Tunnel Vision [Midori]

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 5, 2020 19:18:53 GMT -5
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Watching as the man’s eyes as they drifted over towards the small stage, a smile would grow on Midori’s face as she nodded her head quickly up and down, her eyes gleaming from how excited she was to be playing such a childish game with Kaito. The woman could tell that Kaito was planning something, and only time could tell what exactly he had on his mind.

As he left the barstool, Midori's eyes never left him. The sound of chatting and small talk was persistent, but she could still hear the man’s footsteps as they came to a brief end. He would turn back and gesture towards the sage that either one of them were going to have their minds blown. Midori didn’t pay much attention to it however, instead the woman would smile even bigger and give the jonin two thumbs up.

"Break a leg.”

She would say loud enough so that he would hear. From there, she would turn around and order more drinks for her and Kaito both, occasionally peeking over her shoulder to make sure Kaito was alright and not stumbling all over the place. Seeing the man on stage with a few spotlights centered around him was surely a sight Midori would’ve never thought she would see. The sigh of the bartender caught Midori’s attention for a brief moment, she could tell the man was worried but she could assure everything would be alright.

Midori waited in anticipation as Kaito stood on the stage. Why wasn’t he going over to the mic yet? It seemed as if he had more planned than to just sing acapella to the crowd. He soon moseyed his way behind the curtains and returned with a keyboard in his grasp. The screeching noise of the instrument being dragged across the ground managed to grab the attention of all who were seated in the bar. The barkeep however wasn’t so happy, even going as far as telling Kaito to step down from the stage. Midori would place her on her cheek as she turned to the barkeep.

"I’m sorry.”

She would say before turning back towards Kaito. ’What does he have planned?’ The woman would ask herself? As the smirk from Kaito caused her to slightly smile and give him another thumbs. That’s when Kaito began playing. The music was so peaceful and honestly left the woman speechless. Her jaw hung as she listened on and by the end, the man managed to garner a round of applause from everyone present, but no one cheered louder than Midori who stood from her seat.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 6, 2020 7:02:15 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

Playing music had always been fun for Kaito, but playing it drunk? There was a level of sassiness involved that indicated the man was not as usually reserved as he was sober. It was how bad decisions were made and drunken mistakes were created. But right now Kaito didn't mind, his blues paid attention to the notes being played, a soft smirk on his face as he got distracted with the music. 

And when it ended? A thunderous applause ripped through the room and at the forefront was Midori clapping so wholesomely that Kaito felt his smile widen and his cheeks burn, if only just a little. He'd step away from the keyboard and hop down onto the bar floor, slipping back through the crowd who were energetically talking to sit back beside Midori. Blue eyes clocked the new round of drinks on the bar and Kaito took one gleefully, eyeing Midori up over the rim of the glass.

"Easy peasy!" he'd announce as he took a large drink from his glass, before putting down the glass on the bar and cracking his knuckles staring at Midori mischievously. What dare could he possibly create for her? Or would she go for a truth? If so he had to make it as fun as possible, even if their game was entirely childish. 

With how drunkenly rosy cheeked the Sage was, Kaito knew she'd probably not be bothered what kind of task he set up or whatever question he asked her. But still, there was something about seeing the smile on her face that piqued his curiosity. And if she was looking at him with surprise at his newly revealed talent, he'd blink and smile sheepishly. 

"What?" he'd ask if she'd be staring at him. 

Aika has written 1,100 posts
Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 14, 2020 15:37:51 GMT -5
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Light brown hues followed Kaito from the stage, through the crowd, and back towards the bar where he sat again beside Midori. The sounds of chatter filling the room as the Jounin had managed to catch the attention of everyone present. Midori on the other hand was at a loss of words. Her jaw was to the floor as she was completely shocked at what the man had pulled off. For a moment she would just stare at him, trying to find the right words to say, but she couldn’t. How long had he been hiding that from her?

"That was beautiful! Where the hell did you get that from?”

She would say jokingly with rosy cheeks and a wide smile, gently punching his shoulder as she teased him. Kaito didn’t look the type to know much about music, yet he managed to play one of the best performances that Midori has heard in awhile. Turning to look back at the barkeep, Midori would speak.

