Before the Tracks Run Cold

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Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 6, 2024 16:43:27 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"An fair response given your situation..."

Miho's expression remained narrowed as she drew the man away from the wall, holding his arms at his back before then turning him to face the door. While ensuring that Uriko had been successful as well, the young woman would then draw one hand across the front of the man's face, drawing the mask from him as she began to speak.

"As I am to understand, you were thinking of leaving...though I believe those plans have changed now..."

It would make sense considering they were caught, but they could not be sure about if these were indeed the ones in charge, or simply underlings at the end of the day.

"Aside from the men you sent to the town and the one that left, where are your remaining forces?"

Perhaps it was best to catch them in a lie. From what they knew, their targets had been the village and upon failing to do that, they were attempting a retreat. There was still the band that had been further out that they had passed, but it was possible that if they were not mention, this would prove a deceit in everything else they had heard.

-Jutsu Used-

Items used:
x1 Smoke bomb

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Samurai Legacy
The Adachi clan was a prominent group of samurai that were established within Tetsu no Kuni(The Land of Iron), before the group transferred a select few to the Hidden Leaf Village as to their alliance to Konohagakure. These traits have been ingrained into the girl very soul as she carries their blood within her. As such, along with the training she received from her father and those in the clan, Miho has developed enhanced reflexes. This allows her to react much more quickly in combat, better enabling her to avoid dangerous situations and defend herself almost instantaneously than normal.

Kaze has written 1,306 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 9, 2024 23:05:39 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
While Miho accosted and interrogated the masked fellow whom she had apprehended, Uriko quickly used a jutsu, Kekkai: Tejo, to restrain the miscreant she had subdued. That was no reason for the Konoha shinobi to breathe easy, though. There were still the other underlings on patrol, whom the masterminds had been trying to assemble before the Konoha ninja showed up. While Uriko felt they would most likely not pose a serious threat, it was unwise to be careless as a result.

The question posed by Miho was responded to with an initial pause. "They're all over the forest," the miscreant finally said. "We're an incredibly large organization, and we don't take lightly to interference, though we can show some leniency if we are responded to with cordiality. Perhaps it was a mistake to try to sabotage Konoha's interests in the border town, but we all make mistakes, right? So let us go, and we won't retaliate against you. If you keep us, however, the repercussions will be swift and great."

There were a few suggestions to prove he was bluffing. Firstly, if the organization was as big as this fellow was stating, they would have had a better paid, better thought-out plan for interfering with the border town's activities. Secondly, if indeed the forest was swarming with operatives, the kunoichi would have noticed more than the single patrol on their approach. Thirdly, from the information the kunoichi had overheard, it seemed these two were the masters of this poorly put-together outfit. Any extra manpower they had would be few, unskilled or most likely both.

The one whom Uriko had restrained chipped in. "Yes, our patrol-- patrols will show up anytime soon, and you'll be in trouble if you don't let us go now." From the way he gulped, it was obvious he was hoping Miho would not notice the blunder he had made in initially using the singular word 'patrol', to suggest that there was actually only one patrol out there. Nothing for trained ninja to be worried about.

Jutsu Used:

NAME: Kekkai: Tejō [Barrier: Handcuffs]
Making physical contact with the target's wrists, a transparent barrier forms in the shape of hexagonal handcuffs, limiting the movement of their hands and wrists. The handcuffs are specifically designed to be just far apart enough to prevent the target from using hand seals while in the shackles. These handcuffs have the consistency of iron and can be used for the ankles and to bind a target by the wrist or ankle to a pole, fence, etc.

last edit by Kayahara Urikohime on Feb 9, 2024 23:07:06 GMT -5
Ronin has written 328 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 15, 2024 2:17:18 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

While the lapse of information, though irritating, was glyph at best, it did provide evidence to the trustworthiness of relying on the two to cooperate. If anything, it proved just how far they were willing to go just to show resolve in their actions. Still, while the first man had managed to evade questioning, the second had managed to give up a clue as to what odds were awaiting them, despite attempts at deterring them.


Miho would remain silent before then drawing forth wire as to secure her own target, restraining his arms as she lowered him to the ground.

"It would appear that company is something we need concern ourselves...."

In an attempt to keep the two men unaware of this revelation, Miho would signal for Uriko to meet with her, moving herself into a corner of the room as she spoke.

