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FROM THE HEARTJul 1, 2023 13:46:54 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

It was just another day at the Gym and Taki was working on her technique attempting to get a handle on some of her clans techniques she'd been working so hard with her sage mode lately she had almost been abandoning her fundamentals. She stayed inside of "The Max." a large gym and could be seen locking up with a clone the two stood across from each other. And Taki would charge forward towards her doppleganger and the two would collide trapped in a collar and elbow Tie up. The two would jock for position with the real Taki eventually slipping behind the clone and performing a suplex lifting her over Taki's head and slamming her onto her back.

The clone would roll out of the way and charge the real Taki, sliding low in an effort to try and clip the legs out from under her, seeing this Taki would attempt a handspring to move over the clone. With the clone sliding forward and the real Taki behind her, the clone kips up off the floor and the two are now back to a neutral position once again. The two would once again charge forward the clone throwing a punch Taki would grab her arm and turn her around. However seeing through this would headbutt the front of her head, with the back of her skull however the real Taki keeps her grip in tact and pulls the clone in to smash her in the back of the head knocking the clone down and turning it to dust.

With that the girl would roll her shoulders back and look around the large window going from the top of the gym to the bottom of it on the right side provided a good view of the gym itself. With that the girl would remove her jacket before heading to grab her spare water bottle and taking a swig. Just what else to come for this day? Was anyone watching?





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
last edit by Taki Okada on Jul 1, 2023 13:47:38 GMT -5
Meep has written 1,707 posts
FROM THE HEARTJul 4, 2023 7:16:25 GMT -5
Akari Sato
He's cooking...
Akari Sato Avatar
age Seventeen years old birthday July 16th rank Chuunin occupation Shinobi
[newclass=.selkieCodesBorder] width:325px; border:10px solid #fbfbfb; outline:1px solid #eee;margin-top:1px; [/newclass]
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this took a bad. Wordcount: 515.


what on earth am I


I don't know for who, and I don't know for what

[attr="class","sixShpost"]'Mmm...took her long enough.' [break][break]

Ever since he had become a shinobi, Akari took it upon itself to create a ninja diary of sorts: a personal bingo book documenting all the shenanigans that iwa-nin were embroiled into. The repetitive, unending nature of his constant training routines had to be broken up by something—so he was understandable frustrated upon constantly recording entries about the circus troupe turned wrestling act, the Okadas. They were almost all blonde and conventionally attract, swaying the crowd with acrobatic maneuvers and brawling finesse, yet a good few them managed to be ninja on top of all that? There was the short one ('His name was...Gorroh?') from the chuunin exams that was far stronger than expected—then one of his cellmates was apparently some 'Okada Himari', and a cute one at that—then some other jonin...[break][break]

What the hell was their deal? Iwagakure had its' fair share of clans, but whether the Okada had eager wives, loud mouths or both, it felt like the wrestler group always stood out to him. But why?[break][break]

Akari's first instinct was to blame it on himself. 'I didn't even know my mom,' he thought with a slightly-amused sigh, 'so I wouldn't be surprised if my subconscious got all jealous.' Still, there was only so much he could envy about people who were forced to wear leotards all the time. No, there was something to this clan, and he had at least a little bit of reason to figure it out.[break][break]

Although squatting in their gym for hours while invisible was the strangest way to do it.[break][break]

In the shinobi's defense, he didn't sneak into the gym (mostly because it was open to all), but he had his reasons for the stealth. For one, people act a lot more honestly when they think they're unobserved. For two, he wasn't sure if any of them were sensory ninja. And for three... [break][break]

Scaring a big, tough wrestler half to death seemed extremely funny to him. [break][break]

Soon enough, a blonde-haired shinobi strut into the gym...except he could hardly recognize her. She didn't appear much in the circus shows, but something told Akari this was a wrestler all the same—proven further by her training routine! 'Hmm...I'm no wrestling expert, but it's easy to tell that she is.' Underneath an invisible cloak, he smiled. 'Not bad, Okada dork. But now, for your second test...'[break][break]

