fallen blades
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 12, 2024 2:45:28 GMT -5
hirana kizumi
death before dishonor.
hirana kizumi Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 37 years old birthday october 13 rank jounin occupation raikage

After the Raikage’s speech, a massive man of the Fujiyama clan would step forward to take over the nitty-gritty of moving the days’ events along: some of the genin from group C would recognize him as the "trapped” man who had lain in the road beneath his toppled cart the day prior. When the previous fight concluded, he cleared his throat to announce the third of the day's fights.

"Next up! Uchiha Kai of Konohagakure!


Kisei Sachi of Kusagakure!”

There were two vivid yellow stripes painted onto the hard-packed dirt ground of the arena about twenty meters apart: designated starting zones for each of the genin to stand on. They would be instructed to bow, and then the countdown for the round to start would begin.







tactician has written 456 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 13, 2024 20:21:36 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
Kai didn't expect this. But in a wicked way, he supposed one should in fact expect the unexpected. That didn't make it any easier though. He was staring down his girlfriend right now, a weapon grasped firmly in his hand, his armor clinging to his body.

Sachi knew Kai couldn't hold back. She had to know that. It'd be disrespectful to her, in the same way it'd be disrespectful to him if she held back. Which made this all the more nerve wracking as he heard the proctor shout to begin.

He didn't move though. It gave her time, time to prepare, to think- He hesitated. Just as he'd done before, he hesitated and stood his ground, before focusing his resolve and moving.

"Good luck." He said this to all of his opponents, but this one... This was different. This was his loved one.

It made him sick to his stomach. It made it churn as he pulled his glaive up over his shoulder...

And swung it down, blunt edge first onto the woman's shoulder. If it hit, it had the force to break bones. But that was all. He wouldn't kill her, and he was very obviously holding back. Not because he wanted to, but...

Because he still hadn't come to terms with the fact that he was fighting someone he never wanted to have to fight in his life.

Moving Forward

Normal Overhead Swing with Glaive blunt-end.

Sharingan not active.
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 16, 2024 22:09:33 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Sachi walked into the stadium, the cold air flowing past her sunset-pink hair as she entered. Her head turned right and then to the left as her eyes methodically scanned the arena with a quiet expression on her face. These matchups couldn’t be a coincidence. She wished she prepared more for this specific match, feeling a little uneasy considering how much she knew about his capability and then, she even gave him more incentive to win. It was the type of situation her Niisama would be amused about. Shaking her head, she gave a small slightly sad smile to her opponent, hands intertwined behind her.

"Good luck to you as well.” Her voice was light and sweet through the short bow, even through her uneasiness and Kai’s slightly threatening disposition. Sachi wasn’t worried about hurting him physically, knowing that she didn’t have the power to seriously harm him. She lightly considered using her knowledge to get him to stumble but it hurt her to see him in his dire emotional state. Things like that never shook her mind and she wasn’t very keen on adding the ones that were because of her but it was a viable plan. A viable but vile plan.

The kunoichi knew it wasn’t good to play mind games with him, especially when they affected his eyes in interesting ways. Her knowledge of the Sharingan was limited; she knew vaguely about how his eyes worked and hadn’t figured out any countermeasures for it. Additionally, she was awry about using her contractual relationship as collateral damage for a win she might not even get…even if she was curious about how it would play out if she did.

Sachi observed him, noting the familiar armored vest underneath his shirt. She noted if she did anything, she couldn't aim for the chest or lower back. There were little hit points to be had and she had to aim carefully and methodically if she wanted to do any damage. The glaive he carried appeared to be heavy, a 20-inch blade no less, a metal pole. Thankfully, being smaller meant she was a little more nimble, supposedly and despite her lack of strength, she did have one relatively powerful weapon. It took one shot for him to go under and she had five chances to do so but she needed the opportunity.

"They do say that ‘it’s better to be a broken piece of jade than an intact piece of pottery.’” She pondered to herself about using his past once more. "...but I’m not entirely against it, principally.”


