Aka Returns [Private, training]

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Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 26, 2023 0:15:57 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


Konsho launched himself through the trees of a familiar forest- one that at a glance would seem to be the same as Takigakure's own. But that was a layman's point of view- a person in which all forests looked the same. This forest's fauna and flora was less aggressive in nature, and featured less diseases than the one Konsho now called home. But the tree were more thinly spread- increasing chances of surprise attacks should one forsake their safety. The more subtle difference when looking from an outside point of view was the difference in animals. In Takigakure, one had worry about highly venomous snakes, alligators, poisonous spores and countless unpredictable menaces. In Iwagakure however, rather than lone large predators, one had to deal with roaming herds. Stag herds, sounder's of boar, prides of lions, and bands of coyote can swarm lone prey with ease- or overrun hunters foolish enough to not bring a party. Thus, Konsho stuck to the trees, following a path he had memorized at the age of seven, and returned to at sixteen.
Soon enough, Konsho's crimson eyes laid their gaze on a large wooden gate, guarding a clearing that protected a strange city hidden in the forest. Rather strangely, Konsho would allow himself a small chuckle. To think, his journey would begin and end in a village hidden within a forest that most would avoid for their own safety. The thought of how poetic the series of coincidences were had the young man amused far more than his muted personality allowed himself to be. In fact, that had been happening for a while now, although the blue haired shinobi was completely ignorant of the change. Dropping to the floor, Konsho began to approach the gate with of his hold home; the village of the apes- including the Sage Gorillas of Iwagakure.


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Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 27, 2023 14:52:34 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
Ishi liked guarding the gate. Though the duty was ostensibly an important one, the truth of the matter was that most of the gorilla’s preferred other, less solitary tasks; they were a communal species, after all, and most of his kind dislikes being still for long periods, particularly if they had to do so alone. He, however, was different. Quiet, thoughtful, and introspective, the Western Gorilla enjoyed solitude as much, if not more, than his brethren enjoyed company, as the lack of extraneous talking and incessant noises allowed him to think about things without constantly being interrupted. This wasn’t to say he didn’t pay attention while standing guard, far from it, but rather that being over the gate allowed him to both serve his home and indulge in his favorite pastime, without the bothersome accusation of being lazy or complacent.

So it was that, when Konsho dropped out the trees and onto the forest floor, Ishi was not surprised by the human’s arrival; like so many of his species, the boy did not understand how to move through a forest silently, making a racket so loud even a baby could have followed him. Indeed, when the boy made his way towards the gate Ishi was already upright, standing guard stoically with his club in hand, blocking entrance to the village. It had been a long time since he had seen Konsho, many moons in truth, and there was something off about his face- his expression was too rigid, as if the boy hadn’t laughed in just as long. Clearly, he needed a reason to smile.

"Halt, human.” Ishi said, shifting his voice to something comically deep as he looked at the boy, staring at him eye to eye. He’s grown quite tall for a human. When the boy had left the village he’d barely come up to Ishi’s chin, but now… now they were of a height, if not exactly the same size. He was still painfully thin, lacking the musculature of a true ape, but at least he was no longer small. "State your business… young man.”

has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 28, 2023 1:41:11 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
[newclass=.selkieCodesBorder] width:325px; border:10px solid #fbfbfb; outline:1px solid #eee;margin-top:1px; [/newclass]
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


Konsho, as far as he had known, was moving as silently as he could have through the forest. Of course, it was easy to overlook the simpler details when one was focused on a particular goal, which had kept Konsho from realized he was practically throwing himself from branch to branch. Due this lack of awareness, was no wonder the high ranking summon had heard the shinobi before even coming into his line of sight. As the gorilla raised boy approached the gate, he'd find himself squinting, as if trying to block out everything but the creature blocking the entrance. Konsho was more than aware he knew this summon in some way, yet he was entirely unsure from where. As he drew closer, the crimson eyed shinobi would begin to pick out minuscule details that filled out the image his mind was filling at a painfully slow pace. It was Ishi, one of the more stoic members of the apes. As a child Konsho recalled how their personalities clashed, having been just as wild as Taki was when the two first met. The matured and mellowed Konsho was certain their personalities would mesh well now.
As the blue haired shinobi finally reached the gate to his old home, the gorilla would raise his stature ever so slightly as he stiffened, before speaking to Konsho in a low voice. The son of Fudo would look the adult ape in the eyes, his gaze lingering on the ape in a bit of confusion, allowing the senior to see that the heavy bags that had previously been clearing up when he left had set in even deeper than before. Letting out a half empty chuckle, the young man would wave off the other ape's jape. "Very funny Ichi. Open the gate. I gotta see Riku."


