And It Feels So Good

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And It Feels So GoodAug 10, 2022 22:13:33 GMT -5
Nanashi Yuki
No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
Nanashi Yuki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

[Word Count]: 260
OOC Note(s):

"Jugo! Do you see him yet?"
"Of course not. I'm not a falcon, Yuki, I'm a gorilla. Being small does not improve my eyesight."
"Okay, yeah, but like there's only so many Okada in town, and most of'em ain't lookin' like bodybuilders my size."
"And we are several stories above street level. How am I supposed to see anything besides the tops of-"
"... what?"
Jugo sighed. Hard.
"... end of the street to the north."

From Goro's perspective, the day went from a perfectly ordinary morning to a familiar brand of chaos as, from above- "HEY! GORO-KUUUUUN!"- a scrawny Spider Monkey of a genin leapt off a rooftop something like four stories over his head, only to slam into the stone wall across the street maybe fifteen feet over his head, running down the wall the rest of the way with that old mainstay, Act of Tree Climbing. As the chakra dissipated off her feet, she hopped to the ground, a surprisingly calm and tiny gorilla- one he might recognize if he'd spent time around Midori- hanging off Yuki's shoulder.

 "WHOO. YO! Long time no see, my dude! How've you been?! I've been so busy I didn't get a chance to check in on ya! You catch up to me yet?!"


[Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
[Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
[Items used]: ▣ None
[Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
[Techniques Executed]:

    Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
    Threnody has written 149 posts
    And It Feels So GoodAug 16, 2022 8:46:15 GMT -5
    Okada Goro
    Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
    Okada Goro Avatar
    groupRock Shinobi
    age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
    [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
    [attr="class","goro"]Running errands for the old man wasn’t particularly something Goro had been looking forward to. He’d done his dues for the day, but a part of him was also ready to just blow off going back to his trainer altogether after the stunt he’d pulled. Sure, he’d been free for the day, but he didn’t visit the Old Man just to deliver a package. A sigh escaped him, and he brushed back his yellow hair, blue eyes looking up at the bright blue sky. Today had certainly been beautiful.

    The boy could see a red and orange glint from above. Squinting to get a better view, he soon noticed there were two of them, one much smaller than the other and falling fast. Goro scrambled to get out of the way, but a familiar face landed next to him safely on the concrete beside him.

    "Jeez, Yuki! What tha hell were ya thinkin’ anyway?” Goro said, though he failed to hide a smile on his face, glad to see an old friend.

    "Sure has!” he said, agreeing with Yuki that it had indeed been quite a while since they’d seen each other. "Same ta you, Midori!” Goro extended the smile to the gorilla who was now hanging lazily off the young Nanashi woman.

    "Hmmm, been aight, I s’pose. The Old Man had me runnin’ some errands, but I’m done now.” A bit of dismay colored his face, but he let the thought go and his face began to screw up. "Damn right I ‘ave! I got that first gate opened ‘member!? Not ta mention the…” he stopped there, unsure of whether or not Yuki knew or was allowed to know about the Gobi transfer.

    "Annyyyway, what ya got goin’ on today?”

    mint has written 211 posts
    And It Feels So GoodAug 16, 2022 10:04:48 GMT -5
    Nanashi Yuki
    No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
    Nanashi Yuki Avatar
    groupRock Shinobi
    age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

    [Word Count]: 295
    OOC Note(s):

    "What was I thinkin’? That a certain pipsqueak might be closin’ th’gap!” Big talk from the scrawny li’l thing, but she was a few years older and at one point was probably taller! He might never escape the nickname… As for the gorilla, the little guy seemed to assume that Goro figured that Midori was still the Sage. "Actually, I’m here with Yuki-chan,” Jugo pointed out. "Midori-san has retired to raise her little one. The new Sage is Taki-san, and she’s teaching Yuki-chan our ways.” Which would, of course… make Yuki a new Gorilla Sage apprentice! The girl was beaming at Jugo’s explanation, and nodded in confirmation.

