Port City Pirates [Mission]

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Port City Pirates [Mission]Apr 23, 2022 18:10:35 GMT -5
Kameki Banri
Fake it 'til ya make it!
Kameki Banri Avatar
age Thirty-Six years old birthday Oct 31 rank Elite Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Banri took another long sip of lukewarm tea before setting the cup down beside his barely touched sushi. He was sitting on the balcony of a little cafe that overlooked one of the many canals used for ferrying goods to and from the docks. The Port City of Minato Jichitai was as nice a place as could be found but to Banri it was just another town in another country that wasn’t home. Despite the significance of the mission to continuing and future diplomatic relations, he wanted nothing more than to finish this job quickly and return to spending precious time with his ailing partner. [break][break]

The one thing that made this mission tolerable so far was the presence of his cousin, Izumi. The Kameki clan had made a name as entertainers but their true talents lay in their ability to effectively disguise themselves. Banri didn’t see a need for their usual antics today, as they were in friendly territory and the urban pirates they were searching for weren’t likely to recognize him anyways. However, he’d often eyed his cousin with idle curiosity and wondered if he’d ever seen him in a relaxed state. He respected his clansman’s choices and would never say such a thing out loud. [break][break]

"The person we’re meeting should be here any minute.” He smiled weakly at Izumi. "We’ll be able to get started then.”

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last edit by Kameki Banri on Apr 23, 2022 18:11:11 GMT -5
Thalia has written 133 posts
Port City Pirates [Mission]Apr 26, 2022 2:03:36 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Another mission assigned, another time to do so with shinobi from an allied nation. He saw it as an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of friendship and create rapport but also he saw it as a blessing, for it was in his home country. He had been briefed, and gathered the gear he thought proper for the mission and made his way through Hi no Kuni, finally reaching the port city of Minato Jichitai, remembering fondly of the few times he had been here before he went on unto arriving at the rendezvous point that had been agreed by both village.

He garbed himself like a traveler, a knapsack hanging from his back, a traveling cloak worn and beginning to lose its color. Quietly he made his way through the masses of people, having memorized in the map he found the restaurant, non descript but known, low profile enough to conduct a meeting without any interruption. As he entered he would look around, noticing that not many tables were occupied, and the few clientele in the place were close to the bar or by the balcony. Slowly he made his way towards the individuals that sat next by the balcony. Dropping the knapsack, and pulling his hood down, he would reveal himself to the two men.

"Hello there." He said calmly as he regarded both of them. "I'm Kazuto, may I seat with you?" He asked politely and awaited for both of the men to speak.








Harukei has written 2,151 posts
Port City Pirates [Mission]Jul 3, 2022 19:08:24 GMT -5
Kameki Banri
Fake it 'til ya make it!
Kameki Banri Avatar
age Thirty-Six years old birthday Oct 31 rank Elite Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The waiting shinobi glanced up at Kazuto as he introduced himself, "Of course, please make yourself comfortable.” Banri smiled and gestured to an empty chair before following the Leaf ninja’s lead. "I am Kameki Banri and it’s a genuine pleasure to meet you. I hope your journey here was as uneventful as ours. We’ve just been taking in the sights around town and I’ll admit Minato Jichitai lives up to its reputat-” [break][break]

His greeting was cut short as the whole dock and subsequently the balcony above was rocked by a nearby explosion. Banri jumped up and ran to the edge of the balcony to peek around at the other side of the building as civilians went running for cover. He spotted a recently collapsed footbridge a few blocks down; a column of smoke billowed up from the wreck and the water in the canal had not yet settled. Behind the debris a narrowboat was blocked in and vulnerable. Banri knew these boats were often used to transport goods to and from the main port. [break][break]

The narrowboats that traveled the canal were enclosed by metal and reminded Banri of some of the train cars he’d seen in Yukigakure; a little over two meters wide at most and approximately twenty meters in length.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]Click on the link to see a map of the boat. -->

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Thalia has written 133 posts
Port City Pirates [Mission]Jul 25, 2022 9:45:03 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"It w-." Kazuto's words died on his mouth as an explosion boomed, the aftershocks of the blast shaking the restaurant, making his footing unsure until he steadied himself. As Banri jumped to the edge of the balcony, the Senju would just pop his head out of the window, looking at the damage. A bridge collapsed and the only other sign aside the startled civilians would be the rising column of smoke to the distance. As fortuitous as it seemed, It also struck Kazuto that this was intentional as a way to get their attention.

Moving to the balcony himself in a slow fashion, he could now hear the shouts of fear and confusion from the civilians. Some ran away, other stared as they tried to come to terms to the damage brought to their city. "I was going to say that it was uneventful, but we're pass that." He said before he jumped down to the street, knees bending as he moved forward towards the location of the explosion, breeze pushing away the startled civilians. He brushed his hand on the facade of one of the buildings, leaving a mark that whilst there it seemed that it didn't quite belong, almost as it hovered.

"Now then, what do we have here." He pondered, looking at the ruin of the bridge and the mangled remains of those that had been unfortunate enough to be standing upon it. His eyes moving from place to place as if he were trying to find remnants of anything that could've caused the explosion. Kneeling as he found half of a brass container, deformed in the blast, its shine burned away by the sheer heat. As he began to inspect it, shinobi from Konoha assigned as a garrison for the defense of the port began to make their way towards the explosion. If Banri had followed, the Senju would have risen to his feet and looked at him. "I found something."








Harukei has written 2,151 posts
Port City Pirates [Mission]Jun 24, 2023 14:59:07 GMT -5
Kameki Banri
Fake it 'til ya make it!
Kameki Banri Avatar
age Thirty-Six years old birthday Oct 31 rank Elite Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Banri leapt down from the balcony and followed a few paces behind Kazuto. He’d let the leaf shinobi take the lead for now as he reached out with his senses. The nearest and most potent aura was Kazuto himself, no surprise there, and among the white noise of civilians that crowded the streets he could sense the rapid approach of several leaf shinobi that were likely an emergency response team. [break][break]

His attention was drawn to a canister that his leaf counterpart had discovered as the likely source of the explosion. He took it in his hand and looked it over. It was mostly eradicated as the metal of the canister punctured and erupted outwards but he could just make out a small symbol drawn in ink. "This charge was triggered by someone nearby with at least some modicum of chakra control. I don’t think we’re dealing with common pirates here.” [break][break]

Banri peered through the smoke at the civilians rushing away from danger and those first responders moving in to help and couldn’t help but wonder at the reason for the destruction. The person that triggered the bomb had to be somewhere nearby and likely had answers but the only people he sensed were leaf shinobi… unless maybe one of them wasn’t. Banri didn’t know these people and therefore couldn’t really rout out an imposter if there was one.[break][break]

Until something else happened Banri would summon a handful of small slugs that wriggled between his fingers as he set off into the compartment beyond in search of survivors that needed medical attention.


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Thalia has written 133 posts