White Blossoms in Bloom

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White Blossoms in BloomNov 19, 2023 23:19:05 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     Keiji hung from the ceiling. He clenched his teeth and let out a little tsk, then dropped back down the floor with a splash of blood. The clone seemed to be enjoying itself a little much, as his entire right arm was coated in the remnants of what'd been a man's chest. Keiji signaled for it to join them.

     With a sigh, he came up with a new plan. They'd been disarrayed here, though he couldn't say he was much surprised. "Alright," he droned. "Zaizen's plan is fine." He'd have preferred the quiet way from the start, anyway, but he hadn't thought them very capable of it save for his old captain.

     With hand gestures, he split the group up. It certainly hadn't been his intention, but it worked well enough. Zaizen and Asuka formed the physical backbone of each group, so he split them apart. Himself and Masshiro acted better as support in this case, so he formed pairs and included the clone as extra backup and a medic in case things with south for the other group.

     "Asuka and I'll take the next floor up." he motioned for the clone. "Zaizen and Masshiro, head up to the third - and take the clone with you. He'll stay hidden, be your medic - don't let him get dispersed."

     "Zaizen - try to show Masshiro a thing or two about stealth. Both of you," he said while giving them eye contact. "quietly. Use distractions: Genjutsu, clones, traps. Split them apart and deal with them individually, where you can."

     "Asuka, we'll do much the same: make them think this place is haunted. I'll make the distractions - blood dripping from the ceiling, fake creepy crawlies," he laughed while wriggling his fingers. "the like. While they're spooked, use that speed and strength to neutralize them before they can call for help. And watch your feet - I'd rather not get into another full-blown fight."

     "All good?" he rhetorically asked with a shrug. "Walls'd probably be safer than the stairs." he said while carefully sliding open the window and quietly ascending the forest-facing exterior wall, up to the second floor, where he and Asuka would silently enter through a window.

last edit by Kuronmeru Keiji on Nov 19, 2023 23:24:52 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 20, 2023 5:48:19 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    In truth, he was fine with just about any plan that didn't involve them being taken out by a group of some fifty strangers in this ugly building, but he liked this idea much more in theory. These rooms weren't conducive to fighting like half the group wanted or perhaps even were favored towards, and he far and away preferred a more quiet approach to what had been taking place. He also felt far more comfortable with Zaizen as far as having to split up the group, but it certainly placed him squarely in a position of support given their difference in strength as they overlapped in weapon skill.

"I- right, quiet and stealth."

    Motioning for his water clone, still sitting at the opposite side of the room watching the entrance, they both moved past the group making sure no one on the ground was feigning death. After retrieving his earlier thrown kunai, he gave a gentle pat to Uemori as Masshiro and his clone waited on the other side of the room.

"I know I know, you'll get your chance."

    Giving it another pat as if talking to a pet and not a weapon, he rested it back over his shoulder and looked over, waiting for Zaizen and Keiji's clone. He'd take up the rear position and follow, be it out a door, out a window, or making a new hole in the wall if need be. He had full confidence in getting this done, he just hoped there were no issues along the way.

Sprinkles has written 145 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 20, 2023 10:43:44 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

A plan was cooked up about splitting up into two teams to avoid potential friendly fire and also to work through the building a bit faster. Asuka and Keiji would be moving to the next floor, whilst Masshiro and Zaizen would move up to the third floor. The plan was to utilize as much stealth, genjutsu and other traps as possible. This would be a good exercise in making sure that all of the individual players did the right thing, since sound traveled any extremely loud combat could result in attracting undue attention to the floors they were occupying in the moment.

So with a clear plan they would depart.

-- Second Floor --

For Asuka and Keiji the floor was many lengthy corridors, with four enemies standing in each square corner, whilst one was wandering around it in a 'circular' well square pattern. It definitely would be difficult to hide here as the long corridors did not have anything to hide behind and eyes could be on them at any angle, it also made big fighting difficult due to the long nature of the hallways. How would they proceed without being seen?

