Something Beautiful[Open]

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Something Beautiful[Open]Feb 29, 2024 2:56:42 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"Look at how big you've both gotten..."

A smile shown on Miho's face as she looked on at the twins. In truth, getting used the progress of time was never easy, but it was also a bit of a relief to see both Toshiro and Kazui having grown so much. Even now, as she watched them tug and pull at their attire, she'd realize the change from their infantile states now being more apparent as she worked toward undressing the two and preparing them for the remainder of the day.

It was impressive that Toshiro was finally starting to catch up to his sister in terms of height, being the shortest of the two for some time. Yet as he babbled on, feet kicking forward, Kazui seemed to be the least active as it looked as if she were staring into the unknown.

The differences between them had almost been reversed in a way, or perhaps their moods simply switched for the time being.

In finally having the two of them redressed in more homebound attire, Miho would carry the two toward the living area of their home, setting them both down on her lap as she reached to the side and retrieved a book from the counter in front of them.

"Now then...shall we continue our adventure of the two rabbits?"

As she bounced the two on her knee, she'd hear the combined giggling of twins as she began to regal them of the events since they last left off that morning.

Honestly, considering her time off had been spent mostly tending to the needs of the two, this was the highlight of the coming evening.
-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 21, 2024 1:16:34 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

A part of him still felt the unfamiliarity of returning at the end of the day. As he walked through the familiar path back from the ANBU Headquarters and into the innard of the Senju Compound and finally home as the day turned into night, giving quick nod to those that had saluted him with a curt bow. As he finally reached home, he would release a sigh, his hand quietly pushing the door open, closing it behind him as quielty as he could, removing his boots as he stood in the middle of the threshold, noting Miho's shoes and those of the twins.

He listened to his wife's voice as she recited the words from a book, the story of two rabbits that he had heard when he had been very, very young. Finally entering their living room, away from the view of his wife and children, he leaned against the frame of the door, a quick smile as the twins giggled with excitement to the story, enthralled by the voice of their mother enough for them not to realize that he was there at all. He didn't feel jealousy at that, but simply he felt a sense of quiet joy at the scene before him.

Slowly he came closer, enough for his daughter to turn towards him and smile and his son to follow. "Don't look at me." He said softly in a chuckle as he slid in, sitting next to Miho, placing his arm around her. "Look at mama, she knows what happens with the bunnies, not me." He said as looked at them before he leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I for one want to know whats going to happen in the tale." He added, promting the twins to place her attention again back to Miho.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 21, 2024 3:12:03 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"Oh? I had assumed you already knew this story?"

With a smile on her face, she'd grin as she looked toward Kazuto as he sat beside her, returning her attention back toward the twins as she leaned into him. She was aware that this story was an old one, in fact, it was from the library that was within the Compound so it wouldn't have been too surprising to assume that her husband had heard it at some point.

As she nestled in close to him, she'd then begin to turn the page as she displayed the image of two rabbits within what looked to be a grassy meadow. The display of a gentle breeze was reflected in lines and a floating maple leaf crossing the sky. The tuffs of the creatures were pure white, save for one with brown ears and a pink nose.

"Well...The two rabbits found themselves out in the forest this day, the change in their surroundings prompting one of them to say..."

Changing her voice slightly, she'd speak in a more grizzled tone, prompting Toshi to giggle as he attempted to play with his mother's hand as he felt the page with his own.

"Why is the ground so hard and damp? It was soft only yesterday..."

With Kazui seeming to have her full focus on her father at this point, reaching for him within her mother's lap, her eyes would shift toward the book and then at her mother as her voice seemed to change, noting the difference as she then heard the next words.

"I do not understand it myself....It is all very strange..."
-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 21, 2024 19:20:34 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto winked to his wife as she asked him about his knowledge of the story. In truth, it had been a long time since he had heard the tale of the bunnies, told from his mother no less. But as much as he had wanted to tell the story to the twins, a part of him felt that he would be robbing that moment that Miho was sharing with them. His eyes moved to the boy and the girl, completely enthralled in the story after Miho would change her tone to reflect what she read as the characters.

