Lightning and Fire - Two Meets Four

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Lightning and Fire - Two Meets FourNov 5, 2022 18:19:26 GMT -5
Uchiha Miroru
Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!
Uchiha Miroru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 7/9 rank Chuunin occupation Jinchuuriki

Uchiha Miroru
Konohagakure No Sato
"Hm hm hm... I see. I would like to take point, I think! Might be good to call up your friends, and follow discretely," Miroru stated confidently before flashing a single handsign and bursting into a cloud of smoke- leaving behind a quintet of Miroru's! One popped and vanished immediately, leaving Miroru with a larger share of chakra than she'd have otherwise, and all four of them blitzed startlingly fast through the three handseals needed for the Transformation jutsu.

In a heartbeat, they made an extremely convincing merchant party travelling on foot, well dressed and loaded for bear with small packs and pouches that just screamed valuable, guarded by ought but one very old gentleman who hardly looked strong enough to swing his sword, all of them tromping straight down the dangerous, bandit-filled road! "Just jump on in from this direction when I give the signal! It'll probably be "people falling over unconscious!"

"AHAHA! Welcome, welcome, WELCOME."

"Ahh! Hello, young man!" came the old fellow's quavery voice. "Always a pleasure to meet another on the road! Can we help you with something?"

The voice rang from the obvious leader of a particularly scruffy set of bandits emerging from predictable hiding places, brandishing weapons as they surrounded the "helpless merchant caravan. "Oho, I'm QUITE sure you can. It's always a pleasure and a delight to welcome new customers to my parlor," he stated, striding down into the middle of the road and waltzing towards the surrounded quartet. "I do hope you're enjoying your stay~! Now- about the small matter of the admission fee~"

The whole group advanced a step on the visibly cringing quarter.

"We'll take every scrap of your merchandise and coin as a donation for us maintaining this lovely locale- whether we collect before or after we slaughter your wrinkly-ass guard is up to you lot!"

"A-ah, very good, very good, sir, but for one mistake-" quavered the old fellow, eyes twinkling with classic Miroru mischief.

"I am not the guard."

The tiny, red-haired girl in their midst disappears in a flash of smoke and a streak of lightning, raking through three of the eight underlings in a heartbeat! In the wake of the abruptly revealed Miroru, all three of the thugs collapse, twitching and unconscious from lightning-fast strikes from her charged staff!

Twirling her crackling staff proudly, Miroru grinned at the leader and the five remaining mooks at his sides. "I'M the guard! And THAT- is the signal!" She cried, leaping towards the last mook on the leader's right side, trusting Daisuke to strike on the other flank, the one nearest to their original conversation, while she wiped out this side- but prepared for the possibility she might need to wax defensive and handle them all herself!

"Just don't give up on me! We can figure this out!"

Template by: Monkey
D - 0 | C - 2c/4i | B - 0 | A - 0 | S - 0
Threnody has written 1,188 posts
Lightning and Fire - Two Meets FourDec 8, 2022 12:22:50 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


Daisuke's brow shifted as the young Genin went to work on both creating and disguising her clones to match that of a band of wandering merchants.

'I suppose that's one option.' The sage apprentice thought to himself as the Miroru's took off down the path.

Daisuke would take the opportunity to hang back and watch the genin closely to be sure no danger would come of her in the worst-case scenario. With a deep breath, the young sage would do what he could to calm his mind and slow himself, thinking this may have been a good opportunity for him to try and get a quick reserve of natural energy. Or at least attempt to do so. Though his attention would stay focused on the genin, his mind calmed as his heart slowed, and he could feel the world around him begin to pull at him like he had trained to sense. He could feel the tingle of energy begin to creep into his body, but it was much slower than he had hoped, hardly sure if he was able to gather and balance anything at all at the moment.

But, with Miroru's tactics working a bit better than he himself had anticipated, it seemed the time for his little test was over. Daisuke swung his hands wide, sending a powerful clap echoing through their surroundings, booming like thunder. The young sage's eyes glowed with the bright blue of his chakra while he leapt from the branches overhead and flashed a series of hand seals. Quickly, several orbs of water formed around him, 6 in total; 3 of which soon hurled toward the bandit goons. Like cannonballs, the orbs hammered into all but the assumed leader of the bandit brigade, sending each one hurling backward down the road while Daisuke moved to the man left out. The three remaining orbs spiraled around him, soon meeting in Daisuke's outstretched hand in the shape of a sword, pointed to the man's throat.

"You're lucky I'm in a kind mood today.” The young sage said with a smirk stretching over his face.

"You're lucky I don't kill you where you stand. We'll give you and your goons the chance to leave, here and now, with your lives. Keep in mind, though, if I ever get word that your patrols around here have returned or you threaten my home in any way, consider yourselves food for the wolves.

The glowing aura around Daisuke's eyes soon faded as he lowered his weapon, and the water simply dropped between them, splashing against the ground.

"Leave.” He said sternly.

The bandit leader hadn't even managed a word during the exchange, but the fear in his eyes spoke volumes more. His hands raised, the man slowly took a few steps backward before he turned tail and run, shortly followed by whatever goons could have managed to move in the moment.

Daisuke let out a quick breath, his arms crossing over his chest as he turned back to the Konoha genin.

"Well,” he said smirking. "I think that went well.


