Here?Dec 24, 2023 11:52:53 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Amegakure knew no seasons. Like its neighboring regions, the village experienced perpetual heat, humidity, and consistent rainfall... but mostly rain to be honest, that was how the village was named the Hidden Rain, while the nation was named the Storm Country. While this climate had its advantages, such as fostering stable agricultural output and minimising the need for heating energy, Akirei couldn't help but feel envy for lands that was blessed with the beautiful four seasons.
Having enrolled for the upcoming Chūnin exam, Akirei set out a week ahead to explore the hosting country which had all the four seasons mentioned. According to his research, it should be winter right now. The allure of witnessing real-life snowfall, despite winter's reputation for cold and discomfort, proved irresistible to him.
The journey to Kaminari no Kuni was tough, with the train ride feeling long and tedious. However, upon arrival, Akirei's excitement overshadowed any fatigue. Yet, as he stepped out of the train station, he realised he had forgotten to bring a map. Luckily, he hadn't neglected his cold-resistant jacket, sparing him further potential hardship.
Despite having no clear direction to the nearby inn, Akirei hesitated to ask for assistance due to his introverted nature. Clad in a large white hooded jacket and a thick warm mask, he awkwardly trailed those departing from the train station, hoping to stumble upon signboards indicating the way.


Susanō Akirei – 231 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Dec 24, 2023 11:53:28 GMT -5
Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Dec 25, 2023 6:24:22 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

The journey from Kirigakure to Akazaya proved to be a lengthy boat ride, an intriguing experience for An, especially given that it was her inaugural visit to Kaminari no Kuni. Despite the chilly weather, which was not uncommon for Mizu no Kuni during the winter season, An was well-prepared, with a hat and an outfit clad in layers of warm and thick fabrics - mostly in white and pastel blue colors no cold could reach her.
Upon arriving at Akazaya, the seasoned shinobi in An's company directed her to the inn designated for all participants. They, however, had urgent matters to attend to and swiftly departed, leaving An at the bustling village entrance. The abruptness of their departure left An in a somewhat precarious situation, compounded by the fact that they were the custodians of the map. Unfortunately, the swift pace of her companions prevented An from conveying this crucial detail before they vanished into the crowd.
The village was alive with the energy of the locals going about their daily routines, their faces obscured by layers of warm clothing to protect against the winter chill. An tightened the extra clothing around her and followed the advice to head to the inn where the participants were to stay.
Navigating through the lively village, An marveled at the unique architecture and cultural nuances that distinguished Azakaya from her homeland. The air crackled with a sense of excitement as she passed market stalls selling regional delicacies and traditional crafts. The snow-capped landscape added a serene beauty to the surroundings.
After a considerable amount of time passed, An still hadn't spotted the Inn. Realizing she needed directions, she looked around for someone who seemed like another participant. A young man in a large white hooded jacket and a mask caught her eye, and she approached him.
"Excuse me. Could you please help me? I'm trying to find the Inn where the Chunin Exam participants are staying. Would you happen to know the way?" An asked straightforwardly but politely. She figured someone involved in the exams would likely know where the participants were put up. The boy's attire, with the hood and mask, gave off the vibe of a fellow exam-goer, making him a suitable candidate for the much-needed information.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 376

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Dec 26, 2023 1:57:01 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


The pristine white snow spread out before him, a breathtaking sight more elegant than he had ever imagined. Yet, as everyone had warned, its beauty came at the cost of coldness, creating a landscape devoid of warmth. The surroundings lacked any trace of green, and there was an absence of crowds seeking casual conversations. But it wasn’t really that bad, at least for Akirei, since it gave him more space and time to enjoy the scenery alone.
Anticipating a silent journey until he reached the inn, his solitude was abruptly shattered by an unexpected voice. The hooded figure turned to face the source, his eyes visible through the narrow opening of his mask. A young girl, much to his surprise, had spoken up, but it wasn't her sudden conversation that caught his attention. Rather, it was the Kirigakure symbol wrapped around her arm, unmistakably marked by the misty emblem carved on the silver metal.
The girl appeared to be a few years younger than him, standing at least a head shorter. "Oh dear. I can't believe I could meet another contestant shorter than me..." Akirei thought to himself, quickly deducing her as a fellow participant in the Chunin Exams. After all, no children from other villages would be allowed here without a valid reason.
A moment of hesitation passed before Akirei nodded in acknowledgment to her request for directions. The muffled quality of his voice added an air of mystery as he responded, "Yeah, sure. I know where it is. Follow me." He wasn't particularly keen on engaging in conversations with strangers, but leaving a child stranded in the winter was out of the question. However, a twinge of regret crept in; he had asserted that he knew the way when, in truth, he had no clear direction of where they should be heading. "… I shouldn't have said that…" He thought, while looking left and right, hoping there would be some signs to save him from embarrassment.


