The Fastest Ostrich [Training]

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The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 13, 2024 1:55:26 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
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groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
So, Ameko was likely yelled at, and probably had her ear yanked off over the last week or so maybe. Maybe given a punishment like cleaning the hyena pens or something. Though, the biggest punishment would probably come in the form of the little blonde who was currently standing outside of her door, tapping incessantly, as she had been doing for the past five minutes, whom at this point as hitting it to a rhythm as she brought with her a small backpack, and a hobo stick. As well as a wrapped cloth box, perhaps a bento. It was her first time at the Warai clan's compound. She saw lots of doggies though, and she liked the place. And laughed when the Hyenas did.

She loved them. 

"Umm. Hello?~ Helloooo? My name's Senshi. An' I was told to come here so I can get training! In how to get fast, and taijutsu and stuff!" Unknowingly, to subject Ameko to hell. What was worse? Senshi wasn't here to be here for a day and go back home. She was here to train for an "extended period" of time, until her cousin Asahi came back from one of his missions to teach her more about Scorched Release. She heard the person's name who was supposed to train her was A neko? A cat? Kind of made sense. Cats were pretty fast right?

Whenever the door did open? The little girl cutely stood in place, her bento held in both hands in front of her lap as she looks at the tan skinned girl in front of her. "Hello miss! My name's Kyokujitsu Senshi, and I'm here for training! Please take good care of me Nee-Chan!" She says so bubbly and vibrantly, as she grins brightly. "I'm super excited to be here!" Before she twists in a pivot, and bounces on her right foot, curving and entering a spin as she does sideways tilts like a dreidal, before clapping both her hands over her head in a ring and gyrating her hips. Before then doing double finger guns at Ameko. Before looking a little confused.

"Do I know you?" 
last edit by Kyokujitsu Senshi on Feb 13, 2024 1:58:25 GMT -5
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 13, 2024 2:35:33 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
Putting an academy student in the hospital had not gone well for Ameko. Upon returning home, she’d been scolded, reprimanded and beset with enough unpleasant busywork to burden even the most industrious of maids. Mucking out the hyena pens was, of course, the worst of it. The sheer reek of their faeces and the remnants of the meat they had not eaten had assaulted her nose. Of course, cleaning the house had hardly been better. There were nasty habits one picked up on the road, and her mother seemed to have picked them all up.

But even that was not enough. Community service, she’d been told she’d have to do. Give back to the people of Sunagakure after she’d so damaged the reputation of her clan and village. Ironically, that meant teaching a rather excitable young academy student the ways of agility and speed. It wouldn’t be too bad, she supposed. Had it been fire release, she’d have baulked, but at least this way she’d be free from the living nightmare that was Kyokujitsu Senshi.

That morning, she’d been told to be ready for their guest, a girl who would be staying for an extended period and sharing Ameko’s room. As such, the knocking of the door did not surprise her. Rapid doorknocks came rapidly and continuously.

"Oi, oi, I’m coming,” Ameko called out, making her way to the door and opening it.

Before her stood a demon.

The blonde girl introduced herself, but did not need to. Ameko knew who she was, and her world collapsed as her worst fear came true. The girl who would be training with her, who would be sharing her home and her room for the coming days was the most irritating child in all of Sunagakure.

The dance was that of the devil itself.

Ameko slammed the door shut.

bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 13, 2024 5:07:16 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
The door was slammed in her face with a clicking sound. "Huh...Did I come to the wrong house?" Senshi asks herself, before slowly calming herself down and looking at the window. "Hrm." Before slowly knocking on the door again. "Umm. Hello. I'm sorry for being a little excited. I just...This is the first time I'm leaving my clan compound to stay with someone else for a while." She seemed a little shy, her gaze drifting to the floor with an embarrassed flush. It might have been even a bit endearing or adorable even.

