White Blossoms in Bloom

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White Blossoms in BloomOct 26, 2023 5:39:07 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     It'd been nearly two years since the last outcropping of this drug and the mystery organization that had created and supplied it. The last mission had been a dead end, but the problem had seemingly vanished - the only indication that anything was amiss had been a letter addressed to the Mizukage, ostensibly from a man imprisoned by this group.

     Yet the details had been scarce - very - and the risk that this was actually a set-up had factored into the high ranking and team choice for this mission. Perhaps it was. They simply didn't know.

     It'd been a good while now that Keiji and his team members Zaizen, Asuka, and Masshiro had been slowly slinking through the perimeter of this forest on their way towards the settlement that held this mystery prisoner. Finally they came upon it, looking down through the leaves on a large manor house on the outskirts of the village that supposedly held him.

     From their vantage point, it was only a mere 20 feet down a small slope to the closest window. A man sat on its lip facing inward with a pipe in his hand, turning every now and then to blow smoke outside. Keiji raised his fist to tell them to wait, then slid quietly down the hill.

     As he crept up behind the man, Keiji spotted the tell-tale mark: a snake curling in on itself. In a fluid motion, he took a handful of the man's hair in his fist and wrapped his right hand around the back of his neck. A thin, thin line of chakra laced around before he had a chance to even remove the pipe from his lips. It cinched. The pipe clattered to the wooden floor.

     Keiji gingerly lowered the limp mass with his right hand, then turned and dropped the excess that remained in his left. Before it had a chance to hit the ground, he kicked it and it soared up and into the forest - past his team members. He grinned, then signaled for them to follow him in.

     Vaulting over the dead man, Keiji entered. All was quiet. It was cozily furnished, with wooden tables and couches, bookshelves adorning the walls, and various medical equipment scattered about with dirty and stained notes nearby. There were three doors, one on each of the windowless walls - leading to hallways and other rooms. The Kuronmeru silently crossed and sat in one of the couches, crossed his leg over his knee, and waited for the others to join him. It was the perfect setting for a little pre-game planning.

last edit by Kuronmeru Keiji on Nov 1, 2023 21:44:45 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomOct 26, 2023 14:20:27 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    Masshiro was right behind Asuka and Keiji, letting them do whatever it was they felt the need to do and hoping they'd do so quietly. His focus wasn't on taking out guards or anyone else they came upon, but keeping an eye all around them to make sure no one stumbled upon them instead. More than once he had heard the jokes and jabs about how those that stood out under the influence of the drug had glowing crimson eyes, while he stood behind his teammates with his crimson eyes, not quite glowing, but very prominently displayed, with his activated Jaakugan.

    Even as Keiji skillfully dropped a man, his focus stayed on the task, using his vitality detection technique, seeing no one behind them or on either side except for one Sourei Zaizen. Masshiro was still fairly new to this operations team and so he was still trying to get into a rhythm with them, but he felt far more comfortable with Zaizen having joined them, both because of his skill as a Shinobi and because of his association as a member of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen like himself. 

    He was relying on his teammates to watch him as he focused as much as they were on him to keep them on updated. As they moved in further, he kept low even as Keiji made himself at home, finally standing up straight but still looking a bit on edge. This was his first A rank mission and he wanted nothing more than to absorb everything from the experience he could.

"There are others nearby I don't recognize, however not close enough to immediately be an issue. We should be safe to speak freely for now."

    He looked Zaizen to confirm, as he was, even with Masshiro's Jaakugan, the more experienced sensory shinobi of the two of them.
last edit by Yamaguchi Masshiro on Oct 26, 2023 14:22:53 GMT -5
Sprinkles has written 148 posts
White Blossoms in BloomOct 31, 2023 15:51:11 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

Keiji and Masshiro were the headers of the team currently as the other two had fallen silent in their wake. Entering the building was not a safe venture, but it was part of the mission. They had to take out a rather large organization and kill as many individuals as humanly possible that had fallen for this organizations ruse. It was no small ruse either, it was one that endangering the lives of villagers nearby and they had to act accordingly to make sure that their nation remained safe at every corner of the island - it was their duty as shinobi.

