A testing time [Asuka]

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A testing time [Asuka]Sept 18, 2022 3:57:16 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
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groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

Now that it was in his hands, Kimihiro was all too eager to get well acquainted with his new friend, after all, it wouldn't do to be thrown off in his use of a new weapon out in the field. That would just be embarassing! Sure, he had trained to be ready to use the Kubikiribōchō, and he'd been practicing for a while since getting it, but he really, really wanted to make sure that the massive blade was an extension of his body before he went out into the field. It certainly would not do to have him fail miserably in his first mission as one of the Seven Swordsmen. Hell, it wouldn't do for him to meet the other swordsmen without being attuned to his blade.

Thus Kimihiro was once again in one of the training fields most commonly used by Tokubetsu Jounin, having chosen a time that he knew that it was rarely if ever used. With a practiced shrug of his shoulder he dislodged the massive sword from its harness, spinning it in one hand with an ease that belied the weight of the weapon. It wasn't yet second nature to him, but it didn't take too long for him to fall into the right motions to go along with the massive sword he now wielded.

As the Kubikiribōchō whizzed through the air with a whisper of displaced air Kimihiro began to turn its momentum to his advantage, turning with the weight of the sword and starting to spin and flip alongside it, his experience with the Kaguya dances and Kawarakiba-Ryū sword styles naturally lending themselves to such an oddly acrobatic style of fighting. The trick, he had found, was not necessarily to control the blade so much as work with it, becoming increasingly more complex in the twirls, flips, and spins that he used, the massive sword part weapon, part pendulum, part fulcrum.

It was more fun than he thought it would be~

Word Count: 328

Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 18, 2022 12:11:18 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

With Asuka now having been a special Jounin for some time now she’d been working towards improving her Taijutsu technique to truly be one of the villages best stand outs. For todays training she was going to continue to focus on opening the 8 inner gates which was something that she’d been working towards for the past few weeks making gradual improvements over time.

As she made her way to the field dawning her usual attire her scarf neatly wrapped around her neck and her bandages bound and wound tightly. And upon arriving to the field she would notice however that someone was using a weapon that she had seen once before but the wielder didn’t look all that familiar to her. "Is that…?” curious the girl would approach the young woman. "Excuse but what happened to the previous owner of the sword?” the man in question was her former boyfriend and she hadn’t seen him for sometime and wondered what might’ve happened to him.

Their breakup was amicable but it still hurt none the less but the last she would’ve wanted was for him to have passed away so she had to know just what became of him did this woman take his place if so how?




Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 19, 2022 8:07:47 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
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Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

He had noticed the approaching figure, of course he had, but hadn't let that bother him as he continued to work his way through the various movements that so delighted him. Slowly but surely they began to flow into the Kawarakiba-Ryū katas as he turned his attention to making sure his old skills transferred over properly to the new weapon. To the approaching figure it would seem like his movements were nothing more than an uncoordinated barrage, awkward and unfocused, especially as he was only moving at half speed to get a good feel of the way his muscles responded to the new sword.

It was only when the person in question didn't go about their own training, and instead approached him, that Kimihiro gave them anything more than a casual glance, his sword sinking into the ground with him perched atop it in a crouch, head tilted to the side in a look of both curiousity and confusion.

"Ara? The previous owner? How should I know?" he replied, clearly confused by the question, "it's not like they gave it to me, whoever they were." Unlike many, the small Kaguya hadn't really paid much attention to the (in)famous Seven Swordsmen previously, though he supposed he would have to now, since he was one of them. He couldn't name any of the prior wielders of the Kubikiribōchō, had no real knowledge of who they were, and honestly couldn't bring himself to care.

Some of the swords had special techniques, he knew, but not Kubikiribōchō. There was no learning the secrets of the massive cleaver, it cut flesh and bone and anything else in the way. It did a little more than that, but that was a Kirigakure secret.

"You should ask the Mizukage, since he gave it to me" he offered, watching the woman from his perch atop the sword.

