White Blossoms in Bloom

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White Blossoms in BloomJan 10, 2024 15:59:41 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    The moment Keiji came at him with a bloody hand he recoiled, looking at him strangely until he realized what he was likely doing. Even as he touched him, he squirmed and his face curled into disgust, not at the blood, but the idea of getting so much of it on his jacket specifically. It took all of his willpower not to audibly groan at the idea of cleaning it later even in the midst of all that was happening, as it was among a very select few things he owned that held great value to him, and he didn't look forward to what it was take to get blood out of it, yet again. It caught up to him that a good part of the back of it was burned and torn already given the earlier explosion, which only caused him to be further distracted from what was happening, before he snapped back to the task at hand mentally.

    As they moved, Masshiro was bordering on that of a shadow behind Keiji, only moving when he moved, and moving as close to in sync as he could. His eyes darted back and forth trying to keep tabs on any movement that wasn't the other three on his team, squeezing Keiji's shoulder the few times there was movement to point towards one of the rooms. The moment someone came into view they were immediately silenced, as Masshiro slipped past and swung his weapon for the first time in this mission, making a sickening sound as it sliced with no amount of ease from shoulder to hip, before Masshiro grabbed the back of their head and pushed them to the ground. There was an equally sickening, but much quieter sound as he brought the weapon down on the back of their neck, leaving them unmoving but alive for just long enough to bleed out. It wasn't pretty, but it was quick all the same.

    With a fast movement he was behind Keiji again, as Uemori made low and quiet cracking sounds as the few pieces and teeth that had broke off from the attack were already starting to grow back. Even as the others moved around trying to fight their way through rapidly, Masshiro was in no hurry to match, partially because he simply didn't need to be, and partially because he didn't want to get in the way and slow down Asuka. 

    As Asuka was moving up and taking out one of the enemy, someone came walking out of one of the furthest rooms, likely hearing the thumping and grunting from their attacks, but the other had stayed inside. Quickly he squeezed Keiji's shoulder and pointed forward with Uemori to alert him wordlessly. Stepping out from behind Keiji once more he held up Uemori vertically and brought his other hand up to make a quick visual hand seal, immediately trapping the newcomer in a genjutsu just as they turned to face them.

NAME: Magen: Jubaku Satsu [Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium [Continuous]
TRIGGER: Handseal (Visual)
The user first disappears from plain sight in a mist-like fashion in order to approach the target without being detected. Once close enough, the target will then be completely robbed of their mobility as they see the mirage of a fast-growing tree coiling itself around them. Given that the subject remains conscious, this technique proves extremely efficient for information-gathering. Once the target is immobile, the user can then attack the enemy, usually after seemingly emerging from the trunk of the tree.

Sprinkles has written 148 posts
White Blossoms in BloomJan 11, 2024 18:53:06 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

The mist covered the area pretty quickly, as Zaizen Kunai with explosive tag went off it seemed to have missed its target as the enemy chakra signature was still present, but that wasn't the aim of his attack. It didn't take long for the enemy to come in Zaizen's direction and seemed to be at speed as well. Zaizen didn't expect his enemy to be that quick, but Zaizen was already moving prior so as the enemy came closer he made sure to face the enemy coming at him using his chakra sensory. To keep out of reach of the enemy Zaizen's reflexes came into play here as he evaded the on coming strikes, but what more bone seemed to be extending from the enemy to confirm that the enemy was a Kagura.

So as the bone kept coming toward Zaizen he simply formed a single hand sign the snake seal as raiton chakra gathered in Zaizen's mouth, with this gathered chakra Zaizen would simply fire a laser-like spear from his mouth right towards the enemy who was close to Zaizen and his raiton jutsu was quick and this close range might be a problem for his enemy, Zaizen also had his sensory to make sure he aimed right for the target. After the justu Zaizen continued to move backward in case his attack had missed or the bone extending from the enemy did anything else so at least he would be moving. As he did he formed another single-hand sign just in case as Zaizen would not know right away if justu had worked.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword] [Feeding chakra]
[Techniques Executed]:
Name:Kirigakure no Jutsu - [Hidden Mist Technique]
Requirement:Kirigakure Shinobi Only
Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the surrounding area to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. [Still in area]

NAME: Raiton: Gian [Lightning Release: False Darkness]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After completing the Snake hand seal, the user will send Raiton chakra onto their hand or inside their mouth to then be released in the shape of a spear. The power of this spear is enough to peirce through stone, meaning that its potential to inflict damage is high, and a direct hit could possibly kill. It's sheer speed is what makes it so powerful and the fact it's capable of multiplying as well. This technique moves like a straight beam, similar to a laser, which however could make it very predictable.

