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Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:24:49 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Etude Op. 13, [break] No. 7 [break] Back to School


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


"Sigh." Akirei sighed in disappointment, confronted by yet another failure in his experiment. The backyard of his new home was strewn with thousands, if not millions, of burnt and crumpled papers. Thankfully, the area was sheltered by a large roof and equipped with functional drains, sparing him the concern of the papers becoming waste when the inevitable rain descended upon the village.
Akirei might only be fourteen years old, but believe it or not, he had spent years into this research. However, recently he encountered a roadblock in his efforts to invent his brand new paper technique. Frustrated with the stagnant progress, he decided to take a break.
His mother's sweet voice interrupted his thoughts. "What's on your mind, Aki-chan?" she asked. Akirei offered a warm smile to reassure her. "Nothing... don't worry, Mom." After quickly finishing his lunch, he helped his mother with the dishes.
"Take care not to overwork yourself. Burnout will do more harm than good." his mother advised, sensing something troubling in Akirei. Knowing that he would never be able to deceive his mother, Akirei simply replied with a nod. After thoughtful consideration, he chose to follow his mother's advice. He decided to return to the academy, to seek inspiration or, maybe just a break from all the work.


Susanō Akirei – 213 words | @ Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Susanō Akirei on Jan 14, 2024 12:26:21 GMT -5
Akirei has written 187 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:29:03 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka's day had unfolded in typical fashion, commencing with the mundane rituals of early-morning preparations for classes. The sun had already painted the academy's campus in warm hues as she briskly navigated through her daily routine. As a committed student, Uka delved into lectures and discussions, embracing the familiar rhythm of academic life. Her notebook was filled with meticulous notes and occasional scribbles. It didn't take long for lunchtime to arrive, and another period of lessons to begin.

The day, seemingly ordinary, took an unexpected turn after her final class. Amidst the serene campus ambiance, a figure appeared in the distance—a face Uka recognized instantly. A smile graced her lips as excitement surged within her, and with Momo floating happily by her side, while a few of the butterflies had made their escape floating around Uka as she hastened her steps.
"Water Walker! I mean, Akirei," she called out upon reaching him, joy resonating in her voice. Uka couldn't contain her enthusiasm as she greeted her friend, curiosity bubbling within her about the unexpected visit. "It's been ages! What brings you to the academy? Is there another mock mission? Though I didn't see any announcements anywhere," she inquired, her eyes reflecting both surprise and delight.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 206

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:30:09 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Etude Op. 13, [break] No. 7 [break] Back to School


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


The weather, though not scorching, was enough to make Akirei uncomfortable under the piercing sunlight. Not feeling well under the sun, he increased his flying speed as he navigated through the familiar neighbourhood, reaching the academy in no time.
Stopping and hovering in front of the grand institution, Akirei wore a perplexed expression, though it was partly concealed by his masquerade-style mask. Despite having a challenging experience during his student days, he found himself increasingly drawn to the campus recently, and he wasn't entirely sure why.
Or perhaps he did. It was because of Uka, a newfound friend. Her innocence and purity, coupled with the warmth of the new friendly teachers, brought a refreshing and fond feeling toward the academy. It bridged a gap that had been missing from his student days.
As he relaxed, basking in the breeze under the vast campus shadows, a sudden call of his name jolted him back to reality. Opening his eyes, he discovered a familiar figure. It was Uka, the joyful and carefree girl greeted him warmly as he slowly solidified his feet on the ground.
"No, it wasn't for the mock mission. I'm just here to seek advice or maybe find inspiration." Akirei, true to his introverted nature, kept his response short and simple. Yet, he added a touch of warmth to his voice, ensuring he didn't come across as rude to his friend.


