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Mine mine mine Jun 13, 2022 9:00:08 GMT -5
Tantetsu Morihito
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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groupRock Shinobi
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and it's burning me alive

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tellus nunc, blandit vitae cursus eu, consequat vitae arcu. Nunc sed molestie ante. Morbi tincidunt a justo eu mattis. Suspendisse mattis dapibus maximus. Curabitur sem ipsum, lacinia id augue a, euismod blandit orci. Duis iaculis purus sit amet tincidunt fringilla. Donec a purus ornare, viverra neque in, elementum nisl. Vestibulum ut ligula vel justo cursus malesuada pulvinar id massa. Sed lobortis, lacus sit amet fermentum aliquet, mauris leo cursus purus, et rutrum diam mauris sit amet massa. Donec sit amet lacus urna.

In non tempor massa, sed lobortis magna. Ut at vulputate ipsum, at malesuada elit. Ut porttitor maximus turpis vitae efficitur. Donec vehicula risus sit amet volutpat finibus. Nulla et accumsan lacus. Vestibulum laoreet mauris sed ipsum vehicula tempor. Donec tristique consectetur ligula. Proin at ex eget augue consectetur condimentum sed in velit. Donec a convallis sem.

Aenean odio turpis, vestibulum sed dolor at, mollis vestibulum enim. Phasellus dictum dui ac libero commodo, in tincidunt est pellentesque. Vivamus semper enim eu consectetur dictum. Phasellus maximus nibh sed neque mollis, at volutpat est euismod. Fusce tincidunt ante nunc, ac rutrum dui vehicula nec. In nisi nunc, porttitor quis egestas a, consequat sed nisi. Sed in auctor justo. Nunc ante mi, tristique et laoreet non, venenatis at dolor. Nullam ac maximus leo. Mauris aliquam lacus vel metus cursus, id aliquam libero facilisis. In vel metus purus. Pellentesque at massa elit. Donec maximus ex in nibh suscipit laoreet. Donec laoreet risus quis odio mattis hendrerit ut non sapien.

Aenean quis hendrerit sem. Cras accumsan justo dui, quis venenatis eros molestie sit amet. Vestibulum ac massa risus. Vestibulum fringilla nulla tincidunt arcu ultricies, a malesuada turpis porta. Mauris vitae neque tellus. In vulputate odio blandit ex euismod, et pellentesque dolor sollicitudin. Nullam fermentum ligula eros, sed fringilla lectus consequat a. Vestibulum molestie enim in semper bibendum.

Integer varius, mi et facilisis laoreet, neque massa vestibulum leo, eget iaculis tellus dui et sapien. Donec ultricies, est et semper scelerisque, tellus lacus dignissim sem, nec accumsan sem mi eget ante. Donec gravida faucibus ante, quis ultricies urna porttitor sed. Aliquam sit amet tristique sem, ut iaculis nisl. Sed varius lacinia varius. Aliquam tortor arcu, efficitur id tempor et, fringilla eu nulla. Nunc et ultrices tellus.


i will break the spell you put on me
everywhere i go, i am spellbound; you cannot have this control on me
0000 words
and any notes you wanna put can go here. doesn't scroll, but it'll stretch as long as it needs to for everything to fit.
Bonbon jelly beans marshmallow. Dessert muffin carrot cake pie croissant. Oat cake tootsie roll lollipop. Tart oat cake gingerbread fruitcake lemon drops. Bear claw candy cheesecake fruitcake candy canes muffin cupcake jelly-o. Sweet soufflé marshmallow chocolate cake. Candy jujubes cupcake muffin gingerbread topping. Ice cream jelly brownie sugar plum oat cake dessert biscuit chocolate cake chocolate. Pudding apple pie wafer bonbon jelly-o tootsie roll chupa chups bonbon. Chocolate bar danish tart. Wafer lollipop candy chupa chups carrot cake icing cheesecake. Dessert soufflé tart pastry gummi bears chupa chups sweet roll lollipop.

"Cake candy bear claw. Chocolate cake gingerbread cake tiramisu brownie muffin. Lemon drops gummies lemon drops. Dessert candy canes dragée powder chocolate bar bear claw oat cake."