Word Count: 309
Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 19, 2022 9:26:46 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As the woman had responded to her question she didn’t seem to have an answer which was upsetting Asuka felt her tone was rather dismissive. She didn’t know much about the 7 swordsman but had always heard that if the weapons weren’t given proper successors they were sometimes taken but seeing as they were bestowed the weapon by the Mizukage perhaps meant that something might’ve happened to Kurai for him to lose his status, was he demoted was that something that had happened she hadn’t seen him around the precinct lately?

"Sorry for the questions it's just that, he and were...close and I hadn't seen him lately so I assumed the worst." the girl was close to falling in love with the man and felt anxious about knowing that something may have happened to him. "But if you say you were given that weapon by the Mizukage I have no reason to believe otherwise...”

Asuka was known as the Iron Fist of the hidden mist, a moniker she took on to differentiate herself from the many swordsmen that existed in her village especially given that she was Kirigakure’s premier Taijutsu expert. "I’ll have to speak with the Mizukage in order too affirm that fact, if Kurai had passed away I’m sure I’d of heard about it by now.” she'd think to herself.

"If you don't mind however...I'd like to spar with you, to see if you can handle yourself." the girl had thrown a challenge to the young woman a new swordsmen meant a new challenge one she was eager to overcome and in a strange way feeling as thought she had to defend Kurai's honor. "So will you accept my challenge?” as she stated this the girl would form a few handseals in order to increase the strength of her bandages allowing her to better deal with his weapon. "I'm Asuka by the way...Waruichi Asuka."


NAME: Kōdo tetsu shiruku gijutsu [Advanced Iron Silk Technique]





REQUIREMENT: Waruichi Outfit and access to the [Iron Silk Technique]

After crafting a series of hand seals the Waruichi is able to shape and/or harden their bandages to give them the temperament of being as hard as titanium allowing them to cleave cut or bash through most things with a great deal of ease making it easier for them to contest against weapons, but this doesn't protect them from chakra based weapons should they come into contact with one but it can give them a greater advantage going up against other hardened metals as well as flesh and bone.



Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Sept 19, 2022 9:28:06 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 20, 2022 5:46:34 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
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Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

Perched as he was atop his sword, Kimihiro wasn't exactly going anywhere right now, though he couldn't help but wonder why this person was telling him about their connection to the previous wielder of the weapon. His attention drifted slightly, drawn to the movement of a few birds in the distance, before returning to the woman. She seemed.... worried? Irritated? He wasn't entirely sure, it was hard to tell what others were thinking and he honestly couldn't bring himself to care too much about that anyway. 

"If I had stolen it I certainly wouldn't be in a training ground in the middle of the village," he replied in confusion, wondering why exactly the woman would suggest that he might lie about that. Only the dumbest criminal would hang around the scene of the crime, especially when the stolen artefact was a giant, very distinctive sword.

The woman's next words were equally confusing, and he rolled backwards off of his sword to land on his feet, the large blade tearing out of the ground to rest casually on his shoulder as he looked at her. "Mou, I passed all the tests... unless Toru-kun was tricking me again..." he mused, free hand casually knocking at his skull as he thought, "he probably wouldn't do that, ne? Then again, maybe he would? Maybe challenging a swordsman is normal, ne? Is it?" his conversation with himself ended as he turned to look at the woman in time to see her make some handseals and seemingly prepare for a fight.

"Guess it is...." Kimihiro's brow furrowed as he thought, "Waruichi, Waruichi... oh! The grumpy ones that don't like us. Well, that explains things." He sighed a little before suddenly darting forward at a relatively average speed for a Tokubetsu Jounin, the sword arcing from his shoulder towards her in a relatively straightforward slash that would go from her left shoulder to right hip, getting a feel for his apparent opponent by pretending to be weaker than he really was. It was rude to go straight to the main course after all.

"You can call me Kimihiro" he declared right before he struck, relatively cheerful voice contrasted by the deadly weapon swung at her.