    "Runnin’ errands, huh? I can relate t’that. When I met th’gorilla clan, they sent me into th’woods t’hang out fer a week without usin’ any chakra! You have any idea how many different ways t’fall outta trees I discovered?!” Yuki exclaimed, rubbing her tush dramatically.

    "Aw yeah? All done?” She said, listening as Goro explained where he was now. "An’ yeah?! Ya got that first gate down?! That’s super crazy cool! I’m gonna have t’work hard to catch up. Taki-sama says Sage Mode can help, but I am a looooong way offa balancing all that nature chakra properly,” she explained, rubbing her chin- before fixating on that last bit.

    "Not t’mention th’what? I ain’t doin’ anythin’ right now, come on! Don’t leave me hangin’, dude!!!”


    [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
    ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
    ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
    [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
    [Items used]: ▣ None
    [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
    [Techniques Executed]:

      Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
      Threnody has written 149 posts
      And It Feels So GoodAug 16, 2022 10:15:09 GMT -5
      Okada Goro
      Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
      Okada Goro Avatar
      groupRock Shinobi
      age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
      [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
      [attr="class","goro"]Goro shrugged the back of his head, "Well, can’t say I didn’ try to ‘member their names.” He shrugged it off. They all looked like gorillas to him, and he forgot they could understand human speech most of the time, anyway. "Sorry ‘bout that, hehe”

      The boy’s mouth went agape, "Wit no chakra? Damn. Must be strong to ‘ave gotten away with that.” Goro shifted his stance and punched around, displaying the energy he had within. "Ya’d have to get around with just punchin’n’stuff. That’s the Okada way if I ever ‘eard it!” Goro smiled cheekily. He considered Yuki part of the clan as it was, and with her working alongside Taki, that only solidified his views.

      Goro waved off Yuki’s thought. "Nahhh. I got lot more I gotta do before I catch up, but don you go lazyin’ around! Taki’ll beat ya into shape!” He nodded. "I gave the nature chakra thing a try,” his words followed with a disappointed shake. "Ehh, not really my area, but you two seem natural at it!”

      "Hmmmm, I dunno if I’m allowed to say though…” he said rubbing the side of his temple. The boy contemplated for a moment, but his eyes would return to Yuki. "Maybe some other time…I gotta ask my folks first, ya know?” His blue eyes stared up at her, hoping that she wouldn’t hold them against him. He didn't want to leave her out, but it was also village security. Goro wasn't really sure what his right to say anything was, and he also didn't want people to treat him differently.

      mint has written 211 posts
      And It Feels So GoodAug 16, 2022 12:09:25 GMT -5
      Nanashi Yuki
      No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
      Nanashi Yuki Avatar
      groupRock Shinobi
      age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

      [Word Count]: 272
      OOC Note(s):

      "Nah, it’s okay, buddy. This’s Jugo, he was th’first one to show up an’ hang out with me when I started tryin’ to summon on my own! He usedta hang out with Midori-sama when she was still the Gorilla Sage,” Yuki explained, unconcerned. Jugo too simply nodded and offered a thumbs up!

      "Yeah, it was wild! Taki made me scramble up a tree without chakra t’make me realize that I needed t’be patient an’ calm an’ stuff. An’ she’s right, I gotta learn that, cuz. Senjutsu can like. Totally murder you if you don’t control it properly. But when you really master it, it’s supposedta be like. Absolutely bonkers.” Yuki nodded sagely.

      "I dunno, buddy. Those gates are huge steps up, an’ once you graduate, I’m gonna have my work cut out for me. I’m gonna work hard, though! I can’t let you get a big head once you get t’genin!”
      Yuki grinned wide, welcoming the challenge to keep up with the wild punk of an Okada.

      "Oh. It’s like a secret? Well, shoot. That makes me wanna know even more! Promise you’ll tell me if your folx say it’s alright?” Her being one of the Sage Apprentices might give her a little extra leeway on village secrets like that, after all!


