The Great Debate [I]

fallen blades
The Great Debate [I]Oct 27, 2016 23:10:40 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

Takara's presence unlike Tonoda's wasn't some delusional belief everyone knew about her, it was even less true everyone knew her on a personal level. However the present stature between the two in the room was heavily different, Takara had every political reason to be standing on the podium. Tonoda spoke of experience however he'd not shown a skill in seven years, he supposedly trained in Kusagakure, but what'd he been training to do. Tonoda looked down upon Takara for throwing his good name under the bus, but didn't he just slander hers? The first mud slung was the statement that Yutakako wasn't a name deemed worthy of Tsuchikage. It'd be a subtle note to state, but the Yutakako would surely notice.

Despite the hustle of people and women about Takara's appearance in beaten fatigues, those who'd entered with her would of seated and begun spreading the word. Takara's delay was due to a mission, an unforeseen occurrence, but one that was properly documented. Tonoda had no such documentation to back his tartiness, he'd essentially shown up late for no reason to the masses. However he'd made a fatal mistake, as he'd speak with a certain sense of emotionless strength, he'd prove he was a stoic man incapable of showing his weakness. Takara welcomed the crowds with her smile, but Tonoda held this serious stature as he'd ruin his own chance against Takara.

"Tonoda you're opening to this debate was literally, I'm not in a clan, so I make the best decisions. You've in those words insulted all of the clans both major and minor, but you've also decided to say my last name alone denies me the right to better judgement. I felt it only fair to point out your questionable ability too. Especially seeing as the Yutakako clan participated in the revolution unlike you. I've participated in all of Iwagakure's events during my life and you've stood out of the past two civil wars. Why should the people believe you stand for their revolution when you can only comeback after all the death and suffering?" Takara hadn't participated much in the war, but she'd donated all her savings and personal wealth into supporting the revolutionaries.

She didn't however fully back the revolution then, she'd also warned the loyalist of the coming uprising. Takara wanted there to be no conflict, but her warnings wouldn't prove sufficient. Takara had believed in the revolution, but she also believed it could of come without the lose of shinobi lives. There were many officials who'd know this it was a large part of why she'd been made a village council member by Toshu and the remaining two councils. However back then her lack of a full commitment meant she'd been left out of the people worthy to take power. The vote was more shifted back then to just revolutionaries and even they still supported Takara. She'd been the Blast Corps Head, her income would of easily been serious aid to their endeavors success.

"I'm sorry to question your absence, but to state you've proven your worth when you've been retired seven years is hard. There's an entire new generation created by that time lapse, as for your holding off Kusagakure that's a joke. You didn't answer the question you were just asked at least not honestly, Kusagakure isn't a threat and no village can be held off by one man. You've maybe spent seven years training, but how can you train to be a leader? I've been the leader of the Blast Corps for a very long time, and earned the respect of this village and even my clan which once disowned me."

She'd clear her throat slightly, as she'd been speaking quite a lot without much breath in between, she was a council member of her clan and village she knew how to judge a person. He tried to stake his claim as a better candidate due to experience, which he claimed he'd been known to have, but hadn't at all recently displayed it. "Even if you were to say that you through diplomacy held off Kusagakure, then you're clearly asking to make fools of the audience. Kusagakure is at borders with us, Takigakure and Amegakure; and unlike you both those villages sent ninja's who risked their lives for our civil strife. You'd fluff our enemies pillows while your friends fight the hard battles for you? That's not a stone will, that's as soft as an individual can get." Takara spoke with a slam of her fist, she'd look away from the crowd with a slight scowl. She'd buried close friends and scene the very front of the civil war, she didn't know exactly why Tonoda stood to be Tsuchikage, but she couldn't help suspecting something ill by his strange return.

"So, when you ask me if I have more questions about your past, I'm sorry but seven years undocumented is a huge gap to trust someone, so yes, I have questions for you Tonoda, but now isn't the time to ask them. Instead I'd like you to listen to the questions you're being asked and remember the words you've chosen this debate." Takara would state in an almost scorning sense, she didn't think herself to be better than Tonoda, but she believed her self to be the better candidate. Tonoda had in her mind given her proof of his illegitimacy to run when he'd started off by not addressing a plan or things he'd specifically done to earn their respect and trust. He'd however state he was the only one worth trusting merely because he didn't have a noteworthy last name. He'd follow up with a deflection to her very serious question about a glaring grey zone of mistrust that needed to be weighed on Tonoda for essentially telling Iwagakure to leave him alone while he fucked with their enemy.

last edit by Yutakako Takara on Oct 27, 2016 23:21:08 GMT -5
Yoshiko has written 464 posts
The Great Debate [I]Oct 29, 2016 18:32:33 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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Tonoda's first words were fiery. He insinuated that his opponents had only resorted to mudslinging because she had something to hide. It was an interesting take has he proceeded to delve into his answer. The Retired ANBU mentioned that Kusagakure had posed no threat at the time, and his work in Nohara no Kuni had been successful in preventing conflict. He clearly stated that his allegiance was with Iwagakure, and he would have never gotten cozy with enemies. His answer had not delved much into specificities, but it was one that pleased most of the crowd. On the flip side however, only a small portion of these Second Shinobi War veterans had been satisfied.

He exuded confidence when he turned to his opponent and questioned if there was more of his history he wanted to speak of. Takara would reply, again using his absence as the focus of her attack. She brought up a few good points and mentioned some of her credentials as a member of the Blast Corps. One line of hers particularly ran through the hall.

'That's not Stone Will, it's soft as an individual can get'.

Her pointed argument was strong, however one oversight had diminished from her delivery to the people of Iwagakure. The blonde had seemingly played into a trap of Tonoda's. By calling alarm to a perceived attack towards her name, she brought up the very fact she was a woman from a prestigious clan. It gave the impression that she had been so sensitive about herself, her projected image, that she felt a criticism when there had indeed not been one. The people in the crowd had not heard Tonoda mention anything insulting towards the clans, nor had they heard any direct attack on her. In fact, she had been the candidate on stage who had been doing the most attacking this evening.

"In all fairness Councilwoman, I do not think Tonoda-san has claimed being from a clan affects judgement...", Kuumoto commented and light laughter in the hall followed at her defensiveness. But a more pressing issue remained. "So sir, apart from training and meditation, is there really nothing you can tell us about your time in Nohara no Kuni?"
OOC: 48 hours to post. Tonoda's reply only.
has written 514 posts
The Great Debate [I]Oct 29, 2016 23:34:33 GMT -5
Ōgonshoku Mugen
If you wish for me to be struck down, do it with your own hands.
Ōgonshoku Mugen Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 17th rank Jōnin | occupation

Tonoda saw that the woman found contention in slandering him instead of making herself stand out to the people. He presented a small smile as her words filled the room. The young Lord Kūmoto also addressed him with a question that would help him bring his point across. This would be simple. Since the entirety of her address focused on his incapability, he went ahead and took two steps forward to defend his honor, which Takara so desperately tried to tarnish. Hovering over the podium again, the man rebuttaled.