Then the end of the countdown marked the beginning of the round. Clear eyes watched carefully ready to move at a moment's notice. Her pondering was now done and ready to act as her left foot slid back, geta trudging through the dirt as his glaive moved up onto his shoulder. The end of the polearm would reach her if she didn’t dodge but moving to the side offered more chance of getting struck. Even if she wasn’t hit by the blade the sheer force of an all-metal weapon would surely do damage to something in her body.

With hastened speed, Sachi drops a smoke bomb, a light sound of her geta sandals hitting the dirt as her body flickers past and behind the Uchiha to dodge his attack. With a swift motion, she releases her hand seal as six senbon needles fill the crevices of her hand, throwing them forward three at a time aimed towards Kai’s head. She was testing what he would do when faced with projectiles, her eyes watching carefully for the end of his glaive.

Combat info:

-Sachi considers psyche warfare.
-Smoke bomb w/ shushin to dodge (she is now behind him) (1/2)
-6 senbon thrown at Kai’s head (6/20)

Jutsu(s) Used:

Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
Rank: D
Chakra Usage: Low [Continuous]
Classification: Ninjutsu [General]
Handseal 1
Element: None

By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.


Attempt by Necro

last edit by Kisei Sachi on Feb 16, 2024 22:13:01 GMT -5
IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 17, 2024 1:03:38 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
A dodge and a miss. Of course. He didn't need to be a genius to figure that one out- She knew that if that glaive fell on her it'd be a one way trip to the hospital.

So she had to be on her toes. That was alright. The smoke bomb though... She really was going to make him use it, huh? Fine. In an instant, his eyes were open- Reaction times primed and ready above that what he could do previously. But more importantly...

As he twisted his weapon in the air, his eyes would easily be able to detect her chakra presence in the mundane smoke. He'd never really explained the deeper abilities of the Sharingan, and this certainly was one of them.

But his weapon was built off of this. Even during his first swing, he was preparing. Even as it was twisting in the air, it was preparing. And even as it swung backwards... It was preparing.

The senbon would be slashed out of the air, using the downward swing as momentum to curve back upwards, revealing the incredible Dragon Stance.

Where before he had a simple, calculated strike, Sachi was now dealing with someone who was twirling around effortlessly with his weapon- It looked less like a brolic fighter with a polearm and more like someone waving around a twig.

This of course left him on the defensive- He couldn't react to an attack and strike back, after all- But she now had to deal with trying to figure out a way to strike at a man who's defense had just about tripled in strength.

Activating Sharingan, disabling the effects of smoke bomb. (Free)

Activating Dragon Dance (Low Con. Drain) to deflect projectiles, staying in Dragon Dance. (Action)

Sharingan (Single Tomoe)

Kai, as a member of the Uchiha clan, has unlocked the first stage of its Dojutsu- The legendary Sharingan. Only the first tomoe has manifested as of now, which, when active, grants him a greater perception of the world around him- His reflexes get a minor boost as well as the ability to see Chakra.

NAME: Ryū no Mai [Dragon Dance]


CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Continuous]




The user is capable of maintaining incredible momentum with their polearm by twisting and twirling it in their hands. By rotating their hands, arms and body in various ways, they can twirl and spin the polearm around their body in large circles. Doing this works as a functional defense capable of slapping away mundane blows and projectiles. This can also act as a powerful offense, delivering sweeping strikes backed by the momentum of the spins.

Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 20, 2024 1:09:10 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Sachi tilted her head moving to the left of Kai, as the senbon needles were hit in quick succession by the blade of the polearm Kai spun it around almost effortlessly. Finding it interesting that it was even possible to move that effortlessly. A surge of visible excitement coursed through her as Sachi could see his unmistakable eyes, the evidence of his dojutsu, deep blood red. She was undoubtedly curious about his eyes even after he lightly explained them to her.

Without a moment to lose, she executed a swift hand seal, Sachi stomped on the ground, sending a thin veil of pressurized water rising before her. In a fluid motion, six senbon were propelled with precision by the currents she manipulated. Two aimed for his neck in a curving trajectory, while the remaining four targeted his hands and stomach in rapid succession.