Word Count: 368

Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 20, 2022 23:55:13 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

The girl would cross her arms. "I wasn’t trying to insinuate anything of the sort.” the girl would state as she replied to the woman's words of accusation. She’d feel a little awkward at the bad impression she made. "Well this is getting awkward.” The girl would think, maybe this was a bad idea.

But just as the woman had charged her, Asuka wouldn’t budge she’d notice the manner in which the weapon was wielded but would quickly turn her body and smash the back of her heel into the back of the Kaguya’s head with a powerful blow, her hardened bandages adding extra impact and providing extra protection to her body. She’d fought quite a few members of this clan by this point and knew how to properly defend herself from their interesting offense. Asuka normally found the Kaguya rather fetching but she was rather strange.

"I’ll have you know my mother is a Kaguya and I try not to take after the rest of my family.” the girl would state that it was true her family had issues with the Kaguya but her family has been attempting to distance themselves from the old traditions of the Waruichi, but for the most part it hadn’t made too many lasting changes.



NAME: Kuikkurōtēshon [Quick Rotation]
Utilizing chakra in the feet, ankles and legs specifically. It is a small amount of energy, but used precisely on reflexes and timing. This technique is gauged this way. When timed, the user can twist themselves abruptly out of the way of an attack. Like a speedy side-step, but a rotation of one's body to the side. A spin-move. This is only attacks in an immediate vicinity(three meters) anything else is too big an attack. Usually Taijutsu, but sometimes this technique is effective against close-range ninjutsu.


Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Sept 20, 2022 23:57:43 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 25, 2022 8:13:44 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

It seemed that the Waruichi lady wasn't all talk, or at least, was faster than your average Chuunin or Tokujo as she dodged his first wild attack, her foot lashing out towards his head in an attempt to try and smack him in the skull. Luckily for him, he was also faster than your average Tokujo, and with wide eyes the young man's hand shot out and pushed down on her foot, hopping over the strike in a relatively awkward flip as he barely managed to avoid the hit. "Oop, that was a close one!~" he declared as he tumbled, spinning back around to face the woman with a grin on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes, "you're a cousin? What an odd combo... odd is fun! Guess that means I should probably shake things up a little though, right? After all, I'm not just Kaguya, I'm also one of the Seven now~"

That said, he readied himself again, spinning his blade in one hand as he imbued the action with chakra, trying to snare the woman with the one genjutsu he had mastered. Should the genjutsu stick, his blade and sword arm would appear to be in a completely different position than it really was. Darting forward to the edge of the Kubikiribōchō's striking range, his illusionary arm would lash out towards Asuka, the heavy blade seemingly whizzing through the air in a dizzying pattern of attacks meant to keep her within his striking range while staying out of hers.

Of course, of the eleven rapid fire attacks that he seemed to throw at her, only one of them was actually real. The ten illusionary attacks were used in such a way that his opponent would hopefully move into just the right position to allow the true strike to slam into her stomach from a position that his body seemingly couldn't have moved from. He wasn't a monster of course, having flipped his sword around so that the blunt spine of the weapon would impact instead, if it hit at all.

Something told him it probably wouldn't, and that was fine. He was, after all, just trying to get used to using his new toy.

Word Count: 368

Relevant SA's

Startling Strength

As one of the Kaguya's Kekkai Genkai wielders Kimihiro was trained in the arts of close combat and deadly taijutsu from a young age. This brutally punishing training regime ensure that despite his slender build and small size, he is significantly stronger than he has any right to be. His focus and skill in taijutsu has made it certain that few Tokubetsu Jounin can match him in raw strength.

The White Storm
Any Shikotsumyaku user who wants to live long enough to hit double digits needs to be fast, and Kimihiro is one of them. Quick and light on his feet, his small form and intense physical training has ensured that he is amongst the fastest of his rank.

Jutsu Used

NAME: Ame [Rain]
The user, when being attacked, will simply place their palm onto the attacking limb or weapon and use the opponents own force against them by lightly pushing down, causing the attack to completely miss while creating an opening for the user to attack.