-- Third Floor --

Once entering Masshiro, Zaizen and the clone would find themselves entering a very warped high ceiling hallway, the hallway itself was visibly covered in traps, from random trip wires to fuuinjutsu tags that one could only guess what they activated from. Fortunately the hallway had plenty of space up in the rafters, though based on how it looked straight ahead - there was no telling what the rafters had. The two of them would really have to be careful and utilize not only stealth but their potentially limited knowledge of fuuinjutsu to get around the obstacles.

The clone could stay back or move with them but may find it equally difficult.

Han has written 2,376 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 25, 2023 13:50:16 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As Asuka and Keiji proceeded up the second floor she'd take notice of the distance between their foes knowing that there could be eyes on them from anywhere more than likely long hallways were abound or something keeping the distacne. "Alright Sir, I can sense that there are 4 of them with one of them coming around the corner and another advancing around a corner that's still a ways away from us." the girl would say as she stopped near the entrance to the next floor. "We should go in the opposite direction of our enemy, there's a guard around every corner, so we'll have to more quickly and then slip back into cover, Can you cover me...?" she'd say looking back at him and then funneling her chakra. "I can try to dispatch the first guard as quickly as I can, when he's down head down the corridor."

With that Asuka would dash forward as quickly and as quietly as she could using her blinding speed in an attempt to smash into the enemy using her tempered bandages to strike him in the throat to silencing him and then swiftly slicing off his head in an incredibly fast striking combination.

If successful. knowing that eyes may be on her she'd look back at Keiji gesturing for him to come forward. She could see the enemy down the hallway. "He isn't here yet as far I can sense, I'm going for the next one thanks for the back up!" she'd heads down the next hallway doing his best to do the same hopefully. She knew that eventually the man patrolling in a circle might find them provided she was at least swift and silent enough to delay him but if all went well she'd keep at it.


NAME: Kasoku Suru [Accelerate]

A very simple technique, by using chakra the user is able to instantly accelerate their selves to their max speed. This can be done in just about any condition, but any techniques that slow the user's movement (such as armor from jutsu or most jutsu that might slow an individual) will still affect them.

[NAME] Kinu-ryu: Impakuto Pamu [Silken Fist: Impact Palm]
[PRE-REQUISITE] Iron Silk Technique + Waruichi Outfit/w Bandages

The user throws out two rapid palm strikes One to the cheek either left or right followed by another strike directly to the nose. This attack is meant to use the first blow to disorient the opponent and then follow up with a quick strike to the face with depending on the strength of the bandage this attack could potentially cause a concussion or even break the bones of the opponents face.

NAME: Tekken: Tegatana Kowasu [Iron Fist: Knife Hand Break]
Forming their hand into a four fingered nukite the user will bring their hand down in a hard chop against their opponent’s shoulders or arms with enough force to break and bruise bone. Used to disable the opponent’s arms, the user can also attack the neck for a quick removal of a threat. Those with enough strength can actually use the move to sheer parts of their opponent off.



Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 27, 2023 16:22:39 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

So it was agreed that the group would split up for now one to cover more ground and second so they did not get in each others way as the the building wasn't really designed to be fighting in large groups and if they continued together would very likely end up causing damage to each other. Zaizen had been paired with Masshiro another fellow swordsman like himself. So it was decided that Masshiro and Zaizen would head to the third floor of the building with that in mind Zaizen took the lead and headed up to the third floor by the stairs he had found in the building that led to a very warped high ceiling hallway, though Zaizen had spotted a lot of traps scattered along the corridor including tripwires and fuuinjutsu traps while not understanding a great deal about fuuinjutsu traps, Zaizen knew a little about seals having several himself for the use of items, but other than that his knowledge was limited in this situations.

