Being a Kage (Updated 5/16/2021)

fallen blades
Being a Kage (Updated 5/16/2021)Feb 14, 2014 20:42:35 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Yoritomo Avatar
groupFounder / Owner
age 32 years old birthday rank occupation
Being a Kage
There are many duties required of a Kage in the Naruto world. So why should a Kage in a rp be any different? That said, Kages do in fact have many responsibilities on this board. This is partially to lessen the workload for the core staff, but is also to ensure that members do not take Kage positions simply to have a powerful character or on a whim.

  • You must have been part of the site for over a month
  • You must have at least one other character approved and active

List of Responsibilities:
  • Keeping Timeline up to date.

  • Working with Wikia Mods for Important Village Information.
  • Answering all questions related to your village when asked.
  • Moderating mission threads within your village upon request of staff.
  • Creation and overseeing of events for your village.
  • Updating your village's information.
  • Acting as a go between for your village and the staff.

  • Reviewing Village Clans to ensure History cohesion.  

  • Remaining Active OOC and IC.

Other responsibilities may be added to what a kage must do at the staff's discretion. By making a Kage character you agree to take these responsibilities upon yourself. If you fail to perform your duties, abuse your power or otherwise fail to meet what is required of you then you forfeit your character and all things related to them. At that point the staff may either set your character for adoption, have your character retire or have them killed. While the word Kage has been largely used, these rules also apply to all lords and ladies.

  • Proposing/Creating Plots for your Village
  • Overlooking Applications for your Village
  • Input on Character Positions
  • Appealing Village Rating Changes
  • Requesting Additional Boards within Your Village
  • Freer NPC Abilities.
  • Setting Requirements for Leaving the Village
  • Overlooking Missions Applied for your Shinobi

NPCing for Kages.

As a Kage, you have free reign over the citizens, shinobi, and skills of your people.  While you are welcome to create official NPC profiles, you are also able to have NPCs enter where appropriate anywhere WITHIN YOUR COUNTRY.  Once your Kage steps outside their country in a thread [minus missions you're NPCing for officially], you forfeit free reign over citizens as that now falls to the Kage of the land you're in.

Requirements & Reprehension:

  • Must post at least once a month on your Village Leader.
  • Must maintain a mission list of at least ten missions.
  • Must create at least one mission per year.
  • Must create at least one event per year.

Going forward the above will be required of all kages, these things will be checked upon per activity check. If you're found to fail one of the above, then you'll receive a strike. At three strikes an evaluation will be done and unless there's exceptional reasons for receiving one or all strikes, then you will be removed from your position. This goes for all members, staff included. Bare in mind these are the minimum requirement and if felt necessary by staff will be added upon.

Note: A strike will be removed once per year, to allow forgiveness for those who only messed up once or twice due to real life.

last edit by cocoa on Aug 17, 2022 19:21:39 GMT -5
has written 844 posts