helping hand (Toru)

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helping hand (Toru)Sept 20, 2022 15:37:30 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member

As what light came through the mist of midday poured into Asahi's apartment, it showed that it was a mess. But it wasn't the same mess that some teenagers found their homes in from laziness or neglect. No, this mess was intentional. Books littered the floor a few feet from the door spread between two locations.

A few bowls sat upon the countertop in the kitchen but what covered it more were a variety of plants and liquid concoctions, experimentation with combinations clear from the variety and books that were around that area of the apartment. On the table in the kitchen, separate from the rest of the experimentations, sat a flask of pink liquid.

Moving away from that section takes one toward the bed and desk beside it. On top of the bed, were more books, some bowls that once held food, some tools and small material like screws, some scraps of steel, and some shuriken. At the desk, was Asahi, but he wasn't sitting.

He stood, his two extra ki arms activated and going to work alongside his real arms. He worked in a similar way as he did with his mother, but she wasn't by his side anymore as he crafted what looked like a bracer of sorts. He hadn't lost track of time, as he worked through the night and into the middle of the new day, he had lost his care for it.

His focus had been devoted to the potential piece of equipment in front of him. Although his clanging and banging throughout the night had probably kept some up, none had approached his apartment about it. And if they had, he didn't hear it, lost in his process. Even now, if someone were to knock at his door, he probably wouldn't hear it at first.

He did a couple of twirls as he went to his bed to grab another scrap of metal and return to the desk.

Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)
The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.

Enhanced Chakra Control

Genetics and an inclination towards medical ninjutsu has led him to hone his chakra control to make up for his average sized chakra pool. He could be classified as an adept at best, but still has better chakra control than his peers who have focused on other things. He knows how to find the equilibrium between unneeded chakra and energy, and just enough for jutsu, but is still working to lengthen this efficiency and endurance in the field.

NAME: Ikutete no Ikō [Influence of Many Arms]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu | Hijutsu
DESCRIPTION: Basically the name given to the control of these arms using Raiton chakra, this is the most basic technique the clan use, emitting their nerve signals from their head to the arms to control them as if they were their own limbs.

--- Words
last edit by Ōorigami Asahi on Sept 20, 2022 15:37:48 GMT -5
Milu has written 379 posts
helping hand (Toru)Sept 21, 2022 2:49:35 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

Toru approached in silence, he often snuck up on people this way. Though it was hardly on purpose, it was simply the way he had been trained to move. Scarcely to stir a leaf in the wind, unsurprisingly, the way of the Oinin. So, Asahi might not have heard the Mizukage's initial approach to the door of his apartment. It was the knock that made noise, the first time, the second time, and the third time.

Each subsequent attempt was louder than the one before. It was mid-day, and while Toru would have come in the morning he had some business to attend to at the office. A meeting that had put him half to sleep, on what they should do about the looming threat towards the North. It was something being taken care of slowly but surely, but he understood, as well, that the council wanted answers as quickly as possible. Which made Toru, vaguely disinterested. Somewhere between being Mizukage and Daimyo, the boy king had lost interest in the conversation that he was already addressing through his loyal shinobi.

"Asahi-san," He called out. Not loud, but perhaps just loud enough that the lower drone of his voice might reach the ears of the tinkerer. "The Mizukage wishes to speak to you." It seemed like a formal announcement, though it was the Mizukage himself announcing and visiting with only one guard nearby, always the same guard, always at a relative distance.

Han has written 2,376 posts
helping hand (Toru)Sept 21, 2022 12:51:33 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member

In his zone, Asahi did miss the first two knocks, but the third caught his attention. He paused, but only until he heard the voice behind the knock. Was that?- The next sentence confirmed it. The...Mizukage?! He grabbed his Kirigakure headband off of his bed and tied it around his neck like he usually did.

From outside of the apartment, one could hear the clang of dropped tools on the desk, Asahi's stumble over and push of the chair to the desk out of the way, a trip over some books followed by a soft, "Ow!" before his footsteps got to the door and opened it.

With his ki arms still active and resting under his real arms, shirtless Asahi greeted them. He had messy green hair and grime spots on his exposed skin from where had cleaned some metal off and slicked some metal down. Over his legs were his hair colored green drawstring shorts and a few once white towels tucked into his waist. His golden eyes went from the Mizukage, to the guard that kept his distance, and back. "Mizukage-sama..." he started, surprise in his voice, and gave him a bow from the waist. His mind raced about the purpose behind this visit, especially in person...

"D-Did I do something wrong?" Asahi instinctively asked as he rose. He couldn't recall any encounters he had that would warrant a scolding from the Mizukage. Asahi had sort of butted heads with a particular shinobi recently, and a few others shinobi and civilian alike had...well...not been so accepting of him, but Asahi held back and walked away when it came to those conflicts for the most part...