As Taki headed towards her water bottle reserves, the next few seconds exploded with activity: the sound of a large cloak being dispensed, small projectiles piercing through the air, and a coarse, over-the-top yell—[break][break]

"SURPRISE, FOOL! A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES!" Even with Akari's forceful attempts to sound old and scary, it was still evident that the sudden attacker was a fairly young shinobi who was straining his voice very hard—Akari thought himself too softspoken to shock people on purpose. Either way, his presence was now public, and accompanying his battlecry were a set of fake kunai: they wouldn't be able to hurt her if they tried, but he hoped she wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the heat of the moment.[break][break]

'O-kay...let's see what you can do, wrestler.'

I'll try to do good. Because the world deserves better than me.

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last edit by Akari Sato on Jul 4, 2023 8:08:42 GMT -5
Mobutt has written 3 posts
FROM THE HEARTJul 4, 2023 8:26:13 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

As the boy would make his way into the gym, he would announce his presence just as the girl would finish the swig of her water bottle and swallow down a gulp. Just then she'd be accosted by a barrage of Kunai fake or not the girl would see them and call forth her chair from a seal she kept on her arm spinning about to deflect them with a spin.

After doing so the girl would lower the chair and examine the boy in front of her. She'd let out a sigh she knew what this was about, ever since the girl had made it to Jounin she'd find herself getting accosted by challengers far and wide to see just what she was made of, it was getting a little ridiculous but hey at least he'd tried something a little different so he did his homework at least.

The girl would set her chair down and then remove a microphone from out of her pocket as she stared him down as she flipped the switch on the device a hum could be heard underneath the music that played out of the speakers. "So I'm guessing you came for a fight." she'd say her voice coming over the microphone. " ain't the only who can play dirty." the girl would say as she tapped the end of the microphone sending a small burst of chakra through it in order to send a feedback loop through the boys ears at an amplified level. "Let's see how you like being throw awf guard eh?"



[NAME] Maikuātsu: Fīdobakku [Microphone Arts: Feedback]
[TRIGGER] Tapping the head of the microphone

After poking the head of the microphone a loud amount of feedback will amplify and resonate into through the microphone and into the ears of the user this as a result will be a loud screech that temporarily throws the victim off balance, causing them to stumble or trip if they are in motion. It's also useful for keeping the user at bay from afar potentially disrupting the creation of hand signs. This jutsu lasts for 1 rotation.



House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,707 posts
FROM THE HEARTJul 10, 2023 20:43:49 GMT -5
Akari Sato
He's cooking...
Akari Sato Avatar
age Seventeen years old birthday July 16th rank Chuunin occupation Shinobi
[newclass=.selkieCodesBorder] width:325px; border:10px solid #fbfbfb; outline:1px solid #eee;margin-top:1px; [/newclass]
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this took a while...again. Wordcount: 336.


what on earth am I


I don't know for who, and I don't know for what

[attr="class","sixShpost"]'What in the world...she...EXPECTED this?!' [break][break]

All the years Akari had spent pranking others had exposed him to a wide amount of reactions, especially for the ones people didn't see coming. Shock was nigh-omnipresent, with fear close behind; many screamed, others instinctively fought back; the stoic shinobi regained their composure quickly, and the particularly talented simply saw him coming. Yet in all those years, there were few that didn't see him coming, but were still expecting a fight?[break][break]

Akari briefly flirted with the idea that Taki was simply used to annoying attackers, but she quickly clarified otherwise with her comments, to which Akari could only stutter in response, taken aback by her brashness. "I...uh...what? I don't want—is that a microphone?"[break][break]

Getting shocked while attempting to scare someone else: the village was getting stranger every day. Funnily enough, the harsh feedback loop induced by the microphone made the chuunin more alert; it gave him an immediate task ('Block your ears.') to focus on. Of course, he could still hear Taki's booming, broken accent nonetheless...and then sighed underneath his mask. 'So it was an attack. Hmm...'[break][break]