"I'm really excited to be here, and I brought some food to share." Senshi was a boisterous and excitable little thing, but it didn't mean she was fully devoid of manners or tact. She just acted the way she did to get attention, and because she could be very fiery at times. Looking upwards, she slowly offers her bento box forward, with the little cloth wrapped around it. It was filled with little fried dumplings filled with meat and glass noodle filling, or some other ones that were filled with cream cheese. Little unhealthy snacks to make up for all the working out they'd do.

"Umm. Is your name Aneko?" She says cutely, making herself seem a little bit smaller and cuter, those big blue eyes looking upwards with puppy dog eyes. The only S-Rank genjutsu she had in her possession.
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The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 13, 2024 6:09:25 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
Ameko stared at the door as it was knocked on again. She didn’t want to deal with the girl, it was the absolute last thing she had any intention of doing. Their last interaction had ended with Senshi tricking her into thinking she’d murdered someone. But, she had little choice. Orders were orders were orders. Ameko did not want to deal with Senshi, but she respected the might of the clan and its ability to demand the dangerous and terrible from her.

She reopened the door. Senshi may have been a demon given flesh, but she certainly knew how to wield her earthly form in a way that tugged on heartstrings. She was cute, and evidently she knew it, offering big blue puppy dog eyes and a bento box by means of a gift. Her peace offering and apology would have done well to endear herself to the ill-mannered genin, had she not immediately shattered the illusion by misspeaking Ameko’s name.

"You know damn well that’s not my name,” Ameko practically hissed, "We’ve already met. I told you my name. It’s Ameko. A-me-ko.”

Pinching the bridge of her nose, the Warai scion groaned, "I put you in the hospital. This is evidently some sick joke on behalf of somebody to get me back.”

Snatching the bento out of Senshi’s hands, Ameko grunted and gestured her inside, "Right, come in. Take your shoes off, we live with animals but we ‘ain't them. Probably doesn’t compare much to your compound.”

That much was true, the house was rather typical, not the kind expected of a major family. Granted, the Warai tended to be more nomadic than most clans, excepting perhaps the Saeka. There was little need for an auspicious dwelling.

The humans and hyenas within made do.

"So who sent you here?”

bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 20, 2024 5:14:24 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Senshi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
Was her prank a little poorly planned or ill spirited? Maybe. But then again, Ameko had kicked her hard enough in the chest that it had cracked, if not outright broken a rib or two from their encounter. A powerful kick indeed. As the door opened, there was a moment when Senshi looked her in the eyes. "Oh...sorry. I only heard it once." She says before she slowly walks into the home as the food is snatched out of her hands. Before she comes inside, she shakes her sandals of sand outside before coming in and depositing her sandals on the floor next to the others.

"Oh. I like the place a lot. The hyenas are so funny! And they look so happy." She'd yet to meet one that was mean to her. Though, when it came down to the thought about not comparing much to her familial compound? "Umm. I dunno. I kind of wander from house to house. I don't think I've been to a lot of fancy places." She says as she found herself looking ahead. The Kyokujitsu Clan were also incredibly nomadic, only having settled in Suna in recent times. Having faced the entirety of Suna and having won their battle. So much so that the Hidden Sand offered their clan some of the best to settle. Yet, she hadn't known any to fall to opulence.

"I'm sorry for making you mad." She says, slowly twiddling her fingers together as she could tell the older girl in front of her seemed pretty touchy. "I dunno. A really nice lady came to me and told me I was free to come to this house and that you'd teach me. I told her I'd be a good girl, and I promise I will." She says, smiling brightly as she slowly turns to look all around the place, to take in the walls, and the home in all that it had.

"It can be like a sleepover! I brought my candy, and some comic books to read! An' I can tell you awesome stories!" How beautifully optimistic she was. "I'm super excited to train and get strong! I was told if I pass my genin exam, I'll become part of team one! Isn't that awesome?!" 
last edit by Kyokujitsu Senshi on Feb 20, 2024 5:16:11 GMT -5
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 22, 2024 4:47:21 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
Ameko raised an eyebrow at the comment, the girl wandered from house to house? She didn’t seem the kind to be an urchin, she had a fancy ass last name and everything. Whatever pondering Ameko was doing over the girl’s familial situation would need to wait however, because she was soon faced with an apology. For the most part, it seemed genuine, but Ameko had learned quickly not to expect truthfulness from the younger girl. Give her an inch and she would run with it until she was in the village hidden in the jokes, Jyoudangakure, or whatever ridiculous place problem children disappeared to when they had finished frustrating their elders.

