ryu Avatar
                          age birthday rank occupation

                          [Word Count]: 461
                          OOC Note(s):
                                                      Yay! Posting!!

                          It seemed that comfort was not something that the child desired, but action and a reason to test her abilities. Any shinobi would, considering her more than interesting resume of skills and talents.
                          But any ninja could perform a task that was simple and teaching, while difficult, did not truly improve upon the instructor's methods as it did more to reinforce them while passing said knowledge along to another. Though her lack of enjoyment was a personal problem, she was entitled to make such a complaint,
                          petty as her wording my have been in the process. Rising up from his chair, the older male kept his eyes upon the pacing female, watching her movement much like a lion would a small cub. It showed interest,
                          yet still held little regard of her status. Only of what could be done to prevent it from harming itself or endangering others.


                          It was a one word response, but the resonance it produced seemed enough to get her attention. His frame moving passed her as he opened the door to his office, proceeding to remove himself from it.

                          "Your request is granted...there is a matter that I need to attend to and you can join me in it..."

                          The hollow hall way seemed to wind down as he marched down the steps of his complex, footsteps echoing from the sound of his boots, each one causing those near by to look on as if to wonder just where he was going...and what to make of his sudden movements. It wasn't the only reflection of interest that took them. It was the knowledge that if the dragon was on the move, it was to hunt....

                          [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                          [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                              [Techniques Executed]:
                                [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                                  has written 220 posts
                                  Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 19, 2017 11:36:41 GMT -5
                                  Jun Etsuko
                                  Sword of Fortune
                                  Jun Etsuko Avatar
                                  groupWaterfall Shinobi
                                  age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

                                  A FIRE INSIDE
                                  Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

                                  Etsuko's hair would stand at the call of one word, resembling that of a spoked cats ears standing to attention. She'd straighten her stand and focus her two copper orbs upon the man, her nose wiggled showing the subtle growth of her anticipation. He'd grant her request words which almost followed him out the door, she'd not let his pace overwhelm or surprise her. She enjoyed when he displayed the dragon's pace, it was a comparison pace for her own speed. Alas Matabi was the fastest and speed was her gift to Etsuko, so the cat would follow the dragon's tail.

                                  Her eyes took an innocent look of curiosity from behind the man, she didn't need to attempt to look tough or intimidate. His might loomed over everyone in his area and it was clear, so she could almost relax so to speak. Unlike many fear rarely rattled the woman's neck, she welcomed the cold shiver of a true challenge. Without the man facing her she had an almost childish concept of security. An almost smile adorning her face though it was cheeky, as if something embarrassing occurred.

                                  "Yessir!" Etsuko would bark from behind the man, as she'd struggle to hide her glee to hold her glory. It didn't truly matter though she'd gotten what she wanted, at least that's how she'd feel towards the occasion.

                                  "Your always looking for trouble child aren't you?" Matabi would hiss from the dwellings of Etsuko's mind, it'd resonate loud to the woman, but it didn't display upon Etsuko's face. Instead their relation was stranger and her present self expression would fit for even those words. It didn't matter the context of the cat's words, it was always a pleasure to the woman to hear that snarl of annoyed feline.

                                  She didn't have a family growing up, she never made a special bond with those who looked over her. She always had Matabi with her though, cellmates for life. Etsuko didn't let her head or surroundings confuse or defer her. Silently she'd keep foot behind Ryu, excitedly awaiting where the path took them.

                                  , Notes , other cool stuff
                                  credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
                                  last edit by Jun Etsuko on Oct 19, 2017 11:37:09 GMT -5
                                  Yoshiko has written 333 posts
                                  Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 21, 2017 18:49:18 GMT -5
                                  Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                                  Ryu Avatar
                                  age birthday rank occupation

                                  [Word Count]: 461
                                  OOC Note(s):
                                                              Yay! Posting!!

                                  Ryu proceeded through the hallway, exiting through the doors with his coat now firmly over his shoulders. With the young female following behind him, he continued to maintain focus as he remained steadfast in his footing. The escalation of his approach would resonate throughout the area, seeming to cause many to continue to look on before continuing with their own endeavors.

                                  "The group you saw that exited my office moments ago...they were assigned to scout out an area and they were spotted during the operation. They made a mistake...but it wasn't in getting seen...it was in not returning at all..."

                                  Holding his demeanor, the man continued his march as he backed at her.

                                  "They actions were impeccable....organized and percise...half the information I gained from most of the locations that we supply and gain intelligence was from this group. Outstanding record like that...you don't make such a mistake as getting spotted. Even more so...there wasn't a scratch on them...."