NAME: Ryūjon Juu Burēdosutoraikutekunikku [Illusion 10 Blade Strike Technique]
TRIGGER: Visual [Spins Blade]
The user quickly spins their blade while casting a genjutsu to make the blade and arm seem to be in a place they really are not making a fake sword arm appear making the original arm and sword to disappear, allowing the user to quickly rush and make ten strikes with the fake blade causing them to try to block, or reflect, or dodge, etc, it allowing the user to use the real blade to attack while they are confused with an eleventh strike.

last edit by Kaguya Kimihiro on Sept 25, 2022 8:14:57 GMT -5
Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 28, 2022 10:08:34 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As the girl landed her kick towards her adversary she’d notice that he’d manage to catch her kick. "What…?” the girl was surprised by the woman’s abilities. She’d watch them leap over their cavalier and cocky nature was somewhat welcome. She’d look over at them as they spun their weapon and watched as they charged their sword towards her. She’d quickly react and would attempt to try and deflect one of their arms but would notice that as it happened her hand would pass through the limb the arm was fake. "Genjut–” but by the time she realized it she was smashed in the stomach with a powerful smashing attacking to her abdomen that would knock her back and even managed to be felt through the armoring of her clothing.

With that the girl would take a step back and craft a hand-seal in order to break the technique’s hold on her and after a moment the girl would focus herself for a moment snapping opening just one of the small locks on her chakra gates. From there Asuka would dash forward smashing her opponent with a powerful series of palm strikes towards the opponents face the speed she was using in conjunction with the increase in speed she’d gained from using the 8 gates technique that she was currently training she’d overwhelm them with her speed, Asuka was known to be fast but with this she was now significantly faster.

"Nice trick but fight me forreal.” the girl would say as she slammed her palms into the face of her foe, if this was enough to stun them she’d spinning about and attempting to land a kick to their face and with her natural strength in conjunction with her tempered bandages this strike was bound to hurt if they managed to be caught.


NAME: Kai [Release]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low- High Depending on the rank of the genjutsu
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Kai is a technique invented to counteract the targeting of Genjutsu, working by halting one's chakra flow with a hand seal before drastically increasing the rate of chakra flow within oneself, forcing the opposing chakra out of the body. This can also be used on another person by manually forcing a surge of chakra into their body through direct contact, breaking them of their mesmerized state. One's skill to break an illusion depends on their skill and understanding of Genjutsu, as some may prove too powerful to escape by conventional means.

[NAME] Kinu-ryu: Impakuto Pamu [Silken Fist: Impact Palm]
[PRE-REQUISITE] Iron Silk Technique + Waruichi Outfit/w Bandages

The user throws out two rapid palm strikes One to the cheek either left or right followed by another strike directly to the nose. This attack is meant to use the first blow to disorient the opponent and then follow up with a quick strike to the face with depending on the strength of the bandage this attack could potentially cause a concussion or even break the bones of the opponents face.

[NAME] Kinu-ryu: Hone Kowaweru Isshū [Silken Fist: Bone Breaking Kick]
[PRE-REQUISITE] Iron Silk Technique + Waruichi Outfit/ w Bandages

A move meant to take advantage of the Iron Silks heft and weight, the clansmen will lift their leg into the air over their opponents head and smash the heel of their foot onto the top of their opponents head or shoulder. In doing so the Waruichi clansmen will drop the full weight of their iron cloth onto a specified part of their opponents body. The more tempered the silk the more effective the attack. This attack is most effective when performed in mid-air.



Asuka would be caught in the gut with a quick strike, but would step back and break the seal using Kai afterwards she'd charge towards her opponent using the 8 gates and overwhelm them with a rapid and powerful combination of strength and power

Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Sept 28, 2022 10:16:27 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 30, 2022 7:53:29 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

"Ehehehe, you worked that out quicker than most, people don't usually expect those sorts of techniques from someone like me," Kimihiro was keeping his distance now, taking advantage of the difference in striking range offered to him by his sword. He wouldn't be able to use that trick a second time, she was clearly quick on the uptake which meant he'd have to get creative. He used the time that Asuka took to break out of the genjutsu to flip through three quick handseals, his sword sliding into it's harness on his back to allow him full use of his hands.

