CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs Uchiha

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CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 16, 2023 19:22:51 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 600 | notes


The matchups were called one by one and Miroru had to swallow the urge to sigh.

What does it matter who you fight, ant? Every win eliminates someone. Your fight is no different.

Miroru did her best to ignore the spiteful old fox muttering in her ear. In her head. This sucked, no matter what he said. Itsi-kun and Uriko-chan were stuck fighting each other. Yaki-chan and Shinde-chan, too. And she had to take on the smart kid from her own group. Shosuke. Dang it.

Stop whining. You get to prove how powerful we are now. Don't waste time griping.

I'm not going to show you off. Not here. That's dumb. There's other villages here. I'll win or lose on my own.

We agree on half of that, at least.

Couldn't be a stranger. Couldn't be matched up at random. Just down the line matchups. Which was fair, but. She suspected it was going to leave a lot of partnerships against each other. She'd been lucky she and Itsuki had been split up.

But only a little lucky.

Either way, she was the second match from the top, which she didn't love- she would have preferred to participate later, and get more information from how all this was going down, but that wasn't her lot, it seemed- so after observing Rumble-san and Grumble-san fight it out, she descended into the arena herself, peering across the arena at Shosuke.

"I guess they just picked names down the list from each of our rooms. It's been good working together. I'm sorry for not knowing your name, I don't think anyone shared it, even after you figured out the trick of the scales. Everyone's got their own reasons to be here, their own dreams... but I guess that doesn't matter anymore. So!" she said, unshouldering her staff as the referee's hand went up, about to signal the start of the match. "- my name is Miroru...

-and I'll be your opponent today."


The ref dropped his hand, the match began, and Miroru disappeared into a streak of lightning, erasing the distance between them in an instant. As she erupted across the arena, she let Raiton chakra flow into the curious wood of her staff, activating its paralytic properties, and in the moment of blinding speed afforded by the high-end Taijutsu technique, unleashed a flurry of blows with the electrified staff, hoping to deliver so much of a debilitating shock as to render Shosuke unable to fight without having to hurt him overmuch!

The THEORY of it all was sound- she was fast, her reflexes were faster still, likely to let her act before most others, and utilizing high-end jutsus to become far faster still? What with her weapon and chakra being both of exceedingly high quality, it seemed a solid strategy- but who knew what Shosuke might come up with?

Raiippo'd over to blitz him with an activated Power Pole! Ignore the slicy bits of the gif, she's just whapping him with the cattle prod staff a bunch to attempt to make him pass out before he can do any scary doctor stuff!

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 4c/7i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
last edit by Uchiha Miroru on Feb 17, 2023 8:43:33 GMT -5
Threnody has written 1,188 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 19, 2023 16:39:11 GMT -5
Yamamoto Shosuke
"Its just one thing after another..."
Yamamoto Shosuke Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 17/05 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 1
Hmm... well, Sho thought, this was smart. Inconvenient but smart.

The role of a Shinobi was to do whatever it took to get the mission done, to protect the village, to save as many people as possible. As a result, there would be times in the future where one might be forced to go against one's allies if they betrayed the village or if they proved sympathetic to an enemy that needed to be destroyed, or any other number of reasons. History was littered with events like this in the field of battle, and so it made a sick sort of sense that this would be how they would get it to work.

Even still, as Sho walked into the light of the arena, his eyes fixated on the person in front of him. This girl that he had been working with not moments earlier to try and get over some puzzle. He supposed, in the end, the result would be the same regardless of who they put in front of him. He either had to win or lose a one-on-one fight.

In other words, this didn't look great.

As they both stepped forwards, preparing for their duel, it seemed she had some parting words that she wanted to get in before anything else, thanking him for his participation in the earlier room. Sho, for his part, simply shook his head, brown hair cascading around him like a shaggy dog shaking loose water accumulation.

"And here I thought I talked too much..."

With that, the fight was on.


Miroru shot across the tourney grounds like a bullet, approaching Sho at an extremely rapid pace, wielding their baton. Of course, he had to be paired with someone who knew taijutsu. Her reaction speed was faster than his, shooting in and getting several strikes in. Fortunately, Sho was wearing his full body lab-coat, and so whilst her strikes with the pole stung their impact was softened ever so slightly. What was more worrying was the stunning effect.