Zaizen knew that disabling the traps would take way too long to do and they likely would not be able to do anything about the fuuinjutsu traps so this method wasn't worth there time so it was likely best to avoid them all altogether. While Zaizen could avoid everything with his clan abilities Masshiro did not have this luxury so Zaizen couldn't use that method, which only left the rafters to go over them from above. "We are best heading up and over them from the rafters above though they could contain traps as well, but likely fewer traps than down here. Let's still tread with caution" Zaizen finished speaking before jumping up to the rafters above which contained support beams for them to move, not yet knowing what traps lay there for them.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword][On Back]
[Techniques Executed]:

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None
Jian has written 127 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 28, 2023 0:57:26 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
Second Floor

     Southeast corner clear then, Keiji thought as he looked down at the blood spreading from the corpse. That left four more - southwest, northwest and northeast, plus the one patrolling. The body lay in the hallway, so if the one making the rounds stumbled on it it could either serve as a distraction or set the alarm off.

     He flashed an affirmative to Asuka, then signaled for her to head to the southwest, trusting her only just enough to not jeopardize the entire mission. Resolving on the 'distraction' route, he quickly stitched the man's head back on with blood threads and then pulled the corpse's outer shirt off and hastily mopped up the blood.

     The work wasn't perfect and the corpse wasn't fully intact, but after he'd dragged the body up against a wall and tossed the bloody shirt into an empty room, it would seem like he was just sleeping - at least from down the hallway. Hopefully it'd draw the patrolling enemy.

     From what'd Asuka reported, it seemed the they were diagonal from him, in the northwest. In the meantime, Keiji speedily slipped out into an empty room and crossed the exterior of the building to the northeast. Peering in through the paper, he could see the silhouette of the patrol as well as another standing in front of the window he was looking through.

     When the patrol had rounded the corner and spotted the ostensibly sleeping man and gone out of immediate earshot, Keiji would either slip in and attempt to kill the man in the corner - if he attempted to follow the patrol to investigate, he'd use blood manipulation to flick blood against the wall and get his attention, then attempt an assassination.

Third Floor

     The clone followed Zaizen and Masshiro up to the third floor, glancing around at all the traps that littered the space. Aside from triggering them from a distance, he had no easy method of dealing with them - besides, he was saving all his chakra for medical treatments.

     He waited for Zaizen and Masshiro to hop up onto the beams then signaled he would follow from a distance, carefully observing their path and following safely, but not close enough to get dispersed should one of them set off a trap. Once they'd begun, he hopped up and watched patiently before following and staying out of sight.

last edit by Kuronmeru Keiji on Nov 28, 2023 0:59:42 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 28, 2023 19:40:33 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    Waiting for the others to pass by, he moved a few feet behind Zaizen and Keiji's clone, leaving his to follow behind. He simply kept quiet as he scanned the floor they came upon, trying to get a picture of just what they were walking into as he listened to Zaizen's idea. As they moved into the room, it seemed both clones were going to hang back, with his staying at the entrance where they came in to keep watch and stay hidden, and Keiji's he wasn't sure, but it stayed further back.

    Once he and Zaizen were moving up into the rafters, he looked back and saw the signal from Keiji and nodded, making a motion from his eyes towards his clone to show him he had eyes behind him as well. As Zaizen moved ahead, he stayed on the first rafter and began to look out across the room, using both his Jaakugan and his active sensing abilities to get a feel for just who or what he could feel on the floor they were on specifically. His eyes began to shift slightly in color, to a more blood red and brown shade, as he focused in trying to see any specific signs of chakra from anyone in the room. It wouldn't be precise as far as details, but without a doubt he'd know exactly where anyone within his field of vision, obstructions or not, were. 

    While his Jaakugan couldn't find the traps as well as the shinobi themselves, his sensory abilities would at least allow him to sense their locations. Whenever he spotted a chakra signature he tried to make a point to make sure the others could see him, and tried to point out the closest traps first to avoid, assuming he could find them with enough accuracy, and then try and convey at least the direction he was detecting living chakra.

