Ototon | Sound Ninjutsu

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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuNov 16, 2022 17:51:37 GMT -5
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*I hope the reviewers can appreciate that I took a lot of time to try and balance these techniques effectively as they're essentially the damaging branch of auto-hit Genjutsu. I recognise that they need to be carefully monitored and would recommend they actually are 3/3'd - as opposed to 2/2'd. I have also tried to make techniques that are unconventional, utilising more of a 'vibration' based approach to Ototon, as opposed to "I scream and you die"

I am using this set of techniques from a range of effects and/or situations in order to allow staff to fully understand the different, ahem, directions, this art could go - while also being approvable, and fairly balanced. Ultimately: it's testing the water.

Ototon [Sound Release]

Ototon, or Sound Ninjutsu is a branch of non-elemental ninjutsu that ultimately exists to amplify sound. Whether that be sounds from nature, or sounds from oneself. Unlike Genjutsu, Ototon has the ability to harm and maim individuals on the basis of their sound, and what makes this style particularly deadly is its ability to deliver this harm in a wide, powerful range. There are downsides which have made this a less likely used method of combat, but that hasn't erased its use from existence.

  • All techniques of Ototon are considered to be Area of Effect (AOE) and capable of harming multiple individuals unless otherwise specified, whether by specifying a technique has directional noise or direct contact.
  • All Sound Ninjutsu do not have a maximum range unless otherwise specified, for the purposes of in character is defined as "audible range" - anybody, including those who are deaf, will be affected by these techniques so long as they have the requisite auditory organs.

Important Restrictions:

  • Although it's main boon is the ability to deliver AOE damage and discord, affects everybody except for the user in it's audible radius.
  • Truly deadly techniques that do not require musical weaponry usually require contact-to-contact to deliver strikes of pure reverberation.
  • S-ranks require weaponry, whether by the use of melody arms, musical tools or body modification. An S-rank can be used by one's own voice, but the first and only use will irrevocably harm the user's voicebox and lungs beyond repair.
  • Sound ninjutsu is naturally weaker to techniques which can take the sound waves and absorb the shock, such as Suiton or Doton walls - proportionately reducing the harm caused depending on the kind of technique.

Secondary Restriction - In Character
  • As an in-character lore, Ototon on N:FB is considered to be a "dirty art" - frowned upon by both allies and enemies for it's use in battlefields usually synonymous with 'friendly fire' it is expected that even NPC allies, civilian or not will take unkindly to those who use this art, even in spite of it's raw power.
  • Historically, Sound Ninjutsu is considered the precursor to many of the commonly used Genjutsu that is seen today like the Kousou [Fighting Confused], Kori Shinchū no Jutsu - [Sly Mind Affect Technique] and Hebreke no Jutsu [Inebriation Technique].

NAME: Ribābu [Reverb]
One of the founding principles of Ototon, after performing hand seals the user places their hand to something that is causing noise, causing a reverb. This sound grows louder and louder over three posts before fading. Alternatively, the user can whistle - where it will bounce off materials in the nearby vicinity. Excellent in a room, great in a forest, not in a plain area. This technique doesn't cause anything beyond minor irritation but can serve as either a distraction, or to disguise other acts which may cause noise.

NAME: Boisubokkusu [Voice Box]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low (Continuous)
The user modulates and enhances their own voice box using chakra, causing their voice to become leagues louder than it was previously - commonly used in warfare to bark orders from afar, irritate the ears of other opponents or narrate a fight. This technique doesn't harm other people - but will irritate the user's voice after continued use of the technique.

Most commonly associated with the Okada in Iwagakure.

NAME: Tori no uta [Birdsong]

This technique is the amplification of the user's own voice or the use of a musical instrument in an area of affect. This technique in an audible range which can destroy glass, will deafen people who have auditory organs for a time (5 posts). This deafening is harshest at its first post, but deteriorates over the next five posts as a ringing sound can be heard in the mean time.

NAME: Disukohausu [Disco House]
Similar to the previous technique, the user first performs the hand seals and amplifies their own voice or the use of a musical instrument. The voice must either take a harsher, raspy sound - or the instrument needs to be grated against in a way that is usually not used in that way. The resounding audible technique will affect all individuals who have auditory organs excluding the user, and for the next 3 posts disorients their balance that unlike Genjutsu, physically does affect their ability to maintain coordination.

NAME: Paidopaipā [Pied Piper]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low (Continuous)
The user performs the hand seal and then begins to perform a melodical whistle or pleasing noise on a musical instrument. As long as the user is performing and the target isn't completely aware, the user is capable subtly changing the direction of their balance, and using vibration waves to "suggest" a direction to go. Unlike its Genjutsu counterpart, this is a physical effect which can be overcome, but without overt knowledge is an incredibly powerful technique.