"Indeed, Kūmoto-sama but also allow me to address Takara-dono as well in my address and answer of your question. I apologize if I speak out of turn but my own dignity and benevolence are being put to question, as a man of prudence and integrity, I won't stand idly by while this happens. I've fought in wars against the shinobi of Kusagakure and their allies, alongside many shinobi who risked their lives for the betterment of Iwagakure. As an operative of the Anbu of this great village, I've been behind enemies lines on more than numerous occasions, thwarting further wars that would have effected Iwagakure and the known world. Not many others would be more capable of holding off a small nation but any shinobi who works from the shadows knows, well, what it takes. As a former member of the Anbu, most of my exploits are classified and can't be openly stated for the sanctity of the people's best interests but the gravity of the situations I've handled far accede even the exploits of some of our Kage."

Tonoda reaffirmed the fact that he'd spent his life in service of Iwagakure, talking to the audience directly. "Not to say, I am perfect in any way. I've failed personally and on the job to protect comrades. I reserved myself to a self-affirming exile to pay for my sins. Though I've saved many warriors on the field of battle, the ones I didn't hunted me. I felt as if I needed to become stronger to be able to protect the battlefield and the people of Iwagakure, wholistically. If those thoughts and actions were out of place, I apologize, to you, the people of Iwagakure. For it is for you that I exist." Tonoda looked to the people with passionate resolve, not a flinch in his address of personal success and failure.

"I also apologize if you misunderstood my opening statements, Mi Lady," said Tonoda now directly addressing Takara. "My address wasn't a jab at you or the clans of this nation but objectively, a statement that without a shadow of a doubt my focus wouldn't be split on multiple fronts. My full attention would be the betterment of Iwagakure's people: Improvements to the Academy, better pay for the shinobi of these lands and better diplomatic action to our allies and enemies alike. My focus to be to a leader these people look to for strength and motivation. The pillar of stone that holds this great rock up. Even after my years behind enemy lines, I've remained unbent, unbroken. I respect each and every one of the clans of Iwagakure because without their peaceful alliance during the Warring States Era, we would not all be gathered here today. Their power and fierceness in their years of service continue to reap great success for the Land. And as for an accusation that my years of exile went undocumented, I've sent status reports to the Tsuchikage every three months during my absence. You can ask the seat office for the files, yourself. I run a tight ship, Lady Yutakako. It may be in your best interest to speak of your exploits and plans for the village and not simply attempt to tarnish my own."

Now turning to the young Lord, Tonoda concluded his exposition. "Other than training myself and focusing my chakra, I've been collecting intelligence on our enemies and allies alike. Being in Nohara no Kuni, it was easiest to receive intelligence from Kusagakure. Diplomatic matters have been taken in there and hopefully after more negotiations they can become an ally but if any foul play is found out their fields will be reduced to ashes. As you'll see soon the current Leader of the Kusagakure has received a vote of no confidence from the people of their village and soon a new leader will rise. If the correct actions are taken, we may never have to rise a sword to them again. But as I said if the new leader still has animosity toward our great nation, they will be dealt with mercilessly"

Tonoda took two steps backward again. He made sure not to slander Takara as she was a fellow Iwagakure shinobi and he didn't wish to attempt to throw dirt on her name. He also made sure to answer the young Lord question to the best of his abilities. His campaign was simply about himself and what he had to offer. It's the only platform he knew.
Mugen [Black] has written 64 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 1, 2016 18:33:47 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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Pressure was on the retired shinobi as Kuumoto requested for more insight as to his time in Nohara no Kuni, a nation that had a village who was animus with Iwagakure. His opponent had insinuated that whatever had been done must have been along the lines of treason, thus disqualifying him from being the Tsuchikage. Eyes that had seen the Second Shinobi War were more than curious after hearing the councilwoman's attack. They now demanded that they know more. Simply saying Iwagakure was always in his best interests was not enough.

Tonoda spoke into his microphone once more. He stated that he very well knew that his credibility was being put into question. Takara was the first to go into the depths of mudslinging, and was seemingly thriving in it, but his aim was to bring the battle out of the mud. Skepticism about his exploits remained, but at the second mention of the ANBU, Iwagakure shinobi found his words more palatable. Many had known how their work had to remain secret, perhaps explaining why he did not go too in depth with his initial explanation. Veterans were mostly contented at these words, but they would remain weary of any infractions from the man. They had lost too many of their comrades to the hands of shinobi wars and conflicts. There was no way they were going to support someone with questionable intentions. These hardened Iwagakure veterans had known better than to let flowery speech move them from objectivity.

But then the man spoke further. He mentioned that he was not a perfect person, words that so few had heard from their leaders. He, just like them, had lost comrades over the years. It revealed a more personable side to the candidate. Tonoda then turned to his opponent, seconding what Kuumoto and the audience had not believed. He wasn't trying to belittle the ousted clans, who were mostly deemed untrustworthy by the rest of the village, but simply differentiating from them. Tonoda proceeded to outline his vision for the nation.

'My focus to be to a leader these people look to for strength and motivation. The pillar of stone that holds this great rock up.'

Heads shook slowly in approval at these words. For so long, the village lacked quality leadership they craved. It could not have been said that the village was in a better position that it was a decade ago. This worked in tandem with the moment he asked his opponent why she had been more focused on ruining his image than she was on her message. The tides had quickly turned on the debate. What seemed like an impressive cornering of the man had now turned into political momentum.

The night was still young and there was much that still needed to be discussed. The topic of Kusagakure was brought up and Tonoda's position in regards to the village. Young Kuumoto had intended to get to this a bit later, but aides to this sides prompted him to ask a question in regards to the other candidate on stage about her past while they were still on the topic.

"Thank you, Tonoda-san.", he then turned to the blonde woman. "You have called into question the Retired Operative's past, and criticized him for not being present for the Rebellion, however all indicators have shown that you also have not taken part in the revolution. Why is that? Did you not support the revolution? Additionally, feel free to respond to what the Retired Operative has said."
OOC: Takara post only. 48 hours.
has written 514 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 2, 2016 16:58:00 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

Takara watched her opponent with a very stern glare her attention was on him as long as he was talking, but his words kept flinging past her with little relevance to the objective. They'd both supposedly come to state to plead their case of being the best leader, but this man justified himself with secret and a title he didn't hold anymore. If anything the people should be more worried an ex-anbu would go about fraternizing with the enemy, he had secrets he easily could of been sharing. As well as his allowance in the land makes one question, why weren't kusagakure forces more antagonizing on the man.

Unless of course the man had been previously allied with them, he very well might of been the reason Kusagakure was able to get away with stealing the Rokubi from Iwagakure. An act so evil she questioned the very logic of the crowd who seemed awed by this man's poor ability to have physical facts to back him. He'd even claim a new leader might take over Kusagakure in favor of peace with Iwagakure, but Raimaa the present leader had already sent letters to Toshu asking for that very thing. As council to the village Takara assumed she'd been let in on most secrets, especially those filed within the village.

She even had Toshu's trust, so why'd she never hear about these letters? More importantly Tonoda had been gone seven years and three leaders had come and gone in that time, so how'd he keep a personal connection with any and all of them. Especially when Toshu was the only leader to share the ideals Tonoda was proposing. Takara shrugged off these miss telling's of history, as she'd realize what needed to be focused upon. It was herself she had to sell to the people, it was something she didn't realize she had to do until now.