Quickly switching to her sniper, Sachi dashed out from behind her watery veil. She loaded a vial into the sniper and raised it, taking aim at Kai's waist. With a steady hand, she fired it, observing his movements to the best of her ability. Though the likelihood of hitting him was slim, she hoped to land her injection shot, realizing that even if she failed, it would allow him to showcase his abilities, which was beneficial for his career but a disadvantage for her in this particular fight.

Combat info:
-Motions to the left
-Senbon Wayaku: +6 senbon thrown at Kai’s in succession, 2 at his head, 2 at his stomach, then 2 at his feet. (12/20)
-moves out from behind the water (to the right), loads sniper, and fires in one quick motion (1/5)

Jutsu(s) Used:

Suiton: Senbon Wayaku [Water Release: Senbon Fiasco]

Rank: D
Chakra Usage: Very Low
Classification: Ninjutsu
Handseal: 1
Element: Suiton

The user will stomp their foot on the ground while performing a single handseal. Using Suiton Chakra they will manipulate water to create a thin wall of high-pressurized water where they step. The user will then throw their senbon towards the enemy. As the senbon pass through the wall, the user will manipulate the water to change their trajectory. The senbon will shift slightly as the pressurized water forces them through like a pitching machine making them travel fast enough to pierce stone. This wall of water lasts for about ten seconds after which it will fall.

Attempt by Necro

last edit by Kisei Sachi on Feb 20, 2024 1:15:14 GMT -5
IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 20, 2024 2:05:42 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
The senbon came, but Kai was more then ready for that. He was still in motion- Attempting ranged strikes, even with slightly changed trajectories, was going to be a challenge. She'd need to use something more to hit him, as a swing knocked each senbon deftly out of the air.

It was actually quite incredible, but showed the level of training Kai had with his glaive. He was not some novice who could barely swing the weapon, it was at this point an extension of him, and one could almost compare it to part of his body, which worked perfectly in tandem with the increased reaction times of his Sharingan.

Had he not his eyes, he'd be unable to react. Had he not his skill, he'd be unable to predict and deflect the strikes.

However... While he could block senbon, it seemed they were just a distraction. She fired some sort of weapon at him- And he was still mid block from the previous attack. He had to move, fast. No, faster than fast. He had to move extra fast.

Like a flash of lightning, Kai was gone from his previous position, his glaive stabbing itself into the earth. One would not expect someone so large to be so quick, but using the body flicker technique, he was able to sharply move right past Sachi, trying to end up behind her.

If successful, he'd yank a Kunai out of his holster, aiming to slash her across the face. This attack, however, was not very deep or strong, simply made to turn her around, as the real strike was a powerful gut punch aimed and knocking the wind out of the poor girl, using his size and enhanced reflexes to his advantage.

But he couldn't do all of that forever. It was up in the air how she'd respond...

Continuing to use Dragon Dance to block Senbon combined with Sharingan reflex boost.

Sharingan Reflex boost just barely catches the sniper fire, 1/4 Flickers used to dodge, had to leave weapon behind.

Aiming for a head cut with kunai to turn her around, followed by a gut punch.

NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

NAME: Ryū no Mai [Dragon Dance]


CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Continuous]




The user is capable of maintaining incredible momentum with their polearm by twisting and twirling it in their hands. By rotating their hands, arms and body in various ways, they can twirl and spin the polearm around their body in large circles. Doing this works as a functional defense capable of slapping away mundane blows and projectiles. This can also act as a powerful offense, delivering sweeping strikes backed by the momentum of the spins.

Sharingan (Single Tomoe)

Kai, as a member of the Uchiha clan, has unlocked the first stage of its Dojutsu- The legendary Sharingan. Only the first tomoe has manifested as of now, which, when active, grants him a greater perception of the world around him- His reflexes get a minor boost as well as the ability to see Chakra.
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 0:23:46 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Sachi stared in shock as the glaive stood on its own and the sound of a blade unsheathing was picked up by her ears, seemingly coming from behind her, so transfixed on the blade that she realized too late regarding the foreboding presence behind her. Hugging her rifle, she turned, as the blade of the kunai nicked her cheek, her feet stumbled back as her gaze was aimed toward the punch that was coming. Her bright blue eyes widened, drops of blood raced down her cheek as she gulped, her heart raced as she looked straight into his mismatched eyes. "As expected,” She thought to herself her mind relinquishing itself to fate, however, her training had seemed to think otherwise.

