Tales of Tails [MIroru]

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Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 23, 2022 19:00:30 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


After what it felt like a lifetime, Shigure was finally completely recovered from the battle against his late father, Urashi. His body no longer had the bruises from the strikes he received, and he had finished taking his medication. He felt as good as new, and it was indeed an amazing feeling. "Sometimes we just take this for granted... Gosh... This had been worse than when I fought the Mizukage and the Monster of the Waterfall... But alas... It's finally over..." these thoughts were constant in his mind. But now that he was back to his peak condition, he was ready to offer Miroru some more assistant in trying to reach a better control over the impressive power that was bestowed upon the young Uchiha lass: the power of the Nine-Tails Fox.

As they had agreed on before, the two would be meeting at one of the private training grounds just outside of Kuwana. Shigure had arrived there early as he wanted to do some warming up of his own. And gosh, it felt good. His body was now moving as it should, and it felt smooth and painless. He had almost forgotten how it felt like not to deal with the extenuating injuries from his fight, and his confidence had increase quite substantially now. "Even if she unleashes more than one tail, I will be ready to keep her under control. I can do this. I can absolutely do this. I have my Twin Lions to rely on, and I'm getting better than ever with them." he thought to himself, a confident smirk resting upon his feature.

He had been training really hard to make sure his technique had reached a whole new level of power and efficiency, one he wished to rely upon as the main ace in his arsenal. As he warmed up with the katas, he also manifested and sustained the Twin Lion Fist, which was easier than ever now, especially because he was just doing the forms, and not actually destroying any chakra. Shigure had his Byakugan activated, which would allow him to see the girl from a distance while on her way to the training grounds, and when she was finally close, he would let his technique fade away, so he could properly greet her.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Kuwana's Training Grounds
[385 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 23, 2022 19:24:04 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 265 | notes
The moment Shigure activated his Byakugan to start practicing?

A trio of "AW MAN!"s echoed around the training grounds as two of the rocks dissolved into smoke, and a third rock folded up as Miroru stood up from beneath it. "Do you ever not have that active?!"

He did not when you crashed his night with Azarea.

She paused for a minute and then-


"Never mind, I know at least ONE time you don't use it~ bweheheheheheh~" She did not, notably, elaborate. She wasn't trying to expose secrets, just tease her teacher! After all, he hadn't noticed her running up to Azarea-chan's door, had he~?

She shivered, though, as she saw the lions. "O-oh, those guys again. That- that makes sense. Um. Jeez, the fox really doesn't like those guys. He just called them "thieving housecats,"" she admitted with a snickering laugh- which doubled down a second later. "OHHH HE'S MAD I LAUGHED! I'M SORRY, I SWEAR I'M LAUGHING WITH YOU! AHAHAHA!"

She managed to stop giggling a few moments later, and didn't seem distressed, nor did her chakra flare, so despite still being clearly distrusting and antagonistic, their interactions seemed to be capable of a little back and forth. Promising, if still definitively toxic in its current state.

"So! We gonna go for broke now that you've got your kitties house trained properly?" A gentle joke meant to refer to his recovery!

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 23, 2022 21:57:54 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure would turn to face Miroru, understanding what she implied and his cheeks flared up immediately, prompting him to gaze away, his Byakugan deactivating. "Y-you can't tell that to anyone... Not yet! But..." and even though he was embarrassed, a smile appeared in his feature. ".. I asked her to marry me." he said, as he scratched his cheek with his index finger, feeling all giddy inside, and he could barely hide it. He had done it, he had now chosen the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and even though he still had to make sure his clan would not try to interfere with his choice, he had already decided and was committed to that. He did laugh when she mentioned his lions and shook his head, hands resting on his waist. "They are my favourite technique." he admitted with a shrug.

