Letter to Takigakure

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Letter to Takigakure Jul 22, 2020 7:39:49 GMT -5
Shikaka Tatsuo
Be the lightning in me that strikes relentless
Shikaka Tatsuo Avatar
age 30 years old birthday rank Jounin occupation Lord Fourth
to Ryu, lord of Takigakure

Greetings are in order once more, it appears, Lord Ryu.

News will have travelled already to your ears that Amegakure is once again under my rulership. But I felt it prudent to send a letter in that regard to inform you officially.

And with this letter to reaffirm that the change in leadership only further serves to strengthen the strong relationship between Takigakure and Amegakure. 

We are to be meeting again soon at the behest of our colleague from the Stone, but with this letter I hope to realign our friendship and encourage our shinobi to work together in cooperation as they always have. 

My predecessor and, ironically, successor did not realise such cooperation was necessary to foster good relations between nations and for that I offer my sincerest apologies. 

Please consider this letter as a token of our reaffirmed treaty and continued prosperity. 

I look forward to meeting you again, old friend, soon where hopefully we will be able to solidify an increase of trade routes and communications. 

With sincerest of wishes,
Shikaka Tatsuo
Lord Fourth of Amegakure no Sato
Aika has written 155 posts
Letter to Takigakure Jul 22, 2020 11:50:58 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ryu Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
To Shikaka Tatsuo
Fourth Lord of Amegakure
Amegakure no sato
Arashi no kuni

Lord Tatsuo,

It is an interesting time indeed where even previous leadership is followed by distrust between allies. In light of this, it is fortunate that you are once again in a position in which to lead Amegakure into a profitable state once more...

As always, our villages remain allies, as they have been since our arrangement and I am encouraged to continue it as such with your nation under your charge...

I was indeed given an invitation to meet within the land of stone so we will once again be working closely together with more numbers involved.

As always...you will remain...my friend...and ally

Second Lord of Takigakure
Takigakure no sato
Bonchi no kuni

By Sega of Nowhere and Everywhere
has written 220 posts