Testing ground

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Testing groundApr 10, 2018 0:09:57 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage
[newclass=.pop::-webkit-scrollbar]width: 5px;background-color: #79d1f7; border: 2px solid #414141;[/newclass][newclass=.pop::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical]background-color: #79d1f7; border-left: 2px solid #79d1f7; border-right: 2px solid #79d1f7; [/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]

sharp tongue
awn was always an interesting thing to experience. The changing of the light in the sky, night turning to day. A whole village among many others just like it starting to wake up for a brand new day. Some perhaps already long gone, on missions far away from the place they called home. Others, the insane few that actually decided and actively wanted to be up at this godforsaken hour maybe watching that light change. Or wandering about a village. Maybe something else entirely. But that wasn't important. Shin, it seemed, was one of these insane few. Not that he'd consider himself as 'insane' by any stretch of the definition. Odd perhaps, he'd certainly been called that a number of times over his lifetime, but little more than that. The difference was, he wasn't fully awake just yet. The shinobi in question laid out quite contently on a rather precarious looking tree branch. His back resting against the main section, while his short legs dangled over the edge. Hands folded behind his head, providing a cushion of sorts as he doze. Half in and half out of sleep. Although from the high he laid at, near the top of one of the tallest trees in the small area, no one would be able to tell the difference if he were awake or not, unless they felt like climbing up here. Still the place in which this shinobi relaxed was, needless to say, very damp indeed. It had rained the previous evening, a very common occurrence both within and around the village. But he paid such a pointless thing as weather no mind, why be concerned if it would rain or shine when he could be sleeping? Now that, was a far better idea and use of his time. 

Of course, he couldn't sleep forever but with dawn only just rising. He had a little bit of time to kick back, relax and catch a few more winks of sleep. Despite only leaving the comfort, safety and warmth that his own bed provided, just to watch said rising of the sun for a change. A fickle whim he'd indulged himself with. The shinobi had zero complaints about drifting off into a light sleep out here, it hadn't been the first time and it most certainly wouldn't be the last. That much was certain. He had already completed the few tasks that needed to be done today before even coming out here, and now, he was free to drift and dream for as long as he pleased. Until someone came out looking for him that was. What a pain. Why? Because someone coming to look for him, often meant something important that he really didn't want to deal with. A mission perhaps, or even being forced to go help some other people he really didn't want to interact with. For now, those thoughts were nothing but a fleeting breeze in his mind. Drifting away along with any other highly coherent thought as he fell into a light slumber. 

While he had never thought it would happen within such a light doze, he soon drifted deep into soundless dreams. Instead only flashes of images, memories, both full of joy and pain were what greeted him. A single lone figure standing in the distance, watching it all unfold. Watching, his life unfold before his very eyes. Of course, the more he thought and watched, the darker those memories became. Memories filled with death and blood, destruction and despair all combined into one. It felt like a wave crashing over him endlessly, threatening to drown him in it's depths and never let go. To persist with that feeling of total and utter helplessness as his life fell apart at the seems. A brilliant actor he may be, so good that sometimes he even fooled himself into believing he could keep up Such an act forever. But no one could act forever, that was just the hard truth of the world. Not even he was skilled enough to do that. As much as he wished he could be, that was just one of those impossibilities in life. But then that darkness brought him back, back into the realm of his dreams- or perhaps nightmares would be more accurate. A nightmare in which he was consumed whole, darkness taking over and everything turning to nothing but ash, his home, his life, those rare few he held dear. All of it. Gone. And just when he thought it was all real, when his life was truly at an end....

He woke up.

Of course it wasn't without a start, his whole upper body bolting upright. Back as straight as a metal pole, sweat covering his face. Eyes wide open as he stared into nothingness, his breathing heavy and fast as he tried to calm and slow his racing heart. It was only after a long few moments of doing just that. That Shin began to realise just where he was. He was home, in his own bed, but not in the place he had assumed. He had... dreamt the whole thing? It certainly seemed that way. With a drawn out sigh, he allowed his body to collapse back onto his bed for a moment, the comfort of it was everything he remembered. Just not in the right location... or maybe it was and he was still in a daze. Perhaps.

"Just a bad dream..." Were the words he found himself mumbling aloud into the quiet of his own room. His own space, he didn't need to hide here. Well, not as much as usual anyways. With a soft grumble he pushed himself from his bed and up onto his feet. Padding across the space barefoot to the closest window. Sure enough, as he glanced outside. It was pouring hard with rain, various other shinobi he could see below, rushing about. Some not caring about the weather, others running to try and get out of the open as quickly as possible. As the Kumogakure shinobi soon began to suspect once he'd gotten up, he'd slept through part of the morning. Which, was rather out of character for him. And sleeping in meant he'd have to work while everyone else was awake. A frown very quickly spreading across his features at the mere thought. He rose early on a daily basis, perhaps for that sole reason, he liked his solitude when working. As much as he could get of it that was. And in turn, he could do as he pleased unless called for during the remainder of the day. All in all, it wasn't a bad trade of. Plus, wandering around the village with no one around during the dawn hours, well, it was rather calming. Not that he'd be telling anyone that anytime soon.

Before he could take into considering the time of day, and tempt fate by avoiding a day's work. There was a rather rushed knock at his door and by the sound alone, he could tell it wasn't someone he was familiar with in the slightest. A new graduate perhaps? Oh the poor thing being told to come and try to wake him. Someone was playing a cruel joke there indeed. "Shiroma-sama!" An insistent voice called through the other side of the door. Looks like his restful day was over. What a shame. With a sigh, and with that same rather timid male voice calling out, he changed rather quickly out of his sleeping attire into something more fitting to move out and about in. Smile already fixed into place, once the door was open, he leaned against the door-frame. An almost amused quirk to his mouth. "Whoever told ya to come banging on my door this early clearly doesn't like ya do they? What do you want? Make it quick." Regardless of the time of day, Shin hated being woken, or even interrupted while he was starting his day. Needless to say, it didn't leave him in the best of moods and that typically meant bad things for anyone who crossed his path. Of course 'bad things' could mean a number of things. From simple teasing, to pulling pranks and even intimidating the odd few academy students who thought they were hot shit. Anything was possible.

Still the poor young boy looked rather terrified at seeing him in person, smiling down at the child, of what, perhaps fourteen years. So very young. The boy seemed to want to say something, opening and closing his mouth like a cod fish. Before reaching into his clothing to hand him a small note, bowing lowly before Shin turned his head slightly to watch the small thing sprint away. If it was a note, they could have just slipped it under his door, but no, he got this instead. Oh well, at least he was awake now. With an amused- if a little brief chuckle, he closed the door. Stepping back into the warmth of his own space and unfolding the note given to him carefully. It had to be at least someone important for someone to rush all the way down here. Surely. Sure enough he was right. A note listing a specific place, time and date. And a simple few words that the Raikage wished him to be present. Well, wasn't this and interesting little development?

With a brief almost honest smile, he slipped the note away, tucked within the folds of his clothing. Eating and cleaning at twice the speed as usual before he was gone. Out of the door and away from his home. Any who ever broke in, could almost assumed no one had ever lived there but the lack of personal belongings on display. But that was just fine with him. Stepping out into the rain now trying to drench both him and his clothing was head to toe wasn't the greatest feeling in the world, or the best start to his day. But he'd make do. He always did. Somehow.

└ Tags-- ( @someone )
└ notes: stick your notes here, love.

Maybe I belong here beneath
the pale light of the moon
by Mizo.❉ of ww
last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Aug 6, 2018 15:24:33 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundApr 22, 2018 9:44:15 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage
Hear my shapeless songs i'm singing and painting this morning light, bit by bit, hoping I'd get to that summer sky. I'm feeling alright I can see your palm reaching out to mine. ---In the orange sky, there is glowing fireflies.

"Nothing fancy, love." Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a vehicula mi. Nulla eleifend elit ante, non imperdiet nunc mattis ac. Aenean vitae odio ac metus viverra efficitur. Fusce eget semper sapien. Cras hendrerit ullamcorper magna ut mollis. Ut vitae interdum urna. Aliquam scelerisque lorem et tempus consectetur. Morbi et est volutpat, porttitor libero id, viverra purus. Nullam non accumsan leo. Mauris iaculis dolor erat, quis aliquet tellus aliquam et. Maecenas sed lobortis neque.

Proin augue dolor, volutpat ut arcu et, ornare gravida felis. Mauris vitae suscipit urna. Fusce et tristique libero, quis varius metus. Aenean sed ligula dictum, volutpat massa at, laoreet odio. In quis varius mauris, vel sodales urna. Sed placerat metus viverra dolor dignissim fringilla. Quisque aliquet elit eget nunc egestas, condimentum tincidunt odio euismod. Donec at justo interdum, congue justo eget, egestas ex.

Sed at metus diam. Fusce elementum feugiat condimentum. Proin auctor nec mi mattis convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pharetra et purus vitae volutpat. Ut consectetur velit vel sapien egestas, interdum convallis risus facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed accumsan erat ac nisi finibus, dignissim tristique massa condimentum. Praesent in dapibus tellus. Curabitur at bibendum elit.

Proin augue dolor, volutpat ut arcu et, ornare gravida felis. Mauris vitae suscipit urna. Fusce et tristique libero, quis varius metus. Aenean sed ligula dictum, volutpat massa at, laoreet odio. In quis varius mauris, vel sodales urna. Sed placerat metus viverra dolor dignissim fringilla. Quisque aliquet elit eget nunc egestas, condimentum tincidunt odio euismod. Donec at justo interdum, congue justo eget, egestas ex.

