fallen blades
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 21, 2024 22:39:31 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

Each of the three groups would be directed to a different section of the base of the mountain, about a mile apart: clearly delineated to keep the groups from interacting with each other over the course of the round. Flakes drifted in a gentle snowfall from the sky above as the sun began its final descent towards the horizon, bathing the landscape in washes of purple and gold.

Group B was made up of eight genin: the Kuronmeru twins Shiu and Enyo, Nanashi Yuki, Kisei Sachi, Hono Saya, Uchiha Kai, Uzumaki Ataru, and Ikonokoru Yamatsu. In front of them laid a path that began a slow, winding ascent up the side of the mountain: it was steep, but seemed easily traversable.

A pale, petite woman with elfin ears and vivid red eyes, the Kumogakure chuunin Shitai Kazue, was responsible for leading the group to their starting zone. Once arrived, she politely clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention, and had to strain to make her flutish voice heard amongst the group as she explained the parameters of the round.

"Hi, everyone, welcome to round two!” she said, trying very hard to be upbeat. "This round is going to be a race, okay? You have to run five miles up to the top of the mountain before the timer goes off. Faster means a better score! Proctors are going to be stationed along the way to provide different obstacles and challenges for you to overcome.

In addition to being a race, you also want to try to make it to the finish line with a scroll. If you manage that, you’ll be able to cash it in for some kind of advantage for the third round matchups. Everything make sense?

Once she felt like she got general confirmation that everyone was tracking, she nodded decisively and looked down at the paper in her hand.

"Nanashi Yuki,

Kisei Sachi,

Uchiha Kai,

and Ikonokoru Yamatsu,

are all currently in possession of a scroll.”

Kazue smiled, and clapped her hands once more. "Just something to keep in mind for the round! It should start in about…”

A loud bang resounded through the air: the signal for the round to start.


The curving path before them was a straightforward one for the first part of this challenge: though the path was winding, there seemed to be no real potential divergences in directions to go as of yet.

As the group began their race, however, it would take only a few moments for the first obstacle to present itself: a masked proctor appeared in a cloud of smoke up ahead, and expelled a thin layer of water over the path the genin were traversing, making their footing treacherous and slippery. The genin would need to devise a way to keep their footing in order to maintain their pace forward. [0.5 miles progressed instead of 1 mile if not dealt with.]

[FUIN PRIM/SECONDARY OR GENERALIST:] Those genin who were familiar with the study of fuinjutsu would be able to note that there was a seal imprinted into the dirt of the path that was now coated with water: a chakra lock seal, though it seemed to be dormant for the moment. It would likely not be dormant for long, and they would need to decide on an alternate solution if they wanted to avoid the effects of the seal.


For purposes of standardization, this round has some additional guidelines to keep track of everyone’s progress.

- The objective is to travel 5 miles up the mountain within six rotations.
- The average speed per genin is 1 mile per rotation.
- Some genin might be faster depending on specs, SAs, and techniques used, but the speed cap is 1.5 miles per rotation.
- The fastest possible completion is within 4 rotations; the slowest possible completion is within 6 rotations.
- Not making it within the time limit will not disqualify you, but it might ding your score!

Each rotation will have an obstacle to overcome in some way. Progress might be slowed depending on how the obstacle is addressed. Distance traveled will be measured at the beginning of each rotation.

Example: in rotation 1, a proctor uses Shinkuu Kata: Mukaikaze [Vacuum Style: Headwind] to slow down Uchiha Joe and Haruno Ashley as they run up the mountain. Unless they have a way to counter or evade the technique, they will only progress 0.75 miles instead of 1 mile this rotation.

- You have 72 hours to post.
- Each player may post once in each rotation.
- You do not have to follow the same posting order in each rotation. I encourage you to utilize your Discord group chats within the CE server to strategize with your teammates, and to post whenever is most appropriate and accessible for you.
- If you fail to post before the deadline, you will receive one strike. Receiving three strikes in total will disqualify you from the remainder of the exams.
- The mission objective must be achieved within six rotations. After the conclusion of the sixth rotation, the exams will move on to round 3.
- There is no disqualifier round. Just do your best and have fun!

Posts due by:


last edit by hirana kizumi on Jan 22, 2024 9:17:18 GMT -5
tactician has written 453 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 21, 2024 23:19:25 GMT -5
Honō Saya
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory."
Honō Saya Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday August 7th rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
Saya moved when her name was called, her expression flat and just a hair despondent as she shuffled in with her group, eyes focused on the ground. She was still paying attention, but her failure in the previous round had put the redhead in a poor mood, made no better by the fact that she had done so completely on her own. There had been no trick, no ploy, nothing to trip over; she had simply made a bad decision, one that had cost her a scroll and, perhaps, any chance at passing. So it was that, when the group had at last gathered along the edge of the mountain trail, the Kusa Genin wasn’t in the best of moods, her normally cheerful disposition dull and cloudy as the proctor explained what they were to be doing.