Each strike with the pole caused electricity to shoot out, crackling into him. They stung, they deeply hurt, but Miroru's own technique was causing her to be less effective. She struck over and over again, meaning only small amounts of electricity could pierce his body at once. A stun baton, used properly, was supposed to make maintained contact with the victim in order to cause muscle fluctuations, disable the opponent by making their own body betray them. By striking him over and over, as much as it hurt, the electricity simply didn't have time to have the desired result.

Still, enough of a beating and Sho would definitely end up on the losing end of this fight.

Slamming his hands together, Sho was there one moment and the next he was not, his body disappearing as he violently shunted across the arena himself, this time forcing a break between the two of them. At the same time, his hands wove together in sudden, violent bursts - She was a taijutsu specialist, that much was clear, so he didn't have the luxury of pulling off big, complicated schemes like he had against the kid or against the other Konoha shinobi he had fought recently. No, he had to go big but simple.

As he finished weaving his hand signs, a wave of green energy shot out from around him, enormous green vines shooting out of the ground throughout the arena, reaching up into the sky like the amassed arms of hundreds of wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tubemen, only far more sinister.

Within a second of manifesting within the arena, they all shot out to Miroru, tentacle-like appendages moving to grab her and disable her, to steal her staff, and if she wasn't careful, to break her bones.

These were the same arms that had violently snapped the necks and mutilated the bodies of those bandits back in the Land of Lightning. He knew just what they were capable of, but he also knew that he couldn't afford to hold back. Not here, and not now, and not against her.

That was why he didn't like taijutsu specialists. Beyond simply being brutes, they were almost socially engineered not to know when to surrender.

710 words | @event

Jutsus Used
NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique] 
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General] 
DESCRIPTION: By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

NAME: Budō o sasu [Strangling Vines]
ELEMENT: Mokuton
DESCRIPTION: Once the shinobi completes the handseals vines grow up from the ground within thirty feet winding their way up trees or ledges to drape down and spreading over the likes of a building in a lattice like pattern. From then on the plants will appear to simply be normal dormant vines, but will attempt to entangle and strangle anyone that touches them or comes within their reach of five feet who is not their original caster or designated by their caster. This justu was often left behind as a trap by the Senju or cast over their homes or outposts to prevent intrusion.
Gesicht has written 436 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 20, 2023 11:23:50 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 632 | notes
Shosuke's analysis of her style being less than optimal was absolutely correct, though not being from Konoha, it was likely he wasn't aware of just WHY she fought the way she did with the weapon. While it was accurate that sustained contact would be a more reliable way to shut down her opponent, the truth of it was that once electrically charged, Blood Wood had a tendency to eat through hard materials it was held against- like bones.

It wasn't a failure to understand her weapon that was impeding her offense, it was an attempt to avoid maiming her opponent.

A quick movement, and Shosuke disengaged, giving Miroru pause- and ultimately leaving her to dart backwards and keep moving until the jutsu completed and swamped the area for dozens of feet around Shosuke in choking, tangling vines. As fast as Miroru was, it wasn't hard to clear the five feet between her and the edge of the initiating effect, much less the vine's reach besides, but the eruption of vegetation was still shocking as she looked back at the denied area still swallowed by vines.

The instant she was confident she was outside the reach of the attack, she pivoted and flashed one extremely quick handseal, surrounding herself with smoke that billowed outwards rapidly in two heavy bursts, starting with the first seal. When the smoke cleared mere instants later...

Shosuke was... VERY outnumbered.


Now, to a calm observer the events would be clear- Miroru's handseals were extremely quick, and there was a very brief window after creating her clones where they obscured by the smoke generated by that process- and the Academy Clone technique was a mere three handseals long. The vast majority of what what Shosuke found himself facing were completely harmless facsimiles- but as two dozen Miroru's started to draw shuriken, he'd be forgiven for not immediately noticing the distinction between clones, shadow clones, and the original.

And then he heard a clap from behind the crowd.