"Did you know he could do that?”

She would ask the barkeep as if he were one of their friends. The man would just shrug his shoulder as he went on to cleaning the glass cups behind the counter. A sigh would escape behind Midori’s lips as she turned back to Kaito, still in awe. After chuckling, the woman would gain her composure, closing her eyes, taking a deep breath, and fixing her posture before looking back towards Kaito with a serious face.

"Okay okay.. it’s my turn.”

Gently brushing her hair behind her ear, the sage would ponder on the options that she had, truth or dare. Growing up, she normally used to prefer the truths but she couldn’t let Kaito out do her, she wanted to win.

"I choose..dare.”

She would say behind a giggle.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 16, 2020 7:05:25 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

Her reaction wasn't what he had expected, so flabbergasted was Midori that his cheeks warmed slightly as a quirked smile danced on his lips. He ran his hand over his neck, laughing dismissively. 

"My grandmother taught me to play piano..." he explained a little more reservedly, eyes flickered to the barkeep as he shrugged and returned back to shining his glasses, "I enjoy writing music..." 

He'd smile sheepishly before downing the drink that Midori had ordered him while he'd been making a tit of himself on the stage, the liquid was welcome - like liquid confidence - as he downed it and cleared his throat. 

"It's a hobby," he'd shrug dismissively, noting how enthused the woman was. His cheeks turned an ever darker shade of pink as he watched her smile widen. It had been... well. It had been a long time since anyone had ever paid him so much awed attention that he wasn't sure how to react to it. Another drink downed. Much easier to deal with. He'd slap the bar as he tried to move on, a grin still on his face. 

"Ok. Dare? Fine, I can work with that!" he hummed, before spinning back to the barman and tapping the counter for more drinks. If anyone was going to win tonight, it was definitely the bar keep. They were likely paying enough money to keep his place going with no customers for a month. Once drinks were on the bar, Kaito would run his hand over his chin in thought, glancing back at Midori mischievously.

"I dare you to..." his blues scanned the room before clocking a table that had five men crowded around it, "get on top of that table a sing a song!"

He had no doubt in his mind that the woman wouldn't be able to take care of herself, but getting onto a table drunk? With five burly men sat around it? Kaito wanted to see how it played out. Innocent, but twinkling, blues would look back at the Sage. 

"Unless you're chicken..."

last edit by Tanaka Kaito on May 16, 2020 7:05:59 GMT -5
Aika has written 1,100 posts
Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 16, 2020 11:10:06 GMT -5
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Kaito’s response wasn’t what the woman was expecting to hear. Honestly, if she had to guess how he learned it she probably would’ve guessed his father made him do it. However, with all the troubles he found himself faced with against his own clan, it was warming to know that his grandmother took the time to teach him such a beautiful skill. Smiling at the man as he laughed, Midori would take a sip of the drink she ordered as she listened on to hear Kaito explain that writing music was a hobby of his. Well that was surely surprising to Midori.

"Well y-you’re very good at it. Maybe one day you could teach me.”

She’d say, shrugging her shoulders as she finished off the drink. Being around Kaito came with a sort of peace that only the man himself could bring about. There was something about their friendship that always made Midori a thousand times happier when she saw him, she couldn’t pinpoint why but it was something she began to notice more and more as time went on. And although the two were drunk at the time, it didn’t seem to be forced or a byproduct of the drinks, although it did make their time with each even better. Nevertheless, the raven haired man smiled and grinned, his cheeks growing rosier as he downed the drink and hit the bar, he had a dare for the woman.

Midori sat on the stool, briefly looking throughout the building to see what Kaito could possibly come up with. She knew how creative the man was, so her fate was in his hands so to say. The woman just hoped it wasn’t anything bizarre that could land her in lockup for a day or two. Her attention soon returned to the roguish look Kaito was giving her. Leaning onto the bar as she watched the man scan the room, his gaze then fell upon a certain area, Midori quickly followed his gaze.

A laugh escaped her lips as she smiled and lowered her head, placing her face into the palms of her hands before dragging her hands downward. She was trying her hardest to sober up for this dare, but she was already too far in.

