Sunagakure | Zankokusa, Hatsumomo | Sp. Jounin { Ready! }

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Sunagakure | Zankokusa, Hatsumomo | Sp. Jounin { Ready! } Oct 19, 2022 17:35:23 GMT -5
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo
' How Dare You Touch Me! '
Zankokusa | Hatsumomo Avatar
age 26 years old birthday June 16th. rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team Leader [[ Alpha ]]

Zankokusa, Hatsumomo
The Beautiful Demon


NAME: Zankokusa, Hatsumomo
AGE: 27
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDAY: June Sixteenth
VILLAGE: Sunagakure [ Village Hidden in the Sands ]
CLAN: Onigata [[ Oni Clan ]]
RANK: Sp. Jounin |
POSITION: Genin Team Leader 1
- Oiran Zankokusa ::
Hatsumomo has built a reputation as an Oiran. She is often seen in expensive silks and hairpins. She is popular with men around Sunagakure for her beauty but also her rage.

- Tiger of Sunagakure:
When doing patrols in the past, she was known for her ability to stalk and wear down her opponents over vast distances. During this time, she was able to fine-tune her own sensory skills and use them for her gain.


HEIGHT: 5'7 [[ 170.8 cm  ]]
- 6'3 [[ 190.5 cm ]] [[ with her Geta ]]
WEIGHT: 145 [[ 10 stone | 65.7 kg ]]  
- 175 [[ 12.5 stone | 79.3 kg]]  [[ in her robes ]]

Hatsumomo is often seen preening herself to make her appearance perfect. Using her beauty and her charisma; she is often draped in silks delicately wrapped around her athletic frame. Her face down to her collarbone is often painted white is ode to her Oiran lineage. The silks are only second to the hair pins that adorn her head. Her favorite stones are Ruby, Pearl and Jade; they often adorn her small hair pins. Hatsumono likes and has a great respect for the village that she is from. Her silks are embroidered with the symbol of Sunagakure.

- Shinobi Attire:
Though barely visable; Hatusmomo wears a black cat suit under her robes when in possible combat situations. Though she doesnt like to get her robes dirty, she will often thrown them a side to move in her cat suit. Hatsumomo found that the. cat suit lended itself to her flexible movements and didn't impede her. The metal plate of her headband is stitched to the front of the catsuit approximately at her navel.  


NINDO: " How Dare You Touch Me! "

Hatsumomo is vain and prideful but at times sincere. She has always believed that the strength of the Village starts with the younger generations.... while not wanting to acknowledge her own age. She can be disconnected and disinterested of a situation that will not benefit her. The only time that she will reveal her actual like for someone is when she playfully harasses them. She spent a lot of her time alone so she tends to be very honest but its often seen as rude. Deep down Hatsumom wants to be liked; spending a vast amount of time in darkness isolated her from the rest of the world. There are experiences that she has never been able to have due to her violent tendencies. When placed in social and jovial environments, Hatsumomo was lamenting despite her having a good time. She knows that she would have to put in the work to actually make herself more approachable. She is often seen attempting to interact but with her profession and her short temper.... it usually doesn't turn out super well. Her inner saboteur is fueled by her insecurities and thus she grows "prickly".      


- The Beautiful Convict

Hatsumomos start was a rocky one. Having run away from her Clan of Oni, she has been on her own since the tender age of 10. Using her unusual strength for her age, she was able to carry herself to the Village Hidden in the Sands. Even at a young age, she was looked after for being a wondrous beauty but also known for her extravagant temper.  Upon her first week there, the Village guards were well aquainted with her, her brash temper landed her in the Village jail several times before her thirteenth birthday. On her thirteenth birthday, she made herself a promise; she was going take what she wanted...not much was known after that but she was found in a frenzy, having brutally beaten a man for touching her. The guards would take her and keep her in the jail for nearly 6 years.