A race to the top, with a bonus to those who have a scroll at the end. She thought, tensing her muscles as she readied herself… and blinked, noting how explicitly the pointy-eared proctor had called out who had a scroll. Taking in a deep breath, Saya closed her eyes for a moment, settling her suddenly heavy heartbeat as her thoughts swirled, wondering. She had used a fair bit of her chakra in the last round, but she had enough, perhaps, to try again. A moment later, they were open, her body surging forward as the proctor commenced the round, her legs burning as she took off as fast as she could, not the fastest but not the slowest either.

It didn’t take long for her pace to slow, however, as a masked proctor exploded ahead of them, coating the trail with a thin layer of water that pulsed with chakra. The redhead came to a stop before the obstacle, ignoring any of her competitors who might charge ahead blindly and kneeling before the water, thinking for a moment. She had no means to undo the seal atop the water, but perhaps… Yes, that should work.

Letting loose a soft breath, Saya turned her head back, honey-yellow gaze looking towards Sachi for a brief moment as she gestured up with one hand, hoping her friend would understand the meaning. Then, without waiting, she brought her hands together, formed a single seal, her chakra surging as she focused her gaze on the point just behind where the proctor was standing and leapt, her body blurring in a Shunshin that made her legs ache… but should get the Kusa Genin up and over the obstacle without having to interact with it at all.

Combat Info
Jutsu Used:
NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique] - Use 2/4 (1 use carried over from Round 1)
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
DESCRIPTION: By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.
A Bright Burning Light [Enhanced Chakra Reserves]
Born with abnormally large chakra reserves, Saya is capable of utilizing more jutsu than the average person of her rank, and can continue to use them at a much higher rate, allowing her to fight longer than others of her rank can without running out of chakra.

Seals Are Cool, I Swear! [Fuinjutsu Proficiency]
Having spent much of her time as a Genin learning the intricacies of Fuinjutsu, Saya has a better understanding of how seals interact with chakra than most others of her rank, which has allowed her to implant Fuinjutsu onto an object struck by her blade, so long as she has prepared the technique beforehand. This does not allow a character to bypass any restrictions on a Fuinjutsu, and Saya must concentrate on the Fuinjutsu being used through the blade in order apply it, making it impossible to channel a Fuinjutsu through the blade while concentrating on another jutsu (or use another jutsu while a Fuinjutsu is channeled through it).

Yoton Forged Steel
Forged using a unique blend of Iron Ore that can only be smelted with Yoton Release chakra, Hitsuiken boasts a surprising level of durability for a weapon of its rank, allowing it to shrug off blows that would shatter lesser blades with nary a nick or scratch. Additionally, the blade rarely needs to be sharpened, as its edge is quite hard, though of course it does require polishing and maintenance from time to time (this does not mean it is any sharper than normal).

Chakra Conductive - Fuinjutsu
Created specifically with the users Fuinjutsu prowess in mind, Hitsuiken lives up to its name by enabling whoever wields it to channel fuuinjutsu through it so long as the character has the correlating SA. This allows the wielder to apply said seals to the surface of the next object the blades touches, be it organic or inorganic provided the technique itself can affect said object in the first place. This does not allow a character to bypass any restrictions on a Fuinjutsu, and the user most concentrate on the Fuinjutsu being used throught the blade in order apply it, making it impossible to channle a Fuinjutsu through the blade while concentrating on another jutsu (or use another jutsu while a Fuinjutsu is channeled through the blade).
Exousia has written 92 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 22, 2024 0:38:49 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
Reluctantly crouched at the starting line. Hearts pumping and thumping in time. Kai stared up at the proctor. So this was it? Up the mountain side? Straightforward, but certainly filled with obstacles.

Not to mention everyone and their dog now knew he had a scroll. A scroll that they wanted. He glanced over at Sachi- Bless her soul- Before he stared forward again. Of course those twins were here again, but they seemed to have their own scrolls. So for now...

The green light flashes, a bang goes out. It just came down to him getting to the finish line. Speeding forward, Kai could already spot the obstacle he was heading for before he hit it. A thin layer of water? Well, logic would dictate this was the time to use something like the water-walking technique, but logic was not always so... Logical, in the ninja world.

So in his mind, there was a different way to avoid this conflict all together. The other Genin would watch as Kai leapt right off the cliff...

And anyone looking over said edge would see him running along the side of it. His left hand was gracefully pressed against the rock surface, while his feet, held aloft by chakra, aided him in the ascent of the pathway. He kept a good distance from the proctor, not wanting to grab his attention or get close enough for the slippery water to end up dropping him-

But regardless, his path was hopefully a safer one... Though he'd have to keep his eyes out for potential back stabs. Someone was going to want one of the scrolls in his secured Snack Pouch, after all.

-> Using Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing] to move along the side of the cliff edge a good distance down, hopefully out of range of the proctors techniques, and with any dumb luck, far enough away from the seal that it doesn't effect him. If it does suddenly block off his chakra, however, he does have his hands still along the cliff side so he doesn't end up taking a one way trip down the mountain.