"One patrol appears to be the only detour awaiting us...we can attempt to escape with these two and leave the others unaware of our actions. It is likely that if they were as ill paid as they appeared in our arrival they will simply take their leave with due haste upon realizing their leaders are gone..."

It was an option, though another remained...

"The alternative is that we dispatch of the the patrol and deal with this in it's entirety..."

-Jutsu Used-

Items used:
x1 Smoke bomb

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Samurai Legacy
The Adachi clan was a prominent group of samurai that were established within Tetsu no Kuni(The Land of Iron), before the group transferred a select few to the Hidden Leaf Village as to their alliance to Konohagakure. These traits have been ingrained into the girl very soul as she carries their blood within her. As such, along with the training she received from her father and those in the clan, Miho has developed enhanced reflexes. This allows her to react much more quickly in combat, better enabling her to avoid dangerous situations and defend herself almost instantaneously than normal.

Kaze has written 1,306 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 16, 2024 0:06:38 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
As Miho signaled to Uriko to come with her, away from the ears of their captives, the green haired kunoichi complied, following her superior till they stood some distance off, where the restrained miscreants could not eavesdrop. Dealing with the patrol spoken off was the last thing to attend to, and Miho presented two ways by which they could do it.

"It seems the latter option is the most viable one," Uriko replied, "as I would normally have difficulty moving any one of our captives in any way, not to talk of doing it quickly. Besides, I suspect that if we play our cards right, we may be able to deal with the patrols with a reasonably small amount of trouble. Because when the fellow I accosted spoke, he initially used the singular word, 'patrol', before correcting himself to say the plural, 'patrols'. So I think he was trying to fool us into thinking that there are more people on patrol than is the case."

Uriko paused for a moment to consider some things. "And as you mentioned, the fellows on patrol seem to be poorly paid. We could convince them that coming up against us would be a very bad idea, or we could ambush them and take them out. I'm considering the latter, because if there are any really criminal elements among them, it would not be wise to let such go. We can ambush them at the entrance to the mine, if I were to suggest a place."

Ronin has written 328 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 17, 2024 5:15:27 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head


Miho would nod as she noted what her partner was saying, looking over toward the masked men from the corner of her eye. The indication that they were working with limited resources proved that they had very few allies left within the region. If anything, it showed that they could very well take them by surprise and eliminate the threat in a single action. The process of getting them to return was the only issue. Or at least until she recalled what was said.

"They should be returning here to this location to likely retrieve their leadership. Ambushing them from here is possible..."

That said, Miho would then look toward Uriko with a small smile.

"Did you have a method in which you'd like to employ for us to accomplish this?"

Miho was still allowing for Uriko to have control of this operation, but she was going to make sure that they were both safe in the process. But so far, things were going smoothly.

-Jutsu Used-

Items used:
x1 Smoke bomb

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Samurai Legacy
The Adachi clan was a prominent group of samurai that were established within Tetsu no Kuni(The Land of Iron), before the group transferred a select few to the Hidden Leaf Village as to their alliance to Konohagakure. These traits have been ingrained into the girl very soul as she carries their blood within her. As such, along with the training she received from her father and those in the clan, Miho has developed enhanced reflexes. This allows her to react much more quickly in combat, better enabling her to avoid dangerous situations and defend herself almost instantaneously than normal.

Kaze has written 1,306 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 18, 2024 23:41:21 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
The two masked men had been well restrained, and it would be difficult, if not impossible, for them to free themselves from their present situation. Still, caves, being often narrow spaced and surrounded by rock, made them very good sound traps, and echoing noises could carry far as the sounds would not be dissipated as easily as if they were made in a wide open space. It would not do for the miscreants to raise an alarm of any kind, as Miho and Uriko were planning to ambush their confederates.

"I have a plan," Uriko answered, "but first, we should gag those fellows to prevent them from alerting their colleagues. One of us will hide, and the other will use Henge no jutsu to transform into one of the masked guys, so as to get past them and attack them from behind. I suggest I be the one to do it. I'll attack them with poison, and then you can take them down while they're suffering the effects of muscle torpor."

