A Den Of Dead Men

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A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:03:09 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
Ikana was not unfamiliar with the topic of pirates. Fucking pirates. How they assaulted the ships at sea of Kirigakure’s merchants to take from them their items of worth. Either from Kiri or headed there. Stealing items such as food, soy sauce, lacquer, timber, or any other number of belongings. Perhaps thinking they’d become rich and prosperous after a few good hits. Though it honestly sounded like some stupid folly for the most part. Ikana didn’t really know what to say. She’d packed her belongings, a few days worth of food. She’d heard there was a small pirate den on an island that had been identified.

Their mission was an incredibly simplistic one. Remove them. Ensure that no pirates remained. Ikana had checked her supplies three times over, before she tied her headband to her forehead. She’d marched out towards the port on the western edge of Kirigakure to meet with Sora, her sensei. In the ideal and hope of bonding. Also because it was a requirement for her to prove her worth by completing her missions in order to prove her worthiness and finally ascend to the rank of Chunin. Though. Stepping forward, she’d adorned bracers upon her arms, lined with the lightning flash creation seal.

She’d adorned a cloak of which to obscure her small frame and hand movements. She’d come with neutral and steely eyes as she found herself waiting aboard a ship known as "The Sardine” of which would transport them. A small and light vessel with about two dozen crew members. Easily enough to transport them to their destination. If Kami was good, and the wind was generous, they’d reach their destination ideally within three to five days. Ikana was used to the rocky stir of the boat. She’d experienced its motion for about a year or so in her service to Kiri’s navy.

"Konichiwa Sora-Sensei.” Bowing politely, she gave a small curl upwards of the lips. As she leaned against the mast. "I was hoping we could go over the briefing and make a battle plan for our assignment. I’ve been thinking about it for some time now.” It might have been comical, how serious and composed this young girl was. Then again. Her work ethic did make her grow up faster than other people might have expected. Huh?

last edit by Miyamoto Ikana on Jul 11, 2023 17:03:22 GMT -5
dandead10 has written 642 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:05:06 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
I hate ships. Sora thought as she leaned up against the railing, her eyes screwed shut and breathing slow. She had never liked traveling by sea, not in her entire career as a Kunoichi; for whatever reason her stomach had never quite caught up to her legs when adjusting to the motion of a ship at sea, and even now when the vessel was docked she could feel it churning. She would manage, she always had, but that didn’t make the prospect of a week-long trip aboard a small, cramped sloop any more appealing.

"Good morning, Ikana.” The Jounin said when the girl spoke, her gaze closed but no longer tight. It helped to have something to focus on, something to distract her from the constant shifting beneath her feet. She never had this problem when water-walking, but on a boat… on a boat it was better to find something to focus on. Else she might spray her guts out all over the deck. Or a crew member.

"Sure. We can do that. Just… give me a moment.” Sora took a deep breath, slowly opening her eyes as she turned her head towards the captain, who was standing by the wheel, waiting. She waved, jerking her head towards Ikana- and despite having never met the man before this, he seemed to understand, shouting orders to the other crew to prepare the sail, set the lines and cast off. She motioned for Ikana to follow, lips twitching in a tight smile as she pushed off from the railing and walked, slowly, towards the back of the ship, where their cabin waited. She even held the door for the girl, waiting until she was inside to shut it behind her- and locked it shut, sliding the bolt in place. Poor security against a Shinobi, but enough for now. There were some things you couldn’t trust with just anyone, after all.

"Alright. We should be secure enough to talk now.” Sora said once the door was shut, turning to face her student; she had read the briefing, had gone over the recommended action plan, had made her own notes and alterations, but those would come later. This was Ikana’s mission, after all. Her idea. Her choice. Her expertise. She had to let the girl take the lead, at least at this phase. When it came time to fight… well. She’d work that out when the time came.

"Tell me what you’ve come up with.”

Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:05:52 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
"Of course.” Ikana had felt the same seasickness for quite some time. However, she eventually acclimated. The taste of a sour citrus usually did well to help with the feeling of nausea. Alternatively, to eat something dry that sucked up all the moisture in the stomach. As they found themselves in an isolated corner, Ikana found herself slowly opening a small map. A small islet of which there was the potential base in question. Ikana nodded her head and thought it through.

