Hi no Kuni Movers and Shakers [WIP]

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Hi no Kuni Movers and Shakers [WIP]Dec 10, 2017 1:47:12 GMT -5
Kawai Niko
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age Twenty Six years old birthday February Seventeenth rank Jounin occupation

Naozone, Ametsuchi II

[Age]: 76
[Status]: Married; 4 Wives
[Orientation]: Heterosexual
[Residence]: Tengoku Shihon
[Affiliation]: Independent & Naozone Dynasty

[Traits & Persona]:


The stresses of a long tenure presiding over Hi no Kuni and its citizens had done it's fair share to age the man, but it has done little to dampen his spirits. From a young age, a considerable love for Hi no Kuni was instilled in him, motivating him to use the levers of government to pursue an agenda that serves the citizenry. He has acquired an expansive knowledge of law and the legislative process as well as policy making. He is only ideological on a few things, and can be persuaded by the best arguments and evidence. Above all, he tries to rule with an even hand and fairness while contending with the varying competing factions of the Naozone dynasty.

  • First born of his father, the Daimyo Shigemori Naozone, in the winter of year -73 and named after his great grandfather Ametsuchi I.
  • At the age of 9, his imperial studies commenced with scholars being hired from all over the land to impart their knowledge on the young prince. Noted to not be a particularly talented pupil, but admired for his interest and determination.
  • In adolescence, watched legislative discussions betweeen lawmakers in imperial palace and became versed in argument.
  • Sent off by father to tour Hi no Kuni extensively for immersion training to acquire understanding of the various parts of the country. Exposed to strengths and weaknesses of the nation, and develops appreciation of its unique dynamism. Reports back to Daimyo periodically with suggestions about how to bolster nation.
  • Returns home and gets married to fair maiden of reputable lineage. Becomes a father for the first time two years later.
  • Day preceding death of father, is anointed as Daimyo of Hi no Kuni. Pursues mostly centrist policies and noted for his historical relation with Senju Naoko. Decades of stability and prosperity are ushered in. Acquires respect and trust in most circles.
  • Bucks dynasty tradition by appointing last born daughter as heir. Criticized by old guard, indifference by most.

[Trade & Specialization]: Primary: Communication [Oratory]
Secondary: Academia [Law]
Sega has written 338 posts
Hi no Kuni Movers and Shakers [WIP]Dec 10, 2017 1:48:53 GMT -5
Kawai Niko
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kawai Niko Avatar
age Twenty Six years old birthday February Seventeenth rank Jounin occupation

Shimei, Anno

[Age]: 37
[Status]: Single
[Orientation]: Unknown; Assumed Homosexual
[Residence]: Heiwa
[Affiliation]: Third Way & TBA

[Traits & Persona]:

Anno is a very artistic, yet shrewd man. He possesses an eye for business that many artists do not, and posses a creativity that most merchants wish they had. Having stricken what he deems to be success, he aspires to improve on his previous works and acquire even greater fame. He has many effeminate qualities for a man, which can be a bit off-putting to the mostly conservative town of Heiwa, but his ability to turn the town into a thriving one through fashion and popularizing its beautiful women have made his supporters more numerous than his naysayers.

  • Third child of retired Kaminari no Kuni salary man and his wife who moved to Hi no Kuni upon hearing of opportunity in the then booming city of Sagyo.
  • Became particularly interested in textiles during childhood, differing greatly from his siblings who established a small tradition in pursuing manufacturing. Creativity was supported and funded by parents.
  • With the boom came the bust. Sagyo's industries began to fail, forcing his family to seek livelihood elsewhere in his adolescence. Siblings who had already moved out of the home decided to stay and tried to manage. Family settled in Shukuba.
  • Sought to provide for family independently. Moved from city to city to try to restart business, but all attempts yielded few results. Gave up in frustration and forced to work odd jobs.
  • Employed by businessman who took him in as an apprentice. Trained in the art of advertising and becomes exceptional. Suggested by boss to boss's friend in Heiwa for some consultation work. Sees ample opportunity in it's beautiful women to bring in revenue.
  • Administrates beauty pageants and competitions with huge success. Puts small town of Heiwa onto Hi no Kuni map and makes a small fortune.
  • Elected head of Heiwa after successive years of profit, and becomes a brand-name in world fashion industry.

[Trade & Specialization]: Primary: Communication [Marketing]
Secondary: Trade [Tailor]
Sega has written 338 posts