Susanō Akirei – 232 words | @ Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 187 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:36:22 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she listened to Akirei's words. "Oh, Akirei! Seeking advice or inspiration? Count me in! I've been feeling the need to stretch my wings, both figuratively and literally, after a day of classes. After all, I've been cooped up in classrooms all day, and the idea of some physical activity sounds like a breath of fresh air. Training together could be just the thing we need."
She tilted her head, her smile was infectious, and she continued, "I've discovered this amazing spot behind the academy, a secluded training ground where we can focus without any distractions. It could be like our own little haven. What do you say? A bit of training, a bit of brainstorming, and maybe we'll uncover something brilliant together!" She gestured towards the said academy grounds with a playful grin.
Uka's excitement was palpable, and her genuine offer conveyed a sense of camaraderie. She waited, her eyes glimmered with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, hoping Akirei would agree, while her feet started to move towards the suggested spot, as she continued to share her excitement about the potential of their training session and how stiff she felt after sitting most of the day.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 203

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:37:07 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Etude Op. 13, [break] No. 7 [break] Back to School


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Akirei thought over Uka's proposal, his mind still grappling with the ideas and improvements he sought for his paper technique. Stronger? Lighter? Sharper? Thinner? The questions echoed in his thoughts, each one pulling him in a different direction. He wasn't certain of the exact solution, and the ambiguity had become a mental roadblock.
Sharing his dilemma with Uka seemed like a step in the right direction, and for a moment, he forgot his shyness. As they made their way to the secluded training ground, Akirei explained, "I've been trying to figure out how to make my paper stronger, but the ideas are all jumbled up. It's like trying to catch the wind. I can't quite grasp what I'm aiming for."
Uka listened attentively, her supportive nature evident. "I thought a change of scenery and some physical activity might help clear my mind." Akirei admitted, a tinge of excitement entering his voice. "Maybe training with you will bring a fresh perspective, and we can brainstorm together. Who knows, we might stumble upon something brilliant in the midst of our exercises."
As they reached the secluded spot, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Akirei felt a renewed eagerness to tackle the challenges of his paper technique, buoyed by the prospect of collaboration with Uka. He swore not to waste the chance to explore and exchange ideas with his friend. "Anyway, is there anything Uka-chan trying to train at the moment? Maybe I can offer some helps too!"


Susanō Akirei – 234 words | @ Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 187 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:39:58 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka, with her mischievous grin, appreciated Akirei's openness about his struggles with the paper technique. As they walked towards the secluded training ground, she nodded thoughtfully, understanding the frustration that came with creative challenges. "Well, Akirei-kun, that's the beauty of brainstorming. Sometimes the answers come when you least expect them," Uka offered encouragingly. "Let's give it a shot! And don't worry, we'll figure it out together. Teamwork, right?"
Uka listened attentively to Akirei's thoughts on his paper technique, and as they stood on the secluded training ground, she shared a bit about her ongoing training focus. "You know, Akirei-kun, I've been working on improving my control over my butterflies and moths. It's a never-ending process, but I find it fascinating," she admitted, a determined glint in her eyes. "They're delicate creatures, and getting them to respond just the way I want requires a lot of finesse."
As the conversation flowed, an idea sprouted in Uka's mischievous mind. "Hey, speaking of our techniques, what if we add a bit of fun to our training? How about a friendly competition? My living butterflies against your paper ones!" Uka suggested with a playful grin.
Uka's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of a friendly competition. "Alright, Akirei-kun, let's make it interesting! Here's the plan," she said, pointing around the training ground and outlining the course with her hand. "We'll have a race with a few checkpoints. First, we'll start here," she pointed to their current location, "then loop around that tree, weave through those training dummies, and finally finish at the large rock over there."
Without waiting for a reply, Uka gently released a few of her butterflies into the air, their delicate wings carrying them gracefully. "The challenge is to guide our creations through the course with precision and speed. It's a test of control and finesse," she explained, watching the butterflies flutter around as if eager to take part in the friendly competition.
Uka would focus her hands into a hand seal, ready to transfer her chakra to the butterflies and race any time Akirei was ready. "Of course, we can obstruct each other," she added.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 356

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:40:32 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Etude Op. 13, [break] No. 7 [break] Back to School