Instinctively, she fell on all fours, her body hastily dropping to the ground to dodge the incoming attack as her sniper shot rifle skidded across the ground past Kai. "Ah!” Sachi was also now forced to let go of her weapon but luckily it allowed her to dodge the attack. She was short enough that it was out of punching range for the nearly foot taller Uchiha but the distance between them was way too close for comfort. The kunoichi needed more experience when it came to hand-to-hand combat however, the Uchiha was unexpectedly quick. Although, now, Sachi had an opportunity to strike now that she was close.

Propelling herself upward from the ground with a burst of adrenaline, Sachi grasped a kunai tightly in her hand, her focus honed on Kai's stomach. With determination etched on her face, she aimed to make her mark with all the force she could muster.

Combat info:
-Turned and gets sliced in the cheek
-Instinctively uses flat cat technique but drops her rifle past Kai
-Attempted to kunai him in the stomach

Jutsu(s) Used:

Tairana Neko [Flat Cat]

Rank: C
Chakra Usage: Low
Classification: Taijutsu
Handseal: 0
Element: N/A

The user evades an attack by swiftly dropping to all fours and keeping a low profile. This evasive maneuver is very quick and sets the user up for an immediate counter-attack but is extremely susceptible to low hitting attacks.


Attempt by Necro

IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 2:35:38 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
Kai stared back into her eyes- And in them, he saw resignation. Possibly fear? He stumbled for a second, but caught himself as she dropped on all fours, readying herself for something.

Urk... Was he going to hard on her? ...He almost considered going a bit easier on her, but...

No, he couldn't do that. That would be insulting to Sachi, right? He had to give her everything he had- Even if he wasn't his usual loud, obnoxious self he could tend to be in combat.

Two seals as she moved along the ground, readying herself for an assault, before he stomped his foot down in front of him. A wall of flame would suddenly burst from the earth, the heat ready to burn and push away the girl as she tried for a low attack.

Not that he didn't have confidence in Kunai fighting- He was trained in many weapons, not just the Glaive, even if that was his primary- But he didn't want to risk getting stuck in the gut with a kunai from her reckless assault. Even as the fire hit her however, he was not playing the defensive much here- He crashed forward and aimed to give a hard booted kick to the womans stomach while she was half on the ground.

It hurt him to have to hurt her, but he knew what he had to do. His face showed this- Mentally, he wasn't sure if he could truly take her on, and even the kick he aimed for her gut was a lot weaker than it should have been.

Countering Flat Cat technique with Fire Release: Veil of Flame

Going for a kick while she's on the ground, but a heavily weakened one, Kai's not in the perfect headspace.

NAME: Katon: Fukumen Jouki no Jutsu [Fire Release: Veil of Flame]
A skill where the user after performing the necessary hand seals [ two hand seals to exact - Dragon then Tiger] either stomp their foot on the ground or slam their hands against the ground. From the ground cracks emerge in their immediate vicinity as a burst of flame emerges forth to attack the opponent. This is mainly defensive. For it can be used to block projectiles and taijutsu attacks. The flames are about knee to thigh height depending on the skill of the user.

Sharingan (Single Tomoe)

Kai, as a member of the Uchiha clan, has unlocked the first stage of its Dojutsu- The legendary Sharingan. Only the first tomoe has manifested as of now, which, when active, grants him a greater perception of the world around him- His reflexes get a minor boost as well as the ability to see Chakra.
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 14:59:44 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

As the ground split and flames erupted, Sachi swiftly pulled herself backward, narrowly avoiding collision with the fire. The intense heat singed her hair and skin as she retreated, keeping her body close to the ground to evade the scorching flames. Kai's next move was obscured by the inferno, leaving her momentarily disoriented. Suddenly, she felt a sharp impact to her stomach, causing pain to radiate across her abdomen even through the layers of her obi. Her heart raced as the air was forced from her lungs, and she rolled backward on the ground, eventually landing on her feet but sliding back slightly due to the momentum.

