Arihime's Garden V2

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Arihime's Garden V2Mar 10, 2023 7:58:34 GMT -5
Yume Arihime
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summon roster.

NAME: Nikkōseppun | Sunshine Kisses
TYPE: Flora

APPEARANCE: (include an image and short description)
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Facing - Like its common ancestor Nikkōseppun has the ability to rotate it's flower toward a specific point. While usually sunflowers point their flowers toward the sun and follow it across the sky, Nikkōseppun is different in this respect. The Nikkōseppun's flower follows the nearest human in its vicinity up to thirty meters, the only exception is where Ari can communicate with the plant to ignore her or others if she wishes.
Seeding - Arihime's selective breeding of the Nikkōseppun plant led to a rare yet potent adaptation for its reproduction and ultimately offensive capabilities. The large exposed flower face of the plant is capable of 'shooting' its seeds somewhat accurately outward upto six meters (20 feet) and further if jutsu are utilised. Nikkōseppun has roughly thirty, five centrimeter flat oval-like seeds with sharp edges. When released from the flower they move at the speed of a thrown kunai, with similar power to weight ratio. However due to their size they cause slightly less damage and will often be stopped by a layer of thick iron, however further if jutsu are used. Taiyou no Kao can use these seeds for projectile bukijutsu such as kunai, shuriken and arrow techniques.

Heat Resistant - 
Iron Flower - 


Ni no Uchi Irazubu [Second Strike is Needless]2

Ya Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Arrow Shadow Clone Technique] ar

Hayaya Shotto [Sonic Arrow Shot] ar
Jushin Shotto [Core Gravity Shot] ar

Omoi Ishi [Heavy Stone] bu
Sakaeya [Glory Arrow]1 ar



1note: Nikkōseppun uses the silvery nature of its seeds to reflect light instead of an arrow
2note: Nikkōseppun fires a seed at maximum accuracy/velocity within an arms reach.

last edit by Yume Arihime on Mar 13, 2023 3:17:54 GMT -5
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