Susanō Akirei – 328 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Dec 26, 2023 11:41:57 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

"Thank you for helping me," An expressed her gratitude with a warm smile as she followed Akirei through the snowy landscape. The cold air contrasted with the friendliness in her tone. Akirei's gesture of guiding her through the winter terrain was not lost on her. As they walked, An felt a desire to break the silence that enveloped them. Curiosity about her fellow Chunin Exam participant prompted her to strike up a conversation. "By the way," she began, "I didn't catch which village you're from. I don't see your headband." Her inquiry was casual, an attempt to initiate a dialogue rather than a formal interrogation.
As An and Akirei traversed the snowy landscape of Akazaya, a moment of silence settled between them. The crunch of snow beneath their feet accompanied the quietude, and it was in this stillness that An's stomach decided to make its presence known. A soft but unmistakable growl emanated from her midsection, breaking the quiet ambiance.
An couldn't help but laugh, a touch embarrassed by the unexpected announcement of her hunger. "Guess I should have grabbed a bite before continuing the search for the Inn," she admitted, her cheeks slightly flushed. The aroma of the tantalizing food from nearby vendors only intensified the sensation in her stomach, teasing her senses with promises of warmth and sustenance.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 220

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Dec 27, 2023 4:56:19 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


The snow was undeniably beautiful, but akin to the thorns on red roses, the freezing air managed to seep into Akirei's thick coat. He simply nodded at the girl's expression of gratitude. Part of it was due to his general aversion to talking, but the chilly temperature was another formidable reason. Coming from a place with only hot and rainy seasons, adapting to this wintry environment proved to be very challenging for him. For now, he preferred conserving energy, not realising it was somewhat rude to the others.
They continued their journey through the snowy landscape with caution and deliberation. As they neared the village, the ambient noises grew louder, although the falling snow muffled most sounds. Thus, their journey remained quiet and somewhat awkward until the girl broke the silence with a question.
"Hmm?" Akirei turned his face toward the girl, slightly taken aback by her inquiry. Then he remembered he was entirely covered by his fur coat, rendering it impossible for her to discern his origin. After carefully navigating through the thicker snowfall ahead, Akirei finally responded, "My apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Akirei, hailing from Amegakure." He ensured his greeting carried a tone of grace, attempting to mask the rudeness he unintentionally displayed earlier. "Be careful." While awaiting the girl's response, Akirei attentively scanned and cleared any potential obstacles in their path.


Susanō Akirei – 227 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Dec 29, 2023 8:43:56 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

Amegakure—the mere mention of the name brought a palpable sense of relief to An. Her lips, petite and delicate, couldn't conceal the sight of relief that escaped them. Choosing someone from an allied nation for assistance had proven to be a wise decision. While An speculated that seeking help from a non-allied nation might not have been disastrous, the likelihood of rejection loomed large. Kirigakure's Academy system had ingrained unwavering loyalty to the village as a paramount principle. An's limited interactions and worldview, shaped by societal norms and her immediate surroundings, had shielded her from encounters with individuals from perceived "enemy" nations.
Upon hearing the name "Akirei-san," An extended a warm smile towards the masked boy. "Nice to meet you. I am Gurē An," she introduced herself. Amidst their exchange, a noticeable growl emanated from her stomach, audible enough for Akirei to register. With a hint of shyness, An gestured towards the row of street vendors offering an array of both familiar and unfamiliar foods. "Umh, would it be okay to take a detour and have a bite of something? I am a bit hungry," she confessed, grateful for the veil on her hat, which concealed any telltale signs of a blush on her cheeks. Perhaps the chill in the air could serve as a plausible excuse.
Her gaze fixed on a specific vendor, she suggested, "How about some takoyaki?" An wasted no time, her steps already carrying her towards the stall.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 272

