Akira's OOC Sanctuary

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Akira's OOC SanctuaryNov 24, 2016 20:44:29 GMT -5
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[attr="class","boneslyricone"]Satori Akira: Kinshō Kage
[attr="class","boneslyrictwo"]Little Shadow


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque viverra nunc vel facilisis. Curabitur sit amet ante nisi. Sed at nunc placerat, pellentesque felis eu, sollicitudin est. Phasellus et nunc ornare, varius diam non, sagittis nibh. Proin leo augue, commodo iaculis maximus sit amet, venenatis vitae nisl. Ut auctor, sapien sed sagittis auctor, ante urna tempor arcu, sed luctus ex est a dui. Vivamus non sagittis urna. Maecenas porta sem sed felis hendrerit vestibulum eu et erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam vestibulum et leo id tempor. Fusce gravida sagittis purus, ut bibendum dolor efficitur nec. Praesent sodales faucibus ex at tincidunt. In quam tortor, placerat quis ante id, volutpat ultricies mi. Vivamus pretium volutpat neque vel euismod.

Nam vitae nibh et augue tincidunt tempus. Nullam nec imperdiet nibh. Mauris ligula turpis, consectetur non semper quis, mattis eu lacus. Nullam commodo arcu eu maximus pharetra. Donec semper dui velit, nec egestas ligula laoreet quis. Praesent mauris dui, pulvinar at ultricies placerat, auctor quis enim. Fusce sagittis congue pellentesque. Donec pellentesque nibh sollicitudin, laoreet arcu eu, euismod dui. Duis viverra porttitor nunc. Sed suscipit felis nibh, non accumsan nibh facilisis a. Praesent mollis ligula eu tortor volutpat, et ullamcorper erat feugiat. Donec erat nisi, condimentum vel vehicula quis, mattis vel arcu. Integer posuere ex justo, sed lacinia sapien lacinia nec.

Cras rhoncus efficitur lectus. Mauris et nisl felis. Curabitur efficitur elit nec arcu fringilla semper quis in purus. Vestibulum ut lobortis felis. Duis rhoncus vestibulum nisl, a faucibus risus egestas quis. Suspendisse vitae egestas ex. Maecenas in quam ut nulla auctor ultrices. Proin ac nibh ac orci auctor aliquam. Praesent tempus sem a vehicula pretium. Quisque at ante sit amet dui feugiat vehicula id ac turpis. In rutrum nisi blandit volutpat vulputate.
[attr="class","cred"]MADE BY VEL OF WW + GS
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last edit by Deleted on Jun 3, 2020 15:58:00 GMT -5
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Akira's OOC SanctuaryJan 24, 2017 20:31:59 GMT -5
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i am the root that binds the tree

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec turpis ut orci feugiat placerat vel id purus. Nulla a pellentesque est. Vivamus scelerisque sem leo, at porta turpis gravida volutpat. "Nunc volutpat commodo nibh eget molestie. Phasellus nibh enim, varius at porttitor ut, facilisis eget ex." Nam ac hendrerit orci, eu auctor arcu. Nam porta mi ut neque dapibus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eget elit velit.

Proin tincidunt at turpis quis suscipit. Curabitur posuere volutpat nisi sed ullamcorper. Curabitur ut porttitor nisl, aliquet blandit justo. Donec at nibh cursus, euismod risus non, dictum nulla.
"Morbi at felis eleifend nunc ultricies pharetra." Aliquam nibh tortor, ullamcorper sit amet pretium nec, gravida vel nisi. In tempus augue diam, bibendum lacinia nibh accumsan a. Vestibulum laoreet eget augue nec hendrerit. Pellentesque facilisis erat sit amet porttitor elementum.

Phasellus eu nibh lobortis ante aliquam mollis pellentesque sed lorem. Ut egestas, purus in molestie maximus, neque risus tincidunt dolor, in rutrum ligula eros vel arcu. Quisque semper hendrerit lectus non ultricies. Proin ut luctus ex. Aenean elementum pellentesque ornare. Pellentesque erat neque, mollis non dapibus et, consequat eget turpis. Suspendisse sit amet ex quis eros pulvinar semper. Donec in justo fringilla, laoreet eros et, vulputate urna. Nulla eu faucibus ligula. Ut et lorem auctor, condimentum lorem in, vulputate dolor. Nullam et odio justo. Donec dignissim pretium laoreet. Aliquam eu fermentum velit. Donec massa odio, rutrum nec pharetra sed, commodo a velit. Fusce sed tincidunt orci.

last edit by Deleted on Jan 24, 2017 20:59:19 GMT -5
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Akira's OOC SanctuaryNov 5, 2018 18:50:23 GMT -5
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[attr="class","tg4mHead"]THE KINSHŌ KAGE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus id augue sit amet dignissim. Pellentesque ac ante in quam sagittis lacinia. Aliquam quis bibendum nisi. Donec gravida, lorem a egestas finibus, diam nulla convallis enim, ac finibus turpis odio in dui. Proin at purus rutrum, sollicitudin enim eu, pellentesque neque. Pellentesque massa sapien, tempus eget ex vel, volutpat feugiat mi. Fusce felis sem, porttitor in euismod vitae, placerat eleifend justo. Aenean ut sapien augue. Nunc blandit nibh mi, ac egestas enim volutpat ut. Morbi quis ultricies nulla, sit amet pretium urna.

Aliquam tempus turpis velit. Sed viverra enim eget erat lobortis vestibulum. In placerat sem varius, condimentum leo vitae, maximus eros. Sed sit amet luctus diam. Mauris tincidunt et sem vel faucibus. Cras condimentum, nisl sed laoreet rhoncus, lectus ligula porta libero, vel hendrerit enim enim sed enim. In a ipsum posuere, aliquet lacus vel, condimentum purus.

Aenean molestie, mi non ultrices blandit, lacus erat gravida urna, quis varius sem lacus quis metus. Morbi euismod at quam pulvinar suscipit. Ut feugiat sollicitudin quam, quis ornare magna volutpat sed. Vestibulum placerat accumsan ligula, a iaculis risus suscipit at. In vulputate mollis est, et semper nulla elementum et. Vestibulum tortor tellus, rutrum eu elementum vitae, rutrum sit amet enim. Phasellus non ipsum tristique, porta diam vitae, posuere augue. Ut finibus magna a enim eleifend maximus. Curabitur sed justo et urna ornare fermentum. Mauris at metus nunc. Sed malesuada a mauris eu dignissim.




[newclass=.ullaCred]color:#777;font-size:7px;letter-spacing:1px;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:trebuchet ms;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.tg4mHead]height:75px;background-color:#c65963;color:#fff;line-height:75px;font-family:trebuchet ms;font-size:10px;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:1px;[/newclass][newclass=.tg4mBody]text-align:justify;font-size:11px;padding:15px;[/newclass][newclass=.tg4mText]border-left:#eee 1px solid;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;border-right:#eee 1px solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=.tg4mBody b]color:#AB0912[/newclass]

last edit by Deleted on Nov 5, 2018 20:19:49 GMT -5
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Akira's OOC SanctuaryNov 5, 2018 20:19:57 GMT -5
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First and foremost, this is a static thread. Meaning that threads can start and end although only one thread can be active in it at a time.


Akira's home is the pinnacle of existence: his sanctuary, place to be away, and his most treasured spot. Homed in one of the central areas of Iwagakure no Sato, and close to the Tsuchikage's Tower (just north-east) lays Akira's home:

A small rectangular, two bed property, semi terraced, approximately 50 square meter property is now of Akira's ownership.


  • 10 minutes "civilian" walk to Tsuchikage's Tower
  • 30 minutes "civilian" walk to main entrance to Iwagakure no Sato
  • 35 minutes "civilian" walk to Town and Bars
  • Building was built in -23 SD
  • Akira owns 50% of the property and rents the other half, whilst buying more of the house the longer he lives there.
  • It took Akira approximately two years of solid earning and saving living with his parents, doing missions, being the Tsuchikage's Assistant and also having help from a slightly shadier part of Akira's backstory, though it is a non-negligible amount in the scheme of things.
  • Much of the style and color scheme have been kept the same save for his own furniture, although with a refreshing new lick of paint with similar colors more to Akira's favorites.


The above images are a rough guide of what it would look like in a chronological order if you were to walk through the house. The entryway, kitchen, dining/living room and first bathroom is on the ground floor. The two bedrooms and the bathroom are on the second floor.

The first and foremost thing that people notice when they come to the house is the small entrance up some steps which Akira shares with his one other neighbor to access his house. From there, a black door with one singular slit to the right hand side is Akira's door. On the surrounding border of the left hand side of the door are multiple smaller windows, one long rectangular one to the opposite side though not on the door, and then four small square windows above the door. Upon opening the door, there is the immediate note of white and light beige wooden flooring. This follows the fundamental type of colors in the house, surprisingly lacking Akira's brazen colors of orange. For their first step is greeted by a dark green linoleum flooring for guests to take off their shoes. There is a thermometer on the left hand side, allowing someone to get heating on quickly if they come in, but with radiators settled throughout the house, its age did not stop good infrastructure.

To the right of that, is a place for one's shoes, or on the mats in front of them. There is then a raised platform on to the wooden flooring of the household. There is a tiny room to the right wall after stepping up that is used for cleaning goods. There is then a stairwell in a slightly smaller, contrasting darker wood with a similar slat like features like the door but with wood instead of glass, long rectangular like shapes built into the wood. Just behind that small feature is white doors: the ground floor bathroom.

Walking forward takes a guest into another doorway, opened up for convenience and to their immediate right being the kitchen. The kitchen is wood and marble counter-topped: dark grey adorning it. Your typical kitchen things are there, although it is important to note there is a rather specialist type of brewing equipment to the side of the fridge, that presumably anybody who knows Akira uses it for Tea. 

Just like Akira's family home, the kitchen has two sides. One side has the fridge (facing to a guest's immediate right upon entering the room) and then the opposite side of the kitchen area is the usual sink, basin - which gives a view of the living room. This allows people to maintain a conversation from the kitchen living room with how connected they are. 

The living room where someone might spend the most of their time is a great rectangular sized room and likely the biggest room of the house. It faces out into the garden, with double pane windows giving a great view of the garden if the blinds are up. Stepping past and around the counter-tops of the Kitchen brings into the left hand side of the living room. There is a seated table for people to eat at: a further left has a few smaller windows, a radio and desk with a chair. In the corner of the room, a large plant. 

From the opposite side of the room, there is another table more for drinking items on, with a three piece sofa. More plants in either corner of the room.

Walking up the stairs brings a guest to a T shaped orientation. To the left, is bedroom one and the Akira's main place of sleep. To the right is the second bedroom, and Akira's arsenal and ninja equipment are kept in there with a few other items for flavour. Directly in front of the stairs is the bathroom and wash room. On either side of the bathroom are two thin cupboards: one of which holds the utilities needed for a suitable house to function and the opposite serves as a linen closet. Upon stepping off the last step of the wooden stairs greets the guest with a cream, soft flooring of carpet, which is particularly warmer during the winter months.

If someone were to take the left into Akira's bedroom, and upon opening the sliding door would be his room. On the opposite side of the door is a full length ways mirror, to the immediate left a bookcase full of Akira's literature. A desk facing a window, generally full of either cups of tea and books, it is never empty. 

On the further end on the left hand side of the room, is Akira's bed, a one and three quarter single. Just past the bed is a set of drawers for Akira's things. On the opposite wall, a closet for his own clothes. On the wall at the end of the room is devoid of any furniture, but has its own rug and on the wall are many different memories of things comprised of pictures across Akira's life, from treasured friends to landscape photos and drawings. 

If someone were to take the right option in lieu of Akira's bedroom would find themselves into another room there initially is a bedroom. The door has a lock on it although hardly ever locked. Upon walking in, would find many fittings on the wall, from Akira's weapons to ninja equipment, non-sensitive work he's brought from the Tsuchikage's Tower. One wall of the room is a bookshelf from ceiling to floor, however, full of books Akira has started to read, hasn't finished or hasn't started. There is a globe showing the world in the same side, with enough room for Akira to move around on to the bookshelf. The globe can actually be opened up to reveal an assortment of hard liquor. On the opposite side in the same area is a armchair that Akira can sit down and read in. 

On the opposite side of the room is very similar: shelves up on areas of the wall of Shinobi equipment but at the same time treasured memorabilia from popular culture and from his past. 

Lastly, if someone were to walk forward and into the door (not a sliding door) would reveal them to be an almost open plan bathroom. Their immediate sight would show them the right hand side, a glass door showing a bath and shower. More slatted wood that is designed to allow water to run through it and onto the floor, so it's perfectly safe to allow water across it. On the left hand side are countertops with lots of storage for certain things: hygienic items (for both genders at the behest of his mother), toothpaste and all the like with small mirrors on the bathroom room wall, a small seated area for someone to dry off. Behind those things on the left hand side is another open planned toilet, again with similar toiletries found underneath the sink countertops.

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[div style="font-family:georgia;font-size:20px;letter-spacing:1.5px;color:#c65963;text-shadow:#000000 1px 0px, #000000 0px 1px;"][u]thread name - START/FINISH[/u][/div][hr]

Either Akira or someone posts in the "thread" happening at the time with the above code to indicate the start or finish of a thread. This is so threads can be catalogued properly with appropriate post indications rather than a staff member trawling through several pages of posts.
last edit by Deleted on Nov 5, 2018 21:26:19 GMT -5
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Akira's OOC SanctuaryApr 15, 2019 18:10:36 GMT -5
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satori akira
[ the gobi jinchūriki ]
name: Satori Akira
age: 17
gender: Male
birthday: August 13th
birth origin: Tsuchi no Kuni
birth village: Iwagakure no Sato
rank: Special Jōnin
position: Team Leader: Genin Team #2

Kinshokage [Little Shadow] [Tsuchi no Kuni] [Minor Nations] is an alias that came about through the Tsuchikage debate that fostered the Godaime Tsuchikage, Yutakako Takara. Through Akira's audacious behaviour and silver tongue, it was coined in what appeared to be a derogatory way of his interference to the debate.

He has come to be known the alias by most of Iwagakure no Sato and has grown in size with his reknown as a Jinchuuriki has only increased with taking of the position of the Kage's Assistant for over 2 years.


Akira has long since passed the age where his growth was substituted by an awkward phase of puberty. Standing at 6 foot 3, he towers over most Shinobi. Before what was a - his face has fully matured into a rounded triangle faced shape, with the slight beginnings of a cleft chin which into his twenties will grow into a fully squared jaw, but he is nearing his physical maturity.

Due to physiological changes present from becoming a Jinchuuriki, Akira has piercing blue eyes with no pupils in them, though this does not seem to hinder his eyesight at all. The most noticeable and biggest thing that separates him from others in a crowd is not only his height, but his paler skin: unless sunburnt or covered in something, has a paler skin that borders just beneath porcelain. It is not quite as serious as it had been where he looked like a corpse or sickly, but it is a shade whiter than is normal. Similarly, an appearance quirk taken from Kokuo is that underneath his eyes bare a red underlining that could be attributed to looking a bit like makeup.

Akira's skin is a testament to him being a Shinobi: he has various small cuts, bruises like all Shinobi across various parts of his body but nothing are really worthy of mention. His face has been relatively lucky and time of acne has past. The only mentionable scar is that Akira has an asterisk styled discolouration against his already pale skin. It covers about 20% of his lower right hand side of his back. He has smaller scars across his body, such as fist sized circular puncture marks from his right hip, left collarbone and thigh. 

He has kept true to his original code of clothing, as a civilian he wears many different outfits and getups: but generally when on Shinobi duties, has a certain style. His most common outfit is akin to a glorified version of a Dōgi, a gold weave in orange colors and shades, with white, beige and brown hightlights to add depth and perception to the outfit. A white undershirt with an over-layer of a cloak-like apparel, with traditional garments worn around the waist with a darker brown sash tying it all together and finishing off with dark brown boots.

On his sash is the insignia for Iwagakure no Sato - on the sash is fitted with durable and tougher than usual material (so that the sash would actually be able to hold sharp objects), that's right; it's his toolbelt and hitate all in one. Since it goes all the way around his waist, it's an easily accessible tool that has been categorized to Akira's liking, with the least accessible and non-combat stuff on his backside area.

Other variations of the outfit are usually swapped out for darker colors, or taking off the outer-garment to host just the shirt, or very casual clothing comprised of jeans and a shirt and trainers. Pretty simple stuff, though there are only two things on Akira's person that remains constantly: is his hitate/sash and a tight-fitting bracelet on his left arm; made from the two kunai of his two deceased team-mates.

Lastly, he has other clothing and is subject to what he's usually doing on a day to day basis.


"Anger and embarrassment cannot be dishonest." 

Akira has had a lot of growth and depth to his personality since he has started out as being a Shinobi.

On first impressions, Akira comes across a cool, mature man showing characteristics of being ambiverted: equally introverted and extroverted with various facets in his particular moods that can be exacerbated depending on the situation. Some of those moods can create contradictions in his behaviour: sometimes it is a case of cognitive dissonance, sometimes it is subconscious.

Like all other people, Akira has a lot of layers to his personality and what initially may come across is not what can actually be there. Mostly at face value, Akira is kind and decisive: being less pussyfooted than he was before. This has made him more stalwart and seem more of a archetypal man. 

Akira does have the desire to help other people: bears lots of responsibilities and is studious. He is punctual and eloquent, captivating and passionate. 

Akira's negative drivers are envy, pride and wrath. Equally bad emotions, channelled in the wrong way have presented themselves in different fashions.

Akira has a problem with his anger, something that comes up time and time again is that under the surface, Akira can be easily angered and tends to react in in the moment, spiteful ways. It is a small vision of the pure rage that is within Akira for no apparent reason than that's who he is. Something that can be tempered with time and loss, or rage beyond control. It is in swing and needs to be balanced accordingly with outside forces- it is something he cannot do himself.