"Oh boy.”

She would mumble softly. As a child, Midori had terrible stage fright, she disliked being in front of a lot of people, and once she received the dare from Kaito, she couldn’t help but to be reminded of that. Although she had eventually grown out of that nervousness, it seemed now that since she was drunk, she embraced the thought of being on stage.


The Sage would jokingly scoff at the jounin’s remark, she was far from being a chicken. A hand softly landed on Kaito’s leg as the woman hopped down from the barstool, trying to keep her balance. She would give the man one last look before beginning to walk over towards the table, her drink still in her hand, as she slowly began to walk. If Kaito were paying attention he wouldn’t notice that the woman couldn’t walk in a straight line to save her life, but somehow she managed to reach the table in one piece.

"Excuse me, pardon me. I just need to get up here for a second.”

The lady would mumble as she walked between two of the guys who sat at the table. Lifting her leg up, Midori would use everything in her power to get on top of the surface, every hop was an attempt to pull herself up but with every try she could feel herself falling over to one side or the other, bumping into the ones sitting at the table, she just couldn’t find stability. However, all she needed was a little help. Setting her drink onto the table, Midori would place her hand onto the stranger’s head as she balanced herself enough to push herself upward, her leg bumping the shoulder of the other guy sitting beside him, and kicking over his drink.

"Oops, sorry.”

The woman would mumble softly underneath her breath as she found her mark in the center of the table. She had probably kicked over two or three drinks, she wasn’t sure.

"Lady what the hell is your problem?”

One of the men would say angrily as if he were ready to throw the lady across the room, but his words would ultimately fall on deaf ears as Midori was too drunk to care for what he had to say. Clearing her throat, the sage would take in a deep breath, finding the eyes of Kaito who sat at the bar, she would laugh before going on with the dare. The voices of the angry men at the table would be drowned out as she began to sing.

If it wasn’t clear before, then it was obvious now. Midori was by no means a singer, especially when she was drunk. Her performance would be met with boos, but Midori didn’t care. She knew she wasn’t the best singer, yet she was singing her ass off as if she were meant to be a musical artist. The woman’s voice wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t extraordinary, combine that with her drunken shenanigans of standing on the tabletops and kicking over drinks, it was clear that the audience was not entertained.

"Booo. Sit the hell down, will ya?”

One of the voices would call out.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 16, 2020 11:44:23 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

The hand on his leg was met with a drunken, curious blue gaze following Midori as she got up to leave with her drink. Kaito leaned back against the bar to watch as she zigzagged towards the table. It really should have been a straight line but the woman wasn't used to drinking at such heavy capacity. Kaito let out a chuckle as the woman tried to tackle the table. It wobbled scarily close to toppling over as the Sage kicked a man with her knee in the shoulder and drop kicked a drink from the other. Kaito pulled his hand to his mouth to watch, grin still creeping up behind his nails. 

At least she was having fun. The men around her weren't. Kaito would turn briefly to the bar keep. 

"Send 'em over another round of drinks on me for my friends, uh, lack of climbing skills." 

The barman didn't seem thrilled at all by either of their presence, not the least that Midori's voice wasn't quite that of a professional singers. That said, neither was his, he had just been smart to find a loophole in the woman's dare. A chorus of booing rang out in the bar and Kaito tutted. It seemed no one could see that the woman was having fun, at least she didn't notice the booing - or the wobbling of the table as she sang at the top of her voice. 

Kaito stood up from his chair, clapping as the woman reached the highest note. Not at all bothered that she couldn't quite hold the tune for a prolonged period. 

"Go on Midori!" he'd clap and shout above the booing as the woman warbled to the best of her drunken abilities. But then the clapping would stop slowly as he realised the table she stood upon was about to topple over mid song. The crowd surely noticed because the men backed off from the table. 

Kaito shouldered through the small crowd, in the hopes to stop the table wobbling to death, but then just as he reached it the table would flip dramatically over, likely sending the drunken Sage flying. There was laughter and surely Midori would meet her fate on the sticky bar floor. 