Realizing he still stood blocking the doorway, Asahi stepped to the side, nonverbally saying they could come in if this visit required it. This was the Mizukage, he could come in regardless. With a glance back inside before returning his attention to the Mizukage, Asahi realized the disarray that his living space was in...

Incarnation of Many Hands (Ōorigami Clan Hijutsu)
The rigorous training from his mother who tattooed the seal on his back, gave him enough experience for the extra arms this Hijutsu brings to feel natural at this point. Only able to make two, he uses them to hold extra weapons, and assist in other ways inside battle, medical training, and in everyday life. However, he still has much further to go, with more arms to come in the future and more ways to get quicker, stronger and better at utilizing them.

Enhanced Chakra Control

Genetics and an inclination towards medical ninjutsu has led him to hone his chakra control to make up for his average sized chakra pool. He could be classified as an adept at best, but still has better chakra control than his peers who have focused on other things. He knows how to find the equilibrium between unneeded chakra and energy, and just enough for jutsu, but is still working to lengthen this efficiency and endurance in the field.

NAME: Ikutete no Ikō [Influence of Many Arms]

CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu | Hijutsu
DESCRIPTION: Basically the name given to the control of these arms using Raiton chakra, this is the most basic technique the clan use, emitting their nerve signals from their head to the arms to control them as if they were their own limbs.

--- Words
Milu has written 379 posts
helping hand (Toru)Sept 22, 2022 3:10:10 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

Toru lingered just outside as all the clattering was heard before the door opened to reveal a very thrown together Asahi who looked like he had been doing something uncleanly in the confines of his apartment. The Mizukage tilted his head to the side in slight scrutiny, though the expression he wore never shifted. His body language was enough.

"Did you?" He asked, unaware that Asahi might have done something wrong. He did have people who kept up with his doings for the time being, though it had been several months now and with Asahi having done little to warrant arrest or a talking to, the watch had been lowered. Now it was up to the shinobi and civilians he interacted with to keep an eye.

Offered to go inside, Toru did glancing over his shoulder towards his guard he waved him off briefly, ordering him to stay out.

It was quite a disarray inside and the younger of the two young men clasped his hands behind himself as he looked around.

"You are working on something? It is quite messy." A tinkerer was always messy, and lived in the darkness. Though Toru wondered if a little sunlight - as rare as it was in Kirigakure - would help Asahi get his mind out of a state of paranoia that it apparently was in.

"I'm only here to check on you, to see if you are settling in well and if you have any questions."

Han has written 2,376 posts
helping hand (Toru)Sept 26, 2022 23:12:34 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member

Toru followed Asahi inside the apartment, but he didn't chastise him on the mess like the genin had feared. Instead, Toru asked about the reason behind the mess. The green haired boy perked up at the question of what he was working on. "I-I am working on something actually. Well, a few things I guess, but something I can say I'm just about finished with, and another that requires a bit more of some work!" he said excitedly.

"I'm settling in...well enough, I guess. I mean, I wasn't expecting much of a warm welcome, but some people around here can be pretty...harsh." Asahi chose his words carefully, as he tried to explain how things had been going during his stay so far. He didn't go into the details, like when he had found "outsider" taped to his back, or the people who threw things at him, or wouldn't let them into their shops and restaurants. He kept all of that to himself, especially because his brain was still preoccupied with Toru's first inquiry.

"As far as questions go, none yet, although now that I feel like I have my bearings I'm going to be asking you about the chuunin rank soon," the boy said, a small smile of excitement about the future as well, slipping through. 

"I can show you a couple of the things I've been working on! I-If you have the time of course." Asahi clarified, stopping mid prance toward the kitchen table with the pink vial sitting alone on it. Then he realized that his extra arms were still out. "Oh, sorry." Asahi added as he deactivated his ki arms.

He was still getting used on how to address the kage. The younger boy made him feel comforted in this new land, but also terrified him...But that was probably why he was chosen to be the Mizukage.

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Milu has written 379 posts
helping hand (Toru)Sept 28, 2022 3:22:30 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

"To be expected, you are an outsider. Some will never warm up, but they will learn to tolerate your presence. Though, I can hardly say that this is unusual in general." There was a pause, Asahi did not understand the traumas of Kirigakure, he did not carry that heritage with him and so he could not know or feel what some felt here. It was similar to how Toru felt, but Toru had grown into diplomacy and knew that the harshest response was not always the right one. In the case of Asahi, it was best to be more mild after all it was not as if it was his fault he ended up here. Nonetheless, it was his reality.

"Kirigakure citizens have been through many hardships that the world can only begin to imagine. It is why some are harsher than others."