That being said, Uriko proceeded to gag the restrained miscreants with torn strips of their sleeves, and then put her plan in motion. Treating eight senbon with Sasayaki Doku, Uriko used the Transformation Technique to transform into one of the bosses of the operation. Hiding the needles, she headed for the door of the cave, where five men could be seen coming in, including the one who had been sent to round up the others on patrol. Mimicking the voice and mannerisms of the masked fellow she was disguised as, as best as she could, Uriko ordered them further in to pack stuff for departure, while going out to supposedly cover their tracks, in case the authorities came snooping around.

As soon as she had gotten their backs turned on her, the kunoichi let five of her eight needles fly, each one aimed at the backs of the necks of the patrollers. She suspected Miho would be able to take all five of them out speedily, but just in case, she was ready to leap into action and assist.

Ronin has written 328 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 20, 2024 8:35:12 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

Miho would remain silent as she listened to Uriko's plan. It was solid to say the least, much to many whom might think otherwise. The idea of using deception and then ambushing their targets was a good play. It would allow for least amount of resistance and give them the space they needed to allow for the least amount of causalities. It might even provide them with information that could be given to the militia to ensure that such events were never repeated in the future.

Within agreement, Miho would begin to prepare on her side, aiding in gagging the two men after Uriko used the transformation technique to change into one. As her partner went out to ensure the success of their plan, Miho would await in the shadows, looking toward the two captured leaders with a calm expression. Upon hearing voices, she'd silently take in a breath.

She'd have to be fast, ensuring that they didn't have time to react to her actions. She'd also have to hope that Uriko was able to implant them with the poison to impede them, slowing them down enough for her to take them. Upon awaiting the sign that this was done, Miho would rush in, keeping herself low as she popped upward from her cover, striking one man against the chin and sending them into the wall closest to the door, the next would find themselves hit with the very same door that they struggled to gain access to, their head hitting it's surface with enough force to knock themselves backward into the two others.

With them likely on the backfoot, the female medic would move outward into the narrow corridor, launching herself between them as she took one of them by the chest, slamming them against the wall to knock them unconscious, rushing in to the next with a strike against their throat to take the air from their lungs and causing them to choke.

As the last man would seem to struggle with the effects of muscle lapse, Miho would approach them slowly, her fingertips extended as she flicked them against the forehead, sending them flying backward and hitting the ground with little movement.

That concluded their approach, and thus, perhaps the end of the attacks from this party of terrorist.

"I assume that this means that there are no others remaining..."
-Jutsu Used-

Items used:
x1 Smoke bomb

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Samurai Legacy
The Adachi clan was a prominent group of samurai that were established within Tetsu no Kuni(The Land of Iron), before the group transferred a select few to the Hidden Leaf Village as to their alliance to Konohagakure. These traits have been ingrained into the girl very soul as she carries their blood within her. As such, along with the training she received from her father and those in the clan, Miho has developed enhanced reflexes. This allows her to react much more quickly in combat, better enabling her to avoid dangerous situations and defend herself almost instantaneously than normal.

Kaze has written 1,306 posts
Before the Tracks Run ColdFeb 21, 2024 18:44:07 GMT -5
Kayahara Urikohime
Uogokoro areba mizugokoro.
Kayahara Urikohime Avatar
age 20 years old birthday February 15 rank Genin occupation Medic Ninja
Uriko's aim was well-placed, and her needles found their targets. Even as the men unconsciously flinched, as the senbon delivered their poison into the patrollers' systems, the green haired kunoichi prepared herself for if she needed to perform any further actions in which to restrain them. But that would be unnecessary.

Silently and fluidly, out of the shadows came Miho, and the Med Nin chief made short work of the destabilized miscreants, only needing a single blow for each one of them to put them out of commission for the time being. The last one was dealt with in a rather dramatic, and as far as Uriko was concerned, highly impressive, fashion, a finger flick possessing much more power than it was supposed to have, the apparently weak strike knocking the lights out of the fellow.

"That was amazing, Miho-sama!" Uriko gushed, although she was professional enough to not just stand there and swoon over what she had just seen. She headed over to each one of the fallen men, using her Barrier Handcuff technique to restrain them. "Yeah, I think we've gotten them all, and can call this one a wrap," the Genin replied. "I'll send word to the town militia to come and round up these fellows. I suspect there'll be a bit of paperwork to fill as well, but that's the least bothersome of today's work."


last edit by Kayahara Urikohime on Feb 21, 2024 18:44:38 GMT -5
Ronin has written 328 posts