Except she didn't. Instead, as table clattered and drinks sent flying, the woman would find herself caught in Kaito's sturdy arms.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 16, 2020 12:36:01 GMT -5
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As the boos continued to pour in louder and louder, the only voice that she really cared for was the one of the man that she had known forever. Her gaze looked past every blank face in the crowd until she found Kaito’s glare. In a bar filled with people booing the woman, he was the only one cheering and applauding her performance. "Go on Midori!” She would hear his voice over everything else, so on she went. The Sage continued to sing her heart out, the audience couldn’t say that she wasn’t giving it her all.

Midori however was too drunk to notice that the men that once sat at the table began to step away hesitantly as they watched the table wobble from left to right repeatedly. Her balance quickly began to become wobbly as well, but by the time she realized what was happening, it was too late. In the air she went as the table went toppling over and drinks collided with the bar floor. The woman would brace herself to smack the floor, closing her eyes and tensing her body to absorb the impact. However, once she opened her eyes, she would find herself in Kaito’s arms. Once the laughter died down, the bar grew ghostly quiet as everyone stood around watching. Midori would be speechless as she wrapped her arm around Kaito’s shoulder and stared into his eyes, and from the silence a voice called out.

"Alright, that’s enough out of you two! I want you out of my bar!”

The barkeep would yell from across the way. Two men would approach the couple of jounin and attempt to escort the two from the bar, showing them the door. Only once they were outside would Midori finally speak.

"I’m so sorry.”

She would say as laughter erupted. She was genuinely sorry, but at the same time it was hilarious to the woman. Her body weight leaned against him as the two walked to whatever location they were going to next.

"I didn’t know the table was going to flip over. Thanks for catching me though.”

Midori would say as her laughter began to fade. She was grateful to have someone like Kaito in her life, even if they didn’t see eye to eye at times and often clashed with each other over small things. The truth still remained that he was her best friend.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 16, 2020 18:01:46 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

It hadn't really mattered to Kaito how quiet the bar had grown as Midori fell into his arms, there was a moment where the woman looked up at him with her arm hooked over his shoulder and he would return her gaze. Blue eyes would not be reminiscent of a Kaito she was used to. But the tension was shared between the two. 

And then the barman popped whatever little spell they'd been under by throwing them out. Kaito looked up, noted the two men who had come to usher them out. He knew that had the two of them been in any fit state not to fall over they could have taken on more than the two men in the room with one arm. As it was, Midori seemed barely able to stand up and Kaito already had enough to be sour about. He'd sigh through his nose, lowering Midori down to her feet, but still holding his hand around her hip to make sure she didn't just flop to the floor. 

"Yeah, yeah, your alcohol is shit anyway!" Kaito would call as he moved towards the door with the woman. There'd be a jeer from the barman but Kaito was already pushing himself out into the night air with Midori wrapped around his neck. A grin crossed his lips as the jounin recalled a time not too long ago where the odds had been reversed and she had been the one to more of less carry him home. How times were different - and to an extent much happier. 

Adjusting one hand to hold hers draped over his shoulder and one to hold onto her hip, arguably a little lower than he should have, Kaito looked down to Midori affectionately. 

"No need to apologise you drunken wild woman," he'd chuckle as he began pressing into the night, "I'll take you home though if it's all the same to you. If... we can get there." 

There was doubt in his voice only because as his body hit the night air the street suddenly warped. Not so much that he couldn't stand but enough to notice that the alcohol in his blood system was hitting a high. Kaito blinked through squinting eyes as he breathed deeply. 

"I know you didn't see the table falling," he'd try to say as non-drunkenly as he could, "I saw it falling though, it's why I caught you. Hardly gonna let you fall now, am I? Now..." He'd pull her a little tighter to him if only to save her from falling flat on her face as they began to walk, "remind me where you live..." 

Aika has written 1,100 posts
Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 16, 2020 23:16:38 GMT -5
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Midori was light on her feet as she walked through the front door of the bar, well at least she felt light, mostly because a lot of her weight was being held by Kaito as she leaned onto his shoulder, his hand wrapped around her hip to keep her from stumbling off in either direction. It Kaito noticed, this was probably the happiest that the woman had ever been. A smile curled on her lips and she had not a care in the world, as of now life was good. Resting her eyes for a moment, the woman would think back on the time where she had to carry Kaito’s drunken self halfway across the village just to get him home, now the roles were reversed. The lady would giggle at the mention of her being a wild drunken woman, turning to face the jounin as she did so.