Chakura Kenshutsu no Jutsu

(lit. Chakra Detection Technique)

Range: 0-10km | Chakra Usage: Very Low - Very High

Chakura Kenshutsu: Sōsa is woefully inept at determining details, but allows the user to locate all living beings within their field of vision, up to their maximum effective range with the Jaakugan. While they essentially see the presence of chakra, while using Sōsa the target cannot locate the chakra pathways of any individuals that they locate. They can, however, identify individual chakra signatures that they are familiar with or have encountered recently enough to remember. The use of this version of Chakura Kenshutsu is a prerequisite for the use of the next step, Chikari. It should be noted that this technique does not allow the user to use any jutsu outside of their normal range, and is purely a generalized Sensory technique, and nothing more.

Sensor Shinobi - Active
While some sensor shinobi are born into clans with specialized sensing abilities, the majority of sensor shinobi learn to utilize the ability over time. By utilizing their enhanced chakra control most sensor shinobi are able to feel the area around them with their chakra and determine nearby objects and individuals, even being able to differentiate between different people.

Sprinkles has written 145 posts
White Blossoms in BloomNov 29, 2023 11:14:48 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

-- Second Floor --

Asuka snuck out from the stairs and headed straight for the man at the end of the hallway, except once she put this man down, there was another man at the end of that hallway who had seen her do all of that. It wasn't exactly the most stealthy approach, and while she was speaking to Keiji she would be met with kunai being thrown at her as the man dashed forward in an attempt to meet her halfway, he was quite fast which meant that he definitely had some taijutsu prowess like her.

This fighting would be out of Keiji's sight, but the patrol was coming down on him quickly and indeed he got his attention. He looked towards the dead body and quickly got put down, except this too was in sight of another man at a corner. So Keiji was jumped with a series of extremely powerful kicks and punches thrown at him, and now the two were split up at opposite corners.

-- Third Floor --

Zaizen motioned for Masshiro to join him in the rafters believing it to be a safer route.

The clone joined up at the top, always staying back to avoid potentially being dispersed.

They started to move across the rafters carefully and nothing seemed to be triggered at first, and it seemed that the duo, well trio, didn't have much to worry about. They moved along until a very bright flash would likely overcome their senses. It was like nothing to something, where a pretty signature would appear seemingly out of nowhere. Perhaps they had been jammed up to this point? It was hard to tell but now they were faced off with an enemy who was grinning at them standing on the rafters. He would toss some kunai with explosive tags that were not yet activated but it could be and with the little space there was in the rafters it seemed the man in question was akin to a suicide bomber which meant that the group was in for it.

Han has written 2,376 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 6, 2023 6:18:38 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

As the girl would take out the man in front of her. She would find that she was effectively being watched a Kunai would be tossed her way and her new opponent would quickly close the gap against her. As this went on the girl would dash towards them and in an effort to use their momentum against them she'd rush forward and extend out her palm at a high speed gripping his head like ball and potentially crushing it as she slammed him down towards the ground using her strength and power to smash his head into the ground with enough effort turning him into paste. But if she were successful the girl would then attempt to attend to her teammate whom she hadn't heard from in but a few moments.

As this all went on she'd use her chakra sensory and notice that the guard who was around the corner was fast approaching and needed to move closely to intercept them as to not leave Keiji anymore overwhelmed than he already was. She'd rush her way forward boosting herself to her absolute top speed to cut the corner and attempt to engage the man who was at Keiji's back with a series of powerful kick of her own finishing the sequence by performing a low sweep that would knock the man off of his feet only for her to grab his legs and catapault his body behind her directly into the ground in an effort to crush his head and if possible end his life.


Technique #1:

[NAME] Kinu-ryu: Setchi Tenohira [Silken Fist: Grounding Palm]
[PRE-REQUISITE] Iron Silk Technique + Waruichi Outfit/ w Bandages

A move meant to be something of a more advanced variation of the Counter Blow using this technique the user will smash the flat of their palm into the face of the user and then proceed to grip their head and smash them into the ground using the weight of the bandage. in an attempt to not only strike the user but also smash their head directly into the ground using the weight of the tempered bandage to pull them towards the floor, the impact of which could be enough to cause severe head trauma.

