To See Without Eyes [Training]

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To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 12, 2022 12:38:25 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


The clearing near the edge of Konoha's walls had become somewhat of a favorite haunt for Azarea. Though wandering through the Hi no Kuni forests with her own face was still a strange and novel experience. Her travel with Daisuke affording her a level of protection she had not possessed before when she'd arrived in this land for her break neck run of joint missions. The efforts to further haromy between Kumo and Konoha a never ending task and one she took too with a sense of duty and hard work.

Though she would be lying if she admitted that she had not been thrilled to be accepted for such a teaching exchange. The offer to learn Kagura's worth the trade down the line of agreeing to teach another her own jutsu should the village hidden in the Leaves request it. Settling down in the tall grass of the clearing Azarea drew in a slow steady breath shifting into a meditative position. As she expanded her senses and calmed her heart. Awaiting her Sensei to arrive. The Nara were clever people, calculating, and patient. She didn't doubt their capabilities for while they might be slow to rouse at times they finished what they always began. A steadiness to them that resonated with her own doton nature.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 216 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Oct 13, 2022 18:28:57 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 18:16:32 GMT -5
Nara Satoshi
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groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday June 27th rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 2 Leader
This is so troublesome
But I guess I’ll do it.

Rubbing at his bag covered eyes, Satoshi leisurely shuffled through the woods towards what no doubt was going to be his student. The proposition had come as a surprise or well the fact such a thing was offered, considering as it was currently, the nara was certain all users of the ability, bar one, were centered around Konoha.

Not that had been against deepening ties between allies, even if nowadays he was a lot number to what Konoha wanted. At the very least it would be a bonus that competency might get to exploit the ability, unlike a certain village.

Unable to help the derisive snort, Satoshi exhaled a cloud of smoke as he grew ever nearer to his new student. Taking a moment, he took the remains of his cigarette and flicked it away, as it flew it burned into ashes with a minor application of katon.

Shifting away drifting thoughts, he focused on examining the chakra of his to be student and noticed the calm state it currently was alongside the fact the kikaichu roaming inside of her. Breaking into the clearing itself he also finally took in the appearance of the genin as he rose a hand in greeting.

"Yo, you must be Azarea.” came his voice, without any inflection despite noticing the features of the other shinobi. The striking figure, the flowing red hair and even the red eyes made something in his gut clench and twist. His cheek twitched but he suppressed it along side the desire to draw a cigarette and instead focused on his expression remaining placid, not even notching down as strange that she an Aburame from Kumo.

In another setting he might have been a bit more charitable and start with a chat but that was things of the past. Fighting off the smirking visage at the back of his mind he focused on the now and instead cupped his chin while he stopped in front of the other shinobi and asked. "Hmmm, do you have some other sort of sensory or sense you rely more on then eyesight? Also how good is your chakra control?”

Blinking Satoshi realized he hadn’t introduced himself and while he might be off-balance, he wasn’t one to be an ass so was quick to add. "I’m Nara Satoshi by the way, your designated teacher.”

Sure no one else was supposed to be in the clearing and his name should be known but yeah just in case it was good to state the obvious.

Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
After exploring his innate sensory abilities and thanks to his perfect chakra control Satoshi was able to unlock the Kagura Shingan. This ability allows him to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. His able to achieve this effect by focusing and opening his mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost Satoshi is able to keep it active passively at all times (Range is 15km) and increase the range even more with the use of the jutsu(25km). The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including him, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, Satoshi can perceive its location and movement with great detail allowing him to track the movements of even those that are faster than him.

LazyNeko has written 245 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 18:28:37 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea breathed. A steady and slow in and out as within her her hive hummed. The noise of the Kikachu a rythm all their own as the insects reacted to her state of emotions and her state of mind. The woman slowly registering the sound of boots crunching through the brush as she blinked open scarlet eyes to peer up at her teacher. The young woman taking a moment to process his questions before answering with a respectful incline of her head, "I've been working on training my sensory abilities, but have only recently begun to make progress with them. I tend to utilize my Kikaichu mostly. My chakra control however is above the seventy-fifth percentile within range to practice medical ninjutsu if I wished to become one, but my skills lay more in genjutsu." She explains observing the man in return as she offers the dark haired nara the slightest shadow of a smile. Unwilling quite yet to give up the calm that had settled over her with meditation.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Nara-san. As you deduced I'm Azarea. Is there a particular name or title you'd prefer to be referred to by? Some teachers tend to like the term Sensei or Senpai and others would rather avoid it." Azarea inquires with a tilt of her head not wanting to make the man uncomfortable with being too forward should he prefer a more business like distance in their relations as mentor and student.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 240 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Oct 13, 2022 18:30:59 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 19:03:20 GMT -5
Nara Satoshi
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Nara Satoshi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday June 27th rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 2 Leader
This is so troublesome
But I guess I’ll do it.