Even before the words rang out, the stone of the arena floor was already creeping up between the vines around Shosuke's feet, as if responding to the clap itself. It wasn't painful, and of all the places to be immobilized, there were far worse locations than in the middle of his vines.

At least, it would be if it weren't for all those clones with very real looking shuriken.

The clones started taking turns talking. Or, more accurately, four of them did. Which mean there were at least four real clones in the mix- emphasized as they started chucking shuriken his way, clanging as they stuck into cracks in the stone and rocks around him, dragging wires held taut by their positions- empty threats by any visible measure.

"I don't want to hurt you."
"Just give up and we're done."
"You can stop now, or after my jutsu finishes encasing you in stone."
"I'm pretty sure I've got enough clones to wait out whatever tricks you have left."
"And if I can't, that just means I have to turn you into a pincushion before we're through."
"And I'd rather not."
"So are we turning this into a shooting gallery?"
"Or can we call it here without anyone needing a stretcher?"
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu used, and then the clones all used Bunshin no Jutsu (Handseal Speed SA to do so quickly before their summon smoke vanished) to make a bunch of harmless clones to further improve the apparent danger of Miroru's forces.

Chinrin used to immobilize Shosuke within his vine field.

Kashikoi Kanami Kōsoku prepared.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 4c/7i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
last edit by Uchiha Miroru on Feb 20, 2023 11:24:39 GMT -5
Threnody has written 1,188 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 20, 2023 12:47:54 GMT -5
Yamamoto Shosuke
"Its just one thing after another..."
Yamamoto Shosuke Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 17/05 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 1
Miroru was right about one thing - Shosuke was outnumbered. Even discounting the illusionary clones, he was still outnumbered a good five to one. It was a fight that could, and indeed should, have ended with him getting absolutely pummeled into the ground. However, there was one key thing that Miroru neglected; Shosuke may be the only person in this fight, but when it came to numbers, it was far from as simple as five to one.

More like sixty to five.

The great vine tentacles rose up as a series of fondling, noodle-like appendages, reaching out of the arena and threatening to choke anyone who stood too close. Miroru, for her part, was smart enough to not stand in their way, to get out of their reach, but it was like fighting in a bamboo forest. There was no real way to maintain eye contact with her opponent, especially not as the bushes seemed to move, to flail, to slap.

Then came the clap, and the sensation of beginning to sink into the very ground itself. Without knowing her name, it was impossible to know that this wasn't doton, that this wasn't some earthen technique designed to tomb him into the ground. Indeed, the very earth underneath him seemed to grow weak, to grow vulnerable, to begin to draw him in like the protagonist in some old kid's cartoon.

But whilst it seemed to refuse to break, it was a slow and gradual process - He would probably have a few minutes to win the fight and disable this technique before it claimed him.

If she thought that was enough to intimidate him, to scare him, to cause him to surrender, she would have another thing coming.

Through the waving field of arms, a structure suddenly appeared. Crystalline and blue, thrumming with energetic life. it was clear what it was - An enormous, circular wall, built on all sides of where Sho was. He was certain that, if she tried, she could easily break it. But she would probably take a moment or two to consider her options before she did so, she seemed like the kind of person who felt the need to hold back, even in a moment like this.

As if to add incentive to hold back, he spoke, returning the words of the clones with his own.

"... What are you doing?" Sho asked, his tone quizzical and confused as she continued, as if trying to form an actual conversation with her. All the while his legs seemed to continue to sink into the earth, mud beginning to crawl and cake up his legs.

"Are you actually trying to scare me? I would advise against it, you're not very good at it. If you genuinely believe I'm going to surrender before I get hurt, you don't understand the first thing about being a Shinobi.

Our entire job relies on us being willing to put ourselves into harms way on a daily basis - If its not getting turned into a pincushion by you, it's getting set on fire by the next guy or being drowned by the next. If I wasn't okay with experiencing pain, I wouldn't be here.

But you... what kind of girl shows mercy when she should be focusing on making a good impression? Even if I don't beat you, I can still look good enough in front of my Kage to prove myself worthy of the rank.

What does indecision, fear of action, hesitation unto the end show? Is this the face you want to put on in front of your kage? In front of your family?"