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last edit by Konshō Chizawa on Aug 28, 2023 1:41:54 GMT -5
Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 29, 2023 16:50:47 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
Ishi frowned at the boy’s half-hearted chuckle, his face wrinkling in concern at Knosho’s lack of enthusiasm. When he had last seen the boy he had been a wild one, nearly matching Taki in the sheer insanity he could summon forth, and they had always clashed, though it never came to blows. He would have folded the oy in half with even a light tap, after all, and he was far too peaceful to want to bring harm to a young human, even if he was annoying. But the young man who stood before him was far from the one he had known when he left for the Human world; he seemed calmer, yes, but also… strained. Cracked, perhaps even a tad broken.

"And yet you did not laugh, young one.” Ishi said, lowering his club as she spoke, voice soft and kind, filled with the sadness of compassion. It did not take a genius to figure out that the boy was hurting, though why obviously eluded him. "I would ask what troubles you so, that you do not smile or laugh when met with an old friend. As, I think, would Riku.”

has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 30, 2023 23:11:29 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


Konsho could see the humor drain from the older ape's face, which signaled all too clearly that the shinobi wasn't going to be let in without an interrogation. He figured his journey wouldn't allow him that much favor. Still, the young man hoped he could deflect the attention to other matters, if only so he could get to what he actually came here for. Scratching the back of his head, the crimson eyed man would ensure only the left side of his cloak moved as he feigned minor embarrassment, obscuring his recent injury.
In truth one of the reasons he had not contacted many of the apes since the exams was to keep the from realizing the that he had lost his right arm in his penultimate fight. The apes would spend far too much time doting over Konsho, time that he needed to spend training. He was too far behind at this point to have the luxury of dealing with his sudden amputation of an entire limb. "Sorry Ishi, people tend to be more muted in Takigakure. Guess they must have rubbed off on me." As Konsho allowed the facade of sheepishness to fade, he'd wave his hand dismissively of the whole ordeal. "For real though, open the gate."


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Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 31, 2023 13:07:05 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
Ishi’s frown only deepened as the boy deflected the question, shifting in embarrassment (or rather, faux-embarrassment) as he tried to sweep the whole thing under the rug, clearly not wanting to talk and yet just as clearly needing to. And then, as the boy shifted in place, Ishi saw it- the way his cloak hung limp on one side, as if something were missing beneath it, and at once the gorilla knew what was troubling Konsho. What was truly troubling him, instead of what he claimed it to be.

"You say this, but I can see your pain, Konsho.” Ishi said, his face softening into one of sympathy and sadness; whatever had happened, the boy did not deserve to lose an arm, let alone one as vital as his right. He couldn’t quite remember what the boy’s dominant hand was, but the loss of even his non-dominant one would make his career as a Shinobi much more difficult, if not impossible. Perhaps that was what he was here to discuss with Riku- where to go from here. "It is alright to be upset at your loss. There is no weakness in defeat- only in refusing to learn from it.”

has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Aug 31, 2023 23:57:49 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
[newclass=.selkieCodesBorder] width:325px; border:10px solid #fbfbfb; outline:1px solid #eee;margin-top:1px; [/newclass]
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