The woman would say softly as she brushed the locks of brown hair out of her face as the wind blew in the night. The moon paved the way for the two to walk, luckily enough her home wasn’t too far away from where they were. Just a couple of blocks away. The woman’s eyes shifted as they were passing the Tsuchikage’s mansion, which meant they were a bit closer than she thought.

"Just...Just keep following this street and towards the end, make a left. Then follow that street, my house is at the end of it.”

She would explain trying her best to be as coherent as possible. The lady was sure she did a well enough job so that the two of them wouldn’t get lost. As Midori walked step for step with the raven haired man, she would gently rest her head onto his shoulder.

"You’re a great friend.”

The woman said in a soft whisper before taking a quick beat. She would lift her head from his shoulder only for a brief second as she turned to face him again.

"Even though sometimes you’re a pain in the ass.”

After all they’ve been through, calling Kaito a pain was almost an understatement. Midori could never forget all the times they argued, cursed one another, and physically fought each other. All the times that he did the opposite of what she wanted him to do, and all the times they’ve made up and became close again as if nothing had ever happened. Their stories were filled with both the good and the bad, but that’s what made their friendship special.

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF WW

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last edit by Deleted on May 16, 2020 23:17:19 GMT -5
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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 18, 2020 17:54:56 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

They'd make poor progress towards Midori's home. Sure they'd not be far away but at the rate Midori was staggering, without Kaito carrying her, it was going to take a significant amount of time. Ah. Well. It wasn't like Kaito was in any rush to be anywhere. He had no where to go, sort to speak, and he'd left his bag in the bar. Though they'd been thrown out, the barkeep was much too an honest man to sell the ravens belongings. Drunk Kaito was amicable, mostly, but sober Kaito was far from. Tomorrow he could go and get them. 

Midori would turn into him to lean up to tell him what she thought of him and Kaito would tilt his head to look down at her. Close enough to smell the alcohol on her lips. A great friend was what she said and in return she'd get a lopsided grin. It'd expand further when she called him a pain in the ass. His arm around her shoulder tightened a little to draw her in to his shoulder hug, laughing lightly. 

"I wouldn't be me if I wasn't a pain in the ass, now would I?" he'd grin, before tilting his head to look out for Midori's home. "Come on before you make me blush, let's get you home..."

He'd turn his attention now to the road ahead, weaving past other drunkards on a mission either to another bar or to their own abodes. It wouldn't take them as long as he thought to get to Midori's home. Pausing at the edge of the garden gate the man would look down at the woman, checking to see if she was A) still conscious and B) confident this was her own home. It wouldn't have been the first time Kaito had entered the wrong house... 

"For what it's worth..." he'd pause, looking down the garden a little awkwardly, "you're a good friend to me. You always have been. I'm sorry you've had shit to deal with tonight that made you get so...uh, drunk. But I hope I at least made your night better than what it would have been. You certainly made my night worth it..."

Aika has written 1,100 posts
Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 18, 2020 18:33:51 GMT -5
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The man’s remark would cause the sage to laugh softly behind a sigh as it escaped her lips. Her balance was shit, and when he pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, she felt as if she were going to fall to the earth, but she didn’t. Instead, more of her weight would be distributed onto the jonin on her side, her feet almost dragging behind her. He did have a point however, if he wasn’t such a headache then he wouldn’t be who he is now, Midori loved him as he was, regardless of what all they’ve been through.

"You’re right.”

As they continued down the road ahead, light brown eyes would look up to see even more drunks wandering the street. Nevertheless, she began to recognize the place they were in. She sighed internally as she was happy that she had given Kaito the right directions. As she leaned her head back down onto the raven haired man’s shoulder, the woman would rest her eyes and silence would fall among the two until they eventually came to a stop. A gate was separating the two from a garden, and it was then that the woman had realized that she was finally home.

"It’s …. okay. I had fun.”

