liquid gold: hiding in the clouds [open]

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liquid gold: hiding in the clouds [open]Dec 11, 2023 10:22:54 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Akira Avatar
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Hotarubi thought about what she had to say. Impassive, monotonous voice that held the eyes of a killer as he stared at her. The man would grunt. If she thought as much...

An eyebrow rose. Deception was a part of everyday life, and he would use it in response. If she wanted to believe that hitting him with Raiton would kill him, he was not going to stop her from believing that. "Good thing you'd never get the chance." It was a way for him to still sound confident, yet redirecting that energy. His form would eventually snap back into place, after looking a bit 'looser' and gloopier.

He had other pressing priorities in the moment. "I'm going back to my room." He was going to sleep it off. He would definitely feel better after a nap.


And actual movement that he didn't perceive? That had to be silly... but she couldn't have possibly known about his other types of powers...


Akira has written 296 posts
liquid gold: hiding in the clouds [open]Dec 11, 2023 10:26:52 GMT -5
raimaa futago
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
raimaa futago Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 13/10 rank Jounin occupation Being Awesome
"There is a fine line between courage and arrogance, my dear. Make sure to stay on the correct side of it. One's life can be lost in an instant if they think themselves above all others. I was taught that at a young age. And I hope you will never learn it"

Raimaa would sheath the sword, and give him a soft smile.

"And try not to drink so much in future. It doesn't do you any favours, now or later. We only get one body, we should take care of it"
Lilly has written 893 posts
liquid gold: hiding in the clouds [open]Dec 14, 2023 17:22:14 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Akira Avatar
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"Eh." Hotarubi shrugged. Wasn't his circus or his monkeys. The lurching in his stomach made it impossible to formulate anything worth remembering. There was only one person he truly cared for, Nageku - his brother. And that fuck was too lazy to leave the academy.

Maybe the thought would return to him again when he was more lucid to actually ponder what it was she had said - but that was unlikely to ever come.

"ya, yea." Hotarubi would wave the woman off nonchalantly, never learning her name and or who she really was. But right now? He could kill for a glass of water.


Akira has written 296 posts