Sed at metus diam. Fusce elementum feugiat condimentum. Proin auctor nec mi mattis convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pharetra et purus vitae volutpat. Ut consectetur velit vel sapien egestas, interdum convallis risus facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed accumsan erat ac nisi finibus, dignissim tristique massa condimentum. Praesent in dapibus tellus. Curabitur at bibendum elit.

@tag // Notes:
last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Dec 30, 2018 21:40:14 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundApr 23, 2018 19:49:04 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage
Technique Colour Key
Futon Techniques
Suiton Techniques
Hyoton Techniques
Raiton Techniques
Doton Techniques
Katon Techniques
Bukijutsu Techniques
Swift Windblade Techniques
Taijutsu Techniques
Fūinjutsu Techniques
Genjustu Techniques
ANBU Techniques
Non-Elemental Jutsu
Sensory Techniques
Kagura Techniques
Silken Steel Techniques

Shin Speaking
Chuusha Speaking
Koujoumu Speaking

Tōkata/Ten Seifuku Techniques

Kirigakure Color

Code for new techs:

[a href=""][font color="#79d1f7"]❄[/font][/a] Tech here[break]

I say liar, I say rise in hell
I stand gazing down at death as they say.. war; I'll wage war I hate war

Bonbon jelly beans marshmallow. Dessert muffin carrot cake pie croissant. Oat cake tootsie roll lollipop. Tart oat cake gingerbread fruitcake lemon drops. Bear claw candy cheesecake fruitcake candy canes muffin cupcake jelly-o. Sweet soufflé marshmallow chocolate cake. Candy jujubes cupcake muffin gingerbread topping. Ice cream jelly brownie sugar plum oat cake dessert biscuit chocolate cake chocolate. Pudding apple pie wafer bonbon jelly-o tootsie roll chupa chups bonbon. Chocolate bar danish tart. Wafer lollipop candy chupa chups carrot cake icing cheesecake. Dessert soufflé tart pastry gummi bears chupa chups sweet roll lollipop.

"Cake candy bear claw. Chocolate cake gingerbread cake tiramisu brownie muffin. Lemon drops gummies lemon drops. Dessert candy canes dragée powder chocolate bar bear claw oat cake."

Apple pie jelly beans jelly-o gingerbread chocolate. Cheesecake marzipan lollipop liquorice caramels toffee. Macaroon caramels cheesecake caramels muffin gummies candy canes halvah candy canes. Sugar plum cookie macaroon toffee gummies jelly-o oat cake macaroon donut. Donut marshmallow bonbon chocolate bar ice cream powder cake. Dessert fruitcake jelly-o croissant marzipan toffee. Wafer ice cream chupa chups cake topping powder. Brownie chocolate bar cotton candy dragée jujubes cheesecake.

"Powder jujubes oat cake marshmallow chocolate bar danish cupcake cake. Ice cream gingerbread liquorice pastry apple pie cake cake pastry chocolate bar."

Chocolate cake jelly-o ice cream muffin cupcake cake macaroon cake soufflé. Gummies sweet cookie danish. Dessert caramels jelly beans jelly beans candy. Macaroon cake candy canes jelly beans cake. Liquorice marshmallow gummi bears icing chocolate bar bear claw cotton candy jujubes. Tiramisu donut marshmallow sweet roll tart candy powder sugar plum. Tootsie roll caramels gummi bears marshmallow. Cupcake donut toffee donut toffee biscuit sesame snaps. Pastry sesame snaps candy canes bonbon liquorice chocolate cake sweet roll macaroon. Muffin halvah topping. Soufflé bear claw pudding. Pastry liquorice macaroon cupcake cupcake dessert sweet roll. Liquorice chocolate bar candy canes bonbon lollipop wafer halvah. Gingerbread apple pie caramels.

NAME: Hyōton: Hyōgan Dōmu [Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness]
The user quickly freeze the surrounding air and create an ice dome around themself and/or allies to act as a defense. It is strong enough to withstand the assault of techniques of equal or lower power and items such as many explosive tags, remaining almost undamaged.

Equipment: None


last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Jan 21, 2019 4:46:49 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundJun 17, 2018 17:21:24 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage









this is, like, the second time i've revamped this template, and the last time, it didn't turn out as great as i had hoped, so we're gonna take a step back and make it a touch more like the template it was based on originally. that one was iconic. a shame that it doesn't work with nikki's new face claim very well. c': every time, though, i go same song, same lyrics. if i'd known hostage was gonna be the iconic song for this template, i would've picked a better one when i made it the first time.

culture hostage: i'm writhing in the cold grasp of justice as she turns away, turns away. blind is she supposed to be, but someone took a razor to her mask. rusted, now, the scales you hold - their balance tipped by the weight of gold. when will it end? mm, yeah. when will it ever end? the judgment man holds my fate as i beg forgiveness with the plastic smile of a candidate. they take for granted that i'm out of my mind and i'm wasting their time to care, so all my reasons are doomed before they're heard. i'm held hostage by their words. what will lead us to tolerance if we don't question our prejudice?[break][break]

"courage" is such a lonely word. "patience. in time, these truths will be known." please don't keep looking away. you see, fortunes are on line, reputations at risk. and there's fear in the hearts of all of you that believe that you're right, that you're right - but are you right? the judgement man holds my fate! as i gaze around the room, their eyes are like knives: could decapitate. they take for granted that i'm out of my mind, and i'm wasting their time. don't show, don't show me my fate![break][break]

if i fall to pieces, they'll know. oh! as i sense my fate! and now, all my reasons are doomed before they're heard. i'm held hostage by their words. reasons doomed before they're heard. i'm held hostage by their words. reasons doomed before they're heard. i'm a hostage, i'm a hostage, i'm a hostage![break][break]

"guilty! guilty!"[break][break]

"order, order! we will have order in the court!"


0000 words




Notes here


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last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Jun 17, 2018 19:09:34 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundJul 7, 2018 19:19:36 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage


dreaming of[break]a different life


You are going to break your promise. I understand.[break]
You’re lonely too.[break]
It will stop your breath, how cruel I can be.[break]
I am a demanding creature. I am selfish and cruel and extremely unreasonable.[break]
I am your servant. [break]
I crawl at your feet; for before your love, your kisses, I am debased.[break]
For you alone I will be weak.[break]
I belong here, and you will not deny me.[break]
I say these things, and the world listens.[break]
I do not tolerate a world emptied of you. I have tried.[break]
In the dark, I have pored over the loss of you like pale gold.[break]
I will not let her speak because I love her, and when you love someone, you do not make them tell war stories.[break]
I moved the earth and the water for you.[break]
You will always run away with her.[break]
You will always lose her.[break]
You will always be a fool.[break]
You will always be dead, in a city of ice, snow falling into your ear.[break]
You have already done all of this and will do it again.[break]
No one should be judged for loving more than they ought, only for loving not enough.[break]
We look terrible to you, and severe, and you see our blood flying.[break]
What we carry between us is hard-won, and we made it just as we wished it to be, just the color, just the shape.[break]
There need never be any rules between us.[break]
Let us be greedy together; let us hoard.[break]
Do not leave me, swear that you will never leave me.[break]
I am selfish. I am cruel. My mate cannot be less than I.[break]
Sleep with fists closed and shoot straight.[break]
I can’t abide a poor liar.[break]
You look like a winter’s night. I could sleep inside the cold of you.[break]
Oh, quit that. Blushing is for virgins and Christians.[break]
Scold me; deny me. Tell me you want what you want and damn me forever. But don’t leave me.[break]
Bad luck relies on absolutely perfect timing.[break]
In his own country, Death can be kind.[break]
What is the world but a boxing ring where fools and devils put up their fists?[break]
Men die. It’s practically what they’re for.[break]
I am no one; I am nothing.[break]
Nothing in me was not made by you.[break]
A revelation is always the end of something. It might even be cause for grief.[break]
Just tell yourself a story that’ll satisfy you and pretend he told it.[break]
Forever isn’t bright; it isn’t like that. Forever is cold and hard and final.[break]
I savor bitterness - it is born of experience. It is the privilege of one who has truly lived.[break]
If you want to kill yourself, do not use us as your knife.[break]
What did I do wrong? Was I boring? Did I ignore you?[break]
Don’t you dare speak to me like that.[break]
I have worn nothing but blood and death for years.[break]
I have fought all your battles for you, just as you asked me.[break]
I have learned not to cry when I strangle a man.[break]
I have learned to watch everything die.[break]
I am not a little girl anymore, dazzled by your magic. It is my magic, now, too.[break]
Are we not devils?[break]
No one is now what they were before the war. [break]
I have not seen you without your skin on.[break]
Close up your head; your brain is getting loose.[break]
We obsess. It’s in our nature.[break]
I’ve a devil of a habit for being right.[break]
In war you must always choose sides.[break]
If you try to be a bridge laid down between them, they will tear you in half.[break]
We are all dead. All equal. Broken and aimless and believing we are alive.[break]
My old bones will follow yours soon enough.[break]
It is better to be strong and cruel than to be fair.[break]
I will see him with his skin off before I agree to fall in love.[break]
After love, no one is what they were before.[break]
I have survived, but I have not been spared.[break]
In the space of one heartbeat to another I loved you and I was lost to you.[break]
Frighten me, make me cry, only come back.[break]
It’s not so bad, my darling. Being dead. It’s like being alive, only colder.[break]
You’ll think it’s love, while he dines on your heart.[break]
You will be so beautiful when you are old.[break]
I cannot keep you and I cannot let you go.[break]
You will live as you live in any world…with difficulty, and grief.[break]
I look at you and it is like my throat being cut.[break]
She said you’d come and I swore to eat your heart.[break]
I still want to kiss you.[break]
My heart is being cut in two. I cannot bear it.[break]
What happens to anything beautiful?[break]
I have to know, I have to or else you will just rule me until the end of everything because you know and I do not.[break]





