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I Break backsJan 3, 2023 11:28:54 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

Over the last few days the young Okadan had been taking some of the free time she had not being on watch at the chunin exams to focus on something a bit different this time she was going to work on her grappling skills however in this instance when applying the grapple she was attempting to be mindful of the placement of her hands. On the training field she had a shadow clone with her and the two would lock up like always with Taki attempting to go for a takedown and trap the clone into a submission hold, wrenching back on it’s neck with her hands.

Her application was the same as normal but this time she wanted to try and apply force in a different manner visualizing the outline of the skeletal system in her mind and placing her hand directly on the bridge of his nose and attempt to torque it back at just the right angle. "If I do dis right den I should be able ta…” there was a crack and she’d drop the clone onto the ground but it was still moving. "How ya feeling…?” she’d ask the poor, poor shadow clone. "Why…is it…always me…” the clone would writhe on the ground its spine injured but she wasn’t entirely sure where.

"I know I grabbed onta somethin…” she’d wonder to herself not fully sure as to the extent of the injury. On her person she kept a small anatomy book that she’d consult looking over the different forms of injuries. "Damaging the cervical spine can result in quadrpeligia and odda impaired forms of motor function.” the girl would read aloud as the clone seemed to be motionless on the ground. "Can ya move…?” the girl would say looking down at the motionless shadow clone, as it let out a gasp of air only to vanish. "Well…I did somethin right…” she’d place her hands on her chin in order to think on it.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 3, 2023 18:58:42 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
It had felt like forever since Shodaime was in another country. Kuwana was a nice area to be in and was the perfect venue for the Chunin exams. As the area was neutral territory, Konoha and it's allies would not be able to make a move on Shodaime in order to try her for defecting to Amegakure. Though to keep her more protected, Sanosuke had Shodaime come to Kuwana in disguise as a Amegakure shinobi. In public she had to keep her disguise on, in order to not arose suspicion, but in the private training grounds, she was free to be her normal self. Shodaime would walk around the training grounds watching some of the shinobi training and working on their techniques. It was until she walked through the less populated training grounds would Shodaime come across a strange looking shinobi clad in orange, black and white. She was sparring with her own shadow clone, performing techniques to break the clone's back while reading an anatomy book.

"Interesting her taijutsu are nothing like I've seen before, so different than the gentle fist techniques or other taijutsu."

She would say as she continued to observe Taki train.
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 3, 2023 23:07:44 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the girl had seen the last clone disappear she’d craft yet another one. "Alright I’m tyring this again.” the girl would say switching into a boxing stance. "Eyy, wait since when can you box.” the girl would say. "I can’t…I’m just tryin something new…I ain’t much of a striaka but if I’m gonna do it I’d better not miss and hit something dat counts” she’d start throwing her punches but they were sloppy and rather off.

The clone would attempt to weave out of the way of a few but would notice something. "I get it da way you’re punchin…you’re aimin for vital spots.” the clone would think. As the strikes seemingly whiffed due to her own reaction time and her poor pugilistic skills. "Damn it, I can’t land a hit if I aim for her head so maybe…” the girl would throw a feint and aim it straight towards the clones abdomen.

"Alright gotta land dis one…” she remembered the blow she was going for and aimed her strike only for the clone to grasp her head while she was held low. "Yeah, let’s see how you like it!” Her grip was tough but using her gloves she’d grab hold of the clone and send an electric current through her body, forcing her to break the grip she had on her.

In doing so the girl would step behind her pivoting on her feet and grabbing hold of her by the edge of her waist gripping her as tightly as she could, making sure to place her hands in the proper spot squeezing down on the diaphragm and then lifting her over her head and slamming down onto the back of her neck. Upon landing the clone would be motionless and again struggling to breathe, only vanishing after a short moment. "So if I damage the diaphragm, dat causes her to stop breathin…or was dat cause o da spinal trauma.” the girl was having a hard time breaking everything down and opted to take a seat going over her book once again. "Come on I got this…I keep getting stuff mixed up.”





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Taki Okada on Jan 3, 2023 23:08:20 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 4, 2023 1:53:01 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
Shodaime would continue to watch the young girl train. Though her attacks were powerful, her punches were sloppy and inelegant to say the least. The Hyuga were precise with their attacks and always hit their marks, Taki's attacks were imprecise and needed work when it came to focus. Though Shodaime was trying to keep a low profile while in Kuwana, trying to help someone train shouldn't draw too much attention to her. She figured now was no other better time to make herself known to Taki.

"Your punches are sloppy and unfocused you know. If you focused on where you're attacking, then your strikes would land better and they would hit even harder." Shodaime would say to Taki, stepping out from her spot near a tree. She wasn't sure how the girl would react to her criticisms.

"If you want, I can help you with your training, I know a thing or two about effective, focused attacks."
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 4, 2023 12:00:09 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As Taki practiced her techniques on her poor shadow clone she’d take a seat and go back to her studied looking over the book she held on her hands she’d hear a voice call out to her but the second she looked out towards who was calling out to her she’d spot the white eyes and a wrath came over as she indignantly rose to her feet and stood towards the one armed woman.