As he spoke, Sho's hand slipped back into his shoulder, mounted bag, quickly slipping something out and placing it over his face. Behind the barrier and the field of waving tendrils, it would be hard to make out what it was. But if she looked particularly hard, she would recognize what it was, and would likely become confused by it. A gasmask?

With this donned, if she made the mistake of breaking the barrier, he would reply by throwing out a series of small pellets towards the central mass of her bunshn. A weaponized form of the same concoction he used to knock his patients out prior to operations. A weaponised sleeping gas that would spread throughout the room like a cloud of noxious, paralyzing gas.

727 words | @open

Jutsus Used
NAME: Kekkai: Kabe (Barrier: Wall)
TECH TYPE: Universal | Ninjutsu
CHAKRA USAGE: Very low - Very High depending on size of wall/ Very Low to maintain
DESCRIPTION: The user creates a solid wall like barrier that appears almost instantly anywhere within a 15ft radius. The wall itself is highly durable and requires D ranked jutsu power to shatter anything lower would simply be ineffective against the wall if not outright break after coming in contact with it, with weapons would need to be empowered with chakra to do any damage though that are not are ineffective with projectiles harmless clattering down to the ground. The wall can be sprung up in a moments notice and the shape and size of it varies depending on the users preference and chakra use (anywhere between 5ft and 15ft tall). As many walls can be made as the user wishes to make (or have the chakra to make) however the plus side is that once the walls are created they take no chakra to maintain. Requires three hand seals.

Items used: Gasmask, Sleeping Agent
Gesicht has written 436 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 20, 2023 17:17:36 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 613 | notes

"Scare you? No."

One of the four speakers responded, another taking up the explanation afterwards. "This is a mission. It has parameters for its execution, and parameters for its conclusion."

Another spoke up, another direction. "And one of the tasks required of a Shinobi is prioritization."

A third. "Your health, and life, are resources. To you and your village, and our villages are not opposed. So for me to injure you unnecessarily is a waste of allied resources. You're responsible for the same. Do you think you'd be praised for having an avenue to escape a losing situation, and instead insisting on staying and sacrificing your health or life for no gain to the village? Don't get me wrong, there's a place for last stands, but your village gains nothing from you getting turned into target practice as opposed to stepping down and preserving their own resources."

The fourth. "Whereas my parameters for success are equally fulfilled whether you're intact, pincushioned, or a terra cotta Kumonin. From where I'm sitting, showing the breadth of awareness to avoid risking village resources, avoid risking allied resources, and achieve the same results without those losses? I'm not seeing where you think that's a bad impression, somehow."

The first again. "Unless you think this is all indicative of an unwillingness or inability to deliver a killing blow."

The third. "In which case, sorry to burst your bubble, but that ship has sailed. I don't have to prove that to anyone anymore."

Second. "I'm not trying to scare you, dude. You're from my Onee-chan's village. So this?"

Four again. "This is just bein' efficient- and tryin' to be nice. "

The second spoke up again. "So what's your call? You've already demonstrated access to a nightmare Mokuton jutsu, remarkable durability, preparation in both equipment and jutsu to show up with tools to not only get out of but prevent melee engagement; but that jutsu's gonna entomb you if I don't release it. So what now? You gonna tip over your king? Or you want the impression your kage gets from this to be "inability to disengage from a lost cause"?"

Chinrin was doing its job, and she didn't need to expose herself to the vine field, to whatever tricks he had behind that barrier- all she had to do was wait. Which she was doing, well behind the spread-out cluster of clones and off towards one end of them lest she be predictable, next to two particularly taut wires anchored into the stone during the barrage earlier. She was crouched down to stay out of sight, letting him draw whatever conclusions he liked about the targets he could see and the clones doing her speaking. As long as he was content to sit behind his barrier, in his Mokuton minefield, and keep talking, she didn't mind. But the moment she saw anything mildly concerning, or if he was determined not to surrender...

All she had to do was kick one wire to trap him, and use a single jutsu to electrocute the wires and end this.