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Dec 30, 2023 3:10:49 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


"I see... Nice to meet you." Akirei replied, keeping his response short despite finding himself intrigued by her origin. "Gurē huh?" While not an academic, he was somewhat familiar with the Gurē clan. His knowledge stemmed not from formal education but rather from a humble source — a cheap but delicious mushroom brand from Mizu no Kuni he had since his childhood. In times when his mother struggled to afford necessities, the mushroom farmed by the Gurē was their saviour. Not only was it available at an affordable price, but it was packed with nutrients. He remembered his mother once said that the Gurē seal on the packaging was synonymous with safety and quality.
Akirei pondered whether the girl walking alongside him had any connection to the producer. However, before he could delve into his thoughts, a growl interrupted him. Pausing his steps, he turned towards Gurē. Just as he was about to inquire if she was hungry, she shyly asked if it was alright to grab a quick bite. Responding with a hint of awkwardness and shyness, Akirei said, "Oh, uhmm, yeah, of course! Yeah, takoyaki is fine. Let’s go."
Opting for something warm wasn't a bad idea, especially in the chilly weather. With a courteous tone, Akirei ordered two plates of takoyaki. "Extra warm, please." he added, before making his way to the nearest seat by the fire.


Susanō Akirei – 230 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Jan 3, 2024 10:04:45 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

An edged closer to the crackling fire, seeking refuge from the harsh chill outside. Despite the effectiveness of her thick attire against the biting streets, the magnetic pull of the fire was irresistible. As the plates were presented, a swift "Thanks" escaped her lips, and the tantalizing aroma intensified her hunger.
With a deft move, she picked up a piece of takoyaki, only to realize its scalding heat, prompting her to return it after a few seconds. Maintaining a casual tone, she remarked, "I've never been to Amegakure, but I hear it's quite warm compared to this place. How's the weather treating you? Are you adjusting to the cold?" An tactfully steered the conversation toward Akirei's experiences, unaware that, like her, Akirei had recently arrived.
Expressing her own recent arrival, An revealed, "I just got here not too long ago, accompanied by some others. However, they had errands to attend to and went their separate ways, leaving me to find the inn. Everything would have been fine, but they took the map with them." Pausing to confirm that the takoyaki had cooled, she took a quick bite before continuing, "That's why I ended up seeking your help." Her friendly tone lingered as she turned the focus to Akirei, asking about his duration in the area and whether he, too, had arrived with companions. For An, traveling with others was a norm dictated by Kirigakure's strict travel regulations, and her curiosity about the functioning of other nations spurred her inquiries.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 249

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Jan 7, 2024 5:44:42 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Akirei savoured the hot and tasty takoyaki, each bite bursting with flavours - juicy, tender, and comforting, a perfect complement to the cold weather. The warmth radiating from the delectable treat provided a cosy contrast to the wintry air, making it a truly satisfying indulgence.
When An posed her question, Akirei didn't respond immediately. Instead, he slowly crunched the takoyaki before swallowing it and finally addressing her query. "Amegakure is indeed a place with only sun and rain, and nothing else. It's cold, but I will manage." he replied, the stoicism in his voice revealing little about his internal thoughts.
Internally, Akirei considered this cold climate much easier to handle compared to the hardships he had endured in the past. This minor inconvenience would not hinder his determination to succeed. "I am going to pass this chuunin exam no matter what…"
Turning to the amiable Kirigakure-nin, he reassured her, "Don't worry about it, and no, I came alone. My village might have sent a few proctors to guard over us, but they are probably doing it behind the shadows." Perhaps there were a few hiding behind them right now... but not like he cared anyway. It's a free bodyguard service after all!


Susanō Akirei – 202 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Jan 7, 2024 14:32:52 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