Clutching her stomach with one hand, she could feel her skin flare up in pain as she defensively held out the kunai, readying herself. Despite her blurry vision and heavy breathing, she didn't detect any blood in her mouth, providing a semblance of reassurance. No internal bleeding yet and nothing seemed broken. Thankfully, the heightened adrenaline only partially numbed the pain, but the shock hindered her movements.

This was the first time she found herself in such a vulnerable position, having never been hit to this extent before. She couldn't help but notice his unintentional restraint, and she acknowledged that if he had been serious, he could have easily ended the match with his initial strike alone. Despite this, she felt a mixture of gratitude and frustration knowing that he cared for her and didn't want to hurt her, which ultimately worked to her advantage in their current situation.

The thoughts of using his emotions crossed her mind once more, either to make him take the match seriously or to create an opportunity for an attack. However, she hesitated. That was still a last resort, and something had to push her to make that decision. Even if she believed that she wanted to do it for only curiosity's sake, she couldn’t shake off her upbringing as a Kisei, even through the years of training as a shinobi and awareness of what that path entailed.

With swift precision, Sachi hurled the kunai at Kai, freeing up her hands as she clasped them together in a seal. Without hesitation, she pressed her feet firmly into the ground, conjuring another wall of pressurized water. In a rapid motion, she sent two senbon flying through the watery barrier just as it formed, exploiting the split-second opening she had created.

Combat info:
-narrowly avoided viel fire
-got kicked in the stomach, powerful enough to throw her backward, but was able to roll on her feet
-Throws kunai to free hands, Senbon Wayaku + 2 senbon needles (didn’t aim specifically at any point this time) (14/20)

Jutsu(s) Used:

Suiton: Senbon Wayaku [Water Release: Senbon Fiasco]

Rank: D
Chakra Usage: Very Low
Classification: Ninjutsu
Handseal: 1
Element: Suiton

The user will stomp their foot on the ground while performing a single hand seal. Using Suiton Chakra they will manipulate water to create a thin wall of high-pressurized water where they step. The user will then throw their senbon towards the enemy. As the senbon passes through the wall, the user will manipulate the water to change their trajectory. The senbon will shift slightly as the pressurized water forces them through like a pitching machine making them travel fast enough to pierce stone. This wall of water lasts for about ten seconds after which it will fall.


Attempt by Necro

last edit by Kisei Sachi on Feb 21, 2024 15:00:52 GMT -5
IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 17:20:58 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
For a moment, she clutched her stomach, and he almost moved a hand out to touch her shoulder, but... No, she'd made quite some distance now-- And this was still a fight. He couldn't just... Baby her, or coddle here, even if he really wanted to.

And she was still fighting, so at the very least, he had to give her props for that. She flung the Kunai forward and he was forced to deflect it with his own Kunai- But this allowed enough room for the two Senbon to fling forward and stab into his vest.

A dull pain ran across his chest, his flesh bruised as he placed a hand to it. Thank god he had that vest on- That could have been real bad... But he still had an opponent to fight here. He couldn't just let her get away.

He stepped forward again, placing a hand on his Glaive, staring over it before he looked back at her.

No. He didn't want to potentially maim her. He left the weapon in the ground as he grit his teeth, the kunai still in his other hand.

He almost asked her to give up- But he knew that'd be cruel. That'd be rude. That'd be mean. So instead...?

He charged forward once more, zipping left, then right, before he tried to begin another attack. A slash towards the chest, slicing from the bottom of her clothes to the top- Then a twist around into a reverse stab with... A second Kunai?! It seems he had more than one, as this one was aimed to stab her in the arm if she wasn't aware of it- Before ending both attacks with a telegraphed kick.

This costed very little energy on his end, which was important- No point in blowing your whole load here, right?

Parrying the first thrown Kunai

Taking two Senbon to the chest, protected by the vest.

Grabbing Glaive, but leaving it, instead charging in.