He could see the awe in their eyes, their babbling turning silence as the story carried the bunnies deep in the forest as they tried to piece out what had caused the soil to turn damp. Braving the darkness of the dangerous forest, standing up against wolves and foxes as they moved in deeper and deeper, their mouths open in disbelief, arms raising at the small victories of the bunnies, gasps escaping when danger seemed closed, his son almost tumbling down as the excitement got the better of him, forcing Kazuto to put his hand on his back to keep him from falling unto the floor and instead holding Miho's arm as he tried to look into the drawings to better follow the story.

Just like her brother, the girl would do the same, this time climbing on him as they intently listened to Miho continue with the tale as the story began to unravel, Kazui taking her gaze from the story back to him, whereas Toshiro just watched with intent. "Look at the book, my dear." The Senju said in a whisper as he pointed to the final pages of the story.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 22, 2024 0:10:53 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

Rare moments such as these were the kind that had to be cherished. It wasn't too much to say that eventually they wouldn't happen as often. Still, in sharing the story with the four of them together, it was indeed something beautiful. It made her worry just what it would be like later as the twins grew. Would they remember this? She had some doubts, but it was likely misplaced.

As the tale was soon brought to a pleasant end, the older female would smile as she slowly closed the book as she looked at the two with a smile. Kazui had managed to get snuggled close to her father and Toshiro had managed the same with her. It was indeed a sight of the two having found their places of comfort so early, but it was hardly that surprising as they had been this way since birth.

"We can stop here for tonight...I know of two little ones who need their rest..."

As she smiled, she'd look toward Kazuto as she rose up with Toshiro in her arms. In bouncing the boy, she'd stare toward her husband with a calm expression.

"How was your day?"

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 22, 2024 23:14:36 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

"It was fine." He said, raising behind her with Kazui in his arms, the girl resting her head against his chest as unlike Toshiro, the tale and the comfort of a parent's embrace being enough to have sent to her slumber. He had meant that about his day in honesty, it was far from the so called excitement of the missions that he took before he pulled some string and made a request to the current Hokage to have him rotated off from the mission roster of ANBU, in the meantime he had dedicated himself to the new inductees, training and being here for his family. "Some mission briefings and intelligence meetings enough to put that one to sleep twice over."

Kazuto said as he nodded to Toshiro, seemingly still lively, but in reality just fighting the urge to fall asleep, even babbling, he could see his eyes flutter as he rested his head against Miho's shoulder, closing his eyes slowly as he would fall asleep in the rocking motion as they reached the nursery of the children, which by now began to look too small to accommodate the twins as they were simply getting too big, too fast. As he would lay down the girl down on her crib, looking back as his wife would be doing the same with his son. Quietly he would close the door after Miho.

"They're growing too fast." He said, voicing what the two thought more often than not. As his eyes left the door, they would land on his wife, grinning briefly at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't ask you about your day. They gave you too much trouble?" The Senju asked. He knew his children, they could be a handful and he could hound the times he had been left alone with them, and when they had ran into the pond, or stumbled against a vase, only for him to stop them.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 23, 2024 9:18:48 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"I suspect at some point soon they'll be walking fully..."

Holding her hands behind her back, Miho looked toward Kazuto as he closed the door gently behind her, allowing the twins to get the peace that came with slumber. In truth, while it was a true observation, she would indeed miss these moments of them having to wrangle them in when it was over. Though she would be happy to feel less than the desire to sleep with one eye open to address their needs.

Upon hearing his apology of not asking how her day went with them, Miho would smile as she shook her head.

"Not at fact..they were more angelic than I would have expected....though they still seem to be drawn to the pond..."

Recalling how she had to swiftly address the continued interest in water, she'd laugh into her hand before closing her eyes.

"I honestly have no idea where they seem to get their love of water...though I imagine that we'll have full swimmers if it continues..."