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last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Jul 7, 2018 19:26:42 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundJul 17, 2018 17:06:21 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage

Ishikawa Shin

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]AGE // 35

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]GENDER // Male

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]BIRTHDAY // 10th December

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]BIRTH VILLAGE // Yukigakure

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]VILLAGE // Kirigakure

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]CLAN // Yuki

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]RANK // Elite Jounin

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]POSITION //[break]
Mizu no Kuni Daimyō[break]
Sensory Division Kyokuchô [Commander][break]
The Gatekeeper [Shakar]

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]FORMER POSITION //[break]
Jounin Hanchou[break]
Operations 3 Team Leader[break]
Hunter-Nin Operative[break]
Yuki Clan Heir [Yukigakure - Former]

[attr="class","hopelovebot2"]ALIAS //[break][break]

Maikikōtei [魔い氷皇帝 - Demonic Ice Emperor - World] It is no secret that Shin is a master of his clan's kekkei genkei and this prowess has only grown stronger over the years. Many a rumour has spread of this man's skill, legends of him being able to freeze anyone solid and to a swift death just from a simple touch. The various ways in which he utilises his element as well have led many to fear ever daring to engage this man in battle. Known for being extremely unpredictable within battle, and at times, extremely vicious as well. Years of hushed whispers full of of fear and rumours of this man's pure skill have lead many to purposefully avoid encountering this man for fear of their own lives. And rightly so, one should always fear a demon both on and off the battlefield. The moniker itself also serves as a reference and a reminder to Shin himself of his late mother's own moniker "The Empress of Ice".[break][break]

Kirigakure No Giniro Senkō [霧隠れの銀色閃光 - Silver Flash of Kirigakure - Mizu No Kuni/Kirigakure] Very well known within the village for becoming and remaining one of, if not the fastest Shinobi within Kirigakure. After years of practice over and over again, Shin gained the reputation as a speed demon in his youth. Only for that nickname to evolve as the years went by, once attaining Jounin rank it seemed to stick. It has been a common moniker that has stuck with him throughout various years. as a result of both his tremendous speed and unique silver hair.[break][break]

Kitsune [狐 - Fox - Hunter-Nin] Shin's code name during his time within the hunter-nin of Kirigakure. Due to both his playful nature and pure agility and swiftness when taking down a target. While not many know of this name anymore save for a small number within the Hunter-Nin and a few former members. He does still answer to it, to those that decide to address him by such a title.[break][break]

Kazama Chikage [風間千景 - Shakar] Recent years have taught Shin to become more cautious with regards to his own identity. It is because of this, that Shin has taken to changing both his name and physical appearance when working for the Shakar. To all he meets, he speaks of hailing from the Land of Sky and Soragakure as a wanted man and shinobi. It is only the Shakage himself that knows of who this silver haired shinobi really is.[break][break]

Yuki Shiro [雪❄白 - Personal/Yukigakure] While deciding his new name, Shin knew that he had been born under an entirely different name altogether. That name gifted to him by his late mother. And while after recalling such a name in his teens from his father after an argument, he has kept it a secret ever since and not told a soul. Although he has a sneaking suspicion that those old enough within Yukigakure may recall such a name.



Height: 6'3" (187 cm)[break]
Weight: 170 lb (86 kg)[break][break]

Standing above many, peers and foes alike, upon first glance this Jounin appears to be a man of perhaps his mid twenties at a best guess rather than a man already within his mid thirties. Shin is an imposing figure, even from a considerable distance. While to an outsider, he may seemed frail or weak looking, one who seems about to retire as a shinobi. But make no mistake, this is not the case, most of Shin's own weight is comprised of lean muscle build up over countless years training and more than capable of dealing some serious damage when necessary. His most noticable feature is that of his hair, a brilliant and pure silver, cut short to end just at the mid way point on his neck. And most surprisingly, silken and soft to the touch, regardless of the time of day or what this Jounin has been through within a day's work. Regardless of the shortness in length of his hair, it still frames his face rather well, with a slightly angular jaw and an extremely pale complexion. It is no surprise people tend to look when he passes by. Of course, it is his expression that tends to have many looking away rather than towards him, mouth constantly curled upwards in an amused smile. Eyes constantly slitted to a point that not a soul seems to be aware of just what colour his eyes actually are, which he rather likes, this only adds to how uneasy some may feel when looking at this man. As if snakes are crawling over their skin, just waiting to strike.[break][break]

Physically while he is lean, Shin carries himself with a certain fluid and effortlessly graceful nature with each step he takes. This mostly gained from the years he spent around his mother as a child simply watching her move about, and as such it is something that had stuck with him. His steps are soundless and light even on the most difficult of days, allowing him to sneak up on other's with an ease of movement that could be nothing but natural instinctive reaction to the Jounin. Despite being fairly toned, if one were ever to catch a glimpse of what was kept underneath layers of clothing. They would find scars, of many varying kinds littered all across his torso, many old wounds from darker days and a few are new from far more recent encounters. Most of these scars hiding deep and dark secrets the Jounin wishes to keep hidden. It is for this reason and many more, that the elder keeps his body out of view from prying eyes; lest they dare wish to question him about such marks. Regardless of his physical appearance, smooth and soft tones are how Shin generally chooses to communicate with others. His voice often taking on a lilting quality, at times speaking with a slight accent, whereas in other instances he avoids this altogether. This often sudden switch in tone, even while his smile remains, frequently has many a man and woman questioning if perhaps he's being sarcastic, teasing, blunt or even all three within a strange mix. Which often leads to many being rather on edge around him, due to the unpredictability of his words and actions. It's this coupled with his outward expressions and appearance, make it impossible to decipher what he is thinking or feeling at any one time.[break][break]

When considering clothing, Shin cares very little for anything overly complex. Often seen in simple whites, various shades of blue and the occasional hint of gold, black or grey thrown in to mix things up. His typical attire hasn't changed much since his transition into a level of higher leadership within Kirigakure, the previous version however has been replaced, his new attire now custom made from scratch specifically for Shin by the Waruichi Clan. While being custom made, very little about the base design has changed and instead of this, new things have been added. Consisting of a simple black sleeveless top, followed with a pure white hakama, containing dark blue linings down the side of each pant leg. Added on top of this is a holster now securely wrapped around his left thigh, allowing for quick access for important items. This is all held together, not by an obi as was formally the case, but a modern pitch black belt. A pair of kyahan are fastened to the bottom of the hakama to keep the fabric out of the way from being blown about, as a result allowing for a more stealthier approach. On both of Shin's arms are a pair of tekoh, starting just below his elbow and reaching all the way down his arm, covering his hands and stopping just past his knuckles. Along with this are, like many others, a standard black pair of shinobi shoes for ease of movement and white socks along with them. The most drastic change is that of his jacket, having been completely altered from it's previous version and now far more form fitting than before. This new jacket extends far longer than before, reaching down just below Shin's knees with dark blue lining across the entire piece. Unlike before the jacket is a closed garment, tapering off and opening up just above the belt line, allowing for the rest of the jacket to flow behind him. Much like before the sleeves of the jacket are both long and voluminous, allowing him to easily conceal both his hands and any weapons held within should he wish. The lining on the inner side of the jacket has also been fitted with pockets, closed up with a flicker of chakra, is it inside of these pockets that Shin keeps most of his tools used for battle; ready to be used at a moments notice. It should be noted that Shin does not wear the village's headband and hasn't done since his genin days, deeming it unnecessary.[break][break]

When not within the public eye of those within Kirigakure and when off duty. Shin can most generally be found in a variety of yukata's, regardless of the time of year or the current weather outside of his home residence. From a plain black, to a light blue and even browns and reds when the mood suits him. Although very rare in current times, whenever Shin does get a moment free to wander the village off duty, he can be seen in somewhat more modern attire. Normally consisting of black jeans, a white belt and a simple t-shirt along with a three quarter length sleeved jacket atop that. Of course, such opportunities are few and far between these days, but he makes the best of it when he can.