A cut across the chest (I sure hope it doesn't cut open her clothes!!), followed by a spin and a stab towards the arm with a different Kunai, completed with a kick to the gut again, all of which were held back.
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 19:29:00 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Despite her blurred vision, Sachi’s eyes followed his hands which briefly brushed his glave. As her veil was water dispersed, she had a clear view of the apprehension in his face as he left his weapon there. Course, a weapon of that size could be seen as excessive force. Even if she didn’t get hit by the blade, the brunt damage alone would’ve maimed her but she wasn’t a fan of handicaps.

As if reading her mind, the Uchiha stormed forward, eyeing the kunai in hand. Sachi’s hands were readied, clasped together with a seal, and then with a quick flash the girl was behind him once more. However, despite her best efforts, the blade of the kunai had hit, a large gash from the sode of her kimono to her obi was visible but still held together, clothes folding over at their cuts, the pinkish-orange hue from her undergarments peeking beneath the layers.

The kunoichi gritted her teeth as Kai spun back with a second kunai; she hadn’t flicked a far enough distance, the much larger shinobi having more reach than she anticipated. The girl hopped back to avoid the attack but she was still too close. With swift reflexes, she drew another kunai to parry his, the clash of metal creating sparks as they collided in a desperate attempt to protect her arm. However, her lack of experience resulted in her parry failing to withstand the force, causing the blades to clash and lightly cut into her arm. Before she could regain her footing, a sharp grunt escaped her lips as another kick landed squarely in her gut, sending her staggering backward.

Sachi landed on the ground, the dirt kicking up as she landed but she quickly stood again. Her adrenaline was still going and this time, her body had braced itself better. There was a stinging pain in her arm but she could still move it. She was still struggling to breathe but the moment her vision wandered from Kai, she was susceptible to attacks and had to remain diligent. As she swiped away the blood from her face, she finally noticed her clothes had been sliced open. A blush of embarrassment colored her face, but she shook her head to refocus herself, making a note of how much equipment she had left.

Recognizing the importance of conserving resources for the upcoming rounds, especially given her supportive role, Sachi contemplated the potential effectiveness of her mind game strategy. However, she ultimately rejected it as an unsustainable long-term plan, especially with so many people observing him. An Uchiha with a mystical power, she didn’t like the idea of giving people the opportunity to dissect him; she considered the possibility of information brokers in the audience as well. Despite not typically seeing herself as a protector type, Sachi hesitated to expose Kai's vulnerabilities or disclose the extent of his powers, even if it granted her an advantage in the current match.

Holding out her kunai, she awaited Kai's next attack, pondering whether the time for forfeiting was approaching. The match was the third in a series, and sustaining further injuries would hinder her ability to observe the remaining fights. Success in her endeavors often relied on information gathered beforehand, and she knew that her current physical aptitude and skill weren't enough to win this fight, her stamina and efficiency draining as the fight continued.

Combat info:

-Shushin (2/4) to dodge first kunai attack, damage to clothes sustained

-Jumped backward to dodge kunai to arm, parries with second kunai, damage lessened however sustained, gets kicked in stomach for the second time

-Holds out kunai as she contemplates forfeit

Jutsu(s) Used:

Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique] (2/4)
Rank: D
Chakra Usage: Low
Classification: Ninjutsuu
Handseal: 1
Element: n/a

By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.


Attempt by Necro

last edit by Kisei Sachi on Feb 24, 2024 22:34:06 GMT -5
IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 20:17:24 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
Kai stared over his opponent carefully. No, not an opponent.

His girlfriend. His loved one. In this moment, she was a challenger- But he couldn't pull away from the fact that she was still someone he cared about. Which made every swing of his weapon tougher and tougher, as she showed more and more signs of battle damage. 

She had parried his attacks, used everything she had- But she was panting. She was damaged. She was losing. And there wasn't anything Kai could do to make it easier.

Kai's hand moved back to his glaive as he dropped the Kunai into the ground, pulling it out and lifting it over his shoulder.

"You've done real well Sachi... Keeping up with me this long. So... As a present... I'm going to show you something I aint shown anyone yet." He explained, as he held it strong in both hands.