Then, as she seemed to get ready to get to practice, he nodded to her. "This time I will wait until you show me for sure you are losing it, before interfering. I'm back to my peak shape, at long last." he said with plenty of certainty in his tone. "So... Are you ready?" he would ask her.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Kuwana's Training Grounds
[209 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 24, 2022 5:18:35 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 800 | notes
Miroru gave the most gremlin little snigger of all time as she scored an Embarrassment Hit! on her sensei, holding up her hands reassuringly. "Don't worry. I got the story from her. Gotta let her make a serious name for herself first. That's no problem. Unlike me not realizing exactly where the reasonable number of foxes and clones were, this is straightforward- just don't talk about it, you know?" She harrumphed quietly. "It's not like anyone TOLD me how many clones would be suspicious. I kept scaling it back and hearing "wait how did you do that". BUT I GOT IT NOW! Three clones, 4 max; two foxes at most; and no talking about you and Azarea's- what did she call it-" Miroru snapped her fingers and added a ridiculous hip wiggle to the word, "-va-va-voom~"

She flashed reassuring thumbs up. "No worries, Shigure-sensei. I got this!"

At least until he said they were engaged. She faked a gasp, and threw her hands up to her head. "Nooooo! My plans to secretly worm my way into your hearts for the next five years and finally confess my love once I'm of aaaaaaaaaaage!" She dropped her hands and giggled. "I'm half joking - but also only like a quarter serious. I adore you two, and it's hard to be grumpy when I know I was like half a decade away from even having a shot, and seeing how happy you are, talking about each other!"

The redhead nodded understandingly when he confirmed he loved those cats. "I can't blame you. Tons of jutsus just- fail, if you have those going. You can eat anything but like. Rocks. And maybe water or wood? But if you smack those, the chakra controlling them goes away and that's a big blow already, so." She was just guessing, of course.

"Okay. I appreciate it. I know you're familiar with how rotten locked tenketsus feel, and I think it might be worse for me. When you put those up last time, it felt like my chakra core was... swelling? Like a balloon? He REALLY hated that. So- let's see if we can avoid making it a necessity."

She stood straight and curled her hands into a cup just beneath her belly, a stance meant to help her focus. "Yeah! I'm ready! I'm starting in one... two..."


Her inner world blossomed around her as she stepped out of the woods into her little clearing, staring out over the endless lake beneath a gorgeous night sky. She paused as she walked towards the pier, noticing the paper seal hanging from a shimenawa across the top of the torii. High out of reach, someplace the rising waters wouldn't reach without first completely defeating her own resistance.

She bent to touch the one shrine with its fox figure, and looked in the one beside it. There was a figure there, too, but it was missing its head. It wasn't completed. And the third shrine just had the feet and tail of the fox present.

Rising, she went to the end of the pier and opened herself to the fox's chakra. Just what she could safely harness. Chakra flowed from the first shrine and swirled into her- visible as the Initial Shroud to Shigure outside. And then- she just... waited. Letting the chakra seethe and push at her network, familiarizing herself with precisely how it strained against her control to prepare herself for much stauncher resistance with the next step.

What. Are you doing here?

The fox's eye opened beneath the surface, staring up at her.

Practicing. I don't want to embarrass you with a lack of control.

You embarrass me by being an ant.

An ant, maybe, but an ant with a nice place for you to stay. It's not a mudpit or a cellar, after all.

A gilded cage is still a cage, brat.

That's very true- but a gilded, padded cage is much easier to tolerate.

Not by much. Stop flattering yourself.

Whatever you say, Kyuubi-sama.

A gruff huff. Quiet. Then-

Are you going to grow a spine and try channeling some real power or not?

She smiled to herself.

I will. I just wanted to be sure you were on board first.


Miroru's hands tighten with strain as the chakra around her redoubles, pouring outwards and sliding down her back, spilling into a single tail of seething chakra! Her breathing got shaky, and she was clearly trying very hard- but the chakra remained under control. No signs of a surge, no infection by the deep red hatred of the fox.

For now.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 25, 2022 15:24:15 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


"So... Aza-chan shared all that with Miroru-chan, uh? I'm happy... Means they are getting along well." he thought to himself as he listened to the young Uchiha's words. Seemed like Miroru was also now aware of what was a reasonable number of clones to make and Shigure chuckled at that. "I can't handle more than three... Your chakra is truly impressive." he admitted, genuinely happy for Miroru, but also feeling a bit inadequate. Shigure had his own issues with being called weak through all of his life, not being given a fair chance. But if he could help others not to go through what he had to go through.