Apple pie jelly beans jelly-o gingerbread chocolate. Cheesecake marzipan lollipop liquorice caramels toffee. Macaroon caramels cheesecake caramels muffin gummies candy canes halvah candy canes. Sugar plum cookie macaroon toffee gummies jelly-o oat cake macaroon donut. Donut marshmallow bonbon chocolate bar ice cream powder cake. Dessert fruitcake jelly-o croissant marzipan toffee. Wafer ice cream chupa chups cake topping powder. Brownie chocolate bar cotton candy dragée jujubes cheesecake.

"Powder jujubes oat cake marshmallow chocolate bar danish cupcake cake. Ice cream gingerbread liquorice pastry apple pie cake cake pastry chocolate bar."

Chocolate cake jelly-o ice cream muffin cupcake cake macaroon cake soufflé. Gummies sweet cookie danish. Dessert caramels jelly beans jelly beans candy. Macaroon cake candy canes jelly beans cake. Liquorice marshmallow gummi bears icing chocolate bar bear claw cotton candy jujubes. Tiramisu donut marshmallow sweet roll tart candy powder sugar plum. Tootsie roll caramels gummi bears marshmallow. Cupcake donut toffee donut toffee biscuit sesame snaps. Pastry sesame snaps candy canes bonbon liquorice chocolate cake sweet roll macaroon. Muffin halvah topping. Soufflé bear claw pudding. Pastry liquorice macaroon cupcake cupcake dessert sweet roll. Liquorice chocolate bar candy canes bonbon lollipop wafer halvah. Gingerbread apple pie caramels.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tempor turpis. Etiam varius mi et lorem scelerisque, vel tempus ipsum luctus. Curabitur feugiat arcu non leo molestie laoreet.

Sed id dapibus urna, at varius diam. In volutpat in augue volutpat volutpat. Sed hendrerit neque scelerisque tincidunt consectetur. Duis eu turpis pulvinar tortor ultrices vehicula. Aenean vehicula commodo tempus. Cras nec neque scelerisque, vestibulum dolor faucibus, pulvinar odio. Integer convallis, risus eu sagittis malesuada, ligula lectus vehicula nulla, eget faucibus erat lorem quis ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac tempor turpis. Etiam varius mi et lorem scelerisque, vel tempus ipsum luctus. Curabitur feugiat arcu non leo molestie laoreet.

Sed id dapibus urna, at varius diam. In volutpat in augue volutpat volutpat. Sed hendrerit neque scelerisque tincidunt consectetur. Duis eu turpis pulvinar tortor ultrices vehicula. Aenean vehicula commodo tempus. Cras nec neque scelerisque, vestibulum dolor faucibus, pulvinar odio. Integer convallis, risus eu sagittis malesuada, ligula lectus vehicula nulla, eget faucibus erat lorem quis ante.

@tagname @tagname

the worst case scenario is you
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sodales quam in tellus gravida, at maximus sapien placerat. Aliquam eu est sem. Fusce imperdiet dolor a aliquet ornare. Duis et ultricies libero, quis porta neque. Morbi sit amet blandit odio. Aliquam placerat egestas facilisis. Mauris fermentum ipsum commodo finibus efficitur. Vestibulum gravida sem elit. Nunc vel scelerisque orci. Proin felis lorem, fermentum ut faucibus sed, aliquam sed nulla. Integer interdum porttitor mi. Mauris tincidunt arcu ac elit sollicitudin laoreet.