"We should assault in the dead of night. This vessel’s small enough that we could land along a small cove opening or we could water walk onto the rocks if need be.” Dragging her finger somewhere along the southern end. "We’ll stick to the shadows and scout out the area and its defenses. If any. Isolate and follow a small band if the opportunity presents itself. Then? Assault where the defenses are weakest. Use the element of confusion and disarray to strike fast, and strike hard.” Ikana draws a finger along the map in question in a circular motion.

"We’ll isolate their means of escape and destroy their ship if we have to. Though. I’d rather seize it. It’d be a waste of a good boat. Regardless. We’re here to finish a job.” Dancing with her thoughts, she considered all of the possibilities. Looking at the ideal shape of the somewhat oblong shaped islet, she proceeds to point at the eastern corner. "I’d imagine we might see a cove den…There.” Nodding her head. Overall? Ikana was confident where if they needed to, they could fairly easily rush in and overwhelm some bandits. Even with just the two of them by brute force if need be. However, all it took was a lucky arrow or a mistake to kill. Better to avoid that risk.

"I have a technique ideal for scouting the enemy perimeter. So I might be better suited for a support role. Though I’m at your command. Minami-Taicho.”

last edit by Miyamoto Ikana on Jul 11, 2023 17:06:10 GMT -5
dandead10 has written 642 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:06:25 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
Ikana’s suggestions were what she had come to expect from the Genin; straightforward, simple, but with a ruthless cleverness that hid a dark, almost cruel sense of pride. She, like most any Shinobi in Kirigakure, hated pirates and all that they stood for, but it took a special kind of hatred to plan something like this out with such… judicious attention to detail. She had studied the map, identified points of entry, formulated a plan of attack that would sow chaos and destruction amongst the pirates while bringing little to no risk to themselves. Even volunteered to scout the enemy. What killers they’ve made of us, little one.

"We don’t have much in the way of extra manpower for this mission.” Sora said after a moment, eyes fixed on the map as she thought over what they needed to do. What they could do, with the resources they had. What they might accomplish, alone and together, if things went south. "Taking their ship is secondary to eliminating them. If we had more sailors we might be able to focus on both, but the Sardine is running a skeleton crew, so don’t worry about keeping it intact. If you have to, destroy it. And as for our entry point…” The Jounin paused, gaze flowing over the map as she assessed Ikana’s choice- and agreed. It was the best one, even if the distance was further from their objective than she would have liked.

"We’ll water-walk to the point you chose once we get close enough. I’ll make sure the Captain knows not to come back until we send the signal, and that he’s to rendezvous with us on the northern end of the island once he sees it.” If that was where their ship was docked, it would be a lot easier to recover any stolen goods they had- and perhaps even tow their boat, should the need arise. "And so long as the jutsu doesn’t put you in harm's way, I’m fine with you scouting ahead.”

There was nothing to say about her acting as support though. That was a given, but not a certainty. Ikana would have to defend herself, even if they stuck together and the girl never left her sight. "Just remember. You’re not fighting to kill when you’re with me. You fight to survive. Protect yourself if you need to, but let me handle the killing.”

Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:07:00 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
Ikana was never squeamish when it came to killing. Killing something to eat wasn’t actually all that different from killing a person. She’d killed rabbits, crabs, fish, birds, and other things just to put food on her table, and she’d looked the fucking things in the eyes at times when she did. Breaking necks in traps. "Understood.” Ikana seemed to be a completely different person in some regards when it came down to the mission. She was serious, and didn’t seem spunky and rambunctious as other children might have when on a mission with combat like this.

"As for the jutsu. It’s the Shadow Clone Jutsu.” It might have been a surprise. For a genin such as herself to know that technique. "I’ll use it to gather reconnaissance, then deal as much damage as possible once we’re ready. Though as you said. I’ll leave the killing to you if need be. I understand my role in the mission.” Bowing her head, she’d clap her hands together. Slowly thinking about the mission ahead, and the map in question, she found herself not feeling guilty in the slightest at the prospect of killing this scum.

"I suppose it’s a good time for me to mention. I’m quite skilled at Fuuinjutsu. So…If there’s any souvenirs or anything you’d like to bring back. Let me know. I’ve a few storage scrolls I can use to bring some small treasures back with us.” Not money usually, but Ikana did enjoy taking items like weapons or other tools for herself. Either to sell, add to her store, and or use personally. It was a habit of hers due to being a fucking brokie most of her life. Besides. If it was good enough to use for a pirate and kill normal civilians, it was probably decent enough for a caravan guard or for a budding Genin that was looking to get a sword or something for cheap. She didn’t know.

