What Dumbbells Do You Use?

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What Dumbbells Do You Use?Sept 20, 2023 4:33:01 GMT -5
Nōhime Sabishī
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age birthday January 7 rank Chunin occupation Iryo Nin
Utilizing the Okada training facilities, as she was so welcomed to use as the place's formal doctor? She found herself beginning to work out her body a bit more intensely as she prepared for the final states of promotion. Dressed in a sports tanktop and tight fitting cargo pants, she'd began taking the initiative to work out and get her body into shape. Using her medical knowledge, she'd also began preparing the proper diet and nutrient supplements to get her body in strong shape; and fast. And it was beginning to show as her body began practically glowing.

She was turning more of the fat and pudginess she had into muscle, and with some effort was beginning to add more caloric intake into her body to help take on mass. Chankonabe was a go to food for this, and the effort to strain her muscles gradually was making them stronger. She rest, pushing against a weight with her legs, the tension of the metal cord strong as she took deep breaths. lifting fifteen pound weights in either hand. Alternating inbetween. She could feel the tightness and strain of her core as she had to press and push outwards. For an Okada, a workout like this might seem relatively trivial. For someone like Sabishi though? Well. Hellish. 

For as she began abusing herself with pain, she had done so to adapt her body for fitness. Speed so that if she was to be assaulted; that she might be able to move swiftly. Her reflexes might be keen, but it would be irrelevant if she didn't catch up to speed. To say the least. What a fucking nightmare this was. If only she had someone that she might share this endeavor with. Wouldn't that be nice?
last edit by Nōhime Sabishī on Sept 20, 2023 4:34:04 GMT -5
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