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miyake mikio
miyake mikio Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age eighteen years old birthday -- rank chuunin occupation academy instructor


Mikio’s supervisor asked her, every once in a grand while, whether or not the time and effort and money she spent setting up these elaborate lesson plans for teeny-tiny groups of students was actually worth it. Couldn’t she be more efficient, more effective, teaching a larger group of students more routinely?

To this question Mikio only cheerfully replied: "Mimi-chan’s family and friends are all hundreds and hundred of miles away, so this is the funnest thing Mimi-chan can do!”

And really, what was anyone supposed to say to that?

All in all it took over a week to recruit helpers and get permission to Use A Condemned Building For Purposes of Educating The Nation’s Youth (a real box to check on a form!) and sweet-talk the gate guards into looking after a group of poor sweet baby students for all of a few hours. When the foretold day finally arrived, Mikio was vibrating with excitement from the top of her head to the tip of her tail.

Gathering up her students like little baby kittens, she took the boys to the western gate and made them all line up in as neat a row as she could manage, and looked them in the eye one by one.

"Nao-nya,” she said sternly to Naoya.

"O-hagi,” to Habiki.

"Pokeori,” to Shiori.

"Your extremely important life-or-death mission today is to help these gate guards!!” Mikio gestured grandly to the gatehouse, where both of the shinobi on duty looked like they would rather be truly anywhere else, where students were not present. "It is super duper critical that every single person who comes in and out of that gate gets checked in and checked out!! You will be here for four hours while you learn how to work as a really cool team and then I will come back to collect you!! Are your instructions clear!!”

Azuki sat primly at Mikio’s side, and was looking at her as if the girl had suddenly grown a second head. Maru was mysteriously not present—he hadn’t been at the academy when they’d left, and even now at the gate the younger puma was nowhere in sight.

tactician has written 34 posts
Gima Naoya
Gima Naoya Avatar
age 14 years old birthday feb 14th rank academy student occupation student
It was beginning to feel like Mikio was the only teacher employed at the academy. One of the most critical lessons he'd taken part in since enrolling was an escort mission with her only a week prior and now here he was again on another mock mission. And maybe that was a good sign; Naoya being entrusted with more challenging tasks could only mean he was getting closer to graduation, right?

He stood behind the other students a touch and offered Azuki a polite wave. Hopefully he hadn't traumatized her too much during their last excursion.

Their 'mission' seemed simple enough. Stand watch and take roll of anyone who passed through the gates. Naoya couldn't imagine they'd be doing much of the paperwork; handing off some of the tasks made sense but he wouldn't trust a trio of kids to fill out official forms, their handwriting being the least of concerns. So he made his way, after being put at ease of course, to the guard shack nearest them to await further instruction.

In the mean time, he just looked out into the distance. He couldn't imagine Amegakure was an easy target for invasion, given its limited entry points and inhospitable surroundings, so he mostly focused on suspicious looking travelers. He checked who was armed, who was coming in with carts or other storage, and generally anyone else who seemed capable of potentially bringing in something not meant to enter the city walls.

And for the most part, he remained quiet. Not just his usual lack of conversation either, but he made a conscious effort to stay out of everyone's way. The students might struggle to contribute much, but Naoya definitely didn't want to make anything harder for the shinobi stationed here.

last edit by Gima Naoya on Dec 24, 2023 3:35:36 GMT -5
j. has written 30 posts
Susanō Shiori
"Never give up! Never surrender!"
Susanō Shiori Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age birthday December 23rd rank Academy Student occupation
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[attr=class,opunkifirstlinerule]If I work hard enough
[attr=class,opunkisecondlinerule]i can fly to even greater heights

[attr=class,opunkinamerule]Susanō Shiori
[attr=class,opunkicountrule]words: ####
[attr=class,opunkibulkrule]Finally, someone to teach an actual lesson! Shiori had spent many months feeling like no one would teach him consistently outside of other academy students and he began to wonder if anyone even worked at the academy. So when he found out he would be joining a group for a mock mission to say he was excited was an understatement. He was practically jumping around like a maniac and even more so when he found out his cousin Habiki would be also participating in the mock mission. To the point of when it came to the day of the mission, Shiori was trying to drag Habiki out so they could get there super early.

Overwhelmed by excitement Shiori didn't pay full attention if Habiki was following him or not, but Shiori would make it quite early to the gates where they would have this mock mission. Sadly he would be a bit disappointed with the job they would be doing. Watching people enter the village and check paperwork seemed like such tedious work! Why couldn't they go out and capture bandits or rescue lost animals or something with a more physical nature to it? So when it came to doing the job Shiori found himself very restless and instead focused on his chakra control training by meditating like he was told at one point letting the other two boys deal with the tedious work instead.

[attr=class,opunkitagsrule]@ tags here
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Elumenate has written 47 posts