-> Very low continuous drain.

-> Chakra Control in effect.
last edit by Uchiha, Kai on Jan 22, 2024 0:40:02 GMT -5
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 23, 2024 22:41:04 GMT -5
Kuronmeru Enyo
"My blood runs thicker than yours."
Kuronmeru Enyo Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1
blood as black as the ocean
Shiu and Enyo had gossiped between the two of them the entire way to the start of the next round, mostly regarding how unimpressed they were with the first round of the exams. Enyo particularly hoped that this round would be better... Unfortunately, upon arrival he was already not looking forward to it seeing who was on the 'same team'.

The scrolls in this round meant some kind of advantage in the next, but neither him nor Shiu were in possession of one. Lame. The Kiri genin listened and then with a bang it all started. He didn't burst forward, he just stayed still observing the rest of the group.

Saya stopped in front of the watery rocky passage, it was almost strange the way she stopped and inspected. It immediately made Enyo suspicious, she had not been very 'careful' in the last round after all. Then she flickered her way away. Kai similarly jumped to the side and started to walk on the side of the rocky path.

Enyo walked to the side tilting his head to look at it. It was jagged, plenty of hand and foot holds from the looks of it - just as one would expect from the side of a mountain, even if it was arguably artificially made from how it was.

He returned to Shiu and whispered something in his twins ear before motioning, he would bend his knees and with every bit of strength he had would push off of the ground to perform a shinobi jump - the kind you would expect from someone of his rank and skill. He would cover quite a bit of ground, and get high up in the air, in doing so he would avoid the seal (unknowingly). Enyo's goal was not to leap over the water, that was impossible since it seemed to span the majority if not all of the mile. Rather he jumped and aimed for the edge of the cliff some ways away and as he descended he would grab a kunai to stab it into the stone to stop his descent.

Once stopped he would use the hand and foot holds to literally climb sideways along the side of the path avoiding the slick water, avoiding chakra use and also with some momentum he would be able to occasionally make decent headway by simply leaping sideways towards more footholds and hand holds.

A bit of rock climbing... And while yes it would likely be slower than a run, it would certainly save his chakra which he had determined at this point to be an important thing to manage.
aeron at thq
Han has written 333 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 23, 2024 23:53:46 GMT -5
Nanashi Yuki
No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
Nanashi Yuki Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

[Word Count]: ###
OOC Note(s):


Yuki did her best to sound more thoughtful than somewhat overwhelmed as she put herself to thinking through her competitors. Teammates? She wasn't sure, really. It was a race this time, and that was a direct opposition, with the best times getting the best scores. And, what with Yuki being at heart an Okada, she already knew how she wanted to secure her score.

By leaving the competition in the dust.

She was short on intel on everyone else. Saya and Enyo, she knew from their interactions. Most of them were her age, though a few looked older- almost adults, honestly. One of them, though, was a little kid.

Which reminded her immediately of Goro. Best to keep her distance, that's for sure.

Just in case that was his village's Jinchuriki or something.

Considering what she knew about herself and everyone else, Yuki moseyed over to nudge Ataru's shoulder harmlessly. "Hey. Do your best! Our villages are rivals, you know. I better see you at the finish line!" And then she made some space again, stretching and getting ready for the start of the race.

The moment the race began, Yuki dropped where she stood. She didn't collapse; she plunged into the earth and stone under their feet. She didn't wait to see what challenges were going to be applied to the track, or what her opponents might throw at her to interfere with her ability to race- she removed herself from the equation and put her considerable speed to use burning forwards, aiming to utilize her high speed and, she hoped, the slow-downs everyone else would have to struggle with to buy her enough of a lead to leave her unapproachable and out of reach of the rest!

Whether that would WORK was another story... but she was sure giving it her best!

Chakra spend: 1x Medium

Thought process:
Bukijutsu Primary = higher base speed than the secondaries and untraineds
Speed SA = further increases that gap
Dochuu Senkou = maintaining full speed safely underground while everyone else deals with the obstacle (hopefully)

Name: Dochuu Senkou - [Underground Submarine Voyage]
Rank: C
Chakra Usage: Medium [Continuous]
Type: Ninjutsu [General]
Element: Doton
Dochuu Senkou is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the user can sink below ground and quickly travel through the earth. While this is similar to the Underground Fish Projection technique, it should be noted that the chakra usage is much higher.


[Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
[Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
[Items used]: ▣ None
[Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
[Techniques Executed]:

    Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
    Threnody has written 149 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 24, 2024 12:20:22 GMT -5
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Yamatsu Avatar
    groupCloud Shinobi
    age 16 years old birthday July 31 rank Genin occupation Wolf Sage Apprentice

    The Young Pup

    Walking up to the next exam area made Yamatsu nervous. He was with a new group of Genin for this phase. Looking around he took in the others only recognizing the two Kiri Twins from their brief encounter in Akazaya. They were not a pleasant pair but if they were to be teammates then he would try his best to get along with them. The trip was uneventful as the group led by a young woman he did not recognize brought them to a path that lead up the mountain. That is where the twist was revealed, it would not be a team exercise but a race.