Shigure was taken aback when Miroru started going on about how she wanted to one day confess her love to him, going on to say she was half-joking, and being a bit serious. His mouth was agape, dumbfounded by the revelation, which left him completely speechless. Luckily, the subject changed to his favoured technique and he felt a huge amount of relief at that, and he nodded. "The Gentle Fist is capable of destroying any chakra based substance. It is one of its main perks." the brief explanation was likely enough, considering all she had been exposed to regarding it so far.

Then, he took his position, in front of her but with some safe distance, and as the Uchiha started counting, his Byakugan locked on her, examining every single detail of her chakra pathway system. In a short amount of time, the chakra from the Nine-Tails manifested itself, making the seal in her stomach visible to him. The chakra created a shroud and then it took the shape of a tail, but she seemed to remain in control. Shigure nodded at her. "Doing good, Miroru-chan! Doing very good!" he said, praising her for being able to handle so much of that impressive energy.

In response - and anticipation - Shigure formed the Twin Lion Fist on both his hands, holding it steady and ready. Now that his body was fully recovered, there was no longer any pain associated with the use of the technique.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Carefully observes while also forming the Twin Lion Fist and sustaining it there.
[365 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 25, 2022 17:05:09 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 495 | notes
"Well, let's remember, it's not MY chakra, really," Miroru stated as her cheeks flushed. "It's his, really. Fox-sama's. He's just generous with it! A little generous, anyway!" She couldn't help but giggle at Shigure's completely flabbergasted expression, and at his relief at the topic change. "ONE of?! How many cool things do your kitties do?!"

Miroru's eyes opened, and the likeness to Sada- if one excused the utter lack of curves over Sada's abundance of them- deepend, with her eyes slitted and scarlet, and her nails sharpened to talons. Deep breaths in... deep breaths out. Slowly stabilizing. "I didn't... realize... just how much chakra can fill my network. Every time I think he's given me all I can take... there's more. And more and more and more. It's like... drinking from a straw in a room beneath a lake without knowing it's a lake up there. Every time I'm sure I've drained the water, there's still more to be drank."

The girl hopped up and down a little bit. "I feel- REALLY light. Like almost weightless. Like I could just-"

She moved, and it was clear what this tail was for- speed.

Her movements became rapid, precise as she started to dash around, turning on a dime, hitting speeds close to the sorts of speeds he might have displayed as a chuunin, before mastering his improved speed training! A few leaps and bounds and she slammed back into place in front of Shigure, grinning, the golden chakra tail swishing behind her!

So you CAN manage it. Perhaps I did slightly underestimate you.

Slightly? Pfft! I'm doing great! This is awesome!

This is still just a taste. You almost stabilized this stage on your own before. Do you really want to impress me~?

Of course I do! You're Kyuubi-sama. You deserve to be proud of the ones bearing your power- even if they are arrogant little ants~

HA! Well said, brat. VERY WELL. Show me what you can do- WITH THIS.

Somehow, impossibly, more golden chakra gushed out of her core, furthering the density of the shroud around her, spilling out into a second, swishing tail. This time, the shroud was... not corrupted, but unstable. Less the Ninetails trying to sabotage her- and more her struggling to balance and control the sheer immensity of the power in her network! Scabs and scrapes dissolved along her legs, and thin scars coating her arms melted away in instants, steaming as they closed and vanished!

... but she was bending forward, working hard to try to stabilize the sheer capacity of energy flowing through her as the shroud scorched away at the ground beneath her, dark streaks racing back across her cheeks as if simulating whiskers as she struggled and panted in her efforts to maintain the state!

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 25, 2022 17:26:40 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


The amount of chakra flooding her network was already insane, and even though he knew that this amount was not even close to all the chakra stored inside of her, within the Nine-Tails, it was still something he could hardly believe. Her mobility was in a whole other level, and even though Shigure was still faster than she was, he could see that she would be surpassing him soon enough, no matter how much he continued to train and push himself. "It's not something I can ever hope to keep up with long term..." he thought to himself, and that made him feel a bit bittersweet, but for the most part, he was happy it was Miroru who had inherited that power from the village. "You are doing really well there, Miroru-chan!" he said with a firm nod, the flame-like chakra from the Twin Lions on his hands slowly dancing around it.

