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prayer || cNov 25, 2024 1:49:15 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Law Country, a land of strict rules and reserved people. Though Suisei isn't the greatest fan of visiting this land, there are times where she simply has to grit her teeth and deal with the hand that fate has dealt her. All for the sake of searching for answers.[break][break]

Thankfully, she is able to avoid watchful eyes if she simply sticks to the villages lining the outskirts of this country. Out here, though the people are still shackled by the laws that have been forged in pages far beyond their reach, there are still glimmers of life to be found in those who reside in these village.[break][break]

Very small fragments, but still life nonetheless.[break][break]

So imagine her surprise when she spies a commotion in the center of this particular village. And like a cat, she is lured in by the scent of curiosity, prowling on the fringes of the gathering crowd as tiptoes grant her a glimpse of the cause.


made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 126 posts
prayer || cNov 28, 2024 11:30:30 GMT -5
Heroes rise, emotes fall, legacies are eternal
Yurai Avatar
age 36 years old birthday August 2nd rank S-Rank occupation
    "And as she travelled she did meet a young one with a lame leg, and he begged her for food and water. And Yurai looked upon the child with mercy and she nourished him, and he walked with a limp no longer." Quite literally on her soap box, Shuri Yoh stood, the youngest Keeper of Paradise in the churches history. A new age of the church was dawning, and a young face was needed for it. This age would need rapid growth within a short time, Yurai had plans that needed to be fulfilled. She had stood idle for far too long, allowed things to get even worse for the people of this world. She needed to grow the world into something more. Something greater.

    Shuri Yoh would be a piece of that, and it started now. "The passage I just read to you from our sacred texts is why we are here today. Yurai, in her glory, her sacred duty as a god amongst us, travelled the world to feed the hungry, and to cure the sick. I have come to spread her glory!" Law country was... tricky to get into. Sure it had a largely non shinobi population, the majority of the Gokuraku were non-shinobi though, they were a religion for the people with less. No, Law Country became difficult because of all of the pesky laws they kept. In many ways... it felt like a religion all it's own/ But there was always space in Paradise for converts. "Paradise. A world without war, and bloodshed. Without needless death and sickness. The Gokuraku want to bring the paradise above, that Yurai has founded in the beyond, down here to Earth. Those who originally witnessed her ascension wrote that she needs us to spread the will of Paradise. That she will return once again, and will bring true paradise with her. But only those who accept her will, accept her name, can be apart of this New Paradise on this Planet." 

    Yurai was here to give her sermon, to spread her word. She could only hope that there were people here ready to listen.

Tuturu has written 2 posts
prayer || cNov 28, 2024 12:30:28 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Gospels. Words of praise. Stories that all too frankly sound like fairytales. A lame leg supposedly healed by a god that had shown him grace. With time, parts of the crowd begin to disperse. Perhaps, having oh so little faith in the sacred texts. Perhaps, fearing the repercussions of associating with such rabble.[break][break]

Paradise, they claim. A place with no needless death or sickness. Their state promises the same things, if they simply live their lives adhering to the rules. Why attempt to taste a drop of unknown pleasures when there is sufficient to be found in the status quo?[break][break]

However, interest is nourished by parallels close to the heart. Her home, oh so far from these rigid lands, having never taught her to look away out of fear for punishment. With nothing save for her face showing from beneath her cloak, Suisei looks towards the prophet - A hint of scepticism, a hint of hope; All melded into those iridescent, watchful eyes.


made by gimmick

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last edit by namikawa suisei on Nov 28, 2024 12:32:48 GMT -5
myriascope has written 126 posts
prayer || cDec 7, 2024 10:06:37 GMT -5
Heroes rise, emotes fall, legacies are eternal
Yurai Avatar
age 36 years old birthday August 2nd rank S-Rank occupation
    Years, Decades, Centuries working towards her goals, it was not as if Yurai was not well trained in her manipulation. She had done so many countless hundreds of thousands of these sermons over the years that she had gotten well and good at picking out those who needed a guiding hand. She also knew that a bit of artistry, showmanship was what one often needed to seal the deal as it were. Yurai was here in pageantry, yes. In her proudly worn sterling white robes. Red and Gold designs embroidered throughout them in tapestries of love, hate, war, peace. And then there was her entourage of course. Someone in her position would do little good simply walking around on her own. No she had the dozen or so hooded figures around her. Smiling happy faces in pure white robes, with the Gokuraku logo on the back of them. 

    "I can tell that some are skeptical of the gifts we bring. But the Gokuraku are no simple doctors. Not simple healers. As the voice of Yurai herself I am blessed to heel the fallen, the broken. Sister Sora! Step forward." 

    One of the many hooded figures stepped out of the rank and file. Standing next to the Voice of Paradise she rose her right arm to the side. Arm being the notable feature, as she revealed her missing right hand to the crowd of onlookers. 

    "Ladies and Gentleman, my poor sister has befallen hardship in her life. And recently lost her hand saving a child from being crushed in a burning home. Unfortunately her hand was not safe from the flames, and amputation became the best solution. But here today, I show you that through Yurai all shall be healed!"

    Yurai would then grasp the wrist of the girl. A slight glow spreading from palm of Yurai's hands as she pushed as much chakra as she felt necessary into the stump. And slowly the people around would see a new hand beginning to push out and form. As Yurai finished, raising the girls new hand high into the sky, it was the rest of the Gokuraku who looked to hopefully start up the round of applause that Yurai had earned. 

Tuturu has written 2 posts
prayer || cDec 11, 2024 6:58:56 GMT -5
namikawa suisei
A fleeting trail, an everlasting memory.
namikawa suisei Avatar
age 16 years old birthday March 7 rank C-Rank / Chuunin occupation
[attr="class","text-space icon"]

Though she has never bought much into gods and superstition, the act of restoring a missing hand is nothing short of a miracle in her eyes. Accelerated regeneration? Or the gift of healing not from this world? Not one to dip in the art of medical ninjutsu, she doesn't know how exactly it works. What she does understand though, is that for the first time in her many years of wandering, there is a faint tingling in her crooked palm.[break][break]

When she looks around, she sees a myriad of reactions. Disgust. Fear. Awe. Acknowledgement of some kind of divine gap that these mortals could never hope to cross. And as the followers begin to applaud, the onlooking lambs gingerly follow suit, unable to deny the truth that sits before their very eyes.[break][break]

Her cloak remains still with her inability to provide that same praise. Her mind churns as she struggles to unhook the words caught in her throat.[break][break]

She believes.[break][break]

How does she say it?[break][break]

She believes in that which has been impossible for so long.[break][break]

The sharp stabbing sensation running through her right hand forces her to draw a breath, catch herself even as the light in her eyes burns bright. As others begin to shuffle forwards, young and old now seeking the grace of a benevolent healer for ailments both chronic and minor, she finds herself standing to the side, waiting for her own chance and moment to approach.


made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 126 posts