Her question and turn to respond came and with it her resolve solidified. "I didn't fight in the revolution, because I thought it could be resolved peacefully. When it was proposed it was done so as a picket type situation. I assumed the word of many could convince the clan's to stand down from their dictatorship's and convince Kouen to pass his title onto someone more worthy. The civil war was quite well split when it broke out, it was unclear to tell what would happen, but it was obvious if a fight broke out deaths would follow. I didn't want to bury anyone from Iwagakure, because everyone of them was my friends. However when the fighting ended I did my more than fair part picking up the bodies and helping dig the graves."

Takara had been around for the end of the conflict, her clay art focused in rounding up injured and her presence was still in Iwagakure. She'd seen the battle and she wasn't the only one in Iwagakure to of not participated in the killing. "To state I didn't support the revolution though would be a complete undermining of my contributions. I during the start of the conflict emptied my coffers upon the revolutions side, I was the sole greatest contributor as far as wealth goes, because no one else was willing to bankrupt over the cause. I've lived in a cave before and seen the bottom of the wealth, I know how to live off nothing and for the betterment of my people, I'm willing to do so."

"This alone wasn't my only contribution though, as a council to the Yutakako I pressured the clan heavily to side with the revolution. I believed in the revolutions cause fully, as a missionary I've always tried to be a woman of the people. I care about my word and my image and most of the land knows me, but not just as a missionary. I'd like to remind you that during our civil war the rest of the world didn't stop, it was as the offensive power of Iwagakure, the Blast Corps job to hold the borders of our land, as well as to support the other villages of Tsuchi no Kuni. Tonoda speaks about being the pillar to our village, but I've already proven myself a pillar of this country." Takara was well known in the land, as well as in the neighboring lands. Her jutsu were devastating and impossible to miss, but her missions for the lord of light gave her a place in the eyes of many commonwealth.

She knew she couldn't base her argument on putting down Tonoda, she needed them to be with her for her, so now her rebuttal to his statements. "Am I wrong for questioning the shadows of my counterpart? As a believer in the light and hope of tomorrow, I've always been one to not trust what I can't see. An alliance with Kusagakure is something I can't see, it'll stir more conflict in our ranks and weaken our present alliances. Instead I offer you what I think our better allinaces than Tonoda proposed. If you vote for me, I will assure you a strong alliance with our fellow great shinobi village of Kirigakure. I will further our strong bonds with Amegakure the land of my passed husband and Takigakure the land whose stood by us for longer than I've lived."

Puffing up her chest she'd look to finish with a plan, "Tonoda is right our village needs someone who'll stand by it's people, but I'm the one whose best fit to accomplish this goal. I know the shinobi of this village better than Tonoda, I've seen both our old and young prove themselves in recent years. I've traveled our lands and lived among our less fortunate. I know where to start and that's with the rebuilding of our village, it's my plan to concentrate on the repairs of Iwagakure, but I'm not talking about a patch job to our conflict. With my word and influence in the village, I will get the clan's backing to not only restore the village, but to make it better and I plan to start at the edges of our village."

Takara was referring to the zones most well known as slums, as she'd know their were only a few things necessary to good living. A good home and roof over ones head was at the top. "Toshu looked to alliances first, but with nations we'd long since put against us. I look to fix our village first, as well as to improve it. I've already spoken with the Tantetsu leader about his clans aid in the repair. I've spoken to the Yutakako about clearing debris and re-opening mines caved in during the war. These actions however will be done in the name of a debt all clans owe to you people and when we're done fixing and improving your homes and lives, I plan to keep going and take our exploits in reconstruction to the rest of our land. If you make me Tsuchikage, then I will make sure Tsuchi no Kuni has no shanty towns nor homeless."

Takara's words were an actual plan and despite Tonoda saying he ran a tight ship, Takara had already requested as much information on her opponent as she could. She read no report which gave her the feeling Kusagakure was kept at bay especially as so many things happened without his interference. She lived off honesty and most people knew it to be true, she wasn't shy to people and she never held a position that kept her out of the light. Tonoda might of sounded like a good candidate, but anyone who knew anything, knew Takara was a superb candidate. She was the bridge between the clans and the common-folk, where Tonoda was in fact an outsider to the whole debate.

Tonoda acted as if him not putting Takara down made him better, but Takara wondered if there was any dirt to dig up on her. She felt untouchable in the sense of mudslinging.
last edit by Yutakako Takara on Nov 2, 2016 17:20:49 GMT -5
Yoshiko has written 464 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 12, 2016 21:01:46 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
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Those in the closer rows would note how the female candidate eyed her opponent. There was mixed interpretation. Some of those who saw the glare she cast upon him would be reminded of her taking insult at all of his words and even trying to bring the man down. She put anger and hatred right into the debate from the start where she tried to bury her competitor. One had to ask, didn’t this seem like the Kage’s before? They threw those who opposed them down into the mud so that they would die and the stronger could step up to take the lead. Would another raging and unkempt Kage be the one they wanted to lead them? Others, more old fashioned and elderly men, had found a chink in the woman’s armor. This behavior most certainly had to be because she was a woman! She probably had shown up late due to... circumstances. And that would explain her rowdy and aggressive behavior.

On the other hand. Those who were war torn and had a history of battle would see strength in this competitiveness. She wanted the Kage position and she was going to do whatever she had to to get it. Bury Tonoda. Glare him into the ground. They may even begin cheering for her to use clay bombs! No doubt a good many of these individuals were supporters of the Loyalist side of the last rebellion. She had such traits similar to Kouen, she could be a strong leader.

Her first words would also cause a murmur across the crowd. She just admitted to not fighting in the revolution. No one knew this better than the Yutakako themselves. During this debate it had been a miracle that they had kept their tempers and words to themselves. Here was their clanswoman on stage trying for the highest political office in the village. Tsuchikage. It was a mockery of their clan to say the very least. Politics was a sly endeavor if there ever was one and through the debate so far she had gone been using trickery and mockery to gain the lead. What came even greater still was that Takara had the nerve to state that she thought that Kouen might pass his title on peacefully. People couldn’t believe it. Those of the Nohime clan snickered, the Yutakako clan fumed, and those that held no shinobi title or clan immediately became angry. No one thought that it would be a peaceful event. Nohime Kouen had actively attacked and was aggressive with all of their enemy countries and he was impossibly strong in his views. The moment someone would have tried to overthrow him he would have made them into dust.

"Are you fucking stupid!? No one here believes Kouen would just stand down!”

A young man that couldn’t take it any longer. He did not hold the physique of a shinobi but he was a strapping young lad. He was surrounded by those who also didn’t look to be of a shinobi title. He was average height, average looking, but the most striking ‘feature’ was that he was missing both an arm and a leg as well as having scars upon his skin that was showing. Obviously angry and standing upon one leg, the ANBU in the shadows just began shifting when those around the lad would pull him back down into his seat. There were tears. There was pain.

The boy had been successfully hushed but there was a reaction throughout the crowd. There were few that had hoped the same as Takara. Those that held hope that no bloodshed was going to come of the actions of the revolutionaries. These were mostly those who had not taken an active part. These were the people that had stayed home and prayed for the best for their loved ones who went out. These were the ignorant. They sided with Takara’s faith and hopefulness.

But there were many who were not ignorant. And her foolish words flamed the fire of anyone who fought in that war. Both sides had casualties and both sides had lost something. Clan and non clan alike. Shinobi or non-shinobi. People had died and they had known the risks of taking part. They were not ignorant. And for her to hold that ridiculous hope and try to shove it in their faces was aggravating. Did she take them for fools?