Has not broken the barrier and so not triggered Shosuke's prepared action to gas the clones

.No new jutsus used, but ready and waiting to activate Short Circuit, kick one wire to trigger Kashikoi Kanami Kōsoku to snap the wiretrap shut around him, and grab onto the remaining wire to taze her trapped target until he passes out from the B-rank technique (more than enough to smash the barrier) if he doesn't surrender.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 4c/7i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
last edit by Uchiha Miroru on Feb 20, 2023 17:18:35 GMT -5
Threnody has written 1,188 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 21, 2023 9:22:05 GMT -5
Yamamoto Shosuke
"Its just one thing after another..."
Yamamoto Shosuke Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 17/05 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 1
A mission, huh?

It was weird - Sho was new to this side of the world, there were things that he simply had never done before, and he had only really been in active service for about six months. So perhaps that was why calling this a mission felt wrong to him. Yes, there was an objective, but there was no real stakes for failure besides looking stupid and not getting the promotion they were all craving. Pain, humiliation, but unless someone really went against the spirit of the event there was nothing more intense than that.

Seen that way, it was almost as if it was more of a game, or a live-fire drill. They were acting out the way they would act if this was an actual genuine fight, but both knew somewhere in the back of their minds that this didn't have real, full stakes.

Even if this entombing technique were to finish, to completely suck him in, he was certain she wouldn't actually use it to kill him. Perhaps that was naïve, but he could tell there was something about her that seemed trustworthy.

Perhaps that was why he was so completely unafraid to continue fighting. Even if he got injured, even if he was sent to the hospital, that was the worst it could be. A couple of days' stay and then he would be back on his feet, representing the village, and...

He paused as she mentioned her onee-san.

That was new, information that he hadn't had access to before but was now made to make a decision on. She was related to someone from Kumogakure? Or perhaps it was less of a biological relationship and more of a dynamic, some sort of relationship forged of bond not blood. Either way, he could tell in the way that she spoke that it was sincere.

He might not have been the best at reading emotions but he liked to think he had a good ability to tell truth from fiction and this didn't come off as a bluff to him.

A part of him knew that he shouldn't ask, that knowing would only make it harder to continue, to make the continuation of the fight all the more difficult, but there was a part of him that wouldn't be satisfied if he didn't have the answer.

"Your Onee-san you just mentioned... Who are they? They someone I should know?"

He had made friends in his time here, there was Atagi and the brat, and even if he didn't like him he still held an odd respect for that Hyuga bastard. But none of them were people that he would be willing to call Onee-san. Either this girl made bonds entirely too quickly or there was something else going on here that he was unaware of.

469 words | @open

Jutsus Used: None

Gesicht has written 436 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 21, 2023 19:15:30 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 370 | notes


Miroru answered without hesitation. It wasn't a secret that they were close. She'd stormed Miroru's hotel room to put the hypothetical boot to Pervert-san after he crashed her balcony; they trained together constantly, and it didn't take more than one or two times seeing the taller redhead muss Miroru's hair to see the bond between them. Heck, if Shosuke recalled, he'd had a chance to see her do exactly that  before this round began.

"She'd understand if I had to get violent, but that's just one card in my deck. Tons of ninjas can kill their targets. It's a much rarer skill set to be able to take a target alive, and rarer still to be able to negotiate a superior outcome to the expected parameters of an assignment. That's the impression I'm looking to leave. It's easy- inevitable, really- to prove your capacity for violence once you start taking live missions. I'm not wanting in opportunity or capability to show I can hurt people."

The fox laughed inside her head. It wasn't pleasant. Deep, rumbling, like the world inside her was shaking at its core at the mere expression of its amusement.

She supposed it was.

"I'm trying to show I've got other tools I can use. Diplomacy... patience... stuff like that. If you really want, this can end violently instead, but it's gonna mean time and effort from someone's medics that could be better used caring for someone with a less fairminded opponent."

Waiting only really served her. It let the slow-acting genjutsu further disable Shosuke. She didn't try to pressure him further- he didn't seem the sort to respond to pressure like that- and just let him talk as he liked, staying on guard in case she needed to spring her trap after all.