A hum escaped Satoshi as he took in her response and he was quick to nod his head. "Huh, not a bad level of control. You’ll probably notice a large uptick of that for a bit as well after learning Kagura’s. Self-inspection on that level is useful like that.”

After another nod to himself the nara began to circle the other shinobi, his thoughts whirling with ideas and shifting his plans after those few tidbits of information he had received. He completed a full circle around her when he almost absentmindedly replied. "Satoshi is just fine.”

A crocked smirked graced his lips momentarily as he added. "Not much for formality outside of missions. Honestly, it’s even been years since anyone called me Nara outside of opponents. Though I suppose that speaks more of the company I keep than anything else, no?”

Hand rising to dismissively wave he continued. "But yeah call me whatever you feel comfortable. Now on to teaching you the Kagura’s Mind Eye. Your chakra control and the fact you have practiced a bit your sensory means you have some advantage when it comes to learning so it shouldn’t be hard to start the process.”

Pausing for a moment he quickly added in a question "I actually hadn’t had a lot of contact with Aburame’s or spent time observing them. So, I have to ask do your kikaichu interfere with internal flowing and moving of your chakra in someway or are they not a factor at all?”

Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
After exploring his innate sensory abilities and thanks to his perfect chakra control Satoshi was able to unlock the Kagura Shingan. This ability allows him to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. His able to achieve this effect by focusing and opening his mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost Satoshi is able to keep it active passively at all times (Range is 15km) and increase the range even more with the use of the jutsu(25km). The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including him, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, Satoshi can perceive its location and movement with great detail allowing him to track the movements of even those that are faster than him.

LazyNeko has written 245 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 19:12:52 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"Satoshi-san then," Azarea agrees her eyes following him as he slowly circles her until he is beyond her sight. Her vision shifting to track him then as he comes around the other side. The woman sitting still and patient as he makes his inspection not attempting to hide anything of who or what she was when she had traveled to Hi no Kuni openly for this exchange. Instead she dips her head in acknowledgement meeting his smirk with a small amused one of her own.

"My own Sensei was never much one for formality so sounds like good company." She quips as her heart lightens a touch to hear that while learning the jutsu would still be a task she had some advantages in doing so. Trying to work against the wind as it was while not impossible always made life more difficult. The question about her Kikiachu catches her a touch off guard as she blinks in surprise before offering the Nara a real true smile that lights up her entire face obviously pleased with his thoughtful inquiry.

"Actually they don't really interfere with the moving or flowing of my charka, but they do react to it. Often hives grow calmer or more excited as we speed up or slow down our chakra. I'm not sure if you could hear it... well maybe sense it, but when I was meditating they were almost humming at this low octave. The more excited they get the octave kicks up till it sometimes becomes audible." She explains clearly very enthusiastic about her bugs.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 261|
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 19:54:01 GMT -5
Nara Satoshi
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Nara Satoshi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday June 27th rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 2 Leader
This is so troublesome
But I guess I’ll do it.

Likes her bugs unsurprisingly, is the amused thought that passed through Satoshi’s mind while his own lips twitch upwards, "Fascinating.” pausing momentarily for his eyes to narrow in concentration he quickly picked up. "That does explain the tiny fluctuations of chakra in their bodies, probably in synch with whatever bodily function makes them hum, very useful for genjutsu no doubt.”

More ideas stirred in his brain with the uses that could have but for now he focused on what would be immediately usable. "They do also follow the natural flow chakra takes when idle from what I can sense. That is also something you should learn by the way and your kikaichu will help. It’s no detailed view like some dojutsu would offer for an example, though down the line you should be able to feel the most natural paths your chakra takes. It will also make it easier to break out of genjutsu due to that.”

Rising up from the slight crouch towards Azarea that he had taken, Satoshi cleared his throat. "Now to something not so far off let’s start with the first step of learning Kagura’s Mind Eye. Keeping the mediation position is fine and since you are already good at cycling chakra, I won’t test you on that.”