The woman did not stop there. She continued to answer the question of the revolution. Split in every which direction, people would agree and scoff at her words. Some revolutionaries were grateful for the wealth which she had offered. It allowed them more towards their success. Some, and most of the Yutakako clan, were offended that she thought that meant enough action. Those who knew the Yutakako knew that they were a straight forward and blunt bunch. If they were to enter the fight they would do it head on. Not hide behind their money. As for the loyalist side, some merely snickered. She thought she was important because she put money into the other side. This woman was about hatred and paying her way into things. It was amusing to see, and not altogether a bad Kage representative. Other loyalists were irritated by the news. This woman had tried to warn them of what would come. Then she claims that she didn’t think it would be violent AND they find that she fully funded the other side. She was worse than all other Kage’s they had before. A witch that lured in children with candy only to throw them in the oven.

When Takara would keep trying to explain how her money was enough to take part in the rebellion, and then further claim that she was the reason the Yutakako took part, one of her own clan, would rise. A woman of messy hair, short stature, but toned muscle. Her skin was scarred in some places, but it didn’t totally detract from the fact that she wasn’t the most appealing woman to have address someone. Her face was angry as was her voice.

"You think we should have pity on you for burying dead? You did not stand up for your own clan! You left your brothers and sisters fight alone. Where were you when Bakuhatsuka Amaterasu fought? Where were you when the young Keiko fought? Yet you have the guile to claim that you were backing the revolution! Don’t play politics, sister! Do not use words to cover up your downfalls! And do not imply that it was the blast corps that caused your absence! Own up and face things HEAD ON!”

A cheer resulted from every single Yutakako in the crowd. The short and ugly woman would sit, angrily stewing in her words as her clansmen and clanswomen would hoot. They had little grace when it came to politics. As stated, it was a miracle they hadn’t stated something yet.

Further talk, further murmuring. The crowd was getting restless with people speaking up and Takara speaking more than both of the candidates had so far combined. When it came to her speaking of allies, she found mixtures among the crowd again. After so many long wars within their own village, why would they want to continue to try and be enemies with someone on their backdoor? How could she not want to look into peace if it was possible? It saddened people. And those of tougher will came to the conclusion that she just wanted them to suffer. If they couldn’t be warring inside, Takara wanted them to be warring with other countries. Those who remembered Kusagakure seceding and taking their bijuu would cheer and raise fists to the air. It was insulting to think they would be allies! They had effectively tried to destroy Iwagakure and weaken it beyond repair!

More and more comparisons to Kouen came to light. To keep at war with countries for the mere reason of past hurt, even if the whole country had undergone change. To have relations with someone outside the village with little thought to how it affected the thoughts of her own people. And in a general sense, going after what she wanted without a concern for others opinions. Takara wanted what Takara wanted, and she would get it.

Then it would all end with a bang, worthy of a Yutakako. Near everyone in the crowd would raise to their feet. From someone near the middle, a shoe would be thrown towards the stage. Loud chattering and some even yelling at Takara or their neighbors in the audience. What could one suspect when such a plan was being forced upon a people that had just received the ability to elect. What could be expected when a group of stone willed people entered the building together?

"Debt?!? Did my ancestors not build the walls of this city?!”

"Our resources funded this village!”

"It’s about time the clans pay us back for all they’ve done to us!”

Word after word was slung. Those with the bluntness of the Yutakako may even begin swinging. Those of a more peaceable or even fearful nature of normal citizens or the Himishi may sit in their seat. Those with sense and calm may also sit and seethe or find solace in such a plan. However, it only takes a small group to cause a ruckus. And Takara had headed that. The clans were not pleased. None of them. To blatantly say this

”will be done in the name of a debt all clans owe to you people.”

The clans didn’t feel they owed the people anything. They had lived their lives for Iwagakure. Created buildings, walls, mines, and even funded businesses. They are what kept Iwagakure great and alive. They even participated in the revolution on the side of the people! Some of them. To say their normal jobs in serving Iwa would now be to serve the civilians as some sort of debt was insulting. Those not of clans... Most were pleased. It was about time someone noticed the situation they were in. Finally someone acknowledged that the Kage’s had put them wrongly in a lower stature than people just like them. Simply because of being born into a clan. With Takara’s simple plan to rebuild Iwagakure she had created chaos.

"People....please!", the young lord turned back to address the crowd. ANBU Operatives had been quickly shifting from their positions.

OOC: I apologize for the long delay.

48 hours to post. Takara gets to address the crowd then Tonoda.

Other Iwagakure members should feel free to post.
has written 514 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 14, 2016 10:40:59 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

Takara couldn't help shaking her head in disapproval, as the same people who'd seem to want peace, were also the ones who didn't believe in it's attainability. She wasn't stupid to think Kouen might be negotiaed down, she simply had more insider information than the crowd. The man was a stone-willed individual one of the most devastating ninjutsu known to shinobi. His capture was easier than it should of been, his imprisonment was a kinder action than the execution most would of demanded. He wasn't being treated with the proper amount of respect, he had until Tantetsu one of the shortest runs as Tsuchikage. It was clear no peaceful negotiation was seriously tried, so there was no reason to of jumped so hastely to war.

Takara saw only one thing happening inevitably the rebellion would of won, it was clearly the silent majorities will. As the clans split almost into perfect three's those who stood by the change, those who stood against it and those who didn't interfere. It made sense that victory was more a question of the when's and how's. If they'd only waited a little longer, then the rebellions movement would of been more successful; less people would of died and there'd be so much less friction now. The room exploded with anger it seemed in the front, as she'd call the clans out for duty. They'd however get in an uproar, especially her own clan.

Takara would resist grasping her own forehead in annoyance at her clan, she couldn't believe they'd be so brash in this political affair. It's a political debate of course she'd talk it over from a political point of view. The majority seemed to want peace, so wouldn't it make sense they try for a peaceful take over? Takara looked further on into the crowd, it seemed farther back would be her support, as her last words seemed to drive a hot knife into the front row seaters. The clans hadn't been so close to in unison before, it was disgusting to say the least as they'd make a weak argument.

Her hands would make an seal as her dragon rose above the building out of hit range, but close enough to cause the ruckus she intended. "Silence!" She'd call out as her dragon would explode and shake the whole building for a second. A very powerful manner to call upon the crowds attention, she'd spoken a lot and in return gotten a sizable retort. It was time she clarified somethings, but more importantly attempted to draw silence in the room. It wasn't every person's debate it was a debate between her and Tonoda.

"The clans ancestors did create the walls of this village and they did form it's original infrastructure. They earned their places through active contribution, as well as accomplishing something very few had at the time. We became a great village on the backs of our clans and our people though. Those unaligned to clans have always been there contributing, but they've never been treated as their contribution matters. This is an injustice that's lead to the recent civil war and if we don't truthfully correct, then there will only be more war and injustice." Takara would yell out into the crowd her voice louder than the recent explosion and her body clearly tense with the belief behind it.