Technique #2:

[NAME] [Mist Chain] [Miustochen]
[DESCRIPTION] This attack involves the user performing a series of rapid kicks, that ends with either a powerful head kick or a sword slash. Each strike is meant to either overwhelm or disorient the opponent and can be done as a means of stunning the opponent or finishing them off depending on which follow up is used. However due to the nature of the attack the maneuver has a tendency to be somewhat predictable and when going up against an opponent who is prepared for such an onslaught the strikes can potentially be avoided but this requires very fast reflexes.

Technique #3:

NAME: Tekken: Enko Kaiten Ryūsei [Iron Fist: Arch Spin Meteor]
A rather odd throw, the user crouches down while delivering a low sweeping kick meant to hook the opponent’s legs and knock them over. After the opponent is swept off their feet the user will quickly grab onto one, or both of their legs before falling back, bringing their opponent over them and tossing them into whatever lies behind them with enough force to leave a small crater where they land, leaving the opponent bruised, broken and winded.


Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Dec 6, 2023 6:19:13 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 8, 2023 17:06:25 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

Zaizen would be suddenly overcome what seemed to be a flash of some sorts that blinded him for a few seconds not sure how they had activated anything by tripping it, Zaizen had been sure to move carefully across the rafters to avoid tripping anything in the first place but then his sensory tracking picked up a signature in front of them Zaizen wasn't sure why he couldn't pick up on this before hand this could have been the reason for the blight flash, try his best to see what was in front of him even just barely seemed to be a person as he seemed to have thrown something towards Zaizen, Masshiro and the clone that had come with them. From what he could tell they looked like kunai with explosive tags on them, without thinking too much about it Zaizen formed several hand signs as Zaizen quickly formed a jet of water as he came from him and aimed it at the incoming kunai with the explosive tags attached. Zaizen aimed to get them wet with water so they either could not be triggered or did enough to knock them off the path.

This person was going to be a problem for them advancing any further unless they were taken out.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword][On Back]
[Techniques Executed]:
NAME: Jetto Puropera [Jet propeller]
The shinobi makes a quick set of handseals and forms the suiton to create a quick, condensed jet of water. A powerful , condensed stream of water propels forward like a jet (moving at 6yards per second). This jutsu forms and acts quickly, making a close encounter with it very dangerous. From a distance it is not as powerful, it is meant to be launched as a direct attack for the fullest effects. This jutsu can travel anywhere up to 40 yards. However, it is strongest the closer.

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None
Jian has written 127 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 10, 2023 4:05:27 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Keiji
Best way to keep a secret is to make them think they know the answer.
Kuronmeru Keiji Avatar
age 30 years old birthday April 14th rank Special Jounin occupation OT1 Leader | Shireikan Tantei
     Keiji was pushed back into the corner, his ruse having failed utterly. The two men assaulted him with Taijutsu, their final blow a kick that lanched him through a shoji door and into an adjoining room. Asuka's approach distracted one of them, but the other snapped his head back towards the Kuronmeru to go in for the kill.

     Rolling off to the side just in time to avoid a powerful kick that would've crushed his skull, Keiji recovered and paced the room. The man struggled to pull his leg from the splintered hole he'd made in the wall, but successfully removed it and charged at him.

     It seemed to Keiji, from the off-balance charge the man made, that the power he'd gained from the drug was more than his simple body could take - his ankle looked to have been damaged, but any pain or debilitation it caused didn't seem to affect him. At least not now.

     Dodging off to the side, Keiji slid his tanto from his kimono breast. The enemy clearly wasn't a trained Shinobi - his movements were too amateurish, full of wasted movement. Yet his power was off the charts. Keiji's stomach was pained, already bruised. He ought to have protected himself with blood armor.

     His enemy wrenched his hand out of another wall, before turning to glare at Keiji who'd darted across the room. Keiji was by the window now, the man between him and the door, out of which Asuka was preoccupied with the other. Slicing his palm with the tanto's edge, Keiji waited for the man to charge before he would fling a blob of black blood under the man's feet in the hopes of him slipping - then he'd go in for the kill with tanto, viciously stabbing away.