But she didn’t immediately tread back the comment, nor did she pivot into faking her own death. There would be no need for outright rage from Ameko, at least not yet. Exasperation would do perfectly well for the time being. Candy and comic books seemed so utterly appropriate for the devilspawn with whom she would be sharing a house. And hopefully just a house, not a genin team.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ameko sighed, "Team one… of course, you will, of course.”

She gritted her teeth, "Do you know who is on team one?” She hoped that she didn’t.

In any case, there was also the matter of training itself to discuss, "Look, anyway, you want to get strong enough to graduate, or whatever, and I’ve been told to help you out. What’s your current exercise routine? What time do y’wake up?”

bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 22, 2024 4:57:32 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
Not quite understanding that she was causing Ameko to prematurely age with the stress she was putting her through, she found herself slowly looking at her with a dumb look. "No, but I know that it's the only team that has a vacant spot right now unless we open a brand new one." She chirps, as she hears Ameko's question regarding her training regimen. Exercise routine. What time she woke up? The little girl slowly slides her foot along the floor as she seems to think for a moment.

"I wanna say that I get up at...six or seven most days. So I can eat, get ready, and study a little before I head to the academy. Umm. As for workout? I dunno. I usually follow the academy stuff, and then I do whatever. But...I do a lot of runnin' around and stuff! Just nothing regular!" Being truthful, she finds herself slowly twirling as she looks about the place, and then looks at Ameko with a warm smile like the sun. "Thank you Nee-Chan! For helping to train me and make me strong! I'm super grateful." Clapping her hands together, she bows her head politely. "I hope I get to live with you a long time!"

"Are we gonna get to train right away today?~"
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 22, 2024 5:32:37 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
Well at least she didn’t know she was implying that she wanted to join Ameko’s team, there was at least that. The older girl released a breath that she didn’t know she was holding. At least she wasn’t being stalked… And maybe they would make a brand new team for Senshi and her other little friends? There was always hoping, wasn’t there? Wasn’t there?

At least her attitude towards training was a healthy one. She was following the routines as set by the Academy, and considering how excitable and prone to energetic outbursts she was, Ameko didn’t doubt her claim of running around a lot for a second.

"That’s good, that’s good,” The genin nodded, trying to focus on the task at hand and putting the thought of who she was helping out of her head. She certainly had little desire to assist the student in rushing on to her team. But she’d made a promise to help, regardless of who it was. Besides, if she ran her ragged… Well, that was some kind of repentance, wasn’t it?

Deliberately ignoring the comment about how Senshi hoped they would live together for a long time, such horrors could not be thought of, Ameko instead provided a wolfish smile, "Why… Of course we can. Tell you what, go grab your sandals and meet me out front. I’ll go grab some stuff to help train.”

bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 22, 2024 5:39:19 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Senshi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
"You got it boss!" She says, oblivious to the sinister thoughts in Ameko's head. Immediately, she turns around and goes to put her sandals on, before heading right back to where she was. The front yard. Though was surprised she wasn't given a tour, or the chance to see all the hyena doggies. Or for her to share food with Ameko or her family. Within a moment, she rests along the front of Ameko's house, and with a slight twist, she does a cartwheel, doing two full rotations before she slowly looks at a curious hyena, whom yawns towards her on the street. Who lazily looks her over.

"Hey there lil' buddy!~" In truth, if Senshi were an animal, she might be a hyena herself maybe. She was friendly, sociable, and really did like to laugh like all of these dogs did. Waiting for a moment, she stretched and limbered herself as she waited, stretching her arms into the air, and then her upper body from side to side, and then her legs as she momentarily slid backwards, doing a pseudo moonwalk. "Oh boy!~ I'm so excited!" She was just so delighted to get the chance to further progress her skills, and develop, and really be a part of things.