That said, the dark haired woman would grin as she rested her hands in front of her before then hugging him completely.

"In case I forgot to say welcome relax and I'll make you something..."
-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 24, 2024 3:23:42 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

He smiled at Miho as she recounted the day, glad that the troublesome and 'belligerent' nature that his children had with him wasn't transferred to her. Kazuto supposed that it was natural to speak that from the bonds that a mother had with her children. As she embraced him and spoke about their love of being close to water a chuckle escaped him. "Well, probably they inherited that trait from you." Kazuto said softly as he returned the embrace, a hand coming to push away a renegade lock of hair from her features. "The trips to the hot springs and the beach come to mind." He said with a grin.

"It was one of your favorite things to do during our trips, if I recall correctly." Kazuto said with a shrug and quick grin. As she would welcome him home she would then also instruct him to relax, explaining that he would prepare something from him. He blinked for a second, eyes widened slightly. "You don't have to prepare me anything, love." Even in those instanced during which he would come home at a normal time, he didn't expect to have anything prepared for him. In truth, he was always ready to give a hand even if he was tired.

"But, you're also stubborn, so I'm not going to argue with you." He said, leaning in for a quick kiss before he stopped the embrace. "I'll be in my study... So if you change your mind, you let me know and I'll help you." He said, turning away as he watched his wife leave on the direction they came, wondering what sort of surprise she was thinking, but deciding that he didn't want to spoil whatever surprise she had in store for him.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 24, 2024 4:05:01 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"I'm certain that and some other things come to mind with that trip.."

Smiling as she felt his touch against her face, brushing back the loose strands of hair that adorned it, Miho would watch him as it seemed ready to intervene with her intention of tending to him. Of course, upon looking at her expression, and the serious nature of it as she held her ground, it appeared that he was more than aware with her history of stubborn behavior, prompting him to allow for her to continue with her task as he began to make his way toward his study.

"I see you are learning..."

With a smirk on her face, she'd then continue her own direction toward the kitchen, placing her apron upon her waist as she looked into what supplies they had. In truth, with the garden in full bloom, there was no shortage of vegetables at their disposal. Even with them giving most of the produce away to help with the clan. Though coming up with something in which would suit his palette. Honestly, with his usual generous nature, mostly anything she could make would likely be enough for them.

Still, she was interested in trying something different.

"Plus...I'll prove Grandmother wrong..."

Narrowing her eyes, Miho would begin to release a breath before drawing out what she needed and getting to work.
-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 24, 2024 22:31:46 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

In truth, Kazuto had no idea what Miho was preparing for him could be. As he dove into his books and tried to copy the calligraphy that was described unto it. His hand trying to replicate the patterns that had been left by one of his forefathers generations ago. He moved the tip from of the brush from the ink he had made out of the trunk of a tree, using the charcoal to create the ink to his liking before he would clean the brush with different bowls of water and cleaning the washed tip of the brush before the ink dried and got between the ferrule.

He admired his work, following the same lines but there was something that he felt it was missing. He didn't know what exactly, he couldn't put his finger on that fact and he found himself scratching that chin as he admired his handiwork. Well, he guessed that this sort of thing he necessarily excelled at. As he leaned in, he would hit the flask that contained the ink, spilling it on his desk. His hand moved in quickly, returning the flask into its right position, the liquid moving into his fingers, he allowed himself to release an annoyed groan.

"Damn it." He hissed as he moved and cleaned the mess he had made, trying to stop the ink from falling to the floor, managing to contain it and clean it with the towel he had used to clean the ink. "Well, maybe calligraphy isn't for me." The Senju said as he would lean on his chair, crossing his arms. Turning his head to look through the door as the he could hear the distant sounds of the kitchen. "Do I dare to look?" He muttered, leaving his desk and carefully going down the stairs.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 26, 2024 13:00:19 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

Experimentation...the mother of all invention and creation...