He narrowed his eyes, however, when he noticed that even more chakra came out of her core, and a second tail was formed. "Two tails?! Can she truly handle this?!" he wondered. The shroud looked different, and even though it wasn't completely taken over by the presence of the Fox, it was unstable. He could see the scabs and scrapes on her legs and arms vanishing away in instants, the healing powers of the Nine-Tails being something completely out of this world.

Shigure would adjust his stance a bit, slightly bending his knees so he could move in an instant if he had to. But this time he was willing to give the girl the chance to try and control it on her own. "Concentrate, Miroru-chan. You are doing great! Feel the chakra inside of you, I know it is a lot, but it's there, you can control it. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed, and remember I'm here to help you, so there's nothing to fear, alright?!" he said in a firm, yet comforting tone. The part where he said there was nothing to fear was more wishful thinking on his part, for deep down he knew that things could get ugly if she truly lost control. "But I can stop her still." he thought to himself, feeling rather confident now that he was back to full health.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Watching carefully and sustaining the Twin Lion Fist
[388 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 25, 2022 19:30:12 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 244 | notes
Shigure might be more aware of the specific amount of chakra the Nine-tailed Fox could produce, but to Miroru, it felt like her world was steps from shattering to pieces.

But it wasn’t frightening.

Oh, no.

If her world broke, she’d be the one who broke it.

And wasn’t that just the BEST.

She curled in on herself further, jamming taloned fingers into her hair, biting into her scalp only to heal instantly, steam fluttering up off her skin as she seemed to start sobbing- only to straighten back up as it clarified into laughter.

Not the fun kind.

Without warning, her tails tore upwards behind her body and SLAMMED down in front of her, cracking the stone with absolutely phenomenal speed. They flexed, and she shot upwards, backwards, landing with a skid as she extended her own arms and shot the chakra forwards to anchor her and pull her back to her initial position, eyes wild and delighted.

"He’s sharing. What he can do. What WE can do, Shigure-sensei. This is nothing. There’s -so much more-, sensei! And already, I-heh, I feel-ahahaha!”

She slammed her hands into her chest and threw her arms wide, staring at Shigure.

"Try to hurt me. Go on. I won’t bite~”

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 25, 2022 20:26:34 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


This didn't look good, didn't look good at all. While Miroru wasn't being outright berserk, her emotions were all over the place, almost as if she was drunk with the power of the Nine-Tails, which was definitely placing some influence in her mind. She moved around, slammed the ground, cracked stones, all that while moving at an incredible speed and regenerating her self-inflicted wounds. Shigure steadied the Twin Lions, his eyes not missing any of her movements as he moved around just enough so that he was just a quick dash away from her.

Her wild eyes gazed upon the active Byakugan and he could see her fangs and almost wicked expression as she explained how the Nine-Tails was sharing just a bit of its power, and that this level of power was not even close to what it could do. "I know that, Miroru-chan... When I faced Arashi-sama I saw a bit of what she could do..." he thought to himself, serious expression on his face. But what she did next was what concerned him the most. As she stared at him, she asked him to try and hurt her, and he shook his head. "I know you can heal yourself, but I have no desire to cause you any unnecessary pain. Keep your focus, Miroru-chan. You can make this power yours without letting it get to your mind. I believe in you!" he reaffirmed that. He wanted her to get a grip on her mind, to show the Nine-Tails that she could take its power without letting its influence come as part of the package.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Keeping the Twin Lions activated and trying to talk to Miroru
[277 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 25, 2022 21:08:55 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 238 | notes

Miroru's lips curled into a disgusted sneer as he declined to indulge her. "You don't think I can take it, do you?"

Now. Now the dark chakra started to leak from her core. Staining the beautiful gold with rancid, malignant red.