Masshiro suggested that they could speak quietly amongst each other, and indeed he was correct having entered this part of the building there seemed to be no one else around. Not immediately, anyway, it seemed as if this were some sort of higher end office or something of this sort as anyone who was in the building was far away, having wandered in pairs of trios... But it was hard to tell what they were doing - those individuals - some were stationary close together, others were moving around the building, either pacing or walking a perimeter.

What their plan going up or down would be up to them... But it was likely best that they come up with something quick in how to tackle their many opponents.

Posting to put myself in as it has been 48-72 hours already from the last post. Meep & Jian still have an opportunity to slide themselves in easily, but please note with these rotations I will be keeping to the time limit pretty strictly from this moment on!

Han has written 2,525 posts
White Blossoms in BloomOct 31, 2023 16:13:21 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As her two teammates would talk amongst themselves Asuka would keep to herself which was a bit unlike her she was trying to focus allowing her sensory range to extend thoroughly throughout the building so she could get a handle on everyone they had to deal with and a way to best formulate a plan to handle everyone.

"Okay guys, give me a second." her sensory range would pick up as many people as she could've thought too in the immediate area. However after getting a lay of the field the girl would craft a few handseals in order to properly strengthen her bandages in order to make certain she was as prepared as she could be. Up to this point she'd yet to actually meet her team two team members but formalities could wait for now.

She'd take in that there were quite a few enemies in the surrounding area but couldn't pin point exactly just how many of them there were at least not after having a moment to focus. "There's a bit of a presence here...how do either of you want to handle this?" she'd say to her teammates trying to figure out what the best course of action was.

"I've got the gates on my side but I can only do so much maybe take out a few of them as quickly as I can but that's about the best I can do." the girl would say. Her training with her ability was rather limited but it was still better than nothing and she'd keep it as an option on the table but without the proper synergy wasn't sure what the best way to go about it was.


鉄絹の術 | Tetsu Kinu no Jutsu
[Iron Silk Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Hijutsu]
RANGE: 0 - 3m
After performing a handseal, the user will channel their chakra to shape and fold the silk, the user will then harden said shape to be about as hard as tempered steel. The user can use this technique to make blades, protective spikes, all manner of weapons really. The weapons are as sharp and as hard as any weapon made from tempered steel, and seem to hold all the same properties as well.

Using Active Sensory:

Iron Mind: [Sensory SA]:
Having mastered the meditative arts, Asuka has combined it with her sublime Chakra Control in order to utilize sensory arts currently her passive level of sensory allows her to locate individuals up to 100m/325ft and while active can sense individuals up to 1 km/0.6 mi away.



Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 1, 2023 17:57:42 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

Not much was known about the drug being used by this organization except that he had resurfaced recently hence the team having be formed in order to stop them this time hopefully once and for all Zaizen would follow the other three members of the group staying at the back of the group letting them lead the way as the group finally seemed to have exited the forest Zaizen had been using his sensory pretty much without saying as he sensed the various people about the village before them and a lot in the house. Keiji had made the first move in the house as it would seem he had taken out one of the enemies before them, then gave the rest of the group the signal to move afterwards, Zaizen would follow the rest of the group down the slope then entering the building along with his team members.

Now in what seemed to be a high-end office of sorts, the group had a little time to discuss tactics going forward as Zaizen could sense many targets around them while they were clear of the office for now, it would only be a matter of time before they came looking. From known reports about information about his group he knew there was more than one sensor between them which did help make life easier for the group, but Zaizen had been the more experienced shinobi when it came to sensory so his could be considered the most accurate, but didn't need to point that out towards the group.