Something seemed to shift in his opponent in a way he couldn't quite place, and as mist started to roll into the training ground she darted forward, not faster, but seeming to get a bit further with each step as her feet smashed into the ground hard enough to leave imprints.

Eyes widening slightly, he began to move his hands into another seal, simultaneously forcing bone all across his face as quickly and as densely as he could in reaction to the raised hand hurtling towards him. The first palm strike landed heavily on his face, shards of bone literally squeezed out of his skin around her hand as he struggled to keep his skeletal structure intact. Her second strike hit.... nothing but a curl of thickening mist as the Kaguya vanished from his position, zipping across the training field as fast as his shunshin could take him. In his place, there was simply the shards of broken cheekbone and jaw that had been his attempts at forming an armour.

"Oi oi, that was a bit rough! I thought this was a spar, not a beat down!" he yelled out across the field, massaging his injured cheek and spitting out the shards of broken teeth, new ones already grown in. "Would the guy you mentioned before have been able to survive that?" He of course began to move away from his position the moment he finished speaking, melting into the mist in a way only an experienced user of the technique could. Kimihiro was an expert of the silent killing techniques, and had been using the hidden mist jutsu since he was a child.

It seemed that she wasn't playing around any longer, which meant being more cautious and more unorthodox than he usually was, as he wasn't used to someone able to match him in close range combat quite so well. Problem was, he wasn't entirely sure how to do that. 

Word Count: 423

Relevant SA's

Startling Strength

As one of the Kaguya's Kekkai Genkai wielders Kimihiro was trained in the arts of close combat and deadly taijutsu from a young age. This brutally punishing training regime ensure that despite his slender build and small size, he is significantly stronger than he has any right to be. His focus and skill in taijutsu has made it certain that few Tokubetsu Jounin can match him in raw strength.

The White Storm
Any Shikotsumyaku user who wants to live long enough to hit double digits needs to be fast, and Kimihiro is one of them. Quick and light on his feet, his small form and intense physical training has ensured that he is amongst the fastest of his rank.

Ghost of the Battlefield

Thrown into full blown warfare at a young age, Kimihiro wasn't able to stand up to other shinobi in open combat. As such, he developed the sorts of skills needed to go undetected until he struck, and sometimes not even then. This skillset was then built upon by his mentor and later training in the Hunter-nin corps, honing his natural talent for stealth into a true inheritor of Kirigakure's Silent Killing techniques.

Jutsu Used

Name: Kirigakure no Jutsu - [Hidden Mist Technique]

Rank: D


Type: Ninjutsu

Element: Suiton


Requirement: Kirigakure Shinobi Only


Kirigakure no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilized by Hidden Mist ninja. The ninja causes the surrounding area to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target.

NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]



CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]




By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Sept 30, 2022 10:46:28 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

With the girl landing her shots, she’d note the bone fragments within her bandages and would dust them off, keeping her bandages clean as the bloody bones dried against her hands, but in the midst of the sequence her opponent would managed to vanish away. Afterwards he’d create a mist that would obfuscate her vision. "Crafty…” she’d think a typical technique but it had it’s uses.

However as they left the environment Asuka would concentrate sending out a pulse of chakra in order to try and locate them within the mist noting their chakra signature. But before she could act a barb was thrown her way asking about her former beloved. "Don’t talk about him like that!” after a moment she’d now having a handle on their location, while still utilizing the gates she’d dart towards the girl and attempt to smash her feet into their body her fist moving like lighting as she launched her onslaught of blows the bandages clothing and bandages keeping her safe from his blows and knowing what the blade was capable of she made sure to kick with enough force to break through the blade should it be used against her.

She’d perform the sequence twice switching her stance on her backfoot after the first series of kicks and then finishing with a stiff thrust kick to the gut.