As An savored the now tolerably warm takoyaki, she listened intently to Akirei's response about Amegakure and the unique weather there. Nodding thoughtfully, she considered the vast differences in climates between their respective villages. The contrast between Kirigakure's misty and chilly atmosphere and Amegakure's constant sun and rain.
With genuine curiosity, she inquired, "Sun and rain, huh? That sounds quite different from the misty and chilly surroundings of Kirigakure. And here," An's interest in cultural exchanges and diverse experiences shone through her words. As Akirei shared his thoughts on the transition, An's curiosity deepened. "I can imagine it's quite an adjustment. Is this your first time venturing outside Amegakure? And is this your first chuunin exam?" An's questions were gentle.
As the conversation flowed, An couldn't help but wonder about Akirei's goals in participating in the chuunin exams. Leaning in slightly, she asked, "Speaking of which, what brings you to the exams? Any particular goals or aspirations you're aiming for? Except for the obvious one of becoming a chuunin," An's brown eyes sparkled with genuine interest.
As Akirei contemplated his response, An continued, "And do you have any inkling about what the exams might have in store for us? I've heard that challenges can be quite diverse and unpredictable. Any thoughts on what we might face?" Her inquiries were a blend of curiosity and practicality and a bit of probing around.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 231

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Jan 9, 2024 7:38:00 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Another takoyaki ball was swallowed by Akirei, though it lacked the warmth of the previous one as its surface had succumbed to the freezing air. But it didn't take away his intention of grabbing the next one.
"It takes time to adapt, but trust me, it is much better than staying in my country." he asserted, his voice carrying a little bit of disappointment. The discontent with his homeland was not of course not stemming from the boring weather, but the broader issues of the like of rapid urbanisation that caused the breakdown of natural flora and fauna, and adoption of capitalism without regulation that had resulted in stark wealth inequality. Though unspoken, the fire in his eyes revealed the depth of his dissatisfaction.
In an attempt to shift the focus from the topic, he let out a freezing sigh and steered the conversation towards the upcoming Chuunin exams. Turning his attention to An, he asked about her preparations and confidence in passing the exam, recognising her youth but acknowledging her presence as a worthy participant. "For me, hmm, I just want to get stronger, that's all."
When questioned about his expectations for the upcoming exams, Akirei simply shook his head. "No. I have no idea. It is my first exam after all. But whatever it is, I will pass it." After finishing his last minced ball of takoyaki, he finally stood up. "Perhaps we should head back to the inn. It's getting colder here."


Susanō Akirei – 245 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Jan 12, 2024 4:59:11 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

As Akirei shared his thoughts on Amegakure and his dissatisfaction with his homeland, An couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy. The complexities of personal struggles and the broader issues plaguing a nation were things she understood all too well, having witnessed the intricacies of life in Kirigakure. She absorbed his words, the disappointment in his voice not lost on her.
Nodding in acknowledgment, An shifted the conversation toward the looming chuunin exams. As Akirei expressed his desire to get stronger, An admired the sincerity of his goal. It resonated with her aspirations, the pursuit of strength being a universal theme among shinobi.
When asked about her preparations and confidence, An flashed a determined smile. "I've been training diligently, even though I became a genin not so long ago. Confidence? Well, there's always a bit of nervous excitement, but I believe in the value of hard work and preparation. And you're right, getting stronger is a worthy goal. It's what drives us forward."
As for the upcoming challenges of the exams, An chuckled, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty in her response. "The unpredictability is part of the thrill, isn't it? I've heard they can test us in various ways, pushing our limits. But like you, I'm determined to face whatever comes our way and emerge stronger."
Standing up with Akirei as they decided to head back to the inn, An couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie. "Let's brace ourselves for whatever the exams throw at us," she said with a confident gleam in her eyes.
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 259

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Jan 12, 2024 21:18:49 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Akirei nodded in agreement while looking at the white snowy sky. While each shinobi may have different end goals, the pursuit of strength was a common path shared by nearly every one of them. It was the necessary journey for realising their individual wishes, akin to how not everyone desired wealth, but it was a requirement to fulfill their many different aspirations.
"That's true, practice makes perfect. I would have continued my training over here if it weren't for the exam starting soon." Akirei remarked on the girl's response. He brushed the dust from his pants before asking the route back to the inn from the shopkeeper. After getting the direction, he led An back to the inn together. As they walked, he reflected on his goal, ambition and dream that brought him to this place, and swore he would not return empty handed.
Their journey back to the inn faced hurdles as the snowfall intensified, reducing visibility. "I definitely know the directions, but for safety, let’s ask another person for confirmation." Akirei suggested, masking the fact that he was somewhat lost. In normal weather, he might have spread his wings to the skies, but now, he had no choice but to approach other storekeepers for guidance.