Still at the ready to use her enhanced reflexes to spring the smart wire trap and electrify the wires with Short Circuit at a moment's notice.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 4c/7i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,188 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 22, 2023 6:41:51 GMT -5
Yamamoto Shosuke
"Its just one thing after another..."
Yamamoto Shosuke Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 17/05 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 1
As she said that name, a sudden awkward silence held in the air.

Azarea. Of course it had to be Azarea. It couldn't be anybody else. He supposed it made sense, she WAS an Aburame, they came from Konoha so if anyone was going to be a bridge between a Konoha-nin and a Kumo-nin it was going to be her.

But as much as it made logical sense, it felt unfair. Perhaps this was petulant, but he wanted to fight, to show off his stuff, to win. He had worked hard over the last six months to improve his skills, to make a good showing, to get people to acknowledge him as more than just a medical worker.

Were it anyone else, he would have considered this unimportant and continued the fight. Even if it was someone that he liked or had a certain fondness for, he would have still thrown himself at her full force and apologized to them later. But Azarea was a unique case, he felt loyal to her in the same way that he felt loyal to the Raikage.

Sure, she didn't have that level of office or authority, but she was that kind of person to him.

They had been together in his first mission, he had healed her when her insects had been malformed, they had interfaced with the drunken lush that was the Lady of Kusa together. In such a relatively short time, Azarea had quickly become one of the more important people in his life outside of his immediate family.

As a result, even in a game like this, hurting someone who was part of her family? And a member of her family who hadn't betrayed her and hurt her and stripped her of her surname? It felt wrong to fight them.

A part of him deeply wanted to, even still. If he surrendered now, he was going to be making a fool out of himself. All that good shit he spoke just a second ago, and now he was just going to throw it all away?

He knew how it was going to make people think about him back in the village, that he should have just stayed in the hospital, that the one who had walked away from the life of a shinobi was still not a true Shinobi, that he was a coward and a weakling.

But between embarrassing himself and hurting someone Azarea cared about? He knew which one he would pick, every time.

Almost seeming to ignore her words after that point, the first thing she would notice was that the barrier glowing throughout the arena dissipated into raw chakra. Then the vines did the same. Unlike the barrier, they held physical state and thus didn't just disappear, but they withered and decayed and fell to the ground like enormous snakes coiling around each other in their nest. They clearly weren't just dormant, from the quickly darkening green color they turned it was clear that they weren't alive any more.

Then, in the middle of the arena, Sho stood, his hands on his face removing the gasmask and tossing it over into the corner. In the universal sign of surrender, his hands moved up to show his palms, making it clear his intention was not to fight her as he began to walk towards her position.

"You're really lucky Azarea is important to me..."

He sighed, disappointment obvious in the way that he held his body language, before continuing.

"Diplomacy isn't really part of this tournament, we probably aren't going to be given time to have peace talks. If we don't continue the fight in the next few moments, they're probably going to disqualify one of us. Probably me, considering I'm the one who just dropped their jutsu and approached you.

So, if you really want to negotiate an end to this peacefully? Let's be generous and say you've got thirty seconds before I'm just kicked out."

His eyes met hers, with an annoyed look of reproach.

"Please tell me I didn't just get disqualified for an empty thanks and a pat on the back from my Senior."

691 words |

Jutsus Used: None
last edit by Yamamoto Shosuke on Feb 22, 2023 6:42:08 GMT -5
Gesicht has written 436 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 22, 2023 9:52:05 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
meepington Avatar
age birthday rank occupation

As the two participants stood looking to each other there was a silence as their battle took place among the remaining participants. "Yamamoto Shosuke? Are you surrendering this bout?” the proctor would say as he looked towards the bespectacled young man and the orange haired girl, he raised his hands up but the proctor assumed he was ready to surrender keeping his hands at the ready. The boy had his hands raised but appeared to be looking for something from the woman whomst he was doing battle with a negotiation of some kind it was hard to say either way he’d keep his hands at the ready as the other proctors and participants watched on from in the stands a few dozen feet above the arena.

has written 88 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 22, 2023 11:39:54 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 144 | notes
"You didn't," Miroru reassured. "I'll teach you the trick to breaking the Doton jutsu that trapped you in the first place, for one. You should come talk to Onee-chan with me after this, too. It'll make even more sense then, promise."