"Fate is what you make of it."[break]

Often used as one of the first words that come to mind for many when describing Shin. His intentions are never fully clear to anyone, even those who presume themselves to be closest to him. While at times he can and does exhibit a certain emotion or another, it never stays for long. Changing at the drop of a hat or the flicker of a smile. As a result, it has proven by many who had tried to pin this man down, to find tells and signs as to his daily life or personality, to find some sort of routine within his life. Very few thus far, have ever succeeded in discovering such a pattern in any sense of the word, and those that have, don't stay all knowing for very long and often find themselves cut short; so to speak. Shin sees himself as a man of many things, of many secrets, many lies, many masks. All to fool the world around him and in turn allow him to do as he pleases. But most importantly, such a trait is used to fool the one person most needing to be fooled above them all. Himself.[break][break]

Shin, to a casual observer and even those that spot him on a regular basis, is often the absolute picture of the word 'laid-back', Seemingly caring very little for his surroundings and those that try to bother him. Able to fall asleep almost anywhere and often found relaxing in the most awkward of places. It seems as if he simply doesn't have a care in the world and for the most part. He doesn't. Moving from one day to the next in whatever manner he wishes. Shin tends to not truly care about most matters, even those seemingly important topics. That of protecting the village and expanding outwards sometimes go ignored. Why? Such topics of discussion simply do not interest the young shinobi, that is perhaps why. And sometimes it may just be he is too lazy to deal with the matter at that exact moment. He'll get it done.. eventually. Maybe after sleeping for a little while. Because really to Shin, if the matter isn't life threateningly urgent, it can be dealt with later.[break][break]

When needed to be or when interested enough, Shin can be the picture of focus. Not moving until what's needed to be done is done, of course, something has to peak his interest first. But once he has, there isn't any stopping this young man from achieving what he wants. And very few ways of distracting him from it either, as he tends to shut the rest of the world around him out until he's completed whatever it is he's doing to a degree he's happy with. This could be a task as simple as speaking with someone, an assignment, a personal project of his or even figuring out a way to best use someone or something to his advantage. He does like planning ahead after all, and this focused attitude in the right moments have always helped Shin in the past. Just don't expect him to talk to you properly, if at all when he's working on something. You won't ever get a decent answer.[break][break]

Be it day or night, around others or not. Shin always tries to find the fun within his life and that is very clearly reflected in his playful demeanour around anyone he meets. Always looking for ways to amuse himself, he accomplishes this by various methods. As long as it's fun to him, he doesn't really care. Even going so far as to play pranks on people during his childhood years, and that only increased once the five main villages and the academies in each were founded. Still to this day he will always find a way to have his find, playing pranks, winding someone up, teasing them. It's all fun, always one big game to this young man, everything always is. Life is no fun without a little game played alongside it, keeps things entertaining and more importantly, this little game always keeps him one step ahead of everyone else. Fun is what drives him, in some small way, because without it, life would simply be too boring to continue. So, he has his fun, getting on most others nerves in the process on an almost daily basis and really, that's just how he likes it.[break][break]

No matter what you do or say, there is no changing this young man's mind. Stubborn to the core, once he has agreed to or set his mind to a task or a decision, there is very little anyone can do to change that view. Even as a child, he was stubborn to the core, refusing most of what his parents asked of him and instead disappearing to cause mischief and mayhem on his own terms. In present years, Shin is more stubborn when it comes to his own beliefs and way of doing things, he will not compromise such methods for anyone or anything. Not because he believes his methods are right or better than others, but due to the fact that he has long since stuck to his principles and has no desire nor want to change that at his age. Simply put, if you want to change this young shinobi's mind about something, be it a trivial matter or something extremely important regarding the village or perhaps even just his own opinion on a matter, you ought to be prepared for one very long uphill battle.[break][break]

In terms of what others see and what they take from it, Shin likes to believe that there a few that can do as he does. Observant of the world around him, taking in every small detail he possibly can. From the simplest words spoken, to complex intricate patterns, to even a conversation on the street with a strangers. He keeps all such details stored within his memory to use if needed, to the best of his ability anyhow. But even without that, Shin has always been a curious kind of person and it's from this that he sits back an observes others when needed. Of course, sometimes he prefers the far more direct approach to see what he can learn about a person. But with whatever method he decides to take, he is never unaware of the world around him, or what others say about him when they assume he isn't about or simply isn't listening. The trouble is, he always listens and rarely if ever forgets, so it's better to simply manage your words around this man. You may come to regret it in the long run otherwise.[break][break]

Ever since he was a boy, Shin has always learnt that acting a certain way could get you things you wanted or needed. As time passed, this trait only evolved, gaining skill and age and allowing him an ease of which most can't match. Shin while not always enjoying it, can and has hundreds of times manipulated others to get what he wants. Sweet words, threats of violence, a shy demeanour. He will do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals and seems to feel very little guilt, if any at all for using so many people in such a manner. He is a natural born actor and he uses that skill to it's full advantage. Stringing others along into his games, both mental and physical. You can bet that if there's a way, he will find it and exploit you in some manner to do exactly as he wants you to. While at the same time giving anyone playing his games the illusion of free will and that person making their own choices, that is far from the truth a majority of the time. He watches and observes, then strikes, pulling you into his mind games and tricks until you've lost everything. It is as such that many have been warned to be catious around this man, despite his ranking within the village. Very few listen.[break][break]

A trait inherited mostly from his late mother. While manipulating people is something Shin enjoys, that manipulation has to lead somewhere and this is where it often ends up. While carefully concealed and hidden away, it is under the correct circumstances that this aspect of his personality emerges. Finding enjoyment and almost a genuine sort of glee in inflicting pain into those that have wronged him or those he holds any sort of strong bond with. Being a former hunter-nin also has helped with this part of Shin over the years, able to keep any victim alive for as long as he wishes through the right torture methods to ensure they are and remain in as much pain and suffering as physically possible. Of course, this nature also often applies to another's mental state as well as physically, with careful words that break their resolve over time until they are free to be used as he pleases. [break][break]

Certain things in a persons life are meant to be kept, never to be shared. Secrets never to be told to another and that is something Shin is a firm believer of. While he may manipulate and tease, he will never reveal his own secrets, fears, dreams. Any of it. Not willingly anyhow. He has and always will keep such cards in the game close to his chest. No one deserve to know such things about him. It for that reason that he observes silently, that instead of being the loudest person in the room. He remains quiet, almost withdrawn until he sees the right opportunity to join in, be it to cause chaos or simply to speak to another.. And while he may appear easily able to converse with those around him, even if they don’t always like him or feel comfortable around him (and really who would blame anyone for that?). The truth of the matter is, it is far harder than it appears for Shin to deal with all of this. And that is most certainly a secret he will take to his grave, just like many others.[break][break]

Gained mostly from his mother's insistence on his manners, Shin has always been a polite young man, even if he sometimes has a rather interesting way of showing it. Certainly never stoic, but never completely stupid sounding or too serious either. He adds his own bits of mocking tone and sarcasm into the mix when speaking, especially if it is to someone he must show respect to and yet dislikes. As a result, it's very hard to tell when he's being sincere and truthful about his respect for someone, and when he's just doing it either to wind them up or get out of a situation he isn't too fond of. Whatever the case may be, he isn't one for letting people figure out if he's being honest or not and that is how he prefers it. Because while he may show you respect out of common decency, that doesn't mean he actually like you. Still, it keeps things interesting for him and for anyone trying to figure this young man out. Which, to him, is always a good time. [break][break]

There are always parts of a person that are hidden away from the rest of the world. A part of one's soul that remains locked away to everyone but a rare few. As a boy, while curious and mischievous at times. He was a quiet and rather shy child and some of those traits have carried over into his adult life. While never shown in public, or to anyone at all. Shin is far more sensitive to things than he let's others believe. Often pacing at home over the day's events. And when pushed to show this side of himself. He is far more quiet and softer spoken than many would expect him to be for a man of his reputation. He hides such a part of himself, no thanks to his own fears. Fears that still haunt him, that others would use such a trait. That he views as a weakness, against him. So, he pushes such a part of himself down into the depths of his heart. He can't be weak, he simply won't allow himself to be.[break][break]



Ice Emperor[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]A Stormy Beginning[break] (Ages 0-6; -30 SD to -24 SD)
It was on a freezing evening within the depths of winter that Yuki Shiro was born within the wintry village of Yukigakure, to a loving mother and a father who simply wasn't there. While both were shinobi, the small boy seemed to inherit far more of his mother's genes then his father's. Quiet and observant. As soon as he could walk and run, he was doing just that, causing many days of hassle for his mother. He was always told never run too far, never to leave the safety of their home. And while he had his times of mischief, he always listed to what he was told to do and not do. Well, almost always. Nonetheless, Shiro adored his mother and being the kind and gentle woman that he saw her as. It wasn't difficult to see why others who lived within the same area were fond of her as well. Despite that, even from a young age, some members of the Yuki clan he was apart of, came to look down on him. He wasn't a true Yuki, his father a nameless shinobi, a nobody. No one of important status, and yet despite that Shiro remained as happy as ever. He didn't seem to care, his mother still loved him regardless and that was all that mattered.[break][break]

It was at the growing age of four, that he first began showing signs of his power. His mother being the current head of the Yuki Clan, it was no surprise to anyone around Shiro for any length of time that he was bound to inherit his mother's gift. He was the heir after all, it was something that was simply expected to occur. And once he did, things became all the more fun for Shiro and more of a problem for his mother. While he was a little slow to start, having witnessed how destructive the nature could be from his mother's own power and thus a little afraid because of it. With a little bit of coaxing and encouragement, he began to learn. For once paying full attention to every word his mother spoke, what she told him was interesting and he only want to learn more. He understood, despite being only five at the time in which he began to fully grasp what it was he had, that it was special. And because of that, he took every opportunity he could to bother his mother, to get her to answer, to teach him more and more. It was once these lessons started and those within the Yuki Clan noticed Shiro's natural talent for the element, that he simply became known as the Kōrijotei no Musoko [Empress of Ice's Son] to many within the clan who hadn't met the boy personally.[break][break]

Of course as much as Shiro loved to have all of his mother's attention, she was still an active shinobi and as such. There were times in which she wasn't there. But Shiro never took this as a bad thing, sad as he sometimes was that his mother wasn't with him. He used that time to improve, or run the other members of the Yuki clan around in circles looking for him as he hid within his home. Whatever he did, he had fun and that was the point of it all. Well at least to Shiro it certainly was. Of course, not everything in life could always be a game. And while he was happy learning what he could and having fun during the time his mother was away. That peace and happiness didn't last forever.[break][break]