The ape's frown immediately told Konsho that deception was not going to earn him entry to his old home. At first, Konsho was certain he was about to get chewed out by the more mature gorilla, mentally bracing himself for an onslaught of accusations. Instead, Ishi's face would soften into that of sympathy. Had Konsho had the pride he mistakenly brought into the exams, he likely would have been insulted by even the hint of pity. At this point however, he was more than aware he was essentially a cripple as far as most shinobi were concerned. Such a reminder only served to strengthen his resolve, to learn this technique as quickly as possible.
So, as the 'lesson' began, Konsho would merely regain his normal expression that this point in his life; that of a straight face that could secretly be holding a winning hand during poker with a majority of the table none the wiser. As the quick and to the point lesson reached it's end, Konsho couldn't help but let out another dry chuckle, that half smile of his returning to his face. 'refusing to learn from it'? "That's- heh- exactly why I'm here, Ishi. Can you open the gate now? The sooner I get started the better. I'd hate to have to force my way into my own home."


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Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 1, 2023 15:01:38 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
Ishi’s frown deepened at Konsho’s answer; if the gorilla didn’t know better, he would have sworn the boy was trying to dismiss him like some common pet. "I can, Konsho, and I will. In a moment.” His voice was calm and flat, quieter than what he normally used but sharp, like a knife drawn from a sheath. There was something very wrong with the boy, more than losing his arm could account for. SOmething had cracked him, on the inside, and he wasn’t quite all there. To be safe, to certain, he had to talk with him. To see if it was merely his imagination or…

"Tell me what happened, Konsho.” Ishi said, shifting back at the slight aura of hostility the boy was exuding. It wasn’t an intentional thing, but rather instinctual; gorilla’s were social animals, after all, and body language spoke far louder to them than words ever could. "Please. I wish to help, but you are not painting a good picture for yourself. Speak with me. Let me hear your story. I promise, there is no judgment here- we are family.”

The gorilla thumped his chest twice then, a soft pat over his heart, and extended his hand out to touch Konsho’s own. A familiar gesture, one of connection and understanding- if the boy would give it, that is. To snub such a gesture though… an insult, and worse, amongst the gorillas. An announcement of hatred, it was. Violent hatred, to not speak to another, heart to heart, mind to mind, soul to soul.

has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 3, 2023 3:44:11 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


"I can, Konsho, and I will. In a moment.”
Was Ishi really this intent on learning of what had happened to Konsho? Had the young man not made his intentions clear earlier when he had only half joked about force his way into his own home? Perhaps he had been too passive in this statement earlier. Konsho knew the only way for him to progress was to enter the village and confirm his theory with Riku's help. There was an entire possibility that this was another dead end, one that was being dragged out by Ishi's constant prodding into the crimson eye man's life.
"Tell me what happened, Konsho.”
The prodding statement that somewhere deep down Konsho knew was a simple and empathetic one almost immediately elicited a question of Konsho's own creation- although he would not allow it to leave his mind. 'What would that achieve?' If Ishi knew of what happened in the exams, it would not suddenly cause Konsho's arm to grow back. The knowledge of his inability to preform even the most basic ninjutsu would not make the prosthetics work for him. The fact that the blue haired man could no longer hear birds chirp without thinking he was under attack would not bring about any change in the shinobi's life. So why would he waste time on that pointless sob story? He had far more important matters to see through.
"I wish to help.... Speak with me. Let me hear your story. I promise, there is no judgment here- we are family.”
The young man's eyes would follow the almost silent movements of the elder ape- acutely aware of the message Ishi had sent. His hand lingered outside of his cloak, still as he began to think on what the introspective ape was offering. He knew Ishi was speaking truth, he had no need to fear judgement or hatred from any of the apes. Empathy was one of the strengths of the apes, and though they were not applied to their prey, it was their strength as a group. Yet empathy had gotten him hurt before. Wasted months on a technique he could not utilize, as well as constant physical and emotional beatings. He had even let his guard down long enough for an enemy shinobi to remove his right arm.
That wasn't happening again. He'd fallen for this trap far too many times. It was time for him to progress, no matter what it took. His hand would move into his cloak, the white cloth seeming to seal around the young shinobi- weapon of Takigakure. His stature would stiffen, his muscles pulling themselves taught as his gaze hardened. He thought to one section Ishi had said earlier, sandwiched between claims of care and pity.
"...but you are not painting a good picture for yourself."
How? By demanding the ape allow him passage to his own home? By wanting simple privacy? Was the fact that he wanted to continue his training unimpeded truly that damning? All the shinobi had done- as far as he was concerned- was come to claim resources in order to finally begin some form of progress in his life. Standing on his own feet and finally earning something in his life. But no, that wasn't what was painting him in a bad light. It was that he was not the soft Konsho they once knew; one who would politely endure abuse, or allowed his emotions to control him. They weren't getting that imbecile. He would not allow himself to break, not when he was this close.
[break][break]"Open. The gate. Ishi."