Zaizen in the room took up position again on a pillar and leaned his back against it while he listened to Asuka speak first saying she could deal with some of the guards at the gate. Zaizen could tell there were many enemies but at this moment they had the element of surprise so needed to use it. "There is many enemies inside this building as well across the expanse of the village we need to try and deal with the enemies as silently as possible as we have the element of surprise. Since a few of this group have sensory training it might be best to use that to our advantage as he knows if they get close so can plan our attacks before they have a chance to react. I can deal with the signatures in this building, if you guys wanna deal with the ones on the outside of this building if not I can take some of the ones outside and you guys can deal with the buildings. Using hidden mist could also be an option too to cover the approach from the outside. " Zaizen had just given a suggestion to the group, while it was up to them if they wanted to go with this plan or not, but for Zaizen he didn't really make any sound whilst he moved and could use his sensory to take them out one by one with sneak attacks.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword][On Back]
[Techniques Executed]:

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None

last edit by Sourei Zaizen on Nov 9, 2023 17:40:09 GMT -5
Jian has written 131 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 2, 2023 10:11:12 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     "It'll be a bloodbath," Keiji said with a knowing smile. He sweeped his arm across the table in front of the couch, scattering the various medical papers to the floor. They could sort through them later. Or, more aptly, Toru could get some less skilled excuses to do it. Perhaps Enyo, he thought gleefully.

     Keiji sliced his right index fingertip open with his tanto. He traced the rough shape of the building and the village onto the table in thick black lines, then asked Waruichi and Zaizen and Masshiro to scratch the approximate locations of those they sensed into the table with his tanto.

     When they were all done, the wood was covered in an impromptu 'heat map.' Keiji drew a path through the manor, labeling each major gathering with a corresponding number and approximate floor. Keiji responded to their prior planning. "Let's focus on this building first, since it seems to be where the largest quantity of them is." About 50 it seemed, scattered throughout the 5 floors.

     "Don't let a single person escape. You've already been briefed on why that's ill advised. You see someone making their way to an exit, slash their tendons or kill them," he instructed as he stood up and licked the smeared blood from his fingertip.

     The Mizukage would have his hide if he let this spill outside the village proper, if any of these madmen escaped into the countryside. So long as things remained within these walls and the settlement's bounds, they wouldn't have any problems with him.

     "Now," he said, "for the plan." Keiji pointed a finger at Zaizen. "Sourei -" he smiled coyly at his former Hunter-nin Captain. "- has the honor of mowing down as many of the chaff as possible."

     "I'll get the stragglers and the runners, and patch you up where I can," he said and then gestured at Asuka. "Waruichi will take point on the strongest in each group. We'll back you up when the others are dead."

     "Masshiro," he called out while side-eyeing him. "You'll be the conductor. Keep an eye on us and strategize as needed. Beyond that, focus on crowd control or debilitating any problem individuals. Most importantly, you'll be the first to back one of us up when something goes wrong."

     "Easy, huh?" he laughed out in a slightly mocking way. "Let's go." Keiji yanked his tanto out from the table with a thunk and then threw the eastern shoji door open. He gestured for them to follow and silently stalked down the hallway. All seemed clear for the time being, as they made their way to the southeast of the building and where'd they'd sensed the first group.

last edit by Kuronmeru Keiji on Nov 2, 2023 10:16:23 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 2, 2023 16:57:08 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    The more Masshiro looked around, the more he kept finding himself staring at the ceiling, which to most of the team might have seemed normal if they could see and sense anything similar to what he could right now. To Keiji it likely seemed like he was just staring, as he didn't move for a good minute, and didn't say a word in that time. Quickly giving the information as best he could, he started pointing with his weapon in his right hand, then stopping and starting over several times being his face contorted. 

"That's a lot of people."

    He began his scratches, scribbles, and notes as he looked between the other two sensor-nin to give their information if they had it in more detail to give. 

"I'm not sensing too many around us in the immediate area, a few lookouts, but up above I'm counting near fifty. Going up five floors from what I can gather."

    Nodding in response to the idea of focusing here first, he immediately changed his internal thought process from simply scouting to preparing for a fight. They weren't going to simply sneak up on this many people, and if a fight broke out it was likely to get chaotic in a hurry, or be over very quickly. Grabbing at the scabbard covering Uemori, he slowly pulled it off and slid it into his sash, letting Uemori rest on his shoulder. 