Shiro had, as was becoming a growing habit for the boy at the tender age of six. To venture out of the Yuki clan's compound to explore the rest of Yukigakure as much as he could. Well, without getting caught that was. This particular outing however, would spell both an end to those peaceful times spent with happiness alongside his mother. And usher in a new time of confusion and despair. Most often when out, Shiro kept off the main streets, sticking to back alleys and even low roofs if he could reach them and jump without breaking something (which he nearly did on a number of occasions). Something on that cold snowy day however, caught his attention. A small group of people gathered near the entrance of the village, one of which he recognised as another member of his clan and various others. All crowded around something he couldn't see. The other thing Shiro forgot to assume, was that it could also be someone and not just something. And when he began edging closer to the scene to get a better look, he saw just who it was and not what.[break][break]

His world stopped.[break][break]

Everyone within that small gathering turned to look as they heard Shiro shout for his mother before spiriting forward. Trying his best to escape anyone that tried to grab him and stop him getting closer to his mother. Shouting and screaming at anyone that tried, kicking out, doing all he could. Eventually, after some arguments between a few of them, they let him through. But what Shiro saw would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life. Cuts and injuries across his mother's whole body and two fatal wounds, both in her stomach and over he heart. She was bleeding out, dying far too quickly. A miracle she had even returned to the village before dying. But Shiro cared for none of it, even as blood seeped into his clothes as he sat by his mother's side on his knees. Begging and crying for her, pleading for her to stay. He wanted his mother, he needed her, she was all he truly had.[break][break]

Many in the small group turned away, unable to watch, knowing the wounds were too far gone now to ever be healed. Shiro simply continued, hiding his face against his mother's neck and weeping as she told him that her little miracle shouldn't be crying, that he should be strong and brave for her in her place. To make her proud. He refused, sobbing as the last of his mother's life faded out into silence. The moment anyone tried to move him or her, he screamed at them to stay away. It was a dream he told himself, it had to be. His mother was strong, she wouldn't die so easily. She was kind, why would anyone hurt her? But as the minutes ticked on and that awakening never came, the hurt and pain only intensified.[break][break]

After a solid hour of simply sitting there within that same pool of blood at his mother's side. He was pulled away, not fighting, only crying quietly. And when he returned to the Yuki Clan compound, Shiro was quick to lock himself in his room. He didn't want to talk to the silly adults, he wanted his mother back. Just that. Only that. For a week he remained like that. Locked up within his room, accepting only food and water and only ever leaving to use the bathroom before rushing back. He spoke to no one and when he wasn't sleeping or eating, he was sobbing. A once happy child now broken. Any clan member that tried to approach or comfort him, he simply lashed out at. Confused, afraid and deeply upset.[break][break]

Of course life carried on as it always did and a month after his mother's death, her funeral was held. Shiro for once leaving the confines of the compound which he hadn't dared to sneak out of since her death, to attend. He didn't cry during it, in fact, he barely said two words to anyone. All the while he listed to those around him leave their condolences. Of losing such a talented and well respected member of the Yuki clan, of a boy like he losing his mother at such a young age. He thought that was the end of it, that maybe after some time he could maybe try to move forward. It wasn't.[break][break]

For the next month, Shiro spent most of it reflecting and considering. His mother's last words to him ringing out like a mantra. Unfortunately, to build on those thoughts. The young boy needed time and while he was training again, albeit less frequently than before he was improving, that was all he had time for before something else occurred. His father arrived, or so he was told. To take him away from here, to his own home. Shiro didn't care. At first, outright refusing to even speak or go to see the man. The one who had left his mother. And when he was forced to, he had to be removed after screaming, yelling and trying to attack him. If he had been here, maybe his mother would still be alive. Or so he thought. [break][break]

Naturally his father had come here for a reason and a certain purpose. After hearing of his son's mother's death. And with no true family left within the village, he had decided it better to take his son away. Despite the boy's protests, he was only a child, he knew nothing. Some within the Yuki Clan and even the Lady of Yuki at the time were highly unwilling to let Shiro simply leave with his father. Even if the boy, by all rights was not a true blooded Yuki Clan member, he had been raised as one. After a few days of back and forth, both the village and Shiro's father came to an agreement of sorts. In exchange for the man capturing and bringing a member of a bloodline they were after, he would only then be permitted to leave with his son. After being told just what the village was looking for, he set off. Leaving the village, and for one moment in many months he was almost happy. His father was gone.[break][break]

What he hadn’t counted on, was the Yuki Clan elders dispising him quite so much, enough that they had agreed to let him go after his father returned, he didn’t fully understand it. He was too young to even try to do so. But, they had no use for him now that he was simply going to be given away to another. Into a foreign land eventually. And as Shiro had seen one too many times before, the children that weren’t useful were forgotten. Cousins of his within the clan who hadn’t shown to have the gift of their Kekkei Genkai were tossed aside like trash and now, his fate was the same. He couldn’t fight against it, as much as he tried. Arrangements had already been made and by the time he realised what was happening. It was too late.[break][break]

The people he had once thought loved him as a family had given him over, into the care of the Nue Clan to use as they saw fit until his father returned to the village. Specifically, he was handed over to one man in particular. Nue Seiichi. And while the silver haired snow child had only ever been truly terrified of his mother, there was something about this man that set every nerve in his body on high alert. As if telling him he needed to run, to avoid this person at all costs. But he couldn’t, as much as he tried. His first day rushing to escape and run out of the building, only to be knocked out and dragged right on back. What the young Yuki came to experience however, would be unlike anything else in his lifetime.[break][break]

It was like hell on earth.[break][break]

Each minute, each hour, each day was worse than the next. Unendurable agony. He screamed until his voice refused to work, fought like a wild animal and cried far more than he should. This man, this horrible man did as he pleased. Performing his little tests, some big, some small; all of them painful. He was offered no form of relief, no way to ease the pain. No way to sleep through it all. He was kept wide awake, forced to look into the eyes of a man who seemed to think what he was doing was perfectly normal. When he wasn’t being ripped apart, quite literally. He was given little time to rest, instead the elders who once condemned him and sent him to this place would come visit, to ‘check up on him’ they had said. It was a lie. They always came for a far more nefarious purpose. He fought at first, but after a while, his body was too weak to fight. His voice too used from screaming in agony from that man’s tests to call for help. No one came to help, no one dared disturb his clan elders visits. He was alone. And eventually even his mind gave him. Numb to almost all of the process, left for only an hour or two before the torment began again. If he had any kind of voice left, he would have begged to have it all end. But there was nothing, just pain and harsh words directed at him.[break][break]

Six months passed.[break][break]

So long went by that the young Yuki had almost forgotten why he had been given to these people to begin with. It was temporary. His father had returned to the village, ready to take him away. No one cared for his quiet plea to stay anymore, his want to remain in the place he called home, no one held any sympathy for the boy anymore. He was just that; a boy, one that could easily be replaced and forgotten about. Soon enough, the one they were after was delivered to them, and things after that advanced all too quickly. There was no time to do anything, no time to say goodbye, to pack anything, precious items gifted to him, or even basic belongings. He fought, but thanks to that man’s tests, he still had no voice left to speak with. To shout and protest as much as his small lungs would allow him. It was hopeless, but.. He didn’t want to just leave![break][break]

Unfortunately for a boy of his age, he wasn't given much of a choice in the matter. And just like that, he was ripped away from his home, all the things and people he'd known. Everything.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]End Of An Era & Student Life[break] (Ages 7-10; -23 SD to -20 SD)
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.[break][break]

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Moving Forward & Chūnin Exams[break] (Ages 10-14; -20 SD to -16 SD)
Graduating from the academy, for the first few days, certainly felt a little weird. But as it sunk in, Shin rather liked the change. He was ahead and he would make sure to continue to be in the coming years, that was for sure. For the first few months, Shin remained by himself. Taking on the odd missions alone here and there while a team was found for him, all in all, he couldn't complain two much about it. Sure, some of the missions he was given were downright boring, but he was a Genin and so, he didn't really have room to complain as the lowest ranking Shinobi. Still, when he wasn't out and about, he was training. Trying to further improve his Ninjutsu and Bukijutsu as much as possible, which, was steadily improving, as was his speed. The young boy having taken to running laps around the entire village and seeing just how fast he could complete it.[break][break]

It was progress, slow progress yes, but it was there.[break][break]

Of course, it didn't take much longer before the young Shinobi was assigned to a team with two other Genin, under a Jounin leader. And while working in a team when on a mission, proved to be little trouble for Shin. There was, like there always seemed to be, trouble when it came to the other Genin with him, actually liking him in any manner. Which, was fine by him, they didn't have to like him, just work with him. And while his Jounin sensei seemed completely unfazed by this, even saying to Shin that he was doing rather well considering how hostile his teammates seemed towards him. The matter still irked Shin a little, just a bit, even if he wouldn't admit it aloud.[break][break]

It wasn't that he needed people to like him, no. But some small, tiny part of him, wanted at least someone his own age to. Unfortunately, life never seemed to go as Shin wanted it to. As within his very next mission, both of those teammates of his met a quick and bloody end. Ambushed by bandits and slaughtered before they could even react, a normal mission, one they didn't even require their Jounin to be present for. Although cowardly, the young boy did the smart thing and fled. Not seeming overly upset, but sad nonetheless. Loss was to be expected, but he hadn't expected it so early on in his life and with his own teammates no less. Barely eleven years old and hit with such a blow.[break][break]