"Just you watch lil' buddy. I'm gonna get real strong and become the Kazekage someday." To which the hyena gives a fit of laughter in turn. To which Senshi laughs and points at the thing. Waiting for Ameko to come out of the house so they could do some awesome training together. "You're funny. I like you!"
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 22, 2024 5:54:26 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
After a few moments, Ameko followed Senshi out of the house, a crude contraption in her hands. A series of offcuts of meat, drawn from the cool room in which they were stored. The parts of the animals that the humans did not eat, but were more than happy to feed to their four-legged companions. Looking over Senshi and her new hyena friend, Ameko quirked her head to the side, resulting in a similar expression from the friendly animal, followed by one of hunger at the meat.

"No,” Ameko commanded, "Heel. Stay.”

The animal pouted, low laughter echoing from its chest, as Ameko throw the meat at the younger girl.

"Righto, tie that around your waist,” Without pausing for breath, she whistled, "Kōri. Come.”

The slender hyena trotted out from one of the house’s pens not long after, a scowl on his face utterly unlike that of the friendly animal which Senshi had begun to befriend.

"So, this is an… ancient technique from the Warai clan. All the great Warai shinobi learned to run through the wilderness like this,”
Ameko lied, "You see. Um… What’s a fast animal? Well they need to outrun predators. So,” Ameko gestured at Kōri, "Predator.” Then back at Senshi, "Prey.”

"Got it? Good. Start running.”

last edit by Warai Ameko on Feb 22, 2024 6:07:42 GMT -5
bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 22, 2024 11:31:02 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Senshi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
When confronted with this very strange device, she found herself looking on with a level of confusion for sure. Especially when she saw the scary and mean looking hyena. " sure? You're not fibbin'?" When she looked at the little meat belt, she looks down at it, and slowly pokes at a piece of offal. Though she did as she was instructed, tying the meat to her waist. Before she was explained to about how the hyena Kori was a predator, and how she was going to be prey. "But...What happens if you get caught?" Thinking about the past Warai that got captured.

However, when she was told to start running? She did so. Taking off down the street as fast as her little legs would carry her. Not realizing the hell she was going to find herself in. For after all. She was running with a metaphorical belt of death, the smell of dinner lingering and wafting in the air as the hyenas more than likely were hungry for a bite. Sprinting off as fast as she could, there was a certain sense of surreal and keen need for survival that made her heart thump faster, filling her with a different kind of adrenaline as she ran. Ran like hell. Her arms swaying behind herself as she leaned forwards, trying to garner more speed as she made herself aerodynamic as possible.

"AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAH!" She screams, occasionally hopping or jumping to avoid the nips of a Hyena that might try to bite or nip at her legs, as she looks all about herself for high ground or otherwise obstacles she could use to save herself from trouble. Her eyes anime dishplates with tears streaming from her eyes as she realizes how stupid and dangerous this was now. A little bit too late for that revelation, but it is what it is.
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 23, 2024 3:34:42 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
Laughter erupted from Ameko as she watched the little blonde girl run down the street, Kōri hot on her tail. The friendly hyena whom she had so swiftly befriended joined in the chase, to which Ameko was forced to purse her lips. She had no chakra bond with that animal, nothing that would cause it to follow her commands beyond that of any other member of her clan. If worst came to worst, then Senshi likely would be in danger. She didn’t want to actually harm the girl, just get a bit of petty revenge on her.

Besides, she’d mostly thought through the scheme. Kōri would nip at her heels, encouraging her to run faster, causing her to feel untold fears and perils as a literal predator snapped and cackled, and she would grow faster. Really, it was a win-win. It was just a shame that there was now an unknown element in the form of the interloper.

Taking off behind them, Ameko chased the little group. Sensi was energetic, and that translated to speed. Of course, that also meant that Ameko was forced to actually push herself to keep up. Maybe this plan wasn’t exactly the best.

Hissing under her breath, she whistled sharply, "Heel. Stay.”

