A "First” Time Meeting

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A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 0:15:09 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2

a Noble or an Idol


Apparently it had been an eventful few days for Uta ever since her conversation with Taki. Uta couldn’t really remember it, but she had apparently met and befriended a lot of her fellow exam participants. To Uta, she recalled going to talk to Taki on the wall, and then she remembered waking up in her bed this morning. She had assumed that it was simply the next morning, maybe she had just been so tired she didn’t remember getting home. It wasn’t until she ran into Taki earlier today that she realized the true length of the gap, 3 days. 

The last time she had a gap that large in her memory was when she started at the Academy. After her first day she had a lapse of about a week worths of memory, where she had apparently met her teachers and many of the peers that would go on to be her comrades on the battlefield. It was worrying, but it was something she had, rather unfortunately, gotten rather used to. When she noticed the lapse in time she simply laughed it off and explained that she must have been having issues with the stress of the exams.

The stress over the exams was incredibly real. Especially now that she had even less time to prepare than she had thought. She went straight to the training grounds, maybe someone there would be willing to help her. Taki was far too busy to be dealing with her problems right now, so finding another shinobi from Iwa seemed to be her best option. 

made by eden @ gs and thq
last edit by Awa Uta on Oct 28, 2022 0:15:30 GMT -5
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 1:18:48 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


The exams were coming fast. Only a few scant days remained before the competitors would be entering whatever trials Iwagakure had in store for them and all Azarea knew is there was no way any of them could ever truly be ready. Luck would play a much larger factor in who failed and who succeeded then she would have ever liked and given her naturally rather terrible luck the Kumo nin had buckled down even harder on her work if that were possible. The woman now sitting atop a shallow pool in one of the training grounds her legs folded into the lotus position as she worked on extending her senses. A familiar, but... oddly different chakra signature brushing against her own as she opened her eyes to see the same girl she'd caught spying on her before passing by her gaze darting around as if looking for someone and her stance... strangely uncertain.

"Hey? You all right?" Azarea called out her brow furrowing with worry. The woman uncertain what could make the usually confident and fiery girl suddenly cringe and creep around like a mouse afraid it was going to have it's tail trod upon. "You're not looking like your usual self." The Woman adds peering at the girl closely, but... no it was the same chakra signature. Just... different in a way she couldn't quite yet explain.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 230 |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Oct 28, 2022 9:59:45 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 11:35:35 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


Uta was disappointed. She didn’t see anyone she recognized here, and she certainly didn’t see any Iwagakure headbands. Maybe they were all training somewhere else? Maybe they had occupied the more private training facilities. Unfortunately Uta didn’t really have many talents that needed to be hidden. Everything she knew how to do was fairly basic shinobi stuff. So she wasn’t really gaining anything but hiding her training away. The only person here seemed to be an older woman with bright red hair. When Uta looked at her it seemed she was meditating, and she was prepared to leave and let the woman be when she saw their eyes open and words fly out of their mouth.

"O-oh, I’m fine. Thank you for asking,” the girl gave a deep bow before she heard the second half of the question being given to her. Her "usual” self? Had the two of them met before? Uta’s eyes closed tightly and she let out a pained sigh as she realized it had probably been within the last few days that they interacted. Uta had blacked out, and now she didn’t recognize the woman in front of her at all. "I’m really sorry, have we… met before?” 

made by eden @ gs and thq
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 11:42:08 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


There was a complete lack of recognition to the girls expression and stranger still to her chakra. No sign at all that Uta had actually remembered her as Azarea's frown deepened with worry. "I taught you tree walking about two days ago. I'm Azarea you... well you were too busy yelling about wanting training to actually give me your name." The woman quips eyeing the girl strangely. She wasn't acting her usual prickly and outgoing self in the least and the lack of memory was jarring too.

"Did you ignore common sense and practice walking up buildings without a safety line and give yourself a concussion perhaps?" The woman inquires with a tilt of her head. Something clearly deeply not right with this incident. Yet Uta's eyes didn't look hazy like what she would expect from a head injury and the girl was responding to her just fine. Maybe... truthfully she wasn't a medical expect so Azarea wasn't sure what to expect, but she certainly knew this couldn't be normal.