Using Manipulate, very low cost.
Clone still in the rafters, hanging back and out of sight so as not to be seen.
| 294 words
last edit by Kuronmeru Keiji on Dec 10, 2023 4:07:52 GMT -5
Phantasm has written 76 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 10, 2023 5:14:55 GMT -5
Yamaguchi Masshiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yamaguchi Masshiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 16th of December rank Sprinkles Jounin occupation Operations Team
    It was hard to tell what had just happened given how suddenly it had happened, but once the initial shock wore off, Masshiro was more confused by how whatever had happened had happened than what had taken place. He was certain he had his senses heightened to a degree he should have detected near any trap in the room let alone one so close, and even with his Jaakugan activated he someone completely missed this person now closing the distance on them in a hurry. He was more annoyed at himself than anything else, assuming he had made a mistake, not been paying enough attention, but he didn't have time to feel sorry for himself with a kunai flying through the air.

    His clone had been out of the trap range as it was still watching the way they came in, but turned alert at the situation. It wasn't so far away that it couldn't get up to the rafters, but it wasn't quite in a position to do anything about the kunai before it got to Zaizen. Masshiro's immediate response was to jump back to where he had came up, knowing there were no traps in that immediate area, and at the same time Zaizen reacted with the swiftness only a shinobi of his stature could. Masshiro didn't know a ton about sealing techniques, but he understood the principal of ink to paper in most cases, and with the amount of water concentrated at the explosive tag, at the very least in theory it should have smudged the ink enough to disrupt the tag. 

    As Masshiro had backed off he was at least out of the way, and Zaizen had at worst slowed down the speed of the kunai, meaning Masshiro's water clone rushing up and now past him had the precious time to do something more useful than stare out a window. Masshiro's eyes turned towards the one who was clearly there to cause trouble and and raised his hand, snapping with an arm over his head. All he needed was a split second of attention, as he dropped his hand down and immediately made a hand seal in the man's field of vision, casting a genjutsu on him from range. If it stuck, Masshiro would have disappeared from view, as a tree seemed to grow out of the side of the wall and bind the crazed man in place.

    Masshiro's water clone bounded across the rafters and right into the path of the Kunai, taking it to the chest and dropping into a fetal position hugging it to him. Worst case, the clone would be dispersed from the stab, but if the explosive tag was in fact still active, the clone would try and absorb the explosion, if not further douse the tag with the water expelled from the dissipating clone. There was only a whisper of a word, barely loud enough for Zaizen to hear, from Masshiro to try and let him know what was going on, as he stared down the man in front of them.


NAME: Magen: Jubaku Satsu [Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium [Continuous]
TRIGGER: Handseal (Visual)
The user first disappears from plain sight in a mist-like fashion in order to approach the target without being detected. Once close enough, the target will then be completely robbed of their mobility as they see the mirage of a fast-growing tree coiling itself around them. Given that the subject remains conscious, this technique proves extremely efficient for information-gathering. Once the target is immobile, the user can then attack the enemy, usually after seemingly emerging from the trunk of the tree.

Sprinkles has written 145 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 10, 2023 19:00:00 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

--Second Floor--

In spite of the fact that Keiji was very much tripped up and hurt from the assault he received from the two men, he was not yet bested. And with Asuka being a taijutsu specialist she would manage to really do the most damage up close even with these powerful brutes. They were indeed powerful, but not very trained even at close quarters where they could do the most damage. Between Asuka and Keiji they would manage to best their adversaries all in one go, leaving them with an otherwise empty floor...

There were still all the other floors, but if Asuka sensed she would be able to tell that Masshiro and Zaizen were not yet done with their part. Which left the duo to figure out what to do next - until there was an explosion from up above that could very well force both Keiji and Asuka down to the ground just from the pure explosive force that felt like over a dozen explosive tags going off all at once.

-- Third Floor--

Zaizen was quick to spill water upon the explosive tag, indeed it would dampen the paper and distort the seal enough to make it useless. But it was an explosive tag and this made the man that was facing off with them laugh, was that all this man had?