- Turned Village Loyalist

Shackled to the wall and chained by her ankles, Hatsumomo was trapped within the jail of Suna. She mind ran rampant and her constantly attempted to break free. Her rage ran through her, she no longwer remembered what she was there for... only rage remained. She tried to call upon her own lineage and rip herself from the wall; exhausting herself every time. The guards laughed and with every attempt, her rage at the guards grew. She was often heard roaring and throwing promises of death to the guards, she would have gotten out sooner but her wrath kept her sealed.

- Working Freedom

After 6 long years, Hatsumomo knew one thing about herself, there was no more abrasive brutality. She needed to reign herself in, her rage needed to be re-worked. She laid low in the village waiting for the inspiration to strike her... then it was made apparent to her... her shining inspiration. She looked into a mirror and there it was. She would start using her looks and unassuming strength to seduce the masses. She began to invest everything that she had into learning the art of seduction and subtle brutality. When she started to tap into her own sexuality and seduction... that was when men started to flock to her and with a simple gaze; she was able to get whatever she wanted.

- Snarling Geisha // The Beautiful Demon

It wasn't long that Hatsumomo started to go by 'Oiran Zankokusa'. She was popular, beautiful and cunning. She used her own art of seduction and conversation to will people into doing things her. Silks, Jewelry and Furs. It wasn't long before the ANBU and the Kage himself started to become suspicious of the new Oiran. Though she was being tailed by the ANBU, she was also being tailed by the insatiable rage within her. One night, a client got to frisky with her and playfully slapped her thigh. She turned and punched the man nearly through the window... her growl could be heard through the building and she was arrested again.

- The Last Chance by the Kazekage.

Again Hatusmomo saw herself in the Sunagakure Prison. Alone in the darkness, the allowed it to  comsume her. She roared and allowed her Onigata blood to absolutely boil. She physical transformations scared the guard and they took it upon themselves to not enter the room. Hearing the constant roaring and harrassment from Hatusmomo, Takato himself came to her. He observed her and approached. She looked upon the Kazekage and bowed her head, though frenzied... she recognized Power. He came into the cell and looked at her ripped silks and her dirty face. He offered her two things:

Rot in Jail or Make her herself useful to the Village.

Stunned by his words, she decided to make herself useful to the village. Freed, she went back to her House and equipped it further to be one of the alluring places to be. She would use what she was given to take information from people and silently remove them.

- The Tiger in its Cage

Hatusmomo was fascinated with the world of the shinobi. Though she had spent a lot of her time watched by these quick and silent forces...she wanted to be one of them. When she felt secure about her business maintaining, she turned herself to the Academy located in the heart of Sunagakure. She became obsessed with being the best woman in her class... in skill and ruthlessness. She advanced quickly, demonstrating her abilities and proficiencies at every turn. She began to turn the rage that she once felt into a focus. She knew what she needed to do to cement herself in the legacy of the Sand. She began to participate in route patrols around and in central Sunagakure, honing her sensory abilities. She often used them to stalk and wear down potential fleeing criminals. She advanced to Chuunin at her first opportunity, displaying everything that she had to cement herself as the "Tiger of Sunagakure". To the surprise to most, this Oiran was proving herself to be an asset to the village. The gape between Chunin and Jounin is swift and bloody. Inspired by her own transformations and overall chakra control, she brought fear into the eyes of her opponents. Dawning horns and hands tipped with long claws. She was swiftly admitted into the Sapper Corps.  

- The Beauty and Brains
Though widely underestimated, Hatsumomo performed wonderfully in the Sapper Corps. Homing her focus to learn about siege weapons and overall defensive analysis piqued her interest. For 3 years, Hatsumomo would absorb everything that she could. After the third year, she began to miss her life as Oiran. Though the only one, she missed dawning her robes and jewelry. Having to wear the Sapper Corps uniform; thought taking great pride in it... she HATED IT. She walked into the Office of the Commander and demanded that she return to her shinobi duties. In the conversation, the Commander made it very clear that she was not the one to be making the choices. The Commander enlisted her for another 2 years until she became the Commander herself. She knew that she would never get her way unless she put in the work. She was brought into the Office of the Kazekage and was offered the position of Siege Commander. She swiftly declined; unamused with her antics. Kazekage Takao tasked her with testing her patience; placing her in charge of a Genin Squad.      