    They were told it was a four mile trail, steep but manageable for a genin. However liked the famed director of Shinobi Cinema N Day Shamanman, there was another twist. The scrolls they had been tasked with retrieving we on the line. Any of the Genin could try and steal one from the others. Yamatsu had made sure the scroll was secure in a pocket of his that did not stand out. With a loud bang the race was on with one of the grass kunoichi already running ahead.

    It did not take long for the first obstacle to show it's self. The proctor from the previous round of his appeared making a large pool of water on the path. The grass genin stopped and looked at the pool making some sort of hand sign before attempting to move across the water with a body flicker. Yamatsu stood in place for a moment wondering what he could do, of course he could walk on the water but something seemed off. It was to simple for the Kyuumu proctor, as he thought one of the Leaf Genin jumped off the side of the cliff followed by one of the mist genin.

    The Iwa genin walked over to another wishing them luck before disappearing into the earth. Yamatsu did not wish to fall behind frantically thinking of a way to get ahead of the competition. Finding no alternative but to copy his peers Yamatsu took off at a full sprint running to the right of the path dropping off the edge. As his body disappeared over the side he activated the Tree Climbing technique to cling to the edge moving as fast as possible.

    NAME: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
    RANK: D
    CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.


    last edit by Yamatsu on Jan 24, 2024 23:15:16 GMT -5
    Yamatsu has written 102 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 24, 2024 15:52:17 GMT -5
    Uzumaki Ataru
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Uzumaki Ataru Avatar
    groupLeaf Shinobi
    age 8 years old birthday September 13 rank Genin occupation
    Mulling over things as the Proctor led them along, Ataru recognized a few of the people around him moreso those from his village but also the Kiri nin Shiu who was on his former team for the first half of the exam. Watching him be buddy buddy with the other person who he realized shared his name he'd need to be careful about them working together especially if he went for a scroll; as the Kumo instructor laid out the next part of their test and addressed them. He stayed quiet for the most part, focused and examining the winding path ahead of them forming the beginnings of an idea that quickly solidified as to how he would tackle this. As his mind settles, he wasn't too sure about contesting others for their scrolls instead pondering completing the race as fast as possible where others might choose to fight one another.

    As he prepped at the starting line stretching and contorting his body, the boy crouches down into a low ready stance to sprint outwards from the starting line. Finding himself nudged he peers over his shoulder to the fellow nin, a curious glint and raised brow creasing along the Uzumaki's face followed by a small smile by the scope of her words. "You too! Oh, I'll see you there - that's a promise and let's see which of us gets there first!" A little bit of competition always spruced things up, adding a dash of spice to the race already. As things shoot off with the proctor declaring the race, Ataru seamlessly pulls a smoke bomb out and tosses it in a lobbing arc as close to the instructor as possible in order to blind and limit their sight seeking to curb their ability to react to them as they move forward. Doing so as he launches themselves outward into a dead sprint, leaping into the air and utilizing the Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing] to run along the side of the cliff at blazing speeds.

    A regular jack rabbit and fiery haired monkey combined together in human form, he sought to move quickly and decisively using his honed speed and reflexes to his advantage as he navigated the rocky surface using the curve with the least amount of distance needed to tread. Ataru hops from place to place mostly sprinting other times leaping forward and grabbing along the terrain to spur himself forward at critical junctures all the while keeping to a dizzying pace while not outstripping his ability to react to any possible dangers or opponents. Eyes falling upon those he might know hold a scroll whilst also remaining vigilant of his surroundings, keeping watch for any opportunities he might be able to make himself or that present themselves to pilfer one from them.


    Skills/Traits In-Usage:
    - Passive | Enhanced Chakra Reserves
    - Passive | Enhanced Speed
    - Passive | Enhanced Reflexes

    Volker has written 230 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 24, 2024 20:15:14 GMT -5
    Kuronmeru Shiu
    "A Kuronmeru reigns supreme."
    Kuronmeru Shiu Avatar
    groupMist Shinobi
    age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1

    Shiu shielded his eyes as the sun glinted off the snowcover of the path ahead, then traced his gaze along the length of the mountain. The fact the proctor had announced they would be on a timer, though did not specify for what length of time, was enough to flood Shiu’s consciousness with a need to take decisive action. At first, with the mention of the scrolls once more, he tried to size up the others in their group, decide on who amongst them would be the easiest to steal a scroll from. Upon second thought, Shiu realized that the task laid out before them did not necessitate completion with a scroll, and instead it was just another means of temptation for an unknown reward in the final round. Without knowing how long they had to make it to the top, he just as quickly dismissed the idea of wasting any amount of time focusing on getting a scroll from someone else. He only would if the opportunity conveniently presented itself to him.