She'd look around to the well decorated room they'd been debating in, it'd remind her the importance of what she'd been speaking. "Apart from this building our collective ancestors built this entire village, they made it a super power for the longest time. However we're losing the stature of power, our buildings haven't been properly maintained and they've been recently ravished with war. A war that I thought could of prospered from patience, but not even giving a few months you've made it very unclear my resolve was stupid or wrong. However, I know I'm smart in thinking the first step to recovery is our villages walls."

"Our ancestors built a great village from nothing, I'm asking you to rebuild something already existent. I'm asking you to make it better so the people can once again respect and feel good about you." Takara would glare down the front rows as she'd been sickened by their quick wit to dodge the clear blame. "Your ancestors must be rolling in their graves to see how little you've made their village prosper. It's about time we re-upped that good faith people had in the clans by being active powers of assistance in their lives."

It was quite clear the room and village wanted peace it still needed to lick it's wounds after all, so she'd feel almost uneasy following presently with anymore banters of allies, as her words could only have so much strength and Iwagakure's image would be a deciding factor for foreigners. "If either of us want to have great alliances, then we will need to make Iwagakure seem great to the world. Our fighting numbers have shrank with our recent conflict and our injured still way heavy on our hospitals productivity. We need to work together to repair Iwagakure and beyond, it's my belief with the experience we get from rebuilding Iwagakure will be able to make ourselves one of the greatest building villages."

Clearing her throat hopefully still having some if not most of the rooms attention she'd clarify. "I believe we can train ourselves to not only fix Iwagakure, but to advance the surrounding villages both in structural integrity and in dependability. We will be feared for our defenses and give our nation the feeling of security they need from us, now that we've upset so many others. If we're lucky our determination and ninjutsu will give us such reknown in the world, villages will fear attacking us for the civil unrest it'd cause in their lands. We will make the Daiymo have the proudest most determine land in the world. My cause might sound enduring our hard, but I know with all of us behind it, we can make it happen."

Takara knew if they didn't get together to make the village seem powerful and give it a more physical means to prove it, then she'd surely see a village like Konohagakure, Sunagakure or Kumogakure at their doors. These three villages had deep seeded history to put them against Iwagakure, it'd take nothing short of a miracle grade event to bring them into liking or siding with Iwagakure one day.
last edit by Yutakako Takara on Nov 14, 2016 10:43:06 GMT -5
Yoshiko has written 464 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 14, 2016 23:06:29 GMT -5
Tantetsu Amatsumaru
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Matsu was disgusted with this pissing match they called a debate. He stayed because he felt indebted to the village to make sure that the best leader available took on the job. While he had heard whispers of people wishing him to take the seat he had believed himself to be too much like Kouen to make any difference and what Iwa needed now was a change and a big one. From what he seen both candidates were well suited for the job, however, one was grandstanding and self important and made all of his answers about bragging and shoving his accomplishments in others faces. The other one was finicky and didn't seem to know her left from her right when it came to being the Tsuchikage. If he had to choose from their faults he would side with the humble unknowing kage as they would incite more change within the village.

Also she was the only one who reached out to him to make any kind of plan for rebuilding the city. It was not until she stated that the clans owed a debt to the village did she truly catch his interest. As many of the clans spoke up in outrage Matsu listened to what the female had to say before voicing his own concerns. He stood up his large frame making it easy for him to be spotted in the crowd especially with his unruly crop of white hair and bulging muscles from his work in the forges. "I am Amatsumaru Tantetsu clan leader of the Tantetsu and I have a question for the other clan members in the audience".

His voice boomed even though he was not yelling, the crowd's tone lowered to a murmur before as people focused on what Matsu had to say. After all he was well respected in the village by both clan members and non clan members citizen and shinobi. "If you do not believe that you owe a debt to the village as a whole then why be Shinobi. That is the job to constantly owe a debt of service to your village. For too long being a member of a clan has been used as a status symbol meaning that we are better than them. Our pride in our abilities makes it so that our debt should be greater. I have heard talk of ancestors building walls if that is true then it is your job as their descendants to attend to said wall.

Their has been a lot of nonsense and half truth being told today a lot of it I didn't really care for. However, the only thing I have heard today that has resonated with me is that each clan owes a debt to this village and those that dwell in it. If you do not believe that then you should not be a member of this village. I stand behind Takara not because she is a member of some clan but because she understands the debt we all have to the village and she understands that the title comes with a price and a burden to the people. I feel her to be the better candidate for these reasons and she has my support and the support of my clan".

has written 42 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 26, 2016 12:48:22 GMT -5
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An explosion would shake the hall. The beast that Takara had rode in on would be taken out of danger but cause an obvious aftershock to all that were present for the debate. She screamed for silence but in her actions she only caused more uproar. Older shinobi would not be shaken by the explosion as they were hardened by war and experience. That did not mean they wouldn’t see it as foolish. A riot broke out before her and she used an explosion to try and calm nerves. A violent act after war had just ended not months before on their own home soil. These war torn members would not understand her use of force in this situation. A riot into a bloodbath was not a way to gain friends.

Those of a younger nature were impressed by her power. At least some of them. They would be shaken for a moment but then be in awe of the power of the woman. She could make building shake with a word! They would find a sense of strength from the woman on stage. One who took no shit and dealt with things how she felt necessary.

Civilians and inexperienced shinobi alike would be sent into a frenzy. Already at tooth and nail with anger, they would go for the attack. There was fear in these youth. They were already angry and starting to look for a fight. Then a warning bell went off. An explosion erupted and made the adrenaline and fear pump through the veins of those that didn’t have the strength of an older shinobi’s heart.

Thankfully for the debate as a whole, ANBU and the Wardens would do their duty to subdue the crowd that was lashing out. These ninja jumping into the fray and stopping any aggression against others in the throngs of people. This is what they were there for, to protect and defend their villagers. And so they would succeed in stopping the crowd from injury. But Takara’s actions would still be remembered through the crowd. Fear would now grip civilians. She had spoken of making the clans pay them back but at the first sign of trouble she wielded her clan’s explosive release over their heads.

And Tonoda has said nothing at all. The people did not know what to make of this. It could have been fear. He made no move to say anything because he didn’t know how to handle such a large group of divided people. Or maybe he was merely uncaring. He didn’t care if they tore themselves apart in front of his eyes. It was also possible he was testing his opposite candidate as well. Letting Takara deal with the troubles she had caused. Whatever the reason, he did not stir reliability in the hearts of Iwagakure.

Takara would speak but the reviews would be mixed. There was still the bitter taste of the explosion and the reaction in most of the people’s mouths. Her answer bought no friends from the clans nor the civilians. After her explosive display everything she spoke seemed to have a double meaning. And her words backed that up. She originally spoke of the clans paying into civilians. Now she spoke of working together. It was the slyness of politics that the Yutakako hated being brought obviously before them from their own kin. Many clan members would be insulted she brought up their ancestors and insulted them both for ‘rolling in their graves.’ As the walls of Iwagakure were surely damaged from the most recent war, but there was most certainly work that had been done. It wasn’t like the clans and organizations had just stopped doing what they were meant to do. The Guardian Corps sole purpose was to defend the village. They hadn’t just ceased rebuilding the walls.

There was more quiet in the crowd again. An uneasy and angry quiet. Even the Yutakako had settled down though that may have been directly related to the amount of Guardian Corps and ANBU members near their section.

