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hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

Amidst the wildly cheering crowd gathered in the pop-up Thunderdome were the rest of the genin watching the ongoing fight, as well as family, friends, mentors, and other various supporters of the participants of the battles to come.

Plenty of seats with fantastic views were available, as well as refreshments of all kinds sold from small stands set up by the Kisei clan of Kusagakure and various Kaminari no Kuni merchants: hot and iced tea, hot and iced coffee, candyfloss, dragon's beard, nuts and jerky and all kinds of snacks to munch on while watching the bouts with bated breath.

The fifth bout was announced with a booming voice from a Fuijyama clan member: "SUSANOO AKIREI OF AMEGAKURE VERSUS GURE AN OF KIRIGAKURE!"

[This thread is designated for spectators of FIGHT FIVE, AKIREI VS. AN.]


tactician has written 453 posts
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Spectator[break][break] - Exam Round 3(5) - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


As the race reached its conclusion, Shō's eyes remained fixed on the screens, anxiously awaiting the outcome for his sister, Gure An. The crowds in the Thunderdome was loud as the final standings were revealed. An's effort had earned her a commendable fourth place, and she managed to retain the valuable scroll in her hand.
Beside her, Shizu Amaya, another familiar face from Kirigakure, crossed the finish line in seventh place. While it wasn't the top spot, Shō took solace in the fact that Amaya also secured a scroll, ensuring their progression to the next stage of the exams.
Shō's analytical gaze shifted to Group B, noticing two shinobi from the same country. A closer look at the flyers confirmed them as the Kuronmeru siblings. Unfortunately, both of them came in fifth and seventh place. The Gure was expecting much more from the twins... you know, teamwork or combo stuff.
Although Kirigakure hadn't achieved the most favorable results in this round, Shō held onto the belief that their true potential would shine in the upcoming duels. When it comes to dueling, nobody is as ready as the well-trained Kiri-nin.
"FIGHTTTING!" The Gure who was usually quiet, shouted with an unexpected strength among the crowds, expressing support for his sister. Shō.


Gurē Shō – 211 words  「Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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Akirei has written 296 posts
"Why struggle against death? It comes for everyone."
oriko Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday June 16th, 1005 rank Adv. Genin occupation
Oriko watches somewhat silently, though his gas mask without any filter is actually audibly clicking and buzzing slightly with every inhale and exhale. At the very least, he's not shouting as some of the Kiri ninja are while he watches how this Akirei is doing. Oriko's yellow-colored eyes flick this way and that as he watches to see how the fight starts. He's actually somewhat worried, though only because he's not the type to engage in direct combat the way most other ninja are, so perhaps it was understandable. He wanted to cheer on Akirei, but he knew very little about the shinobi, much less how he'd fare against a member of the Gure clan. They simply weren't a clan he was familiar with, so with his lack of familiarity for both this shinobi and the one he was up against, he didn't really know what to cheer.

It was actually somewhat interesting that they had at least something in common in that they both wore something to obscure their own faces, though in Oriko's case the gas mask over the lower half of his face wasn't actually a choice for now. It would take a lot of healing for him to be able to take it off, much like the biotech suit he wears over almost his entire body, with only the wispy blue hair atop his head and the top half of his head unharmed from the fire that destroyed his previous life and those of his parents. In a way, the house fire had "killed" him just as badly as it had reduced his parents to ash. Now all he had was his survival, but his excitement about medical ninjutsu at least kept him interested in how this fight might go. The only thing he knows about the Gure clan is that they apparently make use of fungus in some kind of way. He wasn't sure what it meant, but he knows that mushrooms can produce toxins that can kill people, rarely, so this had the potential to be a very dangerous fight.
Babs has written 38 posts
Hyūga Shodaime
I will protect everyone, no matter the cost!
Hyūga Shodaime Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday 09/22 rank Jōnin occupation Head Medic
Shodaime sat there in the spectator stands watching the fight unfold. It felt nice to finally be a Chunin exams where she could be herself as an Ame nin and not have to sneak around as someone else. Last time she was here, she was a runaway from Konoha, having to hide herself from prowling eyes of enemy nations. Now she was a full fledge member of the Amegakure Shinobi. Though there were still prowling eyes, she was a little more confident, still scared though of what Konoha would do to her, so she kept her distance from every Konoha shinobi she would come across, whether it be going in the opposite direction of them or hiding from their sight. Thankfully, she wasn't here alone at the Chunin exams, she was here with Asuka, someone she cared very much for and had definitely been neglecting for a few months. Having been so busy with work for Amegakure and the hospital caring for those who had constantly been coming and going to get healed or get checked out, she was glad to finally have a break from the chaos. She had gotten an iced tea and some snacks to try and focus on the fight that was happening in front of her, but her mind was in the clouds and constantly thinking of things and what's going to happen next.
Shodaime has written 355 posts
Kaguya Kimihiro
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kaguya Kimihiro Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen

Kaguya Kimihiro

Kimihiro was up against the railing as he watched the fight below play out. He'd attended the last Chuunin exams simply out of curiousity, but in this one his very own adorable little student was participating. She'd only just become a Genin and then she'd gone right into the exams with as much fearlessness as one could expect from someone as young as she was. 

He was equal parts proud and worried for her.

Still, she'd gotten through two rounds and was now in the one on one combat parts of the competition. Despite the smoke that had filled the arena, the Kaguya was able to spot his adorable little student, and was practically dancing in place as he watched her navigate the low visibility. As someone who regularly utilised the Hidden Mist Jutsu, and who was skilled in Kirigakure's silent killing techniques, Kimihiro had done some training with An on how to navigate such a situation, and he was excited to see how well she handled it.

"Go get em Anpan-chan~!" he shouted without reservation as she unleashed some shuriken into the smoke to feel out her opponent, pleased to see that she was already moving to avoid giving her position away. She could probably use more practice in this kind of combat situation, but he was going to cheer her on now anyway, because what kind of mentor would he be if he didn't?

"Kick his ass!!!"

Word Count: 239
Tags: N/A
Eleri has written 109 posts
Yamaguchi Kyoko
"Life isn't meant to be taken without direction go and find your purpose!"
Yamaguchi Kyoko Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday July 5th rank Chunin occupation



DON'T JUST [break]SIT THERE[break]




The race ended with An claiming the first place spot of her group though fourth overall which for a kunoichi who just graduated from the academy was a very good achievement in Kyoko's eyes. She was quite proud of the girl and wished to jump from the crowd to give the girl the biggest of hugs, but she restrained herself. This was mostly because she was here as a Kiri shinobi she couldn't just make the village look bad by jumping out of the crowd to celebrate a minor victory with a genin from her village. Especially since the next round would be the hardest for sure.[break][break]

Combat was one of the parts of the exams that brought out the biggest crowd, but also was very important for a shinobi's growth so it was crucial An showed her best showing for it. Matched up against a rain shinobi Kyoko felt a little uneasy about this matchup. Her eyes acted on instinct showing the life energy of the two and how exhausted both were from the previous day's race. So it was up in the air who would turn out victorious in this match so Kyoko quickly deactivated her eyes as the amount of life signatures nearby made it a bit difficult to see normally. [break][break]

Looking around the crowd she would spot a few familiar faces in the audience as her fellow Kiri shinobi would be cheering An on for her victory so she decided she would spend this match with their company. Picking a seat next to the man she spent the last round with since she felt a sense of kinship with them since they shared the keep mission Kyoko would say, "Think she can win this easily?" A genuine question as if she was right he seemed to probably have a better grasp of her abilities than Kyoko probably did.




