Trip Before Christmas

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Trip Before ChristmasJan 23, 2024 12:26:02 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


The rain poured down relentlessly on the techno landscape of Amegakure, creating a symphony of tapping sounds against the iron structures. Shō, a young man with a heart rooted in the beauty of nature, found himself feeling like a relic of a bygone era. As he stood on the sleek, rain-slicked streets, surrounded by towering skyscrapers that seemed to pierce the stormy clouds above, Shō's mind drifted back to simpler times. He reminisced about the rustling leaves of ancient trees, the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the melody of chirping birds, all of which seemed like distant memories in this city of steel and concrete.
"Perhaps I shouldn't have chosen Amegakure as my vacation destination..." Shō muttered to himself as he observed the locals hurriedly passing by, their faces concealed beneath umbrellas. After stashing the souvenirs he had purchased from nearby stores into his backpack, Shō boarded an express train headed for a renowned garden celebrated for its exquisite beauty, a very popular tourist spot. True to its reputation, the garden didn't disappoint him.
As he stepped upon the expansive field of lush greenery, Shō quickly found himself a tranquil spot beneath a tree and decided to make the most of his day. The realisation dawned on him that, despite spending the entire day exploring and revelling in leisure, he had yet to dedicate any time to training. While his vacation had received the Mizukage's blessing, Sho, as an experienced shinobi knew that he had to set aside some moments for training to prevent rustiness from settling in.
However, fatigue and a touch of laziness, accumulated from the day's extensive walks, led Shō to ponder the possibility of conducting his training right on the spot. "Maybe I can engage in some peaceful training right here."


Gurē Shō – 296 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 282 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 23, 2024 12:31:00 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka, a mischievous and carefree spirit with a penchant for chaos, overheard Shō's contemplation. Emerging from the shadows beneath the thick foliage, she grinned with a playful glint. With her vibrant and lively demeanor, Uka skipped over to Shō with Momo in her hand as he contemplated the rain-soaked scenery.
The mischievous atmosphere intensified as Uka caught glimpses of Shō's attire. However, her gaze was drawn to a particular detail – the headband adorned with the emblem of Kirigakure. "Well, well, what have we here?" Uka leaned in with a playful grin, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "That headband of yours, it's got the mark of Kirigakure, doesn't it? What brings a shinobi from the Mist to our humble garden? Are you here for the flowers, or perhaps the rain, or maybe some training?"
Uka's innocent yet probing questions revealed her eagerness to learn and connect with others. She seemed genuinely intrigued, her eyes reflecting the same mischievous spark that defined her personality, awaiting Shō's response with an impish grin.
The rain continued to fall, but Uka did not mind one bit, as this was an everyday occurrence in the Amegakure no Sato. Her long, flowing hair tied in two pigtails seemed to dance with the rhythm of the rain, and the occasional gleam of sunlight through the clouds accentuated her spirited aura.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 222

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 24, 2024 22:16:22 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


Caught in the midst of his contemplation, Shō was surprised by the sudden appearance of a tiny little girl. Her lively demeanour and playful glint immediately reminded him about his little sister, An. However, the way she talked was nothing like his sister. As Shō observed her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, the girl continued to exude an infectious energy.
"Indeed, it is the mark of Kirigakure." Despite his usual reluctance to engage in conversation, especially about himself, Shō couldn't resist the charm of interacting with children. He gestured toward himself and said, "Shō, Shō onii-san." A gentle smile adorned his face as he continued, "I am here for vacation. And maybe some training." The notion of training was somewhat secondary in Shō's mind, but the thought of honing his chakra control crossed his thoughts.
Seated on the grass, Shō surveyed the vibrant garden, appreciating the beauty of the greenery and the graceful flight of birds overhead. Turning his attention back to the little girl, he inquired, "So how about you? What are you doing here, little girl?" Shō's gaze held a genuine curiosity, wondering what had brought this spirited presence to the tranquil setting of the garden.