                                  "What do you think that implies?"

                                  [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                                  [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                                      [Techniques Executed]:
                                        [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                                          has written 220 posts
                                          Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 24, 2017 10:36:13 GMT -5
                                          Jun Etsuko
                                          Sword of Fortune
                                          Jun Etsuko Avatar
                                          groupWaterfall Shinobi
                                          age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

                                          A FIRE INSIDE
                                          Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

                                          Etsuko often carried a certain essence of innocence abut her. She'd at times seem almost childish, as her raising left her a bit different than those around. Social skills almost were totally inept, a fact which would lead many to assume she was dumb. However there was one field she wasn't at all stupid in, it was the field of a shinobi. She was raised to be a weapon, but a shinobi weapon. Her life modeled around the idea she had to be best, as others would direly want to end her.

                                          Matabi was such a warm flame and beautiful body Etsuko couldn't blame them. The jinchuuriki idolized her bijuu far too much, but there wasn't family for the woman only Matabi. She needed that idol, so she took very seriously to the lessons of her superiors. "That implies they're cowards or traitors..." Etsuko would slightly narrow her vision with the second mention. She remember they were no longer in the office, their pace made ease dropping hard, but she probably should be hush on such words.

                                          If the case was them being traitors it became dangerously clear to the jounin what was approaching them. An execution was about to occur or maybe an investigation of these individuals character. He said they'd been a good team of shinobi, was there a way to not kill them and merely re-capture their trust and faith? Fire was bright, but Etsuko was no bright lord and neither was Ryu. Her blades were about to get bloody, at least those were her thoughts.

                                          "Does this excite you?" Matabi would question the woman's subconscious. Her demon eyes looming from far above, as the cat sat right up.

                                          "No, it's inevitable, I'm just readying myself." Etsuko replied to her Bijuu from the confines of her mind. She was much more humbled in stance before her beast, she loved and respected the two tails.

                                          "It should, they deserve it..." Matabi replied slinking into the shadows of a veil of mist blocking Etsuko's vision from the Nibi.

                                          "They're our allies." Etsuko replied to the darkness defiantly.

                                          "And you go to behead them." Matabi's reply echoed and yet quickly muffled and merely imprinted upon the woman's heart. She'd rationalize with them being traitors, she'd trust the system she conceded too. However in the depths of it all she couldn't help realize the words meaning. She called everyone in Takigakure allies, they were a type of friend to her. However she didn't know any of them or seem to even care, she'd strike them down with reason any of them. Was that a good thing? Her students couldn't help making her question otherwise.

                                          , Notes , other cool stuff
                                          credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
                                          Yoshiko has written 333 posts
                                          Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 24, 2017 21:45:05 GMT -5
                                          Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                                          Ryu Avatar
                                          age birthday rank occupation

                                          [Word Count]: 461
                                          OOC Note(s):
                                                                      Yay! Posting!!

                                          The young Jounin was astute in her observation for details, but he wouldn't give her too much credit for stating the obvious. Of course, he had suspected such ideas upon their return. Hearing their report made it all the more clear that something was indeed amiss. Though he was certain that he would get to the bottom of it upon further conversation. As well as the fact that they should be more than cooperative now that they've been...loosened quite a bit now for more details.

                                          Proceeding further in, the man crossed paths with a merchant, the man moving quickly to the side to allow Ryu to pass, gaze lowered to the ground.

                                          "Correct....though I am certain that the latter is more accurate...But we will soon see..."

                                          Making another turn, the older male soon descending down towards another area. This one seeming to be overshadowed by a bridge running over a steam. As the passage beneath the ground became more apparent, Ryu continued down, deeper into the darkness.

                                          "Their actions were secretive and I do not doubt that they did not see anything...and I intend to find out...and then deal with it appropriately. I have no patience for those that are weak willed...or incapable of remembering there their loyalty lays..."

                                          The deeper they went, the more noise seemed to emerge, echoing faintly as some were silence and others were simply growing more faint. It wasn't long until they would soon see a cell, and within it were two figures beside one lone shinobi. His arms appeared to be chained as his head was held high.


                                          As the large dark haired male bowed his head, Shino seemed to be a more graceful gesture of respect, his body leaning forwards as he held a grin.

                                          "Lord Ryu....A pleasure to see you...and Lady Etsuko as well! You'll be happy to know that we have a bit more information about our...unexpected guests..."