"I thought you were DIF'RENT. I thought you were the ONE ADULT who thought I was WORTH SOMETHING! But even this isn't enough, is it? Even THIS isn't enough to impress you! You, and that MONSTER Hatake, and the SENJUS-"
Her face twisted and she howled at him as she brandished her claws, tearing the air like it had done this to her. "- DON'T EVEN, SHIGURE, I SAW HOW MIHO LOOKED WHEN I COULDN'T MANAGE A SINGLE MEDICAL TECHNIQUE! I DISAPPOINTED HER LIKE I'VE DISAPPOINTED EVERY ADULT I'VE EVER MET!"

The darkness spread- slowly, but her emotions were at a fever pitch, stoked by the fox to erode her control- to empower her reliance on him.

"And you."

She bent, claws out to either side as her tails flared- and hid the chakra arm extending behind her wild shroud and form to anchor her in preparation of evading an assault.

"Even like this, you think I'm WEAK. FRAGILE.


"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 26, 2022 14:05:57 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Things were now getting significantly worse, as the negative emotions from the Nine-Tails seemed to have taken deeper roots into Miroru's brain, distorting the intent of his words to make it sound like he was just underestimating her. Shigure could barely believe his own ears and when her words came out from the twisted, howling face of hers, he shook his head slowly. "What are you saying? Disappoint? You are a student I had always been proud of. You are like a sister to me!" he reappeared, adjusting the chakra around his arms so that the Twin Lion Fist's power was changed, enhanced. Exploding in purple energy, he increase the chakra output to turn it into the Twin Lions Crumbling Attack, the strongest version of the technique he favoured; he would need all power he could muster at this point.

"Not wanting to cause you pain doesn't mean I think you are weak... In some ways, I feel like you are stronger than me now. But I think you had enough of this chakra for now. I'm going to help you rest!" his tone was still caring, but filled with the resolve of putting a stop to the Nine-Tails chakra.

Using his chakra to empower his body, he would move from his place at such an uncanny speed that his body appeared to be pure lightning, flying around Miroru in circles. Shigure was already a fast individual, but he was pushing it far beyond his own limits with the use of the Thunder Step technique, which would make his attacks much more difficult to predict.

With that, he would use his Lions to try and destroy as much chakra as he could, with quick and powerful attacks aimed right at the core of her chakra network. He knew his attacks would damage her inner organs as well, hence why he needed to be quick: if he could attack her, destroy the chakra in one fell sweep, but while still her regeneration was working, then her injuries would be minimal.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Using Thunder Step to circle around Miroru, seeking an opening to hit her with two strikes of the Twin Lions Crumbling Attack
[367 words]

SA used:


Like all members of his clan, Shigure also has the famous Byakugan as one of his signature traits. Naturally, Shigure’s eyes have a near 360 degrees field of vision around himself, save for a small blind spot at the back of his neck above the thoracic vertebra. His eyes are capable of seeing through most objects, giving him great perception of his environment, and making quite the challenge to surprise or ambush the Hyuuga when his doujutsu is activated. Having been seriously trained to develop his sight, Shigure managed to increase the range of his Byakugan to a respectful 4 kilometres range, which makes him quite the competent tracker in missions. His eyes also allow him to see infrared, through chakra barriers, discern clones from their makers, determine colour of someone’s chakra, and determine if a genjutsu is being used or not.

He is also very capable in his ability to see chakra, including the chakra circulatory system inside a person’s body, thus allowing him to easily identify the precise location of the tenketsus, which is paramount in the use of the Gentle Fist to its maximum capacity, power, and finesse. On top of it all, Shigure’s training and experience as a people’s person allowed him to add this insight to the power of his Byakugan, thus making him quite competent at reading people’s emotions. Therefore, when using his Byakugan, Shigure can usually detect if someone is lying through the impulses of their brain, heartbeat, and general body language. Moreover, when focused on an opponent, Shigure can even anticipate their reactions based on their muscles and body functions prior to the execution of an action.


What Shigure lacks in physical strength, he definitely makes it up in the combat speed department. Having trained the Gentle Fist since his early childhood, the Hyuuga learned that raw power and superior strength were borderline useless for his style since, in the end, nobody can train their inner organs to become stronger. Therefore, the chakra reliant style of the Hyuuga fighting style was more than enough for him to achieve the desired results in battle. Thus, the truly efficient way to improve his fighting capabilities was directly associated with how fast he could act and react in a fight.