Temp By: Akira

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Kami Hogo-sha [Divine Guardian]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium - Low Per Rotation Active
After a string of handseals, the user forms anywhere between six and ten condensed, yet powerful, suiton spheres around them. The orbs formed are twelve centimeters, around four inches, in diameter, and will float around the user until the shinobi decides to activate them. These little balls can be used for several things, and either activated one at a time or all at the same time. Ultimately, they serve as a second defense for the shinobi, able to deflect or block incoming attacks, though they can additionally be used as a water source for the shinobi later on, or be charged toward an opponent as a high-speed ball.

NAME: Suiton: Arekuruu Shio [Water Release: Raging Tide]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium - Very Low to Maintain
REQUIREMENTS: Kami Hogo-sha [Divine Guardian] Active
An advanced technique branching from the Divine Guardian jutsu. Once its parent technique has been used, the user combines at least two of their orbs in order to form a variety of weapons. The weapons created this way must be simple in nature, such as swords, spears, staves, and the like, however, their shape can be changed at the user's will. As these weapons are made from highly condensed water, they naturally maintain the element's same strengths and weaknesses. That being said, these weapons otherwise function as their steel counterparts would, with the added effects of the Divine Guardian technique, allowing the user to wield them in hand like normal weapons, or manipulate them as they would with the orbs of water from their parent technique.

Matt has written 205 posts
Lightning and Fire - Two Meets FourDec 8, 2022 19:58:36 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

A Good Day's Work

Azarea would alight down from the branches alongside Shigure landing near Daisuke and Miroru as she flashes the pair a smile. "Looks like we've cleaned up well here. Why don't we head back to Konoha and report in? Let them know we've taken care of the bandits and poachers in this area so the roads are safer." She suggests gesturing back towards the location of the Hidden Leaf. It was getting later in the afternoon anyway and Azarea knew of a good spot to stop to get some tea and sweets. Given Shigure wanted to talk perhaps after they'd reported in the two of them could stop off their. The Kunoichi fighting down the slight blush that threatened to color her cheeks at the thought.

"Would you be willing to lead us back Shigure-san?" She inquires glancing towards the Hyuuga to take the lead as the team would head back towards the village after a good days work. Though the mission had been simple it had been enjoyable in it's own ways and though Azarea would never trade Kaminari no Kuni for anything Hi no Kuni did have it's own sort of charm. Even if the nostalgia of this place was tinged with a mix of joy and sorrow. Her memories of her former village, not home never home, a bittersweet thing cloying like tacky sugar that stuck to the tongue. Still she chose for the moment not to focus on the past and instead look forward perhaps to her and Shigure's date. The thought leaving her smiling softly to herself as the group ran.


Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria [Queen's Coronation Regalia]
A mutated variant of the Aburame clans Yūdai no Omorejō ["Bewildering Grandeur of the Alpha"] resulting from the subsequent poisoning of Azarea's former Yūdai no Omorejō hive to prevent potential hijutsu theft. While the Joō no Taikanshiki no Regaria lacks the Yūdai no Omorejō size instead Azarea's hive has maintained the ability to produce alpha pheromones and commanding vibrations. Evolving instead to hyperspecialize in these two aspects allowing them to produce pheramones and vibrations strong enough to be detected by human hearing and sense of smell.

Reigning Chakra Control
Fine tuning her chakra control to a razor's edge Azarea is capable of performing delicate techniques with minimal to no wastage of chakra. Allowing her to conserve her reserves in prolonged combat and managed more finickity techniques and jutsu.

Kagura Mind's Eye
Born with a natural affinity towards sensing chakra like her Father before her Azarea has trained herself to become a capable sensory shinobi. Unlocking the Kagura's Mind's Eye, and with it, the ability to passively sense chakra signatures in the distance (when using the technique), thus allowing her to not only track, but also memorize a person's chakra signature, even if barely any chakra is being used. Due to her proficiency with this technique, Azarea can currently passively sense chakra up to 500 meters and actively at 2.5 kilometers.


                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 265 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Lightning and Fire - Two Meets FourDec 9, 2022 15:12:31 GMT -5
Hyūga Shigure
the price of freedom is steep
Hyūga Shigure Avatar
age 21 years old birthday August 20 rank Jōnin occupation Genin Team 1 Lead / Interception Team
"lightning and fire - two meets four".
"No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living."


Everything had worked out well: Shigure and Azarea had taken care of their share of trouble makers, while Daisuke and Miroru had also quickly disposed of the threats to the safety there, even though none of these criminals had to die today. As they rendezvous back together, Azarea spoke first, mentioned they had cleaned up well, and Shigure nodded with a confirmation, having scanned the area with his Byakugan. "I will be taking care of the report, but everyone is welcome to tag along to the Hidden Leaf to rest for a bit." he said with a friendly smile on his face, and when Azarea asked if he was willing to lead them back, he nodded.

The mission had been simple enough, but it was also because they were skilled and experienced Shinobi. With their cooperation, the relationship between the Cloud and the Leaf would improve, as well as the overall state of their nations and their Hidden Villages. Shigure had been taking a very proactive role in helping with that, but that was motivated not only by his duty as a Shinobi, but also because of how much he cared for the red-haired. Plus, it gave him plenty of opportunities to spend time with her.

And together, the group returned to the village, where Shigure would take care of the paperwork for the mission report.

"So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as a Shinobi, for the price of freedom is steep."

C-Rank Mission [COMPLETED]
End pos
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[231 words]
Ren has written 1,690 posts