"I figured you'd just end up coming back to learn the second technique of water walking later, but I didn't expect you to forget me entirely." Azarea muses with a shake of her head.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 204 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 11:58:19 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


"I think someone would have told me if I had been to the hospital,”
 Uta was certainly concerned about the lapse in memory, but she was being very honest here. It seemed like the best idea for her was to just continue forward for the time being. She was a fairly concerning thing to have happen, but it was her burden to bare. She certainly didn’t recall hitting her head, and there was no sting she would expect from something like that. "I am so very sorry if I yelled at you yesterday however, I must have been having a bad day.” 

Uta wanted to be stronger, and sometimes that made her act in ways that made her feel rude. That was how the girl rationalized it to herself anyways She bowed her head to Azarea and thought intently about what she was going to do here today. She didn’t remember learning anything about tree climbing, but an option to learn water walking was certainly something she deemed a necessary advancement as a shinobi. "I truly don’t remember you teaching me about tree climbing, but can I please implore you to teach me how to do water walking. It would be greatly appreciated.”

made by eden @ gs and thq
last edit by Awa Uta on Oct 30, 2022 0:12:50 GMT -5
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 18:32:29 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Surface Tension

The red head's brows furrowed as she shook her head, but stood up on the shallow pool of water. Not a head injury then, but maybe she should let Souma-san known one of her shinobi was acting beyond strange. Still for now it was probably best to observe and report. "Well I suppose im glad you're not hurt. You never did tell me your name or should I just keep calling you Stalker-chan?" Azarea quipped resting a hand playfully on her hip as she flashes the girl a grin.

"And it's fine. I'm used to cursing. Do a good deal of it myself. I don't mind teaching you water walking, but you may find it difficult if you don't remember tree walking." She warned, but gestured the girl over to the shallow pool on the same before point to her feet that are standing firmly on the surface. "First try channeling chakra to your palm and resting it atop the waters surface. Feel the water tension and how it breaks under your hand. Unlike tree walking that requires a steady output of chakra you need to be able to cycle your chakra to deal with the changing conditions and tension of the water as ripples or waves run across it." Azarea explains deciding to be a little nicer this time and not just let the girl dump herself into the man made basin and wind up soaked.

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 237 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 18:52:14 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


"Oh, of course, sorry,”
 Uta was embarrassed to not have done proper introductions last time. She stood straight and placed an arm behind her back before giving a much more formal and elegant bow than the one common of shinobi. This how was more reminiscent of the way a butler would bow at the master of the house. "I am Lady Awa Tsuwa no Tsuba Ketsu-Gojo Shi-Kairi Obo no Obo Onigawa no Anawa Anawa-Gawa Oto-Oto Baisu-Ryu Gozai no Gure Suzuki no Bo Gon-Kiryu Majima-Bo Bo no Saejima Ban no Shiryu Sho-Yoh Roppongi no Tetsutetsu Tetsu no Ryusuke Kura-Kumo Hirohito-Hiroshi So-Kuni no Gasai Suzuki-Maki Ora-Ora Madoka-Ora Sai-Goto Goto no Ora Ora-Manoba Uta. but feel free to call me Uta.” 

Uta waited a moment for what felt like the inevitable exasperation that shinobi seemed to have towards her full title, before rising out of her bow once again and following Azarea’s instructions by coming closer to the water. Uta would kneel down beside the waters edge and trace her hand carefully over the top of it, feeling the small waves kicking up between her fingers. As she focused the chakra into her hands, some part of her remembered how it felt to control the output. However it was still unstable, her hand wasn’t bobbing with the waves as much as it was being tossed around by them. She could tell already that if she were to stand like that she’d lose her balance quickly. "My goal is to match the outpouring of my chakra to the fluctuations in the waters surface. Filling the gaps when the waves dip or shortening them when the crescendo hits.”

made by eden @ gs and thq
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 28, 2022 22:32:02 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


Azarea, like most shinobi, was exasperated by long titles, but she'd worked enough with nobles and rich merchants to have built up a decent mask of politeness when dealing with the complication that was names. At least she was rather good at remembering them in the moment, "It's nice to meet you Lady Awa Tsuwa no Tsuba Ketsu-Gojo Shi-Kairi Obo no Obo Onigawa no Anawa Anawa-Gawa Oto-Oto Baisu-Ryu Gozai no Gure Suzuki no Bo Gon-Kiryu Majima-Bo Bo no Saejima Ban no Shiryu Sho-Yoh Roppongi no Tetsutetsu Tetsu no Ryusuke Kura-Kumo Hirohito-Hiroshi So-Kuni no Gasai Suzuki-Maki Ora-Ora Madoka-Ora Sai-Goto Goto no Ora Ora-Manoba Uta." Azarea slowly repeated the name back watching Uta's face to see if she got any part wrong before nodding at the girls assessment of water walking.