Pausing Satoshi would reach out his hand towards the other shinobi with his index and pointer finger extended towards her forehead, though he would stop a few inches away before coming into contact to silently gesture if it was alright for him to continue.

If given the go ahead the nara would move to place his fingers gently in the center of her forehead at a specific point. "This spot here, you can channel chakra here. You’ll need to pool it there but instead of trying to expel it you should focus inwards and just tell me what you feel.”

Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
After exploring his innate sensory abilities and thanks to his perfect chakra control Satoshi was able to unlock the Kagura Shingan. This ability allows him to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. His able to achieve this effect by focusing and opening his mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost Satoshi is able to keep it active passively at all times (Range is 15km) and increase the range even more with the use of the jutsu(25km). The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including him, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, Satoshi can perceive its location and movement with great detail allowing him to track the movements of even those that are faster than him.

LazyNeko has written 245 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 20:10:24 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Viewing Pool

"Insect are always more in tune with the world around us then us humans tend to be," Azarea agrees with a soft fond smile. The woman looking thoughtful at his suggestion and the idea of utilizing her Kikaichu in combination with sensing and freeing herself from genjutsu. An idea she would need to investigate later though her mind turns over the possibilities such applications might have. Perhaps she could even breed Kikaichu that were further in tune then her own base hive to aid with such things. A project for another day.

As Satoshi reaches out fingers extended and waiting for her permission to touch Azarea slowly leans forward. Allowing the pads of his fingers to come to rest on the soft warm skin of her forehead like a stray cat leaning into a gentle hand. The young woman closing her eyes once more as she focuses on the point Satoshi is touching before reaching for her reserves. Her chakra is steady and firm like the stone under her feet though slower to rouse. Moving at her command like earth guided by rain as she traces up her pathways slowly till she reaches the Tenketsu she realize Satoshi has rested his finger atop of. Beneath his hand the man can begin to feel Azarea's chakra slowly begin to pool. Just a drop at first, then a palm full, then a small puddle of energy as the young woman's brow furrows.

"It's... I'm not sure how to describe it. It's almost like a drum or a spiders web. I can feel... vibrations of a sort. It's like the chakra around us is echoing." She murmurs attempting to put words to the truly strange sensation. Her mind registering colors almost something again to seeing, but not. Almost as though she was a fish hearing something slap against the surface of the water though rather then hear it with her ears she felt it as much as saw it. Her meager beginnings of sensing prowess registered that her brain must be receiving information, but like a foreign language she wasn't sure how to process it.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 352 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 20:51:44 GMT -5
Nara Satoshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Nara Satoshi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 19 years old birthday June 27th rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 2 Leader
This is so troublesome
But I guess I’ll do it.

Ah her approach to shaping was very doton inspired, he noticed. His forays into the element allowed him some familiarity but he doubted the feeling was quite the same as someone naturally aligned for it. He knew what getting control over his own natural chakra had been after all and the unexplainable ignition that it was.

Still his focused entirely on Azarea and her chakra system, his own eyes closed to allow him further concentration on the matter. At the same time his own chakra surged inside of his body and followed the pattern and movements of the Aburame’s. Past lesson of when he had synced his chakra alongside , his one-time student, were helpful in making sure there was no error on mimicking on his part.

Humming at her explanation and noting how both of their chakras were behaving, Satoshi could vaguely understand her meaning. Still having his eyes closed he replied. "Everyone perceives it a bit differently but in essence what you are feeling is chakra bouncing off the surface of your closed mind’s eye, thus the chakra echoes.”

Maintain his position and cycling of chakra Satoshi spoke up. "What we are going to do now is knock on the gates so to speak and allow you to be more centered and closer spiritually to where exactly your mind eye is. What we are going to do is focus your chakra with some hand seals. From Tiger into Snake and finish with Ram. Tiger and snake as you know are usually associated with Earth release so that should help your focus since it’s your natural alignment.”

Taking a moment for Azarea to follow his instruction Satoshi would continue speaking. "As you do that you should feel your chakra wanting surge as if completing a jutsu so it needs an outlet. Direct it to where my fingers are, allow it to stretch inwards and hit against the drum or impact the center of the web.”

