New Slug Contract Summoning Vol.2 WIP

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New Slug Contract Summoning Vol.2 WIPMar 15, 2024 7:27:30 GMT -5
Nue Eko
Knowledge is power, and power is needed to win.
Nue Eko Avatar
age 31 years old birthday June 10 993 rank Elite Jonin occupation ANBU Captain

NAME: Katsouh
TYPE: Slug
SPECS: Ninjutsu(Medical)

Katsuoh is a large purple slug being about the height of 2 adult humans on top of each other. Along with his purple slimy skin his back is also covered in green-blue spots. Its eyes like most slugs are attached to stalks coming out from the top of its head.

Katsuoh is very lazy wishing to not be summoned as he knows it will require him to work. Katsuoh enjoys being able to relax and not having to worry about working or any strenuous activity. Although lazy he is very respectful to his summoner and their allies, acting much like an old and kind grandfather towards them. Katsuoh will gladly use his jutsu when summoned but asking him to actually move or doing anything outside of that is a battle within itself.

Chakra Control
Katsuoh has great control over his chakra, which is needed for his medical jutsu.

Unique Physiology
Unlike most others of his kind Katsuoh does not have healing slime. He instead has poison slime, which when it hits the air turns into a gas. If inhaled this gas can cause the brain and nervous system communication to slow down. This slow down makes it so whenever the effected try to move the actions happen slower than they would normally.

Hone Setto [Bone Set]

Hone Naoshimono [Bone Mending]
last edit by Nue Eko on Mar 15, 2024 8:27:13 GMT -5
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