Though Miho was far from being an expert cook, she was still a relatively decent one. Though in sadness, she knew that some of her meals had much to be desired. Such was the case in the later part of the day where the Lady of the Senju was met by the only matriarch that seemed willing to judge her on those lacking abilities.

In hearing how her cake had been dry and her tea far from usual standards, the older woman question just how Kazuto had managed to survive so long within their marriage. As such, being the stubborn individual she was, she was going through the effort to prove them wrong.

While Kazuto's grandmother was harmless in her commentary, much of which proving to be actually quite helpful in her time adjusting to the Clan, it did at times rub some off the wrong way. Miho had many a conversation with members of the clan who felt the woman's advise to be quite cut throat. wasn't often when she was proven wrong...but that would change today...

As though he were viewing the scene from a battle, flour seemed to linger within the air like a haze. There were sounds of pots clanking together and the boiling of water as Miho moved across the counter much like a being possessed. Kneeding dough and seemingly wrapping it over the surface of a pan, she'd pull the flap back to add the combination of vegetables and meat within it's center, covering it once more as she then cursed under her breath as she rushed back to the stove top.

She was quite the sight as her face was almost painted over with spots of white dust, yet her hair managed to remain at least partially untouched as she began to remove the water from it's boiling point, then quickly shouting as she could hear an almost soft movement from the stairway.


-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 27, 2024 0:36:23 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto listened to the sounds of sticks and pans coming from the kitchen. The sounds of labor as his wife tried to prepare something for him to only stop as he listened to her vociferous tone that warned him about impending death should he descent the staircase. Remaining in the shadows, away from the light of the kitchen he would raise an eyebrow. After all he had heard that sort of threats before from his opponents in the battlefield and from the children he went to the academy with. Shaking his head he would continue his descent, deciding to brave the danger that his lovely wife posed without any fear.

"So be it." He said, emerging from the darkness, his eyes looking at the kitchen, as flour lingered in the air as if it were the wispy remnants of mist settling in the grass in the early hours of the morning. He looked at the pans, scattered above the counter and one the island as she was trying to bake something, with a film flour tarnishing her features and barely daring to cling to her hair. "My love, if you're kill me do it quietly, lest that ruckus succeeds in awakening our children when this didn't." Kazuto said in a whisper, not reprimanding her, but merely making an observation.

As he stood awaiting for the punishment that surely was now coming his way, he would shake his head slightly as he attempted to move closer. "I also came to wash my hands..." Kazuto said, giving an excuse that wasn't exactly the truth, but would show her his hands, stained with ink as a show of proof. "But... I'm also curious of what are doing?" He said, it was a surprise and what he had found was a surprise even if it wasn't one she hadn't intended for him. "I'm not judging. I'm just.. curious to know what is giving you this much grief to threaten my life?"








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 28, 2024 1:23:29 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

While her outburst certainly held merit to give cause for hesitance, it was by Kazuto's own admittance that he was willing to risk it. Upon descending the stairs, he would see the state of the kitchen and his wife, raising his hands up to show that he had come to wash them, prompting her to release a breath as she brushed her hair to the side.

It certainly wasn't one of her most shining of moments...caked in flour as she was. But as the man gave in to his own curiosity, Miho would look down slightly as she allowed her gaze to linger upward before then releasing yet another breath.

"Your grandmother....she stated that my cooking held much to be desired and I wished to try and prove her wrong..."

Placing one hand upon her hip, she'd then scuff before then narrowing her now emerald green eyes as she spoke.

"I swear that woman manages to get under my skin and just remains there like a splinter...I got so carried away that I never woke the twins in my madness..."

A quick reassessment was really all she needed, but it didn't change the fact that she intended to finish what she started.

"But...I am not finished yet...I will prove her mistake and show her with you being proof of it...hence...the dish in the oven and the rice that was boiling..."

Gesturing toward the kitchen, she'd then note the small hint of smoke as she drew the oven door open to withdraw the baking good from within. As she hurried to place it down, she'd draw her hands both swiftly to avoid the possible burn, then held a sheepish grin as she presented the crusted over veggie pie.