[NAME] [Mist Chain] [Miustochen]
[DESCRIPTION] This attack involves the user performing a series of rapid kicks, that ends with either a powerful head kick or a sword slash. Each strike is meant to either overwhelm or disorient the opponent and can be done as a means of stunning the opponent or finishing them off depending on which follow up is used. However due to the nature of the attack the maneuver has a tendency to be somewhat predictable and when going up against an opponent who is prepared for such an onslaught the strikes can potentially be avoided but this requires very fast reflexes.



Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Sept 30, 2022 10:46:47 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Oct 3, 2022 8:12:41 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
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groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

It seemed he'd struck a nerve, the woman yelling out as though she were defending a current lover, rather than an ex. Guess there were some unresolved feelings there that needed to be worked through, not that it was his problem or anything. What was his problem however was the fact that she apparently was able to pinpoint him through the mist, something that he hadn't exactly expected to happen, but she didn't head towards where he had spoken, instead was running right towards him.

If he weren't so experienced with using the hidden mist jutsu he might not have been able to tell, but had been fighting within the mists in one way or another since he was a little kid. He wasn't sure how she knew where he was, but it seemed that subtlety was going out the window in this instance, and that meant it was time to start getting more... well, Kaguya.

Reaching towards his neck, Kimihiro felt for the nodule of bone that formed at the base of his skull and tugged on it, vertebrae sliding free of his body with a wet tearing sound, the long bone whip of Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru flowing out around him in a graceful movement. He wasn't about to let the woman get close to him now that he knew that not only was she able to hit so swiftly, but that she apparently had no concept of holding back for a spar. He wasn't about to end up bed-ridden because of some crazy lady who didn't like the fact he had her ex's sword.

The moment he could see the outline of her in the mist he lashed out with the whip, hardened and sharpened bone whizzing through the air even as he moved backwards to keep himself out of her range, his movements wild and unpredictable as was standard for a Kaguya in combat. His goal was simple, try and wrap the whip around her leg and lock her into place, at least a little, throw her off balance and keep her guessing. Kimihiro doubted it would work, but it was worth a try.

"It was a legitimate question~ Are you tryin to kill me? It feels like you are. I'm not supposed to fight to maim or kill in training, do the rules not apply here?" he asked, voice in a bit of a sing-song even as he continued to dart backwards, allowing the long whip to extend repeatedly in front of him to keep her away. She had already gotten closer than he had wanted, and her kicks did not look any more gentle than her previous attacks.

Word Count: 444


Relevant SA's

Startling Strength

As one of the Kaguya's Kekkai Genkai wielders Kimihiro was trained in the arts of close combat and deadly taijutsu from a young age. This brutally punishing training regime ensure that despite his slender build and small size, he is significantly stronger than he has any right to be. His focus and skill in taijutsu has made it certain that few Tokubetsu Jounin can match him in raw strength.

The White Storm
Any Shikotsumyaku user who wants to live long enough to hit double digits needs to be fast, and Kimihiro is one of them. Quick and light on his feet, his small form and intense physical training has ensured that he is amongst the fastest of his rank.

Jutsu Used

NAME: Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru [Dance of the Clematis: Vine]



CLASSIFICATION: Taijutsu // Kekkei Genkai



With the Shikotsumyaku's ability to regrow bones almost instantaneously, the user will modify and pull out their own spinal column. Between the bones, in the gaps, there is cartilage that allows flexibility, making it possible to bend it as if it were a whip. About two meters long, it can extend up to seven meters in length with incredible speed. The protrusions on the vertebrae are modified to make them stronger and sharper, easily capable of cutting through flesh and bone. The whip can be used to wrap around a person or object, and constricted, essentially crushing/shredding whatever is caught within it's grasp with enough force to crush stone.

last edit by Kaguya Kimihiro on Oct 3, 2022 8:13:12 GMT -5
Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Oct 3, 2022 9:44:27 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As the girl made her way forward towards her adversary he’d continue to taunt her but little did she know he had another trap in mind pulling out a whip of some kind from his body and flinging it towards her. As it made it's way in her direction, she'd attempt to grab hold of it using her tempered bandages pushing herself off to the side using a gust of wind and repositioning herself to grasp it. Thankfully due to the temperment of her bandages she'd be able to withstand it even if it did still sting.