It was more quiet until a man stood. Amidst the Tantetsu a large man would get to his feet. Most people were sitting again by now leaving him open for display. Eyes turned to him. Interest, respect, fear, and confusion. There were many ways to look at a man of high standard. His words were obviously in favor of the Lady Takara. The clan of the Tantetsu would murmur ever so quietly. They would publically back Matsu but to what end they didn’t know. Not all of them agreed with him. This woman had caused uncertainty in the hearts of all of them.

Once again a Yutakako would stand. The same sad woman to gaze upon due to her inferior appeal or looks.

"She said for the clans to pay in. Not contribute! Not work as a whole! She changed her tune when things started to go sour. This politician is disgracing her name!”

The Yutakako would start into an uproar until the lady would be promptly escorted out. Taken by those near the Yutakako, it would cause the clan to simmer back into their seats. They didn’t all wish to be dismissed but they’d be damned if they let the Tantetsu swirl lies and words around for the people to hear.

"I think we’ve had enough! This is a debate between Takara and Tonoda. Not a debate between villagers.” The somewhat stressed son of the Daimyo would address the crowd and urge them to sit. Then, gathering himself together again, he would turn back to the podiums and to the two candidates.

"Now we have spoken in very broad terms, giving generalized statements with no real explanations behind them. I ask both of you what exactly would you do during your first day upon assuming this office? However, before either of you answer that I would ask a question directed to Tonoda that I'm sure many in the audience are wondering. Why in the chaos a few minutes ago did you stay silent? Is it not a leader's responsibility to control a situation when it gets out of hand, regardless of who caused that situation to get out of hand?"

OOC: 48 hours for Tonoda to post from this original. Then 48 hours from Tonoda's response for Takara. Tonoda first, Takara second.

Due to the amount of time that has passed and Sega's recent announcement of absence.  Other staff will be contributing as a group and posting to try and keep the plot moving.
last edit by Natsu on Nov 26, 2016 12:49:08 GMT -5
has written 786 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 28, 2016 0:54:32 GMT -5
Ōgonshoku Mugen
If you wish for me to be struck down, do it with your own hands.
Ōgonshoku Mugen Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 17th rank Jōnin | occupation
"Yes, Kūmoto-sama. Thank you!", said Tonoda addressing the young lord in appreciation for pointing out his silence, which he inserted purposely, taking two steps forward to once again address the entirety of the spectators. "I know many of you notice I remained silent in the last round of questioning towards my opposition", said Tonoda as he took a calm glace over at Takara-dono. "I wished the people of this fair land to see the nature of their candidates. You see one was rash, trying to silence this mass of adamant people, unshaken and unbroken by mild words and a showcase of tantrums and childishness, and the other with calm judgement, already cognitive to a solution the "problem" my opposition claims is at hand. Also since I haven't assumed the position of Tsuchikage as of yet, it would have been out of place to command these people, who now hold their own sovereignty. The Anbu did as they were trained and silenced the ruckus that this explosion created and I ask that you stay calm, my good people." Tonoda took a short pause so that the people could take in what was said before continuing.

"Takara-dono created a problem that we really don't have to worry about. You see, the village has enough money in its treasury to maintain the reconstruction of destroyed areas from the rebellion. This is what the citizens of our fair land pay taxes for. You see, the plan I stated earlier: raising the pay of the citizens will also boost the taxes paid towards village development, essentially paying itself off over a few months, so no clan should be forced to raise their pocket books towards these efforts as the entirety of our citizens are all working towards the same end. My plan is to work on village unity, bringing the clans and clanless together as one whole, not feeling separated by the ties of blood but connected by the ties of duty. We all are Iwagakure citizen regardless of if you are shinobi or civilian, clansman or clanless, male or females. We must afford everyone the same opportunities regardless of the nature of their birth or their family."

Tonoda knew well what it felt like to be clanless and not have a family of his own to back his efforts. He looked to the young lord to answer his question. "If I gain the position, my first day as the Tsuchikage will be simple. After writing up the paperwork for pay raises in all areas of the village, I will check and do all work that needs to be taken care of from the absence of a Kage in our office and after all the heavy lifting is done, take a walk across the village, reacquainting myself with the people of Iwagakure, making sure they know I am a leader for them and not myself. My walk will not only be a show of confidence for the villagers but also a chance for me to see problems big and small throughout the village that need to be address and taken care of. Calm judgement, prudence and solutions: that's what my campaign is all about."
last edit by Ōgonshoku Mugen on Nov 28, 2016 0:55:05 GMT -5
Mugen [Black] has written 64 posts
The Great Debate [I]Nov 28, 2016 12:25:20 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

Takara wasn't quite enthusiastic with the crowds response to her attempt to catch attention, it'd been taken so badly despite all of them recently being in a civil way and seven eighths of them being shinobi. Even though the majority weren't active shinobi the majority had served one point or another, everyone should of known about her explosive release and not been so troubled. She meant to show how much this issue meant to her, as it was annoying to see her words entirely mixed and confused. Then her opponent was handed an easy answer, when the lord's son decided to ask about his silence.

To be silent in a time of chaos was to say he didn't have the answer, but since the situation wasn't culled with Takara's words. He was able to lie and say he'd purposely done it as the right move, he shouldn't of been allowed to justify such poor actions. "You sit out of every conflict and when it goes good pretend it was your doing, it sickens me to have such a benign opponent. I was hoping to call your attention with my explosion and I seem to have only stirred your fear. I aimed to aid the situation with my words, but seemed to have confused you. I'm sorry to those ends, but I'm being sincere when I say I'm trying to win this for Iwagakure. I'd even accept the role of Tsuchikage without pay, so that money might go to you people instead."

Takara would clear her throat as she'd look to her opponents first day to start her own, "Why would we raise taxes when simply reallocating the money would better benefit us? Our village has a shinobi composition clearly capable of creating the strongest infrastructure. We need to utilize this ability and in my first day I will release a written plan, including a list of missions which will in fact repair our village before the month is up. It'll not only revitalize our village it'll insure confidence from our citizens towards our clans, as these missions will be low in rank and thus not hinder our budget." To make the clans pay was the same thing as making them contribute, it also was fair to say shinobi needed citizens too, so them working together made sense. Takara didn't see why her words stirred so much confusion.

"Our village has been in dis-repair for months, it easily could of been repaired now for less money, had the task been put upon our shinobi more as missions and less as a side task. If I were to become Tsuchikage on my first day, I'd make sure we got repairs into gear and our non-citizen majority had strengthened homes. I've seen the clan complexes repair themselves essentially, you live under safe homes without fear of collapses. This isn't true for all of our citizens and you guys can change it, but I will have to ask you to do it as D-rank and C-rank missions. These missions will probably at first tax your chakra, but it'll train you up to be stronger."

"If we perfect our shinobi with a building art we will have something not destructive to offer to our diaymo and the surrounding lands. If we want to reasonably make money for ourselves, but keep our noses out of war, then we will need a claim that can grant us both money and merit in the world. I have a plan to do that, as well as the means to help accomplish it. I won't dilly dally on what needs to be done and the alliance I can make with Kirigakure would boost are nations profits in trade. Thus actually strengthening our treasury to know we're capable of funding my plan. Though the cost to have our shinobi trained to rebuild and build onto our village will be much cheaper and effective than merely throwing more money at the infrastructure budget. Which granted any corruption with in our system could create a loophole for money to vanish." In other words Takara was pointing out the fact that merely shifting money could have it's errors, as if Tonoda controls the spending and systems, he could easily put the enhanced infrastructure budget towards his own profit.