"Fuck you think you’re doin ere…you eye-ball bastard.” Hyuuga a clan that Taki hated more than anything seeing them brought back memories of a specific individual. She took her critique as an insult and didn’t want her help.

"With Dhose big blind buy-eyes o yours I figured you’d be able to fucking read and realize dat your designated area is ova dere…” she’d say pointing towards the secondary training area, that separated shinobi from different alliances from each other in order to avoid espionage.

As she turned away from the woman and revealing the Anti-Konoha sigil on her back. "So how bout you take your one armed ass and get goin a-fore i remove da odda one, I don’t need SHIT from you!” there was venom in her voice it was clear her distaste was high for this woman simply due to where she was from, but little did she know who the woman actually was.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 4, 2023 18:13:50 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
It seemed the girl was still upset by her loss against Shigure during the last chunin exams. It also seemed like the girl wasn't really all that observant at all either. Not only did Shodaime not have any headband or marker to indicate she was from Konoha, it was well known throughout the world, that a Hyuga woman defected from Konoha. If Taki put two and two together maybe she would get it.

"I never said I was from Konoha, and there's a reason for my missing arm. Even with just one arm, I could probably kick your ass. After all, Shigure was able to kick your ass with two."

She would continue to walk into the training grounds. She wasn't intimidated at all by Taki's threats, she was just a teen, what damage could she possibly do?

"Besides, it's rare for someone to offer help when they see someone struggling, especially when the one offering the help is an expert in anatomy and being able to strike areas effectively for maximum damage potential."
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 4, 2023 20:05:39 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

The girl stated that she wasn’t from Konoha but at the same time what she didn wasn’t making matters any better. She grimace at the woman a scowl etched on her face, she wanted to charge her much like she would anyone from that particular neck of the woods.

But then something hit her she remembered what she’d heard about the Ame Lord practically embarrassing the forces of Konohagakure in order to break someone out of the village. "Hold up, are you dat chick dey got outta da land of fire…?” hearing that the girl would rub her hands together and a hoarse sounding chuckle would escape her lips.

"Ohohohohohoooh…alright den…allow me ta reintroduce myself, da name is Taki "Bakudan” Okada.” the girl seemed to have changed her tune relatively quickly, pointing to herself and then extending out her hand towards the woman for her to shake the rather unusual gesture of the Okada themselves. "And any defector from da leaf is an ally of mine…and do I have some questions for you, but foist you got any pointas for me?” the girl would say looking to her rather eagerly.

She may have been a Jounin but is very much a teenager and felt like she had a goldmine on her hands with the woman in front of her. She had been working for the longest time to get as much information as she could on the village and not only did this woman have it in spades but she was from the one clan that she hated the most.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 4, 2023 21:03:00 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
Was this girl serious? One moment she's insulting her, the next she's singing her praises. Was Shodaime really going to be helping this girl after all that she had said to her. Shodaime gave it a tiny thought and a devilish smile would come across her face. She would mess with the young rock shinobi for now and see what she would do then help her.

"Oh now you want me to help you? What am I just a tool for you to use, after insulting me? You're just like the leaf shinobi I escaped from, all two faced and no substance. I see no reason to help you."

She would say as she turned and began to walk away. Shodaime still had every intention of helping Taki,, it's just when she had the chance to mess with someone, she had to take that opportunity. Hopefully Taki wouldn't take her words too harshly.
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 5, 2023 11:32:37 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the girl would walk away from her denoting that she seemed to be insulted by what she said, Taki felt her golden opportunity slipping away from her she needed to do something in order to rectify this and fast, if she left this might be one of the only opportunities she’d have in order to get what she needed and get one up on those eye ball bastards that she desperately needed.

"Eyy, I was just messin…” the girl would say speeding ahead, trying to run past her and stopping right in front of her a bashful look on the girls face. "Honest…Iwa and Konoha ain’t exactly on da best toims and I didn’t know where ya stood is awl honest.” the girl would say trying to salvage the mess of a situation that she found herself in. As she stood in front of the woman she’d let out a sigh.

"Look my bad…I really could usa da pointa’s though.” she didn’t all that many options outside of a few medics who were busy but this was a wealth of information she just couldn’t pass up hopefully her apology was enough to regain the woman’s favor, but she wasn't about to embarrass herself





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Taki Okada on Jan 5, 2023 11:35:07 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 5, 2023 13:04:28 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
Shodaime was going to have one bit of fun before helping out Taki with her training. She knew how much Taki hated Shigure for beating her in the Chunin Exams the previous year and she was going to exploit that hatred. She was going to give her an ultimatum and if she didn't take it, well she would still help her but if she did take it, it would be a laugh and a hell of a story she would tell Shigure.

"Fine I'll help you, I just want you to do one thing, Admit Shigure was the better fighter in the chunin exams when he beat you."