"Exactly. You want to move your chakra with the water rather then firming it like you need to do with tree walking. I figured you were a chakra control type." The woman quipped slapping the water a few times with her palm to demonstrate as she grins. "And it's easier to channel chakra to your hands then feet. Once you are used to that, try taking off your sandals and resting your feet atop the water barefoot before you think about putting weight on them." She suggest as while the weather in the sun was warm it wouldn't remain that way for long with fall creeping into winter. The Indian summer they were experiencing soon to fade away fast.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 247|
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 29, 2022 23:28:17 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


Uta had trained her chakra control quite extensively ever since her first days in the academy. Being from a noble family, it seemed prudent to her that she needed to work extra hard, and that someone with her inexperience could benefit quite a bit from maintaining a steady flow of chakra during her work. She knew it was easy for a young shinobi to over exert themselves, using too much chakra to the point it was a danger to their own health and safety. It was a situation Uta never wished to find herself in.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time. Don’t really remember why I started the academy, but chakra control helped make it easier to complete,” Uta would listen to Azarea though, and continue to practice o with her palms first, concentrating almost all her focus into matching the flow of the waves, and when she felt confident enough in that she would slip off her shoes and begin to work on controlling the flow through them. She would actually still be sitting by when she started, lasted right at the basins edge with her legs scrunched up in front of her. Pushing down on them to mimic the weight of her body, and using the chakra to push back against that force. "You truly may just call me Uta however. I know the noble titles can be frustrating for shinobi type.” 

made by eden @ gs and thq
last edit by Awa Uta on Oct 29, 2022 23:56:17 GMT -5
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 29, 2022 23:35:57 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Lost Time

"Awa Tsuwa no Tsuba Ketsu-Gojo Shi-Kairi Obo no Obo Onigawa no Anawa Anawa-Gawa Oto-Oto Baisu-Ryu Gozai no Gure Suzuki no Bo Gon-Kiryu Majima-Bo Bo no Saejima Ban no Shiryu Sho-Yoh Roppongi no Tetsutetsu Tetsu no Ryusuke Kura-Kumo Hirohito-Hiroshi So-Kuni no Gasai Suzuki-Maki Ora-Ora Madoka-Ora Sai-Goto Goto no Ora Ora-Manoba Uta is a bit of a mouthful isn't it?" Azarea teases, but her tone is gentler even if her concern hasn't lessened one bit. "Just Uta then." She will however add as she observes the girls' progress with a critical, but fair eye. Grinning as the younger woman slips off her shoes and practices trying to put weight on the bottom of her feet to begin standing. It was then that Azarea would splash the water sending ripples criss crossing the surface with small artificial waves to see if Uta could manage to not have her feet going to a quick dip.

"And I'm familiar with nobles, but like every shinobi sometimes I just prefer the more direct path." She quips leaning back in her seat as she considers the girls words, "Do you lose chunks of time often or are by nature forgetful?" Azarea questions trying to keep her tone neutral so as to not alarm the girl. Not even understanding why you join the academy seemed... well most shinobi know what drove them to want to be shinobi themselves be it just a paycheck, family reasons, or something else and that reason was often even more important to civilian borns.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 251 |
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A "First” Time MeetingOct 29, 2022 23:46:42 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


"Oh, I mean… I’m fine,” Uta realized that what she said was likely concerning, but she didn’t want to worry a stranger with her problems, they were things she would have to deal with all on her own. "It doesn’t get in the way, if that’s why you worry. If anything people say I’m a better shinobi during those times.” 

That certainly wasn’t a lie. Uta had trouble counting how many times she had heard some sort of comment that she was "off” that day, or that she was doing things in her shinobi training that she simply couldn’t do physically. Maybe it was for the best she had those lapses, if that’s where she did her best work, maybe it would all be to her benefit to just ignore it. 