Kagura Shingan [Kagura Mind's Eye]
After exploring his innate sensory abilities and thanks to his perfect chakra control Satoshi was able to unlock the Kagura Shingan. This ability allows him to find, sense, and track individuals through their chakra over vast range that exceeds ten kilometers. His able to achieve this effect by focusing and opening his mind's eye, though due to the low chakra cost Satoshi is able to keep it active passively at all times (Range is 15km) and increase the range even more with the use of the jutsu(25km). The ability also extends to telling when a person is lying from the fluctuations in a person's chakra made from dishonest emotions or detecting if someone, including him, is under a genjutsu. Also by focusing on a particular chakra, Satoshi can perceive its location and movement with great detail allowing him to track the movements of even those that are faster than him.

LazyNeko has written 245 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 13, 2022 21:07:16 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

A Thing of Beauty

Satoshi's explanation was enlightening as Azarea let out a soft humm her Kikaichu mimicing the noise as she felt his chakra sink into her system. It was warm like resting ones hand in the cooling ash of a fire or pressing ones palm against sun warmed stone where his katon nature mingled with her own doton. His chakra focusing and guiding her own as the chaotic sensations began to solidify allowing her mind to parse through them to some extent, but it felt akin to closing ones eyes and seeing the light of a candle through your eyelids. You knew there was light, but the details surrounding it were fuzzy.

"I'm going to attempt the handseals now," Azarea murmurs appreciating Satoshi's warning about the surge of chakra more then she can express with words. She might have otherwise mistake the jutsu as going rogue or failing has she not been aware that it was part of the process. First she carefully forms the Tiger seal feeling her chakra rouse as she maintained the pool at the point of his fingers and also channeled a tendril from her core through the handseals. Her brow furrowing in concentration as the effort tested her concentration. Her hands slowly shifting then into snake, her doton nature humming through the seal as she feels the sudden upsurge Satoshi had described like a landslide held by by her chakra control alone. Then with the final Ram seal she funnels that upswell up chakra through her pathways following the trailing roads they provide to the point just beneath Satoshi's fingers and...

"Oh~" Azarea breaths out in aww her breath catching in her throat. Before the chakra signatures around her had been vibrating off the drum of her closed minds eye, but now as the chakra impacted it sent a wave outwards like ripples across the waters surface lighting up her surroundings in colors she could never begin to describe. Tears pooling beneath her eyes and dampening her lashes at the sight.

"It's beautiful..." She manages to choke out as emotion tightens it's fingers around her throat. The woman cursing that she had not been born a poet or a painter. Her skill with art nowhere near the level of capability to capture the world she saw reflected within her mind. Though she knows she'll spend a lifetime attempting to replicate it on canvas.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 396 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 26, 2022 19:29:29 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea breathes in holding her breath for a few seconds as she concentrates on maintaining her chakra. Before releasing the breath. Tears leaking from her closed eyes as she marvels at the world around her through the Kagura's Minds Eye. Turning her gaze at first outward as she examines Satoshi's chakra network before she sweeps her 'eyes' across the world around her staring fascinated for a moment at a little squirrel hopping along a branch. The creatures delicate fledgling chakra system barely a spark, but as beautiful as a firefly on a summer evening. As Azarea slowly rose to her feet standing tentatively as she crossed the field, feet stumbling a few times over rocks or tufts of grass, as she came to a stop beneath the tree to stare up at the little creature.

"I think I understand now why so few ever ceases using this technique. The world is so much more vibrant when you can see chakra," Azarea murmured wondering if this was how the world looked to the Hyuuga when they activated their byagukan. A small spark of jealousy for the doujutsu forming in her gut for the first time though she quickly pushes it aside. They could only see such things when they used her eyes. Perhaps if she worked to develop Satoshi's level of skill she would be able to maintain this extent of sight near indefinitely.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 233 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 26, 2022 19:39:21 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Stars in The Sky

After a few moments of inspecting the world around her Azarea turned her mind inwards to inspect herself and was nearly blinded. The girl blinking rapidly and nearly losing control of the chakra maintaining the technique at the sight of herself before she managed to regain some semblance of calm. Her chakra gleamed, but not only her chakra, but the chakra contained within her Kikaichu that lit up her body like a sea of stars. Their chakra mingling with her own in harmony like a slowly spinning nebula as Azarea choked back her emotion so as to not cry harder. It wouldn't due to appear to be overly emotional in front of her teacher, but the sight of her hive, her Kikaichu, her friends that she had fought so hard to save against the poison... it left her speechless. Her Kikaichu humming in reassurance. A soft vibration she can feel in her bones and the first lullaby for every Aburame from nearly the day of their birth. A song that was sung throughout the years through good times and bad.

