Siege Breakers [Mission]

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Siege Breakers [Mission]Jan 18, 2023 14:32:59 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday August 28th, 1002 rank Special Jounin occupation Kazekage Bodyguard

Asahi couldn't say for sure what any of his mission partners responses would be as they were liable to let anything come out of their mouth and truth be told he wanted things to go as smoothly as possible and having to fight less people was ideal so working with the Daimyo's forces would have been great, but as had been made clear they had their own set of orders and trusting them to not harm an innocent person was too far out the realm of possibility in addition to not really being their problem. Just as Asahi didn't want any of them taking unnecessary risks he knew that the Captain would put any of her soldiers in the same position.

Inohana would hear the others out and nearly scoff at the idea that her soldiers would be 'in the way'. "Might I remind you, boy, that we are the Daimyo's legion. Our battles may not be fought with fireballs and trickery but we've seen more battle than you will in multiple lifetimes. Best not to forget that." The woman would spit back at Zakku without so much as a slight raise in tone yet the ferocity of multiple raging suns backed each and every one of her words.

"Do as you wish, but if you take too long me and my men will come in and take the noble's head, along with anyone loyal to him. So you best work quickly." With that the woman turned from the group and regrouped with her soldiers. She had allowed them the opportunity to save the non combatants but not an infinite amount of time to do so. With a sigh Asahi would turn to both Ayukawa and Zakku, the features on his face none too pleased with having rubbed an ally the wrong way but thankful for the opportunity to save some lives. "Alright we've gotta work quick. Going through the walls is going to alert them and just going up and over will probably get us spotted, so what's our plan?"

Kata has written 612 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Jan 18, 2023 22:27:56 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Siege Breakers
"Oops...I thought I said that in my head...not out loud...sorry..."

A small whisper escaped the girl's lips as it appeared that she may have just spoken her input verbally. Of course, it seemed that Zakku was on the same page and perhaps a bit more direct in his own opinion. In the end, it seemed that with no vow of confidence in their ability, the captain relented to let them do it their way. Of course, this meant that they were now working against time itself. If they were unable to do this, then they would indeed move in and it would likely lead to bloodshed. But then, Ayukawa was hopeful in them. At least, she was in Asahi and Zakku. In truth, she really didn't have much of a plan on how to do any of this. Just guesses. Maybe that would be enough?

Upon watching the woman leave, the former Saeko would blink as she looked toward the wall and then back toward Asahi as he questioned just how they were to get in. A direct route would just draw attention and just going up and over might get them spotted as well. With a blank expression, the teen would sniff the air briefly and then frown as she released a breath. He wasn't wrong. With an all-out breach possibly happening outside their door, there was no way to get in without alerting someone. There were plenty of people waiting on the other side and just as many that were beyond her range of smell.

"We could maybe create a distraction? Perhaps somewhere they aren't completely gathered? That way, they'd likely go to check it out and leave less of a guard at one end. But..."

Frowning, the girl's eyes seemed to tint as their hue darkened a bit before coming more certain of herself. Almost like an instinct kicking in.

"It's likely that the group here would remain due to their numbers ranging in 10...there are at least 30 individuals within the manor that I can indicate, 20 being hostile and possibly more within the estate itself alongside the noble. It is uncertain if even a distraction would create enough of an opening to allow for possible entry..."

That said, the girl would shake her head as a sneeze escaped her lips before rubbing her nose with an annoyed look on her face as her eyes seemed to return to a normal light purple hue.

"Also I mean...with the people being inside...we'd still need to find a way to get them out ..I really don't know...sorry Asahi-kun"

It was a bit disheartening that she didn't have that great of an idea. But she had managed to at least give a decent layout of the situation. That was better than nothing.
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-

Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 558 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Jan 18, 2023 23:04:21 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

What good is skill
If you don't make it to the dance?
Despite circumstance
You've got a chance

Staring at the manor Zakku put a hand under his chin and slowly stroked it.  A frontal assault would definitely alert everyone inside to their presence.  Stealth was out of the question as they'd more than likely be spotted at any entry they made.  Clicking his tongue in frustration he dropped his hand and tucked it into his pockets.  