His envy, or jealousy, is something that is persistent in Akira's attitudes towards life. It can be both positive and negative as sometimes his jealousy propels him to drive himself further into the ground and to do better things but is not always used in the right way. It ties in with his wrath in that those issues can bring him to frustration and in rare cases, anger. His 'type' is one generated by the ultimate goal: being a Kage. He does not like seeing people younger than him besting him, but thrives on being ahead in his own younger age.

Perhaps the worst offender of his personality traits is his pride; perhaps misconstrued as anger being the driving force, it is merely a lack of control that causes it and inherently is something that can be fixed. Akira, like all Shinobi has a dash of arrogance towards his own abilities because by own merit, he is still a fine shinobi. But his desire to be better than other people has bred itself into a sort of weed that treads the fine line of empathy and desire of dominion over other people, breeding conceit from it. Perhaps out of something not even logical, rational but purely in the emotive: Akira has the innate desire to be better, sometimes believing that even he in his stroke of luck obtaining Jinchūriki status, was born to be better than other people for no other reason than because, and perhaps the understanding that he as jailor of the Gobi that his body is stronger than it gives on. While not at the expense of ignoring other people, it's just a constant in his life. It can manifest in confident behaviours which may appear positive, but stems from something darker.

In conclusion, the two formats weave themselves together in Akira's psyche: he is not a flawless person which he recognises, and Akira certainly has admirable characteristics - but has his own share of bad ones as well.


Akira comes from no background of any consideration or convenience for those around him. He bears no noble name, no kekkai genkai, no noble skills or eloquence that sets him apart from the others. In the oddity of the world of uniqueness, it's Akira's strange 'normal-ness' that sets him apart from others. Akira's family is a group of herbalists banded together. A father, a mother, two sisters - both of whom are older. People with particular skills, desires and emotions. Akira's parents had a common interest (that may had been passed onto their impressionable children.) but not Akira himself, he who had enough of the talk at dinner time. Luckily, with supporting parents that were happy to have the change in the house.

While not initially supportive of Akira's sudden ambition to become a Shinobi, but they were not the kind to directly oppose him. They gave Akira a 'trial' period that seemed to vanish as the time passed on and he began learning from the academy. His parents could see the change it was beginning to have on him. Akira was naturally quite a happy child- not quite happy go lucky.. but casual. For what he lacked in speciality he made up in effort and consideration for those around him. Akira never made any special contribution towards his learning at the academy. He made friends and all the like- but two other guys stood out. They were Aoshi and Naoda -- both with their own particular quirks and because of Akira's easy going personality, they sort of seemed to mesh together like a glue. As he began going through the academy, the three of them started becoming inseparable.

Through the rest of the shinobi academy, between their close knit group and then the outer social circle, Akira immensely enjoyed his experience at the academy and began to come out of his shy shell. Then came the Genin exam, and egged on by his friends -- went through with all of it and passed.

They had been placed in a team together! Whether by will of an instructor (despite their team lacking a cohesive identity or synergy) and began to work even closer, with the addition of a Jōnin teacher. They began doing missions, chores... even though they weren't a fan of cleaning or being a food courier. They began to explore different strategies, cracking jokes, playing up to the lifestyle of Genin. In the meantime, they were also training, learning the basic shinobi skills that would serve as a foundation for any specialisation they would make. Aside from learning the basics, one of Akira's particular fondness was of the Kusarigama - eventually leading on into how to keep people away from him - the sickle with ball and chain to literally weigh down other people. It was within his grasp at first simply learn how to use the sickle with a counterweight on one side, then it was learning the opposite - how the ball worked. It would be imperative that he learned about the weight and would come to 'feel' it and adjust his own strength to utilize the Kusarigama.

After a good six months of being a team, that's when it all happened. It was a specific class they had been given - on the instruction and application of Fūinjutsu. They weren't supposed to be doing anything hard - just to learn how to adequately understand and utilise explosive tags. That was when without their instructor paying careful attention, Akira began to fiddle with an explosive tag, accidentally activating it- in his haste to try and remove it as a threat, he threw it.. to his friends who were also playing with explosive tags - to what would set off a chain reaction of explosions. Akira managed to lock eyes, and in that moment... he could see the hint of understanding and sadness in their eyes. The rest was history.

Akira withdrew into himself, something that therapists and psychologists couldn't quite break into: the common cure? Time. There wasn't anything that they could particularly do since the Akira that had been spoken of in his records was known to be charming, high spirited and happy. This was a common reaction among incidents like these involving death. It took a further six months of coaxing, medicine, from speaking to professionals, to the helping and sympathetic hand of his family to start coming out of his shell. In that time, he read, read some more but rarely ever did any practical training. Sure, there was Genjutsu - but that was hardly training. It was in his concern to be wise- wiser. Wiser than he was, with a cruel sadness in his heart consuming his smile, a sad smile.. it was time to get out there and honour their memories. His closest friends, whom he doubted would ever be replaced.

In coming out for the first time, to rejoin the shinobi world - his Jonin instructor came by. He had seen Akira many times in the six months that had passed, while he had no obligation to see Akira (he was reprimanded... sure, but passed onto a new team of Genin.) he presented Akira with a gift: a small bracelet. It was of a weird kind, and on inquiry, it was made from the metal of a kunai taken from Aoshi's and Naoda's presence. Akira broke down there and then.


But there was a crack of happiness there. He was forgiven, or at the least he thought he was - anything to keep his mind from wandering. Slowly, but surely... the sadness turned less blue and he could feel happiness again.

Through training, and periods of relaxation he's revisited memories of childhood friends. One particular friend re-entered his life, YUTAKAKO KEIKO was a girl he was friends with in the academy and he had a crush on. Akira was placed into a team after the initial accident had occurred, with the Nohime princess NOHIME YOSHIKO and another Genin. In between missions, training and getting to know one another the young Genin was getting ready for the Chūnin exams.

His prowess during the Chūnin exams weren't bad at all. In his first fight, he encountered SENJU KAZUMA: a teenager of shyness and user of clones. This ended in a draw. Leaving Akira annoyed, but not as annoyed as HYŪGA HITOMI: a girl who drowned during the fight due to her blind rage. Before the third and final fight, Akira met a girl named OONAKAYAMA ARASHI a girl that he would eventually come to a draw with again, but this time... she ended up becoming a friend.

After the Chūnin exams, not having found out about if he was promoted or not was brought to the Tsuchikage's office under a heavily armed guard. ANBU. Akira was sent to see the TANETSU TOSHU, the stand-in Tsuchikage. The man who expressed his dislike of children being used in war seemed to have his hands tied behind his back as he told Akira about a planned future for him... or rather, an option or alternative path. Akira as nervous as he was, unsure about his future and understanding that the village would not appreciate his sacrifice or he might be seen as a pariah: In the name of aiding Iwagakure and it's safety was set on becoming a human sacrifice. It all seemed so.. unreal to him. There was nothing peculiar about Akira, nothing that seemed to shine among others and yet still he had been chosen. Akira thought long and hard about his life, the choices he had made. With an offer he couldn't quite refuse, he was set to become the Jinchūriki of the five tailed Gobi, Kokuō.

Brimming with questions. "What will I be?", "Will I lose control?", "How many people will know I'm a Jinchūriki?" it seemed that fate was not on Akira's side. As he elevated to the rank of Chūnin among becoming the Jinchūriki. He called upon his closest friend: Yutakako Keiko. Seeking her comfort he had sparked a feeling that he didn't think he would feel.

In between growing as a person and as Chūnin with skill there was a call in for a debate: but not before Akira met his first "guardian", NOHIME MUGEN. A man who had seen Akira to his sealing and was to oversee Akira's growth and to draw out control over the Bijū.

Soon as both of them had come, men that Akira respected and admired for keeping to their word: they disappeared and left Akira to his own devices. Toshu had stepped down from the Tsuchikage position (which he would've been guaranteed to) and Mugen disappeared, leaving Akira with a bitter taste in his mouth. In between his own progress in getting to understand Kokuō, he is slowly integrating with the Bijū to become two separate but entwined beings.

At a sort of final blow and a dismissive yet mocking name added to his repertoire, the first ever democratic vote took place, an electoral role for people to step in as Tsuchikage left Akira with a new nickname and his pride hit. Because of which, has taken a blow to his respect for those in Iwagakure's higher ranks. Bestowed with the name Kinshō Kage "Little Shadow" by the supposedly retired TONODA has all but left Akira questioning his own loyalty in the causes he believed in. On top of being left behind like he was some broken package: has left Akira with an issue.

Since that day of the vote, things had begun changing. For starters, the young Chūnin from his interruption at the vote had garnered 1.11% of the vote from the population of Iwagakure no sato for the position of Tsuchikage. People were acting differently with to the Jinchūriki. He was no longer a Shinobi of Iwagakure no Sato, but seen as a beast, and that gave a host of new attitudes towards him. Some stayed away, some were completely fine with him... but it wasn't as nice as it was before.

Pretty soon after, Akira came into contact with none other than the new Tsuchikage, YUTAKAKO TAKARA: who was a stark contrast to the personality of his childhood sweetheart. In his conversation wit her, he found out about the death of Mugen and some small lessons in leadership. It did all seem to come back to experience, and Akira's lack of it, no matter how much he didn't want to admit it. Even as an odd conundrum, Akira left her office with a new position: The Kage's Assistant. Something that Akira doubted he would ever have without the Bijū inside him.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Fūton
chakra natures: Fūton, Katon, Suiton, Shoton (Steam)
primary specialisation: Genjutsu
secondary specialisation: Bukijutsu
summoning contract: n/a


Modified Trench Knife [1]
◇ Kunai [2]
◇ Kunai (prepared explosive tags) [2]

◇ Kunai [2]
◇ Kunai (prepared explosive tags) [2]
◇ Shuriken [12]

◇ Smoke Bombs [5]
◇ Flash Bombs [5]
◇ Wax Seal Stamp [1]
◇ Exploding Tags [5]
Modified Wire [50m]
◇ Basic Map
◇ Basic Medical Kit

Modified Kusarigama

fighting style

Akira's fighting style is the byproduct of development. Where close combat was something that Akira feared, it has now long past and carries across into his fighting style.

As a Genjutsu user, rather than being exclusively close ranged has learned that followup attacks require you to be closer. As a result, he is more of a mid to close range fighter opting to work within his spheres of influence that he can dismantle an attacker's approach with his Genjutsu and finish them off while being a nice distance away with his Kusari-gama. It is still the same as before, that he'd prefer to finish someone off while not being directly on top of them, but has gotten better at working with less range than before.

Akira now has other abilities which he previously did not: in shorting for his mistakes, he has his Jinchuuriki abilities which are now able to bolster his Taijutsu, add additional utility and a whole host of new fights: his steam techniques allow him to nullify some ninjutsu and as a result, has allowed him to work slowly like how a snake coils around and constricts a person's airways: to take as much as it takes, as slowly as it needs to. Not to be confused with being sadomasochistic, he is not one to delay someone's pain.

He is now a very capable solo fighter, now opting for a more front lining position as the rest of his kit beckons it whereas before he would've been a Support type user, he is now his own kind of tank. As a Bukijutsu user he has grown incredibly to work with all types of ranges and still prefers working at a longer range, but is no longer afraid of working in close combat, but just uncomfortable instead.

Akira has become a great medium between the two, where possible, always reverting to the Kusari-gama where possible. He can use it at all ranges and is immensely useful. Akira tends to take a more pacifistic approach to the Kusari-gama, opting to prevent attacks before attacking himself, and taking advantage of those who move first.

jutsu list


[X] Fuuten Hibiki [Insanity Echo]


[X] Chishio Kayumi no Jutsu [Blood Itch Technique]
[X] Katon: Nenshō [Fire Style: Combustion]
[X] Nise Hoshu Tantōsha Baria


[X] Magen: Jubaku Satsu [Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death]
[X] Kichi Kurui [Perception Deviation]

[X] Yami Vijon [Darkness Vision]
[X] Akigihen [Bloody Deception]
[X] Genjutsu: Aida Katawa [Illusionary Art: Space Distortion]

[X] Jōkiton: Fushoku-Sei no Kanketsusen [Steam Release: Corrosive Geyser]
[X] Jōkiton: Seinaru Senrei [Steam Release: Holy Baptism]


[X] Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu [Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique]
[X] Kori Shinchū no Jutsu [Sly Mind Affect Technique]
[X] Itai Kanetsuki no Jutsu [Painful Ringing Technique]

[X] Wareme Fo-Kasu Jutsu [Split Focus Technique]
[X] Genwakuhi [Blinding Light]
[X] Genjutsu: Gansaku Senshi [Illusionary Technique: Fake Stab]
[X] Kenjutsu: Amatsu Ari-Na [Sword Art: Heavenly Arena]

[X] Jōkiton: Jōki Yoroi [Steam Release: Steam Armor]
[X] Jōkiton: Sansui-Jutsu [Steam Release: Landscaping Technique]

[X] Kaze no Youni [Like the Wind]
[X] Omoi Ishi [Heavy Stone]
[X] Kumo-Ryu Mikazukigiri [Cloud-Style Three Days' Moon Beheading]

[X] Tenkyū [Heavenly Weeping]
[X] Suiton: Tsuya Tsuiseki [Water Release: Dew Tracking]
[X] Mizuame Nabara [Starch Syrup Capture Field]

[X] Katon: Heki [Fire Release: Burst]
[X] Katon: Haigi [Fire Release: Ash Ceremony]

[X] Fūton: Kiru [Wind Release: Slash]
[X] Haiu [Shift]]

[X] Kai [Release]


[X] Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu [Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique]
[X] Konoha-Ryū Yanagi [Leaf-Style Willow]

[X] Jōkiton: Sessei [Steam Release: Moderation]
[X] Jōkigakure no Jutsu [Hiding in Steam Technique]

[X] Kage Shuriken no Jutsu [Shadow Shuriken Technique]
[X] Sōshuriken no Jutsu [Manipulate Shuriken Technique]

[X] Katon: Faia Tama no Jutsu [Fire Release: Fire Projectiles]

[X] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[X] Suimon Hokō no Waza [Act of Surface Walking]

[X] Mato za Nai [Mark the Dead]
[X] Genjutsu: Shiro Noizu [Illusionary Technique: White Noise]
[X] Za Oto Wasureppoi [The Sound Forgotten]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]

[X] Mageyasuibuki [Flexible Weapon]
[X] Genjutsu: Soshi Buki [Illusionary Art: Elemental Weapon]
[X] Oto [Sound]


Akira is the Jinchūriki of Kokuō, the Gobi. Kokuō's presence in Akira's body has given him a small plethora of special abilities: the first and most drastic is that Akira had a nigh-on exhaustible source of chakra, comparable to the mightiest of Elite Jōnin without effort, and the longer Kokuō and Akira are connected, the further this wealth of chakra grows.

The next is that Akira's skull, is on par with the endurance of a Kaguya's bones and in itself can be used as a weapon, if not as a defense as well. The third, and lesser known of abilities and Kokuō's specific trait is that it gives Akira three chakra natures, to utilize steam-release. Steam release that when properly used, can grant strength stronger than even the Hachibi's natural strength.

Akira is a natural talker, mildly charming and versed in many different subjects as a result of spending far too much time indoors. As a result, his mind is matured far beyond his years, he is incredibly empathetic to the emotions around him, weather in deception or in genuine emotion; he seems to get on easier with those around him.

『Handseal Speed』
Akira has spent more time as of late into putting the maximum effort into sealing, making techniques come to him faster, or having Genjutsu that requires seals into effect. This will come of great benefit to the boy when he is able to expand his repertoire into more than just Genjutsu.

『Keen Eyes』
Akira's mental ability to react has developed since becoming a Shinobi, so much so that his ability to react to stimuli and danger has increased, allowing him to track faster opponents, projectiles and otherwise stimuli (increased awareness) that might otherwise not be caught by Akira cannot escape his gaze any more.

『Genjutsu Subterfuge』
Only through Knowledge and practice can one continue to grow. Akira has continued to learn in subjects similar to Genjutsu to enhance his own mastery of it. Genjutsu intended on changing a target’s behavior will continue to exist even after the user has long faded, through all subsequent threads until detected and removed via the traditional Kai (IN THREAD). Prolonged exposure to said Genjutsu(s) will steadily begin to shape the target’s intrinsic behavior, smilarly his knowledge seamlessly blends into this practice with him being able to identify up to B-rank universal Genjutsu and their triggers.

『Genjutsu Innovator』
Following Akira's skillful ascension to Special Jōnin, has become much more than the sum of his parts: and has two new Genjutsu triggers. The first half is that with any of Akira's known Genjutsu can be utilized through Akira's steam release. Unlike most Genjutsu, the drawback is that it's a double trigger: requiring both the heat and visual stimulus to be affected before anything can happen.

Developing alongside his Bukijutsu is a subsidary of Touch genjutsu - Genjutsu casted through vibrations; specifically through Bukijutsu. Through wielding weapons, parrying, blocking and all other forms of bukijutsu, Akira can utilize weaker vibrational specific Genjutsu (can only go up to B-rank) without handseals.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

[ the five tails ]

name: Kokuō
rank: 5
◇ Kokuō literally means 'respectful king'
◇ Kokuō refers to himself with the watakushi suffix which is an old age and respectful way of speaking.
◇ Given the chance, Kokuō would escape and live in solitude and away from human contact.
◇ Kokuō is a fan of human intricacy, and might offer suggestions of what he wants the Jinchuuriki to read, listen or do- but otherwise does not actively participate in the Jinchuuriki's life.