"Prepare yourself." He said softly, as he took one step forward. His swing was right to left- She could leap over it, or better yet, leap backwards out of range of it- Kai seemed to be swinging at the very end of its range.

But as he swung, he channeled his Chakra into the weapon. The flow. The Dragon's Bite was not a normal Glaive- It was specially made just for him. And at the last moment, before it would either miss or hit her? It would suddenly burn to life with flames, extending its reach several extra feet! If she was hit by this 'burning image' of the blade, it would be less like getting sliced and more like getting hit with a very heavy hammer- An inflicting some serious burns to go with it. 

He aimed for her midsection- Kai didn't want to kill her as he swung around, simply showing off his technique against the woman. If it didn't hit? He'd slam the weapon back into the ground again, once more switching to move up close and aim for yet another gut punch. Those seemed fairly effective.

Picks up Glaive

Activates Glaive's special ability + Hien midswing, increasing its range greatly and causing fire damage if it hits.

If it misses, he's tossing the weapon aside and going in for another gut punch, because of he course he is.

NAME: Hien - [Flying Swallow]
The user funnels their chakra into a blade which can absorb chakra easily. The materialized chakra is shaped like a blade whose length can change with the right chakra control. The chakra is dense enough that it becomes visible and can cut through solid rock and iron. What makes this jutsu so versatile is that one can apply elemental chakra into it, which can greatly change the effects of the technique.

Dragon's Bite:


A massive glaive nearly 20 inches in length, attached to a 7 foot pole, this weighty weapon is unwieldy to those who do not possess proper skill with weapons of its size. It can be used to slash, stab, or block- As the entire weapon is made of the same powerful metal that the blade itself is made of. The Uchiha symbol sits proudly on the blade.


Dragon's Bite [Katon Chakra Reactive] - The primary property of this weapon is it's ability to reactively channel Katon through it. Fire can freely flow through this blade, be it over the edge or over the handle itself [Low Continuous Chakra Cost]. The blaze that surrounds this weapon is much like that of a whiplash- When swung, it lashes outwards past its original range, upwards to fourteen feet forwards , with the same weight of the original attack- But with severe burning rather than slicing or hammering action [Additional Medium Chakra Cost]. Indeed, even near misses from this weapon can be painfully hot, and the lashes of it can easily set loose clothes or shrubbery ablaze. Direct hits with the weapons blade, when flowing with the proper chakra, will sear wounds shut on contact, cauterizing them. When slammed directly into the ground, it can cause flames to burst out of the cracks in the earth, creating a visually stunning, if rather combat ineffective, display. [Low Chakra Cost]

Sharingan (Single Tomoe)

Kai, as a member of the Uchiha clan, has unlocked the first stage of its Dojutsu- The legendary Sharingan. Only the first tomoe has manifested as of now, which, when active, grants him a greater perception of the world around him- His reflexes get a minor boost as well as the ability to see Chakra.

last edit by Uchiha, Kai on Feb 25, 2024 20:19:11 GMT -5
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 21, 2024 21:52:26 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Something in Uchiha’s eyes had changed as he swung the glaive back up onto his shoulders and his words carried an intriguing amount of confidence that Sachi hadn’t seen before. With a tilt of her head, a small smile escaped her lips as if warmly inviting him into the battle again. Whatever he decided to do next was surely outside her knowledge so she steeled herself, preparing for anything that might come.

The kunoichi’s heart raced as she prepped for his next attack, kunai in one hand and the other just brushing against a vial on her person. Watching his arms as he swung the glaive, she jumped, a vial in hand, as the staff and blade blazed, burning brightly as it passed underneath her, thankfully so as the glaive extended in reach due to the fire. However, the flames also extended upwards into her leg. She hadn’t jumped high enough to avoid the flames that expanded out, her leggings catching a small flame. The burning sensation creeping up her ankles distracting her from throwing the vial at him.

Fighting through the pain, Sachi swiftly rolled upon landing, extinguishing the flames with practiced precision before springing back to her feet. She hopped back as she did, trying to create distance knowing that he often followed up with an attack. Expectedly, Kai was much quicker and his reach was a lot farther, as he caught up easily to the kunoichi and she knew what was coming.