"I’m at your command.”
dandead10 has written 642 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:07:30 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
"You’ve leave to loot, Ikana.” Sora said, lips quirking up in a soft, feathery grin that faded as the boat began, at last, to move. It was going to be a long trip, and there would be little for either of them to do until they arrived at their destination, so the Jounin strolled over to her hammock (because beds on a ship were a luxury, not a feature) and rolled into it. There wasn’t much else she or Ikana could discuss, not at this stage anyway. The only thing they could do now was wait. And talk.

"Just make sure you fill out the proper forms when we get back. And remember- no heroics.” She had little doubt the Genin would follow her orders, but Sora reiterated the point anyway. People did odd things in the throes of combat (and Ikana would be fighting, no matter how much she wished the girl wasn’t), and only serious repetition and discipline could overrule those lightning-quick, adrenaline fueled reactions and force them into something useful.

This is going to be a long trip…

Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:13:36 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
"Hai. I’ll fill out all the paperwork as needed. Also…I never believed in heroes. I’ve never seen any.” She proclaims. It was hard to believe in such things like the delusions of fairy tales and fantastical stories when one grew up in the grim dark aftermath of civil war and tailed beast rampage. As Sora took her rest, Ikana on the other hand took the liberty to unseal an inkwell, red slips of paper, as well as some brushes as she began expertly dancing her hand along each piece. The seal for explosion being drawn upon them using the Bakukami no Jutsu. The chakra had been infused into the ink previously, and she’d at this point performed this jutsu thousands of times. Ikana could have done the technique in her damn sleep. Useful tools for their mission.

Though not long afterwards, she too would come to rest in the hammock she was so used to. The days were slower, but as they made their sail, the wind would allow them to move swiftly. Ikana didn’t seem bothered in the slightest at the prospect of the conflict ahead, and in truth, she’d been growing massively and swiftly in skill and ability within short bursts of time. They would eventually come before a small islet. It was grey, drab, and largely stoney. There were few trees that lingered here, and the soil was thin, of little use for more than grazing sheep or other such creatures. A crude dock lay here along the isle, as well as a small pirate fort or den against the rocky hill, primarily made of wood.

Ikana moved forward onto a boat. She found that as the ship neared closer in the darkness, she found herself weaving a few handseals as she raises her right arm over her head, her middle and index fingers extended. "Kirigakure no Jutsu…” WIth a cool declaration of the technique, the mist begins to roll inwards, thick and heavy as to obscure the ship in the dark night. Like a dark fog, as Ikana turns towards Sora in full. Prepared to make their advance.
dandead10 has written 642 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:13:53 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
The days went by slowly for Sora, but eventually they went by, and the day (or, rather, night) arrived. She had spent the day resting, and when the sun dipped below the sky she prepared with Ikana for the coming raid. Nothing too difficult, really. Just a den of bloodthirsty pirates who wanted nothing more than to kill everyone they met and steal whatever they could that had some value. She could have handled the entire thing on her own, truth be told, but that wasn’t the point. Ikana (and all of Team 1, truly) needed experience. Experience that could only come with missions with real, if limited, stakes.

When the ship neared the southern end of the island, she let Ikana down in the Sardine’s dinghy, waiting a few moments as the girl readied their screen. The Hidden Mist Jutsu was a powerful weapon against those who didn’t know how to counter it, and Ikana’s was acceptable enough that it covered both the dinghy and a good chunk of their landing site as well. Someone’s been practicing. Sora thought as she leapt over the railing, chakra pooling in her feet the moment before she hit the water, which was rough but not unmanageable, even for someone with average control like her.

Sora waited a moment, allowing herself to adjust to the motion of the water before moving again, legs propelling her over the surface and into the mist- Ikana would have seen her enter, and knew where to rendezvous, but there was a certain amount of… autonomy expected in missions like this. You had to be willing to go off instinct, not just theory or protocol. And right now, Sora’s instincts said to move in. Fast.

Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:17:21 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
For Ikana? The days were spent in training and preparation. Suckling on a lime or citrus. Until eventually, the night had come. When Sora came down, Ikana found herself chasing after her Sensei, walking down the length of the boat before stepping onto the water. Before they made their trip to the rocky coastline. It was dark, cool, and as they made their way, Ikana took deep breaths. Even without her sword, she was still dangerous after all. In the dead of darkness, it was not difficult for the two of them to eventually make their way farther inland along the more abandoned regions.