Shigure’s reflexes are absurdly sharp, and he can react almost instantly to attacks, which makes him quite skilled at counter attacking with his deadly Gentle Fist, making it difficult for opponents to actually land a blow on him. In short, he can react fast to combat situations.


Due to the intensity of his training and his overall style as a practitioner of the Gentle Fist, as well as his Hyuuga genes, Shigure was able to develop a level of chakra control that puts him above that of his peers, equiparing himself to those a rank higher. His level of control is remarkable and allows him to optimise the usage of chakra, avoiding any unnecessary waste while using his techniques. This ability gives him an edge on the battlefield, as he is able to use more techniques, with more frequencing, while also avoiding the draining effects of running out of chakra due to waste.


Shigure is a natural savant at his clan’s legendary Taijutsu style despite being a sort of a late bloomer. He has developed an incredible proficiency with the techniques of his clan, that allows him to stand out above even his fellow kinsmen. With his current level of understanding and application of his techniques, the heir to the clan brings incredible precision and swiftness to his attacks, rarely ever missing his mark once an attack is launched.

Guided by his potent doujutsu, he became an expert at shutting down his opponents chakra network, as well as combining the techniques of the clan together to deliver even more powerful attacks. He can, while using the Gentle Fist and it's techniques, also land more blows per second than most of his peers, moving so swiftly that it’s even hard to keep up. This makes him an incredibly dangerous opponent to fight at close quarters, as he is capable of giving even higher ranking Shinobi a real challenge.


Shigure's speed is no longer solely restricted to his reaction speed in a fight; he can also move extremely fast. The Hyuuga can run at an incredible speed, capable of matching higher ranking shinobi. Keeping up with his pace is an strenuous task for those who are not skilled in close quarter combat, and to the untrained eye his movements will appear like a blur. If his opponents do not have superior reaction speed, they may struggle to evade him from closing in during battle, or from catching up to them in a chase. As consequence, he is also quite capable at retreating from combat, as few can match his full speed.


The Hyuuga has improved his melee dexterity dramatically thanks to his intense training, dedication and hard work. His body learned to move with grace, no matter to which direction (forward, backwards, sideways), without straining his muscles, which are now capable of handling his body weight and swiftness in battle. Due to this, he can move around with near-perfect movement precision, making so that no wasteful movement is used, and his body moves at full efficacy. This allows him to move without any momentum, giving him an advantage in combat.

This ability, which helps him to maneuver without being hampered by his own body, makes opponents of similar level have a terrible time landing a blow on him.

Techniques Used:

NAME: Raiippo [Thunder Step]
The thunder step is a step beyond the wind step. The user will move their body even more faster than that in the wind step, and with their chakra, will cause their body to appear like "lightning" flying around the opponent in circles; there have been instances where the user has also appeared as a hundred sharp pieces of paper that fly around the opponent. This move is far more difficult to predict than the wind step and the user can launch dozens of attacks within seconds to quickly wear the opponent down. (tai primary only)

NAME: Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack [Hakke Sōjishi Hōgeki]
REQUIREMENT: Hyuuga Clan, Byakugan, Main Branch, Chakra Control SA Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists
An improved version of Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists, requiring extreme chakra control. This technique is increased in both strength and potential from its predecessor. The user changes the shape of chakra released from both hands into large guardian lion-shaped shrouds, greatly increasing the range and destructive power of their Gentle Fist attacks. The lion heads drain the chakra network of those they touch while also causing damage to their inner organs. Once activated the shroud will linger until it is used. This technique can be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as the Mountain Crusher and the Hundred-and-Twenty-Eight Palms.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 26, 2022 18:41:15 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 427 | notes

"Then PROVE IT! Put some faith in me!! Let me show you what I can do, instead of coddling me and shoving me into corners and demanding I sit around at the village if I don't have a BABYSITTER!!!"
Miroru howled, sincere frustration mixing with toxic rage. The malignant red wasn't receding- but nor was it growing, caught between her own lingering despair at never feeling good enough, and her hope and trust that someday, she would be.