Praesent efficitur vulputate iaculis. Proin vel eros eget nibh mollis volutpat. Nullam accumsan vel risus ut laoreet. Fusce rutrum dui sapien, a sagittis lorem pellentesque ac. Vestibulum et ligula nulla. Mauris commodo facilisis fringilla. Ut ac orci convallis, cursus odio eget, sagittis orci. Sed tempor ullamcorper augue a maximus. Nullam bibendum, nisl sit amet luctus cursus, turpis mi commodo tellus, sed lacinia nulla ipsum et nisi. Donec dignissim feugiat dictum. Nam ut urna libero.
@one @two @three | ### | whoop whoop

last edit by Tantetsu Morihito on May 5, 2023 17:54:57 GMT -5
has written 66 posts
Mine mine mine Jun 13, 2022 9:24:42 GMT -5
Tantetsu Morihito
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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groupRock Shinobi
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i will break the spell you put on me
everywhere i go, i am spellbound; you cannot have this control on me
0000 words
Tattoos applied
img img img
Bonbon jelly beans marshmallow. Dessert muffin carrot cake pie croissant. Oat cake tootsie roll lollipop. Tart oat cake gingerbread fruitcake lemon drops. Bear claw candy cheesecake fruitcake candy canes muffin cupcake jelly-o. Sweet soufflé marshmallow chocolate cake. Candy jujubes cupcake muffin gingerbread topping. Ice cream jelly brownie sugar plum oat cake dessert biscuit chocolate cake chocolate. Pudding apple pie wafer bonbon jelly-o tootsie roll chupa chups bonbon. Chocolate bar danish tart. Wafer lollipop candy chupa chups carrot cake icing cheesecake. Dessert soufflé tart pastry gummi bears chupa chups sweet roll lollipop.

"Cake candy bear claw. Chocolate cake gingerbread cake tiramisu brownie muffin. Lemon drops gummies lemon drops. Dessert candy canes dragée powder chocolate bar bear claw oat cake."

Apple pie jelly beans jelly-o gingerbread chocolate. Cheesecake marzipan lollipop liquorice caramels toffee. Macaroon caramels cheesecake caramels muffin gummies candy canes halvah candy canes. Sugar plum cookie macaroon toffee gummies jelly-o oat cake macaroon donut. Donut marshmallow bonbon chocolate bar ice cream powder cake. Dessert fruitcake jelly-o croissant marzipan toffee. Wafer ice cream chupa chups cake topping powder. Brownie chocolate bar cotton candy dragée jujubes cheesecake.

"Powder jujubes oat cake marshmallow chocolate bar danish cupcake cake. Ice cream gingerbread liquorice pastry apple pie cake cake pastry chocolate bar."

Chocolate cake jelly-o ice cream muffin cupcake cake macaroon cake soufflé. Gummies sweet cookie danish. Dessert caramels jelly beans jelly beans candy. Macaroon cake candy canes jelly beans cake. Liquorice marshmallow gummi bears icing chocolate bar bear claw cotton candy jujubes. Tiramisu donut marshmallow sweet roll tart candy powder sugar plum. Tootsie roll caramels gummi bears marshmallow. Cupcake donut toffee donut toffee biscuit sesame snaps. Pastry sesame snaps candy canes bonbon liquorice chocolate cake sweet roll macaroon. Muffin halvah topping. Soufflé bear claw pudding. Pastry liquorice macaroon cupcake cupcake dessert sweet roll. Liquorice chocolate bar candy canes bonbon lollipop wafer halvah. Gingerbread apple pie caramels.

Artists chakra reserves

The user has a vast amount of chakra and can use a lot of jutsu in order to get the job done. This is mostly used to keep the seals and be able to apply as many as she needs to get the job done. She uses most of them to keep and apply seals. With artists chakra reserves, a shinobi is capable of utilizing more jutsu over a short amount of time without tiring out, as well as being able to use stronger jutsu more often before tiring out.

Fast hands and faster Ink

From a young age, her grandfather trained her to write and paint at extreme speeds. Older members of the Clan can create extremely detailed drawings within a matter of seconds. This talent is key for those who wish to use the technique the Clan is famous for. Because she is use to using her hands so fast for art and for painting and because her grandfather drilling these techniques into her head and she has been practicing her jutsu so much for so long. For clan techniques only she is able to make handseals very fast

Boku Sōsa no Jutsu [Ink Manipulation Technique], Tattoos and art comes to life

This technique, characteristic to the Souzouteki, allows them to draws objects with ink onto their scrolls and using techniques store them on themselves or other clans man as tattoos. which a majority of the Clan can do very quickly. They flow chakra through their brush into the ink as they draw and once removed, the images will leap from the paper and act according to the user's will. She specializes in more controlling the tattoos where she stores her creations and makes them come to life. She is still an expert painter and paints on most normal missions and some covert depending on the job but she prefers to use her tattoos on anbu missions. She is able to make her art come life also to help her with her missions no matter what they may be.