It should also be incredibly hard to pay the majority more based on taking money from a minority, it simply seemed ineffective in Takara's eyes. Winter was coming and houses without roofs meant the possibility of hypothermia, the village needed a leader who looked to helping the people first. One who saw problems and addressed them, but did so in a manner that was quick and effective. Even if their was money to go to infrastructure, it'd be ineffective if the right leader wasn't charging the right people for the job. Tonoda didn't really know anyone in the village well anymore, so he didn't have Takara's knowledge or connections. His bold claim to her was unsupported, especially since he lied about the treasury.

The civil war wasn't a paid event there was no true outside financial supporter to the war, it was funded by those fighting like Takara and other's with wealth unafraid to use it for the greater good. This meant during this time the treasury of the village would take a hit, it'd be accomplishing far less missions and be losing half it's working force if not more for the conflict. Afterwards the repairs needed would be more than projected for a non-war semester, so the treasury wouldn't likely have the extra cash to splash on this disaster. Further more though multiple resource mines had been collapsed during the civil war, a fact that'd also hurt the overarching treasury of the village. In other words Tonoda was boldly lying once again, a fact that personally drove her farther from the man's potential favor. She was a council member after all and would be watching over Tonoda, but it'd be so much easier to simply control the situation and avoid the unknowns. A fact she hoped would win her votes, but right now she pushed the more 'extreme' plan to fix the village. She'd spoken with her fellow council and people like the Tantetsu leader, so she knew her plan could work and would most likely be accepted even if done so sourly. The end all would justify the start.
Yoshiko has written 464 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 2, 2016 20:59:30 GMT -5
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Silence befell the hall as Kuumoto asked his question. The moderator and the ANBU had done their job in getting the audience to open their eyes, at least in this instance, and see what was important. The village was at a crossroads and they needed to cease in their their petty conflicts differences for the time being and listen. Listen and choose. Tonoda now had the floor, and the villagers looked at him for signs. Many had thought his silence after the explosion had shown a sliver of incompetency. They thought perhaps he just was not ready to handle the volatility that came with managing a fickle people. The stability that Iwagakure was known for and the Will of Stone was under siege and perhaps he was not the one ready to lead it to greener pastures.

As it stood, Iwagakure was a divided city that urgently needed mending. Loyalists and Rebels alike had staunchly opposing views, but alas they reached the consensus that this democracy system was worth a try. Time would tell if it would last, but each faction had their own views as to how it should be assembled and the degree of change. The one thing many had seen in a positive light was the now elevated voice of the average citizen. They would now articulate their support or contempt at the ballot-box. They were no longer under the Tsuchikage. The Tsuchikage was under them.

Tonoda's words were populist in nature. They were a good libertarian appeal to several walks of life. Ultimately what made the rebellion successful was the desire for change from tumultuous, iron fisted styles of leadership. Even Loyalists to some degree liked the idea that at least now they could directly affect the path Iwagakure took. It gave the impression he would be a man of the people.

He then delved into economics. Tonoda mentioned a raise in pay across the board, another attractive idea, particularly to Iwagakure's working class. He, unlike Takara, wanted there to be no additional retribution on those from clans via taxation. He believed that by increasing everyone's paycheck the village would earn more revenue as a result. Technocrats and the well-off raised their eyebrows at the notion, a bit skeptical as to whether or not such a plan could truly achieve those goals, but the ordinary folk did not mind. As long as they had increased spending power, they were happy.

However, in stating that clans would be let off the hook, he had disappointed a good number of Rebels. They wanted these clans to pay for all the pain and misery they had gone through over the recent years. This had done a blow in his appeal to this area of concern. An area Takara was quick to pounce on when she spoke.

Eyes would roll and there would be many smirks when the blonde spoke up. As expected, she was quick to attack her opponent in a way many had thought was petty. Those who were disturbed by the earlier explosion had their doubts as to how genuine her apologies were. When she got pass this, her ideas began to get through.

Takara questioned the need to increase taxes of the villagers. Although Tonoda had not explicitly stated there were going to be tax hikes, her words did more to please the upper class. If taxes were to be increased across the board, they were more likely to feel the brunt of it. They earned more and as a result more of their money would be taken. Many of those who had made fortunes from the status quo wanted to hold onto their wealth. If others wanted to aspire to their level, they should have been more frugal and worked harder! The wealthy who had no association to clans seemed to have nothing to worry about, but those from clans still did not trust the woman. She had done nothing in assuaging their fears that her rule would be a witch hunt against them, and for this reason they felt more comfortable with Tonoda. By stating he intended not to increase taxes on them, they felt they were given a level of protection from the more vicious voices of the masses.

Confidence in shinobi was always essential to a nation's well being. Various areas of Tsuchi no Kuni had lost their confidence with the village after seeing their successive wars. As a whole, the nation had lost a major resource of labor and manpower. Takara's plan of a major infrastructure program sounded like a good place to start. In the months that had passed since the war, major construction had already been underway. The level of disrepair she spoke was nonexistent, but that was not how the people of Iwagakure felt. They believed the village that was hailed as one of the Great Five was only a shadow of itself. Continued works like the one she spoke of appealed to the almost all villagers. The mention of additional missions in this area was one many Genin, young people, and able bodied citizens was one they looked forward to.

So far, it seemed to be a battle of Tonoda's big ideas against Takara's specifics. He called for an idealistic, inclusive Iwagakure, while she seemed to be one of pragmatism and tangibility. In this particular area, it seemed to benefit Takara slightly.

"We've spoken at length about your differences in managing the village's economy, and now I would like to move onto one about our policies abroad.", Kuumoto started. "In light of the revolution, Iwagakure had lost its holdings in Ishi no Kuni made during Kouen's conquest. The people of Ishi would like to hold him accountable for his war crimes against them. Would either of you be willing to pass him over to our friends in the south? Would you be willing to have the village pay the reparations they demand in light they may boycott all things made in or relation with Tsuchi no Kuni and Iwagakure?"
OOC: You know the drill. 48 hours. This time Takara then Tonoda.
has written 514 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 4, 2016 13:30:32 GMT -5
Yutakako Takara
Long Live Iwagakure
Yutakako Takara Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 45 years old birthday 10/29 rank Elite Jounin occupation


► To Making History ◄

It seemed like the debate was moving finally or at least the main subject would change, they'd both talked about foreign politics to a degree. Though neither had mentioned the land which they'd once fought to take and now had angry at them for such transgressions. The idea these things could simply be white washed with the death of Kouen and the contribution of money seemed a nice offer. However the repair bill very well might be something this weakened land wouldn't want to afford. The death of Kouen might simply shut up some, but most would want to know the death was real. Ishi like others would surely be asking for that man's head on their mantle, as they'd want that death to be contributed to them.

It despite being a rather simple question was an incredibly complex one, but she felt slightly more bias to this issue than her counterpart. She actually served under Kouen and as she stated earlier thought he was someone that could of been negotiated if approached right. It was with this open mindedness that she tried to approach the issue, as an issue that needed delegation and not immediate reaction. "Ishi no Kuni is an interesting relation we've got to handle, but we need to remember why they're our ally. They've got a similar mind set to us, they're a country we've associated with a long time and they're a buffer country between us and Sunagakure." She was concentrated clearly deep in thought on the issue.

