The Snarling Oiran

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The Snarling OiranJun 23, 2022 13:58:34 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

Hatsumomo sat with her girls; looking down at the street. It was a busy afternoon on the street below, though it was a small house; it started to garner the attention of the local populace. This was the first time that Hatsumomo had set up her house since she had been on Sakara. Earning her financial autonomy made her feel slightly more free from the Village… but always bound to it. There was a loud ‘thourpe’ and her metal fan was open, she just gazed down at the street. She looked at the passersby and wondered who was brave enough to come in. She stood up and paced in front of the series of windows facing the street.

She kept her gaze on the street below, looking like a pacing tiger in its cage. It had been six years since her freedom from the Sapper Corps and the Sakara prison, she no longer knew how to sit still as the room in her own home felt like a cell in the prison. The Sapper Corps was easier for her, though she was forced to work for her own freedom… it afforded her a sense of freedom that she had not felt before.


last edit by Zankokusa | Hatsumomo on Jun 23, 2022 14:20:15 GMT -5
Drewy870 has written 11 posts
The Snarling OiranJun 23, 2022 14:30:17 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

Picture you getting down and I'll picture too
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional, mystical – maybe
Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
When you're too crazy


Zakku had only heard rumors about this woman.  Called the Tiger of Sunagakure for a good reason the blue haired shinobi was perfectly aware of her brutality. Though had no idea why he was the one forced to bring her a damn scroll when they could have done it.  He'd just gotten back from spending months in the desert training and the first thing they welcome him back with was grunt work.  "Groovy."  Zakku had said in a bored and monotone voice as he'd grabbed the scroll.  

He recognized the scroll as a confirmation making Hatsumomo the new leader of Genin team 1.  Guess that would make it team Hatsumomo.  "GET OFF MY DAMN CART!"  The owner of the cart Zakku was riding finally realized why his load was so heavy.  "It's just a few more steps we're almost there."  The blue haired shinobi casually replied as was dumped to the sand unceremoniously.  

Standing and brushing himself off Zakku gazed at the large windows and swore he saw movement.   Was he being watched?  Zakku pulled out the scroll from his vest pocket and walked up to the door and knocked a familiar tune.  

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
The Snarling OiranJun 24, 2022 13:13:11 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

The house grew silent, only the sounds of footsteps could be heard. The front door opened and there stood Hatsumomo. She stood silent and stepped away from the door. She observed the man standing at her door, her eyes traced his frame; head to toe " I’m going to assume that you’re not here for pleasure… Zakku of the Lightning. " Though she hadn’t been out for long from either prison or the Sapper Corps… she knew who he was. She took a deep breath in and continued eye contact with him " Well… come in or it’s going to look weird. " She grabbed his arm and pulled him inside of the door. The sounds started up again like a well-oiled engine, though her home… was a business all the same. Women ran around with various objects in their hands. Hatsumomo stepped out of her Geta that made her tower over Zakku, they now stood eye to eye.

Drewy870 has written 11 posts
The Snarling OiranJun 24, 2022 19:00:19 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

Picture you getting down and I'll picture too
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional, mystical – maybe
Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
When you're too crazy


 Zakku stared up at the lady.  It'd been so long since anyone had actually addressed him by his nickname it took a few moments for Zakku to process she was addressing him.  As she grabbed his arm and pulled him in he arched his eyebrow.  "Why would it be weird?"  He asked as he was pulled inside.  

He was amazed at how quickly the women resumed moving about once the door shut.  It was like machinery and was a tiny bit unsettling to the blue haired shinobi.  As  Hatsumomo took off her Geta and was eye to eye with him.  "Ah I understand the shoes now.  Clever, making everyone look up to you."  If he could have pulled off wearing Geta he would have began wearing them years ago but this wasn't the time for fashion.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
The Snarling OiranJun 28, 2022 12:56:55 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

Hatsumomo sat on a small cushion below the window "It's a bit more superficial than that but I like that" She pulled out her small metal handheld fan, and with small flutters, she fanned herself " The last time a shinobi was seen entering this establishment, I was being carried out in chains. " She observed the man that was standing in front of her. Her eyes read over his frame and she caught waifs of his chakra " So, what brings you in if not for the company. " She was growing ever more curious of the scroll in his hands. Though she naturally assumed that it was orders from the Siege Commander of the Sapper Corp.

Drewy870 has written 11 posts
The Snarling OiranJun 29, 2022 8:58:24 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

Picture you getting down and I'll picture too
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional, mystical – maybe
Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
When you're too crazy


Zakku held the scroll up on the tip of his finger with the practice of a procrastinator that had too much time to perfect this useless skill.  "I'm not here to take you out in cuffs.  I'm at least partially sure any of your girls could overpower me especially that one."  Zakku pointed the scroll at one girl carrying weights with ease.  "What are you feeding them... Anyway I'm just here to deliver your official position with you're team.  Congratulations they trust you more with Genin than they have me."