One justu prepared.

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None
Jian has written 131 posts
White Blossoms in BloomJan 15, 2024 12:44:23 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

The group of four were efficient in the moment, using the timing of the enemies walking in and out of rooms to isolate and dispatch. Black blood and taijutsu working in tandem to leave only four enemies on the floor. Masshiro was able to step in as well, using Uemori for what it was meant to be used for and indeed the sword was particularly pleased to be used soaking in the blood and apparently nibbling on it - figuratively speaking.

Someone was coming out of a room though and they were about to be in a pickle when Masshiro cast his genjutsu totally immobilizing the enemy making them unable to move left, right, or anywhere else. Now Masshiro needed to only kill them and that would leave but one enemy on the floor. It had taken a bit of teamwork but the floor itself had not been difficult to take care of.

It was as if the individuals on each separate floor were a bit like zombies, perhaps they had one too many doses of the drugs and were left wandering? It was really hard to tell, but it was best to just take advantage of the situation.


Zaizen would just narrowly get out of the way of the Kaguya bone extending from the man's arm, and using a jutsu he would fire it off right at the man. With not enough time to dodge he would take the full brunt of it, the ensuing shock was a huge one. The enemy in question was now laid out on the ground, practically sizzling from the fry-work that the jutsu had done.

But Zaizen would find out quickly it wouldn't be enough yet...

The drug was doing wonders and the man was standing up now even though his muscles weren't properly working, he was *actually* standing up and was moving towards Zaizen in an attempt to attack again. Like a zombie or something worse his eyes glowing red.

The Group: You dispatched all but one enemy, he's still in a room. For sensors, he's kind of staring at a wall for some reason.

Zaizen: Got a straight shot on the enemy but that for some reason didn't put him down. Whatever he's taking is making him fight through pain and all normal logic. He comes towards Zaizen again with all the force he can muster.

Han has written 2,525 posts
White Blossoms in BloomJan 16, 2024 15:12:12 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    Things had gone smooth thus far on this floor, at least compared to being flung out a window at a high velocity due to explosions. The person that would have no doubt attacked them the moment they saw them, was currently under the effects of a tree binding genjutsu, and likely for no other reason than confusion, surprise, or perhaps too drugged up to think to do so, hadn't screamed out for help. That hesitation was unfortunate, as they were soon on the ground, one less head attached to their shoulders, and a further blood soaked Uemori to show for it.

    Grabbing the body he dragged it out of the way of the doorway and motioned for the others, pointing into the room and holding up his hands to indicate only one person within. As easy as it would have been to kick the door in and genjutsu whoever was in side, the others could likely do so much faster, and casting the tree binding in such quick succession was liable to drain his chakra. If he was going to keep the Jaakugan up for an extended period of time, straining his chakra was the last thing he wanted to do.

    Stepping back out of the way, he looked back to the others again and motioned for them to move in front of him, but slowly began reaching for the door handle. Taking a deep breath he nodded heavily and pulled the door open and moved out of the way for whichever of them would run in and take care of whoever was inside.

Sprinkles has written 148 posts
White Blossoms in BloomJan 22, 2024 0:47:10 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As she and her team managed to execute their plan only a few men remained with Massahiro getting the upper hand with a genjutsu and leaving only one member remaining, with her expertise Asuka would keep charge on her opponent and utilizing her advanced speed would rush the opponent and would attempt to rip him asunder with an incredibly fast series of strikes striking him as quickly as she could breaking many of the bones in his face before palming his head and smashing him into the ground. Afterwards however she'd release the 1st gate closing it back up momentarily as not to waste much time and grant herself a moments reprieve.