All of the Bijū share the characteristic as being born from the same entity but each of them are very different in shape, sizes and forms. In relative saying, each Bijū has grown up to be gargantuan in size. Kokuō takes the form of a furry horse, with the head of a dolphin but intermixed with relative cohesion.

Kokuō is a massive bijū, standing at several stories tall and is in the top four in terms of height out of the nine. However, Kokuō is slender and muscular - long and thin. five tails and a contrast between white and yellow, a sickly white comprises the main stature of the beast, even along a thick lower jaw that seems reminiscent of a snapping turtle. Five horns of varying lengths protrude from the top of the head of Kokuo.

All over Kokuō, at the tips, hooves and horns is the yellow; a sickly yellow that fades down into it's body back into white. Kokuō's eyes are pupil-less and fiery sapphire blue, with a dark burgandy makeup underneath it's eyelids.


Kokuō is a quiet and reserved individual: by no means is the wisest bijū but generally, when Kokuō speaks, you listen.

In the way of being quiet, there are a few things to note about Kokuō. Firstly, Kokuō is a respectful individual who refers to himself with the suffix -ore, he is not strong-headed or determined bijū. Kokuō is one of the more passive Bijū and is most likely to get on with someone who is like himself.

Kokuō's personality makes him easy to get on with with all types of personality traits in a Jinchūriki. He is however, most resilient versus Jinchūriki who try to wrench power from him, are not respectful towards him or picking on those weaker than the Jinchūriki.

As for power, Kokuō is among the harder Bijū to control due to his pacifistic tendencies. While not having as many tails as the Gyūki or Chōmei, undoubtedly the tails-per-difficulty ratio is among the same between the lower amount of tails for Kokuō.

Kokuō usually never sees a boring day with Akira, and being able to watch from all of Akira's own senses, has begun to know the Chūnin a little better. As the quiet one, deciding to never talk was inherent to his nature, but Akira had been able to coax words from him. He didn't think bad of the boy, but that's all he is. A boy.


Akira's three layer seal is split into three parts. The centre, which is the symbol for Iwagakure and Kokuō's actual cage. The inscription, designed for limiting the power Kokuō has over Akira, and the elongated commas are chakra buffers, each capable of filtering through an incredible amount of chakra so that control isn't immediately lost.

In it's sealed state, it is a pretty small fūinjutsu that takes up space on Akira's shoulder and is visible regardless of if chakra is run through the seal. Though, there is a somewhat of a discrepancy the second layer, the inscription is pressed together.

Unscrambled, the entire second layer of the seal covers Akira's entire torso and arms. The only time that it can be made visible is when the seal is being undone or modified. It is an incredibly complex seal, and all the space used is needed.


The mindscape created by the seal is that of a deep endless ravine, in the shape of a rectangle hidden somewhere in Akira's mind. It is a ravine, one filled with darkness that one can only see by normal means.

The more control Akira has over Kokuō, the brighter the ravine will come: That will eventually reveal a grand palace of sorts carved into the side of the ravine, intricate drawings of past civilizations, hieroglyphs, statues and days since passed. The prison, on the left: is almost sheltered in darkness: constructed by pillars to hold the beast in: each of them is a part of the seal.

The buildings to the right are but memories of a civilizations since gone, of Kokuō's memories, inspiring the prison now comprised of stone rather than wood.

bijū control

Akira has been with with Kokuo for over two years and has made leagues and bounds that other people have not been able to reach in their lifetimes: nearly half way into getting to the peak of power that being a Jinchūriki provides. Staying in the lower stages of Akira's tailed forms are easier than ever: but are more dangerous the higher he goes...

bijū abilities

『Steam Release』

A byproduct and almost a 'gift' that Kokuō gives to the Jinchūriki is the three chakra releases, Katon, Suiton and Fūton. They immediately combine to allow the Jinchūriki to learn and utilize 'Steam' Release. With this, there are to massive advantages.

Steam release, combined with Ninjutsu allows the user to form, expel and expunge large amounts of steam in tandem with either Fūton or Suiton techniques, or vapour-specific techniques that utilize Steam. The use is immediately obvious: burning of all kinds.

Steam release, combined with taijutsu, allows the user to utilize (technique needed) to form a cloak of steam that can almost literally boil the skin off an enemy if they linger for too long. On top of that, they are capable of temporarily increasing their strength to levels that exceed the 8-tail's natural strength.

『Horned Bijū』

In all forms of the Bijū, utilization of these abilities by the Jinchūriki gives them horns over the top of their head. Even in the base Jinchūriki form, the user's skull and head are extremely durable, compared to that of the Kaguya clan's bones.

In the later forms, including the cloak, physical representations of horns are noted on the form (and subtly, even through the zero tailed chakra shroud, the horns are very real despite their intangible appearance.)

These horns are a grade higher than extremely durable, and are a very viable weapon. They are capable of piercing through many defences via ramming, only multiplying it's piercing power through the addition of speed. Because of the many horns, they are aligned as such to also pierce and keep enemies held there - so that they can throw targets far distances.

bijū forms

『Jinchūriki Form』

Akira's Jinchūriki form is probably among the least impressive among the nine. Akira's skin is much more noticably pale and white akin to Kokuō's own color, giving him a sickly look despite having the non-deathly glower. Additionally, red marks (that can be mistaken for paint) are on the bottoms of his eyelids, almost making the entire way around his eyes. Lastly, the pupil from Akira's eyes has been eliminated, meaning you can only see a deep sapphire blue like Akira's eyes possesses.

『Chakra Shroud』

When Kokuō has aligned enough with the Jinchūriki, and has accessed the zero tailed chakra shroud. The skin of the Jinchūriki will begin to change, while firstly being a sickly white will take on a yellow-ish tint, almost giving the Jinchūriki a sort of glowing red and yellow outline. Then come the physical outline of red chakra that the Bijū all share in common, taking the very faint and almost ephemeral outline of the bijū Kokuō, including horns.

Akira gains a boost in strength and speed to that of a primary (not sole) taijutsu user relative to his own rank.

『First Tail』

At this point, and any point onwards because of Kokuō's passive influence, the mood of the Jinchūriki will dictate whether the loss of control is a devastating murderous rampage or a quiet, observing - almost sitting down Bijū watchguard. The further the tails go, the more predisposition is towards that of murderous rampage.

There isn't much of a change except for the immediate coloration of the red and yellow chakra shroud that envelops the Jinchūriki. The form is more solidified, taking the very clear shape of Kokuō - including all of the horns. In Akira, the specific changes before his body is lost in the shroud is you can see his body taking on the very same unnatural color Kokuō possesses, his head and body have started to contort as if to mimic the horse/dolphin shape that Kokuō is.

The first tail form begins to grant speed and strength relative to that of a Jōnin. (or if the user is already a Jōnin, higher than that.) and on top of that, Akira's teeth sharpen that rivals weaponry.

Another benefit is that the Jinchūriki gains control of being able to utilize extendable chakra arms (up to a range of 10m).

『Second Tail』
The second tail is where Akira begins to lose semblance to the human form. When you are able to see through the ever-dense chakra shroud that looks as though red and yellow chakra boiling over a strict form and a second tail sprouts from the rear. During this you will be able to see Akira's hunched over form with an inhuman elongated torso and on all fours, reminiscent of a horse, there is little resemblance to Akira's face as the face is elongated much akin to Kokuō's and horns are all visible now, created from the appearance of Akira's own hair.

Akira is granted effortless and combined use of Steam Abilities and Techniques granted by the Kokuō, with no addition to speed, strength or durability. Whenever using steam abilities or techniques, it is secondhand nature to Akira: any drawbacks from the technique descriptions no longer apply as they are applied from the Bijū cloak. (moisture, heat, etc)

Damage is beginning to start to Akira, where the corrosive chakra is burning away at his skin.

『Third Tail』
As the third tail sprouts, the closer Akira loses gets to losing the will to be passive. Physical manifestations are nearly identical to Kokuō, but in a compacted size. The eyeholes where Kokuō would see are entirely white and if he didn't look demonic before, the vibrating sizes and varying shape the eyes take are enough to spook even veteran shinobi.

The immediate noticing affect is there being a shockwave of chakra that cracks the earth around Akira, creating a crater in the surrounding vicinity. The chakra cloak is now enveloped: you can no longer see Akira within the mass of chakra. Projectiles of all kinds begin to melt before they can even reach Akira's core. Akira's durability and speed increases with no additional increase of strength.

『Fourth Tail』
In version one, visible muscles and a skeleton have begin to manifest on Akira's shroud, hulking and dangerous. In this version and onwards, Akira has lost his hands - his body structure and bones are being broken and reformed and regeneratng as he is literally being changed as the form goes on. His hands and feet are now reduced to legs and feet, yellow tipped hooves.

In version two, Akira's size has increased to that that actually looks like a horse reaching around seven foot, full in awe of Kokuō's horse/dolphin-esque appearance, only missing the skin and fur Kokuō possesses.

There is no stopping Kokuō on Akira's part now as the duality of Bijū and human are gone and Akira is resigned to watching from the jail of the Gobi.

At this point, there is a exponential increase in ramming power, speed, strength, durability that only elite shinobi or fūinjutsu users would dare approach the murderous beast. Akira is capable of using mini-bijūdamas at this point. Even now, the chakra shroud is so dense and corrosive that weapons that aren't of legendary caliber simply melt in it's vicinity.

『Fifth Tail』

The pride before the fall. Akira's shroud is now a perfect, horse sized-form of Kokuō. He looks like a perfectly elegant horse minus the unnatural appearance of the wavering tails and head.

This is a rather unique stage as Akira is no longer in control (at the moment). Kokuō is no longer in a murderous rampage that cannot distinguish friend from foe. At this point, Akira/Kokuō has embodied the passivity and elegance of a horse and has become a watchful guardian. The size of this new stage rivals that of a medium to large summon.

The difference between the murderous rampage and this watchful guardian is that the horse shaped entity watches silently, and on any action against the horse or any violence in the vicinity of this being, is dealt with immediately and mercilessly. This is indifferent of friend or foe. Should Kokuō will it, the final push to full release is there.

At this stage, the seal on Akira's body is beginning to unravel, disintigrate and become weakened. It is only a matter of time before Kokuō can force it open of his own will. While this is happening, Akira is powerless to do anything.

During this stage, Akira is at the height of his power prior to the last few drips of full release. He has a dangerous and almost legendary durability, only exceeded by that of the 3 tails or 7 tails. There are no other benefits.

『Full Release』
Should this form ever be saw in the flesh, it would be wise to assume that Akira has died or the seal has broken somehow, and Akira is still probably dead. Kokuō is at his strongest here, and if by some chance miracle that Akira gains control of this form, the full awe of the Bijū is unlocked.

If Kokuō is free of his chains, it is unlikely that the Shinobi world will ever see him again if he is given the chance to escape, so he may live out his days in solidarity with seclusion.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Jun 3, 2020 15:57:42 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryOct 16, 2019 5:40:58 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Deleted Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
[ -- ]
name: Shōmaru
age: 15
gender: Male
birthday: 16th June
birth origin: Mizu no Kuni
birth village: Kirigakure no Sato
rank: Advanced Genin
position: Sage Apprentice

ALIAS NAME [alias translation] alias description.


Shōmaru is quite the strapping young man: five foot five, one thirty pounds, spiky red hair and red eyes- it was almost like he was destined to be fiery. His body is muscular and fit for what could be considered average for his life as a Shinobi: and he is noticeably a "worker-outer" with popping veins from a low body fat. His hair is stylized almost to be entirely clear of the rest of his tear dropped shaped face by the effort of a lot of wax. His eyes: quite wide and rounded, giving way to a toothy grin and "wide" face. Shōmaru does also have a bit of a large forehead, and still has the acne a teenager goes through.

Shōmaru actually dresses like a civilian, keeping up with fashion as it were with jeans and hoodies and all the like - whatever is in the rage. But, his shinobi clothing is more a cut back rendition of himself, and is comprised of cargo pants, a shirt(s) depending on the weather and then his shinobi equipment, with his headband over his forehead, and wrapped clothes with thigh holders for extra equipment. His training equipment is comprised of the same, but generally given the weather he will run a tank-top instead, preferring to show off his body as he trains.



Shōmaru has many positive traits: he is energetic, extroverted and self assured. He is loyal and cares for other people. He is also not arrogant, mindful of his position of being a cog in a wheel. He already has an intricate understanding of hierarchy from growing up in a noble clan. He is ambitious although unaware of to what end it is. Those are generally traits not usually found in a Sage but he also has a calm streak where he can put aside his thoughts and feelings to focus on a task at hand.

But he also has negative traits as well. In a nutshell, Shōmaru has a tentative rebellious streak in him that crops up when being asked to do things he doesn't want to do. Shoumaru is happy go lucky, and while it means he's carefree it also comes across as being generally cautious of new things, he likes his life as it is and doesn't like change all that much. He's funny, witty and definitely a character but can also be a trouble maker, if not for the desire of being funny - but even while not maliciously so, he is definitely used to rabble-rousing.

Hailing as a Sage Apprentice has also ingrained feelings of pride of his position as a Kirigakure Shinobi. It can be manipulated by others which he doesn't take kindly to. Similarly and like many other people, hates bullies irrespective of who they are and it does mean he bites above his weight when it is inappropriate to do so.

He responds best to rivals and competitions than to be sat in a classroom and works with his hands best. That being said even in spite of his personality he naturally draws people in around him with his positive attitude, and repels others because of how he comes across as excessively boisterous.


history here
✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Raiton
chakra natures: Raiton
primary specialisation: Fūinjutsu
secondary specialisation: Senjutsu
summoning contract: n/a





fighting style

For someone who focuses in a few arts that others generally pick as a sideline, Shōmaru can't afford to be dumb with his movements. Not quite suited to be a front liner, not quite rounded enough to be a support, Shōmaru is best described as a shoe-in who tends to use his head unlike his boisterous attitude describes. He is a tad below dabbling in all arts, but takes particular interest in the intricacies of Fūinjutsu.

Shōmaru hasn't yet fought enough to yet have a specific style. But he goes in hard, not afraid to take cuts and bruises and a broken bone, true to his personality.

jutsu list






[x] Shintai Wanain [Movement Sealing Trap]


[x] Kuchiyose no Jutsu
[x] Kai

[x] Exploding Seal Jutsu [Bakukami no jutsu]
[x] Hikin Fuinjutsu - [Generic Sealing Technique]

[x] Raiton: Inazuma no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique]


[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Sage Apprentice』
Despite being a young soul, Shōmaru has taken to Senjutsu incredibly well. He has not yet quite founded the

『Fuinjutsu Artist』
SA description

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Nov 11, 2019 17:41:35 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryOct 20, 2019 14:48:13 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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age birthday rank occupation
Sourei Mushō
[-- ]
name: Sourei Mushō

age: 42

gender: Male

birthday: August 13th

birth origin:  Mizu no Kuni

birth village: Kirigakure no Sato

rank: Elite Jōnin

position: Hunter-Nin S-rank Nukenin


[Purple Bolt] [Village]

There's nothing special about the reasoning behind this. Mushō's Hunter-Nin mask was identifiable by the purple lightning bolt on the left side of his mask.

[Sourei Mushō] [World]

He is most known by his name as a businessman. Though his status as a Hunter-nin is unknown outside of Kirigakure, it was known notoriety of the criminal world that landed him in the Bingo Books.


height: 6ft 2in
weight: 230lbs 

appearance here


"The end justifies the means."

True to the word of the Sourei, Mushō is a determined individual who does not let morality affect his decision making. As long as he is doing what is true to his ambitions: he is not abashed to pursue them with any means necessary. 

Mushō has the eyes of a businessman and much like many of the Sourei has run his own illegal businesses. His desire is to run his own village, and ultimately his determined personality focuses him on it with little regard to the feelings of others. 

Mushō can be stoic and pragmatic; not to be confused with not being emotional, Mushō is able to experience a largest range of emotions: but is not driven by them. This makes him extremely difficult to tilt, strain or put under pressure, which is an integral position to being a Shinobi in that the terrors one has to perform in the role - this is made doable by dissociation. 

He is not all bad, in that as long as his personal stake is not at risk: has always been more than happy to dawdle and enjoy life's treasures, but with the end goal in mind. He is still humorous, moderately charming and benevolent (again, as long as they are not in contrary to his personal goals). Having been in the position of down and out, Mushō has a sore sport for the ruffians, poor people, the sick and elderly due to his upbringing - and as a result has always been around to perform chores and work free of charge to them. He has always had a strong energy and personality that in result attracts people to him. 

Mushō was also a family man, with three children and a wife - he has left them and divorced the wife. He has caring fatherly traits and a desire for them to grow, but the clan's ideology took more precedent with him, having left two of them at a younger age and another while they were 11. He does not regret this decision, and had left them suitable money to grow but without the emotional support he could provide. 


-38 SD

Mushō was lucky enough to be born into one of the famous clans that helped found Kirigakure no Sato. Unfortunately, he was born in Kirigakure no Sato. It was almost ironic timing that he was born as the result of coitus deriving from the end of the Second Shinobi war. It was meant to be looking up, with the return of resources and peace - what better time to rear a child? His birth was celebrated well within the Sourei community for the last five years had been bland. 

Mushō's parents were overjoyed at the prospect of having another amongst themselves. However, it did not work out as well as hoped: as within the year mere months after Mushō's birth the Third Shinobi War began, leaving his father no choice but to rejoin the fighting. Mushō effectively grew up without a father because of the war: and eventually, the war took him. Mushō was a happy child, but was racked with confusion as is mother took him to flee to the less war torn parts of Mizu no Kuni, further from the action than they could ever possibly go. She was not a Shinobi and had a few tactile skills that she could use to look after him. 