                                          "Guests?....Are you referring to..."

                                          "Ho ho ho....Quite so...It would see that we are looking at...dead men..."

                                          Ryu raised his bow, his eyes looking towards the captured individual and then back at the red hair male as if he could see the wheels in his head turning.

                                          "Oooh..I love how you are so quick my lord...they aren't your operatives at all I'm afraid..."

                                          [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                                          [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                                              [Techniques Executed]:
                                                [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                                                  has written 220 posts
                                                  Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 27, 2017 13:42:17 GMT -5
                                                  Jun Etsuko
                                                  Sword of Fortune
                                                  Jun Etsuko Avatar
                                                  groupWaterfall Shinobi
                                                  age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

                                                  A FIRE INSIDE
                                                  Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

                                                  Despite her correct guesses there was no praise for such simplicity. There also was no reason in the Jounin's mind to believe there really would be anything. It was typical of her leader, it was how he got merchants to bow. He cut through the public like a boat through idle current. She'd follow his wake peacefully keeping step silently.

                                                  Her eyes peered over his shoulder as they'd slink into shadow and down darker paths. Her copper hues seemed to hold light better or spot it, as she'd not feel to lost behind her lord. He made it especially easy as she merely needed to kind of see him. The coming figures wouldn't surprise Etsuko either, she'd been privileged to such scenes many times. The last leader liked to remind her of her role, she would stand a guard or simply an observe for the unseen.

                                                  Etsuko would blink rapidly three times as her greeting to the other man, her hair which looked like cat ears would stand. She'd watch the drama unfold as the traitors weren't traitors but zombies. Wait zombies? Etsuko didn't have an idea of undead other than their last leader. There'd be no better hunter than the man she followed. Her gaze shifting to the man in charge, she waited an order however the entertainment of following seemed to be good.

                                                  "... Is that good or bad?"
                                                  On one hand it meant there was some unknown party attempting to spy and potentially already rooted out knowledge of their home. On the other hand it meant they didn't have broken loyalty, cowardice men or true traitors. All seemed worst in the sense of a days errands, it was hard to replace good men, but it's hard to know your best did you your worst with betrayal. Death would of likely followed anyways.

                                                  , Notes , other cool stuff
                                                  credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

                                                  last edit by Jun Etsuko on Oct 29, 2017 16:57:10 GMT -5
                                                  Yoshiko has written 333 posts
                                                  Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 28, 2017 18:18:12 GMT -5
                                                  Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                                                  Ryu Avatar
                                                  age birthday rank occupation

                                                  [Word Count]: 461
                                                  OOC Note(s):
                                                                              Yay! Posting!!

                                                  "I would think it wonderful..It means that there is someone who truly is an admirer of using all their resources...even the deceased..."

                                                  Ryu could only look at Shino, his eyes then returning towards the chained individual. He certainly seemed alive, but as he continued to examine him, the older male could note the line that seemed to cross the edge of his neck. It was jagged, allowing for the assumption that it was there that his life was ended by a blade.While he was not at all inclined to agree with his lover, he did find it to be an interesting technique. Aside from his one minor observation, there was no real way to identify him as a dead man without closer inspection. Had he not followed his gut, it was likely that they would have spread further, more perhaps taking up root within the village.

                                                  "Where are the other three?"

                                                  "At this point, they should be getting prepped for dissection...Oh I do want to see how they tick...."

                                                  "Ensure that they are properly deceased this time before you do so....I intend to find the puppeteer who think that my men can be used in such a manner..."

                                                  There was a low sigh from Shino as Ryu then nodded towards Toshi, the larger of the two seeming to look at Jun with a calm expression.

                                                  "Ensure the Lord safely returns...."

                                                  "Do not forget yourself Toshi....I am not some inexperienced hatching...Besides...I imagine that our search will be relatively short...To have so much control over a host...one must be close by..."

                                                  [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                                                  [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                                                      [Techniques Executed]:
                                                        [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                                                          has written 220 posts
                                                          Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 29, 2017 16:57:21 GMT -5
                                                          Jun Etsuko
                                                          Sword of Fortune
                                                          Jun Etsuko Avatar
                                                          groupWaterfall Shinobi
                                                          age 25 years old birthday 5/25 rank Jounin occupation

                                                          A FIRE INSIDE
                                                          Blazing a bright blue and christening great power upon it's Kunoichi

                                                          Etsuko was loosely connected to the conversation, she'd stand her ground posture elevated off her heels to look over the scene. She wanted to understand what'd all been done, but neither science nor puppetry sat well in her mind. She was an individual of instinct, skill and foundation. She'd gather the one who looked alive wasn't, she'd gather the group was a risk and it sounded like the risk had been handled to an extent. However she hadn't grasped the concept their very village might be under siege of another unwanted presence.