She could sense Zaizen nearby and along with the other attempt to move towards him but the girl was somewhat sluggish due to having expended a good amount of chakra with in just a span of a few short moments. "We should regroup with Zaizen provided that...this level is clear." the girl would let out a sigh, she would look to her commanding officer wondering if he might be able to possibly patch her up after everything was over.

For now they needed to regroup she could possibly access this gate for a moment longer but for now would conserve her strength until it was needed once more. "Come on let's get moving." she'd say as she glanced between the two and moved behind them wanting to allow them to take the lead. "If there aren't too many enemies left I have an ace in the hole if you two need your strength, just give me an opening." She'd say only loud enough for him to here as they made their way to him.


[NAME] Kinu-ryu: Impakuto Pamu [Silken Fist: Impact Palm] [X2]
[PRE-REQUISITE] Iron Silk Technique + Waruichi Outfit/w Bandages

The user throws out two rapid palm strikes One to the cheek either left or right followed by another strike directly to the nose. This attack is meant to use the first blow to disorient the opponent and then follow up with a quick strike to the face with depending on the strength of the bandage this attack could potentially cause a concussion or even break the bones of the opponents face.

[NAME] Kinu-ryu: Setchi Tenohira [Silken Fist: Grounding Palm] [Combination]
[PRE-REQUISITE] Iron Silk Technique + Waruichi Outfit/ w Bandages

A move meant to be something of a more advanced variation of the Counter Blow using this technique the user will smash the flat of their palm into the face of the user and then proceed to grip their head and smash them into the ground using the weight of the bandage. in an attempt to not only strike the user but also smash their head directly into the ground using the weight of the tempered bandage to pull them towards the floor, the impact of which could be enough to cause severe head trauma.



Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomJan 25, 2024 17:04:00 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

Zaizen had managed to get his raiton attack off and from the short distance between the two of them and made a direct impact on the enemy, while at first glance the enemy had fallen on his back and looked to be fried from the raiton attack he had used before, for a second his chakra vanished only to be pulsing to life once more and very erratic it was not normal that's for sure. The enemy before Zaizen seemed to be getting to his feet once more, but this time his facial features seemed to be non-existent and his eyes red. This must have been the effects of the drugs working having read reports about this during the mission briefing. The enemy then wasted no time in coming after Zaizen once more. Zaizen then started to move backward to avoid the oncoming charge towards him again.

This time Zaizen just pulled his SSM blade Hiramekarei from his back in one of his free hands. Then using the chakra stored in the blade the blade would extend nearly instantly to fifteen feet in length. Zaizen would start to swing his extended blade at full speed, shifting directions of the strike mid attack. In mid-swing, Zaizen will immediately redirect in almost an instant to another direction. It enables him to turn a singular attack into a multi-directional shifting strike from all angles against the incoming enemy and his blade has been extended as well making this even more deadly on the incoming target.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword] [In Use]
[Techniques Executed]:
Name:Kirigakure no Jutsu - [Hidden Mist Technique]
Requirement:Kirigakure Shinobi Only
Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the surrounding area to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. [Still in area]

NAME: Sōtōkeisei: Kirikattā [Twinsword Forming: Mist Cutter]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium, Low to maintain (per post per blade)
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu/Bukijutsu
Using Hiramekarei’s special ability, the user creates one (if both halves are together) or two (if the halves are separate) razor-sharp blades of chakra, extending the range and lethality of the weapon from the normal five feet to an impressive fifteen feet. This ability boasts incredibly slashing potential, able to slash through most defenses of comparable strength to itself. This jutsu is recognizable in the aftermath of battle, as it leaves deep gouges in the ground where the razor-thin chakra blades sliced through it with ease during the wielder’s attacks.

NAME: Tenkou Kata no Jutsu[Shift Form Technique]
RANK: C-Rank
CLASSIFICATION: Taijutsu, Bukijutsu
Requires Advanced Reflexes & Heightened Speed Special Ability w/ Taijutsu Primary. The user swings a weapon at full speed, shifting directions of the strike mid attack. In mid swing, the user will immediately redirect in almost an instant to another direction. It enables the user to turn a singular attack into a multi-directional shifting strike from all angles. Unlike normally, this technique can do arc + sharp directional changes. This can be utilized by a weapon or the user limbs, however, constant usage of this can cause muscle damage as the strain it puts on the limbs are high.