It was done through the night where they could not be seen nor found, Mushō's very bloodline was at risk: he had shown aptitude towards his bloodline by his accidental usage of his bloodline as a child. To see the possibility for their blood to be stolen or lost was too expensive to lose. They had gained more distance than they could ever hope to be discovered under the chaos of the war, ever more pressing on the resources Kirigakure no Sato was using, even despite their ideals.  

-34 SD 

By 4 years old, Mushō was running, talking and climbing naturally. But his ability to be a troublesome child was most notable when using his bloodline abilities Mitsudo Soujuu [Density Manipulation]. Even though his ability was farther than many children of his age and older: His mother had no choice but to forcibly bar the boy from using it whatsoever. It would be at the cost of his potential to be curbed - in exchange for helping to keep him alive. His appearance had changed significantly enough that he was not easily recognised by people who might've known them. His mother had endured horrible hardships and even had shaved her own head to help evade suspicion. 

They had managed to join among a open group of people - much like the early clans of old where it was groups of people coming together. They were their own community that shared resources and living spaces, which made his mother's raising of Mushō much easier. The boy had more discipline than before, and was a very happy child during this time with the many new family members of his own. 


Even though his mother found the concept of Shinobi abhorrent even while having married one, there were subsidies for people bringing on fresh meat. Even living with an open group Mushō himself had also gone without meals. Weighing up the options, Mushō was enrolled into the Shinobi Academy and it was finally divulged his secret past of being a Sourei where even in such a violent society, her mother was protected diplomatically in assurance of keeping her child safe. 

Even though his legacy grew exponentially after the academy, during it Mushō was relatively useless. Beyond being used as a boy to fetch items and food for other people or moved around, he endured through a suffering of people from other clans. Although he was a Sourei and from one of the founding father clans - he did not have the same status as one by his immunity. 

He was average in each of the arts and not really excelling in any of them: his only grace was that he was leagues beyond others in his ability to manipulate his bloodline. When it came for his time to shine it would only run back in his face. When the younger children learned of his abilities, it would only further devolve his tasks into becoming those of amusement as well. 

-32 SD

One of the darker chapters in Mushō's life and one of the first collective memories he can gather himself back to as a child. At 7 years old he awakens from a slumber to screaming and his mother frantically pulling precious items of memory into a bag. Further in the distance, shinobi are massacre-ing their home, attacking any and all people - nobody left out. 

His mother is caught in the crossfire, and her paranoia throughout the years had paid off by her having built a hiding place into their home- tiny enough to accommodate two people, but two was enough. They ended up hiding in a crooked spot in the building's infastructure, hidden by a small slat in the wooden flooring. Fire had been set to their building among many others. Their hiding space was not enough, as the fire caught up to their position, his mother was forced to bear her back to the flames while shielding Mushō. To this day, her back bares horrific scarring from the event. 

It is hypothesised that it was an orchestrated attack by the Sourei and another clan, who in turn deny all instances of it. It is not known whether it was an enemy of the state or from home territory. 

-28 SD

The next few years of Mushō's life run by seamlessly. While fully integrated into the academy he did not have an easy time: but it did grow easier when the boy found his calling to Taijutsu, offered as a suggestion by his homeroom Sensei. It seemed only most useful at that point. 

Mushō took the art properly when his teacher was a Taijutsu user - and took to Mushō for his rigorous attitude. It was always clear that Mushō was determined but it was never known how much until he had been given the clear for it to manifest. As his attitude steeled and he became better, without a teacher of his bloodline ability to guide him, he would still be relatively useless. Speaking to his mother, begging even, to allow a teacher was beyond all reach. His mother flew into a rage at the idea and so eventually, Mushō gave up.

Now living properly in Kirigakure he was able to find the Sourei compound himself, but it does not go well there either. His circumstances of growing up had not gone down well, now that he was a known Sourei he was shunned - and then as a double hit his mother found out what he had attempted to do and punished him accordingly. 

So without proper tutoring he would only be able to utilise Taijutsu properly. He was able to adequately perform in other areas but it was his focus: he was even able to stop the bullying when he realised that he could fight back. The particular memory was also a well known one: where he defied a command by one of them and as expected, consequently beat the boy down when he tried to harass Mushō for his non-compliance. In that day, not only did he win that fight, but he also won the fights to come. 

It was not without punishment as the boy found his own graduation delayed by another year as punishment: but graduated the academy aged 13 because in all reason - Kirigakure needed people to fight. Mushō got off free. 

-27 SD

As a new Genin he was thrown directly into the war effort, running caravans, defending them or overseeing guard posts as a purely reconnaissance effort, Mushō didn't actually see his first true fight until seven months into his new rank. Other points had been small scrums or disagreements with people.

Working in a cell of 6, their guard post came under attack. Mushō took the vanguard to allow the ninjutsu users an opportunity to cast their techniques before abandoning his space and retreating. 

Their tactics ended up working perfectly, by what strategy had been pounded into them by their Chūnin cell leader- Mushō saw them bombarded with Doton techniques and crushed alive. Although he didn't see much action himself beyond occupying the enemy, he saw his duty and performed it. This was one of the first points that he had ever truly encountered death without a filtered lens. It was different. 

He made friends with his cell, even meeting what would eventually become his future wife. His work was not limited to just being a guard: in the later half of the war held some effort in scouting out areas of interest and very occasionally, even engaging in combat himself. Where he wasn't made in the academy his time began to shine as an outstanding Taijutsu specialist while working with his teammates.

-24 SD

The year the war had ended had held some tumultuous feelings for Mushō. On one hand, he had earned the respect and admiration from his fellow Shinobi. On the other hand, he was still not notable among Shinobi. He had no name - no notoriety and was no more powerful than he had got in the first place.

It came from a lack of use regarding his bloodline. While he had been fantastic at the reconnaissance efforts and tanking - that had been the end of that. Though, even Kirigakure had been crippled by the long war that had existed for as long as Mushō had been alive: it was all that he had known.

Even the end of the war signified the start of many more issues like agriculture, culture, population - taxes. So many different things that Mushō was very active in the rebuilding of their nation much like all other Shinobi. He played his part and more, barely sleeping as he did his work. He had not been special enough to get promoted for his war efforts, so he thought to stand out by making Kirigakure big again.

While he took out his missions he began to learn about the various dealings of the civilians whom they protected: how he learned about trade and demand in the markets, pricing from the body guarding, negotiation from more reconnaissance - money from extra work. Mushō began offering his services to some of those people directly and on top of the mission reward, managed to perform other extracurricular activities that made him some friends across the Kirigakure isles. 

It looked as though you could've taken the boy out of the Sourei, but not the Sourei from the boy. Even at 14, he was able to afford nicer things for he and his mother. Throughout the war she had been cold and distant to the boy, if only for believing his eventual death. It was a cold existence for him but Mushō had developed a sort of haze and coolness which would eventually grow into much of his known personality.

-22 SD 

Not a lot happened in the immediate years after the war even though it was not expected to have the peace last very long. Mushō had even reached out to the Sourei again at that time but the same as it had happened before, their coldness towards the boy was the same. 

Alongside his missions he'd even managed to go on a few higher ranked ones even as a Genin, and reconnected with an old friend from his cell during the war. Everybody had been busy and their cell had been lucky to have all survived. As they reconnected, they would train together - and even ended up sleeping together. Mushō had grown up in the years, and such a thing didn't register on his mind as being an issue.

Mushō was awarded the rank of Chūnin after helping out the child of a well known aristocrat who had praised him. That was his first strike against the village of Kirigakure. It didn't matter that he had spent years aiding the growth of Kirigakure, or that he had volunteered in shelters, helping the poor and the needy - nor that he had shown his prowess on the field and in combat. But because he had made a child happy. That was something that infuriated him - although he never told others the nature of his mission, it also meant that there was no notoriety to be gained: no special nickname, no special title. He was still unknown as far as the world went. 

It did mean that he got access to higher missions, and his use of his Sourei bloodline made him key for certain missions of a lethal nature. Even behind the scenes where the Sourei lie, they were happy with the idea of a disgraced Sourei coming back from a kill failed, anything to push their agenda. 

But it did not work out as such. The boy-turned-man relied mainly on his immaterial version and took on the art of killing quickly and seriously: racking up a bout of missions under his belt in fantastic timing. That was when he'd first gained the spectator of a certain higher up: a Hunter-Nin who recognised his potential. 

The way that he'd seen it, his money was able to help others: no longer just limited to making his mother happy but even to his new girlfriend who saw Mushō's light. 

-20 SD 

If anyone were to ever question Mushō's history or write about it to keep a compendium of his acts, they would say it started here. Mushō found himself excellent at killing: even more so than other Ninja. It appealed to some of his baser natures and for the first time he understood the wilder side of Kirigakure's ideology. 

All of those missions when he was younger and took on the information about businesses, his penchant to take on extra side jobs from clients taking out missions and bloodline ability made him a fearsome businessman. His first venture was a simple one: a bar. From the logistical side of things to hiring staff, setting up routes for alcohol, even the advertising. 

It did fail, the bar not even lasting six months but it was the experience that meant the most. He had not learned enough, and he was trying to do too much on his own merit. Even when he was in debt for effort of trying - it was satisfied with more missions and more assassinating.   

Mushō ended up having sex again: only this time made his woman pregnant. It was agreed that they would marry before the boy's birth to solidify it all. 

Mushō's first son was born in -19 SD and his eldest was beautiful: it invoked feelings that he didn't know that he had and was now a father. But with his wife being made unable to work, and an extra mouth to feed was all money: it meant that he had to work harder. 

Thus came his first legitimate business: a noodle bar. It was an easy investment in his money and it produced a source of cheaply bought ingredients, both a win-win situation for him. He hired a cook, cleaner and let them get to work. As a stroke of luck would have it, within the year it was self sufficient without needing Mushō to do anything. The new income would provide him with a much needed stipend that made him not need to work harder and to spend more time with his family. 

It soon dawned to the 19 year old that he could step it up, and the natural hold of the Sourei took control. Him, an outsider was still one of them on the inside. 

He would be approached by a Hunter-Nin who had recommended the boy to be made one himself: the opportunity looked interesting, it was among the things he had already been doing and decided to give it a go.

It was decided quite quickly that Mushō would make a fine hunter-nin. He was a man of little reputation - well liked by most, but average across the board up until his most recent years for his assassination missions. All of which had been veiled.

It was natural.

-17 SD

"And so it is." 

The birth of his second child, a girl, would prompt the now- 21 year old to work harder. He had a family now. He had been made more well known through the very simple insignia mask he wore: the purple bolt - the killer.

The years of killing had taken a toll to the man's psyche, who no longer felt as he did before. Realising the true nature of being a Shinobi sometimes meant doing things that required necessity. Although no Sourei himself, Mushō knew their code of practise. "the end justifies the means" and felt it resonate. His career was booming as far as he could see: with an incredible mission time and completion rate.

The businesses didn't stop: a noodle bar to a tanner, a postal service. Mushō was busy: when he wasn't on missions, he was barely sleeping. Hallucinating, hearing things - spending barely any time with his family. Even though he was doing everything in effort of them it had come at a price.  

He was given the rank of Jōnin by recommendation of his Captain and told to take a break, for the sake of his mind. Even today, his most treasured memories came from this time. 

He was able to hold his two children at the same time in either arm: see his daughter walk and spend time with his loved one. She too, had seemed distant. When it came to talk about it, it was because her love for Mushō had faded: he was no longer the same. While she had kept loyal: Mushō was no longer the person he was. The end of those treasured memories came when he took time for himself: alone and in one of Kirigakure's temples. There was no killing: no working and plenty of sleeping.

His small time in that temple had amounted to so much: tempering his mind much more than he had had before. Everything he had done until this point was for them. It didn't matter who had to die: that was his goal.

The second strike to Kirigakure was that the end of his stay was interrupted by a Sourei: they were willing to welcome the man to his rightful place with the Sourei. Mushō was unwilling to accept there and then. But again, after speaking with his wife, decided it would be best that the children were raised alongside them, and his wife had someone to confide with. 

Mushō did not trust them at all, and felt their reasons were nefarious. They did eventually reveal their reasons to the man: for they sought pride and honour from him. He: a Sourei: with an impeccable mission record for what was public and well regarded for his use of the bloodline, was also running businesses on the side. The making of a made man. 

-14 SD

Mushō in his time from the Sourei only sought one thing: true power over his bloodline abilities. For so long he had been ignored - under a proper tutor, the skills that he could've had years ago sprung to light. The damage had already been done: he would not be able to reach the peak. But he was still on top of his game. 

There were other reasons as well. His businesses, for all the time they'd been open for years ahead could serve another purpose. Mushō could make even more money: they slowly introduced their thoughts and the doctrine that he already believed. 

He knew it to be behaviour of their unbecoming, but it served his purpose. The money was needed too, and so they became avenues for more money through illegal means.

The noodle bar was a front for money laundering. The tanner for the making of illegal goods, and the postal services for the delivery of illegal goods. All roads led to one and for a time they would remain his joy.

But he would still continue with his missions. All the while his third child had been born, a final boy, Mushō reigned in the field. Mushō began to withdraw from the world as his mind narrowed.

- 12 SD

There was little that Mushō hadn't done. He had made a fine hunter-nin for the past five years. He had been granted the title of Jōnin after many years being in the field: all mediocrity had been stricken from his name and he was known as a true Sourei of the clan. Things between he and his wife were never particularly great around this time. His first son was seven years old and no better for it, in the academy and learning while Mushō was barely around. Mushō could scarcely believe that his wife wasn't cheating on him given how little he was around, and for what she had said was like marrying a ghost.

But he had his businesses and had always worked them for her. Such disinterest grew into apathy as he turned to do what he wanted to do. The taste of doing well in his businesses meant that he could expand, and even while maintaining status as a Shinobi he long before he had thought joined hands with some other connections in the Sourei family. It still had managed to been twelve years since the end of the last Shinobi war and frankly there were other more important things to worry about now. 

With no particular affiliation to other people, during the Kumo-Shimo conflict, Mushō even hires out himself with no known affiliation to the aid of whoever had the coin. He made more connections in the three months it spanned, spending it almost entirely away from his work and 'out in the field'. His time with his family is almost nil. 

-9 SD


- between 14-10 SD begins to withdraw from the world because of his work. 

-7 SD going Nukenin when his businesses are found out about. A-rank Nukenin.

His entry into the Bingo book was A-rank, though not much information had initially been given by it, it was his stellar and hidden record of his tenure as a Hunter-Nin that caught up to him. He posed significant threat and although assessments had been made to his ability and knowledge of his Kekkai Genkai was obvious: his exact skillset had not surfaced. Just that he was good at killing. 

But it was also a bit of a new life from him, because he was the hunted rather than the hunter, and that came with new challenges and opportunity to evolve. Where he knew the tricks of the trade it mitigated any initial contact with Hunter nins, he found himself on the rocks numerous times while being hunted by a cell of six Shinobi. There was no fighting that and Mushō accepted the skill of his colleagues. So he went on the run. It was not difficult to forge the work and make it look as though he was moving east on one of the rare voyages: but it did not last very long when that the lead was quickly expunged and that in fact he was moving to an outer isle of Mizu no Kuni and trying to flee the country. 

It was unusual but Mushō began to adapt to the new way of life with never staying one place for too long, doubling back on his old routes, utilising the skill of his bloodline to evade the hunter-nin.

-6 SD

His ascension to S-rank in the Bingo books was something astonishing. It had not been his intention. A year of running, making it almost impossible to physically leave the country with the high level of security and the cell following him; they were growing ever desperate and managed to find the rare skill of Sensory: and with that, the hunt grew ever closer.

Mushō on the other hand had finally managed to get all of his pieces in a row that he could fake himself into a new life, disappear from the isles and let the hunter-nin chase his tails. He had not anticipated the new addition of a Sensory ninja, and found himself cornered in a harbour. The problem that the hunter-nin had, was that they found themselves underestimating the man. He had been on the run for long enough that he had made himself look to be the coward: in which, to him, didn't matter.

What happened was that in the very public spectacle, he dismantled the group methodologically - taking out the sensory ninja, making another kill one of their own with use of his Kekkai Genkai and co-ordination and then quite quickly ending the remaining four. Mushō was last seen wiping the blood from his hands with a cloth before disappearing using his bloodline.

He left the isles within the day and finally managed to make entry to Kaminari no Kuni. But being an S-rank in the bingo books also meant that his information was past on: he was extremely dangerous. So even though he had fled: the trail of Hunter nin was still there. Although far more infrequent than before, with so much more space to roam: he was free. 

But all he had managed to do was make a single step in his idea, and that required preparation. 

-4-1 SD Civil war and Sanbi attack, and tries to atone mildly by helping out the unthought-of people. 

It did not surprise Mushō that even if war had been over for but a few years that it would bring about chaos in other ways. It did surprise Mushō that it came about from Kirigakure. It had always been bloodthirsty in its ways, but apparently new management meant that forces were turned against each other. With a slight of concern for his family, he did return to Mizu no Kuni yet again in keeping appearances, he was still a well known Shinobi.

During the civil war Mushō only returned to help the sick and elderly and those in need, never stopping those rendering the violence but always helping. In one way, apathy was another form of participation by his non-participation. Until it found that a base of sorts could be founded from an area, in which for a time, Mushō was able to operate from for about a year. In deciding this was his truth, decimated any and all people threatening his 'area'. In the chaos and pandemonium caused by the civil war, he was just another face and name. He would not be known.