    As far as who they had been paired off with this time, it came as only a minor surprise to him to find that he recognized almost everyone in their group, save for some short girl sporting an Iwagakure headband. The pipsqueak from the Leaf he’d been in the last round with was here too, as was every genin he could remember encountering during their time in Akazaya. He doubted then all of their capabilities as shinobi, just as he doubted them all now.

    Whatever burning in his legs and arms he had accrued during the last round had ebbed to something more manageable, since he got to spend the better part of the past hour sitting, eating and resting during the rounds intermission. The stretch to the peak of the mountain was a long one, but with both the rest he had gotten just prior and the need to keep up with or outdo his twin, he knew he would make it to the top.

    Shiu’s muscles tensed when he could sense the signal to go was about to be given, readying himself to begin the sprint forward, but something gave him pause from taking immediate action. Enyo, by his side, had not taken any sort of stance, and instead stood casually, even as the sound of a bang marked the start of the race.

    Shiu released some of the tension he held as the genin around them charged forward, though the stress of not immediately taking off prevented him from completely relaxing his posture. He gave Enyo an inquisitive, and slightly irritated, look as the older twin sauntered off to the side of the path, thinking something over without telling him what it was.

    At the same time that Enyo was taking notice of Saya’s behavior, Shiu looked over to see her stop and study the water that flowed over the pathway. He thought briefly on how easy she was to recognize with her atrocious taste in attire, then wondered if there was actually any purpose to inspecting the water so closely other than an overindulgence in caution for what had otherwise been an overly simplistic test.

    Shiu looked back when Enyo returned and heard his brother out. Enyo was right—it wasn’t just her that had made some silent observation about the water, but everyone else in their group had found rhyme or reason to try to avoid it altogether. Shiu had some degree of skepticism when his twin told him he had an idea, but his body reacted automatically to follow the instant Enyo had leapt across the path.

    Mimicking his twin was second nature, though he would loathe to admit it. Without needing to explicitly share what it was he had intended to do, Enyo communicated with the direction of his gaze, and the subtle directions he shifted his joints. Seamlessly, Shiu not only followed his twin’s actions, but he intuited why he did what he did. At the slight expense of the physical drain from the two essentially rockclimbing, though with jumps, they would be able to conserve their chakra while simultaneously avoiding any noticeable traps that may have been laid within the water.

    It was not a bad idea, and he followed suit, leaping between rocky perches where he could and swinging between the next. As it felt like a vulnerable decision still, he kept his focus on his grip, and being wary of any followup trick another proctor might throw at them.

    coded by pinn @ thq
    Pine has written 93 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 24, 2024 21:26:12 GMT -5
    Kisei Sachi
    "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
    Kisei Sachi Avatar
    groupGrass Shinobi
    age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
    Kisei Sachi🌸
    "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

    The kunoichi felt a surge of relief, grateful that she had prioritized stamina training. Without it, she might have struggled to run five miles, let alone uphill. As the proctor continued to speak, Sachi froze momentarily, surprised that her ownership of a scroll was revealed so soon. Her eyes suspiciously glanced at the unfamiliar faces that met her, but she quickly composed herself, telling herself it was unlike her to worry about that sort of thing, and stared on forward. "Those who wish to fight must count the cost. Know yourself, and you’ll win all battles." She recited, mentally preparing herself.

    The starting signal echoed with a bang, prompting Kai and Saya-senpai, the two individuals she knew best, to dart forward. Others followed suit. Soon, the harsh reality of their challenge became apparent – a proctor standing within the smoke cloud, wetted the path before them thoroughly. Sachi took a moment to assess her surroundings, finding no grass or shrubbery to aid her ascent in the large stretch of land that the water had occupied. Observing Saya's signal, Sachi nodded, understanding that her skilled fellow Kusa-nin had detected something, perhaps a seal of some sort.

    However, instead of following Saya past the proctor, Sachi opted for Kai's route knowing she couldn’t traverse the path head-on without the lack of friction. Running along the edge of the path, the Kisei maintained a careful balance and leveraged her small form to stay close to the path’s edge although leaning on the side of the cliff drop. This strategy allowed her to have a clear view of what lay ahead, leaving room for error.

    ⊹Combat info:
    Sachi goes along the path but right at the edge of the cliffside using Kinobori no Waza to affix herself to the edge.

    ⊹Jutsu(s) Used:
    Name: Kinobori no Waza [Act of Tree Climbing]
    Rank: D
    Chakra Usage: Very Low [Continuous]
    Classification: Ninjutsu [General]
    Element: None
    An advanced genin level technique, it serves as a means to both enhance chakra control when mastered as well as a means to change one's advantages on the battlefield. By applying chakra to the soles of the feet, the shinobi gains the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces or even upside down.


    Attempt by Necro

    last edit by Kisei Sachi on Jan 24, 2024 21:26:36 GMT -5
    IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 26, 2024 1:50:36 GMT -5
    hirana kizumi
    death before dishonor.
    hirana kizumi Avatar
    groupCloud Shinobi
    age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

    Though the genin of group B had a variety of skills and techniques at their disposal, a good number of them employed strategies very similar to each other.