    Closing his eyes he was running over the layout of the area and the floors above in his mind, soaking it in and trying to remember it as best he could. He didn't have anything resembling a photographic memory, but what he had was an obsession for repetition in learning, which meant repeating instructions to himself internally, and going over details until they were stuck in his mind.
    His eyes opened as the plan started being laid out in full for each person, and it dawned on him just how strong this team actually was. Not just on an individual level, but they had a lot of complimentary skills to cover each other well. The thought was appreciated in the strengths of each, and he was glad he wasn't simply thrown into the center of the fight, as it certainly would have been a waste as far as he saw it. Heavily he nodded in response, with an impressed look, feeling his blood flowing strong, ready to get into the thick of the action.

    With his Jaakugan fully active, he took a deep breath and made a single handsign, creating a water clone next to him as they followed behind the others. Masshiro would keep track of the group and the clone would watch directly behind them for now, in case anyone snuck up on them.


Sprinkles has written 148 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 4, 2023 10:35:34 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world
Asuka would offer her skillset, looking out with her sensory alongside the other several sensors in the room. With five floors to inspect it was obvious there were about ten enemies on each floor. Looking around the area though in the general vicinity, it was clear that there were almost no enemies to be found outside. It seemed everyone was concentrated here, as if it were the main hideout or bunker of sorts. The intel from the last mission definitely had definitely partially scared whoever ran the show, and pulled them into a more concentrated space... Of course there were a few meandering around the grounds still, but they were just that guards meandering about. Perhaps it was not totally worth sending out three shinobi to deal with some individuals? Perhaps it was... Of course it was hard to tell which one of them would pose the most danger in a fight as it was not their shinobi training that made them viciously dangerous.

Keiji took a great deal of control of the situation, announcing the plan to the group. He was technically speaking the leader of the operations team that was present, with Zaizen being an auxiliary force for the mission itself - an insurance plan as he was amongst the more skilled shinobi in the village. But Keiji had a good plan, and a specific one.

Without listening to a word more the cocky Kuronmeru started down a corridor, to the southeast. The corridor opened to a large room where indeed ten individuals were around, one was in a particularly bad sorts beating his head against a wall and groaning.

Masshiro would follow in tow after Keiji and the battle would begin - particularly when very suddenly one of the ten noticed Keiji.

"Wh-Who the fuc-" He was cut off as the man who had been hitting his head turned around and charged them, foaming at the mouth with eyes glowing red.

Han has written 2,525 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 8, 2023 20:46:48 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

With her sensory picking up the same info as the others she'd take note of the number of enemies that seemed to be in the surrounding area roughly 50 in all split across all five floors, their leader would give the order on how to handle the attack. She had the gates on her side but at current level needed to ascertain caution when using the technique as she could only actively use the gates for a limited amount of time. Knowing this after inscribing some additional details onto the map made by Keiji which would in essence effectively confirm what everyone else had already believed, but would take a moment to comment on Zaizens approach. "With all due respect sir I'm not sure how skillful a surprise attack would be given we're out numbered and might not have the room to mount that kind of offensive if you'd like too feel free, but cohesion might be our best move here."

As more deliberations went on she was told that with her being the strongest she would take on the most physically imposing member of the group. "And how exactly would we know who the strongest is just by appearances sir." the girl would say pointing out a flaw she noticed as she weaved a few handseals in order to temper and strengthen the bandages that she wore. "I think the easiest course of action is to have myself and Zaizen mow down who we can we can leave room for you guys to work and...if anyone has anything that'd make our jobs easier please feel free to do so."

With her bandages tempered most physical attacks wouldn't be getting past her, once they arrived on the scene she'd survey the field being able to spot where most enemies are. It would seem they were already spotted and despite the frothing at the mouth Asuka would rush in and with the edge of her hand using her striking speed and strength would Swipe her arm forward and attempt shear the head of the of the nearest enemy off, using the speed of her strikes in conjunction with the natural strength to cut through the bones the result a bloody mess of viscera and fragmented pieces of bone that would be crushed as her hand passed through his throat.