Letting out a low thoughtful hum he listened to Ayukawa confirm the numbers inside.  His green eyes scanned the wall before them searching for a weakness or a hidden entrance.  Nothing was immediately in view but that didn't mean there wasn't one.  "So no matter what we do it won't be a surprise right?"  

Making his way up to the wall Zakku clapped his hands together and began to gather Raiton.  "Then we have to mind our manners right?  We are representatives of Sunagakure so before we enter we have to knock it's just good manners."  Looking back to his teammates he offer a carefree smile and then look back at the wall.

"Plus what kind of neighbors would we be if we didn't let them know about this tiny crack in their wall."  Opening his hand against the wall and released his pent up Raiton making them an entrance into the manor.  Looking around he'd gasp in surprise.  "Oh hey look I found another way in!"  

NAME: Raiton: Jibashi [Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder]
This technique allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands up to 20 meters away from them. The user can vary its power from a small surge to lightly shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock and badly electrocuting opponents. It is ideal to use in conjunction with a water technique.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Jan 20, 2023 13:12:43 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday August 28th, 1002 rank Special Jounin occupation Kazekage Bodyguard

With free reign more or less given to the group it was now up to the three of them to devise a way into the fortress without putting everyone on alert, well, making them more alert than they already were. The guards unsurprisingly weren't stationed atop the walls as they felt that none of the Daimyo's forces would be able to breach them or have a way to bring the door down so their attention was focused on everyone inside, and that's how Asahi would have liked to keep things. The closer they could get without rousing suspicion the better chance they'd have of catching the noble and his men off guard.

Unfortunately, neither Ayukawa nor Zakku had a plan to get past the walls without alerting someone which was the first major impasse. As far as he knew none of them could turn invisible and even moving at high speeds would still get them spotted if they just tried to jump over the walls. Going straight up against the numbers Ayukawa could sense, even if they weren't all combatants, was going to cause a problem if they were alerted so it was paramount that they find a way inside.


The crackling of a strong surge of raiton splitting open a hole in solid stone reverberated throughout the area and as the debris cleared the area the chunin could only look on in shock as Zakku had all but destroyed their element of surprise. "Damnit Zakku. We gotta get in quick, they'll be sending people to check that out any moment now. Get to the far side of the left tower!" Asahi would instruct as he resisted the urge to put a couple of firm hands around the blue haired chunin's neck. While it wasn't what he would have preferred Asahi had to admit they probably would have been standing around a lot longer looking for a way in if not for Zakku but they were definitely going to have to go through more people now.

Once through the man sized hole in the wall the Kyokujitsu would dart left towards the tower aiming to get to the back end before any of the guards were able to spot them.

Kata has written 612 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Jan 24, 2023 20:45:36 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
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Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Siege Breakers
While it certainly was not the best way to start things off, it seemed that Zakku had managed to make an interesting situation, far from it to be subtle but it did give them an entrance. Still, as Ayukawa followed after Asahia to the side and into cover, she;d press her back against it's surface as she took a moment to sniff the air. It had shifted a bit, but the numbers were at least coming much more widespread. They were scattering, one group now moving toward the hole that had been made. Thankfully, or at least so she hoped, they were at clear enough to not be noticed. It wasn't exactly ideal, but they had managed to get within the estate's borders.

"I least we're inside?"

With a sheepish grin as to try and calm her big brother, and to at least keep the peace between him and Zakku-kun, she'd then narrowed her eyes as she allowed a serious expression to cross her face.

"Their numbers are the same, but the blast was enough to draw at least a few to investigate the hole. We could make our way inside the manor, but I don't know. I still can't get a good enough hint at what we'll be in for....I can't smell through buildings..."