Holding out the scroll to Hatsumomo Zakku was relieved she wasn't like how the rumors have said.  "As the tem-"  Zakku stopped himself short.  He wasn't the temporary leader anymore.  Since Rin hadn't come back.  "From one Team Leader to another.  Welcome to the fun."  He offered a smile giving a quick devil horns with his other hand.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
The Snarling OiranJul 1, 2022 13:55:55 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

Hatsumomo let out a light laugh and covered her mouth with a metal red fan. The fan (a gift from a previous client) is well and beautifully maintained, her nickname 'tiger' etched into it " Could you imagine? A convict of Sakara being a babysitter? " ... but then she physically turned around to see Zakku handing her a scroll and her face turned from amusement to annoyance. A large vein began to pulsate in her forehead as she attempted to be grateful " Oh... you're ... serious... " She smiled and accepted the scroll. She opened and unrolled the scroll in front of her. She began to look over the scroll and the reality that she was now a genin squad leader sank in more. She thought about her own training; her life leading up to that moment. Maybe she knew how NOT to be from her own experiences but shes never particularly liked people. Though for her not to return to Sakara, she would have to do anything that was asked. She took a deep breath 'Signed, Sealed, and Delivered' she thought. She looked back at Zakku " Thank you. At least I know how not to train genin I suppose. " She thought she was feeling slightly surprised, she was kind of excited. She loved learning the ways of the Sapper Corps and though she was not a long-range siege opponent.. she knew how to calculate distance.

She cocked her eyebrow and looked at Zakku, she was thinking of the potential of her soon-to-be students under her tenure " Actually... this is quite amusing. Does this make us friendly team rivals? "

last edit by Zankokusa | Hatsumomo on Jul 1, 2022 13:56:29 GMT -5
Drewy870 has written 11 posts
The Snarling OiranJul 4, 2022 11:26:05 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

Picture you getting down and I'll picture too
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional, mystical – maybe
Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
When you're too crazy


A smile spread across Zakku's face.  It'd been a long time since he'd had a rival.  Nezumi was gone and his competition went with him.  "Our experiences can help be the experience to shape the next generation.  That's why you're a team leader."  He didn't ask to be leader of his team but he understood why he was chosen.  

"Sekara isn't that bad though..."  Zakku looked around as he spoke.  "Ok it is a place filled with gangs and debauchery but I keep a few ears out there for Suna."  His clones went to deliver his herbs and gather information from sources he'd gathered getting more involved with the underworld.  

Zakku shifted his weight to another leg as he watched the girls constantly moving.  "How do you keep this place so well moving like a machine?"  He asked no longer hiding the his astonishment and how well things functioned.  "Also what the hell are you feeding that one.":  He asked pointing to the one carrying the weights with one hand.  "Yuda No Shisai."  The blue haired shinobi said in amazement.

Duh Dood has written 542 posts
The Snarling OiranJul 5, 2022 13:32:22 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

Hatsumomo nodded and walked to the doorway and looked at the girls running around, she loved it on the inside and warmly smiled. It was a change that some of the girls even took notice of " I give them freedom. They work here strictly cause they want to; I pay them, feed them and they are allowed to leave at any time. " She knew that the most simple thing that she would be able to do for the women in her home was to simply take care of them. Hatsumomo remembered the lengthy times that she spent in chains, in the calidity and dark, and full of rage. In the times of darkness, she knew nothing but the want to simply be free; and that's what she gave " but I do have mandatory strength training. " She laughed and leaned in the doorway now looking at Zakku " One day, they will get tired of serving a beautiful, super talented, YOUNG tiger and they will move on. " Some girls snickered as they walked by and Hatsumomo glared at them.

" Except those two. They cant leave "

last edit by Zankokusa | Hatsumomo on Jul 5, 2022 13:41:46 GMT -5
Drewy870 has written 11 posts
The Snarling OiranJul 8, 2022 10:42:45 GMT -5
Zakku Burokon
Don't hunt what you can't kill
Zakku Burokon Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday August 14 rank Chuunin occupation Operations Team 1
// Zakku //

Picture you getting down and I'll picture too
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional, mystical – maybe
Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
When you're too crazy


Zakku gently touched his chin in thought.  She'd put a bit of emphasis on the young part of her talk so he'd made a note not to bring up her age.  "Oh are those your favorites?"  Zakku tried to see the pair again but had already lost them in the fluent movements of the place.  "Just remember though if you pick favorites on your Genin team don't tell them.  It'll go to someone's head."  He let out a mischeivious chuckle.  He was his first sensei's most hated genin before he'd gotten them kicked out of the Chunin Exams.  

"I doubt you'll need any tips and tricks from me given how well this place is run but if you need help I'm sure I'll be nearby due to plot relevance."  He shrugged and gave a nonchalant grunt.  "Anymore that's just what I assume happens in this town."  
Duh Dood has written 542 posts
The Snarling OiranJul 21, 2022 14:11:32 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

" Favorites? " She shook her head and looked at the pair then looked back at Zakku " I don't have any, i like 'interpersonal competition' " She smiled and looked down the hall at the other girls. She thought about the times that she was a 'favorite' but she was arrested; everyone turned their back and she was having to build this from scratch all over again " They will always aspire to be better then the next girl... when really " She looked back at Zakku and giggled " They will get nowhere. " 

She stepped into her koma-geta and dropped her silks to reveal a bodysuit with her headband stitched to the chest. At the navel, there is a second headband that says 'Tiger' " You can always reach me here or find me in the field... since I will have students now. "

last edit by Zankokusa | Hatsumomo on Jul 21, 2022 14:11:48 GMT -5
Drewy870 has written 11 posts