"They're not a country which can benefit us greatly in trade, their forces are clearly inferior and there's no way we can mend all of their angst in these two actions; Giving them Kouen for execution and paying an unspecified bill." Takara looked at it in her head and the positives seemed to stack up equally to the negatives. It was the fact that the decision was so important that couldn't clearly state a yes or no to this one. She doubted Tonoda would be so straightforward either, she doubted their was a straightforward resolution. "I think what's important with Ishi no Kuni is we get them back into our fold and keep Sunagakure out of their business."

"I think we defer the tribute of Kouen as well as blindly give up money to overpay for our neighbors repairs. The majority of the people won't see the immediate relief of these things, but if we go with my plan we could provide a cheap quick fix to their country. We can not only provide the means to better recover their land, but our given presence will return trust in their people with us. The government can be overthrown by the people and with it give us a greater chance at a strong alliance." Takara would contemplate and further back it with a secondary action.

"If we oversee the project we can not only make sure it's getting done for a fair wage it's done right, we can also act as spies and prevent Sunagakure from digger their claws potentially into the country. Though I think it'd be smart as I stated earlier to strengthen bonds with Amegakure, as they're the stone countries neighbor and could help us prevent Sunagakure's control in their area. It'd mutually benefit our countries as we're both strongly against Sunagakure. However, if Ishi no Kuni, needs the contribution of Kouen to make this possible, then I'm not totally opposed to the option of giving him up. I do think with a firm but honest voice, we can get the best deal with Ishi no Kuni. I also think with our aid they'll try to turn democratic and if we can help that happen, as well as the other surrounding countries, then we could become the first union of countries and our combined power in the north-west will dwarf that of any other great shinobi nation."
Yoshiko has written 464 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 4, 2016 18:20:23 GMT -5
Ōgonshoku Mugen
If you wish for me to be struck down, do it with your own hands.
Ōgonshoku Mugen Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 17th rank Jōnin | occupation
The shit show was finally over and it was time for the debate to take a more political turn. Tonoda felt comfortable in this realm as his experience has given him information about various secrets associated with many of Iwagakure's allies and enemies at large and thus he came at the argument from a different angle. "While Kouen did commit heinous acts in the name of his regime, it was still a regime of Iwagakure and since he acted as Tsuchikage, it is our duty as the people of Iwagakure to handle him accordingly.", Tonoda once against spoke to the sovereignty of the people and not just the fine line choices of the Tsuchikage. "Since he believes that that which he did was justified and for the betterment of Iwagakure as a whole, he should stand trail and we should allow Ishi no Kuni to have a representative from their Land and Hidden Village to stand alongside our Tsuchikage and representative of our daiymo to oversee the trail and deliberate on his fate, whether it be assassination, imprisonment or what have you."

Tonoda looked to the people and hoped they understood that standing a trail wasn't a notion of leniency but a power each person who was a sovereign citizen of society deserved. "And we can go into negotiations with Ishi no Kunai about reparations for Kouen'a actions after Kouen himself is dealt with, which will lighten the blow of whatever they are asking, since they will be involved in making the choice of how to deal with him. This inclusion of their interests should solidify our relations and create a grander pallet for us to negotiate with them." Tonoda had brought about a dynamic not seen by any of his predecessors but he also hoped these people who won the revolution could stand behind change for the better.

Looked to the eyes of the people once more, stern but compassionate in his stance. His plans transcended the yearning of a position. They spoke to a deeper yearning of a better Iwagakure. The people had the say and he stood behind them versus him having the say and them having to deal with it. "All power belongs to the people of Iwagakure and we, the candidates for Tsuchikage must stand behind your Stone Will and solidarity."
last edit by Ōgonshoku Mugen on Dec 4, 2016 21:22:53 GMT -5
Mugen [Black] has written 64 posts
The Great Debate [I]Dec 10, 2016 20:17:28 GMT -5
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The troublesome relation between Iwagakure and Iwa no Kuni was a situation that would need immediate action once one of the candidates on stage became the village's leader. As Takara had correctly stated, the two nations were of a similar mindset. The two nations even had similar sources of income. However, it was clear that one of them was superior in the military sense. It was a miracle that a small nation like Ishi no Kuni still stood standing after all this time had passed. The citizenry of Ishi still could not fathom why Iwgakure would suddenly turn on them, but their leadership assumed it must have been a part of Kouen's expansionist agenda. Whatever the reason may be the entire nation of Ishi was unanimous in that they wanted Kouen's head and they wanted to receive reparations for the damage.

When the blonde woman spoke, she made it clear where she staked her position. She didn't believe Kouen should have been given over and Iwagakure should play an active roll in their neighbor's reconstruction. Her choices were made in hopes of keeping Sunagakure at bay, which had been considered sensible by many in the audience. However, those with revolutionary beliefs were a bit disappointed with her hesitance in regards to punishing Kouen. In the eyes of the most fervent rebellion supporters it seemed like Takara still had a hint of sympathy for the loyalist regime.

She also seemed to insinuate that the wheels of Ishi's government were slow to change, and that perhaps it was in order to overthrow them. Make them a model of Iwagakure's shining city on a hill. Merchants and business leaders were fearful at the notion of more uncertainty. Some of them had partners and customers in Ishi. Should for whatever reason the said rebellion Takara wanted to spark in Ishi failed and Iwagakure merchants was denied access into Ishi, it would make them loose out in the long run. They wanted what was best for their pockets and profits, and this sounded like too risky of a venture.

Tonoda on the other hand tapped into his populist rhetoric once again, letting the people of Iwagakure know that he would do has they wanted, and that they were now a democracy. Between the two of them, he seemed more conciliatory to Ishi in that he would allow them to have a representative in the ousted Kage's trial. Some loyalists balked at the notion of having foreign entities involved with their internal issues. He seemed to be kowtowing to the demands of a little nation like Ishi. They believed Kages of the past would have never done such a thing, but it seemed these loyalists would be at a loss. Neither candidate on stage were in strong support of defending the man they fought so hard for. While not all had believed the revolution would make the village better, a good majority of the village believed that Kouen was not worth risking the bonds they had with Ishi.

"All power belongs to the people of Iwagakure and we, the candidates for Tsuchikage must stand behind your Stone Will and solidarity."

Tonoda's statement had many heads nodding in agreement because he had struck another finely tuned chord. His words gave the impression of a leader who was really trying to give the people a say in how things are run. A major point of the rebellion that even those who were noncommittal about the war could definitely get behind. However, some were starting to see it as as indecisiveness and and pandering by putting the decision on the group.

"As it stands, many of the world's nations are hesitant to ally themselves with Iwagakure or even questioning their current alliances with us, one reason being our constant civil wars. Another being our stances in the past. With the revolution, many are expecting a significant change. Would either of you be willing to break precedent and offer a hand to our enemies? And if so, how would you go about it?, Kuumoto paused momentarily and started again. When he spoke again, many in the crowd looked at each other and the candidates with deep interest. "Citizens and shinobi would like to know your opinions about Konohagakure in particular."
OOC: 48 hours. This time Tonoda then Takara.
has written 514 posts