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Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 3, 2023 17:42:40 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
When Konsho didn’t react, his face going stiller than an undisturbed pond, Ishi knew. He did not want to believe that the boy he had once known, the bright, vibrant boy he had lovingly quarreled with so often, the boy who had left them with a smile as bright as the sun, could become someone so cold… but he had. The boy- no, the Shinobi ignored his gestured, refusing to return it in favor of meeting Ichi’s gaze with a look of wild, barely repressed fury and demanding, once more, that he open the gate.

"I am sorry, brother.” The gorilla said as he stepped back a half-step, hand tightening against his club, gaze meeting Konsho’s own with level determination. He did not move to engage; if there was to be conflict, it would not come from him. He wished only good for Konsho, only healing and peace, but if the boy was determined to become the kind of human he hated… he would not, could not stop him. But he could keep his home safe from such a poison, no matter how it shattered his heart to do so. "If you will not meet my heart, then I cannot allow you to enter.”

I will mourn your loss, even if you will not.

has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 3, 2023 19:44:04 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


"...I cannot allow you to enter.”
Konsho could not believe how Ishi was acting. Of all of the apes, he was perhaps the only one logical enough for Konsho to have completely removed the idea of him being an obstacle from his mind. Fudo, Konsho's father, was a definite interaction he needed to avoid at all costs- as was interacting with his brother Daruma. Iwata and Akihiko- his cousin and uncle especially, would not keep quiet about the ordeal in the slightest. Ishi however, was never even considered when Konsho fought of how he'd handle himself in the village. They did not know each other, they barely interacted; trading barbs and quips in his childhood. Yet somehow despite this, the refusal from the ape hurt in a way that confused the shinobi far more than he could explain.
Crouching low, Konsho would allow chakra to fill his legs, his cloak billowing as the building pressure suddenly burst outwards to launch himself into the air. He had spent well over a year on researching the Eight Inner Gates. He spent hours reading countless pointless articles, translating dead languages and re reading medical journals- all for this one shot. No one was standing in his way. As he spun, the blue haired shinobi's legs would plant themselves on the walls of the his first village, dashing up the sides to enter.


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Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 5, 2023 8:25:14 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
Ishi saw the signs in Konsho well before the boy began to act; the disbelief, the confusion, the slight spark of anger that slowly kindled into something more sinister, more cold. He had seen it before, had fought apes with that self-same look in their eyes, had watched them bleed and die because of their hate. And he had never thought, never wished, never dreamed he would see it on Konsho. If this was what the Shinobi world had done to him… Oh brother. I wish you had never left.

Konsho moved, but Ishi moved with him, following the boy’s trajectory and grabbing his cloak mid-flight, yanking down on the cloth hard enough to bring him back to the ground, albeit not hard enough to hurt beyond the sudden whiplash. The gorilla’s own chakra surged as he landed in front of the boy, his club pushing forward into Konsho’s chest, hard enough to knock him off his feet but not truly hurt.