-0 SD 

+4 SD resurfacing

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Raiton

chakra natures: Raiton, Doton, Katon

primary specialisation: Taijutsu

secondary specialisation: Bukijutsu

summoning contract: n/a


Fumei Ha [Hidden Blade]


◇ Karambit  
◇ Dagger 
◇ Smoke & Flash Bombs x2 


◇ Dagger
◇ Smoke & Flash Bombs x2
◇ Military Rations Pill x3


Enhanced Ninja Eye Scope
 Special Ops Mask
 Chakra Suppression Seal x20
 Special Ops Cloak
◇ Map of the Elemental Nations (with notations)
◇ Medical Kit - Medium Size
◇ Smoke & Flash Bombs x5 each
◇ Shinobi Wire Spool - 50m
◇ x2 Scrolls with ink pots and brushes
◇ Sewing kit
Hidden (Sewn into material)
◇ x1 Forged headbands of each major and minor village

fighting style

Through and through: Mushō is a killer. He does not dignify people with an opportunity to speak, his aim is his own survival - he is a man of action. Whatever his goal in mind may be, the only action is to kill to get there. Despite being a man to train his body, and being more than competent in hand to hand combat: the man would rather run than fight someone mano a mano. His fighting style is clear: assassination. From the moment he leaves someone's gaze, he can return to the art of the hunt. 

Sometimes it is not always an option. Sometimes there are sensors, sometimes he is outnumbered and cornered. Then it is a change of tactics - from whence a man compelled to run is put in a corner, he relies on misdirection, all in aim of getting a killing blow as quickly as possible, or fighting wildly enough to secure an escape. Some of the abilities he has learned from another Nukenin Sourei: Sourei Zaizen. His rock forms had inspired a new style: of absolute strength.    

jutsu list


[x] Ganseki Kata no Kyūkyoku [Final Rock Form]


[x] Ganseki Kata no San [Third Rock Form]


[x] Naifu [Knife]
[x] Sokudo [Speed]

[x] Ganseki Kata no Ni [Second Rock Form]
[x] Kūki Tokō no Waza [Act of Walking on Air]
[x] Kūki Kata [Air Form]

[x] Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]

[x] Doton: Chikakuhendou [Earth Style: Changes in the Earth's Crust]
[x] Doton: Arumajiro no Taitō [Earth Style: Rise of the Armadillo]
[x] Doton: Han'nō-sei sōkō [Earth Style: Reactive Armour]


[x] Usagi Sanpo [Rabbit walk]
[x] Kasoku Suru [Accelerate]
[x] Gensoku Suru [Decelerate]

[x] Bulbun Yō tsukuru Mukei [Partial To Make Intangible]
[x] Bulbun Yō tsukuru Kōkyū [Partial To Make Enduring]
[x] Ganseki Kata no Ichi [First Rock Form]

[x] Kai [Release]
[x] Henge no Shin [True Transformation]

[x] Doton: Dorappa [Earth Release: Violent Earth Wave]
[x] Moguragakure no Jutsu [Mole Hiding Technique]
[x] Dochuu Senkou [Underground Submarine Voyage]


[x] Yō tsukuru Mukei [To Make Intangible]
[x] Yō tsukuru Kōkyū [To Make Enduring]
[x] Furyoku Kata [Buoyancy Form]

[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Sourei Savant』

Mushō's ability to use his bloodline's 'Mitsudo Soujuu [Density Manipulation]' is something that can only be matched by very few. It is without a doubt that he is one of the brightest sparks able to manipulate their bloodline seen in many generations. Whether by changing his body's matter to become a juggernaut or incorporeal for long range infiltration; his skillset is impeccable for synchronicity. His mastery has even enabled him to utilise both aspects of his bloodline to separate limbs at the same time. He can switch between the two states nigh instantly without failure and without hindering the flow of his fighting ability. He still has to obey the rules of his bloodline ability such as not breathing and not fusing with matter: but largely either state doesn't inhibit his ability to perform as a Shinobi.

『Chakra Refinery』
Training to be an assassin means less waste: from being more efficient in their movements to wasting no breath. The same can be said of Mushō's use of chakra: though his chakra pool is not huge, it has been trained to allow him use of his bloodline and to make absolutely no waste in using techniques and people in want of the ability. A bright thing of not having such a large chakra reserve however is that to a Sensor his signature is average among the ranks of all manner of Shinobi.

『Extreme Awareness』

    Learning how to sneak up on someone tends to teach one how to prevent it from ever happening to themselves. Mushō has synchronised his senses and wisdom to a perfect harmony that has manifested as a spatial awareness of his battlefields - allowing him to react with absolute instinct and with minimal delay, to the point where his senses are honed: navigating through an enemy castle of people he would be able to sneak through it with relative ease. 

『Blinding Speed』

Mushō's spent most of his life on the run: from whether he was a Shinobi or not. In evading Hunter Nin or running from bullies: he has become a flash that blurs the line between real and fake. Mushō's raw speed is able to leave afterimages and perform actions as if he had never moved in the first place. Although he is extremely fast, as a result his stamina has taken a slight beating in lieu of such a blinding speed. Over a longer period of time at a lower speed does not bother him in any way.

『Assassination Technique』

Some Shinobi dedicate their specialisms to torture, to extract information. Others take a more saintly path. Mushō only wanted to perfect one thing; killing. Despite not being one to focus solely on weaponry, Mushō's existence derived about not existing: performing from the shadows. This isn't included to literal sneaking but even his ability to act and impersonate other people. His entire fighting style is even based on having the target having the least amount of reaction possible, and so his Taijutsu is assassin based and his Bukijutsu is limited to short range weaponry such as daggers and knives, with an expanding repertoire on the most efficient ways to kill. 

『Art of the Hunt』

Mushō was one of Kirigakure's ANBU that specialised in assassination and reconnaissance missions, and even after that has spent several years on the run. Trying to make a living alongside running and fighting has meant that he's had to be tactical in some places from learning to hide his tracks to bush-craft. His ability to track is unparalleled, as is his patience to be able to stay still for days at a time without break.

This translates to his senses being reduced perfectly to the art of the kill: His touch is light and precise yet lacking no strength, his walking is reduced to absolutely minimal noise as though he glides (he does not.), he melds to the shadows like a second skin and is full of patience and without the art of sensing chakra: he does not exist.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san
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Akira's OOC SanctuaryNov 24, 2019 10:49:30 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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age birthday rank occupation
Mikatakujira Budanteki
[ -- ]
name: Mikatakujira Budanteki
age: 36
gender: Female
birthday: 27th March
birth origin: Bonchi no Kuni
birth village: Takigakure
rank: Jōnin
position: Council Member

ALIAS NAME [alias translation] alias description.







✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Doton
chakra natures: Doton, Raiton, Katon
sole specialisation: Generalist
summoning contract: n/a


No Inventory

fighting style

fighting style

jutsu list








[x] Kai [Release]


[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Bitch-Like Strength』
Even before -- was granted the special tendril-like abilities, she was already a formidable Shinobi. Her flat strength is capable of grinding boulders into dust, turning Kaguya bones into tooth picks and the same can be said of her enemies as well, but most noticeably this flat strength boasts into unparalleled accelaration in instead of braking or turning, so while she sacrifices the ability to be nimble or turning for this power: don't get caught out.

Just like being made of a mass of tendrils, -- doesn't feel pain for the most part, having developed a steadfast resistance, but does still feel it. Her skin is like iron, capable of withstanding blunt and piercing trauma with ease. Her weight is immense as well, meaning that toppling the woman is unlikely to happen in the first place.

『Earth Grudge Fear』
The boon granted to -- that she is only ever growing stronger with by the year. -- is functionally immortal and as long as she has working hearts, cannot die. -- does not have the need to sleep, eat or drink: is immune to poison and can separate her body at will in certain sections, because of the symbiotic relationship to a parasite. She can sew her body together even after being bisected or having limbs cut off: as long as her hearts remain undamaged.

--'s tendrils are very tightly wound and packed together in her skeletal like appearance, which can be easily explained as "always a compressed spring" - and makes appear as though she has less mass than she actually does - 'full sized threads, half sized body'. These threads, additionally are so well wound together by her control are like ranmataru steel, incredibly durable and capable of being used as weaponry and a conduit to future techniques.

『Ten Fingers, Ten Pies』
-- has always had a keen interest in the Shinobi arts. As such, hasn't devoted her entire life to a single specialism. She operates at a rounded efficiency only a skilled high ranking Shinobi can.

『Jiongu - The Hunger』
--'s symbiote is of a particularly bloodthirsty and violent kind, so bloosthirsty that when out on the prowl- -- is able to determine a heart's chakra nature(s). This doesn't grant any extra sensory information.

But the true power lies in the hunger. Just like the moon has cycles, so does --. Over the course of every two hundred posts, -- begins to be at her weakest, and strongest across the cycle. At the same time, so does her violence and degeneracy: whereby crossing over the threshhold (post 201, 401 etc) -- rampages, unable to distinguish friend from foe, with only the intent of gaining more hearts.

This Special Ability is only active as long as -- has less than 5 hearts. At post 1/200, operates under capacity to her rank. By post 50/200 - is back to her regular rank. Post 150/200 is above her rank, and 201/200 is her "beserker mode" which is an additional boon to her abilities.

The post count is not indicative of time, as intended to show that it could be a year, or it could be a month between one rage and the next.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: -- -- --
FACE CLAIM SERIES: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Nov 25, 2019 12:04:02 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryFeb 16, 2020 20:25:18 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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age birthday rank occupation
[ the lost ]
name: Yutakako Aito 12
age: 34
gender: Male
birthday: 19th October
birth origin: Tsuchi no Kuni
birth village: Iwagakure no Sato
rank: Jōnin
clan: Yutakako

番号12 [Number 12] [Facility 4, higher ups with access to the classified files]
A name that the man has never been able to shake, and so embraces it.


Height: 6'2" | 188cm
Weight: 12st 8 | 81kgs


Standing at five foot eleven inches, the man is of moderate athleticism: never needing a use for over use of muscles with a body of 180 pounds. Inherently, the man is dark. He is tan, akin to the skin of those in the village he resides. His hair, and facial hair are a dark brown which almost looks black. To that, he also had deep, brown eyes: quite larger than usual and making his iris and eye look one and the same. His expression is stoic: mostly found in that of a impassive nature.

He has shoulder length hair usually tied up messily in his back. Even so, carries across to his clothing: usually always some form of dark to them, browns, greys: blacks. This is his usual repertoire, and covering up most of his body with good reason. For that reason, he more often tends to look like a civilian than another shinobi. His facial hair is an impressive beard reaching about two inches, full and thick: as well as a moustache to boot.


Taking the clothes away, the man is what he believes is hideous: outside of the small marks on his face, his entire body is chock full of a war veteran. Scars, and a history that tell so much more. His body is lumpy from skin tissue, more tough and calloused than not, it makes for a very difficult sight for most people to look at. Taking that away, his figure isn't bad for a shinobi and his face and use of his looks makes him handsome: though in the past and present it has served him little to form complex bonds with others.


"I didn't fucking die for this..."

First and foremostly, Aito, known as 12 is stoic. A man who refuses to die, refuses to succumb and a broken man. Broken in mind, fragmented as a human and unsure if he was ever a unique person, since all of his experiences were due to a horrific upbringing that meant he'd never coherently formed into a mass of who he was meant to be.

12 is cynical. Jaded: paranoid. Though, more calmer in recent years by spending it with various religions to clear his mind, it was unclear if he would ever have existed beyond Facility 4. Where others developed sociopathic and violent tendencies from such tragedies, 12 merely developed an apathy for life. Apathy for those in power, and really is concerned about being honest with himself.

Because of his lack of presence in the shinobi world he has thankfully gone underneath the watchful eye of the Yutakako, and their ways. For anything that has him noted by the few teacher he had, he was simply one of the shinobi who 'wasn't cut out for it.'

Though the man is racked with his own demons, personal guilts and sadistic desires which he tries to keep in check, he is mostly morally mute, doing things because he needs to have a purpose beyond anything and the need to have peace in his mind from the chaos that he had lived in for the majority of his life. He is incredibly complex as it goes and has managed to reach a mutual understanding with his dark self: in what he references is his shinobi side. Callous and unflinching, because of his propensities.
The man self harms: he smokes and he drinks to try and bring back flavour to his life from being on the brink of death for far too long for such a huge period of his life. Sex didn't bring it: violence did not either. What has been consistent, was his meditation which he will do without fail come midnight of each day and into the next.

12 has not been able to form complex relationships with people and if he were ever to be found in the doctor's seat, would have a field day in trying to diagnose the mental health issues the man suffers from. From varying instances of apathy to complete breakdowns.

There are still positive things about the man: he is easy to talk to and can be mistaken for a hedonist - allegedly sociable which hides his impassive interior. Disciplined and capable of handling tasks and workloads with ease. And? The man is good natured despite his attitude and deeds he carries out. The man is observant much like the others on his level with him and he is responsible for other people. Not quite himself, yet.

Because of that, he can also come across as someone behind the sociable mask as someone who is intense by his deterministic and apathetic nature. With little reason to care for others by someone who has never been cared for due to being in able, or unable to form complex and/or romantic relationships with people has ended up being suggestively dangerous by his lack of faith.

Similarly, behind all of that is a cold, calloused man from the ways of war who has not forgot. It means he can be disconcerting to those of objective moral truths, or strong beliefs. Too mature for those of a younger age and immature by those of an older age. He is dishonest. Mostly with himself. So, a cocktail of different things which forms into the person he is now.


Yutakako Aito has never existed.

There is no record, no trace, and no understanding of where the man came. Simply put, he is 番号12. He has had no other name that he has ever known. Even he, aware of his name - will never use it. But every story has a start.

Officially, the first recorded mention of Aito in anywhere in the man's veiled history is from the classified documents of Facility 4. Even so, no name had ever been given other than 12 in order to desensitise those making the decisions that they were dealing with inanimate objects, and not young boys or girls.

The third shinobi war was raging. By barbaric practises were in full swing and no concord had been agreed: prisoners of war were common. Aito was born in Iwagakure under better circumstances than most. But traitors. And traitors were treated worse than the POWs - thrown into the same thing. The baby known as 12 received his first harm at only a few hours old: struck, painfully. Breaking a few ribs.

Life could never be kind to him.

But he was patched up, only with the express service of keeping his parents alive just so they could watch and scream in terror as he was experimented on. Sometimes it was simple: stay outside. At two years old, the boy who could already barely walk, was illiterate well into his older years and couldn't read or write was being forced into barbaric conditions and fed the bare minimum to stay alive.

Was this meant to be life? Torture was not an uncommon sound. 12 remembered vividly playing with the dead bodies of those dead and tortured, unaware of the blissful condition known as humanity: or those who had died of starvation. But in that environment, it was either adapt or survive and the boy became desensitised very quickly.

But, he was there to provide results for people. Any shred of love given to him was by effort of how he survived to others. It was only acceptable to not die: and he was treated poorly throughout his entire stay. But because of the reason of his being guilty was off his parent's. Where others got picked up and treated, he remained. He survived. Aito became a possessed, obsessive, paranoid ridden child. Anything to earn the affection, or the admiration. Pleading to be hurt, so that he might earn some so desired praise from those who desired his skin.

Psychologically, the boy was never going to be right. Always all consuming, addictive. With no family, no humans to support him: it was either grow or die. Aito chose the prior. It was only because of this growth, and rare imagination that he did not end up dying. That, and pure strokes of luck. Being taken by fever and given no painkillers, no antibiotics just to see how he would react. Injected with diseases to see how they would take root and present themselves in young children. And so for that, he managed to curry very little favour. Enough to know that they'd earned themselves a lifelong supporter and demonic follower by the boy's very craving to stay alive.

And so, he was trained in secret. Out of the eye of society, taught to hold weaponry. It did not become apparent, until his later years, into the seven and eight region that he could mould chakra. And Bakuton: Blast Release. He became very valuable very quickly. They held themselves a secret weapon that held the ability to perform more versatile tests. To inflict pain on others. Even so, while the boy had become psychologically and physically numb so early in his life to pain, his desire to please was great and to not be harmed himself was greater. So, he helped his captors.

It was better than being on the receiving end. But, out of all of that training and trade he was given a task. With ten other children: deliver a basket of bread. And that was exactly what he would do. He had eaten a small fragment of a loaf and it was by sheer luck that he was not taken by the poison - but he had been harmed for so long, it had been nothing in the way of him delivering his abilities. But he barely passed, for a boy so young and starving - skinny to the bone to be delivering such fresh bread, it was only due to that eaten portion that he was not.

And so he returned: two others returned.

The horrors of the establishment continued. He helped his remaining kin, for they were now equal in the eyes of their masters. He would pour freezing water in the dead of winter, and submerging hands in ice, to POWs. 12 injected Bakuton chakra into minute places, watching bodies crackle like fireworks in sick displays of blood and gore. It were in these few events that he developed some camaraderie, of what there was to be had with the remaining two children.

And then for some reason or another, the building was burnt down. And the same story was found no matter where one looked. They helped people.

Anything that remained of 12's files were destroyed and the boy had never known anything outside of his own name. So, while it as known the boy was a Yutakako by the presence of his bloodline, that was all they knew. So even when being given the tutoring he so desperately desired, the constant affliction of being tended to whether good or bad: it was never enough.

Aito never came up with a name even when he had been prompted to. He was 12. With a single year left before the end of the Third Shinobi World wwar, desensitised to the world and its people, Aito became a mute. Absolutely nobody could break his exterior. Everybody knew he could talk, he could write and read. But nobody could coax him from the voice he was so sorely lacking. For so many years, he had been so exposed to trauma that his mind could not handle it. Like a drunk going back to the bar for more, everything in his life was underwhelming now that he was not serving others. He had never known peace.

But instead of becoming a Genin, he was approached for something very very different.

He was approached for the ANBU for a mission from his unique situation of being one of three escaped children from the true reality of Facility 4. Aito was technically the youngest ANBU in the history of Iwagakure: this has never been recorded for the sake of his mission. He was called the War Torn Genin, for his mutism. Aito uniquely had all of the scars of torture, his body had already been so marred and tainted, and psychologically he was mute: physically and emotionally. He was the perfect candidate for a 'sleeper' agent in Kaze no Kuni. Implanted with new memories, and his real memories of Iwagakure no Sato with forbidden secret techniques by the Himishi: off he went.