"You don't GET to not cause me pain! You're my SENSEI! You HAVE to hurt me to teach me, because that's just how it IS. Hatake-sama at least has the respect to trust my abilities to keep me safe! Are you telling me you can't do at least that much?!"

As Shigure bolted forward, she exploded backwards, the chakra arm dragging her back with even more speed than her shroud and the jutsu gave her, trying to buy enough time for one handseal- and another, and another.

As the distance she'd bought rapidly decreased- even with the jutsu AND shroud, the speed gap between them was considerable, so she struck in the brief instants when he was still roughly in front of her as she flashed the same handseal, over and over, as four chakra arms exploded out of her belly to come at him from both sides to try to hedge him out of circling around her- each chakra claw crackling with FRIGHTENINGLY powerful Raiton power!

She did her best to fend off his attacks by aiming FOR the lions. She knew she couldn't tank the blows- but maybe she could overwhelm them! So she tried, unleashing absolute torrents of thundering spears into the lions, fully aware that he would back off if they were overwhelmed- and that the fight wouldn't last much longer if they weren't.

Raiippo - fallenblades.proboards.com/thread/325/night-sky-fist-style
Gian: fallenblades.proboards.com/thread/582/raiton-ninjutsu-index (only using it about once per chakra fist, the fight'll be over after that one way or the other, most likely! She's using their ability to multiply and dumping them into the lions like shotgun blasts to try to overwhelm them before they can reach her. Which, admittedly, may simply not work.)

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 2c/4i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
last edit by Uchiha Miroru on Oct 26, 2022 18:56:25 GMT -5
Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 26, 2022 20:29:56 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Shigure sighed at her demands, knowing that he was left with very little choice on the matter. "I will do what I must." he stated as he adjusted the stance, going from the base Gentle Fist stance to that one of the Eight Trigrams. Miroru was inside his range, he could visualize it, and while she had started waiving hand seals at a great speed, it didn't matter, for she couldn't match the speed of his attacks, which would not only block her assault, but also counter and try and destroy her chakra and shut down her tenketsus at the same time, it was a dangerous combination he was using, but one that would mostly spare her inner organs from much damage, even if it could potentially make her unable to move for a while after.

"Hakke... Hyaku Nijuuhasshou!" he exclaimed as he his hands started moving so absurdly fast, it would be hard even for Miroru in this state to follow. "Ni shou! Yon shou! Hasshou! Juuroku shou!" with every sequence of attacks, the speed of it doubled. It was the very same attack he tried to use against his father, in order to defeat him, and it would've worked if his father didn't resort to the ultimate technique of the Gentle Fist.

"Juuroku shou! Sanjuuni shou! Rokujuuyon shou!" the Lions and the attcks combined obliterated her Lightnign Release attack, and would also destroy the chakra arms if it managed to touch it, but at this point, it would be nigh-impossible for Miroru to react in time to avoid one of the Hyuuga clan's most powerful technique combo. And once her attacks were dealt with, he would continue to hit her body, shutting down her core tenketsus and then spreading from there to the rest of her torso and limbs.

"Hyaku nijuuhasshou!!" with the final step of the technique, he would throw sixty-four strikes at her tenkestus within the same timespan he did the original two. It was so fast it almost made it seem like he had multiple hands. She asked for him to take her seriously, and this was the most powerful attack he had at his disposal.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Intercepts her attack with a combo of the Twin Lions Crumbling Attack + 128 Palms, aiming to destroy her incoming attacks, then move on to shut down her chakra network while destroying the Nine-Tails chakra with the lions
[400 words]

Techniques Used:

NAME: Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack [Hakke Sōjishi Hōgeki]
REQUIREMENT: Hyuuga Clan, Byakugan, Main Branch, Chakra Control SA Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists
An improved version of Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists, requiring extreme chakra control. This technique is increased in both strength and potential from its predecessor. The user changes the shape of chakra released from both hands into large guardian lion-shaped shrouds, greatly increasing the range and destructive power of their Gentle Fist attacks. The lion heads drain the chakra network of those they touch while also causing damage to their inner organs. Once activated the shroud will linger until it is used. This technique can be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as the Mountain Crusher and the Hundred-and-Twenty-Eight Palms.