He wasn't planning on an actual, proper fight, but it'd be unwise to throw away an opportunity like this. 'Defeating the head of the clan sounds like something that'd almost impress the old man...why not?'[break][break]

In response to Taki's declaration, Akari reached to the left to grab a thick, plain-looking wooden staff, never letting his eyes off Taki nonetheless, slowly pacing across the Okadan gym. "You guessed correctly, wrestler! I've come here searching for a fight, and I must look really cute!" Akari squeaked in an oddly casual tone. "Like I appreciate the toned look—"[break][break]

BANG! Without skipping a beat, Akari cut his own compliment short by dashing towards the Jonin at breakneck speed, attempting to use his explosion of momentum to get a good hit with his polearm. The switch from the pensive chatterbox to a blisteringly fast ninja seemed almost instant, but it depended a lot on surprise. If his comments didn't shock her, and she saw the attack coming...[break][break]

"—quite a bit."[break][break]

Techniques Used:[break]
Kasoku Soru

I'll try to do good. Because the world deserves better than me.

[newclass=.sixShwhole:hover .sixShlyric]top:72px;[/newclass]

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last edit by Akari Sato on Jul 10, 2023 20:49:58 GMT -5
Mobutt has written 3 posts
FROM THE HEARTJul 11, 2023 9:35:25 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

After the boy would find himself throw off guard she'd watch as he attempted to cover his ears, this would cause the girl to wait for him to make his move, but before that he would start to compliment her looks how original. The girl would roll her eyes but just as he finished he would dash towards her. In doing so the girl would watch his motions as he came her way and would reach out as he swung his staff and would grab it using a combination of her strength to crush the staff within her hands but not before using it to toss him aside.

"Sorry I don't like dicks." the words were a double edged sword and a double entendre. If her attempted to toss him was successful the girl would then stand her ground waiting for him to get up still somewhat unimpressed his ability to try and land an attack he was too obvious and hadn't fully considered his opponent at this point she was toying with him.

"So you gonna show me something or what?" the girl would say waiting for him to do something of note so far this wasn't anything to write home about but who knows maybe if he played his cards right maybe she could put in a word for him.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,707 posts
FROM THE HEARTJul 19, 2023 14:41:31 GMT -5
Akari Sato
He's cooking...
Akari Sato Avatar
age Seventeen years old birthday July 16th rank Chuunin occupation Shinobi
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ahhh delays! Wordcount: 360.


what on earth am I


I don't know for who, and I don't know for what

[attr="class","sixShpost"]Akari was a rather agile ninja; in spite of his attack being ('Predictably!') cut short, the chuunin was able to land on his feet a few meters away even after been thrown; it helped that he wasn't exactly confident his strike was effective. Of course, literally none of this was on his mind, because she'd grabbed his staff and—[break][break]

'—BROKE it.'[break][break]

The mask did a good job of masking his shock, but he couldn't help how bewildered his eyes were, even if only briefly. The weapon wasn't constructed to be that durable, but when was the last time someone broke it casually? Beyond the surprise was a slight rage: something felt awful about her just destroying his staff like that. He spent so much time on it—sure, he could repair it, but—what kind of shinobi has their weapons broken like that? Not others, no, their stuff...[break][break]


In the middle of their supposed fight, Akari took a few seconds to calm himself down. He couldn't help but chuckle a little: undermining people was supposed to be his job. The chuunin didn't even feel that much better, but at least he was in control. 'And besides...anger is a good thing when directed. Now I have to try...'[break][break]

"Okay...a strong shinobi would've broken the staff faster; too bad!" Akari yelled defiantly, staff-less but far from harmless. This was the first glimpse that Taki got of his true voice: not the booming caricature from a few seconds ago, but a much more calculated and confident rasp. Meanwhile, the shinobi was still fiddling with his pocket; arms behind his back, Akari pulled out a pair of metal cans and poured a tiny amount of Katon chakra into them, igniting the cans....[break][break]


He threw both smoke canisters around him ('The Okadas are taijutsu specialists. Better to throw them at my feet..!'), and should they have activated, large plumes of smoke would erupt from around Akari, spreading throughout the gym at a quick pace. The gas didn't hinder her breathing but was extremely thick, to the point of being opaque. Of course, this would darken Akari's vision too...right?[break][break]

Equipment Used:[break]
Smoke Bombs

I'll try to do good. Because the world deserves better than me.