NAME: Oto Hirateuchi [Sound Slap]
The one and true original after chakra was discovered. After the user performs hand seals, will perform a typically open handed attack against a user. The technique if it connects to skin, enhances the user's attack beyond human capabilities that does not harm a person in and of itself, over the course of the wide swinging arc by the user amplifies the vibrational kinetic energy in their hand that sound is capable of and sending a target flying a thirty meters in a single direction. It is that person's interaction with the environment that will harm them. This is only useful against people who aren't grounded or particularly heavy - unless the slap itself is cast by a particularly strong user.

NAME: Ushiro no Ie [Rue the House]
REQUIREMENTS: Ribābu [Reverb]
One of the more deadly techniques in the Ototon region that can harm single opponents or a group of opponents while retaining their allies' lives. This technique uses some of the principals of Ribābu [Reverb]. The user performs the handseals before shouting whatever they like at someone. Their voice projects in a wide beam-like fashion from their mouth and hits an opponent.

If the technique is heard by the opponent(s), will find themselves being hit by a physical wall of sound, able to cause some damage akin to having all of their organs punched and causing disorientation to them. This will not kill them, however.

In order for this to do real damage, this technique must first bounce off another object - speeding up the sound waves and dealing immense damage, that even the first bounce is capable of rupturing eardrums, completely ruining any hope of balance and generally rupturing their organs. Provided this bounces off something and then on to their opponent(s), such as from a wall to the opponent(s) the damage proportionately increases, compounding the more time it reverbs, creating what could be a death sentence for those in an enclosure, room or building. This only accurately works in an enclosed building (living quarters, etc) and will not harm those in larger buildings (temples, administrative buildings, etc)

However, as it infers, this technique will 'rue the house' - and all those inside it, all without the user and their allies from having to enter it. This does mean anyone and anything live inside the 'house' will be devastated by the attack - which unless the user is able to accurately perceive, could harm allies and anything between.

After about twenty bounces however, the sound dissipates by being absorbed by the confined space: sparing all others.

last edit by Deleted on Jan 2, 2023 9:07:34 GMT -5
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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuNov 21, 2022 23:11:41 GMT -5
Reflect carefully upon your actions.
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Boisubokkusu [Voice Box]: The lore that it's associated with the Okada is fun, but what about the Yanki! They're the guys who yell!

Disukohausu [Disco House]: My primary concern with this is that it does something very similar to what Resonating Echo Drill already does. Is there an important distinction, or is this technique redundant?

Paidopaipā [Pied Piper]: Sounds can definitely influence balance, and sound favoring one side can alter the direction an individual leans... I think I'm just mildly concerned by some of the phrasing. Would you be comfortable axing, "of exerting influence over the direction of the user by" and leaving everything before and after?

Meinu Hirateuchi [Bitch Slap]: Funny name, and I don't quite mind the interaction (since I assume the idea is a sort of breaking the sound barrier moment) in theory, but the description leads to some confusion. If the effect of the technique is to bounce sound back and forth within a person/around a person, it seems that this force would neutralize and the damage would end up being internal. It's also questionable to me how this ends up being a sound-based ninjutsu, as this description primarily just sounds like a physically enhanced taijutsu strike.

Ushiro no Ie [Rue the House]: Please place Reverb as a requirement.

As one of the drawbacks of the style/reasons that style is considered "dirty" is that it has great potential for friendly fire, I would like to ask for some clarity on how exactly this spares allies' lives. You mention elsewhere that it will harm anyone in the enclosed space - usually this would imply everyone but the user, including allies.

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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuNov 22, 2022 4:55:33 GMT -5
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Boisubokkusu [Voice Box]: I had already included this, but was removed at Wisp's request.

Disukohausu [Disco House]: I can potentially remove this. Having compared the two they are similar, this one is definitely temporary in nature whereas the other looks as though it's damaging in nature (and physical to that it can destroy wood) whereas I thought of this scientifically as "disrupting the fluid in someone's ears" ergo loss of balance.

Paidopaipā [Pied Piper]: Done!

Meinu Hirateuchi [Bitch Slap]: I've updated the description to better reflect the outcome I wanted it to do.

Ushiro no Ie [Rue the House]: Totally my fault, I was inferring it's called "Rue the house" because it devastates anything 'inside the house' - so that allies need not enter. I've amended the description to accurately reflect the danger.
last edit by Deleted on Nov 22, 2022 4:56:33 GMT -5
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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuDec 7, 2022 12:57:45 GMT -5
Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life.
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[attr="class","mnt"]I believe the drawbacks are fair and I love how you've nestled it into site lore so seamlessly. Always a pleasure to see your works, Akira.

This has my 2/3.
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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuJan 4, 2023 1:15:00 GMT -5
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Yoshiko Avatar
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I'm sorry to jump in on this with it already getting three peoples reviews. However there's somethings in here, I've pointed out in staff chat and gotten the agreeance to pop-in and kind of slap this down.

