Chuunin Exams Sign-up

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Chuunin Exams Sign-up Feb 1, 2022 18:00:15 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
Signups are officially closed for the Early 2022 Exams. For all those that signed up, please note that you may no longer put anything into Notify to add on to your character. Consider this frozen until further notice.
Han has written 492 posts
Chuunin Exams Sign-up Apr 16, 2022 18:00:34 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Han Avatar
groupGlobal Moderator
age 31 years old birthday January 30th rank occupation
Fallen Blades' Tenth Chuunin Exams!
Chuunin Exams Conclusion
Thank you everyone who participated in these early 2022 chunin exams. It's been a real deal pleasure! We hope that you have plenty of character development to last for the coming future.

The first round, you all faced a vicious puzzle room with the a ticking clock. Each minute of the essence you raced to the finish line, only to find that one of you must sacrifice yourself. Of course, no lives were taken in truth, but those that sacrificed themselves for the GOOD of the group received a few extra points. It was no easy task, especially working with shinobi from other villages.

After a short break you were put to the challenge of traversing an unknown landscape from one point to the next, the goal was to take a scroll safely to the finish line. Nobody fully completed the task, but each contestant pushed themselves to the limit between survival, betrayal and safety for the whole team and the scroll.

In the end, all of you faced off in mighty one-on-one matches. Some of the matches were grueling, others heartbreaking and it was a joy to witness it all - whether good or bad. 

These exams were meant to analyze if you all are capable in the end of becoming chunin. Very little of the examination was based on actual wins or losses. The majority of the points were based on your adaptability, mental fortitude to sacrifice, and overall a resolve to show your ability as a shinobi to push through the most difficult of situations. Displays of leadership, teamwork and creativity were also taken into great account. In the real world, no one will come to save you, and without a doubt difficult decisions have to be made as shinobi.

So long as your score is 300 or higher then you will have passed the exams. Those below have failed, but nonetheless it can be good evidence towards appeals, and also count towards the two necessary events to make chunin without passing the exams. 

Shinobi Score Board

Scores below are listed as your FINAL score for the entire exams.

Suzuki Taru
In total Taru earned 504 points, allowing her to pass.
Kuishinbou Kashiwa
In total Taru earned 467 points, allowing them to pass.
Hyuuga Shigure
In total Shigure earned 428 points, allowing him to pass.
Gure Okingshi
In total Okingshi earned 413 points, allowing him to pass.
Momochi Kasumi
In total Kasumi earned 411 points, allowing her to pass.
Yuki Kazu
In total Kazu earned 405 points, allowing him to pass.
Hase Hoshi
In total Hoshi earned 385 points, allowing him  to barely pass.
Oorigami Asahi
In total Asahi earned 366 points, allowing him  to barely pass.
Himishi Jou
In total Jou earned 363 points, allowing him to barely pass.
Himishi Haruka
In total Haruka earned 319 points, allowing her to barely pass.
Nakahara Ichi
In total Ichi earned 315 points, allowing him to barely pass.
Miyamoto Ikana
In total Ikana earned 304 points, allowing her to barely pass.
Kaguya Kazue
In total Kazue earned 302 points, allowing him to barely pass.
Taki Okada
In total Taki earned 301 points, allowing her to barely pass.
Setsuna Shomaru
In total Shomaru earned 281 points, unfortunately not meeting the mark to pass the exams.
Waruichi Kei
In total Kei earned 259 points, unfortunately not meeting the mark to pass the exams.
Komatsuzaki Kiko
In total Kiko earned 253 points, unfortunately not meeting the mark to pass the exams.
Waruichi Asuna
In total Asuna earned 245 points, unfortunately not meeting the mark to pass the exams.
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei
In total Wahei earned 214 points, unfortunately not meeting the mark to pass the exams.
Uchiha Tokaku
In total Tokaku earned 176 points, unfortunately not meeting the mark to pass the exams.
Nara Yoru | Narahashi Koume | Kirigara Sugita | Chizawa Konsho | Mumo Yanji
The characters listed do not receive cumulative scores due to: dropout and/or death at ANY point in the examination.

All of those who've passed must bear in mind you still need to have completed the appropriate missions, as well as already have purchased water walking and tree climbing in order to appeal for chuunin promotion.


last edit by Han on Apr 16, 2022 18:01:09 GMT -5
Han has written 492 posts
Chuunin Exams Sign-up Jun 6, 2022 14:06:07 GMT -5
Space is just a word for those afraid to get close.
Yoshiko Avatar
age birthday rank occupation
Leader: Yutakako Takara
Village: Iwagakure
I'd like to have Iwagakure host next exams. Kuwana would be the location they're hosted. I'd like to co-run the exams with NPC mod Meep. I've got no restrictions for sign-ups presently.
last edit by Yoshiko on Jun 6, 2022 14:10:24 GMT -5
has written 700 posts
Chuunin Exams Sign-up Jun 9, 2022 16:39:08 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
Name:: Honō Kojirou
Village: Kusagakure no Sato
Qualifications: The Hills Have EyesBeyond The Horizon (Event)
last edit by Honō Kojirou on Oct 2, 2022 12:07:40 GMT -5
Koji has written 369 posts