Toru waved the arms off, he did not care if Asahi had ten eyeballs as long as he was being generally amicable and respectful. It was also his apartment, though temporarily paid for by the government it was still nonetheless his, so he did not care how it looked. Though a small bit of judgment *was* passed on its messiness.

"What is it you are making then?" He walked forward, slightly curious. Of course from the sounds of it, to Toru, Asahi would make an excellent addition to a unit in Suiryu Butai. But, that was neither here nor there for now until the boy became chunin.

Han has written 2,376 posts
helping hand (Toru)Oct 3, 2022 21:21:46 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member

Toru's words were sharp and true, but not malicious like some of the other citizens who has used that same word. Outsider... A pause came between them as Asahi wasn't sure what to say to that. He shifted through the room, as if he was physically avoiding the topic. But Toru continued. Hardships the world couldn't even imagine?

Where Asahi came from, he definitely couldn't imagine it. Throughout his upbringing, Kirigakure had been an enemy, and rumors about the enemy flew freely. And although Asahi knew they wern't the savages of rumor, he could see how that could be exaggerated form the people's hardness.

However, the conversation shifted and saved Asahi from having to address it, as Toru accepted the proposal. Asahi's face shifted to an excited smile, like a child about to show a parent something they had done. And his prance continued, over to the lone vial of pink liquid on the table in the kitchen area of the apartment. "I have two things I think are ready for show. The first of which is pretty much complete!" Asahi said, seemingly reanimated from the boy fighting exhaustion that opened the door. And in an animated fashion, he grabbed a cloth of the counter a placed it over the vial to conceal it momentarily, as he gave his first presentation.

"By using the spores of the fungi, Blushing Amanita, along with some other common toxins and poisons, I've created a liquid toxin of my own. I've called it, Raifurīchi. Unfortunately it's not as dangerous as it's name suggests, but the name still fits in my eyes," he introduced his concoction as he lifted the dirty cloth that hid it.

"It's not toxic until it's in the bloodstream, according to my tests, so feel free to open up the vial and examine it, if you want." Asahi said, offering a closer look at the item while also trying not to tell the Mizukage what to do. If Toru opened the vial and swirled it around, it would reveal that the liquid was oderless, at least to most shinobi noses, and that it had a a viscosity thicker than water and many other liquids, but was still a liquid.

"If my theory and tests on...completely willing participants..." Asahi said, pausing only for a moment, as if trying to cover up that small lie with silence, before continuing, "...proves true, it hinders the target by hindering the body's access to its available nutrients. It tricks the brain and body into feeling like they've expended more energy than they have. The average healthy shinobi, should feel like they've run for a day with no food or rest breaks. Basically, it exhausts the target after entering their bloodstream." Asahi finished, settling on explaining it in simpler terms.

"But the body naturally rejects this and sweats it out so after a bit, the target will feel back to normal, unless the substance is reintroduced into the bloodstream." Asahi added with a nod, satisfied with his explanation, and opening the presentation floor of one to questions.
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helping hand (Toru)Oct 4, 2022 6:14:31 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

Toru did not notice the discomfort or an attempt to avoid the conversation and topic altogether from Asahi. It was because Toru was not always the best at social cues, alas he was better at words, but body language outside of battle was still a strange little thing for the young Mizukage who seemed to awaken an excitement in Asahi at his inquiry. It was unexpected, but he did not mind it. At least the other was passionate, and passion was something Kirigakure could do with. There were so many that had been beaten down by life nowadays that they only lived, or existed. Something like this could be contagious.

He took up the vial and inspected it, smelled it he could tell there was an odor - on account of his stronger sense of smell - but he couldn't quite pinpoint it. It was almost plain and earthy. Would make sense as it came from a fungi.

"Would this not be an effect gas then?" He suggested, perhaps a little too well aware of guerrilla warfare in general. This sort of gas could be very useful in exhausting large numbers of shinobi if made into gas. Toru reached out to hand the pink vial back.

"You really would be an excellent addition to Suiryu Butai," He mused briefly, his hands now resting by his sides. "I think you would find the resources available to you to do this sort of thing would triple."

Han has written 2,376 posts
helping hand (Toru)Oct 12, 2022 12:37:24 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member

Asahi watched Toru intently as he inspected the vial, expectant, like a child. Then the Mizukage did another thing that brought excitement to Asahi's face. He gave some input on the work!

"A gas? That's a great idea!" he started. "But wouldn't that be easily defended by the use of a mask that protects against gases? I don't know how common those are throughout the shinobi world could easily say the same thing about this requiring entrance to the blood stream and it's weakness against body armor..." Asahi seemed to trail off in verbal thought before bringing himself back with the nod of his head. "But yes, a great idea!" he said and moved over to a scribble the idea down in a small notebook on his desk.