And yet his life continued on as it did for every shinobi. Still, it was after that, that the young boy's attitude shifted slightly. With his former classmates now graduating into the ranks of genin, it seemed only natural that two of them would end up paired with him. Forming a brand new team of three. And while, Shin could tell just by looking at them from a distance that they weren't fond of him, even now. Instead of pushing against it, he tried a different approach. But always in his own way. Often slipping between teasing them and ever so subtly pointing out things they were unaware of. Most of the time the two themselves even unaware that he had inadvertently helped them to learn and grow with knowledge they hadn't possessed before that day.[break][break]

Things continued in much the same way for the next six months. And while they weren't exactly friendly towards Shin. The young boy noticed that over time. They didn't seem to be quite as averse to his very presence as before, which, was about as good as he was going to get he supposed. And that was fine with him, thankfully, by the time they seemed to at least somewhat tolerate him and work fully as a team on any mission they were sent on. Without anyone dying no less. Was around about the time their team leader suggested they enter the upcoming Chunin exams. After a number of hours considering such a thing over carefully as well as talking with the team in which he was apart of. They decided it couldn't hurt, to at least try. Could it?[break][break]

As it turned out. The Chunin exams hurt. A lot.[break][break]

The exams were far harder than any of them were expecting. Both of his teammates were injured during all the battles they faced and while they did, win, it took a toll on them both. Even Shin wasn't in the best shape. And watching from the sidelines during the solo battles, his teammates faced even more torment against their opponents. One of them even ending up landing face first into the nearest wall. Now that, looked like it hurt one heck of a lot. His other teammate lasted a bit longer through his own fight, only to end up passing out due to the strain of it all. All in all, his odds certainly didn't look good going into his own personal battle, that was for sure.[break][break]

Shin was even more sure of that, when he discovered who he was fighting. It was someone he'd seen about before and he knew for a fact the boy was a Taijustu specialist, which. In simple terms. Meant bad things for him. It was only when the match began did Shin discover that his opponent was a Katon user as well, which, only served to put him at a further disadvantage. For a while, Shin stuck to avoiding the boy's blows, ducking and weaving as best he could to look for some kind of opening or a glaring weakness of some sort. What blows he couldn't avoid, he simply aimed to block or parry with his own skills and after a while. The blade had brought with him into this as well.[break][break]

While this stalemate lasted for a while, it was eventually broken and while Shin had noticed that the boy seemed to be far weaker on his left side than his right. It wasn't enough to stop the other getting the upper hand briefly. A hard kick straight to his stomach sending Shin flying and rolling onto the ground a few feet away. Frustrated but not beaten, he got back to his feet quickly. Now all the more determined to win and even as the boy began taunting him about his assured victory and how weak Shin himself seemed to be. He ignored it. He wasn't here for a friendly chat.[break][break]

And drawing the tanto he had on his person, he rushed forward. Not stopping for a second in his onslaught of attacks towards the other boy. And while he kept up for a time, eventually the boy grew slower as time passed, while Shin only sped up. Eventually coming to knock the boy to the ground as the other had done to him only a few minutes before. And while the boy got up, Shin was right there, uppercutting him as hard as he could, enhanced by a Hyōton justu he had only recently mastered. As a result, the young man was soon knocked out cold by the sudden blow. The attack however had drained Shin of most of his remaining chakra. And only moments later, after staggering backwards. He passed out as well. But, that one thing was for certain.[break][break]

He'd won.[break][break]

It wasn't long after he woke up in the infirmary that he was informed he'd attained the rank of Chunin, as had one of his other teammates. Although the other had ended up with a very broken arm and was passed out in another ward. Still, there wasn't anything he could do about that. Was he pleased yes? But that feeling was short lived that he was informed he'd have to stay in the infirmary overnight to rest and let his chakra levels return to normal as well as at least being able to let the many bruises across his body heal a little. What a pain! Still it wasn't bad, twelve years old and a Chunin already, he couldn't complain about that one bit.[break][break]

After resting, it was the following morning that things began once again. Although not quite as Shin wanted, he expected to be put on another team perhaps. Instead, he was placed as one of the gate guards. And it was needless to say, he wasn't very happy with the idea. But he accepted it, he had little other choice in the matter really. And while he badly wanted things to be different. He kept his mouth shut. For the time being. But when he wasn't working, he was training, leaving very little time for any kind of interaction with others. It didn't mind that, hell, he even preferred it most of the time. He was determined, he couldn't allow himself to almost be beaten like that again. It was shameful to even think about. So he worked and while some in the Yuki clan were a little concerned. They let him continue nonetheless. You didn't get anywhere without hard work after all.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]The Troublesome Years[break] (Ages 15-17; -15 SD to -13 SD)
For three years, things remained much the same and for the most part. many simply left the young teen be. He was fine as it was. There was hardly anyone to complain about him overworking himself occasionally. His father tried but once and was quickly shut down, only, that ended up in an argument. As it always did. Still, Shin paid little attention to his father at any time. His opinion wasn't important, not to him anyway. It was only shortly after he turned fifteen that he was transferred onto an active operations team. Finally away from that stupid gate, Shin was more than pleased enough to be heading out away from the village on missions once again. Even if it wasn't every day or night, it was enough for him. Still, the disagreements continued even with his transfer to an active team. Yet despite that, his father still gifted him a weapon a few days before he began his new position. And while Shin was still no closer to his father because of it, he still thanked him for such a gift. Which, as far as the young teen was concerned, was a miracle in and of itself honestly.[break][break]

Of course, once assigned to an active team, that meant one thing for certain. New teammates. Which while not delighted about it, Shin wasn't going to complain about it either, it was to be expected. Unless you were a Jounin or something similar, Shinobi like him rarely worked alone. It was once joining this time, that he met a rather interesting young girl by the name of Yuie Tsuki. The girl at first was quiet and with her being the youngest of the group he wasn't surprised by that. Still overtime they learned to get along and their Jounin sensei often commented about how well they had learnt to work together as a team. Despite their vastly different fighting styles, they made it work. And having someone like that on the same team, well, it seemed to settle the young teen a bit. Not someone he could relate to, but someone he didn't hate, nor did she hate him. And that fact alone proved to be highly benifical for the both of them.[break][break]

It was only a year after his moving into an operations team, that the elders of the Yuki Clan calling him into a meeting. Which was... worrying to say the least. They never bothered with someone like him normally, a half breed, one who wasn't even of their clan but of one they held a hatred towards. So, while he was a tad concerned by their sudden summons. He attended them nonetheless. And while he wasn't in trouble, what was told to him, was rather concerning indeed. She was introduced to a young girl who would be taking on the Yuki clan name. A pre-teen by the name of Fuyumi and while, sitting there, she seemed harmless enough, there was something off.. about her. Something Shin couldn't and wouldn't be able to put his finger on for a number of years yet. Still, while not a pure member of the Yuki Clan, much like he was, the young teen still kept his distance. It felt like the right thing to do at the time, besides, he was busy enough working as it was. Leaving little time to interact with the girl, even if he wanted to, which he didn't.[break][break]

It was during the next ten months that life seemed to settle into a comfortable sort of rhythm. Heading out of missions, training in between those times and generally living the life many expected of a full fledged Shinobi. Which, was fine, it wasn't great it was just.... life to Shin. Nothing more than that. And while he did enjoy the more... violent aspects of the job, much to the concern of his Sensei, there was little that was done to stop him nor dissuade him. Those he enjoyed killing were people that needed to die anyways, so there was little issue with him taking just a little longer to release that final blow. People were so fun to play with when they were screaming for their lives after all.[break][break]

During the depths of winter, only a day after his seventeenth birthday, he found himself wandering the village. Not due to be on any assignment of any kind. It was here that he encounter a young girl, one who seemed to have gotten lost and was freezing cold judging by her shivering. When asking for her name, she seemed apprehensive but quietly gave it to him regardless. Kaguya Minako. While he could do little for her being so cold, and with nothing else to do, he aided the young girl on finding her way back home. Eventually quickly buying and gifting her a scarf to wrap about her neck, hopefully to stop her freezing to death. And while once she was returned home, Shin felt no different, it would certainly be an encounter that stuck with him over the years to come.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]The Sly Hunter-Nin[break] (Ages 17-27; -13 SD to -03 SD)
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.[break][break]

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]War & Chaos[break] (Ages 27-30; -03 SD to 0 SD)
It was only a week after his twenty seventh year that it was requested he be transferred out of the hunter-nin to lead one of the operations teams, from which, they'd recently lost their Jounin leader. While reluctant at first, Shin cautiously accepted the request made to him. The hunter-nin was all he'd known for the past ten years now and while he supposed staying there would have been what he'd preferred. With the threat of conflict looming overhead and getting closer by the day. Perhaps this was for the best, even if he ended up transferring back later. And as it so happened, only a month later.[break][break]

War broke out.[break][break]

People were picking sides all over the place, arguments even within the streets. The entire village was a mess, and going just outside of the village only further increased the problem. And while Shin had no personal problem with the Kaguya or the Daimyo, this was just ridiculous. All this just for a bid for power. Even so, with the Yuki Clan aligning themselves on the side of Kirigakure and the Mizukage. Shin, like many others, was placed on the battlefield within the Land of Water. Fighting against those who he, like many others had assumed were their allies. While Shin truly cared little for the politics of the war, he was still required to fight. So he did, even if he felt such a thing was pointless. For the next year and a half, cutting one shinobi down after another without an ounce of mercy. If they decided to fight for a cause such as this, then it was their own graves they were digging. It was within this time that he found himself encountering and fighting alongside someone, a young man he had only met once before on a joint mission they had been apart of together years ago. Kurokawa Shio. As the war began, Shin found himself fighting beside the younger shinobi with ever increasing frequency as other shinobi fell. They stayed and kept on fighting.[break][break]