"And...its honest thoughts?"
-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Mar 29, 2024 1:51:05 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto kept his gaze on his wife. Trying to comprehend the reasons behind the seeming madness that gripped her enough to make their kitchen look more like a battlefield. He knew that even if their relationship was civil in most cases, his wife and grandmother would feud often as they would clash over what made a good wife for the head of the clan. In a way he understood, the elder would reprimand him when he made a decision that went against what traditions demanded. As she explained the situation further, he would nod as his wife offered him the veggie pie she had been working so hard to bake for him.

"Dinner is better than being executed by my wife." The Senju said, as he sat down, his hands wiping away the flour that had scattered over the counter, fingers pushing away the cookware that had been pulled and had remained unused. Taking a fork, we could slice into the steaming pie, observing the crust as it had been baked, golden in most instances with only some slight burn. Slowly he would chew his first bite, eating without complaint as he nodded in approval to the taste. "This is good." He said as he turned to Miho, as she looked expectantly at him for his opinion.

"Love, you don't to take her that seriously. My grandmother means well, she was... Just prepared for the role you have taken." The Senju replied, taking another bite of the pie and swallowing after a few chews. "But, I didn't marry you because I thought you could cook at me. I never complain when you make meals for me, because I think they're always good." He told her in an honest tone, as he took his time eating his meal. "What I mean, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. The meal is great, but if it wasn't, it wouldn't have changed my opinion about you." He added, looking at her with a slight smile.

In a way he did feel that he had thrusted this unto her when he had broke tradition of allowing the clan elders to find him a suitable match amongst the clans or the nobility of Hi no Kuni. Then again, he himself was proof of tradition being broken off in order to legitimize him to lead the clan. Both of them were never educated to fulfill the role they had now in this clan.








Harukei has written 2,175 posts
Something Beautiful[Open]Apr 4, 2024 1:14:51 GMT -5
Senju Miho
The Next Chapter.....No Spoilers Please
Senju Miho Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday April 21st rank SP. Jounin occupation Medical Corps Head

"You're right...I know..its just that..."

Miho would grow silent as she felt herself taking a deep breath, releasing it slowly as she leaned back against the counter as she looked toward Kazuto with a calm expression.

"Some days I still feel like I'm falling short of my responsibilities...especially here...I'm supposed to be helping here to lead and take care of things while your gone and often I'm not. I imagine part of that is the reason your Grandmother is critical....this latest jab not included.."

Looking to the side, she'd then narrow her eyes as she then spoke again.

"Which in fairness...she has some valid points....and while my mother thinks that much of them are on her head, I can't shake that feeling either...."

A lot had happened in the past few years..and there were limited supports in which she could turn to at times when it came to such things.

"I guess I am still trying to figure it out...which is shameful with how long I've been in this position...and I can't help thinking that I should be more stoic or perhaps a bit more capable by now..."

-Jutsu Used-

-S.A Used-

Enhanced Chakra Control
Training within the land of Snakes has given more than just experience in Senjutsu, it as also taught her precise control over her chakra and it's supply available to her in exact moments of need. Though she never fully mastered Senjutsu, her ability to control and execute techniques with limited resources have proven to display an understanding of control over her own supply of internal energy and granted her the ability to make each strike count, knowing full well that it might be her last attempt at making an impact against a pressing opponent.

Adept Medical Training
Since her return to Konohagakure, Miho has taken upon a new role within the village and has done her best to live up to the example set by her former teacher. With nearly over three years of medical training, Miho has become a capable physician within the village, adapting to the path of helping to create a healthy and safe village. This knowledge allows for her to use many medical ninjutsu and techniques effectively that can save lives on and off the battle field, and it only appears that she has scratched the surface of just what she can do in the future. In some causes, she can come up with various versions of these jutsus, improving upon them to make them just as effective when on the field.

Kaze has written 1,307 posts