Though whatever they decided, it would have to be soon. They were safe for the moment, but that could change quickly.

"For now, we're good here. They won't double back until after they see what happened. Plus since they know someone is attacking them, they're now spreading out and dividing themselves..."

Looking toward Zakku, she'd hold a blank expression before then turning to look at Asahi with a calm expression.

"Whatever we decide to do...we should probably do so together...right?"
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-

Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 558 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Jan 27, 2023 19:53:04 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

What good is skill
If you don't make it to the dance?
Despite circumstance
You've got a chance

Zakku stood with an arced eyebrow as he stared at his teammates.  Were they really shocked? (heh) Subtle wasn't something he liked to do and it had shown through the years.  "Look you can't act this surprised every time I do something like this."  He plainly stated to his friends and casually stepped through the new entrance.

Stepping through the hole with the others Zakku marveled at the interior.  Besides the whole in the wall the decorating was expensive and looked like it was worth more than Zakku would ever see in his lifetime.  Especially if he kept getting everything he broke, destroyed, or just plain stole was deducted from his pay.  He had to do something about that.  Later though. 

Staring down the hallway he let out a low hum.  There was plenty of room for movement but that meant just as much room for the guards to move.  Clicking his tongue he looked at Ayukawa as she spoke.   He wondered where the guards would come from.  Though he doubted they wouldn't need to wait long to find out he'd rather not separate and be cornered by himself.  "I agree.  We should stick together.  We can also use the fact they don't know how many of us got in to our advantage."  Reaching out he touched a painting.  The line holding it snapped and the painting fell to the ground with a dull thump.  Zakku stared blankly at it before reaching out with his foot and sliding it behind a piece of furniture.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 1, 2023 15:15:56 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday August 28th, 1002 rank Special Jounin occupation Kazekage Bodyguard

No use crying over spilled milk was the only thing keeping Asahi from lecturing the blue haired chunin right then and there, and chances were his voice would end up alerting even more people. It was a means to an end and Zakku had found them a way past the walls so it wasn't the worst thing in the world. "It's fine, but yes we need to stick together from here on out." Asahi would reply as he took a gander at the decor within the place, honestly surprised to see such a lavish set up for what was essentially a hastily occupied stronghold; perhaps if the noble had worried more about procuring more soldiers than his belongings than he'd have more of a chance of holding onto what little power remained.

But now what? The noble's men were buzzing about the place because of Zakku and moving around undetected was going to be a lot more difficult. They had already resigned themselves to fighting at some point but Asahi hoped it wouldn't be this early on. Ayukawa unable to get accurate numbers of just who was where with her sense of smell alone and running into the situation without knowing what all was waiting on them wasn't too smart, luckily there was a simple solution. "Give me a minute." The chunin would close his eyes and begin focusing his chakra in the area around him, easily covering the entirety of the compound with a ton of room to spare. "We've got a few above us and a number pooled at the room at this end of this hall. Looks like most of everybody are in the top of the other tower so that's probably where the noble is. There are also people standing in the archway around the other tower so we'll be spotted if we just try and run over."

With a breath the Kyokujitsu would open his eyes having as accurately as he could map out the numbers for his team. Of course he couldn't tell foe from servant but it wouldn't be a bad assumption to think the noble would keep them close to tend to his needs. "Let's deal with the six at the end of the all first, quietly, so the ones above us aren't alerted then we can work on finding a way across. Sound good?" Between the three of them running rough-shot over everyone wouldn't have been difficult and even if they had made a commotion chances were none of the regular guards could do much in the way of stopping them. However, causing the least amount of commotion to prevent things from spiraling was the goal and it'd be the easiest way to try and not put the servants in harms way.

If there were no objections then Asahi would lead the trio down the hall, stopping short of the entrance to a larger room. Inside where half a dozen men preparing their weapons and armor. The blast had put them on alert but they had yet to receive any orders to move out just yet. Turning to Ayukawa and Zakku the chunin would point two fingers at the girl and another two at the blue haired youth denoting that they'd each be responsible for taking out two of the guards. It was go time.