    At the head of the pack was Yuki. She promptly used a doton technique to burrow through the earth, allowing her to progress at her normal speed; however, the couple of minutes spent underground would be very strenuous on her ability to hold her breath, and she would need to resurface or otherwise regain oxygen soon if she wanted to stay conscious.

    Shortly behind her was Ataru. His smoke bomb erupted at the proctor’s feet, clouding their vision, but fortunately their role in this challenge was simple and didn’t require much beyond continuing to spew a stream of water to disrupt the genin’s path. He employed the tree climbing technique to run alongside the sheer edge of the side of the path, deftly avoiding the stream in the process.

    Kai was employing the same strategy, albeit not as quickly as the speedy young Uzumaki; shortly behind Kai were Yamatsu and Sachi, also following the same strategy.

    Somewhere in between Kai, Yamatsu, and Sachi was Saya, who keenly identified the seal being used and opted to skip as much of the trap as she could. Though her use of Body Flicker was not enough to cover the entirety of the watery path, it gave her enough of a speed boost to forge her place in the middle of the pack.

    The Kuronmeru twins were pulling up the rear with their pure physical effort. They each opted to avoid the watery surface and the use of chakra both, instead using shinobi tools as climbing equipment as they worked their way along the sheer side of the path. Though their progress was somewhat slower compared to the tree-climbers, they were making decent headway, Shiu trailing just a bit behind his twin.

    The seal inscribed into the surface of the path activated, rippling through the stone beneath to lock Ataru, Kai, Yamatsu, and Sachi in place due to their use of the Tree-Climbing technique. They would remain rooted where they were on the side of the path until they released their respective techniques and devised a new strategy to move forward. [0.2 mile penalty for the upcoming rotation.]

    As each member of the group progressed they would see a vibrant yellow flag jutting out of the ground, demarcating that they had progressed one mile. Shortly after passing the marker, each of the groups of genin would be met with a similarly masked shinobi appearing seemingly from thin air.

    First to Yuki, should she choose to emerge aboveground; then Ataru; then Kai and Saya; then Yamatsu and Sachi; then Enyo; then Shiu; the proctor would lift their mask and eject a violent steam of liquidy mud from their gullets at high velocity. The mud would become dense and sludgey once it made contact with the body, significantly slowing any genin who did not have a way of counteracting or avoiding the technique. [0.5 miles progressed instead of 1 mile if not dealt with.]

    Yuki: 1.3 miles
    Ataru: 1.2 miles
    Kai: 1.1 miles
    Saya: 1.05 miles
    Yamatsu: 1 mile
    Sachi: 1 mile
    Enyo: 0.85 miles
    Shiu: 0.75 miles

    - You have 72 hours to post.
    - Each player may post once in each rotation.
    - You do not have to follow the same posting order in each rotation. I encourage you to utilize your Discord group chats within the CE server to strategize with your teammates, and to post whenever is most appropriate and accessible for you.
    - If you fail to post before the deadline, you will receive one strike. Receiving three strikes in total will disqualify you from the remainder of the exams.
    - The mission objective must be achieved within six rotations. After the conclusion of the sixth rotation, the exams will move on to round 3.
    - There is no disqualifier round. Just do your best and have fun!

    Posts due by:


    NAME: Chakra Rokkushīru [Chakra Lock Seal]
    RANK: C
    ELEMENT: -

    A seal when written will cause binding of chakra to things it's extended too, it's traditional purpose is to stop the pursuit of other via water or tree, as written and placed behind the user one chasing who doesn't know better will find the chakra they're using to stand on water or walk up a tree is now acting like glue to that water or tree. The seal activates the post immediately after used, it can only be escaped by releasing the technique causing the hold, then avoiding or moving around that area. So one would most likely have to fall from their tree or into the depths of water. [This technique must be written or carved and thus can't be directly placed upon water.]

    NAME: Doton: Dorappa [Earth Release: Violent Earth Wave]
    RANK: C
    CHAKRA USAGE: Medium
    ELEMENT: Doton
    DESCRIPTION: Based on the Suiton: Mizurappa technique, the user will inhale deeply, before ejecting liquid-like mud from their gullet in a high velocity jet. The jet itself travels for about twenty meters before it looses momentum. Most of the liquid mixed with the mud evaporates when it comes into contact with body temperature, therefore making the mud denser and harder to move through. As such, it can either stop movement all together or simply slow the target down and stop them casting hand seals. This technique is obviously not perfect however, after a few minuets eventually hardens and becomes incredibly brittle, therefore making escape possible.
    last edit by hirana kizumi on Jan 26, 2024 2:01:12 GMT -5
    tactician has written 453 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 26, 2024 10:52:42 GMT -5
    Uchiha, Kai
    Work smarter, not harder
    Uchiha, Kai Avatar
    groupLeaf Shinobi
    age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
    Well. In terms of getting off the mountain from this rather unfortunate event, he was in a bit of a pickle. He looked down at the mountain around him, noting he was completely stuck to the wall, before he simply disabled his technique. Thankfully, his hand was still gliding along the side of the cliff edge, so he quickly changed from walking along the side to climbing along the side, pulling himself up as he made the rest of the way on foot. He'd probably lose some time for that, but it was better than the alternative.