NAME: Tekken: Tegatana Kowasu [Iron Fist: Knife Hand Break]
Forming their hand into a four fingered nukite the user will bring their hand down in a hard chop against their opponent’s shoulders or arms with enough force to break and bruise bone. Used to disable the opponent’s arms, the user can also attack the neck for a quick removal of a threat. Those with enough strength can actually use the move to sheer parts of their opponent off.

NAME: Kuikkurōtēshon [Quick Rotation]

Utilizing chakra in the feet, ankles and legs specifically. It is a small amount of energy, but used precisely on reflexes and timing. This technique is gauged this way. When timed, the user can twist themselves abruptly out of the way of an attack. Like a speedy side-step, but a rotation of one's body to the side. A spin-move. This is only attacks in an immediate vicinity(three meters) anything else is too big an attack. Usually Taijutsu, but sometimes this technique is effective against close-range ninjutsu.



Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased to the point where she is able to demolish large boulders with a simple punch and shatter bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while not a master quite yet. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: one of these areas being her speed, and as such she able to move at incredible speeds able to outpace most anyone on the battlefield or a foot race due to the sheer amount of power in her legs maneuvering expertly along the ground as if such high speeds were second nature.

Iron Striker: [Striking Speed SA]
Having honed utilized various Taijutsu such as Kirigakure Taekwando and the Iron Fist styles, Asuka has grown to be considerably more proficient with her striking ability allowing her to land her blows on opponents with expert precision without sacrificing power. Due to this Asuka is better and devastating her opponents with her powerful offense and seldom ever misses her mark even against opponents with the most honed reflexes, making her a peerless striker.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 9, 2023 17:41:24 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

Zaizen saw the plan of the village that had been drawn by Keiji using his tanto. For a rough drawing, it wasn't so bad as Masshiro would clearly use his own sensory to help Keiji fill out the rough positions of the groups of chakra signatures that could be felt around the village and most importantly the signatures in the building which pointed to about fifty in total on five floors. Keiji seemed to be the one taking charge of the situations as he gave people in the team various roles. Zaizen for the most part didn't say anything behind his covered face as he had no need to, Keiji had given clear instructions, Masshiro had given mostly accurate positions on the map. For now Asuka for the most part seemed to be the one who didn't agree with the course of actions, while Zaizen preferred to do his own thing, he just followed the others for now as he followed along with Keiji as he opened a door as he followed the rest of the group heading to a southeast hallway that opened up, as it seemed one of the guards had spotted Keiji as he came charging forward, something spotted by Zaizen showing the same traits as the crazy induced followers, this was the clearest sign yet the drug was still in full force as Asuka seemed to have dealt with him.

Without the rest of the group noticing too much though the sensors would notice not before it was too late, as Zaizen had disappeared from behind the group, but not completely as he had used his sensory to find the positions of a few of the enemies around him that he could pick off with his own unique abilities, first the man would use his clan abilities to make himself incorporeal, which allowed Zaizen to pass through matter, with that in mind the man could sense an enemy close to him on the other side of the closest wall to Zaizen, the noise of the enemy charging or being taken down by Asuka was likely to alert the guard to check or potentially turn away as ZaIzen passed right though the wall like a ghost appearing behind the turned away guard as Zaizen became normal once again, making no noise with his footsteps thanks to the perfectly trained silent killing he simply pulled a kunai from his pouch and pieced the guard from behind without mercy or remorse. Upon the body falling limp, Zaizen pulled the body down silently and hid it the best he could before feeling out more signatures. Moving silently and quickly he found a position in which he could take out a further two he pulled out another kunai to join the blood-stained one in his hand and simply aimed the Kunai at two more guards one in each hand and threw them at the enemies hoping to take out a further two guards.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword][On Back] Two Kunai thrown at two enemies.
[Techniques Executed]:

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None

last edit by Sourei Zaizen on Nov 18, 2023 21:38:11 GMT -5
Jian has written 131 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 10, 2023 23:32:06 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     Keiji skidded to a stop and dodged towards the side, allowing Waruichi to rush forward. He took quick note of the enemies and their positions and which seemed to be the biggest problems, from a glance. The one who'd been slamming his head on the wall seemed the immediate concern to him.