"I do not want to hurt you, Konsho.” Ishi said, breathing slow and shaky as he looked at his friend, holding his weapon out to one side, ready to use it if he had to. The club would be better than Ninjutsu- though, if he had to, he would resort to his other skills. "Please. Back down.”

has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 6, 2023 2:45:42 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~



Konsho would feel his neck begin to experience the faintest of constriction as the cloth of his cloak was used to pull the blue haired shinobi back to where he started. Soon enough he'd feel the sudden blow to his chest, forcing his breath from his lungs as he was sent tumbling to the ground. The young shinobi glared up towards the superior combatant, ruby eyes surrounded by dark circles contrasted against a pale complexion. Aka's Ghost could see his only way forward; or at least he would if Ishi wasn't in the way. He had to find a way past him, no matter the cost.
One hand moving towards his cloak, Konsho would allow the white cloth to fall behind him, not allowing himself to be weighed down by the article of clothing. Now standing before the ape obscured, Konsho's physical form was now on full display. Scars and stitches were scattered across the blue haired shinobi's limbs were obvious. Callouses covered the formerly soft hands that Konsho had once possessed, a result of his training with the gates. Well over a year of his life, thus far with nothing but damage to show for it. By the end of his time at the village, he would leave with actual results. Even if that meant he left an outskirt.
The shinobi would give no response to the elder ape's plea. If they had any matter to speak of, they would not have been fighting. So Konsho would allow another explosive surge of chakra, this time moving in close to the ape, hopefully where Ishi's club would have a hard time hitting the ninja. His momentum rocketed to it's peak, allowing Konsho to close the distance between them almost immediately. The gap in their abilities were too big for Konsho to rely on his tricks to win here, so there was only one option; attack hard and fast. Three thrusts towards the ape's torso would be the first round, before moving into a spinning kick to attack his former ally. Should any of the attacks be stopped, or Konsho pushed away to make room for the club, the young shinobi would merely reset his positioning and begin from where he left off. Side Stance, Acceleration, Torque, Tunnel Strike, Hurricane Thrust.


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Belac has written 366 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 7, 2023 13:23:10 GMT -5
Kermit is the only frog you need.
Exousia Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 30 years old birthday rank occupation NPC Mod
Ishi stared at his former brother’s body, a grim sense of loss coming over him as he watched the boy he had known stare at him, not as a friend, but as an obstacle, and enemy to be overcome on his way to getting what he wanted. Konsho had not merely changed out in the Shinobi world; he had died, and in his place this thing had risen up, a shell of the splendid young man he had once been. It was a tragedy, a miscarriage of everything that was right… and he would not allow it to go on anymore.

So when Konsho closed the distance between them, the Gorilla formed a single hand seal, pulsing his chakra through the earth below them and forming it into three small plates that shot up from the ground and into the boy’s gut, one after the other, hopefully knocking the wind out of him enough that he would need a moment to catch his breath. Even if Konsho kept going though, the Gorilla would stand his ground, hefting his club as he began to form more hand seals, preparing another technique.

"I am sorry, Konsho.”

Combat Info
Jutsu Used:
NAME: Doton: Doeirou [Earth Release: Earth Life Imprisonment]
DESCRIPTION: By focusing chakra into the earth, the user forces several small plates of earth to shoot from below the target's feet anywhere within a ten meter radius of the user, slamming into their mid-section, robbing them of their movement and winding them. This technique can be avoided if the target knows it's coming.
has written 180 posts
Aka Returns [Private, training]Sept 8, 2023 1:14:53 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


Konsho would stop on a dime as Ishi's hand seal was formed, the three earthen plates rising at great speeds towards Konsho. Ducking underneath the attack, the young shinobi would immediately regain his momentum as he charged towards his opponent, chakra flowing through his body as he prepared a follow up technique. The beginnings of an idea forming in his head, the young shinobi would throw his cloak high into the air, hoping the gorilla would take it as a distraction. Had it been anyone else, Ishi's Earth Life Imprisonment Technique would have left Konsho on the ground desperately trying to recover his lost air.
As fortune would have it, Konsho was aware Ishi possessed this technique; it have even inspired the young shinobi to learn a similar technique utilizing his fire nature. Such techniques were now lost to the crimson eyed shinobi, with almost every seal requiring a second hand to function.The new path Konsho was carving was perhaps his only change to continue further. No matter what, he needed to get into the village, and if that meant getting through Ishi, then it would be done. Continuing his earlier assault from before, Konsho would make no attempts to defend himself, seemingly trying to end the fight as quick as possible to avoid being overrun.


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Decelerate used, followed by accelerate. Jutsu prepped
Belac has written 366 posts