Sensor shinobi
Having trained to be as precise with his chakra control as possible since a young age, it only made sense for Asahi to apply his honed control to the sensory field. Acting similar to sonar he can send out his chakra to create a "map" of sorts of the surrounding area. While not completely able to identify a person solely from their chakra signature, if he has enough information to combine with what his sensing skills are giving him then finding specific targets isn't too difficult a task. Without focusing Asahi is able to cover a distance of two hundred meters, but when dedicating chakra to his craft he can map out an area of one kilometer.

Kata has written 612 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 4, 2023 0:39:55 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Siege Breakers
Though she puffed her cheeks out at Zakku's dismissal of his actions, it appeared that there was indeed little to be done of it for the moment. After all, they had far more pressing matters to handle it would appear that they were at least on the same page of working as a unit from this point forward. Which was where everything would count. They couldn't risk getting people hurt or killed because they couldn't get it together.

Thankfully, where Ayu lacked insight, it appeared that Asahi had a way to make up for it. Through his sensory abilities, he was capable of mapping out the rest of the place that she couldn't give them at least more information to work on. As she nodded toward him, she'd grin as she'd find herself all the more impressed by her brother's abilities. Not to say anything else of Zakku, but he seemed to be a lot more straightforward, whereas Asahi was far more stealthy. With the group now following after Asahi, they'd make their way to the hallway and see what was waiting for them. Armed guard, clearly preparing to deal with those responsible for blowing a hole through their wall. With the indication of both her and Zakku taking on two each, Ayukawa would wait to be on the same page as the blue-haired shinobi, nodding with a calm expression as she moved in swiftly.

Go time

The room was large enough for her to move, though if she didn't want to be seen immediately, she needed to be as quick as possible in her approach. Apply chakra to her lower limbs, she'd move in just as the two seemed to be made aware of her being there, as they readied themselves, the girl seemed to move like a blur, appearing between the two as they drew their weapons, their attempt to cut her down blocked by the usage of her puppet limb. Flipping upward to then stand upon their two blades, Ayukawa would slam her foot down in the direction of one guard, causing their fingers to crunch into themselves as she pivoted off the other's blade before whipping her leg to the side of their face to send into the wall.

As the disarmed guard yelped in pain, Ayukawa would move in with her hand reeled back, striking against their chest to knock the wind from them, causing them to crumble into the ground. With her two down, it was left to the others to hopefully do the same as she prepared for the next set of instructions. Moving through here would take some time, but if Asahi was correct, at least they knew the numbers. Perhaps the further they went in, the easier she might be able to sense out just who was serving and who was guarding.

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Hato // 鳩 [Pigeon]
ELEMENT: -none

An incredibly quick kick towards the opponent's hand, the user seeks to either disarm the opponent if they're carrying a weapon or to break several of their fingers in order to prevent them from using Ninjutsu.
NAME: Toeken Dai [Sword Stand]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low - Medium
REQUIREMENT: Mogura Tataki [Whack-a-Mole]

This being a more advanced version of the Mogura Tataki [Whack-a-Mole], the user focuses their chakra into the feet creating a thin layer under their feet that sticks and protects their feet. The chakra is strong enough to stick and protect the user for a second so the user is able to step/ jump on an incoming strike from a weapon being it a sword, spear or knife. The user would be able the step/ jump on in and balance on it for a second while delivering a counter-attack with the other foot.

NAME: Sokudo [Literally Meaning Speed]
CHAKRA USAGE: High [Continuous]

Sokudo is a method of using chakra passively to reinforce the body's physical capabilities. Such things are movement-based rather than just brute strength would. It gives the user's muscle stimulation, allowing increased hand movement, wrist, arms, and even the legs. This can be used to just have everything work more proficiently. Though, after being used for more than seven posts, the user's muscles will be sore as if they just did an extensive workout. IF continued to be used, eleven posts will begin to break down muscle. Intense pain followed, forced technique shut down.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-

Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.