Gurē Shō – 200 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 282 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 6:28:29 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka's mischievous grin widened as Shō responded, and she bounced on the balls of her feet, seemingly thrilled by the interaction. "Shō onii-san, huh? Vacation and training? That sounds fun!" Her eyes sparkled with genuine enthusiasm, and she twirled a loose strand of her pigtailed hair around her finger.
Leaning in with a conspiratorial air, Uka whispered, "Well, you see, I like to explore and make friends with interesting people like you! Gardens are such delightful places, full of secrets and surprises." She gestured animatedly to the blooming flowers and the rain-kissed leaves, her excitement contagious. As Shō inquired about her presence, Uka's grin widened, and she proudly puffed out her chest. "I'm Uka, a spirit of mischief and delight!"
Uka's mischievous grin took on a sly edge as she leaned in, her eyes glinting with an impish delight. "You know, Shō onii-san, I have a little secret of my own. I came here to practice some genjutsu tricks!" Her tone dropped to a conspiratorial whisper as if sharing a forbidden secret.
Her eyes danced with excitement as she continued, "I've been working on this new genjutsu, and I thought, what better place to test it than in this beautiful garden? Lots of people here," Uka gestured to the surroundings, the raindrops creating a magical ambiance around them.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 218

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 6:39:53 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


In his mind, Shō realized that the girl was more talkative than he had initially expected - a true extrovert. While he wasn't exactly an introvert, he could feel the stark contrast in their personalities. Nevertheless, she was just a kid, a cute one at that, and Shō responded with a warmly positive demeanour. "My bad. I forgot to greet you properly. Nice to meet you, Uka-chan." he greeted her with a smile.
As Uka shared her intention to train in genjutsu, Shō couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry. Just thought of something funny." Genjutsu was in fact his specialty, and the prospect of meeting someone else who was into the art of genjutsu intrigued him. The art of illusion was no longer pursued by many due to perceived lack of coolness. So when the cute little girl mentioned he was training some sort of genjutsu, he just felt a little excited. Without revealing too much about himself, Shō replied with a hint of curiosity, "May I have the pleasure to see your art?"
While waiting for her reply, he shifted his gaze to the surroundings. "What a beautiful place to train…" The enchanting ambiance was perfect for brief training, as it gave out a very relaxing feel to the body and brain. Succumbing to instinct, he channelled some chakra into his palm. As the exerted chakra made contact with spores clinging to his glove, a mesmerising transformation unfolded. The spores slowly morphed into translucent, flower-shaped fungi, a slightly modified tremella fungus, to be precise.


Gurē Shō – 259 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Gurē Shō on Jan 25, 2024 6:40:23 GMT -5
Akirei has written 282 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 6:47:37 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka's eyes gleamed mischievously as Shō expressed his curiosity about her genjutsu and she decided to give Shō a glimpse of her Ga no Be-ru jutsu. Without missing a beat, she squeezed Momo slightly calling upon a group of Yugao moths. "Watch this, Shō onii-san!" she exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over.
With a quick, almost imperceptible hand seal, Uka fully released a handful of moths into the air. The moths, in a delicate dance, surrounded Sho, their wings brushing against him. As they fluttered about, a fine dust emanated from their wings, unseen to the naked eye. Uka seized the opportunity and discreetly performed a single-hand seal, her small fingers moving with practiced ease.
In an instant, the atmosphere seemed to shift around Sho. A subtle distortion settled over his vision, as if a veil had descended, casting a mysterious haze over the surroundings. The garden took on an otherworldly charm, with colors blending and shapes melding into a temporary illusion.
Uka observed Shō with a playful grin, awaiting his reaction to the effects of the "Moth's Veil". The mild genjutsu was designed to create a brief disorientation, and she was eager to see how Shō would perceive the enchanting distortion brought about by her mischievous moths.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 207

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 6:50:44 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


A mild sense of disorientation settled over Shō as the fine dust released by the moths brushed against his eyes. "Oh," he uttered, a slight surprise evident in his reaction. The fact that a student as young as Uka could cast a genjutsu caught his attention, bringing to mind his recent training in a similar jutsu. Although not entirely identical, both focused on inducing disorientation.
After experiencing enough of the illusion, Shō activated Kai to dispel the genjutsu. Clearing his throat, he began to provide feedback. "It's a great technique! I can see that you've practised a lot, as the vision disruption level was definitely above average for your age." While not exactly at a world-class level, the precision of the disorientation impressed him. As a genjutsu specialist, Shō recognised the considerable chakra control required for such a feat.
"To be honest, I don't have many comments on your basic skills. You're progressing well at your age… well actually, you're even better than I was at the same age." he complimented the spirited child. As he spoke, Shō maintained the flower fungi in his hand, part of his ongoing training to refine his chakra control. Speaking of chakra control, he admitted, "As you can see, onii-san is still studying how to control my chakra better."
Shō was actively striving to elevate his own genjutsu skills. He recognised that enhancing genjutsu required advanced chakra control - a prerequisite regardless of which route he picked to advance his illusion; making the illusions more realistic, incorporating additional false senses, or even simplifying the triggers.