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None
last edit by Sourei Zaizen on Jan 25, 2024 17:04:28 GMT -5
Jian has written 131 posts
White Blossoms in BloomJan 30, 2024 3:34:47 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     Keiji looked around at the carnage and shrugged, seemingly in disapproval. Whatever he may've been thinking was inscrutable, beyond the likelihood it was disdainful and probably painted his squad mates in a poor light.

     "I suppose so," he said. "let's regroup with Zaizen." He didn't seem overly concerned about the possibility of there being anyone else on this floor or inside the building in general, leaving that ascertain entirely up to Asuka and Masshiro.

     He made his way over to a window and kicked the paneling out, which settled by the torso he'd made from a man at the start of the mission. Keiji hopped out the window and made his way down the wall while beckoning for the others to follow.

     He led them towards Zaizen's last known location, taking direction from the sensors. For his part, Keiji hopped up into the trees and bounded forward until mist flooded the area. He used Black Soldier to improve his eyesight until he was able to make out the enemy that was battling with his former leader and then weaved handseals for the vacuum wave technique in order to take snipe shots at the enemy when Zaizen was clear.

     From atop his branch, he barked orders at Waruichi and Masshiro to aid Zaizen however they could.

Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomFeb 5, 2024 11:47:27 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

Masshiro opened the door and Asuka flooded inside, the zombie of a man was taken out almost immediately in a show of carnage. Whether the sheer force of it all had been necessary or not was not really surmisable at this junction but it left nothing desirable about the situation at all. It would definitely take a strong stomach to get over what was now all over the ground.

The group would re-group, figuratively speaking after having cleared out the area entirely and decided to go and help Zaizen.

Zaizen was dealing with a particularly amped up enemy it seemed, it was hard to tell whether he was totally dead or not but something was affecting the nervous system enough to make him get back up again and fight. And fight with some kind of purpose even if he said nothing aside from grunting. Zaizen expanded his sword and started in, the enemy hardened his bones against the sword to try and mitigate its effects...

And it almost worked too. Were it not the sudden intervention of the team arriving, particularly Keiji who started to throw vacuum wave attacks at him.

The enemy could try and dodge with all of his might, but with the size of the sword combined with the erratic nature of the fuuton coming in and blasting up the area, he found it exceedingly difficult and eventually was caught by the full brunt of Zaizen's blade coming in to attack him in a re-direct slice. The man was bisected then and there, he didn't die immediately though he screamed his body writhing and moving in an attempt to keep fighting, but he was bleeding and bleeding fast... Until his heart stopped and things went quiet in the area.

Sensors: Nobody else of note in the area. All enemies defeated.

Han has written 2,525 posts
White Blossoms in BloomFeb 5, 2024 14:33:23 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    By the time Masshiro was close enough to get a good look at the enemy and help, it was immediately obvious he didn't need to, and at best he would have been beating on a corpse. Stopping short of the fight, he began looking around trying to scout the area, but surprisingly their was no one but their group in the immediate vicinity that was any sort of a threat.

"Think that's the last of whoever was going to be causing us issues."

    Looking back at the building, he grimaced a little, seeing the state it was in, but at the same time he couldn't help but let out a chuckle. This hadn't at all gone as quietly as they had likely hoped, and even if not purposefully, the building they had entered was a mess and far worse off than how they found it. All the same, the immediate threat was taken care of, and whatever was left to do didn't seem as if it would involve combat. Though no one was likely to say it out loud at the moment, at least half of them were hurting and likely to be sore in the morning, but for now, they could at least breathe easy.

"So what now?"

    Dropping his weapon onto his shoulder, resting it as he relaxed, even dropping his senses and his Jaakugan.

"I think we've taken out everything that was moving, as well as a chunk of that building."
Sprinkles has written 148 posts
White Blossoms in BloomFeb 10, 2024 12:45:08 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

With the enemies on the floor dispatched Asuka had relinquished the power of the gates for now things seemed to have calmed down...she wasn't fully certain but was it over. "Is everyone alright?" the older girl would ask as she looked around and checked on her teammates from what she could gather the battle near Zaizens location has ceased which for the time being was good she couldn't sense the presence of any others it would seem that for the time being the worst had come to pass and things were now at a stand still for the moment.