The proctor poses a question to clarify things, and Miroru stays quiet, letting Shosuke answer the question on his own without pressure. Or at least any additional pressure. The situation was better than it could be- electrical burns tend to make every situation worse, after all- but she knew it was a hell of a pill to swallow regardless, and gave him as much dignity as she could in the process.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
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Threnody has written 1,188 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 22, 2023 16:08:28 GMT -5
Yamamoto Shosuke
"Its just one thing after another..."
Yamamoto Shosuke Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 17/05 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 1
... That was it? That was the offer?

Shosuke was out here humlliating himself in front of the world, he knew that he was going to get yelled at by the Raikage for not even trying to win, and her idea of a consolation prize was that he would learn to get over her doton technique? A technique that he had never experienced before or would ever experience again with all likelihood?

This wasn't a consolation prize, this was a spit in the face, just as much as a loogie rolling down his chin would have been.

But, still... Azarea..

"I wasn't kidding earlier - You don't understand people, at all.

You try to negotiate in a situation where negotiation is meaningless. You try and scare people who aren't liable to be rocked by fear, and now when asked to give something back in exchange for an act of good faith? Your pockets are as empty as your promises."

The way that he spoke, the disgust at this situation was transparent in every word that he said. These weren't insults, they weren't the petty fumblings of a man overtaken by anger or fury. This was the cold, pragmatic truth, every word of it a scalpel piercing into the proverbial neck of the situation. In all likelihood, they probably did significantly more damage than any of his actual jutsu would have been capable of, scathing as they were.

"Don't make me reiterate - I'm doing this for Azarea-senpai, not for you. I doubt she'd look too happily on one of her friends beating up her younger sister."

Turning to the proctor, he nodded.

"I concede. I'm not going to beat the snot out of my senpai's little sister to prove my quality as a ninja. If the Raikage wants to promote me, it's not going to be for this."

With that, he turned his back on the girl in front of him and the proctor, doctor's jacket flowing behind him as he walked away from the arena. He knew that he was going to get in trouble for this, he wasn't even sure if Azarea would thank him for refusing to fight her kin, but he had become a Shinobi because he wanted to save people.

He wanted to have an impact beyond the walls of the hospital, to try and make the lives of people better. In what way did punching a teenager in the face repeatedly improve anything?

Whatever these games were attempting to prove, this wasn't his path to doing it, as much as the shame and humiliation of being made to look like an idiot in front of the world stage made him sting.


432 words |

Jutsus Used: None
last edit by Yamamoto Shosuke on Feb 22, 2023 16:11:44 GMT -5
Gesicht has written 436 posts
CE Round 2 Part 2 : Yamamoto vs UchihaFeb 22, 2023 22:04:05 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
| 339 | notes
Miroru's expression fell as she saw Shosuke's reaction. Not fully crestfallen, but she'd clearly hoped he'd understand. Or quite possibly she'd misread the situation entirely and was hoping he'd understand something that wasn't even true.

From her perspective, she was confident this was the best outcome. She'd seen what she could do to people. Azarea still bore the scars from that treatment herself. And while she wouldn't insult Shosuke to imply that her mercy was a commodity in and of itself, it still weighed into how she viewed the total calculus of their exchange here.

She didn't say anything. There wasn't really anything she could say to make things better for either of them. She let him say his part, state his thoughts and critiques, took them to heart. Both competitors from allied villages were walking away without serious injury, and she had managed it without compromising a win on her side. She was confident she'd made the right choice, and that he had, as well.

The right choice here just sucked ass.

She waited and watched as he surrendered, and left the arena, and then, quietly frustrated, smacked the anchor wire for her trap.

In an instant, the wire trap SNAPPED shut around the center of the withered vines, right where he'd been standing, quivering in taut, steely tension around a knot formed at that same spot. It wouldn't do much for his mood, she knew- but at least for the onlookers, she hoped it'd go a long way towards confirming that he hadn't just backed down for nothing.

It was the best she could do in the moment.

She waited for the proctor to confirm the forfeit, and left the arena as appropriate to watch the rest of the matches, nursing a dour expression as she wrestled with whether it'd been the right play after all.

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 4c/7i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,188 posts

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