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Engaging in conversation with Uka provided a welcome reprieve for Akirei. It was always nice to talk with someone, and the act of sharing his struggles, even if only briefly, granted him a subtle sense of relaxation. To his surprise, Uka revealed she was also striving to enhance her skills in hijutsu. In that moment, the weight of his challenges felt a bit lighter, knowing he wasn't alone in his journey of improvement.
"Sounds good." When asked for a friendly race, Akirei quickly agreed to the competition. He acknowledged that it might not directly aid his goals, but it was certainly a better alternative to doing nothing. Besides, after the arduous failures of his home experiments, he was eager for a bit of fun and diversion.
Taking his time to craft an origami butterfly, Akirei drew from the lessons of his past failures. Through those experiments, he had learned that enhancing the speed of his crafts required making the paper more aerodynamic. With delicate chakra control and a masterful display of origami skill, he manipulated the wings in a precise manner, leveraging his understanding of aerodynamics to optimise the paper's flight capabilities. He focused on minimising air resistance, leading the edge of the wings with a slight upward curve, subtly emulating the design of bird wing. This curvature encouraged a smoother flow of air over the surface, reducing drag and allowing the paper creature to cut through the air with greater ease.
Having meticulously double-checked his craftsmanship, Akirei released the critter into the air to join the race against Uka's butterflies. "Onegaishimasu." he uttered with a warm tone, watching the elegant white paper butterfly gracefully soar through the air.


Susanō Akirei – 279 words | @ Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 187 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:42:20 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka's eyes lit up with anticipation as she observed Akirei's meticulous origami crafting. His dedication and attention to detail impressed her, and she couldn't help but admire the elegance of the paper butterfly he released into the air. As the delicate creature joined her living butterflies, Uka couldn't resist a mischievous grin.
"Nice work, Akirei-kun! Your origami butterfly looks fantastic," she complimented, genuinely appreciating the effort he put into refining his technique. "Let the race begin!" With a swift motion, Uka guided her butterflies to form a starting line in the air. "On your mark, get set..." she exclaimed with playful excitement, her eyes fixed on the course ahead. "Go!"
The air filled with the fluttering of wings as both the origami and living butterflies navigated the course. Uka's eyes darted between Akirei's creation and her butterflies, gauging their speed and precision. Midway through the race, Uka couldn't resist injecting a bit of mischief into the competition. Spotting an opportunity, she directed a couple of her butterflies to playfully land on Akirei's origami butterfly. The delicate creatures added a bit of weight, and disrupted the origami's aerodynamics, making the paper creation slightly more cumbersome to control.
Uka giggled, unable to contain her mischievous delight. "Let's see how your origami handles a bit of company, Akirei-kun!" she teased.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 217

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:44:13 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Etude Op. 13, [break] No. 7 [break] Back to School


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


"Thank you." Akirei responded to the compliment shyly. He had always been a fan of beautiful things, and above all else, he made sure his creations were nice and pretty. The white glossy paper he used added an extra touch of elegance to the paper butterfly as it gracefully flew through the air. Though it couldn't match the liveliness and beauty of Uka's real butterflies, Akirei felt satisfied with what he had created.
The race began with Akirei gave a command to the origami creature to start racing, allowing the semi-autonomous butterfly to fly alongside Uka's living butterflies on its own. Observing from a distance, he focused on checking for any potential improvements. Unless there were any obstacles, he would not interfere with his origami.
Everything proceeded normally until Uka decided to land her butterflies on top of his origami creation. "Eh!?" Akirei was momentarily stunned by her mischievous display but quickly regained his composure to witness the struggles of his origami.
In Akirei's thoughts, he pondered, "I see. I omitted the force from other objects in my calculation. Things like this can happen, and even a stronger wind could disrupt their movement." Indeed, his paper butterfly might be aerodynamic, but without sufficient weight, it struggled to handle unexpected forces. In such situations, the origami could get destroyed or, at the very least, experience disrupted movement.
Without an immediate solution in mind, Akirei decided to override the command on the origami butterfly to prioritise its balance. "Heh, that sure increases the difficulty, but not for long, Uka-chan." he remarked, determined to address the new challenge.