"Now…I suppose it’s time I make our advance scouting party. Let’s do it.” Forming the ram seal, she then swiftly raises her hands together in a cross motion. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” With twin puffs of smoke, two duplicates form on either side of the genin. As she reaches into her pouch and slaps two high power explosive tags on either one of their chests. A devious usage of Shadow Clones, turning them into suicide bombers. In the event they were to be captured and discovered. The Ikana duplicates swiftly dash outwards, weaving through the outcropping as they stick close to the shadows. As the real Ikana looks towards Sora.

There were indeed crude lookouts, but for the most part, the pirates had enjoyed their time in their little den. Their Kingdom, for good raids, brought about the prospects of a modest feast. With drink and merriment. As they discussed where else to raid. The shores of Konoha for their timber. The merchants of Kiri for their silk and other goods. Or perhaps intercept Suna to catch their gold dust. Bandits were a perpetual problem, as were pirates, and where there lay an opportunity for an easy profit, there would always be those looking to take it. Ikana said nothing about having revealed this new technique. Instead, she found herself closing her eyes. Concentrating on her chakra and the matter at hand. "I’ll follow your lead.”
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A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:17:46 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
Ikana followed her well enough, keeping up with her, admittedly lessened, pace without complaint. The pair reached the island and, without fanfare, slid up behind a large boulder that sat, almost like a pillar, near the southern coast of the island. Ikana formed her clones, slapping an explosive tag on each (and wasn’t that a gruesomely inventive use of that jutsu…) before sending them off into the mist to scout ahead. Sora didn’t say a word though, not yet. She was waiting for the clones to report back. Or explode. Eventually, though, the silence grew more than she could take, and she spoke, voice bare above a whisper.

"Ikana. How are the clones doing?” A lot was riding on those things- their element of surprise, the first initial contact, it all came down to how those two clones acted. What they did. How they did it. If being a Hunter-nin had taught her anything, it was that you didn’t charge into a fight without checking with the scouts first. Because if the scouts got taken down, the enemy knew where you were. And if the enemy knew where you were…

Well. It wasn’t pleasant, to say the least. Not pleasant at all.

As Ikana’s clones wove through the rocky outcroppings and uneven terrain of the island, they would come across their first challenge: a scout. Though the majority of the pirates were indeed eating and drinking, a handful had been put on lookout duty- a punishment given to those who didn’t bring in enough loot, but one some of them took seriously. And in the southern scout’s case, one he took very seriously indeed.

What the hell is with this mist? Haru thought as he stood on his crude, admittedly obvious perch atop a flat boulder.. It had come out of nowhere, and was thick enough that he couldn’t see a thing. And yet… what was that? There, out by the south shore. A flicker of movement, perhaps? Gripping the length of his spear tight, the young man glanced down at his friend sleeping in the cot beside him. Ita would kill him if he woke him up for nothing. Again.

"Better check it out myself.” He said, more to himself than anything else, as he turned around and walked down the crude wooden steps that led to ground level. It was probably nothing but… well. He had to be sure. And with that, the teen stepped out into the mist, spear in his right hand, looking for something he wasn’t certain was even there.

last edit by Sora Minami on Jul 11, 2023 17:21:33 GMT -5
Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:19:35 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
Ikana in truth would be unable to tell how far her clones got. Not until they either returned or dispersed. So when confronted, as she closed her eyes tightly. She found herself resting. "They must still be making headway.” She mused. That they were. For as they began to further shroud the area with the thick mist, obscuring everything in sight? It was like a horror movie. Wasn’t it? Ikana took deep breaths, relaxing herself, though never letting her guard down. Sora, Ikana could tell was restless. Looking to get into the thrill of the fight. The action. Ikana on the other hand? Ikana did enjoy a fight. Or rather, the feeling of power she might hold in battle. A tangible show of prominence.

However, in the case of a mission like this? It was cold. Calculating. Ikana had come to imagine the deaths of the pirates a hundred times over before she’d even come to shore. She thought about it when awake, and she dreamed of it in her slumber. Perhaps that was rather telling of Ikana’s own sinister nature beneath the adorable surface. However, in those next moments? The clones made contact.

For as Haru began to make his descent? The crude wooden steps from his roost? They could hear every creak. Before he made his venture. He’d find that the mist was thick. Incredibly so. The moisture in the air thickened to such an extent where one could feel lost forever. It was as if the mist threatened to consume them and send them into another realm. He might have heard the cawing of a seagull or the sound of the waves against the rocks. A comfort to know there was something around him. However, the most terrible thing? Would be when he ventured, and heard close to nothing. Before one of the clones sought to finish their handseal sequence, and with a twist of a hand?