But he was taught a single, unique technique by none other than the Yutakako's late heiress - the one who had been replaced by Bakuhatsuka Amaterasu. For what reason to teach a boy such a technique, and yet a clan so bound by their code of honesty? A clan so proud? To a male? Blackmail. The former empress had been blackmailed, and that led to the Heiress, who was then blackmailed so dearly that she could do naught but comply: The ability to boom, at a choice he desired. That woman was found mysteriously having committed suicide, the empress at the time mysteriously being killed by assassination during a out of state clan meeting. The perfect sleeper agent: and for the last year in the war, he continued to use the technique out of what he believed was a tic, not realising until far too late what it was for.

With the war coming to an end, those who had sent him on that mission decided to not bring him back immediately under the impression the tensions in the next few months would mean the outbreak of the war again.

But there he was forgotten. And eventually, 12 came to speak again - only passing into the age of an adult and it had been a long eight years. Recognising at this point the damage he could've wrecked havoc with, he intentionally went around undoing every single mark he'd made.

For some reason or another, at a much later date: the seal was undone though 12 could never discern what did. He returned to Iwagakure. A stoic Yutakako, a stark contrast. The only tell was his key abilities, and had it not been for the ANBU who had left him there several years earlier being in active duty: he would've never been granted entry to the village.

It was at this point he was granted the title of Chūnin for his "continuous war efforts" even past the war's end. But by his rank: he was still considered a Genin. So, training began in secret. By now, 12 was unknown to the Shinobi populace. His stoicism and bare talking made him unsociable. It had always been this way for the man. At twenty three, he blasted through the Yutakako's ranks to become a respected enough Shinobi: his apparent muteness working better for him for the only basis of how honest he was, was by the way he fought. Savagely. Questions were asked about his existence, for who had this young adult been to show up and come asking to learn the Yutakako way? It was quickly answered as a being someone who had been mentally unstable: and forgotten records that had been implanted back into the world, simply: "12."

For a further four years, the man took part silently in missions as an Ops Team, barely coming out other than for missions and the rest of the time hiding in religious sanctuaries to gain back some form of his life. This continued, and at the point he became a Jōnin in a mission which he showcased his explosive abilities.

It was this point, at 27 - he left the Shinobi forces. It had been granted unanimously by Nohime Kouen under the instruction that he performed duties for the man at his whim. And he did: the man had little morality to serve, and little reason to come to his own conclusion about the world. And so, would only surface until the time was such that he was no longer needed because someone better had come along: the man had become someone of prominence: the Tsuchikage and bigger things were on the horizon.

And he ran. To Religious Sanctuaries, and that would be where he would stay for the next eight years, trying to reclaim any humanity that he once had. Always being accepted back despite taking up habits, smoking: drinking. Anything to reclaim the edge that had been so thoroughly dug into him from birth. But he did not know who he was. Seeking some redemption for himself, to a god that would never see him.

Even still, after all this time: history has forgotten Aito as he has unwillingly avoided his own name. With all the time in the world he kept coming back to the life of the shinobi - its own addiction that he was trying to stave with all his might. The light of Hikari did not warm him, the beasts of burden did not appeal to him. Bishamon would not provide answers. Though all anecdotal, 12 was able to return back to Iwagakure, at 34 years old. Still unaware of his place in his life, still unsure of how he fits in.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Katon, Raiton
chakra natures: Katon, Raiton, Bakuton
primary specialisation: Ninjutsu
secondary specialisation:
summoning contract: n/a


No Inventory

fighting style

fighting style

jutsu list








[x] Kai [Release]


[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Chakra Reserves』
To enable his endless use of techniques, 12 has a vast reserve of chakra that only few can tend to match. Jinchuuriki far overpower him, and others in his rank can: but he can utilise every single bit of his chakra in his basin, forcing it all out until he is completely dry.

『Blast Release』
12 is an extremely proficient user of the Bakuton release the Yutakako is famed for. For dangerously AOE explosive capabilities, or pinpoint precision by a technique that he shouldn't know in the first place: his relatively unknown position inside Iwagakure no Sato means that he can continue to perform so well and not be noticed by it. But his techniques are above par for his rank.

『Pain Nullification』
Though the effects of damage are self evident on his body - he will not run with two broken legs of course. 12 cannot suffer from pain. Only the absolute highest - most disgusting forms of torture might even begin to tickle his body. Dangerously so, the man is capable of fighting until his dying breath. This carries across into an insane durability that his body is so difficult to injure by both blunt and piercing weaponry from the endless scarring and mutilated flesh adorning his body acting as its own armor for him.

『Two hands Two Arts』
Equal parts obsessiveness, equal parts belligerence: through years of intense study, not only is 12 a masterful Ninjutsu user, he is the same of Fuinjutsu. This translates into him being able to use S-rank techniques as a Fūinjutsu secondary, in exchange for techniques outside of Ninjutsu [Katon, Raiton & Bakuton] and Fūinjutsu to be capped at C-rank (including other elemental techniques.)

description description

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: -- -- --
FACE CLAIM NAME: Harry Potter!blvnk (Tumblr)

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on May 10, 2020 17:19:32 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryMar 5, 2020 18:44:47 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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age birthday rank occupation
Jūryoku Natsuki - concept
[ -- ]
name: Jūryoku Natsuki
age: 26
gender: Female
birthday: 11th May
birth origin: Nohara no Kuni
birth village: Kusagakure no Sato
perceived rank: Chūnin
actual rank: Jōnin
clan: Jūryoku
position: A-rank Nukenin

Mumei [Nameless] [World] Nobody knows who Natsuki actually is, because she will give you a new name every time you ask. A different backstory, of course. But the name Mumei is who you contact if you need a target killed: something being done that you don't want to tell your wife or your family about. Nameless is the person who sees through your wishes

Anna Jūryoku [That Jūryoku] [Kusagakure no Sato]
People generally know who they're talking about when you speak of a Jūryoku without a specific name. There are sketches of her, there are notices. But never a name: for when she left, she left a special present that meant her records were effectively wiped, save for some older records that bore some of her abilities on them.


Natsuki is a slender, white haired woman that is granted boons of curvature and musculature to match both a fine woman and man in physicality and grace, meeting the two with expectant praise. Inherently speaking, she is five foot seven inches and tan of body, typically skinny for the most part both by lack of diet and by eating streamlined foods. But, busty in the rear - as her hips are genetically gifted. For the most part in comparison to other people, she seemed unimpressive in most other aspects. She does have baby blue eyes, and stunning ivory hair that has a few bangs, but most of it pulled back into a high ponytail.

Her mode of expression is through her tattoos which are similar to what a gust of wind may look like, covering across her arms and into her midsection and thighs: a light blue in color. But that aside, she doesn't have the need for rings or other accessories other than her business attire.

Now, her clothing is generally good for navies, whites and blacks: for her history a change of clothing isn't always easy to come by, and so has had to make do with durable and work-based clothing that can be reused as necessary. But everything about her clothing is for the basis of utility. All with lots of pockets, and lots of dimensions that fit to her form to allow her the best amount of carrying without adding extra weight to her body or weigh her down.

"I don't need a nindo. Do whatcha' want."

To Natsuki, freedom is paramount: boundaries are limitless. For as long as she has known, the world is her oyster and it is hers to travel as she sees fit. If anything, Natsuki sees herself more as a working woman: but doesn't understand nor value the idea of a hidden village system. To the first notice, Natsuki is a hard working woman, and a woman who will ball-bust you for the laugh of it.

Someone who has experienced interacting with aristocrats and lowlives has developed an intermediary between the two but at the same time: is not good enough for either one of the two classes, seeing as being "too rough" by the posh, and "too posh" by the rough. Ultimately, Natsuki is confident and many of her personality traits stem from that factor.

Loyalty is a thing for Natsuki despite her being a nukenin and considered a traitor of Kusagakure no Sato, but her loyalties are more to herself, her contracts, and her select friends. But as they say about keeping friends close and enemies closer: the woman is usually found from the heat of the hunt, enjoying that more than any sassy, quipping talking can offer to her.
political viewpoints:
Natsuki doesn't trust politicians. If she were, for whatever reason to ever join the thrum of leadership: it would be on the basis of freedom and equality - laying down the law when necessary but ultimately leaving people to their desires. Of course, this typically does not make for good leadership. Though never concerned enough, she is more than happy to have the say in what goes on around and about the town if offered a position and would most likely benefit from being a head of something as opposed to its actual head. Because, quite simply:

She works better alone.


✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Fūton
chakra natures: Fūton, Raiton
primary specialisation: Bukijutsu
secondary specialisation: Ninjutsu
summoning contract: n/a

◇ Kunai [5]
◇ Shuriken [5]
◇ Smoke Bomb [2]
◇ Flash Bang [2]

◇ Kunai [5]
◇ Shuriken [5]
◇ Water Bottle
◇ Small Medical Kit


◇ Throwing Knives [50]
◇ Senbon [50]
Enhanced Ninja Eye Scope

◇ Blowdart
Darts (10 of each)
◇ Steel-Tipped Arrows [100]

◇ Throwing Knives [50]
◇ Senbon [50]
Chōku no gaiyō [Chalk Outline]
Pikkingu yōhin [Lock Pick]
Nenchaku Tēpu [Sticky Tape]

◇ Throwing Knives [100]
◇ Senbon [200]
◇ Steel-Tipped Arrows [100]
◇ Fuinjutsu prepared Arrows for Gospel Arrow Technique [20]

BACK (max size: Large items and weaponry)
Infantry bow
◇ Tent for 2, plus supplies
◇ Generic Survival Kit
◇ Food Rations for 2 weeks

fighting style

Natsuki's fighting style is to effectively not fight if possible. By that turn of phrase, it means that she wants to hurt someone from as far away as possible, and has an assortment of long ranged weaponry in order to allow her to do exactly that. Capable of using almost any type of projectile weapon, Natsuki is absolutely fearsome for being someone that you cannot fight against; because you'd never know she was there in the first place.

If someone, perchance does come across her, via sensory or another method - her next choice is to run and fight. Because, apparently people never realised you could do both at the same time. Capable of setting up on the fly traps to not be followed or setting them up that only she can accurately, and fairly navigate a battleground.

Closed range fighting does not happen for Natsuki - if it is, she's not doing her job very well. Naturally, though a Jonin her penchant for closed quarters combat leads her astray, and her physical strength aside from her ability to fire compound bows is minimal, and could be easily overpowered with strength.

Lastly: she's a dirty fighter. Whatever it takes to win, so if that means she needs to kneecap someone important to the target in order to flush them out of wherever they're hiding; to burn down a business that brings them astray - to hold someone hostage in exchange for themselves, or to simply throw dirt. That's whatever it takes, and she loves it.

jutsu list


[x] Fukuinya [Gospel Arrow]


[x] Ya Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Arrow Shadow Clone Technique]
[x] Ya Kage Seisha no Jutsu [Arrow Shadow Volley Technique]
[x] Konfuettipou: Niji Seisha [Confetti Art: Rainbow Volley]


[x] Yada Fuinishi [Arrow Capture Sealing Stone]
[x] Jushin Shotto [Core Gravity Shot]
[x] Hayaya Shotto [Sonic Arrow Shot]
[x] Gokai Kekkei [Heroic Barrier]

[x] Karada Fuuinjutsu

[x] Tairai Joukei no Jutsu [Plain Sight Technique]


[x] Yayatsuito no Jutsu [Arrow String Reel Technique]
[x] Cho'onboya [Arrow Sonic Boom]
[x] Himeiya [Banshee Arrow]
[x] Sakaeya [Glory Arrow]

[x] Kai [Release]


[x] Shippotoya [Tail & Arrow]
[x] Bakuya Notto [Exploding Arrow Note]

[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


description description

description description

description description

description description

『ANBU training/Running Speed/Survival』
description description

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: -- -- --
FACE CLAIM SERIES: Riot Games - Valorant

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Mar 5, 2020 19:52:51 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryMar 5, 2020 21:42:34 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Deleted Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
[ -- ]
age: 29
gender: Female
birthday: August 20th
birth origin: Hi no Kuni
birth village: Konohagakure no Sato
rank: Jōnin
clan: Hyūga
position: Council Member

Za Buraindo Shikiku [the blind visionary] [Konohagakure no Sato] This is known by the village, rather than as a country wide affair or across the world. Hotaru hasn't made a massive mark. This is known by the village for her political views.


There isn't much to say about Hotaru's apparel that appeals to people; she doesn't come across nor give off vibes of 'sexy' or 'intelligent' or 'cute'. Standing at five feet five inches and a hundred and ten pounds, she's about average in height and weight; a slender body with muscles here and there, but still skinny enough to have showing collarbones and thin arms; but if anything she has a broad shoulders that lead down her body.

The first of her hair is of a fairer complexion than most Hyūga- lighter than her male counterparts, it is drafted short, with two bangs at either side of her face. Even then, around the back of her head, she has two smaller, scruffy bangs tied up into two small knots. The next is her facial structure; a fair jaw having both elements of smoothness, and an element of a "diamond" jawline. That is not her most protruding feature; the winner belongs to her nose.

Her nose is pretty stubbed, from where she had previously broken it, it is not crooked; but wide and visible. Other than these distinguishing features- the one that most includes her namesake is her eyes, a shade of lavender that gets her recognized as a trademark Hyūga. They are pupil-less, with an even whiter sclera that makes her appearance seem all the more emotionless.

Her clothing, is what sets her apart from other Hyūga. She is not the traditional kind of Hyūga, spent in clothing far more comfortable and is just about opposite from the formal clothing they are usually bound to wear. Hotaru prefers a tight vest, with baggy trousers pulled up to just below her knees; in a perfect way for her to utilize the many pockets her trousers hold. Although an alternate way to dress, she still functions the very same as a Shinobi.

What she does like to wear, which even is unusual for a Shinobi is for her boots; inclined for traction, a slimline look that almost combines a "feminine" heel with a "masculine" boot. These were uniquely designed for her. They are additionally (seperately) attached to a form of Shin-pads that sternly fit around her, in lieu for a little comfort there is an amazing amount of durability within them.

エッチ [Dishonorable] This is a tattoo, depicting the word "Dishonorable." found on her right shoulder, framed in a circle. This is a reference to her dishonorable judgement by the Hyūga clan, and her satirical response as a result of it. It is a sarcastic remark and a gigantic "fuck you" to them.


"I will break the chains."

Her temperament doesn't fall too far from her family tree. Hotaru is initially fairly quiet and introverted, but this is not the entire case.

Hotaru will quite happily sit there and do nothing until something comes along; something that's worth of her time, then she will leap at it with all of her energy and enthusiasm. This is one of the defining traits as a Hyūga she cannot seem to shake from her. Many of Hotaru's emotions are still very active, but they are hidden from any of her facial features most of the time. She finds herself in good control of those emotions (in front of people.)

If anything, Hotaru is essentially a stubborn, bordering of arrogant woman; shrugging off things that bother her and goes with the flow, but she will speak her mind or not speak at all. Hotaru shares equal aspects in her need for space and socialization, even as a mixture of extroversion and introversion it is difficult at times to understand her need of space from others and to leave her with her own mind.

This is not all as it seems, because if someone threatens her way of life, it seems almost uncharacteristically so that she protects it- her thoughts fairly easy becoming inflexible and her brows furrowing, a stark contrast to a "detached" personality that she is tethered to as a Hyūga.

Some of the more famous traits that Hotaru's inherited from her bloodline is that she has a streak of "thick-skinned" about her, outwardly showing no response no emotional sensitivity. This has led to some very tasteless moments when Hotaru drops a one-liner at the completely wrong moment. Unlike a Hyūga to make jokes, but ever so in the right tone and moment.

There is sort of a "rustic" and "tomboy" aura that Hotaru seems to exude, where she has a "pre-dominance" towards violence, or showing traits more commonly seen in boys. All in all, she doesn't really follow any kind of alignment, nor specific codes that she feels the need to abide to.
political viewpoints:
Hotaru's political viewpoint is somewhat of contradiction between Authoritarian and Libertarian policies. Some of her Authoritarian policies are in the belief that civilians should have zero say in how the military is run as they are not military. There is a sort of dichotomy that runs on a case by case basis that Hotaru tends to focus on: Her specialties are trade and military and generally doesn't interfere with other matters such as common policies and law. The reason she doesn't is because she doesn't know a lot about them and usually doesn't sit in those meetings.

In terms of trade, Hotaru is a free agent and believes that trade can be found anywhere and with anyone- to make maximum efficiency with their exports and turning imports into a business. Hotaru is a business lady who is great at negotiating trades. What she does not believe in, however, is loans. One massive standoffish point between Hotaru and Kawai Niko (The Nanadaime Hokage) is their stances on the loans between villages, and how she had enacted a loan against Sunagakure.

The same goes for Military affairs: in effort to make Konohagakure in the strongest possible point, she loosely adheres to the laws and things put in place that prevent the villages from rising up in all out war, but is also in the same position of "whatever makes us strongest" If that meant war with another village: so be it. Hotaru is a great offender in preemptive strikes, being the one to make the first move. She indulges in the proactive preparations for such affairs: building up imports and exports, supplies and rallying support. This is her power.

  • Became the youngest council member in Konoha's history at 17 years of age, appointed by Senju Kouki.
  • Has thus far served under three Hokages.
  • In disgracing the Hyūga clan and abandoning them, she has since gotten a tattoo on her shoulder indirectly mocking them.
  • Is known to be Kawai Niko's central political rival in a few stances, namely trade and war.