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Mobutt has written 3 posts
FROM THE HEARTAug 29, 2023 13:48:46 GMT -5
Taki Okada
I'm an Okada First and a Shinobi Second
Taki Okada Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday November 7th rank Jounin occupation Sage

Taki "Bakudan" Okada

A loser like you ain't got no guts!

After easily dispatching the opponents weapon it seemed like he was out of tricks and would then remove two cans from out of his pockets and the girl would raise her eyebrows. "What is this kid...?" the girl would wonder in the back of her mind. Eventually he would toss the cans and then would plume into a pile of smoke that would temporarily blind her. "Oh I getcha..." after a moment the girl would let out a few handseals creating a puff of wind that would blast back the mans pillar of smoke.

Giving her a bit more room to breathe and potentially pushing her opponent back. After a moment Taki herself would step from where she stood and would wind back her hand and attempt to swipe at the young man's neck with a chop it almost looked like she was going to try and cleave his head right off when in reality she was just going stop just short the worst she'd be able to do is knock him off his feet and leave him with a severely bad case of whiplash.

"Ya know if dats da best you got I suggest you come back when you got somethin betta." she'd say quite confident in her abilities. "Figured you'd at least have something big up ya sleeve afta awl dat tough tawlk." she'd say quite annoyed by the young man's rather idiotic antics.





House of Fire

During Taki's training she learns that she has a significant amount of energy and after graduating to the rank of genin she began to learn how to properly make use of them under the tutelage of Midori Chizawa. As a result the girl is now able to perform a bevy of powerful techniques for longer periods of time without tiring as quickly as others.

[Heavyweight: Super Strength SA]

With the rigorous training that Taki's now able to throw down with the best of them boasting monstrous strength fitting for her professional wrestling background, having combined that with the training she performed at the academy has now made her able to performs ridiculous feats such as being able to crush stones in her grip causing concussions and snap bones with her powerful strikes and holds. Taki has also increased the amount of weight she is able to lift by a massive margin in a way that makes her an even more fearsome taijutsu practitioner than before.

[Wrestling Genius]

As a result of her training, and advancements as a genin. Taki's grappling ability has increased even further making her wrestling based techniques far more difficult to deal with and escape from. As a result, her slams, holds, submissions and suplex's are far more damaging and harder to escape from then that of a genin who is not trained in these particular abilities.

[Sage Mode]

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Grip [Grip Strength]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body and overall Taijutsu prowess increase exponentially most notably her grip strength allowing her to take hold of someone with a painful amount of power amplifying her already proficient ability to grapple with an opponent making it significantly harder to be broken out of as well a deal a considerable amount of damage.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ Gorilla Press [Natural Taijutsu]

When transforming into Sage Mode Taki's body Taki is able to use nature energy to harness her powers in order to make her more physically imposing than normal adding to her natural affinities with Taijutsu allowing her move faster and hit harder heavy items thus adding a good amount of power and heft to her attacks allowing her to snap bones with much less effort and outpace a good majority of her enemies with her monstrous charge.

✤ | Abilities (Imperfect Enhancement)
✤ The Immovable Force [Durability]

Due to the coarse strength of a gorilla's skin Taki is able to withstand a good amount of extra punishment allowing her to be able to withstand blows from most enemies that most shinobi wouldn't be able to normally withstand. As such blows from strong fighters are reduced by a considerable amount and when struck feel like colliding with a considerably immovable force.

deltra of gangnam style
Meep has written 1,707 posts