"Suirou no Jutsu.” Rapidly a spiraling orb of water threatens to form from a portion of the mist, as well as the wet soil. Looking to rapidly envelop and swallow around Haru in question. However, unlike a normal bubble of water? It was harder than steel. Inescapable to move or escape from the inside. The clone’s hand remained inside the swirling water, and with it, Haru might be able to see a young girl. The headband of Kiri visible before him. As instead of killing him swiftly? It sought to make him drown to death. Water to fill his lungs, as he’d die within three minutes or less without air. A horrible way to die, as the Ikana duplicate watched it happen. Every wriggle. Every twist of motion. Not that Sora would ever need to see.

Whereas the other clone would begin its advance. Instead of climbing the wooden stairs, it would use the tree climbing exercise, scaling the boulder in question. Silently as it could. Murder in its eyes as it slowly flicks its wrist, a Kunai slipping out of its sleeves. Before looking to crouch and without much of a second thought, thrust the Kunai straight through the jugular. The side of the throat with the trowel like weapon, before twisting. Its other hand grasps the front of Ita’s shirt for leverage as it stabs a second time for good measure. Looking to flip the dagger and stab straight for the base of the spine. Ensuring if the first stab didn’t kill, the second absolutely would.

Eventually? One of the clones would use the transformation jutsu to look like Ita. Remaining at the checkpoint as the other duplicate returns.

"Enemy outpost disposed of. Sentry placed disguised as one of their own. Prepared to infiltrate and devastate the surrounding area. Minami-Taicho.”
dandead10 has written 642 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:22:31 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
Haru had no chance to react. One second he was walking through the mist, scanning what he could see, mostly just wasting time, and the next… water. Everywhere. Harder than steel, it held the teen fast as he tried, and failed, to scream, his mouth sucking in the liquid as he looked down at the culprit. A girl Maybe his age. Maybe younger. Wearing a Kirigakure headband. He had no time to think about it though, no time to reflect that maybe he should have taken up his uncle’s offer aboard that fishing boat instead of hitching it with Ita aboard the pirate ship, because water was filling his lungs and he couldn’t breath.

In exactly three minutes, the struggling Haru died. His friend Ita, asleep on the cot, didn’t even wake as Ikana scaled the wall- and when her stab cut through his throat, his strangled, gurgling screams were drowned out by the crash of waves and the revelry going on inside the cave. He died with the girl’s second strike, never knowing what had happened beyond the searing, terrible pain in his throat- and the cutting silence that followed.

"Good.” Sora said, nodding as she drew Samidare with slow, almost sensual ease. It had been a long time since she’d killed a bandit den like this one, but there were few things Kiri Shinobi found more satisfying than culling the ranks of the unending plague that was piracy from its shores. Even she couldn’t deny it was good to cut the bastards down every once in a while. Not too often though. They were just people trying to get by, after all. In the worst possible way, yes, one that brought the wrath of Kiri down on their heads, but still. People.

"Follow me and deal with the stragglers. When we reach the entrance, blow your clone.” Her voice was calm now, focused and sharp. The storm inside her was eerily quiet, still before what was about to come. What she was about to unleash. She moved then, taking a single, deep breath as she walked out into the mist at leisurely pace, Samidare held in a loose grip in her right hand, ready. She passed the corpses Ikana had left behind without a word, ignoring the water and blood in favor of what was in front of her.

It was time.

Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:23:20 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
The murders Ikana committed were cold, premeditated, and she honestly couldn’t say she felt terrible about it. Killing a person wasn’t much different than killing a rabbit, or a bird, or a fish. Especially since these fellows preyed upon others. It was a fish eat fish society out there, and there were plenty of fish in the sea. That said, she had taken the liberty to wait. As her clones took up any useful arms they could from the dead. It was in a way how Ikana functioned. How she worked and lived when it came to missions like this. After all. It wasn’t as if they’d be needing it anymore.

With the declaration made, Ikana and her disguised doppelgangers made their way past the checkpoint, when she was given her first instructions. "Of course. I’ll take care of it right away.” Taking the spear from the Haru duplicate, she found herself waiting on the sideline. Waiting as Sora-Sensei had made their way forward. Before the disguised clones advanced ahead of them. Heading into the slate stone gate of their enemy’s location, with drink and merriment passed around? It might have taken a moment for them to realize the sentries in question were there at all. Though.