Gurē Shō – 261 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 282 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 6:52:51 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as Shō acknowledged her genjutsu skills. His words fueled her excitement, and she beamed with a mixture of satisfaction and joy. Watching him dispel the illusion with Kai, she nodded appreciatively, recognizing his own proficiency in breaking free from the technique.
"Thank you, Shō onii-san! I've been practicing a lot, and it's so much fun to see it work," Uka replied, her eyes still gleaming with mischievous delight. His compliments were like a validation of her efforts, and she soaked in the encouragement from someone she admired in the art of genjutsu.
As Shō spoke about his own chakra control journey, Uka's curiosity sparked. She tilted her head, focusing on the flower fungi in his hand. "Oh, that's interesting! Chakra control is so important, isn't it? I'm still learning too, but it's great to know that I'm on the right track." She couldn't hide her eagerness to improve and grow stronger.
Uka decided to share her thoughts about the Moth's Veil technique. "I'm glad you liked it! Do you have any suggestions for making it even better, Shō onii-san?" She respected his expertise and was genuinely interested in refining her skills.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 200

[googlefont=Fira Sans:400,500,600,700]
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Yofie has written 97 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 6:53:19 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


While still maintaining his chakra control practice, he began to answer the girl’s question, "First and foremost, you need to have good chakra control before you could improve your genjutsu." Then he patted on the girl and continued, "But since you already have the mastery of chakra control, we can skip that. Now there are two paths in front of you, first being layering genjutsu and the second being lingering genjutsu."
Before suggesting the path for Uka, Shō slowly explained the nature of the two different abilities, "Layering genjutsu involves combining two different genjutsu, effectively blending their effects. This is usually quite challenging, as they usually couldn't be done, it's like mixing oil and water. But if done right, the combined effect can be quite powerful and unpredictable."
Shō continued his explanation, shifting to the concept of lingering genjutsu. "On the other hand, lingering genjutsu is about placing a backup genjutsu on top of an existing one. So, when the initial genjutsu is broken, the backup immediately takes effect. For example, if I were to dispel your Moth's Veil with Kai, a lingering genjutsu could kick in, subjecting me to another illusion."
He looked at Uka with a thoughtful expression. "Both techniques have their advantages. Layering provides maximum impact for a short period of time, while lingering ensures a continuous impact even after the first illusion is broken. What type are you interested in exploring further?" Shō inquired, curious about Uka's preference and eager to guide her on the path she wished to take in honing her genjutsu skills.


Gurē Shō – 259 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 282 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 7:07:53 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka absorbed Shō's words with genuine interest, grateful for his willingness to guide her through the intricate world of genjutsu. His explanation about layering and lingering genjutsu sparked a new level of curiosity within her, and she found herself contemplating the possibilities each technique offered.
"Wow, Shō onii-san, that's fascinating!" Uka exclaimed, her eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and eagerness to learn. She appreciated the clarity in Shō's explanation and the way he effortlessly shared his knowledge.
As she considered the two paths laid out before her, Uka couldn't help but feel drawn to both possibilities. The idea of layering genjutsu and creating a blend of effects intrigued her creative side. Imagining the unexpected and powerful combinations that could result from skillfully layering different illusions fueled her excitement.
On the other hand, the concept of lingering genjutsu, with its strategic and continuous impact, also appealed to Uka. The idea of having a backup illusion ready to unfold after the initial one was dispelled seemed like a clever and strategic approach.
With a thoughtful expression, Uka responded, "I think I'd like to explore both paths, Shō onii-san. Each has its unique appeal, and I can see how mastering both techniques could make me a more versatile genjutsu user. What do you think? Do you have any advice on how I can start practicing and honing these skills?" Uka's determination to improve shone through as she eagerly awaited his expert advice.
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 240

[googlefont=Fira Sans:400,500,600,700]
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Yofie has written 97 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 7:12:35 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