As Azarea concentrated on sending a wave of reassurance and love back to the little insects that made up her body. Her mind pondering now how anyone could find their partnership disgusting. Perhaps if they could see them as she could now they would understand the beauty of their symbiotic relationship. Even as her cheeks colored as Azarea realized that this was why Shigure had not reacted in disgust to her hive and why the Hyuuga bonded so closely with the Aburame. To outsiders the Aburame were strange reclusive insect users, but to the Hyuuga's eyes they were filled with stars.

Ability used Kagura's Minds Eye

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 281| @'person
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 26, 2022 19:46:18 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Shifting her attention from her Hive Azarea settled back down once more in a lotus position. Her hands coming to rest on her knees as she stares as the chakra pathways that makeup her arms. Watches the steady controlled pulse of energy as it cycles through her frame. Examines the pool of chakra at the forefront of her mind and how it acted like the inner membrane of the ear. Pulsing and vibrating against the pathways of her mind sending her brain the information she was slowly beginning to interrupt from the world around her. It was stunning.

Azarea would be lying if she said that she had not resented Konoha on some level for what had been done to her, but this gift... it was enough to soothe her wounded heart. To wipe away that lingering pang of anger and loss. It was worth it to see the world through new eyes as she did now. Her breath coming in slow and steady, in and out as the young woman smiled. A real smile. Not the fake placid platitudes that niceties demanded, but something light and joyful and filled with a simple happiness she had not experienced in so long. Her chakra brightening, if that was possible, with the emotion like the sun cresting over a hill as Azarea observed her own reactions with acute interest. Satoshi had mentioned that with time she would be able to understand others through this technique in addition to detecting genjutsu. The prospects daunting, but worth the work to explore.

Ability Used: Kagura's Minds Eye

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 257 | @'person
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 26, 2022 19:53:49 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Slowly, careful of the slight migraine that was building up at the forefront of her head from the onslaught of information Azarea tried maintaining the ability and opening her eyes. The clash of visual and chakra information had the pain spiking sharply, but prepared for what was to come the young woman stalwartly maintained control. Dealing with the slight initial vertigo of having the chakra information her brain was feeding her overlaid with the sight of the world around her. Azarea more knowing, rather then visually seeing Satoshi's pathways as she stared hard at the man for a moment. Trying to combine the two separate threads of info into one without losing her lunch or losing control of her chakra. Her range, as it was, likely a drop in the bucket in comparison to the man's own as she swallowed thickly and tried standing again. Wobbling a bit like a fresh sailor without see legs as she worked to orientate herself.

"I'll need to practice maintaining it and doing other things." She mutters a bit shy as her cheeks colored with a blush of embarrassment. The young woman taking a slow lap around the field and finding herself glancing at things that brushed across her chakra senses even before her other senses detected them. Spending a whole minute staring at where she knew there must be a little mole beneath her feet before she found the hole to the burrow she had walked over. Before finally having completed her lap, not thrown up, and only suffering a growing migraine Azarea came to a stop before Satoshi.

Ability Used: Kagura's Minds Eye

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 266 | @'person
Keen has written 1,221 posts
To See Without Eyes [Training]Oct 26, 2022 20:05:56 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Heartfelt Thanks

Centering herself Azarea bowed low before Satoshi her face and chakra a blanket of gratitude as the young woman held the position for a moment more, "Thank you Satoshi for teaching me this technique. I won't forget what you and Konoha has done for me in doing this." The Kumo nin swore her voice filled with fervent conviction as she finally allowed her control on the Minds Eye to lapse. The world returning to only her five normal senses and her fledgling chakra sense. Azarea finding the lack of vibrancy... sorrowful, but her pounding head warned her that pushing her body further would only end with her sleeping off the worst chakra hangover of her life as smiling the woman finally straightened.

"I should best turn in so I can be ready for my mission tomorrow morning. Wouldn't want to keep the Barrier Corps waiting." She quipped with a soft chuckle that only left her wincing a little at the noise as her head twinged from the sound. "I guess the headaches will fade with time and practice like aching muscles giving way to hardened ones with exercise." She summarizes before with one last bow the girl turns and departs with a wave and a sunny smile. Hoping that this encounter perhaps had eased the burden she felt weighed the Nara's shoulder's down and that they would see each other again in the future.

Ability Used: Kagura's Minds Eye

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 234 | @'person
Keen has written 1,221 posts