[attr="class","sdcred"]★ dijit


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Elumenate has written 46 posts
Gurē Shō
A nation is only as strong as its families
Gurē Shō Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday 28 Dec 1006 rank Tokubetsu Jōnin occupation Hunter-nin

Spectator[break][break] - Exam Round 3(5) - [break][break][break]


[attr="class","colorfield-3"] 「 」


It was a total disaster. Shō wasn't referring to An, or her opponent, or the battle itself; he was referring to the spectators' experience. The crowds, who had come from all over the world, sacrificing their time to spectate the duel, could not see anything except a dense, dark fog.
The lively crowd quickly shifted into a collective murmur of disappointment. The anticipation that had filled the air turned into frustration as the dense smoke obscured the entire arena throughout the whole duel. If it wasn't for his sister, Shō would have leave the arena at the beginning minute of the match.
"This is boring... but I'm sure An will win this." He responded to his country mates, then continued to gnaw at his sandwich. But suddenly, amidst the thick fog, the unmistakable sound of metal clashing echoed through the air. It was followed by some faint flash inside the smoke, then immediately with explosion that caught everyone interest.
One part of the fog was temporarily cleared by the explosion, allowing the live television to capture the dueling duo. The crowd went into a frenzy as the paper boy charged toward his opponent, but before they could witness what happened next, the fog quickly returned and covered the view.
A second later, the paper boy triggered a chain of powerful explosions that sent shockwaves and tremors through the stadium, eliciting gasps and exclamations from the audience. A quarter of the fog was temporarily blown away by the force of the explosion, but there was no one there.
The crowd fell silent until the MC announced the winner; it was An. It wasn't until that moment that Shō felt relief. "Kid nowadays sure are intense..."


Gurē Shō – 273 words  「Gurē An

[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Gurē Shō on Feb 24, 2024 12:56:49 GMT -5
Akirei has written 296 posts
Asuka Waruichi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Asuka Waruichi Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday Febuary 20th rank Special Jounin occupation

Asuka hadn't kept as many tabs on the younger shinobi in Kirigakure as often however An was one of her favorite students during her time as an instructor and as such she had to be there to support her. Alongisde her was Shodaime a woman she had gotten to know and had developed feelings for but having not seen her in some time made her feel a touch distant either way it was still nice. The two would keep their eyes on the battlefield and would watch the individuals who were set to do battle closely.

However as quickly as it began there was a smokescreen applied and the girl would use her sensory abilties in order to keep track but would notice something unique about the way that the Ame boys chakra signature was put together. But couldn't see his body to understand why.

"Go Ann!" she would say cheering for her former student as she kept track of their movements using her sensory techniques trying to watch the fight, the techniques that the girl would use and her motions weren't perfectly visible but she could at least how much chakra she still had any could keep track of that as accurately as possible.




Heavy Handed Iron Fist:
With the rigorous training that Asuka had to endure as she honed her body to levels of perfection rivaling that of any martial arts master. Asuka's strength has increased 10 fold to the point where she is able to crush stoned within her grasp and breaks bones of lesser individuals with ease. And while she still has much to learn as a chunin. The youth's power is not one to be challenged lightly, as she is able to perform physical feats that would seem inhuman to even most shinobi.

Hijutsu: Kinu no Eikyō:
Asuka is a member of the Waruichi clan and as such has the ability to control a special chakra infused silk that was forged by a special group of silkworms that feed on the corpses of dead clansmen. With it Asuka can craft and shape the silk to her will and uses it in a mostly supplementary fashion to aid her in battle alongside her powerful taijutsu skills.

Iron Burst:
As a sole practitioner of Taijutsu Asuka has relentlessly pushed her body against itself for spectacular results: her strength carries over into her speed, and as such alongside the control she exerts body in spirit and in mind, she is intensely faster than those of a similar level of strength and maneuvering expertly as if the air were an extension of her own body.

A Disciplined Iron Bull:
During Asuka's time as a genin the youth had begun to realize that in order to excel as a shinobi she needed to learn how to properly utilize her chakra. And while she doesn't posses the greatest of reserves the youth has learned through rigorous meditation how to keep her chakra still and calm. As a result she is now able to wield it with a great deal of control and is able to channel only the necessary amounts of chakra into the few jutsu she uses in order to make the most of their abilities whilst still being able to keep up in a fight.

MeepX#7355 has written 1,098 posts