Kaze has written 558 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 5, 2023 10:36:02 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

What good is skill
If you don't make it to the dance?
Despite circumstance
You've got a chance

Moving low and silently behind the group Zakku brought up the rear of the group. Wiggling his fingers in anticipation of what was to come the blue haired shinobi had to remind himself to not get too excited.  There were plenty of opportunities for anything to go wrong.  Besides someone blowing a hole in one of the walls.

Stopping with everyone he leaned out to see the guards that were preparing to investigate the newly opened doorway someone had made.  Leaning back from the doorway he'd look at Asahi and nod as he understood the silent orders.  Two each.  Bringing out one of his clones they braced themselves in a runners stance.  Waiting for Ayukawa to move first the pair would wait a few moments before darting out a few moments after her.  Letting the general confusion begin the pair of Zakkus would quickly ran along the outside of the room each of them cupping their rights hands.  Coming up to the group of guards just as Ayukawa struck the pair would grab a couple of the copnfused guards heads and slam them into each other with a hollow crack that sent both men to a crumpled heap to the floor.  

The pair of Zakkus standing proud would exchange a fist bump as they began to strip the guards of their weapons throwing them into a pile on the ground.  

Jutsu used:
NAME: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]



CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]




The Kage Bunshin technique evenly distributes your chakra between one or more clones with form and substance.

The clones created by this technique are able to utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows, has all of their special abilities, as well as their kekkei genkai. Typically a clone's equipment doesn't retain any special abilities and the clone itself is dispersed when hit with a single attack or incapacitated, although the clone can also choose to disperse itself or be dispersed by the user.

When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained along with it's remaining chakra are passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 5, 2023 14:17:48 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday August 28th, 1002 rank Special Jounin occupation Kazekage Bodyguard

With the plan set in motion Asahi would watch as both Ayukawa and Zakku, er, both Zakku rounded the corner to take out their assigned targets. He wished for a moment that his skills in close combat were as developed as the other two but would have to rely on other tricks to get the job done for now. Performing a single seal as he rounded the corner Asahi would inhale deeply as futon natured chakra molded in his gut and with his two targets in sight the chunin would release four blasts of air aimed at them; two a piece all aimed at the head. The sudden appearance of the trio and general confusion allowed the shots to hit their marks before the men knew what him them and the concussive force was more than sufficient to knock them out.

With his mission partners attacks also finding their marks they had managed to clear the room without too much ruckus which was great for maintaining the element of surprise, but this was only the beginning. They still had to deal with the guards stationed directly above them as well as those keeping watch atop the other tower who would no doubt spot them immediately if they tried to cross over. Normally that wouldn't have been an issue but things were already in a frenzy because of Zakku's explosive entrance and it would only be harder to keep the non combatants out of harms way if they started blowing things up now. They needed to maintain the element of surprise for as long as possible until they could get eyes on their main targets.

"Good work, but we still have the issue of getting to the other tower without being seen. If they think the Daimyo's forces were the cause of that blast then that should buy us some time but eventually they're gonna come looking for these guys." Asahi would speak as he motioned to the unconscious guards strewn across the floor. "Unless..." An idea. "They actually do show up. If we transform into these guys then that should get us across without issue... but we're gonna need enough to match. Think you can spare a couple more clones, Zakku?" The chunin would ask knowing full well that shadow clones were pretty taxing but not knowing any other way to get the numbers they needed for this plan to work.

NAME: Fūton: Kūki no Dangan [Wind Release: Air Bullets]
After the formation of the Bird hand seal, the Shinobi will knead chakra in their gut. From there, the chakra will be formed into one to six orbs. When expelled, these orbs move with enough concussive force to knock the wind out of its targets. With enough power to dent wood, a hit from one these bullets to the head is enough to render a man unconscious.