Susanō Akirei – 207 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Jan 13, 2024 7:50:54 GMT -5
Akirei has written 189 posts
Here?Jan 14, 2024 11:09:15 GMT -5
Gurē An
Practice makes perfect
Gurē An Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 10 years old birthday June 23, 1013 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 2 Member

As the snowfall intensified, An couldn't help but appreciate the camaraderie that had developed between her and Akirei during their conversation. The determination in his eyes resonated with her own aspirations for strength and growth. The chilly air seemed to amplify their shared understanding of the challenges that lay ahead in the chuunin exams.
An followed Akirei through the snowy streets, navigating the narrowing visibility. She smiled at his suggestion to ask for directions, recognizing the wisdom in seeking guidance when needed. "You're right, Akirei-san. It's better to be safe, especially with the weather like this," she replied, glancing around for a friendly face to approach.
As they approached another store, An and Akirei politely inquired about the way back to the inn. The shopkeeper provided clear directions, and An thanked them warmly. The journey continued with renewed confidence, each step bringing them closer to the warmth of the inn.
Reflecting on the upcoming exams, An couldn't shake off the nervous excitement that tinged her anticipation. Yet, walking beside Akirei, she felt a sense of reassurance. "Facing the unknown is part of the shinobi journey, isn't it?" she said, her tone a blend of optimism and determination.
As they finally reached the inn, An couldn't help but appreciate Akirei's help and his keeping her company, "I guess this is it, let's go in?"
真菌操作| Shinkin Sōsa [lit.Fungal Manipulation]
An can grow, shape, and manipulate all forms of fungi, including but not limited to yeasts and mold, along with poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, thanks to the Gurē clan's KKG. An has the ability to grow fungi on just about any surface. Because An’s genetic makeup is more similar to that of fungi than that of humans, she can use techniques based on Fungi anatomy, such as secretions or enzymes from various Fungi. She can easily generate or grow any part of a Fungi's anatomy from her own body by using chakra to further alter her own cells. Finally, because these techniques are made from her own cells or bodily fluids, such as converting her saliva into a specific Fungi secretion, An is immune to their effects.
共生遺伝学| Kyōsei Iden-Gaku [lit.Symbiotic Genetics]
As a member of the Gurē clan, An has gained the potential to combine her body with flora and the ground itself because of the similarities in her genetic makeup to fungi. She is able to link her chakra to the underground network of organic matter, which includes plant roots, water veins, and decomposing materials. For example, An can hide in things like trees, shrubs and roots, soil, and so on. Once fused, not only is her presence completely hidden and only felt by those with chakra recognition, but it also allows her to travel within the subterranean web of organic matter up to 1 km before needing to emerge.
蒼波| Sōha [lit.Blue Wave]
An possesses significantly larger and more formidable chakra reserves compared to her peers. This advantage enables her to execute various jutsu without rapidly depleting her chakra, granting her a distinct advantage in combat situations and the capacity to maintain prolonged, intensive chakra utilization. Consequently, she can employ advanced techniques for extended durations surpassing the capabilities of most individuals within her rank.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 223

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Yofie has written 347 posts
Here?Jan 15, 2024 8:22:02 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Sonata Op. 13, [break] No. 2 [break] Here?


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


With directions offered by multiple storekeepers, they past through the snowy, desolate streets which led them to the inner district of Akazaya. Here, inns and hotels dotted the landscape, accompanied by vibrant stores lining the streets. "Now that's more like Akazaya I was told…" Despite the snow, the street teemed with life while people flooded the thoroughfares, and stores bustled with non-stop activity.
Akirei contemplated the prospect of exploring the lively street after settling down. He had heard tales of dishes unique to this region, absent in Arashi no Kuni, and he yearned to savor them. Beyond gastronomic delights, the street promised a plethora of entertainment options, including festival games, hot springs, theater, and even gambling halls and drinking bars. Yet, the latter temptations were off-limits due to his age, and his mini stature would expose any lying attempts.
With a sigh, Akirei stepped into the designated inn. "May God be with you." he wished the young girl as they parted ways. Despite his lack of religious belief, shaped by a poverty-ridden childhood that instilled a belief solely in himself, Akirei genuinely meant his words. He extended sincere wishes of luck to the young girl pursuing her dream before heading back to his room.
- E X I T -


Susanō Akirei – 201 words | @ Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Jan 15, 2024 8:22:28 GMT -5
Akirei has written 189 posts