She would say in a very calm, yet drunken tone. Her hand rose to push the fence open, so that they could continue on towards her home. The walkway was stone, leading a path through the middle of the garden to the woman’s front door. Once they made it to the door, Midori would fumble around for her key for what seemed like an eternity, but she eventually managed to unlock the door. Placing her hand onto the threshold to keep herself balanced, the first step the woman took inside was a relief. It was quiet, and ever since Konsho moved into his own apartment, the woman has had the entire place to herself.

"You can..stay here for awhile. If you want.”

Even though the woman was drunk, and Kaito was the only thing keeping her from wandering off into the furniture, she still had enough courtesy to offer the man a stay. Besides, she didn’t want him wandering around drunk during the night anyway. With all of her power, Midori would manage to make it to the sofa, where she would plop down and relax to try to sober up, leaning her head back as she looked up towards the ceiling, it felt as if the room was spinning.

If Kaito decided to sit by the woman, she would turn to face him again before offering the man her gratitude.

"Thank you, and I’m sorry for everything.”

The woman said softly as she rested her head against his shoulder yet again.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 18, 2020 18:56:09 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

The man hadn't intended to go in, in fact, he had thought to leave the woman at the gates and be on his way. He was sure he'd be able to find another bottle of whiskey that would let him sleep the night away in a gutter somewhere, or maybe so he could drunkenly break into Jojo's home. But Midori's head on his shoulder and the way she practically leaned against him had him second guessing that here was the best place to leave her. So he'd help her down the drive, chuckling at her fumbling about for her keys. He'd help her into the front door before the Sage would turn and offer him a place to stay.

The man tilted his head in thought. Did he want to sofa surf for yet another night? It was hardly like he had anywhere else to go, but the last thing he needed was Midori pitying him again. She had done far too much time pitying him. The man would shrug, before stepping into her house, guiding her towards the living room and making sure she didn't fall. 

"I..." he'd speak over her head as he used his chest to essentially backboard the woman from falling over backwards onto her ass, arms resting on her shoulders as he directed her to the living room and the sofa. "...will make sure you don't set you house on fire, so I can stay for a little while." 

Her hair smelled nice, he'd note to himself, before letting her slump into the sofa. And then he'd join her, sighing contentedly as the alcohol swilled his brain, they could easily have sat in contemplative silence for the night and it wouldn't have bothered Kaito. Instead he'd feel the presence of Midori leaning into his shoulder and almost without thought he'd lift his arm to let the woman rest her head on his chest. She'd apologise to him and he'd frown, looking down at her before pulling her chin up with an index finger, a furrowed brow of confusion evident on his face, soft eyes watching her intently. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he'd say gently. That statement, from him, was incredibly honest - she had nothing to be sorry for in his eyes, though perhaps she was talking of being drunk and it was hardly like he could say she was the only one.

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 19, 2020 6:06:18 GMT -5
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A feeling of joy pulsed through the woman’s heart as Kaito decided that he would stay to ensure she wouldn’t set her house ablaze. The woman would giggle and grin as he helped her towards the sofa, standing behind her so that she would topple over backwards.

"Oh please...”

The woman would joking as she continued.

"I’m not .. that drunk.

One would be surprised. This was the first time that Midori had ever depended on Kaito in such a manner. The woman was almost child-like as Kaito carried her drunk ass home. He was babying her, and drunken Midori honestly had no problem with that.

As the two jonin shared the sofa with one another, the sage would lean towards the raven haired man and leaned against his chest as he wrapped his arm around her - she would place her hand gently on his opposite shoulder. She could hear the rhythm of his heart ever so slightly as it pumped a relaxing melody.

This was the most fun the woman had had in awhile, so she was saddened that it had to come to an end so abruptly. Not only that but she basically threw all the responsibilities onto Kaito’s shoulders, as if he wasn’t dealing with enough shit already. That’s why the woman apologized, but like always Kaito insisted that she had nothing to be sorry for. His finger softly rested below her chin as he gently lifted her head from his chest. Cool blue eyes stared into the woman’s soul. Midori was stuck in a trance as she found herself unable to pull her gaze away from his. From the light blue eyes, the sage could almost see all the times the two had spent together.