Kata has written 612 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 5, 2023 19:50:29 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Siege Breakers
With the room now clear of any other hostile forces, it appeared that they could finally take a moment to breath. But it was only that, as Asahi seemed to already be working on the next step. It was strange how she always pictured her adopted brother being very capable and awesome, but seeing it in action was a whole other thing completely. If she wasn't afraid of messing with his flow, she'd probably say it outloud. Still, there would be time for that later. For now, all she did was grin as she tuned in, looking toward Zakku and then back at Asahi with a nod.

"Right! I get it! That way we can just sneak right on in and not create a problem until we have to..."

Operating within the enemies forces was a new experience for her. But it wasn't the first time she had disguised herself. Still, it would be quite the experience to look completely out of character than what she was used to. Considering there weren't any girls within this unit of guards, it meant that her change would have to be completely physical and less just on the appearance of clothing. As she looked over at one of them, the teen would perform a set of handseals, disappearing within a puff of smoke before revealing her now changed figure. She was certainly more burly than before, making her think of some of the members of the Saeko clan. That wasn't to say there was anything wrong with that. Only that it certainly felt....different.

"Okay! I think I got it..."

Doing her best not to rub the patch of hair that seemed scribbled along her face, the now reformed girl would wait for Zakku to possibly create his additional clones to cover their lack of numbers, looking once more at the guards as she began to scan the area.

"We might wanna find a place...I mean...Ahem..."

Doing her best to deepen her voice, she'd repeat her statement anew while resisting the urge to laugh.

'We might want to find a place for these guys...after all...can't have them laying out here in the open...or I guess we just...lock the door behind us...heh heh..."

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-

Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.

Kaze has written 558 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 6, 2023 10:00:55 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

What good is skill
If you don't make it to the dance?
Despite circumstance
You've got a chance

The pair of Zakkus looked at each other.  He had never really gone above two clones never finding a need for more than two.  Nodding the pair weaved their handsigns another pair of Zakkus appears before taking on the disguise of the guards.  The original let out an audible huff feeling a bit of a strain on his body.  While the clones stood by Ayukawa Golf Clapping for her as she produced a more burly voice one clone holding up a sign that had '10' on it.  

"If you wanna lock the door we may have to go a bit extra on it like tying up the door handles and hopefully we'll be gone long before they wake up.  Pretty sure they're not using this tablecloth."  Zakku said grabbing the edge of a tablecloth and with a quick whiff he'd pulled it off flawlessly nothing on the table moving.  Zakku got a few steps before letting out a soft hum.  "This isn't right..."  One of the clones ran past him and knocked the candles and flowers off the table before tipping the whole thing over.  "That's better."  Zakku would nod satisfied and return to the group and show off the table cloth as if nothing had happened.

"See we tie it to the handles so they either gotta go around or break down the door.  So nice that they'd just leave this stuff around for us."  Spinning the cloth around he'd make it smaller and thinner like a rope.  He'd give it a quick thwap into one of his clones legs the snap getting a startled yelp out of him.  "It's also a neat tool to torment people, Here Ayu-Chan try it out."  He'd hold out the twisted up cloth for his teammate to try.

Jutsu used:
NAME: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]



CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]




The Kage Bunshin technique evenly distributes your chakra between one or more clones with form and substance.

The clones created by this technique are able to utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows, has all of their special abilities, as well as their kekkei genkai. Typically a clone's equipment doesn't retain any special abilities and the clone itself is dispersed when hit with a single attack or incapacitated, although the clone can also choose to disperse itself or be dispersed by the user.

When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained along with it's remaining chakra are passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 6, 2023 13:44:49 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Asahi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday August 28th, 1002 rank Special Jounin occupation Kazekage Bodyguard

It was a bit of an ask to have Zakku expend that much chakra just for diversions sake but the chunin was willing and able so that would take care of one problem, though Ayukawa mentioning that they probably should do something about the unconscious guards was another issue. "Hmm good point, just lean 'em up against the door and hopefully they won't come to until after we get the noble taken care of." Asahi would reply as he began to shuffle the bodies off to the corner of the room. Stealth and deception were the goals and so far things were going well even after Zakku's noisy entrance but as luck would have it the blue haired youth just couldn't help himself from causing some ruckus as the clanking and clattering of cutlery, plates and other accoutrement filled the room.