But she kept her eyes peeled and would make her way over towards Massahiro and Keiji to make sure that they were both alright.

"Are you two Okay?" she'd say seeming a bit more concerned since he looked to have gone through a good chunk of Chakra but Asuka herself was also particularly winded having expended a great deal of energy in order to activate the 8 gates in the fashion that she had. She'd take a deep breath for a moment to gather herself it was one of the first times she'd actively used the 8 gates in battle and was quite winded but it was nothing she couldn't fully come back from if she needed too.




Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomFeb 13, 2024 18:25:30 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

Zaizen had managed to slice with his redirection cut right through the mid section of the enemy before him, he had tried to withstand Zaizen's blow only for his allies to help him out with a fuuton attack to make sure the job had been done. With the enemy now cut in half and him screaming on the ground below, it was only a matter of time before his heart stopped, and dropped dead on the ground below. It was clear when he entered this state that he was getting no further information from the drug-enhanced enemy as he was clearly beyond his mental well-being. With him dead and the enemy's dealt with in the building, the coast seemed to be clear and had met up with his allies outside of the building. Everything seemed to be quiet even with Zaizen's sensory skills, he didn't like this silence and kept himself ready in case anything else happened.

Zaizen, before he engaged the enemy, was sure he had picked up on further signatures, could it be they are hiding their presence somehow? It wouldn't be the first time in Zaizen's ninja career he has faced certain beings capable of such feats. Nevertheless Zaizen remained silent but ready in case of further issues and would follow Keiji's lead. Zaizen would return his blade back on his back for now.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword] [On back]
[Techniques Executed]:
Name:Kirigakure no Jutsu - [Hidden Mist Technique]
Requirement:Kirigakure Shinobi Only
Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the surrounding area to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target. [Still in area]

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None
last edit by Sourei Zaizen on Feb 13, 2024 18:25:54 GMT -5
Jian has written 131 posts
White Blossoms in BloomFeb 16, 2024 4:01:02 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     Keiji rounded the team up with a hand signal, convening underneath the boughs of the trees at the forest's edge. The ruined remains of the building loomed overhead, remnants of the battle wisping or dripping out from its' corpse.

     He had the sensors confirm that the area was clear, then quickly took stock of the situation. He let them know they'd spend a while rooting through the destruction to see what they could find - gathering bodies, retrieving papers, whatever might give them a clue to any locations this group might occupy or what their future plans might be.

     Congratulations or affirmations were sparse - he merely relayed the orders and sent to pick through what they could while keeping an eye out for any further danger. Any of the three who were injured, he held back so he could examine them.

     At least at first glance, none seemed immensely hurt - he spent a while longer looking over Asuka to ensure her use of the gates hadn't torn any muscles, but she seemed well-enough to go without any form of treatment until they'd returned to Kirigakure.

     When everyone's health was assured, Keiji joined them in scrounging through the wreckage of the place for any clues on the group or the drug they used.

last edit by Kuronmeru Keiji on Feb 16, 2024 4:01:16 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomFeb 22, 2024 10:41:49 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

The smoke and burning building, the fried body nearby, it all created a very unpleasant atmosphere in spite of the sudden silence that spread over the area that they all stood in.

The end came abruptly, but likely with a sigh of relief. With Zaizen having taken care of the big bad and the building being cleared out of those that were affected, it seemed that the mission was complete. Though they did need to collect extra information where possible throughout the building and dispose of bodies - but this was what happened at any such mission. Keiji took on his leadership role well, delegating any final tasks while also insuring that his team was not hurt in any great capacity.

With all the information that was possible collected the team would be safe to return home having completed the dangerous mission. They would all receive medical care and a debrief but otherwise they would be allowed to go home and get good rest before any new assignments.

After all, A-Rank missions paid out pretty well! This one especially with the amount of enemies, so at the very least the shinobi involved could be rest assured that they could have an amazing meal to celebrate afterwards.


Han has written 2,525 posts