Then, what seemed like the inevitable finally happened. As the woman’s hand slowly traced across the man’s chest, she would grab a hold of his shirt tightly, gently tugging him closer and closer to her until her lips rested upon his. This was no childish peck, a lifetime of passion and emotion, both the good and the bad, was poured into the kiss. Slightly propping herself up with her knee and climbing completely onto the sofa, Midori would lean into the kiss even more, almost pushing the man onto his back.

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF WW

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Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 20, 2020 17:45:17 GMT -5
Tanaka Kaito
I saw the universe hidden in your heart, wish I told you that before it got too dark.
Tanaka Kaito Avatar
age 34 years old birthday 29th July -31SD rank Elite Jounin occupation ANBU
template by punki of adoxography
just take your medicine,

you won't feel anything

Arguably he should have left Midori to it once he had ensured she'd gotten through the front door, but he was - at least he hoped - a caring man to those he held dear. He would never have forgiven himself if the woman had somehow met her untimely end by smashing her head against her staircase because he had challenged her to a drinking game. 

He definitely shouldn't have sat down on the sofa, nor allow the woman to cuddle into him. Those were rookie mistakes. But Kaito's drunken ass mind probably wouldn't have been able to throw a kunai straight with how his vision swam. Their relationship had always been platonic and he had been fine with that. There had been feelings on her part when they were younger but they had been long since doused, right?

And perhaps it was bad of him to have not acted as a hand curled around his shirt and pulled him towards her, but he was done being railroaded by others and admonished for not making his own decisions by those he held closest to his heart. Drunken affection was intoxicating, even if it wasn't exactly what he had intended. So...

He'd let it happen knowing full well it was a terrible, terrible mistake. It would be an innocent drunken kiss and nothing more. 

But then as her lips reached his and the taste of the alcohol she'd consumed danced across his lips, and suddenly it wasn't so innocent. Years of Midori's longing was imparted onto him and he was in no place to deny her. There'd be hesitation at first, his mind working over time to tell him to stop the woman and her drunken actions, and then... whatever resolve Kaito had had disappeared.

His hands would wrap around her waist to pull him on top of her, responding with the same level of fervour as Midori had displayed - albeit for different reasons - his lips connecting with hers with intensity, sharing a desperate, drunken kiss. His lip would trail against hers, losing his breath just a moment as he looked up at the woman.

"This is a bad idea..." he'd mutter, but his hands would not leave her lower hips and his eyes and body would betray what his brain said audibly.

Aika has written 1,100 posts
Tunnel Vision [Midori]May 21, 2020 17:13:59 GMT -5
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Kaito was right, it was a bad idea. If only the woman was sober enough to care would she have stopped herself dead in her tracks. But she was far from it, and even if the man’s lips spoke of one tale, his body however told another. A smile curled on the sage’s lips as she felt his hands wrap around her hips. ‘He’s such a fool.’ The woman thought jokingly to herself, she could feel his excitement, literally, yet still, he was trying to deceive himself by saying it was a bad idea, yet he didn’t stop the woman, nor did he stop himself.

"You don’t have to worry.”

The lady would say in a whispered breath as her light brown eyes locked onto his cool blue gaze. Her hands tracing the muscles on his back before gently pulling him in for another kiss. The weight of his presence was heavy on top of her, and the warmth from his body was soothing. The human body required one another’s touch - their warmth and their gentleness. It let the person know that they weren’t alone, if only for a brief moment. And since Midori had held herself out for so long, the desire for affection was nigh unbearable, and all it took was a few drinks for the urge to rise to the surface.

Roaming hands eventually led to the bottom of Kaito’s shirt. Pulling the fabric up and over the jonin’s head, exposing not only his muscles, but the scars that were attached to them as well, each bruise and cut telling a different story of everything Kaito had gone through. As her hands traveled up against his back and towards his neck, Midori’s gaze would shift from his body to his eyes as she whispered.

"I...love you.”

The drunken lie would leap from her lips. It wasn’t a secret that the woman had a crush on him when they were younger, but like most teenage things, she eventually grew out of it. And while she did indeed love Kaito with all her heart, the extent of her love was never meant to reach a level of intimacy with him.

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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF WW

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