Turning his head towards whichever of the Zakku had caused that noise it was clear from his face that Asahi was none too pleased at the goings on. "Are you trying to get us caught? And put that damn cloth down, hopefully we'll be through with this before they wake up so we won't need to stall them." A heavy sigh left the boy as he performed a couple seals and poof'd into one of the guards they had just taken out, armor and all. "Shape up, we're moving out." The now-man would call out to the others as he made his way over to the door that led back outside. He could still feel the presence of the guards above and across from them and it didn't seem like all that noise Zakku had just made alerted them which was a relief.

When everyone was ready to move out Asahi would lead the group outside in the direction of the second tower where he was sure the noble was hiding out, and surely enough eyes would be upon them almost immediately. "Oi you lot. You're supposed to be with Dano-san, what's the hold up?" A man would call down to them. "Apologies, sir, whatever hit the wall jammed the door. Took us a minute to get it free." Asahi would reply hoping that excuse would fly. "Eh, this place was pretty run down before we took it over so that ain't surprising, but get up to him now. No telling what those Daimyo dogs are gonna try next." The man would bark out to the group below. "Yes sir, on our way." The transformed chunin would reply before continuing on to the tower.

Once inside the group would find this tower much more decorated than the last. Where there had been pictures and other things in the first tower this one was done up to a new level, almost like someone's home. Guess the other one was strictly for guards and servants. The chunin thought to himself as he continued looking about the area. There were guards posted just about everywhere and a larger contingent near the stairs leading up the tower which was surely where the noble was hiding out. To make matters worse there were also civilians moving about the area as well, no doubt the servants Ayukawa and Zakku wanted to rescue. Starting a fight here would no doubt put them in harm's way and if the upstairs was anything like down here then there were sure to be even more of them.

"Sure took ya time getting here." Called out a voice from the opposite side of the room. A rather large guard flanked by two others would approach the group with a less than pleasant look on his face. "Sorry, got caught up after that attack on the wall." Asahi would reply hoping to utilize the same excuse to dissuade suspicion. "Yeah yeah, just get on up--" The man would pause as he leaned to look over at Ayukawa. "Don't remember seeing you when we fled the city. What was your name again?" He would ask, brow furrowed in confusion.

last edit by Kyokujitsu Asahi on Feb 6, 2023 14:07:04 GMT -5
Kata has written 612 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 6, 2023 22:26:05 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Siege Breakers
"Heh heh...Thank you..."

While it probably sounded weird for a man of her appearance to giggle like a girl, the trick that Zakku seemed to pull with the cloth seemed like a pretty good idea. Though just as she was about to take it, the comment of the possible noise and scolding from Asahi was enough to bring her at attention, even if it wasn't directed at her. With a nod, the now-transformed Asahi would begin to lead their group out the door and through the yard. It was quite the sight, but it certainly looked like nothing they had done had alerted anyone to their position. It was good news. Though it did make her question if leaving the guards unbounded would return to bite them upon exit. Still, she had the cloth tucked into her armor, so maybe it wouldn't go to waste.

Though for the moment, their further descent into the ranks of the guards was going smoothly, Asahi was capable of talking their way further in, and even managed to get them a position where the noble was. Though it meant going to the next tower. As they moved on, her eyes would continue to examine the area. It was certainly much more luxurious than the last one. Meaning it was meant to be the home to someone high up in position. Which likely meant it was where they might find the most resistance.

