A "First” Time Meeting

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A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 15:26:39 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Water Walking

"I don't know I liked your copy she had spunk. Not that I dislike you either." Azaea quipped with a slight smirk. Then again she couldn't deny the whole 'seven people who look like you.' There was just one person who looked like her running around and he was quite frankly trouble enough without additional copycats causing more chaos. The thought leaving Azarea shaking her head in amusement before she turned a critical eye to Uta's technique.

"All righty I think you've got it. Do a circle of the pond her and once you've completed that I'd say you've got it down pat and just need to practice it." She'll order gesturing for the girl to take her victory jog of sorts while she makes sure to splash the water and cause plenty of ripples to see if she plummets into the liquid. If Uta's technique holds then Azarea will give her a thumbs up and a grin.

"Seems you've got ahold of the basics pretty well. Congratulations." She'll quip as she stands and stretches stepping off the water as well. "I hope you do well in your exams. At least with this jutsu you have a better shot then before. I know Kumo and Iwa aren't allies, but we're not enemies either. If you ever want to train or work together in the future please feel free to hit me up. Even if you're rude." She teases her offer genuine.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 241 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 20:35:43 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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Awa Uta Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


Uta laughed a bit at the comment about the other her having spunk. It made her feel somewhat less bad about how she presumed she had acted. If it had really been her acting so strangely she was at least happy to know it hadn’t made her an enemy. She remembered quite a few people in the academy who seemed irritated by the other side of her. What it truly meant to be that other her was behind the young girl, but it was something that she would need to bring focuse to in the future, for better or worse.

But for now, the girl got to focuse instead on keeping her legs beneath her. It certainly wasn’t a cake walk, she would need time to perfect the technique, but she had the basic idea down at this point, she was able to do her best work, still wobbling, her stance widening and narrowing at strange intervals, nearly crossing her feet over each other at some points, but what truly mattered was that she was still upright, and it was still only the water beneath her feet. No sign of the ground beneath it. 

Uta would still make her way back to shore however, after taking some long slow steps around the edge of the basin. Feelinn happy when she could once again put the firm ground beneath her feet. She would turn to face the cloud shinobi behind her and once again give her a bow.
"Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, I hope I can put it to good use.” With that the girl decided it was time to make her exit, there were still other preparations that she needed to make, weapons and gear she needed to procure… and people she needed to see.

made by eden @ gs and thq
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 20:39:33 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"Be careful out there," Azarea murmured lifting a hand to give Uta a playful mock salute. Her time on the training ground was coming to an end and there would surely be other genin vying for her slots. Thus finishing her stretches the woman turns heading off in the opposite direction from the blue haired girl intent on seeing to her own tasks. Preparations for the exams after all were near endless and one could never truly be ready. Just hopefully readier then the competition.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
Keen has written 1,221 posts

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