      [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
      ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
      ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
      [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
      [Items used]: ▣ None
      [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
      [Techniques Executed]:

        Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
        Threnody has written 149 posts
        And It Feels So GoodAug 16, 2022 15:41:32 GMT -5
        Okada Goro
        Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
        Okada Goro Avatar
        groupRock Shinobi
        age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
        [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
        [attr="class","goro"]"Sounds like tha Old Man and me,” he laughed cheekily. Goro soon grimaced, realizing that as he was now approaching the level of a Genin, he would also soon have to learn some of the things Yuki was right now. Truthfully, he didn’t have much interest in anything besides Taijutsu, so the thought was a bit intimidating.

        He liked the idea of a good rivalry, and Goro snickered a bit, pressing his thumb against his chest, "Well, ya gonna have to fight it out o’me! Imma be right behind you, just bet! I gotta catch up to Taki, so ya know I gotta work hard!”

        The thought finally hit him, "Awww man…I gotta compete with TWO Sages” His hands covered his head as it lowered. "You two gonna beat the piss outta me…” There was a slight groan, but there was motivation hidden behind it.

        Goro was truthfully quite glad that Yuki was willing to accept that he just simply didn’t want to talk about this "secret” just yet. He’d admit to himself he wasn’t quite sure he knew a Midori. Perhaps he was too young, or perhaps Taki and Yuki were just the only people he really saw as Sages. Maybe it was just a mix of both. Either way, to have some knowledge pass from one Sage to the next seemed like a cool thing to Goro, which was clearly expressed on his face.

        "I ‘preciate you understanding, Yuki, really. I’ll tell ya as soon as I get permission from my folks,” he promised with a nod before pausing. "So, uhhhh, you wanna grab a bite or somethin’? My treat? Been a while.”

        last edit by Okada Goro on Aug 16, 2022 15:41:59 GMT -5
        mint has written 211 posts
        And It Feels So GoodAug 16, 2022 21:13:48 GMT -5
        Nanashi Yuki
        No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
        Nanashi Yuki Avatar
        groupRock Shinobi
        age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

        [Word Count]: 252
        OOC Note(s):

        "Old Man, eh? You mean your dad or some other old coot?" Yuki asked, hands laced behind her head. "Aw, don't tempt me, bro, I haven't had a good fight in ages, and you'd mash me into the granite if I didn't cheat and use jutsus! But hey- if you do catch up to Taki, you'll have me beat, too, so good goals!"

        Yuki snorted giggles, and pointed out, "Yeah, but I'm not gonna be caught up to Taki, so REALLY, your end zone's the same, ennit? Though... maybe we can help each other chase her down and surpass her!"

        Yuki's hand flicked out lightning fast and bapped Goro on the back of the head if he didn't perform some impressive evasive maneuvers! "Watch your tongue, dude! It's bad to swear!"

        "Ooh, snacks? I'd love snacks, I ain't had anything but unsalted roast meat for days. Lead the way, buddy! You're payin', you're pickin'!"
        Yuki followed along as he led the way. "So like. What's the deal? You gonna take your exams soon? Any jutsus you still need to practice? Onee-chan Yuki could always take care'a ya and teach ya th'ropes if you need! Or is it just like a scheduling thing? Dish! What's goin' on?"


        [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
        ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
        ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
        [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
        [Items used]: ▣ None
        [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
        [Techniques Executed]:

          Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
          Threnody has written 149 posts
          And It Feels So GoodOct 1, 2022 20:55:08 GMT -5
          Okada Goro
          Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
          Okada Goro Avatar
          groupRock Shinobi
          age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
          [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
          [attr="class","goro"]Goro shook his head, his gold bangs swaying side to side. "Nah, he's my Hachimon trainer. Just what I call him...ya know...cause he's old, Goro's voice turned to a meer whisper towards the end as if his trainer was just around the corner. Old or not, he was a respectable powerhouse, and Goro wouldn't deny that.

          He'd nod, though things had admittedly changed quite a bit recently. His course of training was no longer the same. He had other things to worry about now that the Gobi had been transferred, and he had a lot more things to worry about. There were new paths he could take, but the costs that came with them...was that really something he wanted to even risk? He pushed the thought away, saving them for another time. Today he just wanted to be the boy he was before, the one that Yuki would remember. Nothing outside of that mattered.

          His cheeks turned red and he rubbed the back of his head, "Uhh my bad. I know I got a mouth on me. Pa keeps tellin' me to stop, but I guess it just slips ya know." He wasn't really sure who he picked it up from, but his sailor's mouth was an ever-increasing problem.

          "Sure. I gotta place in mind," Goro said as he started walking. There was a small ma and pa shop down the road. It was more traditional in style, but Goro had eaten his fair share of Okadan food, and sometimes a change was needed. As the two walked, he thought for a moment. "Yea. Exams are comin' up. I think I'm pretty much ready though. We could lace up though for a few rounds if ya like." The idea of a spar was always on his mind.

          mint has written 211 posts
          And It Feels So GoodOct 7, 2022 19:06:42 GMT -5
          Nanashi Yuki
          No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
          Nanashi Yuki Avatar
          groupRock Shinobi
          age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

          [Word Count]: 252
          OOC Note(s):

          "Oh, man, ya got a whole dude to train ya in the Gates? That's pretty boss! What's he like? Aside from old? Does he have lotsa hair comin' outta his ears?!" That's what old people were like, right?

          Yuki snickered at his response and threw an arm over his shoulders. "Pfft, it's fine. I catch myself swearin' all the time. I just throw in a "sorry!" so folx know it was on accident. Sometimes I even apologize to nobody, ya know. So don't sweat it, bud. Yer fine far as I care."

          Yuki followed along as her friend led the way. "Hey, I'm always down for a practice match. Especially since I know ya got some tricks up yer sleeves! Gotta be prepared for exams and everything, ya know? Plus one day, yer gonna hit up the Chuunin exams! So ya gotta start preparin' for tough competition sooner rather'n later!"

          As they arrived at the restaurant, Yuki exclaimed. "OH YO! This looks great! You think they got oyakodon?! I could go for some chicken'n rice!!! Or maybe okonomiyaki... that sauce and the crispy cabbage and veggies... mm..." She paused and glanced at Goro. "What about you, dude? What's your favorite food at a place like this?!"


          [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
          ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
          ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
          [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
          [Items used]: ▣ None
          [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
          [Techniques Executed]:

            Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
            Threnody has written 149 posts
            And It Feels So GoodOct 17, 2022 16:09:35 GMT -5
            Okada Goro
            Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
            Okada Goro Avatar
            groupRock Shinobi
            age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
            [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
            [attr="class","goro"]Goro shrugged. Was that such an odd or out-of-the-norm thing? Didn’t everyone have a personal trainer or sensei that they found and maybe worked with? He assumed that his classmates did, but he never really paid much attention to their lives outside of the Academy. Maybe he had just been so close to the trainer side of the world between the Okada, his parents, and The Old Man, that he just thought it was a normal thing.

            He blinked for a moment, his eyes traveling upward as he thought. "He’s super strict. He doesn’t really act old...kinda mean sometimes too, but he’s really strong and he knows what he’s doing for sure.” Goro laughed, "Nah he bald as fu—” Goro shushed himself. "Yea…sorry haha,” he laughed along with her. Really though, he did need to do better about it.

            "Oh yea? Ya gonna get beat ya know.”

            Chuunin exams though? It seemed so far away. He thought about all his years in the Academy and the work that he put in. He then had to consider it would likely take that much time and more to get from Genin to Chuunin. The thought itself was daunting, but he was looking forward to the challenge.

            Goro pointed to the restaurant. "This one, here.” He said, opening the door for her and allowing Yuki to pass through. "Hmmm, probably. Wouldn’t be s’prised.” He smiled and took a seat at a table where there were already menus and utensils waiting. "They have lots of stuff! Just a good break from some of our heavier food every now and then, ya know?"

            mint has written 211 posts
            And It Feels So GoodOct 17, 2022 20:55:43 GMT -5
            Nanashi Yuki
            No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
            Nanashi Yuki Avatar
            groupRock Shinobi
            age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

            [Word Count]: 257
            OOC Note(s):

            It was a bit odd to have found someone to teach something so specific! At least, that was Yuki's thoughts. Her opinions hardly set policy for public consensus, after all.

            She nodded along with the explanation about the old man. "Ah, I gotcha. Yeah, teachers can be like that. I got stuck out in the forest for like. A week. With just my pack and a kunai. No jutsus allowed! Can you believe that?! I had to kill a deer! With a spear I made outta my kunai!" It was all very dramatic, it seemed. And she giggled too, when Goro caught himself swearing and stopped it.

            "Maybe! But what's the fun of winning all the time? Then there's nobody to chase and compete with." Yuki crooned, hands hooked behind her head as they wandered over to the restaurant, sliding in first at his invitation. "Why, thank you, good sir~" She stated in the primmest, most proper voice she could manage.

            "I totally get it. I'm gettin' okonomiyaki. I ate nothing but meat the whole time I was in the jungle. I would kill for a salad."
            She moved to a table and flopped down, patting the seat next to her. "What's the craziest stuff the old man's made you do?"


            [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
            ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
            ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
            [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
            [Items used]: ▣ None
            [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
            [Techniques Executed]:

              Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
              Threnody has written 149 posts
              And It Feels So GoodDec 9, 2022 16:38:39 GMT -5
              Okada Goro
              Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
              Okada Goro Avatar
              groupRock Shinobi
              age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
              [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
              [attr="class","goro"]Goro cocked his head at the thought of being stuck out in the forest for so long. He mostly wondered how or why she wasn’t able to find her way back. Then again, he wondered if he would have been stuck in the same unfortunate position as well or not. As she continued the story though, his eyes lit up more. "Ooh! I wanna try dat for fun some time,” he said eagerly. It sounded right up his ally. It sounded…dangerous? Adventurous? "Ya never do dat just for da fun of it?” he asked curiously.

              He'd nod, "Yea shore shore! But ya betta bet I always try ta win!” he laughed off the though. He’d had plenty of losses, but there was always an eagerness to win and improve himself, as with most of the Okada. It seemed to be one of their many going traits.

              "Dat sounds pretty good too,” his stomach began to grumble. He sat down at the table, sitting next to her as requested.

              Goro thought for a moment, "Hmmm, he mostly has me sit around n’ focus chakra n’ stuff.” A waitress came by and handed the two a menu, not that they really needed it knowing what they wanted already. Goro ordered water and his meal and then patiently waited for the waitress to leave before leaning in towards Yuki and whispering, "Not gonna lie, I was trainin’ with da Old Man once and he was focusin’ chakra REAL hard, and he let out a big ‘um.”

              Goro made a face of disgust before it then turned into childish laughter. "He had me do some pretty heavy liftin’ too tho with the first gate active. Other den that, it’s just opening the gates over n’ over till my body gets used ta it, ya know?”

              That was the least brutal way to word it. It was putting quite a bit of stress on his small body, but it was best to do it early.

              mint has written 211 posts
              And It Feels So GoodDec 10, 2022 20:08:35 GMT -5
              Nanashi Yuki
              No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
              Nanashi Yuki Avatar
              groupRock Shinobi
              age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

              [Word Count]: 260
              OOC Note(s):

              "It was fun, kinda! Be a lot more fun if it wasn't a test, though, so- definitely gonna be a lot more enjoyable if ya just doin' it t'do it!" Yuki confirmed, nodding firmly as he got excited at the idea. "And nah, I'm a city gal, me. I never really had anyone around t'take me campin' or nothin', so." She shrugged.

              "Pff. If ya weren't trynna win, I'd beat yer butt an'hold ya down until I weaseled your true identity outta ya, ya impostor! Can't sneak anything past me!"

              She made a face at the idea of sitting around and focusing chakra. "Yeah, Taki-sama makes me do that too sometimes. That's kinda th'whole sage thing. "Hey, why doncha juggle TWO kindsa Chakra, and also DIE if you mess up!"" She muttered, but she grinned after. "Still, I've seen the wild stuff Taki-sama can do. It's gotta be worth all the practice and study, doesn't it!?"

              At the idea of this mystery old man letting a big fart rip while he was focusing super hard, Yuki couldn't help but imagine Taki doing the same thing- and she burst into wild giggles, covering her mouth and trying to tamp it down!

              "PFFFF! SNRK! Snckr! Eheh! Well- weh... eheh, well, is it WORKING? All that practice?"


              [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
              ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
              ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
              [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
              [Items used]: ▣ None
              [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
              [Techniques Executed]:

                Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
                Threnody has written 149 posts
                And It Feels So GoodJan 9, 2023 15:39:36 GMT -5
                Okada Goro
                Yeaaa! You're not all that tough now, are ya?
                Okada Goro Avatar
                groupRock Shinobi
                age 11 years old birthday 4/3 rank Genin occupation
                [newclass=.goro]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro:hover]margin-top:0px;opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;[/newclass][newclass=.goro b]color:#862939;[/newclass][newclass=.goro a:hover]color:#000000;[/newclass][newclass=.goro i]color:#9f3144;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
                [attr="class","goro"]City gal? Goro scoffed to himself. Nothing about Yuki seemed city-like. He rested his head on the palm of his hand as he looked over to her lazily. "Yea right. Nothin city or lady-like about ya. Yer a gorilla through and through, Yuki, and we both know it,” he laughed it off as his eyes traveled away. He wondered to himself if perhaps that went too far. He looked back over to her subtly to gauge her expression, hoping it didn’t hurt her feelings any.

                "Well, if ya got da time today, we can lace up. Les get some grub first tho.”

                He would listen to her with eyes intense, "Oh ya! Taki a real beast fer shore.” He shivered to himself. He’d been beaten up more times than he cared to admit, though that was all for bettering his training.

                Yuki’s laugh was contagious, and Goro busted out into his own. He laid his head cheek down on the cool table, trying not to cry from the burst of laugh. "Haha yea. It’s worth it. It’s gotta be…” He knew he still had a long way to go, but each minute he trained he could feel the impact on his body and his mind. He had a duty with the power he had received to protect the future of the village. He HAD to get stronger so that he was able to do that. Iwa at least lucked out that they found someone to take the Gobi that was a glutton for punishment when it came to a harsh routine.

                Their food would arrive, and Goro would wait for Yuki to take her first bite before digging in himself. A growing boy, it honestly didn’t take long at all for his plate to be entirely empty. He would lean back and rest his hand on his belly. "Imma need ta digest though. What’dya say we hang out at da rocks for a bit?” He made the suggestion with a cocked head.

                mint has written 211 posts
                And It Feels So GoodMar 13, 2023 21:55:24 GMT -5
                Nanashi Yuki
                No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
                Nanashi Yuki Avatar
                groupRock Shinobi
                age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

                [Word Count]: 257
                OOC Note(s):

                "PFFF! Maybe, maybe~"
                Yuki allowed, snickering at the teasing. She didn't mind at all- in fact, she felt like it was an affirmation she was in the right place, learning from the right people. It was pretty easy for her to feel like she was out of place, but that? That helped a lot. "But hey, the point still stands. I haven't been camping before! This was all new! And heck yeah! You can show me what you've picked up, and I can share my new and totally not ridiculous looking tricks I learned from Taki!

                BUT FIRST, YES. Food!"

                Yuki tilted her head as Goro plopped his head down on the tabletop. "You, uh. You okay, lil buddy? Having second thoughts? Back spasms? Struggling with the onrushing inevitability of your own mortality?" She asked, as if all three were equally likely.

                Yuki did a good job keeping up with Goro, but even with her headstart, the spunky kid's metabolism gave him the win in the race to the clean plate club. She accepted her loss with dignity, and snickered again. "Sorta like waiting half an hour before going in the water, right? Sure! I'm down for a sunbath while we wait out the clock!"

                [IC COMBAT INFORMATION]

                [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
                ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
                ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
                [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
                [Items used]: ▣ None
                [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
                [Techniques Executed]:

                  Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
                  Threnody has written 149 posts