If successful using her strength she would spin it around with great force potentially launching the Kaguya into a tree, Asuka normally did hold back but Kaguya were a special exception they knew how to take a punch and were very durable opponents which was one of the main reasons she liked them so much.

They were tough and strong however this one seemed to be rather timid which to her was a disappointment. "You’re a Kaguya aren’t you…I figured you’d know how to take a punch.” if he did collide with the tree he’d more than likely be in some serious pain however he might also note that the slack might not’ve been as tough as he’d imagined. The girl was still struggling with the 8 gates and needed to add most of her own heft behind that blow as opposed to other instances which mostly relied on speed to amplify power and by now she was running on empty. But hopefully her attack managed to put him down.




Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Oct 3, 2022 9:46:00 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Oct 6, 2022 0:16:52 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
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Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

With the whip in her grasp, all Kimihiro could do was hope to constrict the limb, pulling in such a way as to have the vertebrae clench around her arm, trying to cause enough pain as to immobilise the limb going forward. Unfortunately for the small male, her grip on the weapon also allowed her to manipulate it, and he found himself being lifted from the ground suddenly and hurled directly towards a tree.


Curling in on himself and rotating his body as best as he could while reinforcing his joints with additional bone, Kimihiro slammed into the tree feet first, splintering huge chunks of wood off of the plant and sending vibrations all through his body in a way that definitely would be felt later, the extra bone supporting his body falling out of his flesh to clatter to the ground when it was no longer needed. He did, however, anchor himself to the tree with kinobori, crouched on the side of the tree half embedded in a small crater with one arm outstretched holding the whip.

"Sure, I can take a hit, but then I get the urge to hit back, and it's hard not to break what I hit~" he called out from his place on the tree, before yanking on the whip, trying to dislodge her from the ground and pull her towards him. If he were successful in yanking her towards him, his free hand would reach for his sword, swinging it down towards the woman with all the force he could muster, the massive blade splitting the air so quickly that it would leave a vacuum around the tip capable of splitting flesh and bone briefly parting the very mist around him as he utilised the Kaisuikaga technique to enhance the cutting power of the sword itself to the point that it could even sheer through iron.

Of course, he'd have to have gotten her close enough to hit first. But he was rather done holding back, if she was going to be taunting him over his consideration, then she could deal with his response.

Word Count: 352


Relevant SA's

Startling Strength

As one of the Kaguya's Kekkai Genkai wielders Kimihiro was trained in the arts of close combat and deadly taijutsu from a young age. This brutally punishing training regime ensure that despite his slender build and small size, he is significantly stronger than he has any right to be. His focus and skill in taijutsu has made it certain that few Tokubetsu Jounin can match him in raw strength.

The White Storm
Any Shikotsumyaku user who wants to live long enough to hit double digits needs to be fast, and Kimihiro is one of them. Quick and light on his feet, his small form and intense physical training has ensured that he is amongst the fastest of his rank.

Jutsu Used

NAME: Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru [Dance of the Clematis: Vine]
CLASSIFICATION: Taijutsu // Kekkei Genkai
With the Shikotsumyaku's ability to regrow bones almost instantaneously, the user will modify and pull out their own spinal column. Between the bones, in the gaps, there is cartilage that allows flexibility, making it possible to bend it as if it were a whip. About two meters long, it can extend up to seven meters in length with incredible speed. The protrusions on the vertebrae are modified to make them stronger and sharper, easily capable of cutting through flesh and bone. The whip can be used to wrap around a person or object, and constricted, essentially crushing/shredding whatever is caught within it's grasp with enough force to crush stone.

NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]


CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]



An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.

Kaisuikaga [Running Current Fang]





Placing great speed and power behind a single swipe or thrust, the user will deliver an iron-rending strike against whatever is on the receiving end of the sword. The sword will split the air (or water) around its edge or tip, creating a splitting vacuum within a meter in the direction of every attack, one that can even halve an incoming fireball. This force can only cut through flesh, but adds an unseen range to the weapon, even if it is avoided.