Silent Killing, The ghost

Albeit all shinobi are trained to kill as silently as possible, only ANBU and elite groups of shinobi are truly capable of this feat. The Silent Killing technique is a true mix of stealth, skill and art that requires patience, speed and precision she has learned throw immense training what spots kill silently and what spots disable and opponent. She has been trained in this ever since joining the anbu. As a infiltration and exfiltration specialist she has also learned how to extends this ability past just the combat portion of it and she has an uncanny ability to disappear into a crowd.using that to her advantage and killing without being noticed even in a crowd.

Fast reflexes

She has an uncanny ability to dodge things. She has exquisite reflexes and dodging capabilities. She can dodge things at a rate of an Elite jounin.


last edit by Tantetsu Morihito on Jun 13, 2022 10:57:59 GMT -5
has written 66 posts
Mine mine mine May 5, 2023 17:53:41 GMT -5
Tantetsu Morihito
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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groupRock Shinobi
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/* COLORS */
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[border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:100%; padding:5px; box-sizing:border-box; background: var(--accent); text-align:center; color: var(--header); position:sticky; top:0; font-size: 20px;]Header 2[/border]
The text goes here

[border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:100%; padding:5px; box-sizing:border-box; background: var(--accent); text-align:center; color: var(--header); position:sticky; top:0; font-size: 20px;]Header 3[/border]
The text goes here

[border=transparent; height:fit-content; width:100%; padding:5px; box-sizing:border-box; background: var(--accent); text-align:center; color: var(--header); position:sticky; top:0; font-size: 20px;]Header 4[/border]
The text goes here[/border][/border][comment]
/* IMAGE */[/comment][border=transparent; background-image: var(--img1); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; width: 400px; height: 500px;][/border][/border][/border][/border][comment]plz don't remove credit![/comment]
Coded by [user=93174]AnemoVictorious[/user]
has written 66 posts
Mine mine mine May 5, 2023 18:23:20 GMT -5
Tantetsu Morihito
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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groupRock Shinobi
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your time will come
if you wait for it

The wind disrupts the surface of the water in a rhythmic fashion, carrying with it the smell of the serene outdoors to his nose and he can't help but think of how horribly perfect the whole scene is turning out to be. The sound of bird song is little more than white noise, a gentle melody only registered in the minds of those specifically looking for it. The clouds are drifting lazily across the expanse that is the vast blue sky that hangs above the waking world below, small and puffy and vaguely resembling the cotton balls that he keeps in his medicine cabinet but never has any use for. The grass is green. The water is blue. The dirt is brown. The stones are gray. The city beyond this tiny haven is misty and almost unrecognizable from where he is, too different from the outside than it is on the inside to look the same from where he sits. But the busy streets and bland buildings are hardly things on his mind when he leaves for his safe haven because there, he has nothing to look forward to but misery. Here, he can close his eyes and day dream without anyone drooling on him in his self induced trance.

Nothing in his life can ever be deemed as "perfect", but this? This might come scaringly close to just that.

So perfect, in fact, that he can't help but hate how calm and picturesk the things around him really are.

The grass may very well be green, yes, but has he ever expressed how deeply he despises said color? He can never compare it to anything but the vomit of someone who's just eaten too many vegetables of a similar hue. The water is blue you could say, but is only tinted as such and, if he looks directly at the water, he can see the mud and rocks at the bottom and blue and brown do not mix well. At all. The cool breeze blowing through his hair should feel nice, but all he can think of how it blows his black bangs into his eyes and how he has to face a different direction every so minutes if he doesn't want the back turned to the wind to get too chilly. Since when was April so timidly frigid? He thought the temperatures were supposed to be in the hundreds by this time of year. In addition, he is only vaguely aware of what sounds like the drone of a swarm of wasps buzzing around his ear drum until he realizes that his peace and serenity has been utterly shattered by the only woman in his life who cannot possibly fathom that he comes here to escape the problems of the world around him, not hop right back into their open, needle arms.
if you wait for it
deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Tantetsu Morihito on May 7, 2023 17:11:46 GMT -5
has written 66 posts
Mine mine mine May 7, 2023 17:05:33 GMT -5
Tantetsu Morihito
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Tantetsu Morihito Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
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✪ Yamatate Captain ✪