Kōri stopped. The other hyena did not, whether out of a desire to eat the meat or a desire to play with his new friend, Ameko did not know. What she did know was she had no way of ordering the animal around. She baulked for a moment.

"Uuuuh! Keep it up!” She called, half panicked, "Doing great!”

There had to be a way out of this.

bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 24, 2024 4:44:24 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
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Kyokujitsu Senshi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
This had to be totally illegal. Beyond illegal. When she was running, with two Hyenas nipping at her heels and giving their laughing calls, it was by some miracle that she was able to outpace them. As Senshi found herself running as fast as her little arms could carry her, she found herself looking at the belt she wore that was coated in offal and some icky cuts, before she finds herself pulling off quite possibly her greatest stunt. Leaping into the air, she does a somersault as she flips into the air, her hands resting along a short brick wall giving her an area to handstand, before she pushes off and over. There was only one word to describe this.

"Parkour!" She yells out, as she lands on top of a few barrels, running along them, and then atop a crate as adrenaline pushed her. Leaping, she grasps the extended jutting metal rod of a sign, before swinging herself in a circular motion to flip and land atop the sign in a crouch. "Parkour!" She says, before then hopping up and grabbing the ledge of a building and slowly climbing and hurling herself up with a slight roll as she lands on a knee. "Parkour!" She proclaims, raising her arms above her head victorious as she begins leaping from rooftop to rooftop, screaming, "Parkour" at the top of her lungs while still wearing her meat belt. Like a little maniac until she runs out of breath. Then finds herself laying flat along her back.

Still wearing the meat belt.

last edit by Kyokujitsu Senshi on Feb 24, 2024 4:49:03 GMT -5
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 24, 2024 5:52:19 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
Of all the things Ameko expected to witness when she sicked the hyenas after the little blonde girl, her flipping through the air and screaming at the top of her lungs was not one of them. Senshi’s pace soon rapidly exceeded that of not only the animals chasing after her, but also the older girl who had seen fit to establish their little training regime. Ameko was forced to run as fast as she could to even keep up, not that she would ever admit as much to the academy student if asked.

After a while, Senshi’s presence was lost to her, the girl having escaped far enough away that she was no longer visible. That, unfortunately, created a sense of worry in Ameko. She had been tasked to look after, to train the girl, and she’d lost her within a few minutes of meeting her gain. Hopefully, she hadn’t hurt herself and ended up falling from a rooftop. Her being hyena meat would almost certainly land Ameko in hot water.

It was after a period of pounding through the streets at full speed, more than a few citizens pushed aside, that Ameko finally caught sight of what must have been Senshi. Well at least, she assumed as much. The sight of a hyena pawing at the walls of a building, eyes aimed at the rooftop, cackling and baying, gave it away.

"Hey!” Ameko called, "You ok!?” Hoping she would get a good answer.

last edit by Warai Ameko on Feb 24, 2024 5:54:42 GMT -5
bonobo has written 195 posts
The Fastest Ostrich [Training]Feb 24, 2024 6:00:30 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Kyokujitsu Senshi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
When Ameko found Senshi, she would slowly look up, and when she looked down, she'd see the little blonde girl with a small piece of hamhock ham, chewing on a piece of fat, before she slowly looks at her and nods. "Yep..." She says, before taking another bite of ham. She'd earned it. Before slowly tilting her head over so just her eyes were visible from down there. "I'm okay." She says, before slowly tossing a piece of meat down for her hyena friend. They both deserved a snack after all. Though, the meat that was here didn't taste all too good. She figured what was good enough for the pupper was good enough for her. Not all of it was bad anyways.

"Umm...That was a really wild training method." She says, slowly scooting her butt over to the edge of the building and looking down. Letting her legs lean over the side, it'd show that she had tied a bit of cloth along her leg of which had turned a slight darkish color. "Can you umm." She says this a bit funnily as she twiddles with her fingers. "Can I lean on top of you while you take me home?" She says trying to not press her boundaries. The little thing seemed happy to have gotten as far as she did.

"We can eat some good food together. I made it myself." She says, referring to the Bento from previous.
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