Susanō Akirei – 265 words | @ Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 187 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:45:42 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka couldn't help but burst into laughter as she witnessed Akirei's origami butterfly navigating the impromptu obstacle course she had set up. Her eyes gleamed with mischief, reveling in the playful chaos brought about by her living butterflies. Akirei's momentarily stunned expression only fueled Uka's amusement, and she teased him, "Looks like your origami butterfly is facing some real challenges, Akirei-kun!"
Despite the initial surprise, Akirei quickly composed himself, displaying a determination that mirrored Uka's spirited nature. The ongoing race showcased a fascinating blend of creativity and nature as the delicate paper creation interacted with the vibrant butterflies. Uka, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, guided her butterflies through the course, occasionally throwing a playful glance at Akirei.
As the competition intensified, Uka's competitive spirit kicked in. With a sly grin, she decided to up the ante, challenging Akirei by sending a swarm of butterflies to land on his origami creation. The additional weight and chaos posed a real test for the origami, and Akirei found himself in a struggle to maintain control.
In the final moments, adrenaline surged through Uka as the race became a showdown of creativity and quick thinking. The living butterflies and Akirei's origami engaged in a sky tussle, creating a riot of colors in the air. Victory hung in the balance, and Uka eagerly awaited the outcome of this unique and mischievous competition.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 229

[googlefont=Fira Sans:400,500,600,700]
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Yofie has written 97 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:47:06 GMT -5
Susanō Akirei
The broken man shall fix the broken world
Susanō Akirei Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday Dec 28th, 1009 rank Chūnin occupation JITE Ops & SPWC Junior

Etude Op. 13, [break] No. 7 [break] Back to School


[attr="class","colorfield-2"] paper shuriken

paper butterflies and moths

[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


As the swarm of butterflies landed on his origami creation, Akirei's mind raced to find a solution to the sudden challenge. The added weight disrupted the delicate balance he had carefully crafted. But even without the friendly banter from Uka, he was bound to face the challenge anyway. As mentioned, even a slight headwind or even tailwind could make his paper critter lose control. He realised that a quick adjustment was necessary to restore the origami's flight capabilities, but what should he do?
A sudden moment of revelation jolted him into action. Eureka! Focusing his chakra and using his origami skills, Akirei swiftly adapted. He redefined the construct, compensating for the unexpected weight by merging them with more papers. It was a delicate dance of chakra manipulation and precise folding as he worked to enhance and balance the paper butterfly's stability and aerodynamic capability.
Through graceful hand movement, the origami was now instilled with a brand new aerodynamic capability, accounting for the additional forces acting upon it. The paper responded to his commands, and started to speed up. The race would continue, and as the living butterflies and Akirei's origami resumed their flight, displaying a remarkable recovery and resilience in the race. "Heh, it's not stopping now."


Susanō Akirei – 208 words | @ Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 187 posts
Back to SchoolJan 14, 2024 12:50:41 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka's laughter echoed through the air as she watched Akirei skillfully navigate the unexpected challenge she had thrown his way. Her eyes twinkled with amusement, and she couldn't help but admire his quick thinking and determination. "Well done, Akirei-kun! I must say, you've got quite the knack for handling surprises," she complimented with a friendly grin.
As Akirei's origami butterfly showcased its newfound aerodynamic prowess, Uka couldn't hide her excitement. "Look at you go! It seems like my mischievous butterflies have met their match," she teased, playfully nudging him. The mischievous twinkle in her eyes remained, but it was now accompanied by a genuine camaraderie.
The air was filled with the fluttering of wings and the rustling of paper as the race continued. Uka, still reveling in the playful chaos, turned to Akirei with a warm smile. "This is turning out to be quite the adventure, isn't it? Who would have thought a simple origami race could be so exhilarating? You really know how to keep things interesting, Akirei-kun."
As the vibrant spectacle unfolded in the sky, Uka couldn't help but appreciate the unique blend of creativity and friendship that had come to life in their impromptu competition. The mischievous spirit of the moment lingered, but now it was coupled with a sense of shared joy and accomplishment between Uka and Akirei, as the race came to an end with an unexpected result of a draw.
- E N D -
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

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Yofie has written 97 posts