The Mizukage's next words intrigued the green haired boy, and his face shifted from childish excitement to interest in the unknown. Suiryu Butai? Resources doubled? Tripled?! Once again, the possibility of pursuing research of his interest presented itself. In Konoha, it had come in the form of Yuuta Gure and his resources. Here, he had the potential to get his own...

"I-I'm honored to hear that! If that's what it comes with, do I even have to say I'm interested?!...I mean-...," Asahi collected himself. "What exactly are the Suiryu Butai, and how do you see me fitting into that?"

Asahi had a couple of guesses in his head, but he didn't want to jump to any conclusions. He had spent some time in the administrative tower and had seen people in special attire around that area throughout the day. Maybe that was the Suiryu Butai?
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Milu has written 379 posts
helping hand (Toru)Dec 4, 2022 7:18:05 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

"I have no seen many masks in my time," Which was not a very long time but it had been an experienced time. "I find most shinobi do not carry masks. But that is why you have liquid back-ups in the case one is carrying a mask." It was a matter of adapting to the flow of battle. But one single trap with a gas could take out a huge swatch of a battle field quickly. It was part of this sort of tactical guerrilla warfare that shinobi took on, but especially Kirigakure shinobi who were known for their immense stealth.

"The Suiryu Butai is a special division in Kirigakure ranks. There is the navy, the public safety sector, and the turtle defense... I believe you would fit in with the last. They are charged with the villages defense system and there is a small section dedicated to developing new measures of deploying defenses or full-out protecting the village. You would work closely with medics in laboratories or be the medic working with others." Toru was not one to be long-winded but this deserved a hefty explanation.

"I would recommend you to it upon you reaching the rank of chunin, properly. If that is of interest to you."

Han has written 2,376 posts
helping hand (Toru)Dec 7, 2022 18:35:48 GMT -5
Ōorigami Asahi
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Ōorigami Asahi Avatar
age 17 years old birthday 6/13 rank Genin occupation Team 1 Member

Asahi listened to the Mizukage's words. Maybe masks wern't as common throughout the shinobi world as he had thought. He glanced to his own mask, on the floor across the room. He knew his creation was unique, but maybe his mother had helped him create a rarer item to carry as a shinobi than he had first thought. He then looked back at the flask of liquid, sold on working on turning it into a gas, before returning his attention back to the Toru as he answered his question.

The genin listened intently as Toru explained the Suiryu Butai, and where he thought Ashai would best fit. The villages defense system...developing new defensive and protective measures for the village. That aspect alone would of enticed Asahi, but his experience in the medical field also aligned with the position from how Toru was putting it.

But...he was a foreigner...Why would he be tasked with defending a village he had been brought into from a political trade...No, that had changed that day on the boat with Toru. Although he was still getting used to the water, and the people of the village were still getting used to him, he was a Kirigakure shinobi now and had pledged his allegiance.

All of this would have to wait until he got promoted to chuunin anyway. He blinked, silent for a moment, not because he didn't know what to say, but because he was trying to contain himself. However, Toru's eyes could probably tell he was brimming with excitement. He hadn't felt this yet in his life. This was, purpose? A path he wanted to follow? He wasn't sure but he knew that the feeling was good. "I would definitely be interested!" Asahi said, as calmly as he could.

"Not only interested, excited to! Honored to?" Asahi searched for the right words to describe how he felt but settled on the three he had given. "What have the Turtle Defense contributed so far- or is that something you can't tell me right now, or that we'll talk about once I actually get there?...But I'm curious, along with interested," Asahi answered honestly.
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Milu has written 379 posts
helping hand (Toru)Feb 11, 2023 8:03:17 GMT -5
Kaguya Toru
"Live or die, just do it well.
Kaguya Toru Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday August 5, 1007 rank Elite Jounin occupation Mizukage
I would know him in death
At the end of the world

Toru was not the most emotionally intelligent young man, but Asahi was very much an open book. He was beaming with excitement towards his words it seemed. Toru said nothing for the time being, just let the situation and his own words to sink in. He let Asahi fully embrace what had been said, even though he was clearly overflowing.

"I do not think it would be appropriate to discuss inventions with someone who is not yet part of it. But, I think with your creative mind you will make many more that will be useful. What I see here is already impressive. I can only imagine what you can do with proper resources." It was a compliment, even a slightly bland one. But with that he nodded slightly towards Asahi, wanting him to see - physically - that he was being positive. These were just small things that Toru had been learning as the Mizukage. Every day, learning how to be just a touch warmer even if it was extremely hard after all that he had known and had experienced.

"Well... Do you have anything else to share with me? I do not wish to hold your time, I only wished to see how you were doing and if you were settling in well."

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