It was on another normal day, well as close to normal as you could get within a war-zone. Shin about to return to the front-lines after having been forced to head back into Kirigakure after one of his own team had been injured badly. It was as he headed out, that he spotted someone at a distance. A familiar hair colour he knew, but couldn't place until he moved closer. Standing on a nearby ridge within the land, he spotted someone he never thought he'd seen in a place such as this. It was that young girl he'd helped all those years ago. Minako. Or well, perhaps not so young now judging by the way she was fighting of shinobi he was supposed to be allied with. While surprised, he did nothing further. He had no reason to engage her in a fight, nor did he want to. And while nice as it was to see her alive and certainly fighting back. That wasn't going to win this war, or even begin to stop it.[break][break]

With a quiet sigh, he moved on. Back into the fray.[break][break]

The fighting over the next year and a half only continued, getting more and more violent before things finally began to settle down. And yet all throughout that time, he found Shio had his back a number of times and vice versa. While that didn't help stop the fighting, it did stop Shin from throwing in the towel a number of times. This wasn't truly his fight after all. Still, nearing the end of the war, another Mizukage was chosen and along with it, began the end of the fighting. He, Shio, along with many others storming the Daimyo's castle and ending the war once and for all. Returning to Kirigakure, beaten and bruise? No doubt about that one, but victorious nonetheless. And that, after three years of conflict was certainly worth the sigh of relief Shin found himself letting out once it was all over. At last. On top of that, he found himself having gained a friend in the process, forged through blood and battle it may be. But it was better than nothing.[break][break]

For a whole eight months after that, things seemed to slowly return to normal within the village. It wasn't easy, but people adjusted and he had gotten used to leading his own operations team over that time. So of course, when things were starting to look up, something just had to happen. And as it turned out, what happened was perhaps far worse than even the war itself as a whole.[break][break]

The Sanbi broke free.[break][break]

From the moment it started, Kirigakure was in complete chaos and panic. And while many rushed to hide and some younger shinobi kept their distance. Shin was not one of those people. No, instead, he rushed forward to help. They had just come out of a war, and he was not about to let some tailed beast ruin things after everything that had occurred the past three years. He, like many others, stepped up to fight to try and deal the creature long enough until it could be sealed. And while not directly confronting the beast head on, the effects even close by to such a creature were enough to send some shinobi running in fear. Unfortunately, while some where afraid. Some charged in with reckless abandon. Most of which, Shin found himself stopping in time and while a few were too late to be stopped. Racing to their deaths at top neck speed, even then he tried. But his attempts to aid, and even getting close as the Sanbi released a blast of chakra, left him in a bad position. The shock-waves alone had Shin landing painfully on his left arm after being thrown back. And hearing the bone snap was not a good sign at all.[break][break]

Even so, it wasn't much longer until the Sanbi was finally sealed and with it, the entire village breathed a sigh of relief. And despite gaining a broken arm half way through the battle, Shin continued, offering support where he could without getting ripped apart. While being treated and being forced into a sling for a few weeks, he was informed only shortly after leaving the hospital that due to his efforts throughout the war, he'd been promoted to that of an Elite Jounin.[break][break]

Well, not bad at all for four years of near constant fighting.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Looking To The Future & Changing Times[break] (Ages 31-35; 1 SD to 4 SD)
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.[break][break]

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.



[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Hidden[break] [Always On Person]

01 || Gatekepper Coin[break]
01 || Shakar Coin[break]
03 || Military Ration Pill[break]
05 || Blood Pills[break]
05 || Pain Killers[break]
05 || Omoide Shīru Sealing Tags[break]
01 || Kitsune Mask[break]


01 || Lighter[break]
03 || Cigarette Packs[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]On Body

01 || Teikoku Shimo Regaria[break]
01 || Shimo Kubikazari[break]
02 || Fingerless Gloves[break]
04 || Cloth Weights[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Left Palm Seal[break] [Karada Fuinjutsu]

01 || Kusanagi[break] [Shoyū Sealed][break]
02 || Bokken[break]
04 || Fūma Shuriken[break]
02 || Mizu Sukurōru [Water Scroll][break]
02 || Chīsana Mizu Sukurōru [Tiny Water Scroll][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Left Thigh Holster

01 || Sword Scroll[break]
10 || Kunai[break]
10 || Shuriken[break]
10 || Explosive Tags[break]
10 || Kunai w/ Explosive Tags[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Inner Right Side Pouch

01 || World Map[break]
03 || Toxin Suppressant[break]
02 || Basic Med Kit[break]
02 || Corpse Scroll[break]
01 || 20ft Ninja Wire[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Hidden Away[break] [Never On Person]

01 || Shirohime[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Right Shoulder Seal[break] [Karada Fuinjutsu]

01 || Shimo Yumi[break]
500 || Normal Arrows[break]
250 || Explosive Arrows[break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Shakar Only

02 || Wrist Launchers[break]
04 || 50ft Ninja Wire[break]


[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]Natural Chakra //

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]Chakra Affinity //

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]Primary Specialization // Ninjutsu [General]

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]Secondary Specialization // Bukijutsu

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]Summoning Contract // None

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]Familiar // Chuusha & Koujoumu

[attr="class","hopelovetitle"]FIGHTING STYLE


Shin never has nor will be one to stick to the same style of fighting. Often switching from one style to another rapidly and adding his own variations into the mix when required. Doing so in a matter of seconds on the battlefield, allowing Shin to be considered a rather adaptive combatant. While able to change his style of fighting and tactics in a matter of moments, this is most often used when dealing with large groups or whenever Shin has been required to work in a team of some sort. When fighting alone against one of two foes, his tactics somewhat change. Shifting to a more physiological approach rather than pure force and destruction. His focus more during those situations on watching and waiting for the right moment, all the meanwhile talking, and doing whatever he can and use to his advantage to get inside his target's head. Making them sloppy enough to slip up just the once. One chance is all you ever need to kill someone after all.[break][break]

While Shin does specialise in Ninjutsu this is often not the first thing he resorts to. Instead you will in most typical or training situations find Shin weaving in and out of attacks as he observes them. Finding a weak point or two before moving to strike back against a foe. When using Ninjutsu, he is rarely found using anything but Hyōton techniques he has learned and rigorously trained over the years, that is if he is facing an opponent seriously. Those whom the Jounin wishes to test, or simply toy with, will find the silver haired shinobi using everything but his famous Hyōton techniques, fighting instead with his mastery of both Suiton and Futon techniques. Bukijustu or rather his own ever changing style of it, is what he generally uses before any other form of combat, be it a serious encounter or not. Using that alongside his speed to test out his opponent before going in for the kill. And while not especially trained in Taijustu, he is not completely hopeless when fighting bare-handed either and has been slowly working to improve within such a fighting style over the last few years.[break][break]

While very used to fighting at close range, Shin has also become adept at fighting at mid range over the years. And while long range isn't his preferred style of engaging a target, he can still at least hold his own against most opponents. This adaptiveness to any range of combat has increased greatly over the last few years, due to both constant training on his part and the legendary Kusanagi blade which he wields.

[attr="class","hopelovetitle"]SPECIAL ABILITIES


[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Special Ability n°1[break] Ninjutsu Deity [Hyōton Grandmaster]
For many of the Yuki Clan, Hyōton may take some time to learn and grasp the basics of even for those that seem gifted with the advanced element. For Shin, it is different. Using his clan's Kekkei Genkai comes as easily to him as breathing. From an extremely young age he showed a very strong affinity for the element and that has only grown as he's aged throughout the years. His level of mastery is far beyond those that typically utilise the element to their advantage, within battle using Hyōton be it for attacking, defending or anything else is like second nature to Shin. He rarely needs to think about what it is he wishes to do with this element to make it a reality. This mastery of his advanced elements also applies to water, snow and wind as a result of the many years and thousands of hours spent working solely on his proficiency with Hyōton. Using that time to learn how to further expand his influence over the elements that can aid him within an environment if need be and in turn help him create ice. Shin is able to create his own very easily and as a result rarely if ever needs to rely on an outside source to draw his strength from. It is because of this mastery and extreme control he possesses over his Kekkei Genkai that Shin's Hyōton differs slightly from most. Instead of a typical light blue, his ice takes on a pure white coloration whenever used.[break][break]

While he is indeed a master of his clan's Kekkei Genkai, that does not mean he has slacked with the other elements at his disposal, known as a clear master when wielding any kind of Suiton or Fūton techniques. However, even with this, his focus with his advanced element is still extremely obvious, allowing Shin to require zero handseals for any and all Hyōton justu up to C-rank, and up to 3 handseals [1 B-rank, 2 A-rank & 3 S-rank] for any Hyōton technique above that rank.