NAME: Hakke Hyaku Nijūhachi Shō[ Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms]
The doubled version of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms performed at twice the speed. This technique is used to close off the flow of chakra through one hundred and twenty-eight chakra pointsof an opponent's Chakra Pathway System. This eliminates their ability to use chakra for quite some time and makes it difficult for them to move. Alternatively, it can be used to hit a great number of targets very quickly.
Ren has written 1,690 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 26, 2022 21:17:05 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 386 | notes
Miroru was faster than before.
Shigure didn't care.
She was wrapped in layers of protective chakra.
Shigure tore through every last one without hardly seeming to think, his lions delivering his blows while protecting him from the searing char of the chakra itself.
She defended herself, as best she could, executing flawless blocks and dodges as quickly as she could, but she just couldn't match the impossible speeds he was reaching even before the Hyuuga technique was launched.
She even tried lashing out at him from behind, curling chakra arms around his reach to try to strike from the rear, but even as she tried, new strikes broke down the chakra network feeding them without having to even acknowledge their presence.
He was right, though, that the recovery of the shroud would repair large portions of the damage done, though the direct strikes to the tenketsus blocked the rejuvenating chakra from flowing and left small, precise bruises over each one as she washed down across her body and slammed them shut, one after another. Dead red chakra and golden shroud blossoming back off her body with each strike as they were knocked off of and out of her with every blow, leaving her to stumble and drop backwards towards the ground.

It was only after she fell that he could hear her laughing, breathless and pained.

"I knew you c-ACGH... could do it.. Sh-shigure-sensei!"

Her breathing was labored, spattered with coughs from pain and partial paralysis, but she spoke anyway. She didn't feel like she was in danger. Shigure wouldn't do that to her.

"He kept... telling me you were underestimating me. Weren't... taking me serious. I didn't... didn't think so but it's... so hard to think straight when your head's full like that... so... I couldn't- couldn't fight out of it, not then, it hurt so bad thinking I was a disappointment even to you, but... I thought... if I could make you fight me seriously..."

She coughed, let her head tilt to spit to the side, pulled back another deep breath. "... you'd prove to him AND me... that you've always taken me seriously."

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 2c/4i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,186 posts
Tales of Tails [MIroru]Oct 26, 2022 21:46:07 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"tales of tails".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


At the end of his assault, her chakra pathway system had been blocked, thus halting the flow of the chakra of the Nine-Tails completely. She had healed most of the injuries, but as the chakra network was shut down, so was her ability to heal, so the fact that she was completely incapacitated by now was no surprise to him, even though it wasn't what he wanted to see. His breathe was a bit laboured, even though he still had plenty of chakra, using that combo was rather draining for him, and not something he could pull off too often in a fight.

Still, Miroru had the strength to laugh, even though her tone didn't hide the breathlessness and pain she was feeling. He would approach her slowly, Byakugan finally relaxing and returning to its dormant state as he made sure the Nine-Tails presence was gone and the seal in her stomach had also vanished. Everything was under control now.

Seemed like the Nine-Tails was indeed poisoning her mind, pitching her against Shigure, but she had at least managed to retain a lot of her own mind despite the overflow of the Fox's chakra. Shigure would knee beside her, running had hand over her forehead, pushing her bangs aside before cupping her cheek with said hand. "You were never a disappointment to me. You are my precious student, one I'm very proud of. Don't let anyone make you doubt that. You know me. You know how much I believe in you. I always did." he said, his tone honest and caring. "And I will always be there for you, come hell or high water. And one day, you will be a better shinobi than me, and when that day finally comes, I will feel happy." a soft chuckle followed as he grabbed the girl on his arms, carrying her.

"For there's no greater happiness for a sensei than to see their student surpassing them." he said giving the girl a tender kiss on her forehead. "Now... Let's get some rest? I think we should tone down on training that chakra until after your exams." he suggested as he started walking back towards the hotel.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

Sparring match concluded
[368 words]
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