It seemed the welp from behind had a brand new idea and he was coming forward which made the man laugh again... Until he saw the tree and it started to wrap around him. He was trying wiggle out of it but he couldn't. Where did the tree come from? It was clear that the man had no idea about genjutsu or really any kind of great shinobi techniques but he knew something for sure he was going to kill them..


The entire area went up in a massive explosion then with the man freaking out completely and with both Zaizen and Masshiro being in *that* close of proximity they would feel the heat, the man was apparently wearing a bunch of explosive tags lining his body that all exploded at once, blowing out the side of the building alerting the entire place, taking out some of his allies above and perhaps even throwing Zaizen and Masshiro out of the building.

Han has written 2,376 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 12, 2023 16:52:00 GMT -5
Asuka Waruichi
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Asuka Waruichi Avatar
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

After taking down her opponents she would note that her leader was injured and after finishing off her foe she would look towards him to see if he was alright her gentle caregiver nature shining through. "Sir are you alright...?" from what I'm able to sense I think that-- "BOOM." a massive explosion rings out the force of it knocking the girl down and she'd feel a singe of heat coming from up above.

As the ceiling collapsed she'd attempt to try and use her speed to pull her leader out of the way he was injured so obviously he might not be able to move as well. She'd hope she'd be able to move fast enough to get them both out of the way of any falling debris.

If she were able She'd follow the tracking of her sensory abilities realizing that there were fewer individuals now on the floor above with everyone seemingly still present on the fourth floor but it would appear that Zaizen and Masahiro's were plummeting rather quickly.

"Sir are you okay...I think Zaizen and Massahiro are currently plummeting towards the ground, from this height that's going to hurt, I say we help them or would you rather we proceed upward?" the girl would ask looking to her superior as she actively gets a full field of view trying to discern exactly how many more enemies they'd have left to deal with.

She still had her gates to rely on but was attempting to hold off for as long as she could but with her teammates potentially injured she may need to take advantage of them somewhat earlier than she would've liked but would certainly need to be careful with how she went about it.


NAME: Kasoku Suru [Accelerate]

A very simple technique, by using chakra the user is able to instantly accelerate their selves to their max speed. This can be done in just about any condition, but any techniques that slow the user's movement (such as armor from jutsu or most jutsu that might slow an individual) will still affect them.



Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

last edit by Asuka Waruichi on Dec 12, 2023 16:58:34 GMT -5
MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts
White Blossoms in BloomDec 13, 2023 20:18:08 GMT -5
Sourei Zaizen
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Sourei Zaizen Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 47 years old birthday 05/04 rank Elite Jōnin occupation Hunter-Nin Captain // SSM

Zaizen had managed to stop the explosive tags coming at them using water to disrupt the tags by making them wet and unable to be used by the enemy in front of them, what Zaizen had picked up on from the enemy in front of them is that he kept laughing at various times, which made someone as serious as Zaizen feel a little uneasy, which just suggested to Zaizen that something was up with this enemy. It turned out this enemy in front of them was a simple but effective suicide bomber he did take it lightly the genjutsu being used on him and made him even angrier. Zaizen could have predicted when they reached the third floor that its was about to be blown up. The enemy did just that as he blew himself up hoping to take Zaizen and Masshiro with him along with the upper floor and floor below them.

Zaizen with quick thinking decided to use his clan abilities to change the density of his body so that he would be able to take the explosive damage coming head first towards him and if Masshiro wanted to take cover behind Zaizen it could help him also, but might still hurt him. " Get behind me quickly" Zaizen said giving Masshiro only a little time to get behind Zaizen if he chose to take this route. Zaizen took the incoming explosive force head-on, it would force Zaizen against the wall of the building crashing Zaizen out of the building and dropped from the third floor a few meters away from the building landing in the forest close to the building but remained mostly undamaged from the attack just rocked the man as it had been sudden and unexpected for the most part. Zaizen after safely landing would deactivate his clan abilities giving them time to recharge as he gathered himself.