- Hatusmomo is 'Thoughtfully Aggressive', in the field she is known for wearing down her opponents until exhaustion. When provoked, she enjoys displaying her intelligence and power by unleashing small bursts of chakra to throw off her attacker. Though with that being said, she does defend Suna with everything that she has and is aware of her surroundings intimately due to her time in the Sapper Corps. She finds inner Sunagalure conflict exciting, she is able to utilize the cityscape to fully navigate and use hidden village set traps.    


NATURAL CHAKRA: Raiton [[ Lightning ]]
CHAKRA AFFINITIES: Fuuton [[ Wind ]] || Raiton [[ Lightning ]]  

- Receive one free C Rank Taijutsu
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  • 08 | Kunai
  • 02 | Throwing Axes


Enhanced Chakra Control
- Hatsumomo has always been keen on her own chakra. Spending time bound to the wall of the Sunagakure prison allowed her to focus her chakra into minuscule transformations. Learning the fluidity of chakra on her own and the ebb/flow of chakra activation.

- ' The Hidden Gigas '
Hatsumomo is surprisingly strong due to her Onigata bloodline. She (though picky) loves demonstrating feats of strength naturally without the assistance of her bloodline. She is of the profound thought that her bloodline should only be used minimally. She has been known for shattering walls with relative ease.

Unnatural Abilities - Silent Killing - ' Tiger Stalks the Man '
Hatsumomo loves a game in which she is going to win. But... there is always an exception. When annoyed with the target, Hatsumomo will rely on her Silent Killing skills to dispatch them quickly and quietly. She earned her title of ' Tiger of Sunagakure ' for her ability to take someone off guard and dispatch them quickly.

Onigata || Oni Transformation
While in Prison, Hatsumomo grew to understand her inner Rage in the form of her Onigata blood. In the darkness and the damp, she was able to transform the various parts of her body in an attempt to escape her bindings. Though she is no longer in prison, she has the innate ability to transform parts of her body at will. Generally, she uses this to enforce her speed and her strength. In fits of rage, she has transformed her 'human' mouth into an Oni maw and fires chakra from it. With her time in weight training and in the Sapper Corps; she is known for augmenting parts of her body to her combat advantage. Channeling her skill mainly into her arms to augment her strength,


Tatsu Kaiganshô [Tornado Boulder Break]

Ichiseido Ea [Single Accuracy Air]
Hanran Eage [Retaliating Air Strike]

Agohibi [Jaw Fissure]
Wana [Snare]
Shaki Tenketsu Ha [Precise Pressure Current]
Usagi Sanpo [Rabbit Walk]
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku [Tornado Whirlwind Leg]
Dageki no tame ni dageki [Blow For Blow]
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku [Tornado Whirlwind Leg]
Raiton: Kaminaridama [Lightning Release: Thunder Shot]
Raiton: Tēzā no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Taser Technique]
Raiton: Denka [Lightning Release: Charge]
Fūton: Reppūshō [Wind Release: Gale Palm]

Ueta [Hungry]
Ukaisuru [Divert]Kisho Ea [Rising Air]
Shippuu Furosuto [Hurricane Thrust]
Suidou Ge [Tunnel Strike]
Engo [Guard]
Totsuzenno Furasshu [Sudden Flash]


Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]

Bunshin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]

Kakuremino no Jutsu [Cloak of Invisibility Technique]

Nawanuke no Jutsu [Rope Escape Technique]


CHAT NAME: CameoLover
HOW'D YOU FIND US?: Looking for a place to RP
FACE CLAIM NAME: Warahime Oiran -- Daki

✜ designed by catbug for use on naruto: fallen blades

last edit by Zankokusa | Hatsumomo on Oct 19, 2022 18:34:48 GMT -5
Drewy870 has written 11 posts