     Asuka's earlier remark about how they would know the strongest now seemed even more foolish to him now than it had then. "You've eyes, don't you?" Keiji scoffed as he ducked under a swing.

     "Go after the brainlet -" he laughed, flinging some of his black blood across the room and onto the brute's chest to mark him. The man, who'd earlier been banging his head on the wall, roared. "- these things really aren't that hard, Waruichi."

     Darting up from the other side of the room, he roughly shoved her away from the man - or corpse - that she had been fighting and towards the frothy-mouthed moron. Keiji resisted the urge to pull back and take hold of the situation.

     Masshiro would be more than capable enough of that, and he'd already tasked him with it besides. From a quick glance though, there was the one in front of him Asuka'd engaged, the brute he'd sent her towards, the one Zaizen had engaged and two more he'd thrown kunai at, and 5 more around the room.

     Sidestepping the man with the ruined throat - he wasn't familiar enough with this drug to say definitively if such an injury would outright kill him, so he stayed out of reach - Keiji created a shadow clone, then the clone used Earth Spear to harden his fists and forearms to increase attack power.

     The clone Keiji tried to drive his tanto into the back of the man with the gory throat, where his heart would be, to ensure he really did die. After that he'd engage the nearest in Taijutsu. The real one jumped straight up and kneeled upside down on the ceiling, weaving the handsigns for Vacuum Wave in order to try and take out a few from range with the sharp blades of air.

Used Shadow Clone Technique to make 1 clone, medium cost. Clone uses Earth Spear, medium, while the real Keiji uses Vacuum Wave, medium.
| 351 words
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 11, 2023 0:43:15 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    This wasn't what he would have called his own personal favorite plan quite frankly, but he wasn't the team leader. The four of them were at least individually strong enough to handle themselves unless things went sideways in a terrible way, but as it stood they could move in and try and get the drop of this first floor of unstable people. Unfortunately, at least in Masshiro's mind, and perhaps more fortunately for those in the group looking for a fight, they found one right away, as one of the clearly drugged up people came charging right at them.

    He was less worried about this initial attack and more worried about immediately alerting the rest of the room and in devolving into a four versus ten. Even worse still he worried about alerting those in the floor or floors above them and things getting incredibly out of hand. This wasn't exactly one of the largest spaces to fight, which perhaps could be one of the few advantages they would have if things did get hectic, as only so many people could attack them at a time.
    The other three were quick to rush in with a variety of offense, as Masshiro looked back to his water clone and motioned with his head then his hand to keep an eye behind them as he leaned up against the wall letting the others rush in. His sheathed weapon scraped the wall as he slid in closer, and before he knew it the scene had turned into what could at best be considered controlled chaos. One charged in throwing fists, another shifting through walls and throwing shuriken, and then their leader, who was making his eye twitch a bit already. 

    As the newest person to the operations team, he wondered if these two had worked with each other before, given one was simply giving orders and rushing in, while another didn't seem to like the plan, but ran in throwing fists all the same. He was far outside of his comfort zone, but knew it wasn't exactly the time to bring up his concerns. Keiji and Asuka were right in the thick of it, and unlike Zaizen, he couldn't just move through walls, so he wasn't about to rush in after them and get in the way or get hit by friendly fire.

    What he could do was make was make things easier for them, and take a page out of Zaizen's book with extra flair. At this point the two that had rushed in were no doubt the focus of attention, so with the entire group likely looking to go after them as the closest, he reached into his coat and pulled out two kunai of his own. Launching them across the room he wasn't aiming for only kill shots, but to his the largest parts of the body of either to make dodging far harder. On contact, he would start loudly slapping the wall making sure they saw exactly who attacked them to get their attention, and as soon as they looked in his direction they were done for.

    Making immediate eye contact with the first who found a kunai stuck into his right leg, he was already caught in Masshiro's jutsu. Whatever damage the kunai did was nothing compared to what the person thought it had done, as they would have imaged the worst case scenario possible and believe, despite it being a kunai to the leg, that it was in fact a killing strike. His eyes darted to the second who had only managed a single step, as the second kunai wasn't near as accurate as the first, leaving a cut across his face right next to his eye, however that's not how he reacted. Much like the first, the second was separately caught in the same genjutsu, believing the kunai hadn't missed at all, and had in fact caught him directly in the eye and far worse.