"Both?" Shō couldn't help but be pleased by Uka's enthusiasm and eagerness to explore the intricacies of genjutsu. If her intention was simply to gain exposure and discern her preferred path, it was a commendable choice. However, if she aimed to master both techniques, it struck him as an ambitious and daring undertaking.
Shō understood the challenges of attempting to master two distinct paths simultaneously. The human brain wasn't inherently designed for multitasking, especially in specialized fields. Instead of synergy, it could lead to slower development in both areas. Despite his reservations, Shō didn't voice his concern, opting instead for a reassuring smile as he proceeded to guide her.
"Let's begin our practice with layering," Shō suggested, adhering to his usual approach of starting with the theory part. "We'll focus on understanding the rules of layered genjutsu. There is a simple yet very important principle you need to know: always ensure you mix two distinct genjutsu. To do that, you need to carefully check and label your genjutsu arsenal." The reasoning was straightforward - it was impossible to overlap genjutsu that affected the same field.
"For example, I can't mix False Summoning and Continuous Fog Technique. The former summons a simple illusion of an animal, while the latter creates an illusion of mist. Both are vision-based illusions, and they would clash against each other," Shō explained carefully by labelling his own jutsu to the young girl. "Now, do you have two or more genjutsu with you? If so, we can start labelling them, and if possible, move on to the practical part."


Gurē Shō – 262 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 282 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 7:19:40 GMT -5
Yugao Uka
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yugao Uka Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 11 years old birthday May 15, 1012 rank Academy Student occupation Student

Uka nodded along as she took some mental notes of what Sho was saying about how certain types of genjutsu don't mix, because they work only on one sense and that if she wishes to use it to the best of its ability the two genjutsu should effect different senses. "I see, that certainly does make sense, Sho onii-san," she said in a jolly tone.
"I do," she paused for a bit, "but I have some things to take care of. Maybe we could meet here again tomorrow? Will you still be in Amegakure tomorrow?" she asked her tone carrying a hint of hope. When she came to the Storm Garden she didn't expect to meet someone knowledgeable about genjutsu and even get a chance to practice it as such she didn't think much of agreeing to her parent's request a few days before, but now it meant that she might miss a chance to practice and get better at one of the things she was naturally gifted - genjutsu. So her expression was a mix of hope and a slight disappointment at the timing of meeting Sho.
The rain was still drizzling as she awaited Sho's answer, but whichever answer she would receive it was her time to leave. After receiving the answer she would make a slight bow to Sho before departing.
- E X I T -
蝶々技術 | Chōchō Gijutsu [lit. Butterfly Techniques]
Having undergone comprehensive training under her father's guidance since a young age, Uka has developed exceptional proficiency in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Yugao clan's hijutsu. This extensive training enables her to adeptly utilize a wide array of the clan's jutsu. With her honed skills, Uka can effectively communicate with, command, and channel the innate instincts and capabilities of the insects belonging to the Lepidoptera order, such as butterflies and moths, seamlessly integrating them into her own jutsus.
隠翻 | Inhon [lit. Subtle Flutter]
Due to her unremarkable chakra reserves and her clan's hijutsu, Uka focused on enhancing her chakra control, manipulating her chakra flow and division with a pinpoint precision that is so necessary for any shinobi that uses Genjutsu.

[attr="class","ooc-area"]WORD: 222

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Yofie has written 97 posts
Trip Before ChristmasJan 25, 2024 7:22:58 GMT -5
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Training [break][break] - Amegakure - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


"Oh, absolutely!" Shō's let out a warm smile, his eyes taking in the shifting atmosphere as the sky gradually darkened. Seemed like a storm would be coming soon, hence it was probably a good idea to end their sharing session. "I'm here for a few more days, and I will definitely be coming back. You see, I haven’t fully explored the garden yet!" As an avid fans of nature, there was no way he would allow himself to miss the unique butterfly species found only in this garden.
In the midst of their discussions to confirm the upcoming meeting, Shō gathered his belongings as the rain intensified. The once serene pond blurred in the drizzle, casting an enchanting veil over the landscape. Shō found the simple ambiance somehow dreamy and appealing, and his mind was already weaving ideas for a jutsu to incorporate this nature… probably best for a genjutsu, he thought.
Before departing, Shō ensured the little girl had an umbrella. The raindrops, though gentle, were more dangerous than they looked. He had learned to respect from past experiences of falling ill after playful ventures under the rain. "Here, if you don't have one. Don't get sick from the rain."
- E X I T -


Gurē Shō – 201 words  「Yugao Uka

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 282 posts