The words Ikana heard was, "We found it", and from there, Ikana's eyes immediately perked. Immediately snapping to her feet, her eyes radiated a solemn numbness to them. "Take me." She'd exclaim, and with a burst of speed would follow after Sho's clone, looking to find the location of the original in record speed, the building of which the bombs rest as she blurs forward, her arms flowing behind her. Ikana began to radiate forth a rather sinister feeling really, that of killing intent, as she makes her way forward. Feeling nothing else but the need and dedication of which to finish this mission. To provide some semblance of security.
A conclusion. Racing through the street, she'd leaped atop of the sides of buildings, using them as springboards to move faster through the urban area, before eventually coming to kneel before the building of which Sho went into. With that, she'd walk swiftly to the front door, and with it, she'd spin on her heel, rotating in a circle before she'd kick upwards in a vicious hurricane kick, looking to blow the door off from its hinges, the young girl seeking to immediately spring to action. "Nobody move! You are under arrest! Get down on the ground! Get down on the ground now!" She exclaims, as with a fluid motion, she draws forth a wakizashi blade from her lightning flash blade creation seal.