By the time they did? A handful of Kunai knives were hurled across the room, adorned with explosive tags. Sinking into the furniture, a body or two, and otherwise. Before the clones both leap forward, looking to get into as many clumps of people as possible. Katsu! The paper bombs on each of their chests would glow brightly, before enveloping them in a brilliant flash of red as smoke begins to emanate from the den in question. The blasts shaking the earth and sending the gateway to their den bursting open. Splinters of wood, and burning bodies were sent flying. As soon, figures begin to make their way out. To run out of the building through the front. Coughing and debilitated from their ringing ears.

Ikana remained on standby for stragglers as Sora mentioned. However, now was the time for Sensei to show her prowess in violence. It was time to show these pirates the power of the hidden mist.

last edit by Miyamoto Ikana on Jul 11, 2023 17:23:30 GMT -5
dandead10 has written 642 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:23:48 GMT -5
Sora Minami
"You cannot cage a storm."
Sora Minami Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday December 23rd rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
The explosions went off almost simultaneously, rocking the small island as they shuddered through the rock, spraying up bits of dust and smoke out into the mist. The smell of fire filled her nostrils, filling her with an urge to run, to rush in and begin the slaughter, but the Jounin beat the impulse down hard, keeping her pace slow as she closed the distance. Thirty meters. Twenty five. Twenty. Fifteen. At ten meters out, the survivors began to run out, some of them with weapons in hand, others too dazed and hurt to walk straight, let alone fight. It was almost unfair, how badly they were outmatched. Almost.

Sora exploded into motion without a word, Samidare flashing as she charged into the growing crowd of pirates, her first swing connecting with an unsuspecting hulk of a man carrying a polearm. Despite the difference in their size, the Jounin’s strike cleaved through the larger man with surprising ease, bifurcating him from hip to shoulder in one, clean stroke, spraying blood into the air as she hurtled into the crowd, looking for the leader.
As Sora charged into the fray, the mist around Ikana swirled, the forms of two men appearing on either side of her, about ten meters away. Despite what both Shinbi had thought, the pirates of this cove had not posted only a single sentry position, and when the explosion rocked their base, they had each sent a man to investigate. Both men, upon seeing Ikana, leveled their weapons at her -one a spear, the other a long, surprisingly well-crafted wakizashi- and began to advance, suspicious and hostile, but not yet attacking.

Exousia has written 495 posts
A Den Of Dead MenJul 11, 2023 17:31:50 GMT -5
Miyamoto Ikana
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Miyamoto Ikana Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 7th, -2 SD rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 2
The battle was brought into motion by the pinkette. For as she burst into motion with a flash of her blade, the sharpness of her blade was evident as she slashed down a larger and taller man, ripping through his body as blood sprayed, separating him with a single fluid strike. It was a testament to her malice, bloodlust, and her skill with the blade. The pirates in question had always thought about the possibility of being attacked perhaps, but had never truly experienced the wrath of a Shinobi. To be tasked to be rid of by them was an acknowledgement that were a valid threat that could no longer be ignored. Perhaps they viewed their actions as too petty for retribution or justice.

As Sora rushed forward, there was a shift as a smaller, more weasely man thrusts outward with his own spear, aimed for the center of Sora's body. Though in truth, this was but a mere distraction, as he yells loudly, trying to draw her eyes. Before he'd attempt to duck. A large and portly man behind him having lifted up one of the wooden benches the group sat on, deciding to use it as a improvised and makeshift weapon, swinging it with his full might towards Sora's comparatively small form. "HROAAAGH!" He calls out in an angry cry, the veins around his head tensed, thinking he could send her flying, or kill her with a single hit if he was fortunate. As the pirates prepared themselves to fight or run. It was just a woman and a child!


For Ikana however, she stood by that exit, watchful for any potential escapees. However, as she turned, she took a deep breath. She flicked her hands across the bracers around her forearm, and with a fluid motion and a poof of smoke, she threw a handful of eight Shuriken upon them, whirring throwing stars, as she then sways her body partially like a drunk person, before dashing towards the two of them, keeping her body low and centered towards the ground as she weaves a few handseals. She'd throw a diversionary assault, and then attack them from the flank where their defenses were weak! So was her thought. She'd need to deal with them quickly in case any other stragglers came out. Goodness.
last edit by Miyamoto Ikana on Jul 11, 2023 17:39:58 GMT -5
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