    (Attempting to climb the rest of the way, as I have no countermeasures.)

    That said, it seemed things were neck and neck as he caught back up with Saya- But their path was tragically blocked. Well, that was no good. Kai could see the seals forming as he returned a set of his own- His knowledge in general ninjutsu meant he knew that a technique was coming out and he wasn't about to get stopped again.

    "Saya- Behind me." He shouted, as he began to march forward, finishing his technique as he'd spew a massive ball of flame straight towards the muddy assault. The fireball, enhanced by Kai's natural abilities as both a Ninjutsu user and a Katon specialist, made his attack hit with far greater power than it otherwise would from a weaker point of view- He wasn't afraid to go all out on the proctor here if it meant keeping himself, and his friend, okay.

    NAME: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu [Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu]
    RANK: C (B Rank Clause)
    CHAKRA USAGE: Medium
    ELEMENT: Katon

    Acquisition of this technique indicates a young Uchiha's transition to adulthood, and has thus become an identifying symbol among themselves. After performing the seals, chakra is kneaded inside the body and converted into fire which is expelled from the mouth either as a expeditious massive orb of roaring flame comparable to a comet or as a continuous flame-thrower. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface. In its comet form, this technique is capable of going as far as 40 meters. As a flamethrower, its range is shorter at 20 meters, but can engulf several oncoming projectiles and opponents. For those who posses a Katon Ability, this technique possesses the speed, power, and efficiency of a B-ranked jutsu.

    Chakra Control

    Kai is an advanced practitioner of Chakra Control, which holds deep to his own manta, work smarter, not harder. In this sense, his ability to control and perfectly mold his Chakra the way he wants it is at a level far beyond that of a simple Genin, and his ability to use said Chakra efficiently and without waste is impressive, to say the least.

    Caelum has written 225 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 26, 2024 17:10:48 GMT -5
    Kuronmeru Shiu
    "A Kuronmeru reigns supreme."
    Kuronmeru Shiu Avatar
    groupMist Shinobi
    age 15 years old birthday January 13, 1009 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1

    Predictably, a dull burn came to agitate Shiu’s joints from the effort of swinging and jumping across the crag. Some of the steps made had to be more controlled and awkwardly paced, having shorter juts of rock to step or cling onto. It was not a path that he wanted to stick to for long, if he could help it.

    When the bright yellow of a flag caught his attention, Shiu telegraphed the next few leaps in his mind before tilting his chin up towards the main path. No longer did there seem to be the thin, slippery layer of water spilling off of the sides. The flag must have been a marker for something, though in the heat of the moment, he was not able to parse out exactly what.

    He looked back just in time to see the masked proctor appear before his twin.

    "Enyo,” he said reflexively, even though his brother had likely already seen the obstacle-to-be before them. Without thought or another word, Shiu twisted his body to leap back onto the main path, though hugged close to the edge in case he needed to switch paths again.

    Nearly as soon as Shiu had returned to the main path, the same proctor appeared before him.

    He had not seen the attack on Enyo, but at the sight of the proctor pulling down their mask and some projectile spewing in his direction, Shiu’s hands came up to form the tiger seal. Chakra pooled down through his legs, and with a decisive push, his body blurred forward with the Body Flicker Technique, in hopes to bypass the mud by charging quickly enough just beneath it before resuming his trek normally.

    Superior Chakra Control
    Unable to use his clan's coveted black blood kekkei genkai, skirting on his studies on medical ninjutsu would be nothing short of social suicide as a Kuronmeru. Without a large chakra pool to begin with, Shiu honed his ability to conserve and use the precise amount of chakra needed to not only extend his longevity in combat, but also to be able to prove himself as a capable medic. While not perfect by any means, Shiu is about on the projected trajectory of a competent ninjutsu practitioner who has been training for as long as he has.

    NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
    RANK: D
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

    coded by pinn @ thq
    Pine has written 93 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 26, 2024 21:56:32 GMT -5
    Honō Saya
    "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory."
    Honō Saya Avatar
    groupGrass Shinobi
    age 17 years old birthday August 7th rank Adv. Genin occupation Gate Guard
    Saya hit the ground running, her feet slipping on the rapidly freezing water as she came out of her Shunshin only part of the way through the obstacle that had been set before her. Still, the redhead was far and away better off than anyone who had deigned to use water or tree-walking to skate over the icy obstacle; the chakra lock seal would make traversing it with those impossible, and not using them would be slow going. Eventually, the Kusa Genin came up to a vibrant yellow flag, a familiar face not too far ahead of her.