[Skills/Traits In Usage]:
[Mitsudo Soujū]

A Kekkei Genkai that revolves around manipulating one's internal density, this enables him to become nigh indestructible containing enough mass that movement becomes impossible while bending metal easily. It also enables him to phase through matter with ease, possessing an outstanding control over this Kekkei Genkai to the point he can modify one finger to his own body, a part of a sword only. Zaizen is a master of his clans abilities having been using it since he can remember and has full control over it. He has to keep to the time limits which would be nighty seconds before having to wait as long to use his clans abilities once again, though using them once is often more than enough for the Sourei.

[God-Like Chakra Control Prowess]

It's difficult to describe his control over his chakra. It is as if the chakra itself is his very breath. He can manipulate it to such a degree that every technique is perfectly executed with zero wasted chakra yet potent enough that the maximum potential of that technique is always released.

[Prodigious Speed]

Zaizen is quick. His dashing movement mimics shunshin no jutsu, and while utilizing Shunshin no Jutsu, his speed reaches a level rarely seen, due to few being able to see it. It isn't an understatement to say he is one of, if not, the fastest Kirigakure shinobi of his generation. While most focus on training speed & strength to an certain degree, he excelled in training his speed and stamina. Capable of traveling long distances in little time without breaks. This movements translates to his maneuverability as well. The speed at which he punches, kicks, dodges, flips, and dashes are what his entire physical conditioning is about - reaching optimal speed in every aspect of combat. Due to his speed, he was dubbed: [Mist's Bullet].

[Prodigious Reflexes & Reaction Time]

Both instinctual & conscience reflexes are beyond staggering. It is this coupled with his speed that he's reached his level of command. He reacts to stimuli almost instantaneously, this gives him ample time to give a reply. There isn't much that can dash out of his vision without him knowing, or strike him directly where he can't react. It is due to this and his Kekkei Genkai that his level of evasion is top class.

[Silent Killing Mastery]

Steps hold no sound, breath holds no sound, existence can disappear at will. That which makes us shinobi is the fact that a majority of their task takes place in the shadows, and Zaizen has refined and perfected the craft of stealth, lurking within the shadows, hiding one's presence, and covering one's tracks. He can even slow his heartbeat to a near halt, decreasing his body need for oxygen, and hiding his very beat within silence.

As one trained within the shadows, and exemplifying the existence of being one, he is arguably the greatest stealth assassin in his Kirigakure holding the title of ANBU Captain and more. If compared to all in the world, he may just be within the tops. It's even been noted that in a battle of sheer silence, not even the trained Kirigakure can match his lack of presence. This coupled with his physical capabilities is why he's regarded as the [Ghost of the Mist]. He kills at such a speed and moves with no evidence of his existence that one never knows they were killed until he's behind them with a blade in their heart. Even while in actual direct combat, if he's not in view, his presence is impossible to detect via sound no matter how skilled.

[Sensory Capabilities & Awareness]

The ability to detect/sense other's presence by their chakra. Zaizen is particularly skilled at sensing other individuals, capable of sensing/tracking a chakra signature over five kilometers. He could also discern between various populations, capable of pinpointing their country of origin. It was this very ability that enabled him to know that his son's killer derived from Konohagakure. Zaizens also has the ability to sense passively for a one kilometer range without the need to concentrate a great deal. It can be used to sense if his natural senses were blocked somehow.

He can also sense his immediate surroundings at all times, this in conjunction with his quick reflexes allows him increase his evasion rate.

[Weaponry]: Hiramekarei | Sōtō [Twin Sword][On Back]
[Techniques Executed]:
NAME: Yō tsukuru Kōkyū [To Make Enduring]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low Initial [Low Drain]
By manipulating the bonds that hold matter together, the Sourei's unrivaled utilization of raiton allows them to affect their own matter and the matter of non-chakra filled materials. This technique focuses upon them strengthening the bonds that tie the matter of their bodies together. By doing this they make their bodies and what ever they pass their chakra into temporarily indestructible and increase the mass making them nearly unmovable.

[Extra Details[OOC]]: None
last edit by Sourei Zaizen on Dec 13, 2023 20:19:31 GMT -5
Jian has written 127 posts