Specifically the top bit of this jutsu list needs to go; it's essentially setting a system of rules for a vague set of jutsu. That being all the sound jutsu to come and past, unless they specifically state otherwise. When it comes to introducing whole new systems it really needs to be vetted by the full staff. If it's a very unique thing that needs it's own set of rules, than it'd be clan ability which ototon can't be due to it already being canon universal.

Highlighting Problems with this format; Once these jutsu are approved they'll be moved to universal non-elemental ninjutsu, but the added info won't be, this creates unnecessary confusion. The fact this is to be for all sound jutsu means that anyone who doesn't / didn't review this won't even know there's these pre-determined rules and they could greatly change peoples reviews. Finally by you setting these restrictions as a whole instead of per jutsu, you're limiting other peoples freedom, as well as staffs ability to compromise with people and really fit their critiques to anothers interest and site balance. For these reasons, I'd like to ask that we don't include such pre-cursor paragraphs.

That all stated, you're more than welcome to remove that pre-cursor section and still push these jutsu, but that stated you'll need to transfer things like range, weakness and such to each jutsu. It was also brought up in staff chat that the ranges granted to previously allowed sound jutsu weren't actually that vast, so you'll be asked to pick actual meter ranges on the AOE's.

last edit by Yoshiko on Jan 4, 2023 1:19:50 GMT -5
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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuJan 4, 2023 3:22:21 GMT -5
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Hey Yoshiko, thanks for the review.

That being said, I don't agree:

The Genjutsu list has a separate post for Gen-Bukijutsu, which I also had approved, also following this format, so the formatting should not be an issue if it becomes its own post.

People should know to scroll down to see these additional jutsu, because you've posted in them as well for the merging of the canon technique index as well as the universal index.

These techniques are not vague, in fact they are extremely clear: an effort to get a difficult set of techniques that are easy to abuse, and introduce some staff-friendly weaknesses immediately, rather than having confusion down the line. You call it impinging on people's freedoms and creativity down the line, I call it pre-jutsu vetting that aids Staff and balance in the long run.

If the staff don't know what the rules are surrounding them, then they should be written down so that the consistency about what Staff want for these techniques in relation to power/style/scope of abilities is maintained.

If you've read all of this and still want me to push the edits, I'll happily edit them out and add in weaknesses in the jutsu, but to put into context, I'm going to be copying and pasting the exact same stuff in the precursor weaknesses into each of the techniques anyway.
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Ototon | Sound NinjutsuJan 4, 2023 9:26:32 GMT -5
Space is just a word for those afraid to get close.
Yoshiko Avatar
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When you made the Gen-Buki and it was approved, we not only had a completely different staff, but Gen-Buki WAS a new thing. Ototon isn't an element and sound jutsu already exist without a subsection. Furthermore the Gen-Buki went from a new thing to just being genjutsu, I'd argue they'd belong in regular genjutsu listing.

I won't say people shouldn't know to, but I've actually had people get confused where a jutsu is because they didn't realize there was more than one post in those threads. So that's not entirely true.

I'm saying vague at the jutsu concept and not the individual jutsu, because Ototon isn't a release. So you're creating a rule set for a category that doesn't exist. I honestly think the jutsu's ability to be abused solely comes in the description of each jutsu and as a whole it's easier to judge bit by bit, than take one rule set on top of another and try to rule if it's fair. A specific example of this is earlier sound jutsu being limited to a range, where as this clearly is setting no range and even worst an expansive range.

As for adding weakness to this set, I actually don't see that at all. You've created restrictions IE needing items or breaking your vocals at x-rank, but that's not actually making the jutsu overall weak or balanced. It's just preventing people from making S-rank sound jutsu without a major risk that they didn't get to choose. Which presently there's nothing stopping someone from making an S-rank sound jutsu and coming up with their own weaknesses. The closest thing to a real weakness I see is the mention of suiton and doton helping to combat it, but the explanation there isn't in any detail and sound moves faster than anyone could cast a doton or suiton.

As far as I can tell this is trying to slip past an inexcusably broken AOE Range combined with the deaf factor making it literally impossible to actually deny these techniques or dodge them. So it's pushing something with a broken range and an auto-hit policy. These are two things that'd likely push jutsu into A or S-rank. Where as if every jutsu is forced into a range or allowed the possibility of not working on deaf people it creates more room for staff to actually balance the jutsu.

Secondary Restriction - This part also bothers me because not only are you pushing mechanics all staff and members must use for these jutsu going forward, you're attempting to push lore into the site that didn't exist. We have so many people with the genjutsu you say 'started' as these jutsu and you're saying people would consider this a dirty art, but I don't really see a reason why they'd think that and selling that narrative seems like a unnecessary push.

"I'm going to be copying and pasting the exact same stuff in the precursor weaknesses into each of the techniques anyway." I am not outwardly opposed to this, but as I stated at the end of my review. The lack of a clear range won't fly, you'll need a meter(s) range. Otherwise the stuff like things to absorb sound waves is a sensible weakness, so that seems okay with me.
last edit by Yoshiko on Jan 15, 2023 18:17:14 GMT -5
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