Threw a kunai at 2 different targets

Each was then individually caught in their own instance of the same genjutsu

NAME: Yamaguchi Sakushijutsu: Totsuzenshi [Yamaguchi Illusion Technique: Sudden Death]
TRIGGER: Eye contact

This jutsu lies dormant in the victim until such a time as they are struck by an attack, which is then perceived as being far worse than it actually is. This genjutsu only causes the opponent to believe the wound is severe, but does not create new wounds. A small cut would appear, to the victim, to be a gaping wound. A palm strike to their chest might make the victim believe they are experiencing heart failure. A punch to the face might be perceived as them choking on their own blood and teeth. The only consistency is that this genjutsu causes the target to wholeheartedly believe they are dying. This lasts for the victim’s next five posts before returning their perceptions to normal.

Sprinkles has written 148 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 11, 2023 18:09:08 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

It was in a sense, a bit of chaos and a pretty disorganized amount of it. However, despite the chaos all of the hits seemed to make some impact, putting down the five enemies in the room even if there was a hint of friendly fire or blood splatter friendly fire everywhere as a result. Nobody was really following a plan, and just seemed to be doing their own thing which definitely attributed to their success on this particular floor, but there was a chance that the next several floors were not going to be the same - in that they would not be so easy.

Ultimately though, the quad squad had completed the goal here at this point and would need to continue forward. Would they try a stealthier approach next, or perhaps one that totally burned the building down? Someone was behind this, and it could not have been someone that was easily put down - after all they had successfully created monsters to some degree even if they were rage filled and not fully cognizant in some regard.

Standing there in pooling blood, the team had the next step to make and decide on. They also needed to work on their synergy a bit as it seemed that they were doing a lot of individual attacks which may not work moving forward.

Han has written 2,525 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 17, 2023 11:08:29 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

After, her swipe managed to rip the head off of her target she'd notice the massive amount of disarray between their strategies but it seemed like for now it was quiet and they were all able to move and speak freely her passive senses still hadn't betrayed her and there were still many more to come going forward. "Alright so that takes care of this floor...but it probably isn't going to get any easier going forward." she'd look back to her commanding officer. "Any tips on what we could do better sir?" she made sure to keep herself conserved since she knew she may need to take the utilization of the 8 gates at some point later down the line and didn't want too over exert herself.

Zaizen seemed to have favored a stealthier approach, while her ops team leader figured they'd work with her taking out the larger threats. For now it seemed to work but they needed something a bit more concrete something that would lead to them falling apart at the seams in the event that their plan fell into catastrophe.

"We've still got our work cut out for us...is everyone okay?" she'd ask before looking to the others. "I think going forward we should maybe stick to something, I can try for Stealth but I can't move like you Zaizen maybe some other form of coordinated effort would be better?"




Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 18, 2023 21:38:35 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

The group had managed to take out the enemies on this floor through their individual efforts, while it seemed pretty easy up to this point going forward it was likely going to get harder as they moved forward as a group, some concerns about the friendly fire going forward also seemed possible since the building didn't seem to have a lot of open space, especially for groups to be fighting in close quarters with limited room. Zaizen for the most part could move quietly through the building using his skills to keep quiet and pick off enemies one by one, but the rest of the group didn't all seem suited to that method so a better plan was needed, perhaps splitting in two teams of two could work and tackle different floors.

" I think that due to the limited amount of room in this building fighting and moving forward as a group in this building is risky and could present friendly fire or worse, so I think going forward two teams of two, and tackle different floors between us our teams that way you have more room to fight if need be, but less likely to damage one another since space in this building will be limited. Zaizen had just suggested working in pairs to make moving and fighting in the building a little easier at least for themselves without getting in each other's way.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword][On Back] Two Kunai thrown at two enemies.
[Techniques Executed]:

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None

Jian has written 131 posts