                                                          Her lord was always under protection she assumed and to be his protection was an instinct anyways. She told herself she had to be the best shinobi, so she assumed tackling fights first meant her side the better chance. If the best went first then they'd surely succeed of anyone else, her victories were others savings. Still she'd give a puzzle looked when informed to protect Ryu, "Uh-huh." She'd murmur acceptance before immediately being cut off by her lord. He didn't seem to appreciate the concept of being watched, but she didn't really care either way.

                                                          Scratch the back of her head, she'd awkwardly let the words pass between others. However surprise would strike the woman again, as Ryu would revel that the enemy needed to be nearby. It was sensible and likely the truth, it didn't mean Etsuko expected it. "Nearby?" She'd proceed to look over her shoulders, what if this was a trap in itself? She didn't like the idea of not being able to identify friend or foe.

                                                          "We'll get this done swiftly." Etsuko would state getting as she'd ease to a more comfortable stand, she didn't want to seem alarmed and decided to trust Ryu. Together the two of them couldn't be stopped, it was at least the way she'd look at them as figures. Her status as a weapon and his as a pillar. Stability and Destruction there was no better combo? Etsuko would await direction or lead and follow either without a question further.

                                                          , Notes , other cool stuff
                                                          credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
                                                          last edit by Jun Etsuko on Oct 29, 2017 16:58:14 GMT -5
                                                          Yoshiko has written 333 posts
                                                          Execution[Open/Invite]Oct 29, 2017 23:03:01 GMT -5
                                                          Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
                                                          Ryu Avatar
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                                                          [Word Count]: 461
                                                          OOC Note(s):
                                                                                      Yay! Posting!!

                                                          Ryu proceeded from the chamber, his eyes narrowed as he moved through the darkness yet again. But while he showed himself oblivious to the cries that seemed to surround him, he heard them all. His eyes scanned each face of every criminal he passed, the coldness of his eyes meeting them all and seeming to silence them without a word. That was the influence of power and the force it commanded from those lesser without it. It stated respect and order. It ensured that their pleas were heard, but denied due to their crimes. They would get no mercy here...no show of sympathy to their current place of residence. You either chose life or death when you attempted to overthrow or cause chaos within his village. Their only saving grace was that they either gave information or simply were so lost that they were allowed time to be sentenced. Or that they may have use in another period.

                                                          Though as silence seemed to follow him, Ryu would emerge from the secret path, his cloak now firmly settled upon his back as he scanned the area. He did not believe himself wrong in the assumption that the true puppet master was nearby. He had seen his share of lifeless come back in his travels, but this wasn't a perfect version of the technique. It was sloppy and it gave room for error. Enough so that Shino could catch it and wish to further investigate it. Though he imagined that the man would regal him of such findings upon his return that evening. Though for now, he rested his attention on finding the fool who though he could infest his village with spies.

                                                          "Every puppet has their strings....We're going to the location in which the group was to be station..."

                                                          The rest of the journey would proceed in silence, Ryu firm in his convictions as he would soon arrive at a cavern. It was near a close by one of the many falls that surrounded Takigakure, yet it allowed a vantage point that could be accessible should the need require for infiltration into the west. It had not been used since the warring years, but it was still something that was a comfort to those in higher positions. It was also a very good point of access for operations such as the one he had dictated. Paranoia wasn't an issue here, it was simply knowing what your enemies were doing and allowing foresight. Yet, there was more than just observation that had occurred him. The signs were everywhere, if you knew were to look. Glancing over the walls, the floor, even the traces of water as they overlapped against the edge beneath the cavern's entrance, Ryu could see the story here.

                                                          "It's elementary..But humor me...What do you see Jun?

                                                          The events of the struggle of his people against this unknown were there. The stray bits of dirt against the ground. The scratch marks what something other than claws on the walls. Then the less than elusive clue, the small puddle near the edge, tinted a small shade of red in small pockets within the pool of water as it stood upon the surface like a lily.

                                                          [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                                                          [Skills/Traits In Usage]:
                                                              [Techniques Executed]:
                                                                [Extra Details[OOC]]:

                                                                  last edit by Ryu on Oct 30, 2017 16:19:18 GMT -5
                                                                  has written 220 posts