Hotaru was gifted from birth. Gifted to be in the prestigious Hyūga clan, and even more so that she was a main-branch Hyūga. It was not an unexpected birth, and so branching into the Sōke family, she would be treated with special care. It was clear from the start that Hotaru was a little different from other Hyūga children, she didn't know her place- which was evident through her personality. As a toddler, Hotaru was hotheaded, quick to cry and more emotional than other main-branch Hyūga children who would just shove their noses up at her.

The Bunke branch would never have the chance to do so with fear of being put in their places harshly. Hotaru's parents were not among the cream of the crop and weren't known especially for their Ninjutsu practise- but as a whole they were THE Hyūga ichizoku, that each and every one of them was deadly, and had that particular aura about them that put them on a different calibre to other Shinobi. Hotaru was developing with the very same calibre expected from their kin. She began walking at an early age, and even talking an an early age even though her vocabulary wasn't extensive.

But there was always a difference, and as she grew she noticed this, and so did the others. She wasn't really cut out to be the same kind of "Hyūga" that was expected of her. Her growth was stunted to the dot because of her personality that wasn't her fault. Hotaru had always had somewhat of a... rebellious streak. It wasn't until she was a child that she had begun questioning their ways of acting, their "uptight" ways just wasn't in Hotaru's core and so she had never acted like it.

Her situation wasn't really any different from any other parent, she had no horrid upbringing or mistreatment that made her life horrible, nor had she had a horrid mishap which changed the course of her life forever; but she did have a conversation. One that would drive her personality. It was less of a conversation, and more of a lecture- where her father was disciplining her for acting beyond her way. Hotaru couldn't really respond, but from her collected thoughts she responded;

"Hyūga are still people, I'm just worse as controlling my emotions like the rest of you."

And so she eventually made her way to the Shinobi Academy, a life sought out by her and for her like many had already seen to. It was something she had to bear with. Even though reluctantly so, and against her rebellious streak she was still given the opportunity to activate her Byakugan. She was not special, in fact a late bloomer; because she had not activated her Byakugan till she was seven. It was one harsh training session and actually included a broken nose with the painful activation of her Dōjutsu, and it was this specific occurrence which she thought-

'I like fighting like this.'

She had unlocked the Byakugan. Although late, her heritage bound her to learning the Gentle Fist like many generations of her family had. It was... good; but not what she had entirely expected. It wasn't really tough and the name was all the more exemplary towards that statement. So, during the Shinobi academy where her efforts were bearing a little more fruit, and her personality which was considered quirky for her variation; she had made a few friends.

Just for being different. Hotaru liked to have a few fights, and was more than once; bringing a "dishonour" to herself. This wasn't really something that bothered Hotaru. But she learned, and throughout the shinobi academy she was being known for her personality and Taijutsu. She even did really well in a few areas, but never particularly turned heads.

It was her Taijutsu that really shone and again, like the prior she didn't turn heads because her style was pretty rough to begin with. It kept heads watching from the start. It was without form, and easily countered by those around her until she started utilizing the Gentle Fist. She began learning the Goken around the age of Eleven to further her taijutsu career.

Two more years would pass with little harm and which the days were spent enriching her Byakugan ability, Gentle Fist, Goken and General brawling. When she passed out of the Shinobi academy she did not recieve a happy welcome, but a more of a shrug and "get on with it." she couldn't be happier. It was then that she had decided what her Nindo was, a lesson she had learned a little earlier.

"I will not be like my family. I will rise without them, and I will break the chains."

Hotaru was initially put into one Genin team, but to early complications in the team's utility, two Genjutsu users and one Taijutsu user bore no help or fruitful work from the three of them, and they seemed to butt heads. From this moment, Hotaru was placed into a 'Genin Probation' where she would be waiting for a team. So other than lazing around, doing missions that she was allowed to by herself and being trained by her family like the dishonour she was, she was going to get better without the help of a Jōnin sensei.

Genin probation was interesting, but the push from her family was not. Hotaru was a... stoic individual blessed by her upbringing but even then she had started to become her own self and as that was believed was a 'unbecoming' of a Hyūga.

Her Genin career was short lived, because she was swiftly put into another team. Placed on a temporary team, she was able to join the Chūnin exams at sixteen, and pass. This wasn't the majority of her efforts and labour because she had become a well known staple in her community, with both good and bad aspects.

At Chūnin rank, she did something that got her ostracized from the Hyūga clan. So, it was listening to people. On missions out in Hi no Kuni, or in the village: listening to the people. She had become good at that. When it so happened that she finally had an opinion: confident and a bright and sharp young woman, dared to speak out against the Hyūga clan's backwards ways in front of a group of friends and her temporary Genin team. Somehow, the information got back to them and she was told to give up the family name. She disagreed, but stayed no longer. They were not needed.

At seventeen, she was appointed by Senju Kouki to be the youngest ever council member, and risen to the rank of Special Jonin. It was an interesting experience as Kouki hadn't exactly been the most smiles of the two of them, and comparing in how little Hotaru smiled herself, the ascension of Chūnin to Council member seemed non-gratifying. She was finally able to take on an official position in the village, some of which would not like her power at such a young age and felt threatened by her experience not being reflected in her age. It didn't help that even then, Hotaru was already a formidable shinobi to face against.

Through her duties as a council member - in all technicalities she didn't have to deal with the missions and the like and received a salary that was to match her title. Nonetheless she still did missions while balancing the chains that bound her. On top of that, she frequently dropped in on other shinobi squadrons to join in on their missions, generally sitting back among the crowd to watch and observe those in their ranks. Unlike most council members, Hotaru was a very hands-on individual who enjoyed being out in the field to see the progress of individual people.

As she grew older and her skill, influence and presence on Konohagakure no Sato grew, so did the changing times. Hotaru had been a stickler for change. Hayashi Ayame had been assassinated and it was a dark day for Konohagakure. Hotaru had been doing her duty as a representative of Konohagakure no Sato's interests and was being occupied by members of varying villages and nations, dancing the song of political tremors.

With the rising of Nanadaime Hokage Kawai Niko. Her popularity was a small, yet notable influence on her becoming of position as Hokage, however quickly that had happened. After the fact, however, her popularity fell as Niko had proven to be popular. The main cause was the opposition Hotaru had spoken out on against the lending of money to Sunagakure with their plague under the guise of 'returning a favour' in the future, Hotaru didn't believe that trying to curry favour in a tit-for-tat fashion would be beneficial for them.

Despite all of this, there was no particular change in her day to day life. In fact, while it may seem like a contradiction, Hotaru's influence grew to be the most influential council member because of her track record of serving three Hokages: The amount of people that listened were high, but those that agreed were fewer. That was the nature of her popularity.

Immediately in one fell swoop Niko had taken the lead as the Hokage, taking to it like to a fish to water (as Hotaru expected of an assistant to three previous Hokage's) she didn't doubt that her say was influential in Hotaru's promotion to Council Member, and that be reciprocated since Niko had never made any actions known unreasonable to Hotaru.

As the year passed, Hotaru found herself having disdain for Niko: The woman undoubtedly was a very strong Hokage, but Hotaru thinks that her political and ideological views are both outdated and in some cases: Simply wrong. As it stands, Hotaru is almost like a political rival to Niko. The woman has grown to have an opinion as was her upbringing and work as a council member.
✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Fūton
chakra natures: Fūton
sole specialisation: Taijutsu
summoning contract: n/a


fighting style

Hotaru is grossly stubborn in her fighting style, and not very easily prone to change. She loves to fight bare handed utilizing nothing but her body and very few tools: she does not utilize weaponry. She looks down upon Kunai, Shuriken and explosive tags and all those who use them.

Obviously, Hotaru is quite one sided in that she cannot fight in a medium range save for a few techniques, and long range is generally not going to happen. To repeat, Hotaru is generally useless in long range scenarios, and trades that off for being ace in close combat scenarios.

While it could be mistaken that Hotaru brazenly goes in like a juggernaut- that isn't too far from the truth. She much prefers to go in without hesitation and see what the danger has to offer her and changing her strategy on the go rather than sitting and observing in the middle of a fight and wasting time. Hotaru uses a mixture of her Hyūga clan techniques and Iron Fist style, but no iconic Hyūga techniques that are used to shut off the chakra pathway, and so those who are aware of the Hyūga's propensity to make gentle strikes will be surprised with Hotaru's cold and full force blunt attacks that take advantage of the environment and her opponent's body.

jutsu list












Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]



The sole talent that the revered Hyūga clan is known for is their Dōjutsu, the Byakugan. Only those who are, or have known or faced against a user of the Hyūga are the ones who may have an idea of what it does: It is common knowledge to know that the Byakugan grants the user an enhanced perception (which are not exactly divulged) but as a result as revered as trackers.

Unfortunately, Hotaru is not a tracker. Hotaru is a cold-blooded short ranged Taijutsu fighter with a propensity to deal with things in a closer proximity to herself harshly. The Byakugan grants a near 360º field of vision minus the tiniest blindspot in the first thoracic veterbra. As mentioned, Hotaru is a close-ranged fighter. She has almost exclusively trained in noticing everything around her, specifically in a ten meter circumference around herself, extending up to thirty meters as the "normal" Byakugan user would be able to see.

This doesn't mean that she is blind outside of that circumference, but that she has become so naturally attuned that you would be extremely hard pressed to go unnoticed by her in this zone.

In training this, she has zero talent as a scout, cannot magnify on her targets that the Hyūga are so hated for or see their body heat., In order to extend her range to track, she needs to stand still, concentrate and even have her eyes closed - and only has a 100m range.

In the state of the Byakugan, she is able to acutely see chakra and the 361 tenketsu that the Hyūga clan are almost exclusively able to do, observe and notice when Genjutsu is being used (Even on themselves) and discern clones from the real thing.
Hotaru is an innately fast shinobi that has based her prowess in Taijutsu for the majority of her life. However, while many take further specialization into specific physical characteristics like speed, Hotaru stepped away from that. In lieu of being able to sprint and move like a blur, she was far more concerned with her bodily presence and nimbleness. As a result, her most immediate vicinity is her playing field, being able to be extremely evasive and agile with her immediate movements while not sacrificing any strength or dexterity.
Coupling with Hotaru's ability to utilize the Byakugan, abandon long ranged sight and speed over long distances, Hotaru has become the short ranged version of everything. She has focused on her immediate bodily presence and immediate things around her, she has developed swift feet, but to accompany that she needs to be able to see things as well. Training herself to see the faster things, her ability to react to a starting stimuli is faster than what is considered normal.

From the moment Hotaru spends with someone, she begins to categorically observe them in the sense of how they present themselves. This includes walking, talking- what muscles are being squeezed, the sway with their movements, their bodily function - all things that might be considered mundane. From this, she is able to deduce things that would be otherwise lost.

(OOC: After three posts containing observation of someone, Hotaru can 'identify' their specialization(s) and if they have any bodily related special abilities. After eight posts, their fighting style, and their personality. After twenty posts, can be considered an expert at forming a counter-strategy against this person.)

Presence. One of the most unlikely things to be present on a Taijutsu user is their ability to conduct themselves in a manner that they think is best beneficial to the scenario around them. Providing three main things: One, Hotaru cannot produce any physical signs of lying. Two: in combination with her prior ability, can alter her own physical stance to make that opposite person comfortable (which has served to further her political career extremely) and thirdly: Fighting presence.

The fighting presence is the true ability, because in a fight - although Hotaru is small and short, she is capable of producing a sort of 'killing intent' that exceeds far beyond her years, making her appear far larger than she is. This process is simply started by Hotaru's will. All it serves as a purpose for is to provide hesitation, a sense of dread and experience and a understanding of the danger Hotaru's presents.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: 34-YO-80 (General, character rules + Newbie guide)
FACE CLAIM SERIES: OC (DeviantArt), Tekka-Croe

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Mar 5, 2020 22:03:30 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryApr 10, 2020 6:57:02 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Deleted Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
[ -- ]
name: Ashiri
age: 27
gender: Female
birthday: August 20th
birth origin: Hi no Kuni
birth village: Konohagakure no Sato
rank: Jōnin
clan: if clan
position: Operations Team 3 Leader

alias (if any)


Ashiri is a tall, leggy blonde. That's what people see at face value: but she is so much more. Messy chest length hair mars across her body, of equally olive and tan proportion. She is a woman of around five foot eleven inches, and maintains a rigorous physique by her strict dieting and training regimen. Though, it borders on even leaving our meals to keep her at her desired curvature. As it goes, she is primarily quite long because of her legs and gives her the "hip-to-waist" ratio alongside long legs that makes her attractive to nay men and women.

Ashiri has a teardrop shaped face and well trimmed bodyhair: from top to bottom. She has a short, pointed nose and small lips that look a little out of place on her face, which she finds to be her least attractive feature. For the most part, her face is expressionless, but instead of looking mean, her face comes across as being timid, or unhappy. Much to her displeasure on being "asked to smile" by men.

Her wardrobe would pen her as exclusively a civilian if it weren't for the specific cordoned of section in her wardrobe exclusively for her work. For the most part, she can be found in jeans, boots, and low cut shirts: or a mixture of summer dresses, or various other get-ups, like a cropped hoodie and leggings for when she goes out running. It couldn't go without saying that she is well dressed for her age.

Ashiri's shinobi attire is more comprised of bodysuit equipment, but if it allows, combat trousers with multiple pockets and a belt as well as a tight fitting leather chest piece. Ashiri wears her headband on her upper arm, usually stitched into her clothing. For that purpose, she has multiple hitates that depict her allegiance directly to Konohagakure no Sato.

It's usually quite rare to catch her in this equipment because she doesn't go out on missions as often as she would like, but when she does - it's quite often the same thing. If going to an area that requires different clothing, she can adapt such as wearing heavier fur like clothing to match colder environments or less to match the warmer ones.



height: 5' 11"
weight: 132lbs
For what it portrays, and for what it stands: Ashiri is quite timid and soft speaking. Though coming across as unconfident, she doesn't speak as often as she should but can make the decisions that other people don't want to make. This interesting contrast can come as quite a shock, that she is decisive in her actions when there is action to be made. During every day life, she can seem as though she doesn't deserve to be in her position of leadership because of her time it takes to formulate a coherent response, while trying to avoid emotions means that the conversation has moved on several leagues since then.

She is then, most known for being the quiet friend. But, for those friends of hers who she does actually know, she has a loveliness and wit about her around the people she loves. Confident and empathetic to their needs, enough to pre-empt what's going to happen next, she's first to have the wine ready. Ashiri is genuinely happy as a person goes, with the underlying envy of those more beautiful to be like them.

Ashiri works well with all manners of people, and is a people person with humanitarian and philanthropic views. It carries across to her being well spoken and kind. To enemies, she is also merciful. This can be a big problem in the line of duty, but hasn't bit her so far.

political viewpoints:

Though the things she might be are both positive and negative things in themselves, Ashiri makes a fantastic leader for her ability to make decisions. Overall, her viewpoint is to see other villages working together peacefully for a greater good, and understands this is not realistic because of the nature of man. So, with the position there to help, she would see herself become the change she wants to see in the world. Trying to make friends, not being underhanded and to make the hard decisions.

The woman is not above war, if that sees peace: and only peace. Unneeded suffering is to be passed away, and decisions take as long as they need to take as long as it is the correct one. She is merciful as a person, and so tries to see the best in people: even the egregious crimes of a nation can be viewed as repayable as long as they strive for improvement, and without taking advantage of her kindness.

  • Her favorite fruit is Strawberry.
  • She became a Jōnin aged 24.
  • Her favorite color is Peach.
  • Once disabled 11 men using a wine corkscrew.


Ashiri is a child of the "golden age" generation, which has not seen the rotten fruit of war yet not old enough to participate in the small scale conflicts that Konohagakure no Sato has participated in since her birth (-21SD).

She was a healthy child in a decently-off family, comprised of one sister and one brother. Her parents both Ninja, both having seen the degeneracy of war and eager to teach their children to avoid it. So, a shinobi family that absolutely wanted their children to become Shinobi. When she was old enough, she was being taught to read and write and learned at a younger than average age. When old enough, she immediately joined the Shinobi Academy (-16SD). This was what her life had been centred around.

But being the youngest didn't come without its drawbacks, which was that she becam the unconfident one of the three children - and later fostered in her inability to make up her mind, which led to her getting made fun of by her siblings. It never did work out well, that. In spite of those drawbacks, she still managed to maintain a kind heart.

As a child she managed very well with a healthy group of friends, having her share of spats, boyfriends, a girlfriend at one point, and detention: but eventually passed out of the academy with average grades. Without standing out as much as her personality did, she became a Genin (-8SD).

Her crux as a person was her inability to make decisions. Something that her new Jōnin sensei worked tirelessly to iron out of her by throwing her in stressful and immediate situations that gave little opportunity to think about it. Though stressful and at the time, something she hated, Ashiri grew fond of the Jōnin instructor because of it knowing that it actually helped her.

Particular examples were throwing a explosive tag at her (a dud) with her team close by, withholding information about missions during the Genin team where she was forced to lead, where her teammates were given similar treatments.

Overall, her sensei was tough and fair, never going further than he needed to for the point to be put across. Even so, actually a very good one. All together, they grew well as a group. Her sensei put them all up for the Chuunin exams, and they passed together: the Sensei used that opportunity to move on from his own spot and into another area.

During the exams, they were set out over three tasks, beginning with the first task of being split up in a no-light area and being forced to find one another by any means necessary, which was easily bypassed by the help of one of her teammates. The second exam being an underwater labyrinth with few pockets of air, while collecting "jewels" which the three of them managed to get a passing grade not by searching for them themselves, but by taking out other groups and taking theirs and finally the third exam which was a traditional bout tournament in which Ashiri came third, in the quarter-finals. Losing out to a Kumogakure Genin with the ability to use lightning, shocking her into third place.