She could feel herself tiring out, her breath labored, and the constant movement taking a toll on her small body, clothes disheveled. When she had hopped back, the stinging pain from the burns was noticeable. The kusa-nin knew that continuing the battle would result in a loss for her, going over the points she had thought about a few seconds ago, especially after seeing the fire encompassing the glaive. Knowing she was ill-equipped to handle that type of power, Sachi decided on what she thought was the best course of action.

Summoning her resolve, Sachi met Uchiha's gaze with determination, despite the weariness etched upon her features. "I forfeit," she declared firmly, her voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and respect, hoping against hope that Uchiha had enough control to halt his impending strike.

Combat info:
-Jumped to avoid fire glaive, did not avoid fire completely 
-Roll to put out the flame on her leggings then hops back 
-declares forfeit before getting hit

Jutsu(s) Used:



Attempt by Necro

last edit by Kisei Sachi on Feb 28, 2024 15:54:43 GMT -5
IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 29, 2024 8:09:02 GMT -5
Uchiha, Kai
Work smarter, not harder
Uchiha, Kai Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Genin occupation Team 1
His next swing stopped just short of hitting her- Near centimeters from her midsection. That would have been very ugly, had it hit. Kai would slowly pull his fist back, feeling a bit of chakra exhaustion from the rather high usage of his own energy this fight, before he sighed in relief.

Kai looked up towards the arena to see if this was okay. But he presumed it was- Just... You never knew. Not that it mattered, he wasn't going to attack her any further.

"Heh... That was pretty good. I'll have to show you some better ways to counter it later." Kai whispered. It might be able to be heard over the speakers, but it was unlikely- They were basically face to face here.

"And a few new tricks too. Good job, Sachi. I'd expect nothing less. Next time? I'll be expecting more, too." He smiled down at her. He was proud- She'd kept up for a good deal of time, which was more than he'd expected- And he'd shown off his own strength in this fight. He wasn't all talk, and wasn't just some goofy teen. He was a respectable Shinobi, a dangerous weapon on the battlefield.

Which, in a way, showed even further the barriers he put up to make sure Sachi didn't see this part of him often, for better or for worse. As much of a warrior as he was, he'd rather his partner see him as a romantic, not the slaughter machine he may be.
last edit by Uchiha, Kai on Feb 29, 2024 12:52:17 GMT -5
Caelum has written 225 posts
CHUUNIN EXAMS | ROUND 3 | FIGHT 3 | KAI VS. SACHIFeb 29, 2024 21:34:32 GMT -5
Kisei Sachi
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Kisei Sachi Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday March 9 rank Genin occupation
Kisei Sachi🌸
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

With clear blue eyes, Sachi gazed fixated on Kai as his fist swinging towards her stomach halted mid-air, frozen by her words. Exhaling, she relaxed her shoulders and adopted a more casual stance, placing her weapons into her obi, and feeling the relief wash over her. Every movement she took made her body throb, clothes hanging by pieces from the slashes she had endured. The wind's touch stung her ankle as she moved slightly and she was feeling a little chilly because of the aforementioned. Despite the weariness evident in her gait, a bright smile lit up her face in response to his compliments.

"Of course.” the kunoichi murmured, stepping closer until their bodies were just a whisper away from touching. With a gentle touch, her hand brushed against the Uchiha's collar, and in a graceful motion, she rose onto her toes, her lips grazing his cheek tenderly–not caring too much about the spectators in the stand. Returning to the ground, she flashed a shy grin, a delicate pink hue spreading across her cheeks as her fingers intertwined behind her.

"You can be quite scary when you’re focused. Thank you for the good fight.” The girl whispered in return. "Picture it as a little sneak peek for later.” Trailing off, she picked up her injection shot rifle and bowed to him before leaving the arena. Filled with a mix of disappointment and contentment, the girl walked out of the area with a playful sway in her step, pondering how she could fix her clothes before the next round.

Attempt by Necro

IntrovertedRabbit has written 186 posts