Shodaime would cross her arms awaiting the orange clad kunoichi's answer. A small smile would cross her face, she couldn't await the look on her face.
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 5, 2023 20:21:58 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the woman would make another remark about saying that she’d train her if she had only mentioned that Shigure had beaten her in the chunin exams. That struck a chord with the girl but not in the way that the one armed white eyed witch would think. Taki would stop and really reflect on dat statement. "You’re trying to get a rise outta me I get it…” the girl would say.

"And ya know what…you’re right he did beat me.” she’d look over at the woman. "But I ain’t da same brat I was when I fought hi awl dat time ago, and when I see him again he ain’t taking da w dis time.” the girl would ball her fist a searing heat building up in her heart it was about more than just her pride it was her family.

He was a strong man on the side of an enemy that if they so wished could walk right in and be a threat to her family and there was no way she could let someone like that live, not if she could help it. "So if ya done beatin around da bush…I’d appreciate the lesson, why do you even care ain't he like ya enemy?” the girl would say giving the woman room to move, she may have been a teenager but she didn’t get to that rank for nothing.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Taki Okada on Jan 5, 2023 20:22:47 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 5, 2023 20:58:41 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
Oh well it was worth a shot to try and get her to admit he was better but it seems like she wasn't easily toyed with. She was kinda impressed that Taki was able to hold her ground so good against her words. Though Shodaime was living in Amegakure now, she still cared about Shigure and the rest of the Hyuga clan. She didn't care for the politics of Konoha but she still loved her family.

"He maybe from Konoha, but he's still family. I still care for the Hyuga clan and it's people. I think you need to understand, that just because he's from an enemy village, doesn't make him an enemy. Hell before I defected, I became friends with the Ame lord."

She hoped that Taki understood this. Many politics of the villages were stupid and were unnecessary, like the separation of main and side branches of Hyuga clan before Shigure changed that.

"He's like a little brother to me, I don't think I could ever turn my back on him. The only reason I did leave though was because of Konoha. I wish we didn't have to fight, I just wish the world was just one place where everyone could live their lives."
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 5, 2023 22:48:18 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the girl would speak mentioning that he was like family to her the girl nearly wanted to wretch, she had no idea how deep those feelings she had ran was it even a good idea for the two to even still be here? She was starting to regret starting up a conversation, it doesn't matter how much of a medic you are she sounded a little too chummy with her former friends on the other side.

"You’re on the odda side, do you really tink dat he gives a good god damn.” She was about to mention something else to simply dismiss the woman not really wanting anything to do with her at this point seeing as they couldn't see eye to eye, however she had mentioned the Ame Lord and how the two had struck up a friendship which to her sounded dangerous.

"Just means you ain't got no damn loyalty...you could be selling us out for awl I know...but lord Sanosuke wouldn't make you a shinobi if he didn't trust ya...so I guess I can too." that would prompt the girls brow to raise, she knew it was too good to be true but she couldn't be too trusting, she'd then go on to talk about how he was like a little brother to her and how she wishes didn't have to fight him. "What'd you even do anyway...?" the girl was genuinely curious she knew that she had left the village but didn't know the reason as to why.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Taki Okada on Jan 5, 2023 22:49:42 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,707 posts
I Break backsJan 6, 2023 0:12:22 GMT -5
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
Who the fuck did this girl think she was talking to. She had zero knowledge of why she had done the things she had done, yet Taki felt the need to inject her own opinion. Yet just as she was about to get way too heated, Taki said the smartest thing she said this entire conversation. Shodaime would calm herself down and finally say something back to Taki to answer the question she asked her.

"I left the village due to the Hyuga Clan's treatment of side branch members and to be with someone who I thought was dead. Though the Hyuga clan is finally fixed now, the person I wanted to be with is gone, so you could say I'm not with him anymore."

She wasn't sure why she was telling Taki all of this, but it felt good to get it off her chest and actually tell someone about this. She hoped maybe one day, Taki would be able to see what Shodaime saw in her clan and be able to understand her.
Shodaime has written 355 posts
I Break backsJan 15, 2023 23:14:09 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the woman had mentioned everything she told her story she said she ran off to be with someone who she thought was dead and now that her clan was fixed the person she wanted to be with was gone the reasoning seemed kind of baffling and she was coming at her with a ton of information she had no context on.

"Whoa whoa, slow down dere, side branch, what da hell?” the girl would ask looking towards her with a raise brow her clan never had anything like that what kinda weird custom is that, she knew those Konoha scum were a bunch of kooks.

But despite all of that it looked like she was ready to spill all the beans so maybe she should hear her out this kind of information could be invaluable. So instead she’d simply just sit and listen, but she was seeming a bit antsy she was attempting to train after all and this was biting into her time, but she’s learned that patience is a virtue so maybe she should slow her roll. Who knows what she could get out of her.

Admittedly however she felt her reasons for leaving were on the weaker side. "Who leaves dere village for some dick, must be desperate.” the girl would think to herself her face flat but attentive as she waited for the woman to continue, hoping to see what more she could tell her.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Taki Okada on Jan 15, 2023 23:14:40 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,707 posts

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