Eleri has written 109 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Dec 3, 2022 14:05:56 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

After landing her last attack she had figured he would’ve been down for the count however just in the knick of time his large whiplike strike would tug onto her she’d attempt to grab hold of it, but would feel a painful shock rush into her body.

During this time, the girl would find herself yanked towards her opponent with his blade, cutting through her bandages and into her arm. "Gaaah!” the girl would cry, at this particular point her body was finished and she was left relatively at her mercy letting her emotions get the better of her as she was tossed aside by his attack she’d feel the pain of his attack as it cut into her arm leaving a deep wound.

Thankfully the toughness of her bandages would leave her able to defend against his onslaught but would still leave her in a great deal of pain and unlike the Kaguya she didn’t have too much of a means to defend herself and if he kept going at full force she surely wouldn’t survive much longer. "Drat, the gates, it seems like they’ve run out.” the girl would remark as she found herself at the mercy of her foe’s attacks, the blood from her shoulder seeping down onto the rest of her clothing.




Asuka would be caught in the mist and would attempt to strike out at the young girl using the [Silken Fist: Counter Blow] but due to her uncertainty of where to strike her follow through was poor and may or may not have hit her target. However in the process of doing so she was caught with a strike to the gut by her opponent and pushed further into the mist for now she awaits her opponents next move.

Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
A testing time [Asuka]Dec 9, 2022 23:56:19 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

Blood splattered across the ground as the Kubikiribocho struck true, though between the woman's protective gear and his last elements of restraint it didn't do more than cause superficial damage instead of removing an entire limb as it was fully capable of doing. The woman had poked and prodded him into 'proving himself' and now it was getting too hard for him to hold himself back.

Ignoring the pain in his body, the Kaguya slid his sword onto his back as he straightened out on the tree, his whip breaking apart into dust and floating into the mist. Chakra began sparking around his body as he stared at the woman, lightning seeming to flash around him before he suddenly blurred, his movements would have been too fast for most to see, though she would be able to track them, though whether she could respond or not was a whole different matter.

In a blur of faux lightning, Kimihiro would appear in front of Asuka, his fist attempting to bury itself in her gut with all the momentum he could put behind it. Whether the attack landed or not, the moment he had finished the punch he would blur again into lightning, his limbs lashing out in a flurry of blows that came from all angles in an attempt to overwhelm her and get at least a few hits in. With a final, spinning kick meant to knock her over onto her front, or at least to her knees, he would leap backwards, landing a safe distance from the woman and panting slightly.

In the mist, his shape would be hard to make out, pale hair and skin and clothing seeming to blend into the fog, with only bright red eyes almost glowing in warning. He was tired now, but he still didn't make a sound, a ghost within the mist waiting to strike again, though he was also trying to rein in his desire to cause harm.

Word Count: 327


Relevant SA's

Startling Strength

As one of the Kaguya's Kekkai Genkai wielders Kimihiro was trained in the arts of close combat and deadly taijutsu from a young age. This brutally punishing training regime ensure that despite his slender build and small size, he is significantly stronger than he has any right to be. His focus and skill in taijutsu has made it certain that few Tokubetsu Jounin can match him in raw strength.

The White Storm
Any Shikotsumyaku user who wants to live long enough to hit double digits needs to be fast, and Kimihiro is one of them. Quick and light on his feet, his small form and intense physical training has ensured that he is amongst the fastest of his rank.

Jutsu Used

NAME: Raiippo [Thunder Step]






The thunder step is a step beyond the wind step. The user will move their body even more faster than that in the wind step, and with their chakra, will cause their body to appear like "lightning" flying around the opponent in circles; there have been instances where the user has also appeared as a hundred sharp pieces of paper that fly around the opponent. This move is far more difficult to predict than the wind step and the user can launch dozens of attacks within seconds to quickly wear the opponent down. (tai primary only)

Eleri has written 109 posts