Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]

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Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]Sept 12, 2023 23:28:40 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


A lone deer sat in a clearing, the dirt and grass around it decorated by leaf shaped shadows and broken rays of light, drinking from a nearby pond. The blue water was a focal point to the cold color wash the Iwagakurian Forest possessed. It was quite the contrast from the forests of Takigakure, their forest floors filled with moss and pale bark that made the gargantuan trees feel far more threatening than even the most hostile of battlefields. Yet the rules of survival did not change in these contrasting areas, the starving hunter stalking it's fleet prey, coiled and ready.
Above this peaceful scene, a pale figure's crimson eyes watched silently, no visible movement to its looming shape. The shadow would seem to absorb the entirely of the scene, memorizing every detail of the female deer's physical signs of; alertness, calm, and when it was preoccupied with drinking. From the shadow a small series of papers would begin to drift down from the thick branch the figure hid upon, its left hand filling with pellets as the right held a weapon. The doe's ears would twitch as it froze, hearing the sharp whistle of an object cutting through wind too late; a Kunai cutting into it's left leg before the explosive tag behind it blasted the creature off it's feet. As the wounded animal struggled to it's feet, it would begin to dash to the left of the figure, only to skid to a halt as small pellets created a large burst of smoke; scaring the confused creature in the opposite direction. As soon as it turned, a series of bright flashes would fill the area, vaguely illuminating the figure's dark blue hair. As the figure crouched low, it would launch itself towards the injured deer, landing knee first into the creature's back. Blind, deafened, and now with a broken spine; the doe had only a few bays of confusion and fear before a kunai pierced its throat.
The shinobi would pull his weapon from the creature's corpse, eerily calm in its actions. He still had the talent he always possessed for the hunt; in fact it had been enhanced since the crimson eyed creature had learned the way of the ninja. The question was; how far could he go with these mysterious gates?


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Belac has written 366 posts
Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]Sept 14, 2023 2:03:21 GMT -5
"I'm a potato"
Elumenate Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age birthday rank occupation

The silence and calm beauty of the forest were something that plagued the mind of this man. A man who was forced to scavenge for his life. Ever since he failed in his training to become a sage of the forest he had taken to the trees to train and develop on his own without the help of those dastardly apes. So here he spent most of his years eating off the land and the creatures to survive having not seen a single normal shinobi in so long. His mind playing tricks on him with each passing day. The man's small sanity slipped away by the day till he was nothing more than a shell of the man he once was.[break][break]

Now a beast of the forest he would hunt to add to his collection. His body no longer resembled that of a human as each new trophy would morph his body to something resembling that of a chimera. He would never be able to enter regular society again with how his appearance was altered now. Traversing the forest he would hear the echo of a familiar sound. An explosion. How wonderful. Someone else was here to provide him with more trophies. His eyes practically glowed with excitement as he would clog his way to the sound.[break][break]

The forest where the explosion happened would become quiet as the birds would fly away from the noise. Any deer nearby would prance away in fear of their lives and a chill would float in the air of the clearing. The corpse of the deer bleeding out from its wounds barely clinging to life, but unable to move. The earth would suddenly begin to shake as if loud thuds could be heard in the distance. More birds would flee from the scene, flying away from the direction of the noise. As each thud grew closer and closer silver eyes would illuminate the shadows. [break][break]

The thudding would stop when the silver eyes caught a glimpse of the blue-haired boy. A low grave voice would pierce the silence, "Another for the collection." After speaking the being would emerge from the shadows of the trees to reveal the monstrosity before the blue-haired boy. The first thing to appear out of the shadows was a single horn piercing from the forehead of the man soon to be followed by the face of what looked like a bird almost. Silver eyes upon a pack of feathers of different colors mismatched upon its façade. This face would be accompanied by large tusks jutting from the mouth of the creature who also had an overbite revealing large fangs. A large set of talons would appear on the floor only to support a set of thighs of brown fur that faded into a stripped orange coat. Each arm was massive, resembling a bear with matching claws. The only thing left resembling that of the original man was the torso sporting scars upon scars upon the body.

[attr="class","yooc-area"]a little note here — tag1, tag2

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last edit by Elumenate on Sept 14, 2023 2:04:31 GMT -5
has written 42 posts
Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]Sept 14, 2023 2:41:49 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
[newclass=.selkieCodesBorder] width:325px; border:10px solid #fbfbfb; outline:1px solid #eee;margin-top:1px; [/newclass]
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


The pale figure's own crimson eyes would dart towards the direction of the thunderous crash, motionless until the second sound followed. By the time the figure would lay eyes on the scene, the hunter would be long gone, hiding from his previous perch in the trees yet again. The shinobi had to admit he was unsure if the approaching creature had gotten any good glimpses at him, but he knew whatever was coming was not something he could take head on. At least not without the aid of that technique, which he had hoped to save for a circumstance he possessed more control of.
It would not be until the voice reached his ears that the gaunt figure would realize something sapient had been approaching; although the visuals that were to follow that auditory hint would have suggested otherwise. The horrific mismatch of flesh; feather, and bone was unnerving to behold. Were it not for the clear attachment to the bare torso of the creature beneath the shinobi, he would have thought it was a simple disguise. The hunter knew otherwise, being able to list every single animal that made up the hideous countenance that was the creature within his crimson eyes. They were far too natural to be harvested pieces worn on leather and bone casing. These unorganized maddening pieces were clearly attached to whatever remained of the human body beneath. Even with his own body pale by his own standards, the shinobi's skin would turn colder and paler than before. What was this thing? How did it come to be?