Already the smells were starting to hit her nose like smoke. The mixture of odors from sweat to meals poured through to the point that she felt she might sneeze. Still, she kept her composure, knowing that they were so close. The stairwell leading further up seemed under heavy guard, proving at least that it was the clear target for reaching the man they were after. Though along with the guards, Ayukawa noted the people moving around as well, servants and civilians. This was bad.

If they even attempted to try and break out from the group now, it would certainly cause a scene and the guards would be all over them. Attacking to escape would just lead to possible injuries or worse for these people.

There had to be a way to make this work...

Sadly, it appeared that getting to that step would have to wait, as one of the men began to address them and approached their position in a huff. As the disguised Asahi attempted to try to get them by once more, it appeared that the man's attention became set upon her, prompting her to remain at attention as he quickly began questioning her.

Lying was not Ayukawa's strong suit. Granted, the girl did her best to avoid doing it because of it, and also because she had always been taught it was bad. Of course, a lot of things she had been told were bad were things being done by her people. Or...former people...

Still, she began to speak, holding her demeanor as she crossed her arms behind her back and kept her feet together properly.

"Sir! I was asked to relieve the previous guardsman of his post. He told me it was by your order sir...said to keep to these guys and leave my position to cover for him. Sir! My name is Issei Kouga Sir!."

It certainly wasn't the best lie in the world. But perhaps creating the confusion would allow for at least some minor delay in investigation. If anything else, it would get them access to the stairwell while the man went to check it out. At worst, someone would have to follow after the man, but at least the rest would be able to continue on.

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-

Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.

Law of the Jungle
The law of the jungle states that the strongest survive and the weak perish. In further effort to increase upon such a principle, Ayukawa has further increased her strength by the usage of training weights. Her constant runs, strikes, and combat acts have more impactful strides due to their instrumental usage. As such, while not yet strong enough to break boulders without applying chakra, she has improved the impact strength of her strikes to the point that she can fracture bones with more ease, much like the bite of a lion.

last edit by Saeko Ayukawa on Feb 6, 2023 22:32:51 GMT -5
Kaze has written 558 posts
Siege Breakers [Mission]Feb 6, 2023 23:05:41 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

What good is skill
If you don't make it to the dance?
Despite circumstance
You've got a chance

The Zakkus winced at being scolded by Asahi and the original kept the rolled up cloth around his wrist.  Falling into line with his clones he'd get into character as the guard.  

Exiting the room back outside Zakku stared at the second tower and let out a low hum.  As the man called them out the four Zakkus jerked their heads to look.  Thankfully Asahi had spoken up first.  Good Zakku hadn't asked these people about their past before knocking them out.  Too late for regrets now.  

As they entered the tower Zakku clicked his tongue in disappointment seeing the servants.  That just made things harder in here.  Then came the big guard that called to them.  Once again Asahi seemed to wash him off but then the guard questioned Ayukawa.  Zakku wouldn't have to look at his clones to know they all thought the same thing.  'Uh oh.'  Getting Ayukawa to Lie was like pulling teeth.  He'd never been successful and would often rather do the lying for her.  That wouldn't fly right now though.  

At least she had the voice down.  Zakku wanted to put his face into his palm at Ayukawas answer but he couldn't.  He had to help out plus what was there to lose?  With nothing left to lose he added in.  "Ya daft Donkey.  He asked for ya name.  Not what we were doin.  You didn't get hit by that rubble too hard did ya?"  Looking at Ayukawa his clone would chime in.  "No Dood He's just been drinkin on the job again.  We should take her too the boss man."  The other clones nodded in agreement.  "Yeah punish him!"

Jutsu used:
NAME: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
The Kage Bunshin technique evenly distributes your chakra between one or more clones with form and substance.

The clones created by this technique are able to utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows, has all of their special abilities, as well as their kekkei genkai. Typically a clone's equipment doesn't retain any special abilities and the clone itself is dispersed when hit with a single attack or incapacitated, although the clone can also choose to disperse itself or be dispersed by the user.

When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained along with it's remaining chakra are passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts