rescue patrol [C-Rank Mission] [Ichi]

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rescue patrol [C-Rank Mission] [Ichi] May 20, 2023 20:38:29 GMT -5
Nakahara Ichī
Isn't Autumn the prettiest season?
Nakahara Ichī Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday September 10th rank Chunin occupation Jūdaime Kusa Lord



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]I will lead us to it. Definitely.

[attr="class","skullbody"]It had been about a days travel by foot for the tall shinobi. Ichi had never been particularly fast and that was something that was explicitly clear as he covered the distance between the town and the hidden village. His only company his pipe as he worked out the route and time from the sun above. Despite keeping a high pace and otherwise watching his path to avoid any annoyances Ichi had no way of reaching the village in a manner that was more timely, a small annoyance if he was earnest.

As he arrived he would notify the gate guards of the update to the mission and ask them to carry the message further as the young man's stamina simply emptied from the non-stop run to get here. He had no stops since leaving Ōtama and having arrived he would be replaced by an outbound group. Instead being tasked to tell the Lady about their mission and the exact happenings. A task that was far easier to handle for the young man then the wolves.

With the mission done on his end he chose to wait on the following day for the return of his senpai and the mission team. Something that would come late into the evening, though that wasn't nearly a concern for the young man, he was just glad that everyone was safe. Autumn had come.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]000 WORDS / @tags!!


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Ichi's SA's and Techniques in Use:[break][break]

『Harvest Moon's Child』
Ichi was born to the Nakahara clan on the night of a Harvest Moon. Born with quite the green thumb he was assumed to be an inheritor of the clan's natural talents with plants. The roots ran deeper, however, as Ichi was born with a Kekkai Genkai, being a rare natural occurance of Wood Release outside of the Senju. In learning of this he has trained his kekkai to the best of his abilities. He is no master, seeing as he has no reference of Mokuton, but he has found a way to bring out techniques along side his own talents in a cohesive manner.

[Cosmetic Only: All Mokuton techniques Ichi uses appear as his favorite trees, though it has no real change as is.]

『Weaver of Wood』
Ichi was born with Mokuton, but he was not graced with the same level of chakra as the Senju would be in his situation. Being roughly average for an individual, Ichi instead focused on the skills his birth clan preferred. Practicing his medical skills, he has gained a higher quality of Chakra Control. Ichi is much less likely to leak chakra than the average shinobi because of this.

『The Festival's Atmosphere』
Having practiced his skills with extending his senses outwards with the use of mokuton chakra, Ichi is particularly adept at sensing life in an area. Capable of finding life through the very nature around people. Within [20 meters] Ichi is capable of passively sensing out plant and animal life in a general sense. Able to differentiate it between plant and animal, but no further. Unlike chakra sensory Ichi can not more or less readily sense others based on their chakra, but instead purely senses the 'vitality' in things, though even those with seemingly boundless vitality will read the same as the elderly or a newborn to him. Also unlike usually sensory to actively search out individuals Ichi requires Mokuton, or the use of his pipe (though using it makes his position much easier to locate), as a catalyst to extend his senses, only going out as far as the technique's range, or twice his passive range in case of the pipe. It is also notable that the deceased, and those that feign death in some fashion, as through a poison or a jutsu, are completely invisible to Ichi. Notably the furthest he can extend his senses is [100 meters].
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