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Special Ability n°2[break] Kenjutsu Proidgy
A swordsman is someone whose heart can be read through his sword. This is the measure of a true swordsman's power. However, Shin is far beyond such a simple concept within his swordsmanship. His sword cannot be "felt", his heart cannot be read, nor can his emotions be determined. His sword exists solely to kill, and nothing more. The will of Shin Ishikawa exists within himself, and nothing else. It is for this reason that Shin has fought so many powerful opponents over many years without demonstrating even the slightest inkling of true fear. Such a philosophy reflects through Shin's blade flawlessly, to an extent that nobody has ever gone before. Some have been able to hide some of the intention that lies within their blade, but Shin hides every single portion of it. When he draws his blade, it becomes not an extension of himself, but a completely separate being. It almost feels as if his blade is a sentient entity. His swordsmanship is regarded as unpredictable, near impossible to stop through conventional means. It cannot be deciphered by simple logic, for it is constantly changing with every second that passes.[break][break]

Accordingly so, Shin's fighting style has been labelled as "impossible to follow" by many that have encountered him over the years. Even the many that have tried to figure out some sort of pattern have never discovered one. Shin changing the style in which he uses frequently. There is only ever one constant with his style: speed. No matter what he does, his strikes are fast and precise to an extreme degree. And it is this, combined with his seemingly never ending styles that he can switch to on a seconds notice that give Shin an edge above many others who practice swordsmanship. This edge above others is only further increased due to Shin being ambidextrous, able to switch his weapon from one hand to another and still retain full effectiveness when fighting.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Special Ability n°3[break] Masterful Chakra Control
While Shin only possesses an average chakra pool compared to those of his age and experience, he more than makes up for it thanks to the incredible quality of control he holds over his chakra natures. With the control he has developed over many years, not a single spec of chakra is ever wasted when used. While extremely precise and only ever requiring the absolute minimum chakra needed for any jutsu, from the most basic technique to even ones that demand masses of chakra to be performed. He has refined his chakra to a point that such a task, conversing and using only the exact amount of chakra needed for any technique, comes as naturally as breathing to him. While his mastery over the chakra is impressive, over the years he has aimed to speed up the process required to use his chakra at all, especially considering his prowess with Bukijustu often leaves him with only a single hand free. It is because of this limitation he places on himself within battle and his own determination, that has allowed Shin to be able to cast any justu with one handed seals. This however does not reduce the amount of handseals required to activate the justu itself. Due to learning such a thing over a long period of time, Shin has however noticed, that his one handed seals are by now far quicker than if he were to try and perform a justu using both hands.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Special Ability n°4[break] Hyōton [Absolute Ice]
Unlike many of his peers and other clan members, Shin goes far beyond could be considered 'normal' for a Hyoton user. Through a mix of natural born talent carried within his very blood and years of training relentlessly with this one chakra nature far more than any other. Shin has achieved a potency with his Hyōton that very few could ever hope to match in any context. Every Hyōton techiques he uses, having one point five times [x1.5] the intensity [both temperature and power], speed, range, durability and effectiveness than the techniques base description.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Special Ability n°5[break] Silver Blitz
Every since he was young, Shin had always been quick on his feet. And that with time has only grown, through ageing and many hours of training. There are few very within within the village that have been able to match up to his sheer speed and the distance he can travel with ease. Having worn weights since his days as a genin and constantly training with them on, Shin has improved not only his speed over time but his body as well. Able to easily match Jounin level opponents with the weights on. When taken off, he becomes a blur to all but a select few of even those within his own rank. Those who can track him with these weights off, are typically only those with extreme heightened senses or holders of certain dojutsu, as without such advantages most have trouble keeping track of Shin when he moves about the battlefield.[break][break]

[attr="class","hopelovetitle2"]Special Ability n°6[break] Godly Sensor [Kagura Mind's Eye]
Having the high control of chakra that he does and during his time within the hunter-nin, Shin was able to expand his set of skills even further to expand this sensory ability beyond that of even his peers. As a sensory shinobi he is able to detect chakra signatures up to three kilometres away. Within that range, he is not only able to sense other shinobi and their current location but also the state/nature of a person's chakra as well. Thanks to the extreme control he holds over his own chakra, he has also learnt how to seek out anything containing chakra, not just people, but traps and even tags nearby. Additionally due to his level of chakra control and sensing aptitude, Shin has learnt how to suppress his own chakra almost entirely. This not only allows him to move about undetected by all by the most advanced sensory shinobi and those with certain dojutsu. But it also allow him to fool others who are unaware of his identity, able to suppress his chakra to that of a typical level for a chunin allows him to misdirect others into believing him to be far weaker than he truly is. It is because of this skill, that Shin has become highly adept at tracking others, and after the time he spent as a hunter-nin that has only improved.




Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique][break]
Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique][break]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique][break]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique][break]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique][break]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique][break]


Shimogakure no Jursu [Hiding in Frost Technique][break]
Hyōton: Sapporo no Jutsu [Ice Releases: Sculpture Jutsu][break]
Kumo-Ryu Uragiri [Cloud-Style Reverse Beheading][break]
Kuragashira Sutoraiki [Pommel Strike][break]
Kagayaku Tate [Gleaming Shield][break]
U~Irōbarāju [Willow Barrage][break]
Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique][break]
Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing][break]
Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking][break]
Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu [Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique][break]
Fūton: Kaze Sanpo [Wind Release: Wind Walk][break]
Dokusho [Reading][break]


Hyōton: Hyōken no Jutsu [Ice Release: Ice Sword Technique][break]
Hyō Bunshin [Ice Clone][break]
Hyōton: Saihyōken [Ice Release: Ice-Breaking Fist][break]
Hyōrō no Jutsu [Ice Prison Technique][break]
Iaido [Quickdraw][break]
Kagura Shingan Omoide Shīru [Kagura Mind's Eye Remembrance Seal][break]
Hikin Fuinjutsu [Generic Sealing Technique][break]
Shoyū [Ownership][break]
Kai [Release][break]
Fūton: Shinkūjin [Wind Release: Vacuum Blade][break]
Mizuame Nabara [Starch Syrup Capture Field][break]
Nise no Suteppu [Fake Step][break]
Kasoku Suru [Accelerate][break]
Gensoku Suru [Decelerate][break]


Hyōton: Hyōgan Dōmu [Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness][break]
Hyōton: Hissatsu Hyōsō [Ice Release: Certain-Kill Ice Spears][break]
Hyōton: Sennen Hyōrō [Ice Release: Thousand Year Prison][break]
Hyōton: Tōshō Shuryūdan [Ice Release: Frostbite Grenade][break]
Hyōton: Unmei no Heigen [Ice Release: Field of Doom][break]
Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka [Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation][break]
Karada Fuinjutsu [Body Sealing Technique][break]
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique][break]
Kanchi Denden [Sensing Transmission][break]
Suiton: Sensatsu Suishō [Water Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death][break]


Tōkata: Shizuka Mekkyaku No Fumeihana [Frozen Art: Quiet Annihilation Of The Hidden Flower][break]
Hyōton no Yoroi [Ice Release Armor][break]
Makyō Hyōshō [Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals][break]
Hyōten Hyakkasō [Frozen Heaven Hundred Flower Funeral][break]
Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye][break]
Kagura Shingan Jitsugen Kai [Kagura Mind's Eye Realization Release][break]
Kagura Shingan Naibu Heisa [Kagura Mind's Eye Inner Closure][break]
Kagura Shingan Mohō [Kagura Mind's Eye Mimic][break]
Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique][break]


Sanbi Tōgō Fūji Hōhō [Three Tails Integration Sealing Method][break]
Tōkata: Kōri No Hana [Frozen Art: Ice Flower][break]
Tōkata: Shikei [Frozen Art: Deathscape][break]



[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]OOC NAME // Jaz

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]SERIES NAME // Bleach

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]FACE CLAIM NAME // Gin Ichimaru

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]LOCKER COMBO // 47-SH-140

[attr="class","hopeloveleft"]HOW'D YOU FIND US // Recommended by Natsu~


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last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Apr 7, 2019 16:24:45 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundAug 27, 2018 11:13:50 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage
Will you rise and join the battle?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
aeron at thq
last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Nov 4, 2018 14:08:07 GMT -5
Jaz has written 199 posts
Testing groundNov 5, 2018 7:02:17 GMT -5
Ishikawa Shin
Fate is what you make of it.
Ishikawa Shin Avatar
age 35 years old birthday 10 December rank Elite Jounin occupation Former Mizukage






i know i took the path that you would never want for me. i know i let you down, didn't i? so many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me. well, i'm just a slave unto the night. now, remember when i told you "that's the last you'll see of me"? remember when i broke you down to tears? i know i took the path that you were never want for me. i gave you hell through all the years. so i, i bet my life, i bet my life, i bet my life for you. i, i bet my life, i bet my life, i bet my life for you.[break][break]

i've been around the world, and never in my wildest dreams would i come running home to you. i've told a million lies, but down i tell a single truth: there's you in everything i do. now, remember when i told you "that's the last you'll see of me"? remember when i broke you down to tears? i know i took the path that you would never want for me. i gave you hell through all the years. so i, i bet my life, i bet my life, i bet my life for you. i, i bet my life, i bet my life, i bet my life for you.[break][break]

don't tell me that i'm wrong. i've walked that road before and left you on your own. and please, believe them when they say that it's left for yesterday and the records that i've played. please forgive me for all i've done. so i, i bet my life, i bet my life, i bet my life for you. i, i bet my life, i bet my life, i bet my life for you. i - i bet my - i bet my - i bet my - i - i bet my - i bet my - i bet my -


[Skills/Traits In-Usage]:

    [Items Worn [Passively]]:

          [Items Worn [Actively]]:

            [Techniques Executed]:



              New template, kage meeting, all the new things! Let's try not to kill each other!


              [newclass=.lovemad1 a]color:#79d1f7!important;font:9px Calibri;line-height:10px;[/newclass]
              [newclass=.lovemad2 b]color:#79d1f7;[/newclass]
              last edit by Ishikawa Shin on Feb 11, 2019 20:02:34 GMT -5
              Jaz has written 199 posts