But her participation and teamwork, overwhelmingly got her to a passing grade and she successfully became a Chūnin aged 16 (-5SD).

Ashiri's life over the next few years were overwhelmingly normal. She went out on missions, enjoyed her time and even had a few boyfriends around the time but nothing ever seemed to stick for one reason or another. Happy, sad, upset or annoyed her life persisted and her role remained unflinchingly loyal to Konohagakure's cause. Her personal viewpoints were settling in to be where they are now.

When Ashiri's mother turned into her fifties, her own personal life started going down hill as she was diagnosed with a Alzheimers: and something that Ashiri would spend the next few years helping finance alongside her father to get her the care she needed until she passed away a few years in (-3SD) later as comfortably as possible. It gave her the personality traits of someone caring: to look after others and ease their suffering where possible. If she'd had made the choice to go another direction, it would've been when she could've made the choice to go into Iyro-nin work. But alas, the shot had passed.

Event/Mission at (-1SD)
Became Jonin (+1SD)
Character at +2SD

In (+3SD) at the age of 24, she was promoted to Jonin for her valour and endeavour in protecting her teammates in a hostage situation that included thirty civilians in a crime syndicate trying to extort the Hokage. Of course, Konohagakure no Sato was not about to crumble and sent their finest operatives out to deal with the situation, and Ashiri was on the back lines while the Jonin moved in on the targets. During this, when the situation fell apart Ashiri flew into combat to fight for her village and for the civilians whose lives were at stake, taking an attack meant for a civilian to kill them - and survived.

It was after that she was given the title for her merit and skill, and something that she would lead to build on.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Raiton
chakra natures: Raiton
sole specialisation: Generalised
summoning contract: n/a


fighting style

fighting style

jutsu list












Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]




✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: (General, character rules + Newbie guide)
FACE CLAIM SERIES: OC (Artstation) Caleb Thomas

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Apr 20, 2020 8:58:03 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryApr 25, 2020 19:40:49 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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age birthday rank occupation
Kuronmeru Chinatsu
[ -- ]
name: Kuronmeru Chinatsu
age: 18
gender: Male
birthday: 27th March
birth origin: Mizu no Kuni
village: Kirigakure no Sato
perceived rank: Genin | D-rank Nukenin
actual rank: Sp. Jōnin | B-rank Nukenin
clan: Kuronmeru

ALIAS NAME [alias translation] alias description.


Despite such a big personality Chinatsu is actually quite a short person: standing at four foot eleven inches. He is skinny: tiny, even. Clocking in at 100 lbs, he produces a pathetic frame for a shinobi as a mix of trying to survive and not eating enough even when he does get a good meal. His frame is barely enough suited in order to provide the average amount of human blood which is very much in his rightful mind.

For the purpose of his "work" as it can be thinly described as, Chinatsu wears bandages all over his body (except his crotch area for obvious purposes) but even so, the bandages are far from their pristine new state and usually dirtied, grey from use and tattered. Underneath it: Chinatsu actually looks fairly average as a person with a pointed face, average stubbed (and crooked by how many times it's been broken) nose and wide eyes, covered by medium-lengthed black hair, with one single parting. He looks messy, full of disarray and tattiness about him.

His clothing is the most normal looking thing about him if you discount the bandages that cover his body. He wears a black hoodie (and his only black hoodie) without fail, frayed at the arms and joints by use, clean where possible but blood can't stay inside people: and so sometimes may be seen as stained. Dark brown jeans, or blue jeans - or anything else that he can find or scavenge or steal. He tends to look like a normal civilian, or a civilian with severe burns across his body. His footwear, should he choose to wear them are sandals. Simplistic: easy to find.

But that is where the normalcy ends.


"It should be known that this Kuronmeru's personality wildly differentiates. Sometimes, there can be a well mannered, collected man in front of you: yet still retaining that fox-like demeanour until you aren't looking. And other times, a high grade tranquilliser is necessary! Yet that can change in a second. It is therefore to my regret that he is kept under sanctioning until the time is such that he is no longer a threat."

- Ijari Kyotokao

[1-3] Chinatsu:
Chinatsu is a personality: quite literally. Enigmatic from the get go, unfortunately there is a byproduct to those who meet him: he suffers from DID - otherwise known as having multiple personalities. More unfortunately, even Chinatsu at his best has an anti-social personality. At his worst: has a lust for mass murder. Even more unfortunately, Chinatsu's transitions into these personalities can wildly vary from being very subtle as a head twitch or as a full blown cry/laughter into one of his other personalities.

Chinatsu is the "host" personality, the driving one who is concerned about survival while also being chaotic evil as a person. Chinatsu is the most mature, the most clever by comparison and mostly foxy: conceited, and determined to survive. He (and like the others) are sociopathic: un-remorseful for the crimes he commits.

Being hit specifically over the head will cause 'Malicious' to arrive without fail.

[4] Malicious:
Malicious is probably the most pure form of deviant that exists inside Chinatsu's mind - desiring nothing but to murder and kill and cause utter destruction for no other reason than he wants to do it. Malicious can seldom be reasoned with: unless something is made very clear as to how it benefits him. But money, fame, power? These things do not bother him, because Malicious is a taker. He can take any and all of those he believes.

Strangely, Malicious is the only personality that is drug addicted. This can be a powerful motivator - often causing him to prowl backalleys, clubs, anywhere that he can get a fix. This doesn't always work out well, ergo: killing spree. In the face of madness, Chinatsu can override try to 'Malicious', most notably when in the presence of defeatism (facing someone clearly more powerful) - but this is a battle in his mind.

ooc: Chinatsu can attempt to override 'Malicious' by another die roll. 1-4 is success. 5-6 will cause Malicious to double down, only increasing the bloodlust and rage.

[5-6] Reek:
Reek is the least mature of Chinatsu's personalities, and is effectively a child wrapped inside a man's mind. Reek is  a man with severe and crippling mother issues, causing him to have lustful and depraved desires about motherly figures. In the same vein, also makes him want to commit Femicide.

Reek is curious. Inquisitive, perhaps childlike and prone to temper tantrums. Still bound by his adult intelligence, Reek is most closely able to be manipulated into temporary subservience (at the behest of his "needs" being fufilled.) At the heart of it, Reek just wants to feel loved.

Reek is quickly coaxed into 'Malicious' by the presence(s) of intimidating father figures, not getting what he wants and women are too motherly [or appear too motherly]. But similarly, Reek can be coaxed into becoming Chinatsu by pressing needs needing to be fulfilled (starvation, etc), or by someone intentionally asking for Chinatsu (which is not information Reek intentionally parts with).

ooc: personality used decided on thread via die roll. Personality changes are noted through specific reasoning.


half religious half loyalist.

"Chinatsu has stated that his father was a rough man around the edges. He shows no signs of concern about him but even in death feels afraid of the man. Perhaps CBT? Opposite of Mother, who appears to be source of great terror for him.

- Ijari Kyotokao

mother abuse in name of kami.

father too tough because kuronmeru bloodline and he smol.

mental break at young - father death

gets sectioned
"Examinating Chinatsu has been unremarkable. No consistent signs of physical abuse are noted, though he has shown signs of mental degradation. His mother is potentially a trigger for his episodes of mania from a session including her with Prof. Ichigo. If Chinatsu continues to marker as a vulnerable child being we may have to intervene."

- Ijari Kyotokao

mother worsens abuse and negligence

desperate son lashes out

gets sectioned
"Fascinating! Truly! Chinatsu still continues to develop in mental aptitude. This is a good sign that mental stability may come yet. We have not yet been successful with treatment but are seeing measured progress in other areas; We are now seeing a name to a face as Chinatsu has called his regressive infantilism state 'Reek'. Medication still remains en force."

- Ijari Kyotokao

gets out by escaping

"malicious has escaped i am holed up in a office and i am waiting for backup if i do not get out alive daisuke i lo


current day

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Raiton
chakra natures: Raiton
primary specialisation: Generalist
summoning contract: n/a


No Inventory

fighting style

fighting style

jutsu list






[x] Kuro no heishi [Black Soldier]
[x] Ketsueki seisaku: Burakkuāsenaru [Blood Craft: Black Arsenal]
[x] Kuro seru satsujin [Black Cell Homicide]

[x] Chakura Yokusei [Chakra Suppression]


[x] Burakku shishō [Black Stabbing]
[x] Kuro no sureddo [Thread of Black]
[x] Dāku ken [Dark Sword]
[x] Ketsueki yoroi [Blood Armor]
[x] Wasure rareta ketsueki [Forgotten Blood]
[x] Kuro no kabe [Wall of Black]
[x] Burakkuaian Meiden [Black Iron Maiden]

[x] Kai [Release]


[x] Sōsa shimas [Manipulate]
[x] Ketsueki saisei [Blood Regeneration]
[x] Kuro doku [Black Poison]
[x] Oikakete kuro [Chasing Black]
[x] Doku firuta [Poison Filter]

[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Blessed be the Beast』
bla bla beserker person

『Heaven Be Thy Name』
Chinatsu has spent his life out of control: so it sounds unusual to say that he is an expert at forming his own chakra and that his chakra control is top notch. Such survival skills are rarely caught in the wild, but this goes hand in hand with his Kuronmeru bloodline, requiring him to maintain some level of skill.

『To Fall By The Wayside』
kuronmeru prowess.

『Feet of Clay』
Chinatsu's survival instinct outweighs that of his murderous intent: constantly on the run and always causing trouble means that Chinatsu has to be quick on his feet. When running away, Chinatsu is exceptionally faster by a full rank than that of his own rank. At the same vein, he is quick at mocking up places to hide: and is fox-like when it comes to quick getaways.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: -- -- --
FACE CLAIM SERIES: Angels of Death

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Apr 26, 2020 6:56:52 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryMay 29, 2020 5:44:14 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Deleted Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
[ -- ]
name: Yamakira Ryūnosuke
age: 40
gender: Male
birthday: 27th March
birth origin: Bonchi no Kuni
birth village: Takigakure no Sato
rank: Elite Jōnin
position: War Council

ALIAS NAME [alias translation] alias description.


Height: 7ft 5 inches
Weight: 5 tonnes (he's made of rock)

Ryūnosuke is absolutely massive. A unit. A behemoth: because he stands out among the crowd, and generally has a hard time to even enter public places due to his unusual height. His unique composition due his clan also makes him intensely heavy and hard to move still. Because it's easier to be a lump, the man traditionally dresses in heavy, thick, leather clothing. Since he weighs so much, a little more doesn't bother him.



The man is bloodthirsty. Remembers the wars to a T and thinks of them as a better time than the pussies that have grown up in nowadays age. The man longs to run again on a battlefield to wreak havoc and lead platoons and troops into battle, as well as being caught up on the past and harbouring old hatred for enemies of war.

For that, he is normally quite the person in the chamber. Loud, arrogant, unflinching and most definitely a traditionalist. Sexist. A bit racist - obtuse in the ways of love and uncaring of the opinions of others.

Old, grumpy, in pain
Because of the man's absurd height and weight, he has had to live with growing pains for his entire life. He towers over the tallest of people in the world, and with it - his body is older than it needed to be even though functionally not human in the vaguest of senses. For it, the man is naturally grumpy. Combined with some of his other traits, he ends up being quite the character - particularly in the mornings. Not one to entertain guests, not one to train other people needlessly nor offer his time to those people who either need or want it.

Just because of those traits does not make him not brilliant. The reason he has managed to survive as long for being as polar as people generally see him, is for his brilliant mind of strategy.

Rule for fearing, fear to rule.
All good things must come to an end. Though he longs for battle, he doesn't desire leadership. This isn't because he doesn't want to but because he is incapable of the idiosyncratic qualities a leader must possess outside of a thirst for war. His style, if he were to inherit the throne would be through fire and blood: not a good merit for leadership.

Ryūnosuke has an annoyance with the world. Because of his large stature and size, the man just... can't go anywhere. Can't enter a pub. Can't go to a restaurant. This constant barrage of annoyance has managed to compound itself through his life that the man always seems to set off into a tangent quite easily. He can be a talker, is a loud speaker and does not apologise for it. The man has a very distinctive laugh and grating personality to most people, but it doesn't mean he can't have friends.


✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Doton
chakra natures: Doton
sole specialisation: Generalist
summoning contract: n/a


No Inventory

fighting style

fighting style

jutsu list








[x] Kai [Release]


[x] Suimen Hokou no Waza [Act of Water Surface Walking]
[x] Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
[x] Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


The Yamakira clan has blessed him with both a beast and a burden. The man is entirely made of rock, exactly as the clan so prescribes to their members as a baby. For that, he is a Doton natured individual. Just like all Yamakira, Ryūnosuke can utilise Doton ninjutsu at a fraction of the cost, with reduced handseals and reform his body with a minuscule amount of chakra - and he's made of rock, so naturally it makes him extremely durable. Still, this means he shares the same weakness against Suiton techniques.

『Chakra Ocean』
Ryūnosuke has a large and vast wealth of chakra.

『Might of Gods』
His body being so heavy, means that day in and out is a literal torture chamber and nightmare to move around. For that, the man has developed a strength merely to lift and move himself as normal to the point he might seem average to the human. But in reality, he's just fighting against his body and weight- that getting hit by him is so much more devastating.

『How can you weigh so much?』
The man although slower than the average, due to his intense weight is also a titan of strength and weight. While he is in a constant battle against his own body, his weight makes is insanely difficult to fight against. When the moves, the ground shakes and crumbles and cracks (when he puts gusto into it!). Naturally speaking, being a Taijutsu user in his presence is wholly frightening to the point he leaves footprints where he goes and the ground around him in a twenty meter radius shakes and rumbles- naturally making it difficult for people to walk or run, and even have a harder time of forming handseals.

『Inverse Slate』

It is already known that because of his hijutsu, Ryūnosuke can use himself as a conduit to Doton ninjutsu. But the inverse is possible as well. By "leaving" a part of himself in Doton ninjutsu, including enemy doton ninjutsu, he can wrestle, and wrench control from them to turn their own creations on themselves, and use doton ninjutsu as conduit to him.

『An Unlikely Gift』

Possibly the most confusing of his traits, is a gift he was born with and wasn't able to later use until years in his career. The man is a sensor of touch. His body, so uniquely composited to the earth and the ground has become very sensitive to vibration - naturally, this is only including to things that produce vibrations. By even having a single finger to the floor, the man can have an active range of 2km (ooc: direct, naked touch from skin to floor) and a passive of 500m to track people (ooc: something of his body is in connection with the earth), and even have a way to see after his other senses have been removed.

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

FACE CLAIM SERIES: Final Fantasy 7 (Remake)

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on May 29, 2020 6:37:32 GMT -5
has written 0 posts
Akira's OOC SanctuaryJun 9, 2020 8:27:24 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Deleted Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
name name
[ -- ]
name: name name
age: 128
gender: Female
birthday: April 1st
birth origin: Hi no Kuni
birth village: Konohagakure no Sato
rank: Elite Jōnin / S-rank
religion: Yajū no Futan
position: War Council


Hanbaku Dekinai Jagānōto [The Irrefutable Juggernaut] [World]
Because of her religious abilities and the capability to run fire into the heat of battle without a concern for her own safety time and time again has led to her being able to run amok through battlefields and wars.

Jinsei no Shisha / Shi no Shisha [Messenger of Life / Death] [World]
Depending on which side you're on, this alias can change. For people seeing her step on to a battlefield is a burden or a boon depending on who your alliance is. Because of her stopping power and ability to bring death to those who "bring evil"

Tānkōto [Turncoat] [Village]
Because of her propensity to follow her religion, and its rules: she has on the occasion slain allied, and own shinobi in order to vanquish evil in the world. This has made both for a fearful discovery by many when she cannot be stopped, will not stop, cannot be hurt and refuses to back down.


height: idk
weight: idk




I don't care that I'm not your mother!
- motherly instincts
- kindness

Born to be a Warhammer
- toughness
- bitchiness
- being a shield despite being a warhammer

I'm not your type
- effectively too old and sexless
- yes she's very pent up ok

Did I say stop?
- definitely a tsundere
- cold, aloof

something else
- merciful
- following saimu's will or whatever
- merciless

  • interesting facts
  • interesting facts
  • interesting facts
  • interesting facts


(-whenever born).

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ the complete files ]

natural chakra: Doton
chakra natures: Doton
primary specialisation: Bukijutsu
secondary specialisation: Taijutsu



fighting style

Offense or Defense?

Quite easily, if on a battlefield as per the will of Saimu she will chose defensive options every time until such a time is that it is plausible for her to go on the offensive. If there are allies on the battlefield, she will take care of them first and foremost. If they can take care of themselves, she will go on the attack. Contrary to belief, she can go on the offensive to be defensive: taking care of an opponent to prevent them from causing damage to her allies.

By the nature of her fighting style and religious abilities that she cannot be stopped under regular circumstances, her ability to stick is what makes her most important. To stay in range of her religious abilities to make sure that an opponent cannot break the "blessing" but this of course means they can't hurt that person without hurting themselves. Sometimes necessary, all in the aim of trapping them to the point she can remove the blessing in order to vanquish the evil they have blessed.

jutsu list












Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]
Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]
Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


『Yajū no Futan』


『The Shield Hero』

good with a shield

『I Will Not Bow』


『The Irrefutable Juggernaut』


『Mowing Down Enemies』


『Elemental Antithesis』

thick skin against physical based elements (katon, doton, suiton)

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

shinobi card
[ out of character information ]

LOCKER COMBO: (General, character rules + Newbie guide)
FACE CLAIM SERIES: Fullmetal Alchemist
FACE CLAIM NAME: Olivier Mira Armstrong

✦ designed by thechariotarcana, customized by akira-san

last edit by Deleted on Jun 9, 2020 9:37:04 GMT -5
has written 0 posts