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Belac has written 366 posts
Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]Sept 14, 2023 3:44:54 GMT -5
"I'm a potato"
Elumenate Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age birthday rank occupation

"Where did it go?" the beast's low voice would say as it slowly rocked its head back and forth. The back of its head would reveal a long braid of black hair unkempt and filled with debris. It swore it had seen someone with blue hair here before, but it was nowhere to be seen now. The thought of the blue-haired boy left his mind pretty quickly when he caught a glimpse of the broken and barely living deer before him. "Excellent," the beast would say as it trotted its way to the deer whose eyes widened in fear as if this man was a monster spoken about by the creatures. [break][break]

Bending down the beast would begin slightly brushing the antlers of the deer. "Excellent condition," its voice would rumble as he would raise a hand and begin harvesting the antlers. Ripping out the horns from the deer causing it to bellow in pain before eventually falling silent. Once the horns were harvested the beast would then begin the process of attaching them to his own body. He yelled out in pain from the process as it used its chakra to attach each horn's base on either side of his other horn. Blood dripped down his face staining his feathers. Once the operation was complete though he would begin to feast on the corpse of the deer slashing and tearing at it with its talons and claws.

[attr="class","yooc-area"]a little note here — tag1, tag2

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has written 42 posts
Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]Sept 20, 2023 5:04:27 GMT -5
Konshō Chizawa
Konshō Chizawa Avatar
age 15 years old birthday 01-01 rank Genin occupation
[newclass=.selkieCodesBorder] width:325px; border:10px solid #fbfbfb; outline:1px solid #eee;margin-top:1px; [/newclass]
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notes go here! they look best at two lines but you can go wild if you want since they start to scroll~


A still haunting atmosphere would overtake the once muted but still lively section of the forest the two figured shared. The figures were haunting sights among the colorful but melded background that was the forest, each a strange mound of shapes and colors. The figure in the trees would watch as the lower creature tore from his kill, chocking cries of a dying doe filling the area as it began to press the butchered antlers onto it's forehead. Trails of crimson pooled, leaked, and split down the figure's craned head as his silhouette became even more uneven and chaotic. Gnawing at the kill like a common beast, the shape would hunch over, as the figure above him watched on.
The contrast between the two was as plane as day; the Figure in the Trees gaunt and thin, one that could be easily mistaken for a pale branch on the very shelter he hid within. This eerie pallid figure's form was as white as the pale moon, save for the splash of deep night blue that cloaked the crimson gaze it cast on the emerald veiled forest. The Shape Below was a patch work of colors and textures, best simplified into jagged edges and an unnaturally smoothed core. Now more than ever streams of crimson stood out against it's unfocused form, as entrails and sticky ichor surrounded it's feast. The only notable feature not coated in blood where the ivory orbs that made up it's eyes; haunting the forest with their pale glow. The Figure's measured steps would leave very little sound to perceive as he inched closer to the large trunk he hid within, crimson orbs transfixed on the scene below as the hunter attempted to identify this alien travesty of a form.


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Belac has written 366 posts
Gate of Healing: Kyūmon [Elu, training]Nov 21, 2023 13:31:53 GMT -5
"I'm a potato"
Elumenate Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age birthday rank occupation

Time would go on forever as the beast would devour its kill drenching the ground crimson with blood. The forest would be silent of any other creature missing the gentle hum of the wind or the trickle of a stream as it was filled with gnaws and gnashes of the creature feast. Slurping each succulent morsel and chewing loudly with its mouth agape revealing more teeth behind the fangs similar to that in the pattern of a shark ripping into the carcass with ease. Its beak and talons shredded the meat from its flesh and the bones were crunched down into dust from the tusks. It was a horrid site to witness and it gave one of many reasons why the animals feared this beast of a man.[break][break]

Once it had finished its meal the beast would then begin looking to its sides muttering, "Where other?" It knew another was nearby it could feast on, but where exactly it wasn't sure. It would begin sniffing the air trying to see if it could sense the person with its smell, but it would be to no avail as the lingering smell of blood practically blinded it to anything else. "Come out," it the low voice would bellow as it leaned back and let out a deep roar in anger. It would find its prey even if it had to destroy its surroundings and that's just what it would do. Using its massive arms it would begin to destroy trees around him toppling the large trees around him. Hoping to find movement by doing so.

[attr="class","yooc-area"]a little note here — tag1, tag2

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has written 42 posts