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc iaculis nibh arcu, id rutrum magna varius non. Praesent nec maximus sapien, id consectetur nunc. Curabitur porta mauris ipsum, at faucibus diam malesuada in. Pellentesque hendrerit, metus sed accumsan malesuada, arcu eros feugiat est, eget volutpat mauris ex non mi. Pellentesque consectetur sed lacus vitae posuere. Praesent consequat dui non porta luctus. Duis aliquet varius quam, congue consectetur enim. Nunc at dictum leo. Duis mollis scelerisque lacus eu iaculis. Vivamus ultricies orci quis mauris gravida convallis.

Vivamus ac ex augue. Fusce ultricies diam enim, sit amet lobortis libero rutrum ut. Aenean vitae nisi purus. Vestibulum quis tellus leo. Integer dignissim justo augue, nec porta ante iaculis ut. Donec a fermentum urna, tincidunt malesuada arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin condimentum velit lorem, vitae vehicula erat eleifend ac. Nullam eu justo sit amet erat gravida venenatis vitae et turpis. Suspendisse a lorem bibendum, blandit ex et, convallis lorem.

Pellentesque pulvinar ipsum eros, ac venenatis eros accumsan ac. Vivamus sit amet enim elit. Integer rhoncus hendrerit neque ut pharetra. Quisque commodo velit id rhoncus egestas. Praesent interdum pretium ligula, sit amet malesuada neque sagittis id. Aenean consectetur orci orci, nec maximus magna lobortis ac. Donec viverra justo et mi consequat vulputate. Mauris viverra nunc in sapien fermentum dapibus. Etiam quis maximus velit.

Phasellus a mauris ut nulla feugiat scelerisque. Donec vitae commodo dui. Integer non orci ligula. Nullam id nunc nulla. Nunc vitae diam aliquam, consectetur metus quis, mollis est. Ut lacus leo, semper sit amet tellus sit amet, ultricies suscipit augue. Nam dictum mi id dui eleifend, eu dictum elit cursus. Fusce dapibus metus nulla, sed suscipit mi rhoncus feugiat. Maecenas tellus lectus, auctor eu tempus eget, rutrum nec magna. Vestibulum fermentum risus a dolor viverra congue.

Ut ut ipsum facilisis, ornare dui sit amet, lobortis erat. Aliquam non leo quis est ultricies pharetra non ac risus. Donec nec dui purus. Phasellus sed ultrices urna. Vivamus ut sem sit amet turpis hendrerit lobortis. Integer faucibus orci lorem, at faucibus dui volutpat eu. Phasellus id mollis odio. Maecenas tincidunt placerat egestas. Sed pretium massa vitae lectus mollis, in aliquam mauris semper. Suspendisse neque arcu, elementum quis ante at, interdum commodo felis. Donec quis diam ut dolor laoreet feugiat quis nec ex. In viverra quam vel enim vestibulum, eget porttitor nulla consectetur.

Aliquam tincidunt, mauris et convallis ultrices, ex dolor placerat lorem, eget lacinia tellus nulla eu lorem. Duis maximus risus at tortor faucibus auctor. Phasellus vulputate venenatis nulla, eget viverra felis fermentum at. Vestibulum nisi ante, porta eu blandit et, consequat eget nisl. Vestibulum mi orci, lobortis at urna nec, sollicitudin pulvinar nisi. Nunc volutpat, sem nec consectetur sollicitudin, arcu libero pulvinar lectus, sit amet semper justo mi quis purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed sit amet placerat sapien.
✪ Yamatate Captain ✪

last edit by Tantetsu Morihito on May 7, 2023 17:11:02 GMT -5
has written 66 posts