Walking in a Winter Wonderland [Open]

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Walking in a Winter Wonderland [Open]Dec 26, 2023 13:58:41 GMT -5
raika hyuga
"If they tell you no, do it anyway."
raika hyuga Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 22 years old birthday June 13th 1001 rank Chuunin occupation ANBU Black Ops
363 words

Raika can't help but to shiver a little. It was odd to her for the villages to all decide that the Exams should take place in Kumogakure in the middle of winter, since Kumogakure wasn't known for being a particularly warm climate high up in the mountains. At least it had given Raika the chance to do some training in the low-oxygen environment, so she was certain once she got back home to Konoha, she'd probably be able to perform at a much higher level, at least temporarily. While her dark blue coveralls protected her from the cold somewhat, they weren't really all that thick. After all, she normally lived in Konoha, which was certainly warm enough that she'd often have to unzip the top half of her coveralls. Even now, she was wearing a lot more than her usual cropped tank top. Then again, she was also warming herself up by walking around arm-in-arm with Tokaku.

Despite both of them being in the Chuunin Exams, meaning they might end up having to go up against one another, she still felt giddy and heated whenever she was with Tokaku. It was a completely different but certainly comparable feeling when she was with Hibana, and it was a little confusing even for her. At least the towering Hyuuga could rely on her girlfriend for a bit of warmth. Her amaranthine eyes kept glancing at Tokaku, then pulling away again to try and look elsewhere; even after weeks together, she felt like a teenager again when they were together. Her sleek black hair is pulled back in a ponytail, so it swings a little whenever she turns her head, and her black boots clap against the ground with every step. At least she didn't have her weapon pouch on her hip, although her Konoha headband still dangles loosely around her neck.

"Hmmmmm, a lot of these places certainly look... exotic."

She wonders if Tokaku is enjoying her company. With Tokaku usually wearing a mask, it's normally impossible for her to guess what the Uchiha is thinking, but at least she knows that Tokaku likes her at least as much as she likes the white-haired kunoichi.

by Pinn @ THQ
Babs has written 260 posts
Walking in a Winter Wonderland [Open]Feb 9, 2024 0:22:29 GMT -5
Uchiha Tokaku
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uchiha Tokaku Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team Member

Tokaku could be a hard person to read, she’d admit. It was because of her upbringing that she showed very little if any emotions, at best showing some in her voice here and there. Not to mention she tends to wear the same mask as her mother often did, as it was to bring focus to her eyes. However, she was enjoying her time so far with her new girlfriends, Raika and Hibana. Though, given her past record with people she tried dating, she was still having a hard time getting close enough just yet.

She wasn’t trying to come off as distant or cold, but a part of her didn’t want to get too close to someone only for her to lose them all over again. Although, she started to grow more confident and tried her damndest to improve handling her lingering symptoms of PTSD and such. It was hard, especially at first where she really started to struggle. Tokaku was dressed more casually in a navy blue kimono with the Uchiha symbol on the back at the center of her shoulders.

The silver haired Uchiha did really like them however. So far, she liked them better and in different yet also more ways than when she tried dating men in the past. It was giving her the feeling that maybe she was more into women than men, if she was attracted to men at all. She would need to properly introspect later after she was done with the Chuunin Exams. She wandered around, mostly letting Raika lead her around.

When Raika spoke up, Tokaku looked her in the eyes and gave her a light smile before asking "Hmm. Where do you wish to go first? Or do you wanna have some light fun? We could give the other competitors who aren’t aligned with Konohagakure no Sato some shit.”

TAG: @
HEX: #b54a50

Special Abilities:

Sharingan [1 Tomoe]
The girl unlocked her Sharingan after teammates died in the last chuunin exams she was in, her mother died after the chuunin exams ended. The trauma has given her One Tomoe in both of her eyes. They allow her to see chakra in color, although not as good as a Byakugan. It also gives her a better view of the actions of her opponent, although not as good as a Two or Three Tomoe Sharingan. It can help her keep track of movements well enough to aid her in combat, nonetheless.

Chakra Control
Tokaku always had good chakra control and only perfected it as she’s now gotten older. It helps her keep up with the toll of jutsus, by using almost just the right amount of chakra.

Kenjutsu Princess
So she could handle close range and also so she could eventually learn how to use a White Chakra Blade which her other clan is infamous for– Hatake Toshizou taught her how to use most types of swords in spite of her true skills in genjutsu and ninjutsu. She has been training for a few years nearly nonstop in practicing kenjutsu since she was first taught. Currently, her overall physicality and skill for using kenjutsu is boosted enough to where she is more than capable of keeping up with most other kenjutsu practitioners

Weapons Used:

Jutsu Used:

Ember has written 177 posts