    Putting on a burst of speed, the young Hono caught up with Kai just in time for the next obstacle to present itself; another proctor appeared, seemingly from thin air, and began to spew a veritable torrent of thick, vicious projectile from their mouth. From a glance, they appeared to be some kind of mud, but the redhead had no time to inspect them, as Kai quickly took charge and interposed himself between her and the muddy onslaught, utilizing a Katon technique to defend himself.

    With no other options but to wait, the Kusa girl waited behind her Uchiha ally, allowing his body to (hopefully) block anything that got through his defense before taking off once more, breath coming in steady, rhythmic bursts. She wasn’t the fastest in the group, but so long as she kept moving, and didn’t expend too much chakra, she had a decent chance to get through the race somewhere in the middle of the pack. Which wasn’t great… but it would be better than not finishing at all.

    Exousia has written 92 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 27, 2024 13:48:48 GMT -5
    Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
    Yamatsu Avatar
    groupCloud Shinobi
    age 16 years old birthday July 31 rank Genin occupation Wolf Sage Apprentice

    The Young Pup

    Yamatsu thought he was making good time until his feet froze in place. A he froze wondering what had happened. He had not seen the proctor release his seal, he had not even seen the seal to begin with. He struggled to move his feet before noticing the Leaf genin in front of him stop walking on the cliff face and begin to climb. Stopping his own flow of chakra Yamatsu began to climb as well. It had been a few months since his return to Kumogakure but he still remembered how to climb a cliff face.

    Climbing the rocky surface brought back memories of his time in the mountains but Yamatsu knew he needed to focus on the task at hand. He saw a yellow flag posted on the path above them making his way towards it. As he crested the ridge bringing himself back onto the path Yamatsu saw the other proctor appear. He kept moving wondering what the next obstacle would be laid before them. The attack came quickly giving him just enough time to weave three hand seals. He had already used this technique in the first round so it was no longer a secret anymore.

    After the seals were formed a murder of flaming crows appeared heading for the mud flying towards him. The technique calmed his nerves letting him believe Risi's spirit was with him. He hoped the crows would strike turning the mud to clay and brittle enough to shatter or fall from the stopped force.

    NAME: Katon: Zekkyō Satsujin [Fire Style: Screaming Murder]
    RANK: C
    ELEMENT: Katon
    After three hand-seals, the user will clap their hands together and create a dozen or so small, swallow like birds of fire around them. The birds are then used as projectiles, fired all at once, with a range of twenty meters, which they can cover in five seconds. They can cause serious burns, and disfigurement alone. But together can easily take down a group of shinobi as they will ignite any flammable objects, such as clothes.


    Yamatsu has written 102 posts
    CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 2 | GROUP BJan 27, 2024 23:39:01 GMT -5
    Nanashi Yuki
    No mountain too steep, no valley too deep!
    Nanashi Yuki Avatar
    groupRock Shinobi
    age 12 years old birthday 12/29 rank Genin occupation Gorilla Sage Apprentice

    [Word Count]: ###
    OOC Note(s):

    Oh, right.


    Beneath the earth, things were almost serene. There was some faint sense of what was going on- rapid footsteps to her sides that all went abruptly silent without warning as Yuki pulled ahead, the ripply, slithery sounds of water on the earth around her. Adding to the surreal sensation of sprinting forwards, the earth parting before her and sealing behind her. Dashing through a cavern barely big enough to hold her form and constantly evolving as she passed through the terrain before her.

    Even so, the little bubble of space granted her no additional oxygen, and Yuki's lungs started to rage as she neared the one mile point.

    On the surface, the earth rippled, twisted, bulged- and parted around Yuki's head as she pulled a huge breath, immediately plastering her sweaty face with displaced dust as she did. As she burst through the cloud of her emergence, the sight of another proctor lying in wait set off alarm bells in the scrawny little brawler.

    Without waiting to even consciously see what he was doing, she hurled herself backwards, rippling through the earth like it wasn't even there, already willing herself downwards as the splattering spray of mud followed her evasion, cut off from contact only as she dove, losing ground as she ceded it in favor of evading the goopy muck, diving back down and forwards, unsure if her mad dash backwards had cost her the lead or not.

    As the chakra she'd initially utilized waned, Yuki burst back to the surface rather than continue to feed the technique, emerging like a particularly spunky groundhog to race forwards at top speeds, trying to maintain- or maybe even reclaim!!!- her lead as the challenges continued to mount!

    Yuki surfaced to breathe and panic-reversed away from the mud, losing some ground as she dove back underneath, emerging when the technique ended and sprinting forwards to try to maintain or reclaim her lead!


    [Skills/Traits In-Usage]:
    ▣ | Passive | Relentless Resources (Enchanced Ch. Reserves)
    ▣ | Passive | Spider Monkey (Enchanced Speed)
    [Items Worn[Passively]]: ▣ None
    [Items used]: ▣ None
    [Sennin Mōdō [Rotation]]:0 ▣ | [Deactive]
    [Techniques Executed]:

      Template "Borrowed" From Jian!
      last edit by Nanashi Yuki on Jan 27, 2024 23:39:35 GMT -5
      Threnody has written 149 posts