But even more than just that she needed to focus on the present moment. She had to control herself when she was fully in charge. To get better and stronger, that’s why she was here. The girl would stand up, feeling the small waves crashing beneath her feet as she did. She felt wobbly, and by the way she was shifting her body just to stay upright it was clear she hadn’t found the perfect balance of chakra yet, which made it easy to predict that she was about to crash into the water. 

made by eden @ gs and thq
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 0:24:12 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"Are you sure? That's not...." Norma, usual, common, "Good..." Is the word Azarea settles on to not alarm the girl. "Do you remember anything about our first meeting? Anything at all? Even a vague impression?" The woman inquires as she splashes the water more, ready to push Uta back so she falls on the grass instead of soaking herself plummeting into the water. The distraction good training, but hard to maintain for the girl undoubtedly.

"Try to modulate your chakra like a sliding not along a scale. Water and chakra are both energy like sound so thing of it like matching your chakra to the water vibrations," Azarea advised raising and lowering her hand in a motion like a wave. "You can sort of feel what you need to modify it too as the ripples hit the edge of your chakra. Don't fight it, move with it." She instructs hoping to give the girl a leg up on the jutsu with time narrowing down and the exams rapidly approaching. She'd hate for the tasks to include something with water and the girl find herself up a creek without a jutsu as it were. "What's your specialty anyway if I might ask? You don't have to tell me if you're worried, but I'm trying to think of tips to give."

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 219 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 0:39:10 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


"Are you sure it was me? I don’t know tree climbing,” The girl was trying her best to rationalize what she was being told. It was stressful to say the least, and certainly made keeping her balance become a much more complicated task. "Maybe it was a shinobi from a different village that just looks similar to me. There’s plenty of… bright blue hair out there.” 

She knew how ridiculous she sounded, but she also knew that when she focused herself on the lapse in her memory as opposed to the water walking technique itself made things far more complicated. When Azarea told her to treat it like a vibration, like a source of energy, it did make sense to her. There was a reason they’re ere called sound ‘waves’ after all. "I umm… we’ll I guess my specialty would be barriers? I don’t know. I’m not really good at all that much…”

Azarea’s words of encouragement had gone a long way, but Uta was always a self critical individual. She didn’t have much confidence in her skills, but she wanted to get better, and others could usually appreciate that desire and work ethic from the young girl. 

made by eden @ gs and thq
Tuturu has written 78 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 0:57:45 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


"Unless you have an indenticle twin sister that likes to steal your clothes or there's some face stealing imposter clan out there which wouldn't surprise me I'd be willing to say it was probably you." Azarea murmurs, which given how weird some clans could be didn't rule out the impossibility entirely that someone was just pretending to be Uta, but... chakra signature rarely lied and she can't think of any reason Toshizou would have to impersonate a little girl from Iwa. That was weird even for him. especially impersonate a little girl just to get talk tree walking by Azarea of all things.

"Barriers is a good start. How quickly can you form them? A weak, but fast barrier at times is better then a strong, but slow one. It gives you much needed seconds to get out of the way." She advises deciding to give the girl some genuinely good tips in hopes she survives the exams mostly unharmed. "And you're getting there on water walking. Just move with the floooow." She draws out the word. "Try resting your hand on the surface and feeling the ripples if you are having difficulty." Azarea instructed continuing to make little splashes at random to help the girl train.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 207 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A "First” Time MeetingOct 30, 2022 10:43:06 GMT -5
Awa Uta
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday July 4th rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 2
a Noble or an Idol


"Who knows, lots of weird clans out there. Plus they say everyone has at least 7 people who look like them. Definitely possible you met someone else.” It was fairly clear that Uta was simply trying to rationalize this to herself, not wanting to fully understand the implications of her massive gap in memory over the past few days. It was a stressor she couldn’t deal with while the exams were going on, and something she’d deal with when she returned to Iwagakure. It was simply not something she could focus on while the exams were taking place. 

For now she just needed to focus on keeping her balance, which as she squatted down and brought her knees to her chest became easier. Shortening her stance to make herself wobble less, and then slowly pushing herself back up to a standing base. Doing it this way allowed for her to adjust at any moment as she stood. She’d look at Azarea for confirmation that she was doing things right.
"I’m sorry if that copy gave you a bad impression of me however. I apologize for any rudeness or yelling. I promise you that is not my normal way of behaving. My parents would never allow something like that.”

made by eden @ gs and thq
Tuturu has written 78 posts

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